The Signal, 1890-10-31, Page 7•. r - ,„ k, ,a
We eosin" two the Mewl tg seats,
Special Prices,
LADIES' CASHMERE GLOVES, x•r. •t ,ser. a his.
WOOL SHAWLS, $1.10, worth $1.50.
We invite you to inspect those advertised specials.
D. GORDON has now on hand a complete assortmext
of Furniture, such as Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites,
Tables, Chairs, &c., Window Shades, Curtain Poles, &c.
Picture framing a speclalty.t
! r
I give spacial attention to this branch of my business, and keep
everything required for funerals CHARGER MODERATE. ;73-3w
First door East of Bank of Montreal, West-st., Goderich.
Black Velvet Ribbons
Now in transit from Britain.
Draper and Ha . lather.
thelfo.t Cooting andHealthful t .
Ilimairklity .m a•.rd Seaga*.
A sew losses meeaoes ocean travel
In their endeavor to surround pewe-
gersAell*s..kipu with every eocefort,
the .Saeger. of several lines are ming
electric lights upon their vessels. On
the hat westward trio of the Etrori.,
whisk is thus supplied, fine were die -
emend on two separate oaratoes which
hod originated from the imperfect insula-
tion of the electric light wires ; and,
atthey were fortunately axlin-
fa flats.. the le°soo they tomb
......sibered sod heeded
Wast is • Dari ember r
One day's work for • healthy liver is
to secrete three sad • half pounds of
bile. If the bile emotion be deioieot,
seer. ; if profs., bilinss-
ness and jaundice arise. Burdock Blood
Bitters is the most perfect liver regulator
known in n edieia. for preventing sed
curing all liver =emblem. 2
w m. bloomy, Morris, arrived home
from hie visit to Masitob• and the North-
west off Mterdey, 11th root. He was
trailita*ed with hie trip end hes • gear-
tMsM1ss marked um in the eeigbbiw.
bred of Iodise Read if all goes well. Ile
SWIM the people who went from this
bwst>it7 getting along nosily with good
teals this year.
Frank Wilkinson, grata buyer at Ham -
Stew, says : "1 reed several medie.ees
sed foetid no relief instil I tried ffdene's
OU.poeed Syrup, Wild Cherry." Less
Ibis ea• bottle eased him of • keg
ilag sad robed�Ia b�watth. h`
MBold by
Theresa,* neemeseits of sorrow after
As most Wilma ratans ; amid yea The bete a sf S. S. Ne, * , yM
Misr ..
sad IMO tb...y atter ra MMsd Mooui. jr.,.. nittaf
ssSibw mad tan y.a foaght. Ilk= .abed far MI, wiry Mt
tfM ro.pse's M ale .
People make a rid mistake otten with
e.iuo. results when they neglect a con-
stipated condition of the bowels. Know-
ing that Burdock Blood Batten is an
effectual cure at any stage of ooestipstios
don not warrant . in neglecting to w
it at the right ti.. Use it mow. 2
The highest railroad bridge in the
United States is the Kisses vi•dect on
the Erie toad, 906 feet high.
Wilnoe's Wild Cherry L. been pre
pared by Archdale Wilma * Co., Whole-
sale Droops, of Hasailtos, for sesriy
twenty yware, for the es of C�
Colds. Croup, .to. h bee no equal.
Take no substitute bat get the maim
with white wrappers. 1.
Mr Fred E. Corbett, of Detroit (stoma
Mr E. Corbett, Metes), who rewired
his ed•n•ties at the Piston
footnote sed the Toronto Unhersityy,
W jest boo appointed owe of the night-
asbeol teachers of the public sebools of
that city, at • good salary. H. performs
the. d •sties in addttlom to the !misses he
is engaged ia, and the tet that titers
were • ember of eompetitoro for the
Pam shows that Oae•diess are op-
ted, and always mese to the
Tamely Orlds..
(heat and timely aneum is shown by
keeping Dr Fowler'. Extract of WiW
Str•wberey oa heat It has ao equal
for (M1.a, dolma aerM., diarrhoea,
dye/eatery, eol* etr•.ps, and all sum-
mer or of the bow-
els. g
IL Tey Se lase•ad deems fie Dim or Y
eLwallsa twarvaaay..
Tb following remarkable letter bas
messily appeared is t!'a lefedus body
•$r.—Toby is the tint time I ma re -
.ember eves bevies reed your parer.
Tbes•for• I muses slain it w is J
sub- •me natures and moods perhaps it u
sertber, yet I °h.wld be much obliged if otherwW. The sharpness of the stroke
you all slow. one new b. h►tbertu brat touches no mental spring but that of self
•strong Conservative to protest against Oino.rn• but hale stun tt a the surae
the atos°truue *taw of thwgs in roan. why learns. For hie these evils, for
in thin unhappy tele. I cry my that, in such they still remain, are also the seeds
eompwy with my f•tber and two broth- of sympathy with others to Iske teooWe.
en, I bare spat six w•°k. in tbi. ouso If h° be, through any fault lit hu uwo,
try visiting all the taunt Interesting aocountsble for them, they are in tree
plague, eapeoially those when therein
sesciescienceec. u 111 scripture the natural mown -
and e°iotium pendens, inolod- prose of evil, • protest on behalf ofTrig Youghel, 'Tipperary, and Lind clan. needful self-ountrol, which he will do
no•d.'s estate, and 1 must say sus have well do well to observe. There a mon,
met with nothing but the best end kind- lherctore, than vu apparent tendency to
est of treatment from .h. people. Tee asoeticisrn w thin doctrine of dt.eiphu•
only time any of w have been limited •47 su eriog.
was is Tipperary, and by a resident t
if course, it does not follow that He
magistrate *bare. W e have been 1 r mperoua and the healthy mush at nom.
shadowed nod followed by armed police -
undergo this training by revers..
aes, who have called at our hotel and Thr same laswn.lit paue[.ce, fellow 1.rl-
emgour.d who we were ; nue of the•. "'g and self restraint eau be learned in
won, stepped my wife and asked our other ways, and it is quite certain that
osomes, and what .• were doing. The
the bill round and teak abound in up -
extent to which theme fellows carry out portontu.e fur such wholesome instruc-
their duty in this respect is to us English- thus. W. are alike justified, theret.,ro,
men, to my the least, must annoying.
in adeutusg for this purpose the fres
If you take a car to drive, they follow gent utility of pain, and is .eekutg, to
you as though you were some highway a bat of our ability, to limit •lid co
robber; and I should like to know, sir, destroy by suitable remedies the mtia-
rho pays for these can We are not mice of this otherwise harsh and hurtful
followed to anything like the extent instructor. Health of mind and body
that leadingInabnrn ass°. We saw a and well being of estate are atone eon -
prises ew
being followed who, e were *intent with perfect lite as ordered by
given to uudent.nd. was the Rev Hr natere's plan and tar divine will, and
Humphreys. I am cowl atm:. sir ; bot l every purpose of truu:ur res ecmpatiSle
"dare it made say wood bt•.l to with their fall possession and their pr,p-
thiuk that Eoglubmen should allow for er ere. --Lancet.
five minute. such an abomination as gENWELL'S BOYHOOD.
this. There they were, a procession of
tiro—one priest surrounded by four
constables. If be stood ,till, they err•..Ismas' wrteeaVCrll.gly •f a fest•
stopped ; if be went into a shop, they deed Prised.
followed him in and came out with htm. Frederick Cornwallis Boswell, the
Aod this, we are told, was the usual young Englishman, fur murder of whom
daily thing. Now, sir, if this is not J. ltegrnald (Birchen is to suffer death at
damnable, I will leave you to coin the Woodstock, Out., near the scene of the
word that more accurately describes it. tragedy, was a highly cultivated u.a re -
Had I been followed,in a way like this, tined speciweu of the British youth.
be the what It might, I Punctilious to his dress •lid appear-
ppearwould have knocked one at least of the Ince, even to fastidiousness, he stways
brutes down. I marvel that men, and presented the appearance of having just especially, can be bought for stepped out of the proverbial bandbox.
gold to carry on such au accursed system He held himself very erect in walking,
sa this. I would rut in the gutter before sod his well-developed cheat lent an lit
I would take part in such dsmusbte of importance to his bearing, even when
work as this. Au Engtish[nan only has a boy id ten years of age.
to spend a few days in Ireland co moiler- lis June, 1876, the writer first met him
stand the antagonism that exists as s schoolmate in Cheltenham, Eng -
between the police and people. The land, at an academy presided over by
cruel dotted; which they have to carry out the Rev C. E. Iwfroy Austin, now head -
are such as to make it impossible to be master of the junior department at the
otherwise. These man are under the college ui toot town. The particular
Orden of what herr they call the Itemov- attention which he always paid to his
•blew, the most of them are as bigoted as dress, even at thin time, caused him to
they are ignorant. We travelled from keep somewhat aloof Iran the boister-
Mallow to Killarney with one of them, Lam horseplay of other you•hs of his age
and I must say I never in my life *pent His t I was of an extremely
at. Iron .itha gteaterormore intolerant impulaise character. Quick to reseut an
bigot. I will give you a specimen of .hat insult and to take offence where often
he said. We were talking about lir 1101:n .sa u,eant, it otter led him into
Parnell, tkir Dillon, and Nr O'Brien, achoolb.,y tights. In these he duiptsyed
and my father ventured the remark the quality, commonly conceded to be
that since he bad b -e* in Ireland Ise had characteristic of the Englishman, of not
considerably modified his tpinion of knowing when be wan neaten. It was
these men, and he now thought them to with the greatest difficulty that he could
be honest patriots. 'Honest patriots,' be brought to believe that he wee tigbttng
roared this man, 'dishonest — rogues with • better man than himself eerie
they are, sir ; and I don't care what you when tivored four ur five tunes.
say ; but if I had my way I hang op As an instance of this trait :o his char -
the whole — lot "t then.' This, sir, atter a little episode in his career at
is one of the men that, according to the "Austw'a" will not be out of place.
papers, is to try John Dillon end Wm. Benwell for some breach of school die -
O'Brien. I should not, therefore, like c►pltne rather ton serious to be properly
togiremy opinion of the kind of trial the- punished b a writing imposition was
se men will,get at'Tupperary. I am sorry ordered by Mr Austin to "go up Itain
to treatises upon your space to such at the dose of the school.
length, but if you will allow me I would Now, this "go upstairs et the class of
like to tell my countrymen of what the scbco►" was • formals which was
took place at Swidford. county Mayo. clwsysused by the headmaster wheu he
Mr Dillon, who it appears is meant to cane a defaulter. Summed up
the member for this division, eau w ibis one simple sentence was sufficient
to address his oon.tituents. The venom to anise terror deep into the
meeting was held in the open air id a hearts of every boy in school.
dritaliog rain. The people had congre- The whole act included more thsu the
gated round the platform when a man, words implied. "nut•g up nein" run -
who w. were 1010 and have since learnt suited In weudiog unwtlirug tuotsteps up
was • resident magistrate, forced his two short flights of stain, turning sharp
way through and told those upon the into a room set apart fur t
platform that d they used any illegal and there waiting the ainval of Mr Aur
language he shot,ld disperse the kneeling. tau. When he arrived be would take a
Then, with his hand extended, be point- sugar sane about three feet long out of a
e d with • °neer—'which, as plainly as if drawer eel bend it, as the boys used to
spoken, told how he would revel in the say, "lovingly" backward and forward
w ork' --to the armed men, soldiers, and while apparently testing its staying
police drawn op iso the verse of the meet- powers.
log. Luckily it passed cif all right; but, This was the signal for the culprit to
car. is it not monstrous that it should be kneel down on the seat of a chair turn -
left to an ignorant bigot on the spar of ed with its back toward a plain deal
the moment, excited by something pis- table, fold bus arms oe top of the chair,
ably mid •gain°t his own political party, lay his head on hu arms and await the
to diapers. and possibly murder his s -w -i -s -h of the cane sa it swiftly cleft
polities' opponents assembled in • per- the air.
eetly legai and orderly me.tieg? My On this particular occasion Benwell
father, myself, and two brother., nom did sot find the room emp-
w oting 97 votes, came to this e000try ty. Another boy had preceded him
Conservatives six short .ewes ago ; next "upstairs," and together each dimmed
week we return to Zeeland 000vioeed the unfairnsas of his own one. Five
Home Ruler.—Tonics truly, minutes of suspense, and Mr Austin's
"Horse 8T. Jew" Nrvtct.*. tread was heard oft the stain.
"Latterinok, Co. Galway, Sept 21."1 With s wave of the band Benwell was
first ssleoted for punishment. Six times
did the "tan"de.cend,•sd "Yoe my go,
Benwell," w. i. Benwell
prosseded to make kis exit, and sa he
neared the door he ters°d and utter-
ed one single word, "Belly 1"
"Come back, B..dl" Aod once
more the tone d.sossded.
The other boy, as &ma.l spectator in
spite of his next tors was preparing to 0*
cupy the seat of honor .hen"B.Uy '"seg
repeated by Benwet!, :b had reached
the door again. Again was Bea-
well.rolled beck and another stroke fell ;
aid yet again was the whole perform -
sea repeated
Three separate time be said "Bally!"
before be became convinced that his pas-
tor tied master had the hot wed Of the
stuck. After this the other boy took
his dome sed departed.
io 1878, at the oreameoeuwent of the
midsummer tarn, Benwell bean his
server at Cbeltesha1 College. He lived
at hens with his father, Lieutenant
Colooet Benwell, at Lwltine, owl went
bask and forth to hie studies every day.
Sass after his entrance to college be be
Das to siva rain to his love of athletics,
sad thosgh too young at the tire to
wrest big Potton from his eiders he rave
great promise of athletic poseibslkiss.
His p.s.liar,b vigorous, esulhng
made kis ker. • w 1-ksa.e nee ea tM
la awour.e arias ha river !eyes st Tewkesbury,MUMS
tali w be better ler w lye- beds' ham ANywb•s ►w., rat.. -
Ibis. bsuI dub W its ►.dgssrtma Ia
Delmer as • Domeier
All the••ess t f hie are a
some sort edsostirw Health sad hap-
piness have their lesson of waive duty
to teach us if we will receive it, mad au
likewise, here pain, chow and mitfur-
teae, as lately stated by Mr Spurgeon,
• perpues of ourreotiou, a chastentag and
mellowing 1u1ueaoe within them. N'ith
Mae Is r• "11NIy Orissa r
What is to "tidily walk f" We aro
n ot know ; hot, whatever it is, at any
rate the Supreme Court of Viotoria bas
decided that it is not libelous. A colas -
i•1 wwspaper charged • shire 000nallor
with having "fiddly winked the shin
fends." Litigation euseed,and the matter
was carried oil appeal to the tnb-
seal lathe oniony, with the aforesaid re-
..Itn So.. 60 Eeglieh dictionaries were
beoeght tato eo.rt to enable the judges
to ..o°rtain what was the real meaning
of the word, but "fiddly wioki.g" was
not discoverable in any of the.. So
they •oeept d the definition of the wit -
n es that the pkraw sonveyed to his
"sled the ides of 'vain little dodges to
oblate owe's owe aids." A. imp.tatiem
of that .rt the overt deshied was soot
ameaserily Macias —Pan Mall Ossetia
Doris* the six years ersmpriesd in the
period 1886 to 1888 me less than 7M
241,1184 the /sidle .shooks in Pram=
have eooa.Nei Maid.. A large ember
of thea. .04 4d.. was hspir.d by the
far of not manias eramMutielas.
It is said that the health of operatives
improves whale east= kids an sled.
Their &pretties sed their •bihty toe{..p
Tawara Thi. resat is gait rtark.i
the gymnast= be wee se s-s.is1 f -
oils with the iseteeteaca, sa is the foot -
hall field his adrestsroas di.po.Mios
manifested itself. His psrtiieslsrity
about hie dress never soused to desert
At the post-mortem . Tisa a
scar :o his right leg was noted. This
soar was the result of as accident that
occurred to him during his life.
On his way home t use evening after
"lock up," as the tune suss called after
which it was • breach of discipline for
s college student to be out of doors
w ithout permta.00, he aid a
determined to risk detection in taking
• short cut diagooally across the then
d°erited college recreation ground, as
by so doing they would sato nearly a
They crossed the ground in safety sod,
on reaching the gate by wbi.:h they ex
paste.* to make their exit, it was unex-
pectedly found to be loosed. The iron
railuug• which enclosed the college do-
main offered but a tndrug obstacle to
two s aguruus school boys, and in a trios
Olin sean over in safety.
Not so Benwell, however. in borne
way he got caught to the 11•
oruamentstion on the lop , it the rail-
ings, and a nasty gash to his leg was
the result. Be limped home with the
aid of his friend, •td in a weer was
around again as well as ever, but the
cicatrice of the wound remained to the
day of his untimely death.
Thu course of study be proposed to
pursue at college was for the purpose of
biting him fur • commission in the
army, but for umily mamma this scheme
Atter Ilenweil left college he and the
writer drifted apart, and their next
meeting wee ui the prum.uade in Chel-
tenham, in September of last year.
Benwell was in company with his broth-
er Charles, who was in 'Woodstock
testifying at the trial. At this meeting
Benwell gave a brief account 01 himself
duung the time since his departure frau*
Cheltenham C, Ilene.
On leaving Cheltenham Bruited went
to a ach 01111 Swru.rlsod, and tlieu,l , e
'natty another young Eogh.hman, Dau
tried the culut:lea—New Zra'ai.d in thus
case. There he remained for about two
years, and had returned some little time
previously. He was then staying with
his father for a short time, ptudiug fu-
ture arrange....nts.
Hecullecti.uns of old times, of course,
were a rs•ull of the meet:ug, and he re-
called to the writer's memory the scene
"upstairs' wi:h Mr Austin; tor this other
boy that was there, it must be contrued,
vise the writer himself.
At this meeting Benue!! was dressed
in a suit of light checked tweed, a high
standing collar with a wide margin of
cuff. He wore a gold rimmed monocle
in bis r:gat eve, he had been short-
sighted all his life, end was smoiirg a
ciasr in • holder, probably the same one
an was found beside his dead body in the
lonely swamp, five wiles from Wuud-
The writer does not remember uFeth-
sr Benwell contemplated hu viot to
America when be wet him, just a year
ago, but if be did and disclosed the fact
the writer does nut remember it, so the
✓ urpri°e and pairs of the discovery that
the Benwell with whose murder the
newspapers on both aides of the Atlantic
were ranking and the "Canny" B.owe11
of schoolboy memory were care and the
same, can be hotter imagined then de-
sert -tad. —New York Morning Journal.
Di" Delos tact Drank!
When a person wi-hes to screen a fault
it is sstonishu.g what absurdities are 1e-
.ned to in the attempt. Men rho be-
come intoxicated turtush •otos tory for-
cible Illustrations cf this, as wall be semi
by the following answers to the ques-
ueertion :
"Why do you drink
"Well, It as because • certain man, wbo
professes to be a Cnristtan, ores me, but
will not pay, • Mild a man, who seemed
convinced ru his own miud that such •
sauna gave him 'sttdactitn.
"When my old woman jumps on me
about anything I go and get as drunk as
a baled owl, just to show her who is
boas," was the statement of a waxeti-
faoed man, with one eye and a broken
"For the exhilaration there is iu 0.
The happiest times of my lite are due to
this seeming fault.' But the swollos°
and bloodshot eyes and blooming nose
aid not tend to corroborate his claim.
"I ran for cMee (hie) and rot left thiel,
dost yer know t (bic) " trio a defeated
candidate in • resigned but injured man -
"For the reason that I am only paid
*1.50 • day for my work when I should
bare $2.50," was the lamest of one who
works three and drinks the other four
days of each week.
"My mother-io-law won't gine ate a
miuste'. rest ; she's fully up to the
standard of the proverbial mother-in-
law, she i.." This man hu,. cowed .p-
pearance, • sora ser, a dislocated jaw
and • bald spit on hie head. He dodged
every time any one made • move, whish
swggested the probability of rolling -pier,
Ant-rr.ea, eta., having been thrown .ore
effectively than affectionately.
"Just becalm my Girl has gone beck
on me and leans on some other fellow,"
stammered a Icy. sick youth with a
tremer in his voice.
"1'm out of work and have bot little
money to live on,' said • married mat,
who did not seem to realize that he was
foolishly, wickedly spending the little he
already had.
'Wel, yer see, toes, 1'm got the Arta -
abatis, an' die Dyer honey from the rem
• m de oslyihinr that does me any good;
it I. Goatee me feel !Oily," was the es -
planation of an old d•rky. ( s
"To kap up the of the er.ft,
and to bosom. popular with the boys,"
said • prissier with ink smeared reef his
facie. and the of baying "pi"
in his pockets, and • yearning/ for mosey
w ithin his brat.
"Well. I will ledge that 1 Wave
no moues to d .r, .meek that 1 •"s seek
• wok esinded,ossily isIeoaesd'ehs.p,'
that never keeps whew to my 'so,' sad
refs. an invlIatins to drink. Thai.
n o excuse for it," This was the most
abeessg\ly u..lfi•h answer elven sad
the speaker the oily oto soh 3 did set
seek is hide his weak.ew ;babied the
ewes§ of sews , oration= sad lsadfsl
Two Weeks Only.
Full Cloth Bound Albums for 25 cents.
Full Leather Bound Albums for 50 cents.
Plush Albums from 50 cents up.
Remember this sale will continue
for two weeks only.
Central Telephone Exchange, Cor. North - -t and Squire.
Ta:.• `naphiller valuable far the
of 01.1 pan df boot•
arH►e a top..
a b Neel
and aul
rot to the a and healing of en
.. rat. -hr.. wound." rte..: tea_
i For stile b,,
court House square Goderich
Nest Geo. Acheson•s dry goodit were.
The most economical .cove:
The best double heater
The easiext to operate :
Positively no escape of gas
The oven bakes perfectly:
Calc mod see the* stere ase all the
.., ■rsa-etas. sates of
The E.IIt C. G'C'L2nCY Co -y,
for sale only by
N.R. A n y other .tote made ,n .t m-
erite supplied at shortest r.o-
Cattle Chains ---New Patterns.
Crosscut Sawn: --All Makes
Cutlery ---Table and Pocket ---In Endless Variety.
Chopping Axes ---At Your Own Price.
General Fall Goods ---Stock Complete.
— I T_ 1 P'rouc cot, } —
Haring removed to Crabb's Block. Soars. is prepared to sell •11 kinds •
Groceries. Provisions Crockery,
Glassware, Flour and Feed, &c.
At rock -bottom pries@ for essh. Plisse give me alcsll;bfore comb wiling sloe Once
1517 The lOossi e.
TM 1.r•fto• w .SW 511 kinds eflrsrnitere at the Imre .e.Ihle pries& If le •
for e•°5. 14 is • ee the treeing Cedonaker of the tows. ��� ways w
Mud. He also wakes•perlalty of Picture Ynsln.. Hive ►les • win beter.1Rs,
ysr•uten ei rears. ort roe tell fled out Mot as doss as ha sage -_salla etisr
r8* CAS"m
1• lama! im tloaCand sulfas Geer .me estresem he hopes to resolve • e.tieuneesee era
CSE 0 . BARRY° Hamilton -art.