The Signal, 1890-11-21, Page 8_ THE SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 21, 1890, COLBORNE BROS. 111 N'® Q od.s I DRESS GOODS, MANTLES, MANTLE CLOTHS, SHAWLS, HOSIERY and GLOVES, Nearly all of whish are direct front the Europeal. Marketts. Velvet RiLLontl nod Black Silk Vere 111 CHEAP I CaII and See these Goods. COLBORNE BROS. Prion r3tx ,RLN.t1' AX ENJOY OUO d*ALTIt BY USING CASE'S Sarsaparilla Billors! A IPerely Ve(r•'t.Li.• 1 oatpound that turas j every kind of t'nhe.lih. Humor aid Dimes* that is caned bb, the lmpurit) of the Bbod. wl.ere the 111 HOUSEHOLD RECIPES. Good Fruit Cake. -Take four pounds of Sugar. three and a half of butter, forty .ggs, well beaten ; min the sugar, butter and edge together. Then and fear pounds of boat, cue (tunes meth .f mace, ginger MAMonsters*,jlµwe pounds of cut�pea-1,'nine pounds tat Rain in., Dine pounds of currents. Bente add syrup to darken it. Pat or rings or frame. Chap Fruit Cake. -Take one pound of white sugar, one pound better, ten sand other vitt Drabt.. are trot wasted be- e, well beaten ; min butter, •• Peweebollen( r'p•tr. This rateable Cont- our, agar and ppeswee -area Kidue' and Liver 1 ompp.•atieta. ; eggs together : three pounds sultana PimplOa. Irruptions 4/ theeltla. Watts. Conan- nisi•', three and • half pounds of flour, p•(too. Biliwt.oe.u. lJi q flick kit4mach. Imes et etktp. Neurag a. 'aim to the Flores •one >unce of ammonia dissolved in nue Lad Meek.IL..W ur Appetite. tesataor. Female/ and • half pints of milk, Paper the Tl ialtr.eas. Uta ones. lien. cal Uebthit; 1t r Mme t r rings, and bake in • cool $ gentle regulating p rave• ae wed w a te..tc, 9001020/1111 the pee r merit of al:tiggt oven. eagent•powerful agent to retertartCptseetiwii ifreed Cakes. -Take meet pounds of sad (;hroontc Infkrumstlon of the Liver and a: the Visional Organs. sifted dour, nine ounce• of baking pow - or This valuable I•ruParsttos etdte. rhe der, eight ounces of lard, mixed thor,ukh- tnbuk• system to • new and vaporous sir non, I into the flour, outlines sit foie toile ■od eerrngth to the System drone y rg eggs, three Laced by diocese. and affords a groat p*uter- W.utids of sugar, one quart of water, one &ton hem attacks that originate la changes or the se rt. 0t diorite and et life. Full quart of milk ; cream the butter and dire- tiros.* with each bade. Price :A) cent sugar Beat the eggs to • light create, sort at.f>Pper lb:tle. rat:. Axo,n.t c hi- ! half an inch thick, cutinto stripe and twist them, or with • cake cutter. made H. SPENCER CASE, for the purpo.e. and fry quickly in very bot lard, deep enough to float them, of a fl hem.at and tar -a� list. No.tt'e :e st I:itttr-tt., Hare.ituz. Ontario. rich brown color. LVhen cold, deet with geld by F. Jor: a:. Refuse all eabetttute• powdered Lugar. mix. knead till smooths roll into sheets The Great Remedy - CATARRH, BRvGMexsrA Warranted A SURE CURET SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. R. J. K. Gt IRE, Pa'ent, a and Mannfaetuter, OODER ICH. ON T. -THE- sps BRIGHTEST, NEATEST AND BEST, -13-- " l 1u SIGNAL," C. SEAGER, -(Mice in Mci.ean's-- -Oppceile the Markt.--. 4 Nosey to Lend Cheap Rates. 101'18 U81110. Cse,kies. -Take four pounds of sifted dour, one pound of brown sugar, one pound of lard, rubbed well into thel dour : cue qusrt of syrup, half an ounce of soda, diseolv.d in half a pint of wa- ter, four ounces of ginger, mix together. roll nut and cut into cakes, small or large, round, oval or square, as you rosy fancy Lay them in pans and bake in a , slow oven. Patty Cakes. -Take one and a half pounds of Futter, ono and • half pounds of sagar ; cream the butter and scgar, add fifteen eggs, two at a time, keeping it in s good cream all the time. Then aid four pounds of flour, one and • half ounces of ammonia, previously des.olred in one and • half pints ot wi1L Flavor to taste. Have you a C wgh a Take Wil.or'a Wild Cherry. Hare you,• Cold 1 Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have you Bronchitis 1 Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Hare you loot yogi. Voice 1 Take Wil - eon's Wild Chem. Have you Asthma ? Take Wil.on's Wild Cherry. ' Ili.ve yon • cold in the Head ? Take Wilenn s Wild Cherry. The ()Id Reliable Cure for all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Longa. Sold by all druggists.Ira _. MIS St* SPONGE? T,. SHINS your Shoes whh WOLFF'S ACM: BLA'.$iNC ONCE A WEEK! DO AS DID Other do /a wa.h tyt.rw • r Olean weal SPONSE AMO WATER.11111Y re* awe..... Y :Y Housewife V Y Counting Rooc Y vY Carnage Owryer . _y Thrifty Mechanic M _If Body able to hold a brush" emoVto ono F I K ON Vint e.•.. 0.e • •.w Iww,vua• NOW Vilma •mos o...•Am, ea.wawa•, Verw4A no.. Oval" ♦..wawa of elle w.t♦ 5,....•u. Ota •.r.,. Marl watt C.a.. •aa. . e..•. OUP!, • 8.11 •.wti..m as e t.lm'rt o...•.. NI ins a W.. Tenair WANTED Any quantity of pear, barley and nate for which the highest market price will he paid at BURROWS', The Seedatu :41er. NOME ECONOMIES FMhTI TO HOUSEKE[PER$. el J 1Liutt, loemwly Herbisos's. Jd►n Seem Lanes lbw Sawed Mesas earn r.sn tieetra � ask roi•R carie ; Ne 5, homer til A R..aW femmes tewa/•t Rah Barker Herbert Wlord. mistiming ane knew that malaris Is more ofiusr ; I<.4, hams a W. thanks, 11th 1 lave • neighbor whose ehddrea • soave in the well fall (has M any other ens., Wm Crooke, reteruiug elbow - lasses are euutr•uaiy people( eat aeon, eves is the lest til esmmer. Carnet The reeve was instructed N through their esockuoga, and ahro told me There a in Umiak es moms Ill ►.nidi- maned to employ s ••turf r 10 run tet .1.e thought rue very extrot .taat, ha ty, and this, with the heat el the me, lines w the bth and tit► con. between nae ger Minima wrote 0000 Ruud eauek• are .it the weddiaae (evocable to Use _ Mr Urge's property tar Hera road. leg*. I emdingly told her, eseepting d, of both vegetable and Tb. loltuwrng aocuouts were pail, via : 'boor b.et, in. muss of wy itldreo's animal moors Mephitic germs are Rowwll and Hutcbtowo,eleettuu bleak', Mocking* were made over. slower in eetsiag t,) • bead, and thea $7 b4; Wm McCabe, fur gravel, 1117 70; Mad. oust !'• ahs exclaimed. "1 unser us longer about • hoe. (lame Robt fleck, Itrsret. fie vie; W W Hay, never cued, over • pair of 'cooking. In garbs Ia uit•uf•the-way airmen, and repairing super, $2.20; Wm hIcCebe, my life." worn tires are started rate au the warm for cies yew's btnrd sod met lit clothe. "1 will Ceara you how, nay time,- I air, carrying with them the 'peels of fru Wm Dunn, indigent, flub; selecung said- dream and death Fur this reeaoa, tt )uror., 1j8; Mrs McKee, indigene, $1S; She prufe.a.d that she .oald ltko to wkat.w..btug can be dorm but 00000 • Hugh 'Dunlop, travel, $12 48; McCort* baro, out the days sod Musthr have year, it should be dui a preferably in the ney d Hada, !ember for draw, $14 10; gone by, aid= she has not clamed the fall, and tree nee of dtatufec auto should Wm Corry, gravel, 87 74. Cuaucd sd• prorate. yet. be made. Tb. cellar especially should jarred to meet again o• the first Moe - Th. first of my making over stockings b. well looked to and demi) log vegeta- day in December at 10 o'clock 'harp. began like this Oar evening a bared ole matter sbeald le baai.0.d a demui, no to to spend the evening with me, twinging her orochetiug with her. 1 said, "As y..m have your fancy work, 1 will get int,.*," •ud I br..ughi not a bap km of stockinge to mood. The first pa- 1 drew over my band brought forth an from wy friend, "Can you mead that ' I said, "1 must. This is a new pair of stockings. The drat time Willie wore (liens he fell down .on the 'oilmen pavement, and tits is the result. I do believe that amerce was invented to wear out chtldreu's shoes and stuckings;" and with • despairing look at that fig -hole, I added, '•I believe that t could make• stocking easier than 1 ego mend that. My mother used to make over stockings for w whets we wen chit. dun ' "Well, said my friepd, laughingly, "if you want contributamu from out side, I will coutnbute. Sister raked an tide; if I din not want to go halves •rh her ..w a bot,uf st..cknaa. We buy them by the box,for we can get them cheap- er by w. cloths I will contribute all .it sister's and my old stocking., if you sal f,DO !'-a1erelsimed. Ten parent wore stockings came the next day. 1 had never made over a pair, but I Inert I could. I took an old stnektwg tint was a good 6t, carefully cut out the, fw.t, which wan woven iu, Dimmed out the cocking an 11 scald lie bat, with the woven edam on the outer *.ice, then cut an exact pattern of it. This pattern, allowing for seam, then did the same by the foot ; next pressed out one of the old stockings. lad the pattertus un and cut it out and basted it. Calling Willie t.. TOP I tried it on, and found that in .ny anxiety to atluw areal enough 1 had al- low:,,1 tee, muco, and it ass rather hoose around the ankle. I took it loft, rebooted it,takini; up the superfluous fullness and, 10. it a t as t: ig and Deal as a be,igbtevi nue. I lbevi cut off the superfluity WI both atockiug. and pattern, lied tin ce'eded to cot out four parrs of stockings, threaded my machine with • loon ten stop, stitched the luck etas, (lien open- ing the heel crams at-.::tchetl them d.oet, with tine 'ilk, then sewed in the fart by hard, thinking I er.uld make a softer seam, and rut 1.2 all superfluous cornea, so there need be no bunches to hurt the tender feet. This wa two years age.. I cannot tell you how many dollars have been saved in this ohs war. Now, there are many dear, sensible ..men who could not for their lives ask eve, a dear frier: for tbeirast•oflel•,eh• ing, t.nt would gladly accept it were it offered them, but that does not•ab.,:ee • person from helping. So to childless, and single w ,men I say : Save your old stoe tT`tnre, .tut don't cut off Vie fest as one woman I know; did, so that the re- ociver need not see bow poor!, she had darner; them. If one meet cut off the darns, do that, bot do not cut off the top of the foot, f. r that i' often needed And when you vied or all on some old friend who is now the mother of • little family, tell her of this article and kindly offer your contribution. You may get snubbed fur your pains. hut don't let that discncrage you. Wait until another opportunity presents itself, then try again. When 700 hit the right one, she will be greatly benefitted, and you will be the happier in that you have, even in • little, helped another. Then are none of us so poor that we cannot help others In arms way. And to help others is to help oureelr.,. for we get the warm kindling of the heart that oomea from kindly, venerates thoughts. fleas ands le Ow stick Room. in all cases attended with fever and in- creased beat of the system a mattress is preferahle to down or father beds, and neither in health nor *witness should beds be need of a too soft or yieldint na- tant A bed elastic, but whish does not yield tb the body so as to become hollow and depre..ed , is the beat. Smooth cotton sheets are at all times preferable to lina,and they skald be frequently changed. In febrile dis- eases, nod in hnt weather eapeoidly, two beds are highly grateful tat the patient, orae being conies and aired while the other is being occupied Thew beds may be either in the came or adjoining rooms ; • sofa may suit very well for one of the temporary chart,es. When the patient is c mined to one bed an arm - able way of wiring it is eeati ,naliy to lift up the bei clothee by grasping them a the middle, raising them gently, so that the sir may enter at the tides without the pliant, and then letting them down and forcing yet all the heated air. This process may be once or twice repeated. RaRtN Stearn. Ml ban .gttsi Mats in life and liber- ty sed the pemnit of happiness, bet May sr* 1 1 in the nee by d,'pepsd•, hilinasness, lath of energy, nervous debultty. weakness, constipa- tion, Me. Re completely rein(ving thew •ooplaists Rerdn.k Blond Ritter. ern tete untold benefits on all sufferers. 4 warm Alison in. IMO& Reck', /fern A l..y Ma sever eassee the devil much The devil works hat/rima ]`, MINS asks for a vaeatioe. The devil San make slants moat Is vestment of a loafer. 1,11 thought. •r. g11g L whisk the devil has AilyChri that hks�nr i�st be - poison. hrislises t poison. It is ertminal to store the win- ter's supple of vegetables under the dwelling - home in an unceutent•d cellar, .bars mur. or 1000 teru.eutaton must take place, and whence poi.oeour ;stew must perforce find their esy to the hy- ing rooms of the Nosily. The bars i. their proper place of storeaf Beds sbuuid bo chased, .•rues.., pillows and bolsters aired. Blankets sound be washed while the sun is yet hot enough to dry them quickly. Such as have been put away for the ammo should betaken out ending airedagain•t the time toed qty b. needed. Tar and camphor cling persistet-tly to woolens and take a good dal 0f fresh sir to blew them away. Carpets which have bees down all stammer can be °leaned setts. faco ri.y by a lhcrough sweeping ; or, if that is not enough, they cru be eaab.ed tar the ll -'lir. To do this, have tae buckets of water -one artisan sl.apsuds, the other, lukewarm water -•clean Ilan.• owl cloth and t■o mars*, clean towels Tcke the carpet by breadths, wring the flatsosl out of the warm water and fold it so that you san tura it avid use it up it.d down two or three Times on the sante place. Rub both with anti against the pile, as though you were scrubhiDg • boor, then throw your flannel into the soapsuds and rub the carpet dry with one 1,t your towels. If you leave the carpet wet the dust will stick to it, and It will smell most, and sour, Wash the flannel in the soapsuds, wririg out, and putting it into the warm water proceed as before, cbangtng the water for clean .hen it gets dirty. If the carpet is very much soiled, or if it has mooch green to it. car oa•gall in the warm water ; one quart of ..x -gall :o seven quarts of water. Rubbing the-car- pet b.car- pet ranee the pile, and no SiAland, the bora. of Brussels and Wilton carpets, hu always wash • handse • s* carpet in preference to weeping 11 For lung and hard wear choose an iron -frame Brussels with small figura, as the carry- ing back and (crib of the diflrn,t threads from figure to figure in weaving slrenatheoa the material and makes it more durable. Ingrain carpets mel be put into • tub sod .ashed like a blanket, without in- jury, if the water is warm, not hot, and the carpet u washed quickly. Sper- n:aeeti spots can De taken out with coarse brown paper, such as butchers use, and a flat iron jou hot enough to melt the grease quickly without scorching the paper• Lay the paper over the spot and rear the iron 14) it cur • moment. If the spot is large, two or three applications may be necessary, wing fresh paper every time. Iuk freshly spilled an nearly always he taken oat without in- jury. Take up-alltha: y00 can with • t . , ext use blotting paper, then wash with a sponge and two eaten, visaing the sponge again and again said chanting the rinsing water as fat as it grows dirty. liry ink may sometimes be removed by waking with a st.ougsful of water laid over it, and, when wet through. washing as above directed. Beds sbuuld be examined as carefolly as in the early spring• since with them "eternal vigilance a the price of safety." No one knees .here vermin come from. An eye -witness declares be has seen them Brawl from one trunk to another in the bsgftage-car; servants boring them, there are certain kinds ot wood which are said to breed them, and it is often as - anted that they are a nateral parasite of the leather winged bat, but, come ss they tis y, a single bug, unmolested, is well able to peoples house. Cursive subli- mate rut with alcohol is sore- death to them if faithfully used, but *Moe it u deadly prihmo must be used with gnat an. Spirits of turpentine well applied with • small paint brush to every crstk and crevice kills bugs and nem a.d does not injure the furniture. It an oleo be used along the edges of wall paper 17 squirting it from an ordinary maehir • oil -an, and when dry lava no stain. If the vermin ever yet into upholstered furniture, only one thing is effective- (emiyate thoroughly with sulphur. Put ft �yeminia « > at the piece of furniture into a small room .tshae4 w expert es msstt•g, Beal and close the windows, stuffing raw cot_•:'aF" ton or rags Into all the crooks and tae. K l ta'4 sew rdrash -always wsuF � list or rags on the door. Take from two IA, wean sallIraldreIMO wVe• to three pounds of lamp brimstonM e, 1p t yea f" rte, t I ywsss 'west w/ be my man e1 attmrding to the rise of the gram as agree w tap lows etpsses� •sad sew iJ1 ney put in an old tin para, tier the a ado re'Br ae,•sad ev's K•watee W s... pan h .tag samba( to anew art h / mi tin tray and the tray on those brig d.wuarm. ,ielooked ssWNW ssttr a: ere away from anything inflammable. P "I think tee w : awl wear* imam lee - as ounce of alcohol Over the sulphur Ire a Ina. My wife mos Mata a.. ge p rasa sayer 1 ever tree.. ,et suras easy, ane. Utah •match to it � thea flee n r with seem rat A11 partite having aec,ut t aaaui.t the t,wasbip fur gravel ,r., herwise are no - Amsted to furnish the clerk eltu save o0 or before said date. JAMES Terms, clerk. The wemas of ('alters. "'A wuuser of cottage " la the phrase • vague owe, a ithout spa cial siguttirai:o., or dues it denote the possession of cer- tain cell -defined and pusntry qualities that di.tiuru,sbed the pr. 40.es.,r from other women 1 N ho to the woman lie eultore, Sud eby-d.. we name bars . ? She is the •nman un whoru "dune 0e the finer flavors of Me are lost." She is not the one who couatautly asks if you have read the lane,' bock or seen the newest picture. She is the wan..n whn rr.ptr's tweet gaeia y nod helpfully to the . of throe about her. She to the awn in who make' each of us wiser and roller to her proactive titan we ever are out of it. She is the cue .1g, shun• newness and immolation m th..cgtt •e in every thing Shan not the women .bo keeps continually marveling at her clrreraes$. She w .,g the rowan aha follows a "fed" ..f any kind simply because ursry- r,ue else dual. lithe ie the wo.uan who nervy parades her lest sting : r her pompano' of her oon- victious. She is the woman 'be rather aha the a,cie•y of the w••deru writers sad lotes to dwell among the setnt•, Ste is the wounau who wake+ you strouger and waver end better ft.r evn hour you epe•od Int her prospect. 1891. Harper's Young People. A\ ILI.t;�'I'Itan:1i WELKIN. 01' YOU WAVY A GOOD OVERCOAT AT A LOW PRICE in:8w AND nos h aka y tllrjsd N Ike that A. E. PRIDHAM'S. (Cloy. of Y(mtrwl-St. sad Court House Square) These Ooats ;are not old truck that has lain on my shelves until wh:akers have n to sprout but are real good ar les of wearing ap�of latest style, beet tuater- ial, and �h that Cannot surpassed. Wear a Coat ---a good Goat ---this winter, and it' may save your friends from btping you a coffin. REMEM R THE STAND, P.a. •, merit Mect of under Mies hn ea weer own BOOTS, SHO &NE, Cenr•ab-ellimidlt. sad aquae 1�U' fwr•IMiag is Oesnty. and a sw•ciat Bae 1. RITBBERS ANO OVERSIIOES - ^'"'`tis„ OI-NVSTON CAREY'S e and Retail Boot alsd Shoe ir.a 1 ahment Esadsnarters for the Abovo Goods. oll)ERED WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. , The Twelfth Vdum•.of Haarta'r, Yot-xu si 324;4T Promo begins our November I. 'AU.. This twat and morn cout)•reber,ive week4; in the k world tot- your.. readers 1' efints s rich' and atnnetive prugr•wate. In t,:tann the►= w 111 be "Campmates: A Start of a ne Hain+ by KINK All • roe ; "Men rat tum. -s romans" by Howarty Ps Lt, .iib afuat,a,:use" ter • tab author: "Flying Hill Fa -.u' hr sore itvviar; "rhe Moos Prince, by it K .'cra;T TRICK; and "1'eilowtop." b- Alt -.111111:1011/, KIN,. In addition to those deraeriala, too will be *tome. in two or three well: TnoaAe Nteuurs PAGE, ALM EE tree'" Iso Iu.wta Laesarrai Ht'. -.ran. 1 a• MET Pue..lrrr $PuE r.wl., M. •'Y 1t, Int. IC INA. Nous P':N*T. neer Of bur*. dart- lea old articles on science. history. tlt1' ad- venture. name* and tonna. with ;.tm4 .a ..f illustrations of the aiieliest '-Aura. nip Miele( llArari:k'e fort.. re. 1•t.clbr it tm- n, aped ae a miscellany of the heel ad101e for boy s and girt. "Tor beat weekly cnbllca•i/e : young people in existence. 1t is ett.ted 4.1 acnipu- ton, tare and attention, ate! Seat 'thin and entertainment are mingle 1 is Pages in Just the eight proportions to •ovate the minds of the loo w. and at the -.ne time rn derrlop their thinking pee -J. 1'. (Y. serrer. TKRM. Postage Prep* 4 de Per Your Vol. XII begins. N• 'bar 1, 1RtiD. Volumes ('III., X. agy .1. of HANi-Erre Yot Peol'LCbolind ft nth .1I1 tr .eat hi tua.a, p enure p.M.M t•• of 81 4 each. The other voluniet arae d ►glia Specimen Copy and romp( eJ a (rprew( itantD• :atNnlat N rxaia, e rent each, Remittances about t made byPott-(Miro Money order or Ing' o avoid chance of ler.., eleur,pe.a my• to copy (dais adevrtese• ,sett .rilAoat t4e�•'. ewe order of Hanna A BeoTngas. Address '.. HA posies essertninee that the fomes, and lock the door ��eioihee'eden'Nbautyetearppleh'pm', mat yea. Let it May shut for 24 hue .. .--.i,,es . I� ..ii..,, w , -d Wk.' Whoa( h ssays will kill every living then, in the:< r, Ohl that's ray Mast t' 0.1 1 UMWPoi41.. sewed net • serer' .ten w. Metria/, we cath J the chinks are closed to keep ' .11 we sbeid yw im M .cry .aura Mt aka air, moths and r,eche. . as u •bo Mimi she weeldhaw hew Deere& aforesaid begs, and airing willre- wtsa •t t wouldn't native ire.wahI r eaIds ptiea eslsw• w l stove the odor. =Laded H. tam germ ty qty lig ewsMaali t paioas. i the eyapspr�tftitar M IIIc as talk i hyenas snit ease y isg (IODfCitICH TOWNS il' -Mt ass yrue 1. Onin t:fa Missrsts. net to - metras M low trims not Ons tea Me day(Nem1 lye pens- 'b'e;poi i..awbor p'�'wJ Fwet�'• s est N a� Ise r. all �w=.,; by nal leen i� eM iGttMei hat m ani rand •d ., "rt. onIdmi•tsiywkelfh! weaiwhl lir d•s r N I" Jl meet arer's be ass examined i jell attd`aon.idepb sstid.et flowed bye .fie ie " - m kat, set i told be, .try. r John T Cherrehill, �a`•Wit Itq �,V efsti ween dee etc a a that eMer►•itm f ens mid ones- imssetesess�.. •sd " y*sl Mt.,r cillora be held fn fl dr', :all. Holmes- w yy�� 1't reel ban. e� .,.17a......t: treed to tale: dA1sa Mifierot ;mistime on the Inst Wiest Iia l ser prewne raw at 15 - .,� naso, end • Aas►1�af yya�aw� s as�p.�wtD ab0esaallit,, sm'p. places, alio the friss peewee bs F.yjenRrw4alrLS T.. Ides u.%,, lt, O.: xo 1 a r a timafN yk to • • e taw. snit fig 144;44 CAN USE ANY WRITING INN. EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. THE SQUARE, Ooaerieb, Oat. 14 1 11 .1 D L" e$ Q .y ;_ a t 1 0 E1.24 g 1 y0 i tal1i..ic At SR .0 V - i' 1-..,° .. E- f 0 . at 2 0 .. 'A. ,9i; s� a o �. g. j I= 2 g' i. 8iIo . 4 • 52 y k. o c _dt ! 1 al }. s; A�9 E (.1 s S CO c o /, ` g. A .i ► a D se_L'' a t$ 1 i Ma c.) s. t y -E=_ E i• C of -1 cit o I, ...I e v fo .0- x Tye o ,d ...I >iI 11 2 ,.£ ° ° Q �� j a I • a s°�"e E £l 13 - 2 A E' 8 •o C A.,L, Z a el 11141. e C) Q y A _w pa' _E 0t P 6 / er E 03 3�a7 C '1 3..5: A� Op � fif a1Epv g ld1- •a w d tltljE'-d d 1S„ e� Its T. tj 3 L- :'.--i.: o ., a i • s aall. °� _� a4 a G yOtt it 11 d °gti & e+.+E I° $l l fl 0 21.11-5! 1 fir '. 033311 x qLo GET YOUR PRINTING DONS AT 'THE SIGNAL': DR. FOWLERS •EXT: OF iv .-WILD' TRAWBERBY CURES HOLE RA oLiI C- RAMPS IARRH(EA NTERY m Dseemker actino arm mod. of eleclnnns fit any' i1/E i the fsUow int -ey L fir Ik1s, Ulm &WO D i t=r-.mw sea. , Reed J >^ �jMaP = mswspreM ew.. �ywM��iteir tbl M r^n flt.rdy. b nes.. _ _ _ _mer • er-tom aids0, t NO'. 1;f m 4th arta. , Thce Mia ?Imo bdrtMls No 2, house of Niven gamely, been* of rhos Hargan. AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE ANO RELIABLE FOR CHIIOREN OP Af1ULT'.. CHANGE OF BUSINESS I THE OLD AND RELIABLE EAST•ST. JJ TIE 1X1) ,MBD STORK HAS CHANGED HANDS. enThe d 1 .d bwsame taar'by merty ea sd that at M A.Z. Cello hes boos earab•eaa bbyyrrMd THOS. J. VIDEAN, who wIn arra Il en ha .11 Its hraaobw at ike ell Mead, IOetee. near the Sgwe. Under the . t of Former tots us howl eeee has been the ost �neus. fel In Its Ike or any Is tows, and .. the new proprietor bed bed dennit.d with it fir ever slubtyyesu -there win be so fyltag of In the einem, pwmerV exhibited la toeless 11 b thetreat teak- ft�jto all partethe WM. Iatea and (seat Hese etetSew and teed always en heed sad choice Ilse& la wawa. THOS. J. T'1 Jt. tonere tee t 'ts ibeli et thinking rap sur pan��w .rt 1p etc ty pfesr ear all old a1.a take S•�.1• r iIINE PRINTING PAPERS AT SIGNAL mf etmcssa0t. Mf lkoa J Ir. toned ro Pa. • bmw�fy 1_� la-er A. IA. COL IS, Job Printing of every description neatly executed 'at "The Signal" M"""' Steam Putting House.