The Signal, 1890-10-17, Page 7W.ACHE$ON & SON. VV STORE_ ALL NEW GOODS FOR AUTUMN SPECIAL 1 u u ST OP=ENED Black, all wool, wide double -width Amason Cloths at 50c., worth 70c. Special fine all wool wide Cashmeres from 48c. a yard. "BALDWIN'S" best four - ply Yarns at 7 1-2c. os., sold elsewhere at, 12 1-2c. Cashmere Shawls, *1.75, worth *2.50• Knitted Shawls, $1.00, worth $1.50. (NOTE.) Those Goods are bought less than Manu- facturers' price and will be cleared quickly. Very highest Price paid fot Eua and Batter. W. ACHESON & SON. FURNITURE! D. GORDON has now on hand a complete assortment of Furniture, such as Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Tables, Chairs, &c., Window Shades, Curtain Poles, &c. Picture framing a specialty. UNDERTAKIC! I give special attention to thin branch of my business and keep . R required for funerals. CHARGE", MODERATE. 73-3m First door East of Bank of Montreal, West-st., Goderich. Black Velvet Ribbons ALL WIDTHS. EIFFEL POINT LACE, COL'D VELVET RIBBONS, AND VELVETEENS, Now in transit from Britain. w ILL BE ti ;.ttE SOON. ONE MICE ONLY. ALEX, MUNRO, Draper and Haberdasher. DRITV MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE 1 the most Loosing end/Healthful SUMMER DRINK. ASK FOR MONTSERRAT!, JORDAN, - MEDICAL HALL •neinteal Tsetse ea mssesmaninte. The fol owieg are • few of the techni- cal Mer whisk are need by all interested in hones, and whisk 1 • . .bo.1d fosse: Amhle, a .it Sze pacing but slower, in wkieb the two kp ea the same side era aawved toesaber. Appel, the gently tag on the rein gives by the horn at each step. Croup, that part of the hone back of the saddle. Bort, to bear on the bit. Beaking. isaplez vertically into the air with all four feet stiff aad coming to- gether on the ground Elbow, joiat of foreleg meet above knee, lying twit to the bore -_'s tide. Fetlock, joint next below knee. Forearm, that part of the leg between bow •.d keen. Forge, to strike the toe of the forefoot tit Me toe of the hindfoot, usually the alt of had shoeing. Frog. • triangular piens of spnaty nen in the middle of the sole of the o.,t, forming • cushion for the r.riealar n e. I hinders, the trek teeth. Hand, one-third of s food, her inches. Flared ealbp, • slow gallop. (look, joint of hind leg between the tet and the shank. Interfere,to strike the halloos with the Nipper., the front teeth. Pace, • rapid gait in which the fore - ..d the hindfo.x on the mate side owe at the same time end strike the nand together. Pastern, tete bones between the fat- a.d the foot. P' 1 wheeling os the atgs. Pirouette, wheeling on the hind,legpL Poll. the top of the heed between the ser. Reek, a very rapid gait tampltl pieei- pally in the booth and Wert, similar to the •inglefoot. Romania, to bring *shoed to the pea- pendieular. Raseembler, to get tb►horse together wick lou legs well seder him mod his bed p.rp..diselaf. Shank, the parte of site form.os be- tween the knee end lehlook, and the parte of hied legs between hock aad fet- lock. biiglefoot, taught prineieelly in the South, very fast, and in wbi.b only owe toot is put down at • tine. Sprsina sad splinta, 1e hones of the Me.. usually tossed ed strain. Oa the lweshank-tbery are tailed splints and may do no harm, but on the hind lege they are calledsprain' and n m- eetly result in perseae.t $mmene.e. "Stiffs, the point of the hind leg he- teee , the hip and the hook. Withers, the highest point of the shoulders, between the neck arid the back. --New York World. C. C. RAMAILtra & Co. Gewts, --I took s seven oold, whittle settled in my throat uud leap and a•er- d me entirely to lose my vole.. For efx weeks I suffered great one. 11[y wife advised rase to try MINARD'S LiNI- MBNT sod the `deet was atllehisal, her after only three doses and an outward application, my votes returned and I wee able to sneak le the Army that night, a privilege I hod been usable to *.joy for six weeks Gisei es Pianism. Yarmouth. Mesa re's L tetnermi teem Watt In rows. TR SIGNAL. FRIDAY, OCT. 17, 1890. IS 1 FAMINE IMMINENT! TREASON, MORYAH ! HICt(1-111EACH ARO BALFOUR Pfl0- ROUNCE THE CRY ABSURD. Reaawl et she rsMsmsa r Make .ha.ea or., ase& the Sipper Hear• - Th. Tlaade er Rae S- -thing Mare S. Sag as M the *aenw.y Tart& Lennon, Oat *.-The Times says there se reason to quarrel with the United Males ever Me McKinley bid, bet the Ism said about friendliness sad kinship between the two countries the batter The article ergs. Canada to adopt Tree Tiede, as she will then be aide to practwafy exclude America treat oumpe4aton. !.wenn!, Oct. &-The little town a BM - from -Walden, in g•swx, Is the seen. of matt reJMMtag over tbs safe rewru of young Petty front Ckaada, where he is popularly believed to ham bad a narrow escape from the few which overtook hes oompeniou Benwcll. The arrests of the Floce are deet -rated with {lags and *relies, and the numerous friends of we Pally family aro givhi the mound wan- derer a hearty welcome home. THE IRISH NATIONALISTS. '?he Tale et a Trois viv"-Muric-y as "An Envoy of 1.*..." Lorimer, Oro S. -John Morley delivered an address at tSwurdou last night. Replying to criticisms on his receut 'womb at St. Helen's toe rldhuled the Wes that Leesu.e he bad men a Cabinet Minister he should blindfold Himself to affairs its Inland. 11e What William O'Brien, ¥ P., wee Arrested Par. leo Counsels chs altesg•e toast Clete lilies aad (Mariana thee .1 asarvau3st lee - lead watartaa tram : L•NloN tut•ht eats U.Mta Castle solo. Oa Sunday, September 7, William tYltriee, M. P., sue..snully mailing the police w Mallow, proceeded to Media, where ke sedrea..d . uicottas of the testate* on the Leader mime, in the cen- tre a nue ut the -suppressed"' districts u/ Uuhallow. The perish priest of Mee - :in, Father O'Keeffe, preceded ; and en address to Mr O'Brien, on behalf of the people of Meeltn, wan reed Ly Iso Her M. C. Kennedy. Then Mrlr'Urian made • speech •kick pr01111.es to Mesons* historic, and which has afforded the Government one of u. pretexts for ha lstr.t arrest. We append the "troaruttabte" portion of it : "Our chairman of today has referred to the fact that there a before u* a ier- . ibis and bitter and heartreadiug season, w far as the small farmers awl the la- borers ot Ireland are c .utanted. But I veuture tuuy thin it it 111 be their .: esu fault and the,ruwu crime if a siuyle wan, woman r child uses of entreat' u w fr.luid tette winterin•country th.thostrodaedf cd euuugit for three Beim V. popu'at maid what p4aw.d hent utorc shares lroiui; a :heels). So far u the small .trugglwg Minister woe belag an envoy of peace uud termer. are rout thio wincerned, it they pay one hope frier the democracy at Eaglet l to the penny of rout thu winter unci{ eke wants teed the uecresat►es democracy u! Irelaol. Every word he had of their families are wW Eraghshra about tappemn:s fa lreiasd amply and honestly pr n ided for, then wan true, and Ise esu glad to have trIpe.i in I say tutu their own heads be the corn - the exposure of the magisterial eel::urit.os .cyueuces; and they have no business Ho Mame! the Minister -a (or tis condition ut gwug to make beggar¢ appeal. for alms the Crimes Court in Tipper ry(tw co the Irish remThey wall have to describing use distress in the emigrated die ler .k to Mr Balfour aid his sublime tel_-tsof Ireland, Mr. Morley suggested that scheme ret preveauti! Irish starvation by • • remedy was eveilabl, uy renewing true :aakenttg a homes of ight railway. (cheat proposals es W the Irish land Bill made w mid laughter . As far u the lab';ren loll and invite the cu -operation of tin ere a�sacrrneu, { sows say for myself. Irish landlorla giving on'y my own opinion, that I at btl11are they would be perfectly within Sir Michael Hicks -Beach, speaking Olouoseter yesterday, described lir. Mwisy's their digiti in demanding from the saimmsnwregard iug ma „penance nu ire,.Board of Guardians, if u, mrd• cies sill lend as a traveler's tale. The recurrence of du it Mur them, wherever their potatoes eke fan". of 1}04, be maid, was tmp,awit.le have been ruined, that they shall re - under the changed wn+litiun of the p„p.- ceive lite value of their crop, and if the The Government had taken measures to pre- Board of Gusrdieus have the courage to vent any exteuded buffering on account of deal out relief in this wetter boldly, I tho failure of crops, and was wilhug to ac- . itmk we eau promise that we will hem °opt sultssatlot, nude w0 good faith from ail mer the extra relief out of the (ioveru- gaarters for the promot1oa of comfort •red anent, whr. in the face of this great ua- prospertty among the poor its the lead. Its tionl misfortuu• hare to thing to show hlrui,.stuo the problem must tx solved by except golfing its Eozlaed and light r.it- helping the people to help aliesnaelvea 'mein Ireland. If the small farmers light Hon. Mfr. etanlx.pe, itecrctary tar and laborers of Ireland who ere threat - War, made a speech at Horncastle la • cooed with distress and with famine this .under strain. He declared the alleged winter take my advice, they will look tuning in Ireland only existed in the irnagin. for relief, not to Mr Balfour, but they anion of the Parnellit.s leaders end Am ra= will look for relief to the example of anglers for rho Irl* t vote. seen like the men ot Moulin, and of men Referring to the new United States tariff, like the men of Tipperary (loud cheers). he {relieved it was directed lure ly against Believe me, if you bad a Tipperary England and Canada, and that it would do planted in every county an Irel.ud you Canada *creme injury. The working classes would find mighty few Smith -Berrys in England would suffer to a large extent, (eines) to undertake schemes of eviction but the. eater injury would be done to the in Ireland this wetter. The fact of rt t. Americans the:n-selvea. It behooved the the Irish race throughout the globe are 1 . to Ibal fresh outlet* for Bribe sick of tppesls for alms fur men who avast will slavishly band over those alms to idmaae Yates' irsaghterd•.-taw io Oswr, the pockets of the landlords in the shape L..FMUT, Or:. x_ -In the Bow -at: -.et Polies of rents. Bat the Irish race are not Court to -day Maud Yates, aged 2s years, tired, sod will never tine of speodinc, if was sheeted by Edmund Yates, pro, oeceaaary„their last dollar, and to shed priw:or of The World, with turg- their sat drop of bloat to support the Inc sod uttering checks In his nems fight of men like yourselves, and to sop - for 6100. Yates deposed that the prisoner port the battle t f the mea of Tipper' sea the wile of his son Frederick• but bad ary, because that battle zone down llv*t apart from him for some time. He to the root of the whole pies - had allowed her £4 a week. WWhse going tiny, and you recognize, and away on holidays last spriug he lett a auur :the men of Tipperary reaistnize. that what tor of sigmd cot.cks with his recretary to is doe matter in Ireland is not the potato send to ber. One of thew had been sent blight, bat the landlord blight and the without the remount being Iliad in, and ski• Dublin Castle bl-ght (chasm). And Mea M iud Yate' had atad° owe fur 1:I00, tour battle and the battle of Ti Bail was granted her In two sureties of £100 is • battle to the di nth against that w rae mob. infernal system of landlordism and Cas- tle rule that boatmen worse tee thousand times than the potato blight to keep hun- ger and famine haunting Una fertile land ofoun (cheers). At all eceots,whover is in terror of hunger or famine this winter in Ireland. there need be no fear of Women- Res rieleee Alter •Tb. Rippon” hunger among the men of Meelin, or Lornnp, Oct. &-The police are ciesele among any other body of men in Ireland welshing for Jack the Ripper. They haus who are fighting the battle of Ireland added • number .f woman detectives, vela (cheers). The whi le resources of the alightly prowl through the.quead thoeo.gb Irish Parliamentary party with Mr Par- don's/ sf Wiiiscttapel. 613w -towed not far away troll at their head are pledged to you, and b/ mwbsre of the regu'ar tore. In tae{ the purses of the whole Irish race no polio* era .mpiuying tbo very elan ot throughout the world are pledged to woman that Jack hes heretofore sclsctei es goo (cheers). Somebody tells me that ha *Musser bolds( by this d•vlm to ealsk Lora Salabery is calculating that be will �s red -boded in the .el prevent me frotq going to America this winter by his daatsnlly little notice from the Bankreptoy Court. That is what this hove sod meenanileoes Coer- cion Ooveen.ent are radioed to after four years of removable law end of police law i. Ireia.d-a step of meanness lied wlignaoey to which a powerful Govern• me-it.I venture to sey,nevr was redoeed before (cheer). Well. It remains to be seen whether Lord Salisbury wilt figure much more triumphantly than he figured as a runway libeller sad blackmailer (cheers). Bet this one thing is certain, that for the one pound that I owed get fee our Irish struggle in America, John Dillon will receive £1O if by any disrep- utable dodge or rickety Lord Salisbury should prevent ae from him, bonen-sod remember this always -the Engltsh Government is now dealing with • united and d.termimd Irish race. Irish hearts are in this cause who know that the Decease in this genera- tion depends upon the aerie of struggles like this, and who, as I have said already, are prepared to spend their last shilling aad to share their Int eruct with the men who ere our nation's snldien, and who will yet be our nation's deliverers" (lined cheers) Father Kennedy heartily ewdntre•d Mr (YRrien's advice to the famine -threaten- ed people : "If the people of DuhaIlow and Ire- lant• would (ergot the timely warnings giver Mem by the people's leaden, it would aerm them right if famine welt eons no. them and scorch the remnant that °ppnnnes had lett in the country, H. wee ee,fident that so t tieet•fermer of that diwerist .call part with the har- vest until los had fed and clnfhnd has diadem. ; and sesuty though that har- vest was, if they were just to themselves wo.uwomw, N.7. test 11-1ho ser the? woold b. ep•sed the n owmity of nes minim is New Laid has seed[.pr fiat themserlves as meedieent. bio The defier Oamp..211.y has w Ao11Rw /.sleaders tee day tile p /• wring and eR Y gtit4tmg I asa�+l were dw/rmf.d es.. Isiah proeetdfap bad Passed (.bs*ra)e- !ha cry of &mor•al Panelists Aboard. l.o.ous, Oct. 8. Secretary Balfour my, %be •ry a a general fa: nine in lreiand b tataurd sed the authorities will be able to re 1we all saw of real distrsma les alwer Aeddvt a RarmeR IOwnott, Dec & -Advise§ from Raegoo I nn& Burmah, Watt that • mail trate war Ihrwwe from the track near there, Ionise alma psalm end Injring t0. An iavereige Mae was made ee M ab taw d the that. dent mad it was dlseswed that the tine hal bees tampered with. Rosas of lire. M. Deer. bowooa. Oct. S. -The body of We. Boo*h, w mile at tb C Ctief of w tl eheri lm Array, Nes le Web M Cheese Malt Thousands of pennies w filing past the eaten. Elaborate preparations are bdq mads for the funeral, whish will tab pis.. at Ahusy Park on Twa day. A have been mads for railway accusal.. from all parts of the .smutty. A r-geis oaf/Plea will bo bad on koada7 sight, r Oiysepia, where awe win b tats for flt,MS fry h saes eerier* will t The Mall - venom Army will tare net win hand@ and banners and to tell uniform, wtr a white eottos band on the right arm. A MURDERER'S CUTE DOGOE• No Leave. Jail, •1. Wire carrylag the Day. os.:srrviLL.a. R C , ckt :. -"Bar Howard who le under ssuteasts of death for ,hen rem der of • eoatederaas 1n the moonshine whisky baths= over a year ago, escaped from prince ►ss. y. ..hay. Howard's wife was aiowei to speed** night Is the cell with her has band Ytaaa•day Howard dreamed In he wife's clothing. tame down the slats of the prism with an bfset 1si his arms, end bee lag the baby at a relatives' s' home, led beton the jalier had diesoversd the trick fiat bell hem played CO bin. Mea Reward, who is haven mountain girl et 17 years, mow sees pin the salt vacated by her heshent Collapse. of Another wlrika, KING OR KNAVE? CLEARING 6ALHI d PROTOEAPH ALBJMS, A Thrilling Dram- atic Novel 8Y R• E. FRANCILLON. tieplete with Incident and and Full of intense Ex- citement from Start to Finish. This recently published novel Is one of the best that tho au- thor has over written. The plot Is slowly and dearly developed, and by the time the reader has got well into the story, he can hardly lay it aside. It a tale of mcdern life. A" man known to half the country 43 the wealthy and re - .pec : J hcz d c: an angient banking house is at the Sam) time t!'c heti head of a ;,sty of coiners. He Is also an e -- caped convict. to each of hi3 modus of ;i`e he has a w! t,. The daughter of the convic' becomes engage : to the bosom friend of tho banker. The lov- ers are kopt apart and do net meet until the end of the story. This double life :::ads to ma.1y exciting episodes. The banker runs for ment, Is knighted, and Ila 3 other honors sho'.vered opo i him. The convict Is b?ing hunted bi the police and every moment the trail gets hotter. -hoc x- citement is t-::ly inters throughout the •tory but th highest pitch Is reached at th 3 conclusion. Tho finale is vary dramatic. A realistic tone .Ind a vein cf cleverly sketchc i humor runs through the novc ::. Th3 pictures c the election contest and riots, the murders, and tale coiner's den aro vivid In their dc.cri't've coloring. :1 TO READ THE NEW STORY SOON TO BE COMMENCED IN TIIESE COLUMNS A THRIEI.ING TALE OF LOVE AND CRIME. KING OR KNAVE? POR Two Weeks Only. ONE-THIRD OFF RETAIL PRICES 1 Full Cloth Bound Albums for 25 cents. Full Leather Bound Albums for 50 cents. Plush Albums from 50 cents up. Remember this sale will continue for two weeks only. muSER & POPITER, Central Telephone Exchange, Cor. North .t and Square. THE PHARMACY -cap is Mehly caloable for t1 .1 o11 hareem. the oiling ot boy, rri.t,c and b�,,�� tops. and U res , 1 to the etoanetnit and healing u rales .•.. galls. wounds. cc.. etc. , - 25 CENTS PER ctk Fur NIe li). 3-EORG-E RHYNAS, Court House.S,ure Neat Geo. Acheson dry Cederlclr T goods Bore. Cattle Chains ---New Patterns. Crosscut Saws --All Makes. Cutlery ---Table and Pocket ---In Endless Variety. Chopping Axes ---At Your Own Price. General Fall Goods ---Stock Complete. ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES! R. P. WILKINSON & Co., Hardware. SAY, 010 YOU SEE THE BOODLE T aoha aa_ Pxo,zafooe Is givir;; the LARGEST PRICES for FARMERS' PRODUCE in town at his store. where he always .. s on hand • large sock of =r-zr G-ccclo, GROCERIES AND CROCKERY, FLOUR AND FEED. It will he to the pulilic advantage to give him a call before going elsewhere. 2.117 - THE FASHIONS. A iterwey et Jeanie, that will taternst the rate eel. Fancy ;topped_ flat and round crochet buttons. Fluffy white and colored ruching* for the neck. Large and small tiosel cords for trim- ming Ilam Collarettes of black net tipped with tinsel edge. Large and small ostrich tip., especial- ly to blink. Feather plash tops in light colon for evening wear. Table comes of Japanese l silk and satin. Galloo.a of , shaped like (neem on the edges. Large bonnets of surab for children of two yeas@ or more. Yellow folds to wear in the neck/ and sleeves of black frocks. The real Japanese silk fur evening and bridemaida' goose. Black close fittine jackets haring V mapped yeses butonnd in. Pendants a Flo..rtioe mosaics set with pearls sod diamonds. Velvet two shades darker than the dress goods for combination. Silken waterproofs in striped grey and black and rd and black. (Quantities sof the itelleek china fur useful aced ornamental purposes. Fancy black woolen braid tor trimming shopping and hack dresses. Yellowish tan gloves to wear with the fashionable black and yelkw hats. Brimmed hats straight in front, turned in the front and narrow in the back. Fancy fall jockey Baps of ch,lh for ladies' travelling and children'. school wear. Heliotrope, deep red, steal gray and grayish blue .sleet for reception toi- lettes Flak, green and yellow brocade* for vests and narrow panels os black alk ewes. Katie brocaded with silver bow knots, wreathe end Louis XV. design. for wed- dlg drones. Large green and hlue plaids fnr gowns having dark green, blue or black velvet or silk sleeves. Cashmere, camel's hair and Freneh .ante to combine with silk cr velvet foe dressy church and visiting gowns. Light shades of ladies' Oath, pearl gray, suede and blue, for visiting or house toilettes, with large sleeves covered with black braiding. Black Hst,rietta and ladies' cloth for sleeves and pane!. of black or e„lnr.d dresses, which are to be cowered with close black braiding•-DryGoods Econo- mist. fm.ertat federation Will present an opportunity to *steed the fame cf Dr Fowler's Eluent of Wild Stem wberryr,the on failing remedy forehol- era, cholera morbus, colic, cramp., disc• rives, dysentery, and all summer com- plaints, to every pan of the Empire. Wild Strawberry never fails. 2 gr a rival/y MMiest. A burglar got fast in the window of a hauseccupied ddhn son. J hn is a bymoralist, i and h• unh, of wed himself and ret down on the chair and talked to that burglar for two long hours without • break. Then the burg- lar asked to be either knocked nn the head or let go, and ler Roach talked to him one hoer !ringer, mod titer tuff.rd him t.. depart. Equal !labra All have eriesI right• in life and libel, iy •nd the pnreuit of heroines, brat many are handicapped in the nee iy dyspepsia, hiliouseess, leek of energy, nervous debility. weakness, catestip.- tion, etc. By complete! rem(•ilea thele complaints Burdock Blood Bitters eon - fen untold benefits on all sufferers. 4 Vel tha$• that R. shears s. a.y, !. Jo,tr.e.i Aa.sane! tells of an awk- ward compliment : He 'Pim my hover, madam, 1 should hardly here known yew; you have 51110.1 so rbs.R. She archly) - For the better or for the worse' He -Ah, marker, yogi meld truly ohmage for the Netter it takes mere rei,ponn en bald a one level i. • hare• •-&ds than it dos. M maks bile *lest --rep ,aeeting.