The Signal, 1890-10-31, Page 4a • w.. the signal u roelahisa IIVICRY FRIDAY MORNING AT in oral r%zw,1t a orrice: 10011111- STR*KT, OODE ItIC1l. tt�tYde a wlawttke local adevotedp•• devoted l0 ssauM7 nevi• aril the dttra:ltuatMad tan wires Or Dggi,ga'aerTSwg a Wa year: ;Ser ter di w,•uttwlid : tds. s manilas. I( the sub.rr pt:o, tot rid by adrutca• ub•.•rlptaoa w.tl at the rate of /:.W a year. ♦r1RT1U1%8. a&Twt Legal and other nsnw.J ad,. ri..rmeate, 1R. r Hoe bur than ta.atk.n. an.: 3 scants per line • for each subsequent io.ortune. Measured by atoapen•II scala Local notices in sonnet -lel tl Ise •s Per Hee . Loon notices in ordinary resoling type le po ward. Buannrrs cards elf sal lines and under $3 per m. rear. Atvertex-moatsof Lost. You'd. Strayed Situations Vacant. Situati.ti %Vented and Deane... chances Wanted. t.ot elm:riling f 8 line. nolo varied 11 per noon: l.. Houser on Sale and Farms on Nair. not to exceed % Lucas, $1 for firer mow 50r per sub- sequent ubseuuent month. larger ad, is in proportion. Any special notice. the object of which is to pronto, the pecuniary benefit of any 1.d1- tidual or company, to be considered an ad ver,.arment and charged a•curdu„tl), These terns .W fa ..11 ca.e. be strictly ad. leered to. Special ewes for larger s'.ertisenients. or advertisements for ext nil. d la'c'iest. made known at the office of pubh. aflon. JellIN* DEPARTMENT. :t' " it. A fully equipped Jobbing tetee Is tarried hip! : 'h In inconnrrtloh with the ordma'•y newspaper Mew. where drat class work ie turned out fe.etdaa'!r• meal- testable rates. Krerytlinr in the print - n..:.011 • At At•ne can be done or the l.n•mirea frau an w t'• of John V. --rusted poster to a : idting card. hit aubure.-om.unlutions must he addressed to •t. itaulre'ero( D. UeC$WJt7 DDT. Editor of TIIK SIOXAL EW ADVEi Lap ppm. lb. (icelerleh Ont. ds W. -_- -e.Y OODhL'R1t'N. FRIDAY. tw•T. 31,I PUBLISHEI: S NIITICI. MEL swan= K l'.t,.sttlty, Of Au- burn, has Ibsen appointed Iielwral Trutcalliag Agrgent for THE SIGNAL, Mid is atltpowrml to solicit subscrip- tions anti orders for john%ork for this duke, alai to sign rev`r•Iph for Kaftan. I►. alt+:11,1,1(1-UDY, Tin SIGNAL, t:al,rieh, + tate 9 1800. The " Home MLnrk,t" for Canadian peadiats is nos three thousand miles away, alai nn the other -i,le of tlw Athintic. Tem SIGN St ill e Thirty screen names of subscribers were added to our nlailiui; dist _during the past week. Keep the g...wi work up. Show THIS SIGs 11. to tour neighlw0r and get hind t, sub.. ribs . • WIABNA8 Time- : Tin. (;ot,IKIe'II Smite lute roc it ',frau ride rgi I an:I inipmyriL It is ane s ...ten rolalar11 $-p•ge paper. and I. :t credit to its enterprising ppeli.lh•r, air. I►. 'Mc(stI.Ltcl'Unt'. nu.I the town in which it is printed. Puiuerr. ('.Noir .I.• 1':e »reined ..n enthusiastic reception at Montreal aatunhly evening I.t.t, note ithst:11il- ingf the shorts that %ere put torn/lea in .•rtaiu quarters to :.nus.• feeling aggoillt 14 pH11111 ile111.eitnit1011 IWttlg tendered him*. .incl no 1anach of in t••reatiooal lair result..}, either. OODXXICJJ k WLWGHAY X. R. We regret to observe that in route quarters wlwre ter rkpw•••t.d a .n't*.irr public spirit effort. are being made to discredit the eiertiolas wt present bring put forward to place the scheme for developing the. (;twirrich k Winghoui It. It. on w gooey work - Mg basis. Hawn and unjust im- putations have hewn east at tlw pro- mot•n, of tlw wets.., and the axiom that there are some lawn who :err such chronic grumblers that they will neither " put up nor shut up,- is being verified in its entirety. (ho of tie false ass.i•rtio11s made by tx. THE SIGNAL, FRIDAY. OCT. 31, 1890. The amount of stook subscribed thus far is $60,040 the tuinimuul quota. Them is Vet $240,000 worth of stock lying in abeyance and await Mg takers. Why don't these object ors to the present holders of the stock at once •' put up" the automat 1►f un suhst•riloisi stock, and practically her maw masters of the situati ! Every dollar of the $300,1100 will he invest ire before the role} will he .elmpktwl, and we make hold to..sert that the members of the present syndicate um holding all the stock they err present- ly inclined to. ( if Miura. it 0111 IN said that the stockholders of the mail the exist - this spw•,•irs of fly in the p"dir "int iig syndicate have the power to re tuent is that the Hoiees syndicate fuse t0 allot cork to iutsulers lout has ruched in :11111 practically tikht%1 that wouid kohl only c11uditiuually t11r charter fr•..iii the tfl5'0, and that - with the re.mlbe of tIw uontakem thrl•t•by a gnat hc.s 118. Irv" su. stock being at mice subseri{reol ht tattled h%• the rorp,ration. 1If course thrnlwIVrs. there are other embellishment. *o oy such tae t flu onus of the n this asso•rtion ashen it. ,rigituatnrs fusel of the new .a}vital would rat an rolling it under their tongue, like wilk the existing sy'11dic7►tr, and they a sweet morsel, hut the. uutnrnishe.I wuui.l he forced to sutplerihe nt toner a.-,•rtion is nil that we drsim t., n•fer the maximum stock of the entire \en to oda the present invasion. *tire. %Veil, then. in the tint place the That i. ..tor plan of for'iig the assertion' is an al....1Ut• falsehood, and hand of the If.1wl*1e syndicate, if any the Mien Who make it are swam that doubts all. haul n•g:onlimgg its Iain it is false. What are *lierireuulstwl- tide., and such artium woulil he het res of Ile. rase .' For year, thanks to ter in the interest of the 10011 than inertia or worse 0n the Wart of oar the uuoet-tJtying of ;mow Mho would toe n .-,unril, the rlutrt•r hail (lung like to hate a silent p ertner.hip i. tire, and no effort load leen put forth the existing ander 0f things Without to galtanize it into life. \Vhe•me•ve•r the teslwnlsibility ..t :t solitary .*ioe•r.: the itt IZF•11. ra11e:1y le tete 1ll- _ ___--,- any private individual eideay.nsl ti. 'Tot: Ss.: oa. devotes • it•Mis to agit.t• the t1m•stIo1, the \..ions at Mattel,. tiscal IIInn du tnttst of its ism - the council, when they (lest met, trutporsries simply le•c•Ause• INM)pio were sure boniest, awl ite par, just now •1e•sin• t.. hear atonal tnuIe prttx to such an extent that :111y id and tariff metiers. • ►ur renders are fort^ at proRn"au. of ,wtylealty .n lied More :Illxi.,n• to kilo% w lint it Breda in failure. The origiiwl charter wan to s..md a cargo of Well candled eggs torletitall• allowel to lap^e under acne, the Atlantic than tlwv are to elrrunu,tan(Ys which we newel not now }earn the prime eil the trani ) orbit ion recapitulate, but which t+�rtui)tl _� tyf � Rr Ara this fleeted little credit upon certain imii- reminds us of the fact that a store of yitluals wlit,are no0 working over- o'KfS" uhust go fully 2.1 Hs. or over 111 time iia the attempt to injure the tinier to hwokt A craw in th.• British pto.partr of the }'resent pnojrct• uurkr4. .IntI yr ROLL Tiers no }data. Afterwards tlw scheme eat gptkanizr.l for those„ M hie•h hacr {open 8 Alltel. into life, soul litter still at the instates _ of \I r. (:.AKRON, M.PP.. :a sum ,.f - TIIE Toronto Empire rejoices that IT ALL D:P::VD.. Papa, why is a fluty pla(rw1 on the things coming front tie States'" "To Irrrtatt the Yankees fro.0 making Canada n .laughter market, 'toy lade " But who pays for the Baty 1" Wyly, the fellow.+ Mho try to twain Mt their stuff on us, Jelloiuy." •• But, papa, you really don't think that these things they send from tiw States emelt to pay duty 7 " Why, you vote,_ nasal lettru't 1 just said that the l'.111keea Must 1e tamed and tested IL-11. I1y If they want our markets. Itut .1 hats the re•aaru► tou want to knot :•11 this. my }aryl" ••i ►h, Uncle (;, ;.1.• :old Aunt Fan hate ..ant A hilly pal vel ..f nice birth- day things from Chi ago, And utalwns says they'. mal 1..' • It and worth tier or .ix dollar loll t I..-n•'s "12.111 .rants Mutt :•• pay on them •• Well, well, well Its outrageous. %mod el if this-1upi•I tlioernuent still e'er quit .».king on ,duties' Its enough to leg,.1 Malt, this in - fermi! tariff.- - itiiu t1.tLL has -sale) his autobio graplly to a syndicate cennpii I..t the Ton.:,to Mail and Neu fork Hera:i.l, and there two paper., awl the Lon- don and Peril edition. of the Herald. will next week begin its: publication. If BIRru 811. i/dlierr, to his past re- cord there is evert Ie:Lsti0 to beliefs that ...lite oh sir.• fiction will lie pmhuwl off fln the readers .1 these .lourt1:1 111411.•, Mas set /wide by th.'.,ruuril to flan leading Equal !tighter, .4 Men- (lefraV necessary expenses in pushing trral have signitiol their intention to fora and tlw pmjt•t•t. He•critly pule ' .. aup!"'rt kir Ione: .. next eleetion. IIs n.lt•'rti,wn,e,,tx were insertr.I in THE SIGNAL was .I.•u..un.•wl sa'agi•h' the brawl papers calling upon all iia- ley the Peyotl Righter, up hem in trrPttwl who,esirwd to br.•oule *.blare- ,tuft• last when it pr.rlhesieil Hutt holden.; in the prim -nett road t. take such woukt Iw their ultinlaw ,Iveisinn. up tlw nece%eary streak at a given ring cantly lit Montreal. hit all over the time. ( h1 the thiy.set for the taking I Tlw Equal Rights agita- of the stork tIti' }*8I0 1. al directors Tiou tea^ inti 1tol 1„ Biot oil, until meet, hilt waited in vain for .stack ti,,. 1hntario Provincial elections Were takers. Thr 111.11 8.110 1100 geuMllrh' flier. and tire hrnnch .rgimizations twat cullers at the .slim le things this gestin» harem t held env 0n • 1 ul hate taken were ,v►nspicuouslV absent regular ..r s1wcill meetings since the When the call w'a• 1111441e for tlwnl to :nth of .1un•• host. gam .doo 11 intik their pockete se that action according to Statute alight Iw \I It. ER INT}'. WI vs, the a nergetir Upper Cttnad* College last week taken '•.r the pro -warty of Ilie aril sut.,p,sful ('anndian capitalist, tire F.4LCONRRIIMl1,, a Conservative, sod.. After :• lengthy delay. awl 114.18.1'... the thanks of the people of spoke some sensible though forcible ellen It had bete. 11f•IIi111Ntrniwl le- this rowlntry for III. aeti%1ty 111 bring- W0nl. 011 tin matter of the ova of yon.} a peradventure that the result nig the iiinend and agricultural re- books. '•To tax taw coast of knowl- of the. ..seri»;; 111 the event ..f the .cone•'. of ('an:ula Iwfom theatt•nt ml said the .1uelge, •• is the most IT 1.()4)1(. HIS If :1 F- ederal (General nw•••"wry quids of .tock not being of t'.. %hole work}. Tli• ln)i owl MI('1 *VI tool ',Outwit! thing any Govern - Election is not far 1111•. Alreaed% sole. ritwrl w94111 mean the ronlpbet• :.Mewl .'*. ..'jAtinn lois had its ryes n14.nt or people Can do. 1 have found epet,tary Nd NULL+, of th.• Manufai collapse of the scheme, wn,l the total l As W the minenll wvwlth 0f the en%t of hook. in Cantel* so Wi exx- terPrti As-teiatiOli, i. nfltif -i,g the I 1"'"' "f as the puhlir v. pr'ti.u' t Mltxrio, the ropp,•r and nickel de- iVe that i think it ss tone the people members that hig ulo.eriptions will It' PX}enderl, without ore iota of good rein. of tlw Sudbury r•.•giem Icing A named their Voices against it." \C- lye requirrnl heltt.•Pforth. Th., fat -fn. Iw•ilig nueompli%hwl, Or. H0Lwlut caner recrlwtion t. then}. In this good Are glsd that such honest words were ling" parnphkt 1s •1soralea with a ferownl and made hi. !rol.Osit• to work of booming the iii isemi re spoken by one of such proverbial gaudy trot of the I'uiou .bi'k. •T0 the pro%i.iolal hoard. An adjourn- *turves; of the Pn.tince Mr. Wiese .fairness of Virw' an Mr. .lustiee FM. what lase uses," kr. mlrnt was then 1►A.I, and on the fol- keep been ably wutist+ll by Mr. AKCHI- rONHRIIN1E.. .1m1 when hr is disposed IOW ing Mondry the otter of the KALI BLUE.. t►ntarios Deputy Minis-ito feel and speak so stringly on thix THERE is one rrl•rtni,s feature it. Hol.wts syndieatee wax accepted, the ter of Agriculture. *home interrot iia .odious tax. Inc. meet (others feel who the carr of RRu1%8111 It*itenet.. pr'•nlnters of the M11P11e hating in natters industrial is proverbial, and have to panty, not omly for looks, but From first to last his levaity to his the noenntimle complied with the 1►r. ,1. It C. SRL%ys, of the Ili for other e"trn more nwrss*ry Articles wife lin4 nut abatwl. and Ilia latest statutory rwguirerapnt, which up to ion Ihet►logitsl Surer.). that tinie n0 inditielual nr .or'p)nate hNNI howl att.•ullotwl to fulfil. To the Editor of Tilt. Kit.% u - That is th•• .t•.ry of 'the nlbeaining( Deo:. Si*. \Slat u the diference Ice• off the control of the chert.•r by the (twaea»ls thimpar at.M t[sapliss .annmg teno present tnhc:at and we ask in s11 goods coming 4o us from the thither 1'.rm lair ` It lir in the mouth of try' }:"4-1R[A. any m%n to say that the ehartrr wax The" i% no 11ilFerente. 1\11th ill Hcorporation, lclhrl from the corration, or from our Iwlawterl Ioywlty 14) the Notl'rr any company or inditAuld n Land, sand with ail ler patriotic w'At- Fflr years ole sheerer leas praici- int of " the ()hi Flag,- se meet Brit- mity gfgnr slw•gging, and the ..maker. 1.h gnarls At the customs house just the :ane as we du goals from 'Van TO au1JEssroNI)BNTd. Owing to a perfect deluge of sur- . upon tea by Thursday's afternoon email we are this week ou- tdid.- to hod apace for a number of racy budgets of news. If our friends will send in their correspondence on Tueeley, or not later than WoInecrlays, we sill he aIle t) ado justice to thetit and our - We watt the , VII' w•illt it 111 tittle. , hut AT n polite/0 meeting :u Merrick viler s week ago. Mr. F'. F. Ewen. the well kuuwu foun.lnnlnu, stated tent itchiest! .4 the s'• called National Policy givitsg empl.,vnhrnt to another 30,000 persons it lutd driteu a .guar tar of :a Million people tout of the country. A. a mu llUfw•metas \11. Freest swirl tint he ea, still .that he had always leen 1 Free Trailer. The Protectionist 1lunlhug is la•itg tercel out.---- Somr. 0e•rk, ago limo. Mteses7IE IkooKLL, Minister of Customs, ap- pointed Ills stlu bei a ,•u.t.sttls (rlllw•tur- ship. 1\-e have wnite.l all these days t.. see that truly virtuous .hournnl, the Tor..nto 11'11rld, !widish :1 p.•'ligry • of the office hog in this instance, but err wait in vain. The Torottto World is interested in nu industry which is protected to the extent of 'JP, per .elft., an! Ilam mot {treadle it Muni agtanst the giver .4 the _ ):1 thing who in this case i. the Hon. M vc- •I•ut. Tiplwnfry sureties of 1►'11RIEx and I►iLL•oN certainly are not don it in the tuouth at the action of these gen- tlenwn in taking '• Fmnch leave of the powers that 1., and hate wit a telegnanl to the former it haling them 1.orlspet•1, and Raying they ore proud to hero the responsibility for their dalo't' --.-two '.olttnthry exiles awl Mr-. (►'RR*wa Mete passengers on the steaturr fa (shed ipagiir, w I1ich sailed fn,m Hat r- 11t1 Satuntay last for Nes York. THE editors. .,t the R..trictiouist press are cackling over the fact tlla•t Ceti: elan egg. con le sodd in England now that tlwy are shut MI* of the .'*nlrrit•an market They 'in not ex- plain.'meet .r, w by the British mark- ets were not pat %hen Carut- diati eggs loin foe admission into tlw 1•nited States, nor would they put a dollar into any shipment of the ova of our ilo11estii• fowl to (;rent Britain if the .'*mrrican duty on t•gtgs was re- moved. \1-e are shipping eggs to Creat Britain simply lweauae• it is the next hest tiling to a free Ameri- can market. .1T the distribution of prizes at .l us - act has leen to make some slight pro vision for her ley the sake of his auto- 1►ioglraphy. Heretofore it has hers the custom 0f crinin*ht, from ADAM elnwn, to lite the bleu,.• upon tehe ten I11*I1. 111111 Il erred..• a1•tifltl, t her 1nr', IN w'Ortllt 1•f pn'al*r. Hos. MR. \InN'.T linx sheave an, Artie. 111t1•re.i thitr'ntlgll :li.pnnlllt:111•.• Mit known no Christian 141.01 lecture on '8(;v- llri,tianit, butt week in (t W.wwl%tock him as 1104 of et"( nl.k•.t .1 tile felt). Hon. Sir Its.. recently it a1d1 w what is hi% of t.lwy mode no effort to put life in- .ta,....,,c 1 11.cl.ml. or forests» c11wntrv, end -- t. the scheme. We will go farther any „t,aeepu► and state that, if Ihr. IIotter" sine his make them ley the aIf same 11utv ns180.�atr1. sew tit to mlinquish all .'*ml then, when theMutilates Bill %Mita us out of the .tete,. for certain elwim to the darter tonsorrow, the ten wtklrr,ss on "lie ?lun.lwy , \114014." ••nak,•r% alight still ernak, but tlwy p eri ilff F. prn.lm•tw chs• Awg Teachers Ra.'ibiliti.•s " At the 9 w't ww'.ertl .ant F.nghlnd to make splP- %cull not invent it hrwas farthing In feed I'on'.ention on Tuesday. *n41 the proj•r•t. However, to prove tial to u• se1 tea t0 spin w Hou R. H sere aT c'r.lict(d 8 CP" whether thaw individuals are men of tnwrkPt ftrr or(I% r *Ian r'I fnrgetfnl of femur at the .wow gwtlsering yerlt.r the fact that our sham! trade policy wctirny ..r merely men .4 month Mr slay on " A.lwptwtiott " in teaching- gu„.. w pr)p.ritiotl to Inv brforr tlwm is foreign to Briti%h trnlitioe and We weeder Mow teeny of theme whoa which. w.' heli.'., will open up an inimical to British interstate. Canasta fere eleeths ago, oei the eve of ten opportunity for further p)eollh0ting as a1 present governed :Igo election, assailed Mr. MOW AT and )Jr' the intere•ata 0f th. pnrprtwl rwilw.y, i• anxious t0 hang on to tie. Mother Gospel are tea iwnd'a w string, but iiewarl't want Rea u eehrllsiwa of the ( end, mwylt•p• take ole (•0,11.101 .if the apron t in to turn w hand to support the Mother actively P.lp►loYtrd $t Pi's"'"s charter net d the kaiak of the Pr"' Land, work sow are the nelesnl►Ars of ant ayWh4* 4 Land, en far y of coon e Loral (1 I above nomad I .. uMMIllirm is eurimaMDi. %hi -h atm duty rid4en to A .degree that is shamefully o, i,, � .. ! Turn out the prem: term of heavy tevea. Is THE :1ineriean elect inns 541a1e years ago the claim wax nettle that the Colelenites were plowing a large quantity of ,. British gold " in tin -tale - Lion ser as to Utldertnine the American protective policy. latter on Sir JOINS MINI lois friends cir•ulat,..l the story that " .lmeri.an gold " was hying freely need wgiiitlat then) to under- mine the N. P. .'*t present w w•re•am mem-. from a Republican organ in Ohio that '' Canadian gold" to the extent of $20,000 has been placed in McKtsl.Rv'a district, with the avower) obp•.•t of elerfeatingli at theepolla the champion of I'ry►t.+ctior► in the United States. Yet w lige while and our only awn Rapine, ,'htier and otter Tory papers will be shrieking that " American gold ' is being freely used by the (rite to confound the wnrjting of the N. P. it's the sante old fake headed morlack, Init it and the Ill! Flag err the only al � *8081 left to the Party syr I1U ladies t1A either ride of the etatID>g NM& KEst1E lion ELL. The \')...i. .511 .t%trney in this Outvote. - with a little "c." 1• M'rittrll •����• WEEK. I affi �uui►ri f`ZwNCiF ri GOSSIP OF THE EFFECT OF THE M'KINLEY THE EGO TRADE - BILL ON ratb.tis Letter seem Mrs. ltlrekall-Tis• Merry ul Illrekall'e Lilo .tesette..d .F- TA• Murdered Iwa.w'MI.-.t ('Madlw. klapr..•td -Canada's F.r.i s Trade. As surtaimel last .eek, the petitions for •lenewcy to the Uovernur-l:•wt••ral la Kir chap's behalf ere not bang signed by Inure than owe in fifty to whm they are presented HO apparent was tb. apathy of the public ie this regard, that the folluwlayt. 41'S1. written' u tow not, parer, eat trios'* to prominent IUmoa of tt'wletock "l'uaunercuo H, tel, Oct.:4, WW1 I hear etre May I see you to situ lb. sconaupau y iug pet tuou for the cons mute Goa of my husbatnt'elrst ale► Isbell, bilged. feel deeply and truly grateful .f you will help use to ave ham front the terrible doom time awaits hon. Yours truly, t't. Mint c 1411 •'MALI.." The letter was is Mr', B.r'11a1'• D.tiilwr*ting, mid .,neral of them were went nut a.1 distributed by a buy to those to wberii they were widowed. The Matey .d the pr*wur's Ulo writ completed by him .elf ea Tbt:ralay. It niake•e hundred pages •.f foolscap. with forty illustration'. The manwoript was put up at audio. by Jailor Cement/too Friday, awl bas Melly knocked down at 11.111, the purchasers bola; retire.-eutaUv.s of New York al Torout.' newspapers. Half of the purchase money eat paid dawn and the Auer ball will he paid nuns sparely after the albs -Pio n to Mr. Birchen. go -hall sawn. 10 have pnsit•veiv no fear of death. and Haute. the English farm pupal ivory for • he whoa nutter. H+ ayx that be doss not pret.ud to he a saint, but that if 11'4 Tests sinners like, fur instance. "David the Sweet S.ng r of Israel- realised sn Interest in have.. why- shouldn't as tmtortunale devil like biuuc:f be pardoned ata} admitted to that delightful de•Waratum. • , o • • • THE STAR least Meek •••11.1••1 Alyn.% itgly the following tree! the Rests» News •' An editor up in 4 u..lerwit a fee Meeks .1440 enlarged bu gaper. and now he 1, Fran• wally cs:lhng Upon the 1'..u1t'. 1 iiiii eel a gtttr'on 4' ectal/Intl is Pool It also•, *iwes. Isn't It." .. t tae'. so. And THE :1.:8.81. Mi)1 cewtinue to agitate in favor 414 .stab Fishing a County P.wlr hems.- for tlw sake ut tie poor fellows wh11 have neither tlw atrility nor mean. to int prove their own pitiable c1'ndition. Them are rums .4 these unfortunates in the newspaper I.Usinesa, toe, and the `star knows fully ti.) well that (;.sle•rich has its mlrese•ntati'.1•. deaf.ee to Genie the R.wtaowdland hh. •17 Ui.�esw New roan, Oct 7A. -A Weuftdgpgge I•.pak'b says. IMr Jahn i'•eltwedhe hes mi- tered to Wsskhagtoe tad on Hecrebry Mame, maitre um Tkttrsdal will renew the oeguteitm,se conks» isg the Bekrteg Hes "1t has flee. •orad," law Kir Julian beet evassi lg, "that m ouaptay with Sir Robert Basi, Wooed d becrotary fur N•wfuuudl•wl, • visit wee reo.mtly paid W tlbuc.eter, Mat., and an *Moon de- livered there as to the eitatih Laeut of rwdprocal theory relaid sic between .tprop s of the• heal fruit Maniere' net an egg bias b••t. e1ptrt..l faun 1'an8rto 1-i the 'toted State. sie, tela M,K try bill clone into force, although fur the quarter ending :: K h Sept. last year there were 1:01. (:"A worth c%ported. In stew of this l.w of market. the capacity of Joins Kull in egg -eating toe - .•.mat•. interesting. Por cher month/tending :ash Sept. be imp rta.l from ("nevi eountrite ides -u ata coot of CY,i/4.' 2'. TDo market ei capable of even greater expanspro, .rad the Cans }tan shlimer is turning hi• at- tettttun In that direction. A. stated, in a Globe caW. the Nr.t t'an:ulau shipmrut has reached Londe'', in satisfactory eontl1te,u, most the peter paid was 10 shillings per IU) othis is British for 1t8* , .,ns .bilhn;p hes• not l tit, top market price f •r tee bet eggs. This I.equal 1.114 o. -tit's per •k,s mn. but t'1 c,-11:16 per uuudr.•d. freight, Toronto to beetle al . gips iambic leak ower fright: so met. Yar-Wen-iiipoing ease eapa�s e1rry•u,; 1': • asase; 7. per east. commtvprl, and n trifling Region rale rate, mu,t he dodo"tel 4 vent. per d01,0 on the err: age---thu+ trek• ti*g tDo lief primp( eggs marketed in Brawn 1. tarusdiatls :docents per doss. Meanwhile OW ,'uredo.* hen cackles as loudly and a, often as ever. • • • the Uuft.d States mod Newfu,a 4ia d. 1 can only ex u that btart' by rates Nat not lung a.'1 received • uoUncatent from Ute Imperial lluverwoeut that his Ko er% beget had • preposition to submit maudlin the wisher of the Newfoundland in respect to tb. 6rherbs question. 1t w.. .1es tired to have ole tnati r pr.ruted to uec'n- gary BIaiw, sad as I was .Leant from lWeekiugtus at the tone taw ;ser rotary. received KrRo- bert. to, r be informally awl hst5teed to what he bad to say, it Marine bun m drntoo.l that 1 would pioseat the matter to hum officially upon • later .xvasu.0 From N a.5Lyltou Sir Rabin .same to Magnolia, Moe "he'. 1 was •top;'(Ug, and stated that be baa 15154181 letters 4o grntl uwu at tikes - meter and wished to obtain Utter ..utments tan the ushers, queettuo I furbished hire with a colveymee and he watt alone W tl Iouort.•r, whence hat rutstroell to his home. 1 dib net go to :k.atoswlwe or any utter pyre In Mea ecuu&etc. to talk t. either Wanner men w' W tah.rmru Liu tbis question: nor did Mir Robert do anytbuig mire than talk Informally. with a view W Dani the drift of seutlurst Su that h all there it to W. Wuureeter .44y.' said the Kritah Mtu:rter. '-Then s ao doubt- bo adder, -that the people of New- tou.dimu.l desire to 41tabllt5 reciprocal relations eitL tis. United States, and that is the sub.tanne of Sir Robert Itcmd's pnl{w titiot, which 1 shall submit W Secretary elbow tku weak. If theware accepted by *ler Majesty'. t:,.;vermtuent it would certainly nanueet a trieutlly desire to -. per"te tett, the limbed rotate. tiue- ar0memt and that .4 tt.ot*t to Wer pros Petite" of the seal coteries acrd Use pre venison of any ,,violatiou of the laws. Team pruptlah. have Lees framed 1a • Mirk of justice and ....immolation. sued MOO Mt oirissat de are to momenta this �. m a Manner honorable to 011 partiseeast worthy the great nations concerned. Now, if Monetary Mame tt disposed to docile the butter .a this plan,' Sir Julian riled in ivoclu•nun, '-there will be sheerly an en.1 W the laehnng Sea t1heriea t.u4w " Regard- ing the littering Mea quests., c., otowed Sir Julian, "1 stall renew to Yr. Blaine my preposition for mrtMtrutioo, for that is the only sure remedy for tD.rxsUng comeki boa v( aRtir'. There Is urgent necers.ty for • mixed Co11111M111011 d experts wide should be allowed at lesat two yawn to mate • thorough examination of Ulu qur.Uoa std a'ablssbm." th lt the results of their eliding* to e Governments interested as speedily as pom- Tor v i• * :..1 the nn sutb•rs of the British Iron awl Stec, Itrtitute, sad of the Verein date weer Eurobuttenisttte. 12) m uumber, W the Crueller ...ppar and nickel tomer at Sud- bury. a toll of pruah.e nr god to tie. .s,un- tl y. At it dinner in their Donor, in leaving Geotel*, the •tatrtnent was numb ou their t.half that Canada peewees! nickel and ,t.ter -- - -• ore. in queutrtiei greater thea ever yet 'net 'THE \1'in halo A,Ivit,e' is of o n- 1( � the eye •d tree». N-4••reup•o 1'aru..la Wu.lte. ion that Tut: a1..%At.s attitude to tlwi that bermode.t wort, is thu, 11..;04 dlsvc ere•g by out.iderv, and well•p.t..xl 1'anadow•s err main lent that other *atrocities .4 a like happy nature are still in store for other amid future visitors to our lend in whatever Ione of natural products they may Dr atter. • • • iliiin•'r flag project is 00 ing to our antipathy to the Empire. !politic•. Not a hit of it. If any Reform jour- nal went into t1n• fake at this time 0f the year for thm purpose of trying to boom its circulation we should IAu_I1 itt the .e•IIr111r.jU!.t A. 111 ueI, a., wr .1.1 At the Empire' s. The thing is :i fake 1)1m.gtai5 evidence was given at tea is_ guest at Cumberland spinet tbe prisuser larocque, charged w:th the tnnrer of the Inu•M.•ot., em the :tn. Two chair.:e. aged 11, testified that the primmer had attempted 1 o result them, anti that be had thrr•te•hd t , t1) get 'per)ple to imagine that the kill tbern if they yelled The jury's verdict t That the guts met their data by Empire is "trooly 100, and tint none strangulation, and that (hint the evldesce was. are genuinely jwttt•ifltlt• mil.•.. the tbev strongly rstect (*r.ivw IAroallw a• stamp of the 11111 Flag in blown on tile rtotill tie guilty ptrt7. Teen erdere.l bi- .1 arrest and committal to ext assign. outsi.1.. That's all them i. t.• -rite • • o • • • Etupire.. Hag ...Ilene.. Its loyalty is The rigid system of internal inspecKbn of All l,I.,o11 1)n the 11ut%i.ir. live wort prevailing In ('.toad., i. beating its legitbnate fruit, and the Fsgtisil p.;rehave .mpt*m rotary r ticlr• him •nlr way of do*agc friss thing.. Tab.- practaral benefit, however, is found In the tact that during the week 19,179 head or live cattle and l*.l'.Si .beep went .hipped from Montreal to Great Britain. ('aa..'a is said to be the only country which rummies live stock bee from pleuro-pe.0.acede. . • THE 1(i111 HAI I. PETITION. A .opo of the petition fns ogle tom mutwtion of BIR,'H %del.'s sentetiw ✓ Ptit'l1wl *0M el Thursday Iuor*,it.g, and is ..pen for signature at FRASER it PORTER'S Iwxinews .tail. :'* revulsion • New York merchants are fighting the Mc - of feeling has recently net In in favor - Kinky bill on the (ulllwing .'ons ltotk,wl points: 1.1, that by its passage the old tariff Law of 1.•Ct twat not repealed. 331, that tide alleged act never peewit ter House of it -pro - rotative" and the Senate: 3rd, that obs bill which did past Owes bodies tan never been prer.terl to the President fur denature anti has never teat approved or signed by W ere. The Ilgbt is h•tag watched wltb ta- of the ., ,J'.: I mon m this section, and w number of signature. have been attached to the petition already. The petition will he forwarded to the authorities on Saturday. The Taylor faro, M the Haw road. at Taylor's cawM tibia has hese occupied by the y far any years, ban hewn routed, tharlighinith member of the family !sodas to Toronto, whoa num of the d•oeht.rs ba hero em- ployed in the public .:hoot for several !cars. The death of Mn thank', Clinton, on Friday. 17118 inst. remnant one who hod hewn a resident of that section for a g reat many yelars. Although living is Clinton for a eoseid.r•M.length nt time, tab was better known in O(derich town- ship, wham eh* lived before going to that town to resiei. Brlumaasis is takine the lead a • tere remedy for Catarrh, Cold of Hasa and Neuralgia. Look at 164 and read o ast try say medicine, and if you are sot satisfied acme to he and get your hog- s* 'Wended to you again: F.Iding,P•rry M,atmd Ropd, Oat. 94th. 1!!110 Des. tits. -1 haw* used you' 'Resta- vaunts and it 6a sued ins it is . great resa.oy. I have so dingoes. in may head now. My longe were of eatod,1 tem ogle bottle of your Ovsasarpa sad they are all right, se i sewer felt better is by li/w E eM I k to all a • ever falba' randy. geed me twelve bottles Rrugsa•glgh and eighties bottles Gyms - earn.. for nanoid i wgldga pies. Tea.. NO 71 Mn Pia. J. tfargrw•e. P...MM.d May A, 1110 PROT. R. J. IL (TORR n*W Tsaday, 11th Nov , w111 we the beginning ..1 the trials in ennns•tion with the contested swats in the Ontario Amenably. Tire are tweety-two of then) in all, and the beginning of the lest is est down for Teeall.y, Jan. 1: Pee. The judges are: Mr. Juagoe Marion - nen, of obs (`sort of Ansel; Yr. JuMhs Ferguson. elf the C*0orery Divides, and Mr. J uno, McM.hoe, fit Use Coaao. Phis Division. There metonym vletlar a each idea politica ••- ••• Gen. Bootle of the Salentine Army, surw shadows the next ma•adl in We book relied "Darkest I:nglaed, and R w t . (let Out." The wk nae i In great eantrast M the furor - al cereen•rsier of the Arne p.opk•, aad ohms .t the reforaettos of ter wam criminal ceww by dmnly chentlete their eavirra. bleats and trait Ingneuriag them by genus ('briatian ,u.4hola. AU good w will wish the Army (►os1 • owed h es* wort. • • • • • • A DUEL TO THE DEATH. Two Neighbors (lmrsd d the Ready Grit Wada It ATLANTA, s;... •kat. 'r. -A duel to the death was fought near Usn*isville ou Mater - day, in which William Manders, a prose - mot planter, was tidied. and William Mar- ta, his neighbor, fatally woundesd. For same tune there bas been Lad bled between the men. Eden had appeared in curt 8s a witness agaitwt the other and iso, er•1 taloa eerier difficulties; hare taken place between them The trouble culminated on seturda7 when the Ince met and began firing. Martin enp1te.1 both barrels of hu eve -1 touter at Sander, Four shots took effect. Any of the. would have bo.w. fatal. Sanders shot at Martin fire Ino.. three from e. pistol and two fruits • gut Three of these toot effect' M artln will die. WHOSE BODY IS THIS t tweed Sleeting in the water at Ole Da.. ttnorrowa, Oet. tr.-About stark to- n ight the hod7 of • young man, apparently about et years oe age, was towel donating 1n the water in the went tied of the Hoedown. H• had red hair and was clothed in corduroy pasts and rest, but no coat and had nn a white shirt There woe nothing to sieentlfy OW heed, A boat was found floating oar, eootain ug a loaded gun, awl there is • hose through the skis apparently awl. by • gen shot. coroner 'Vous( will bold an ipeot to -morrow. t;,rswoll bel Its omeatioa. nye' Della F.rvestelle, tree, awl heiress of 11r. P. Pur- cell. ll P ■ed nellsonair., hew eloped with the ..Lyewmogh-to Mit-father disek.esed hookkeeperal her noel. NY. wee very highly 01.4804. .01 It I net ke.ws who. she .ed H,•wart lavt Well to • . • • t'M.•tiese ere liessegistite ere rte. win there 1. weaken. ake n. roman Tar.. i..lase them was espoota.f to the Uelled Roam, le hilar to crepe thew M••KI ley ►H1, 111017,1112.37 worth of derby jest an Intrear ewer the Sortember terd:a4 wares, et IWO et IIMI. ittm! LIVELY TORONTO. ebasoa.g Affrays, ttr.w.laa AeeMeate mid muse frambees. Toaoaro, lest :X --Darla Deaaally, • tailor, engaged in • Maputo neer Ilayede Hall with Cabdriver Robert Trimble kat nigbt, and drawing a revolver e..d at Trimble, but mimed bins the ball psalmMemohis own band ft. wee •rreeset A dear. s.nn weed Hobert Douglas, who hu bees employed in Ozford-atr.•t, and found in the hay chi mordng. ii. b a widower sad n supposed to beings to Map tan The body was identified by ctie of Me jury after the invitee had bow oOuaed• The Tu.• had been al the water two wart& resignation Of Ald. lloode.d, cbair- aaa of the F.x.c8Nv. Cammltw, was me eepted at the mrwtlag 01 5Me council too**g5t and B was also decided to reduce the tuffs of wards ig oda city from IS to it, tied tan ams •ldrsw for • tens of three years, oat M ream each year. assistshe Wane. lee Per that. Catcaso, Oat ?f. -A cablegram Bea Lomb. says sales eK Meeks malaise today seem made at.. advance of 100 per rat e ver d.ut year's ate. At fhb tai .mob ewe Me skier of the scab 1..sgbt the year w pot epee ala The eldeethigM t.'A.y wall be in M. herbs% cera Ae*(1. Thoe�� today'. prima da slat effort d* .sly the geode Dow on tM retail w het, owears of ekdgs, it Y mid. will raise the prior ateeae 100 par ant. The hooses in pica b dee M the small retch. The Alaska Cempaay had ADAM akin a tit* market thin day • year .go and only 11,OW today. A Claeallon nr...e•d. Kaaren ('iTT, 114.. Oct !7-tillltl•sa CAW, mate of the Bbboelersft 111 overboard in Labe St (.lair Wm art anti oak before help maid math bh. 185 was tib years old, entaarried, sad Meed b M ia.btw, Oat. • p..rb.w• 1111.11/11111111, oat, bet .-T . Berns lineaged Edward known as die Iowa poorhouse, was c esplrhly daeroyed by an night 114D ta,�.hard3slble ware * y un sada( ss clef► hag obey filet Maiegiareal Da5M4 oggliett, Ont, Out 17.-Rtyd y eludes tie la/eskeg.ntlWhaen%at A. J. grow+ WM bribe. We sad - erase wile este o ds. Aa estrum was et ._%d Mu -db Os rmr wham. The thieves ster+d abiug a W Millstream the loch`s» Orr 5.1 Paaway Might ohm* with whisk g the s was teniae dew www W, WM g� aim teibd tree a retlsr. Qantas; Oat IR,-Whes geding tee Mahan thuuagh • bush a bey Jag thidem r ply sash Oce at tae hw.dse a g'• ams lived elf by a Isinte bsatatag with 0. wisps. The Mara gallalnd Ohs • rldse.r and wane gat ger tan 110_,