The Signal, 1890-10-17, Page 6.41,' • 3.• 4 1 '• • •Ipti COLBORNE BROS. MI s, I1L1 C1-=sdis3 DRESS GOODS, MANTLES, MANTLE CLOTHS, SHAWLS, HOSIERY and GLOVES, Nearly all of wi,ich are direct from the European _ Markets Velvet Ribbon. Black Silk Velvets CHEAP I i" Call and See these Goods. COLBORNE BROS. o 1T-407E.A..2.4'S rco' Hair Restorer C,1 4„, nr. BEAUTI R110 SOFTNESS, Gael HAIR :4. ORIGIN AL' Keep! the bead (less. Cool zed1 rre from Dandruff. Cures Irritation and Itching of the Scalp, Uives • beautiful glass and perfume to the hair.proeuoes a new growth. end it.l.top the fainter out in • few days. it in not soil the skin or the most delicate head dress. IrL DIRECTIONS WITH AC11 BOT- TLE. Try it arid be cnvinced. ilr:re Fin) Cents por BotUe. Refuse alt Surat ruirs. 1101.1 AOID1V VOW (I R. Spencer Case, Chemist and Ih111151Ist. NI KAI.: Hamilton. Oi.i Bold by F. Joid - - ii"est. 1. _ THE SIGNAL, FRIDAY. OM. 17, 1890, • .0 •11,,,,,,4.040..1110,10•61..111161101.11.0 impoinnImMINI•1011L..M I I I . rakalligre A NOTED OUTLAW KILLED. The mat km=1E. a am.. MILER'S EXECUTION hoe *weep* I IN HMS CELL. the id MAO - Nee" UM' bln.siessei I. dirmaillst iirllasest Thai OFFICIAL REPORT Oft Oft sad , it delletaa 16.5 DONAU). ARRESTED, JAILED AND SHOT DEAD Pale brood, tt 114111 elbee "ea the "thee° the"- ill-liesiltb, SIB inettects and • weak, SW 6:FillisIgall 111411:1"." '. Fir:ren°1:1" ?we erees Sginandst Inns he • 1 disportioa. quad hediettee Moss Tor rood health, and • good ebersetwe Biaitteunin, Al.., Oct 11. -Rabe Bar- istleaw"ItieTtWerentsilwahavb"• ItatidpipenedeY. Themaymillesbe 11 aliffenigirsa asactinilluwal"auf 11.47w11:111chlaile:incoiser."4, theca Astra Metals Leaked ts Jell Re Mae eines disposition_ Thick told red. it be. i Alswir, this. ...__" ins pirocotctosa se isame Deed b7 the elliertilf rows. whom arrest was chrealcrad reeleedair told by the poiuts at trio& they have "mime ot ouRawww4 o.tiwkiisu siesplig case "AMA Alba killed in Linden rad early this marked the Line The shorter the 1100 v. siotrima „wawa k", ars, rioo1 - ver7 and he has been Eaoralad b7 the aweff and guards- They the shorter the his ; sod , this is rather sum The mart w (rum she pes of Dr. allege he was trying to storm startling) from the purest which the lies ou.toe p. itimnonskt. who bed coarse el the Inuectrotri, Ala., Oct. h. -John McDuff., terminates in both halals may be scour- njwinnon, nnd „db. cangoily every break in the line efaara07 onPeured Bebe BulTows tide atm' is always so dines, ; th.szwesuou,. giving' audiffliphic.ecoun ""unauata°11tle &ad mid others meet out by the Southern Rower coo, predicted toe lime of debits. A 4., a neon in Hoath marsuso- Burrows had if in both hands, there is always a grave Ameripttone of au tbe tietaiis of machinery Owed ha rah to fibs sonar ed tae mole of • danger of death, esp.-tally if the lower cod it, ~kings. usetber ..a. the aerie house which he had elaterith. but had bill re- bran& of the line torus in toward the mraphie Do.. or toe autopsy. ',obvert 10 lila rocifiet- The &Mel eughlild thumb. Hay, across the hand from the -6,.. hicedoocot Noe; For obvious resimeas Idiu in . ' • and this grabbed ham' tree of the thumb always denote wor- the only moms of determining the question of by bis hand., preventing bis shooting- ries, and the sge at which they occtar is death RIO by ocular ef . . 110 taaa Burrows freight the darkies useintully °Ail ' always shown by the point at which the it oratiot be poatively asserted tbat Um heart's McDuffee sod others cot 1010 1115 house whelk rays Waimea, e. Th. • line c 1 head," action entirely coured with the outlet al u0 - atter $ desperate etreff8lei tbaT alaanaadad in which is the next great line iu the hood ittplia. .ning the, thougasesholintheall probabcumailit.urtyatiiseded: coatlannall and care aslY laaag 'v'lit 116°' ' -it extends from between the thumb perado. MeDuace weld to Ltletha Jail ad. and forelniger throes to the third linger dual rapt '''llie inalant the contact leas 1 aftermson with burrows strapped band mad -eh Juld he clear and veli closed, with- wade bodily reteration, motion end eewe'°''' 1°01 18 110111 of awe 00 his aerie. 1311111 "pal ' out fork, break or nonificatior. Pole nen were ateolutely seopeaded and • loathed -baad °'' °n° '''1° 504 1551 ea the °thee' and broad, it indicates Nobleness or lack so whales rectrkal contact was mainfauned. There were originally the men in the Bur- i'd Intellect ; but if it is long and strung Al the sod of 17 semode Kemuder was pru- ner. was 54)O reward for his capture. it denotes self-control. The third nou01ncod dead, n000 Out witheines dissent rows' gang and all five have been &orate& b - N, man is uow at large "00 can my that he line is the us of the heart -the line trig, and the warden stymied to have the sweeping front the forefinger across the tact broken. enrich Was tlOOR When the bee ever mbbed e tiuutheru "Pr's' trail'. beeid. If it &COM right .os*, it indicatie ithetrical contact was broken Use conditiou Burrows01 Burrows and his gang. excessive affsotion, resulting in • morbid I of rigidity was instantly succeeded by one of Th Ru About $10,000 ball been spent in the honer. - - - , be ' life furnishes an exciting •in•eterate jealousy. If it is chained, the suebfjoiscutrtihs 1..1 lythe 1i1 for uscula. r., r.elazatioos. II piece of criminal histdry. He vras born in n dirt. 'limy, ery thin st.d i body remained motzuukeei and appareno bare, it is the sago of murder ;rhe j ors -half war of the Rebellion and is about :V years great hoe in the hand is of h that otune, . nathoto, when there occurred • series North Alabama about the beginuinz of the the old. His first crime was committed when which noes through the whole hand fruni , of slight spasmodic movement. of nellsard.e Lasdasessi le teed by leblearliallez we was it, yeam d. A anion oicomp.0411.the slat to between the second and thud elienw . . . ot 1 by theexpuumisioninosOftb.• ___ were out huntuig 005 day when a dispute lingers. If it atm ta from the line of en I amount mucus troin Timely Wisdom. arose over some trine and Burrows killed lite, it slums that one's fortune results There were no evidences of return ("un - (least mod timely wisdom is shown by how from one's own desert.: rising from the lielotlaneet or bodily eeniation, but in view of wrist, it is always • sign of hood luck. 1 the Postibilil" that lite wee not aa°IY keepine Dr Fowler's Extract of WI'd Along in 133, whet. Burrows was • mere H. Twisted ur ragged at the base, it inch- extinct Gaff In artier to la" Do rah for cholera, cholera morbus, diarrInea, we„ ti,eir cutpuriii•thabandy inguia, thtev". ..-::i cater ill -lock in early life. The line of the current weft ordered to be reaPPlied. whisk/. wo- - f which was done within about two minutes Strawberry on hand. It ha. no equal youth, be organ dysentery, colic, cramps, and all sum- sold it to the fanner* up in his neighborhood. henillt conies froth mho base of the 1100 t mer complaints or looseness of the bow •Burrows, it is said, trial couuterfeiting life. Clearly treced, it seldom exists in pow U38 Ulm. t13. an‘ ClUitaCt WI. tfil3"U' . ' - . els. Dr. Macdonald griped that Kemmler died d pit adhesive to press car of r.10,0Uu. Jim Burrows was cap- these rules ; but the expert in chi:ow- ,...' '''17. and micent•fullY carried out. In &Bach in reading sueh hy . -aag that death was ' i the wide . Dr. As. THE ITICliT BOO --io sow en A. E. PRIDHAM'S, doing so well with it that some of the other fellows are TRYING TO GET INTO THE SWIM. The Great Remed.y CATARRH. .• Bit ITCMIANSIA Warranted ,• 2 snowy, but was unsuoceeeful awl gave it up. • han , bot, w hen It lefound, it u a H. nextestopade occurred near Para Bluff, sico of good heelth, gayety and success. inetentlY and the intent and Purpose 01 do •s. Lareilent Cower. Ark.. three years ago. Ile, his brother Jim There exist, of course, in every hand inn "0 effect leaden nod Ithinthis aelth lo A cement of uoiversal adaptation, that Borrows and Nick Thornton robbed an ex- lineal which de not come under any of the execution of criminals had bees cow - any imbiber:cc, has been • desideratum tared and 11,211,13t -ed to ibe • • • . • fur 017 bag U3 1 y and to its realization Professor Alex. 9i years. After that rubbery Now and Nick reference to their positiou with regard IA) , .!eaeli el)e- Netwithethad ag is readily an perrnane y Winchell appears to have soccer( oily di- :l. tem a •eaanetai retorts of the Thornton concealed tixemoilyes in a little but the principal hoes. - _ ocntice of irenunler and the efforts which After a while they came oat from their re teen made to proclaim it • failure and toted his skill as • cheniist. lie method in the inountains sear Vernon. - is to take too ounces of trom-arabic, one What Mrs Grusids Sees. on Mast it with an sir of reptillon, brutality and one-half ounces of fins starch, .Ed fort end monied tusking whillitlr- That a great many wealthy people do and horror, it is confidently believed that one-half ounce if white sugar, the gum when all the facts in tbe case are rightly On the night of Dec. 1:" last, s athe north- not appreciate $ luxurious life. ' bound Illinois Central expreas trait', No. S, II tion by electricity He has a new line for imitators now. and that is T.LA-1:30 _edit 1 In this department he can suit the most fastidious and satisfy the requirements of every purse. being then pulverized and disso ti:e same iluantity of water as ie corn- was pulling out from Duck Hill, a small 54a - sty employed in laundry operations tion midway between New Orleans and St for the quantity of starch indicated. and Loon, the train VMS stopped by masked men, both starch and sugar are dissolved in Hie expreso car entered and $35,0110 stoke the gum solution, the mixture being now A paseenger named L. nester Hughes who of - suspended in a vessel in bAline water fired rftbinnee nee shut deed to We tracks- until the starch becomes clear. The ce- In July. Itesti. Burrows ordered 18.111 11001 • ment should be as thick as tar, and re- Onotffo firm under 1111 alma Be directed main so, prevention from spoiling being 'hem to be seat by mail to Jewell. a post. insured by dropping in • lump 1 Rum oRice near Vernon. The postmaster refused camphor or • little oil if cloves or 11111011- to deliver them. Old man Gardeoerthe fres This cement is so very strong and postruarter, became angry at Darrow*. threats and ordered him away. Burrows A SURE CURE 1 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. R. J. K. WIRE, Sete Patentee and \1 '-irer. GOOKI:ii 11 ()NT. tenacious that it will hold immovably to glazed surfaces, will repair broken rocks, killed him. Some women who were near minerals and fossils, and has mourners- rubbed in aa 5000 51 they hoard the ebooting. ble sdeotatioos io the mechanical and in- He tipped his hat to them as they entered dostrtal arts. the door, and selecting the best looking one in the crowd threw his arms around bar Wawa's Wild Cherry hes been pre- neck and implanted a very thirty smack on pared by Archdale Wilson et Co., Whole- bee lila' He thea quietly waikad 10 111. sale Drinosts, of Ilan:ikon, for nearly bone. tipped bis hat again and galloped twenty years, for the core of Coughs, *way' Since that time moray efforts hare Colds, Croup, ele. It has no equalbeen made to capture Burrows, but ito officer Take no substitute but get the wenuine ha* Inlet."'" in 1a) "la "ride ea him until with white wrappers. -- - is the Twig ti Seat. Wiggles -That boy of yours is a groat talker. What are you going to make of hiss, • lawyer? Soiggles-No, • barber. Bodench Steam Boiler Works A Cairo bachelor who, the "ad. said, was "81 years old, but rich," has received 260 applications from ladies willing to be his wife --and risk bis dying pretty soon. r.sinblieked Is., latow.I.r-Tft& tale tberd1 tur I ha1f•ssie4 then tweed ? Chrystal & Black Cmomsi:ii-err;;..t-Ire....1. how, zz:••,....t. WOLolLia:: and are n lisnufsctorers and dt..1;t r• in 1 Stem Dollen.. Sall Pone Task., ticaism, Wolff sAcmEBlacking gninketitaelts ni kinds t.,1 Shell* I I. It the RInrkft i j .1..r Men, Write and i oit 1 or ••••0 Kn. atilefreo, SI Elli(IR,••• ) down:lion. rt.. RICHEST nr.Arl: roust): 'pc Fr 1.1121 con .414 ring Leather Iralerproof mid 'hove& No Rork. A Aar Lads a Week. i 4 t ems, nit 0i1 4404. Improved Anton, leek l'ime,nt and 11 Whiner) and Cern. Tier Briar totting.. Pipe Month on hand. 11.1 orders will rem.. P prompt at titian. re Waks Sew. it. T. it. Mallon. Ca. Repair+ prompil. aitentie4 10. *155 P.O. BOX 362. 'PLANING MILL ESTAILISKO IIISS Buchann & Sou, “3,-V SILSR, DOOR and BLIND linallees In all kinds at ins be renedovi t wo or, The Mosel .1), twin!, for nernrss. AAA weeereheme Otatartsri Co A1/0$5 for Oda, III Zoe 111 er „ Tweets. Oat. C. SEAGER, --Mee la Meloanim-sw 1105. THZ BAIEBALL ATTENDANCE. Complete Return. of the National and Players18113 -id the National of '89. Appended is the complete attendance re turns this season of fill. Players' and 540 Na- tional League eels's, and also of 5.90 Na- tional lasagne games last season. Borst'n is the Players' League leads all cities in the matter of attendance, with Philadelphia of the sem • . sager next. Boston la the National League also leads the eitiesof its cloth and Philadelphia conies next. Pittsburg of the :gentianl league ha. had the large number of ARM people .1 :1 g amete Ora prim of admire°. being 25 meta, or an *ritual average of 305 people and • half, the half being a email boy who came over tile fence. navies' t111001.. 100 Attend Average ?tea. Oemes owe creme.. &atom -3 197.W e755 Nee York. + 51 101.113: 00 he.statlyn 012 79.171 1101 Philadelphia 45 17*(310 1101 buffalo . Oh NI WOO El: 148.0176 091 117.113 10111 00 tlerego Totals on weir me 01118011AL tAAars. Attend- Average nem Owes. awe. At'deem. Hoehn ....... In 147.51111 ON New 3 ark es tow 911 Broolinti 74 111.411 1141 Philadelphia ni illania 2447 tlitrineuiti .. 73 111,00 lair liiiiirago 14 WILVIS 1.6 • 1/9 1 47.09 15(54 411 41M - _ Totals ale stirs lux PISTIONAL LEAS rt. 1010. At tend- Anomie Tiara 0•118116. sem. "Lorre* promo to ottma con Neer York 01 011.019 900 eboadeitra. 0 MUM , 4161 W1'4.114040 10 18101 foranapellia. se 14141/10 INN Mirage 111 151.00 2138 To 117.3114 111 I1..= ...... SI 144.481 00 _-_ - Tatak.. • •• see.. .51) LISA* teld That other people's money gees intounderstood Ibm the beta incident to the racing /moon. WIU be regarded as • successful experiment In spite of defects of • minor character That society's interest in • variety hall the important fact retoatustbat unconscious - dancer is confined to a few. owes was inmar Uy effected, and death wee That • fresh lot of immoral novels /swam The . reflex movements has just been placed oo sale. after the first current were, the Doc - That the multiplicity of comic papers tor Boys, othing compared with very much adulterates the wit. those woolly exhibited by animals That the fashionable mother keeps her enedenlY decePiinied. and which usually daughters young as long as possible. aintinue for some seconds or even minutes. That less athletics and more study If tiv.7u7sinalParniki:tes bodyte' r isinjseitaiitY would be • good thing at some colleges. remaooctact w" broken them certainly was 05 That the acute of happiness with some co„ciou, people is when they are talked about. Compared with bangles, in which death is That women were created for SOME- frequently produced by strangulation with thing better than everlasting devotion to every indication or COMVIOUS suffering for dogs. an appreciable time on the part of the vie execution by electricity is infinitely pre ferabie fish as regards the sieldenness with which death is effected and the expediUon with which all the immediate preliminary de tailrmay be arranged. The report re-octane:ids that there be but That every nom who makes • will that one plant for execration of criminals by treee- does not please the heirs is, of course, tricity, located in the central part of the State in a building especially comdructed for that purpose, and that the voltage be not less than 1500 nor mare than WOO. SECRETS OF A CONVENT. Cent's Furnishing 51art, MeLean's Rim Mats. Moloodol••••••.... ono nonom..o. TO THE LADIES. Try Our Oxford Shoes FOR SUMMER WEAR. They %re svarmatedloot to slip upsad down on Use ibeel. which ;outset Ise seed 411 oilier make. NEW BLOCK1 -05essite the Mastgli.-ar itriBEH. LATH, SHINGLES 'sender's material of every deliert10010- Money to Land )1 Furniture a SinciiltY al Siglial That there are a great many Jekyll - Hyde nien among our "best citizens." That the hanpiest people are those not dependent upon the society of their n eigh hors. Our Russet Oxford Shoes ere • decideensuece s. Theo it nothing like them for summer wear. THEY ARE ALL OUR OWN MAKE! and guaranteed to ere satisfactioe. crezy. That the snobs are looking around to see how they can have • notorious sea - MOM. All rips sewed free of charge. Boots and eliseefed • superior Quality made to 110110t. JOHNSTON CAREY That wise ocean travellers never go to Terrible Tale et /tell no Fanaticism Is Europe in the fastest or the moat crowd- Naples. ed steamer. Ii•PLES, Oct. 8.-A . case of re - That sometimes people who "don't igious faziatiouen has just been brought to know anybody.' are the ones really de- light here. In a secluded quarter stands • sirable to kuow. . . 1 establisbinent known as the That it is sail. but true, that the girl Nunnery of the “116041 All" that has bee° of the period ia by no means "well edo- closed to all public knowledge and inee.rtigri- cated.•' thin, certainly during the !Denney of the oldest inhabitant, and reports add that the That gentility is never assertive and religious authorities l . 1 the Name. it a . Oyes mind their own bust - secrecy for the past 400 years regarding what DM& bar happened within its walls and the char - That often women in search of bar- gains would knock down an elephant to get to the coonter. Oheap Rasa. rrornstoor ie 0141 Lasdain. IdNIMON. Oct. S. -1.4 illiam OConisor. the Ammonia oarsman of America, posted 1:100 as the first deposit la his metals with Kemp, which was arranged in Australia. The mateb is for 1300 and is to be rowed 1. America in Marra. The Freak's nistake. People make • sad mistake otten with serious results when they neglect a con- stipated condition of the bowels. Know- ing that Burdock Blood Hitters is an effectual cure at any stage of constipation does not warrant tie in neglecting to nee it at the right time. Use it now. '2 Overarmed al IlisaMM • ktmleoll, OM. 8 -The oldest did et A. II Losepaore, aged II ram wan photos as ibe bridge near Crystel Labe with bar orearelld sister to -day sod it is snyipeami she dipped soi tan into the water. we is shone 11 tees deep Yr Sewing. WIWI perthig. weft • (OM In the water Nowa la, bed Wes unable to eind the body. W1110 tbn body yea eneneseed lite seas evilest atter of the inmates. Tin however. is at last removed aad the caimans ere lost in amazement that such scores could have been enacted in their midst and no wee of warning been sounded. Nor would the revelation have now been made had not • young girl, cringed in los.. been incarcerated within its vralla. Her pareota, while at first re -imputing to the ban- ishment. surd even securing it, at but becom- ing alarmed at their inability to communi- cate with her, appealed to the polio& The civil authorities therefore raided thee place on Satunlay on an order limed by the Minister a Justine. The doorkeeper stoutly resisted. bat was by the gen- danneei, who soon found their way into the cell. when the majority Um wretched in- mates woe discovered. Rixteen nom were found In. meditates fooleries on hiss nity They more scantily cooed with rags and their surroundings were filthy in the ex- treme. Many of the ponr crearires had for- gotten how to talk. and were Mani battik' than human In their demeanor. Thaw who mold be induced to speak pro- tested thet they were prefer -tie satithed with their fate. The young girl for whom the frost was made was found reduced to • mere skeletott Her parents are nearly erased with grief at the remit of their meduct, se they acted for what they moldered thegirOs beat interest& The establishment hes, of mum, boss ekes.' and the •ictinis removed to one elf thie public lestfeetioes, when they trill he well cored far. The Cioeintor of Napier has ordered the talk* f with the view of punishisg Urea* who shall be fouled to be reepreribla rolinering ale the order of the screernmest of the e4ty te asks time fullest in esitlepagers, ten more num bare then liberated. SOS a owl. am young worse who woos Nemo serafted against their will by orders ot lbw parent& 11e members ef the pales fern have been erdseed males raids is the lima [Wiwi nensorkis which on down to the riblike. Ordinal Ikea rektor boo Int burs ooday fee San I* order to anon Ia- d inbOikioi frail the Pepe en the sehlosh ereserel Crone at Sehest. He attended the district school, where he was. fair pupil and noted fur his kindly disposition -a trait of character which he inherited from his mother. In after yeare,one of his eartyplaymatessaid .if him: "I never saw him show any re- sesoment,aud do not believe that ine seer felt a tinge of it. He never was rude, oppressive 44 diaegreeable to other chil- dren. Once when be wee a very young scholar, he was very much troubled by one of his hoes. A schoolmate, Natio- ing his perplexity, said, 'You esn't mas- ter that.' Clymer replied: 'Duet What does it mese ? ' hy,' replied the boy. 'it means that- that you esn't. Thine!' Ulysses wont to the thetiosary, and tried onsoecseetwily to find a. word there. Then he went to his tioneher, and asked .bat wee the meaning of the word 'Gaol', telling him that be bad searched for it ie voila in the dietiossary. The teacher more • proper explanation, mid aided, 'Ulyeseit, if la ib. st of life any parson should theartriltelleyee oral go • thing you desire to essomplielolet your answer he, "rim 50.4 "suet" is not in the distiosary.' "-Prom 'llehool-days of the rteeidesta," is Harper's Tom, People. As Aberdeen althea eithe was met A ranatriaat.• halal InsitAllA with a lthe ei sleeks es lin bon. 'Par lin Cimino*, Kin, On 11.-Votootnory are ye ewe et' the eras. Joker asked 016.111 e•Wila W. DIF110/10. Idle hie bees .n . 'To the kirk. Reedy, iilleteilliar them don gen bosom vlolowity tag Short 'As, qr.' said heady. 'look Inirribilt yen en lin ilio sionint • seal ssms5 to Mop Own mini; oin inns inslin Illoons evo II Inn on ItIo an vollinia Until Soo'L ' 'No.' mid Ring' UTE 011111131 , isinisisl a lino* ...I ANL Sig orrisio him *MOON the want et ill Imp 4.10.1114104.11.1•4.11•6111 II Will time Sidi I bee yieg IPSIIII Ink NB AL sionis am Warm lesik Mem. Wade: --'41.11i114.1.6 .____,• ___JaralCLAgeikiCk Wholesaleland Retail M fun Donn Is Dons oat Mon lii1 clipil 21 3 a - 8-8: :Iv ." co ;• -.EV' Ps I 1! . . '4 PEa j ... : I 4 3 e .o S / '5 I 1;11: me. Ose2E 2:4 sits, • 2 t ; -2 it - Tr 6 .57,11 el 8 ;.1 I , • • I• d 47.1° -1-.1 sst ,„ C co ° Ccig :• 4§1 Id 0 1112 8 !di il I c) I -1 ti 0) I" 9,-L= 4 4 2 3 -= CI; 1- 7: ie 1); 113,, • t tall 6 71;iii 41 18 74 5 :;• e, B. :;• 11 • Egls 1"le la St 0 IN: 1 7-1 e co- LS 3 3 1*1 ; 11 31 GET YOUR PRINTING DONE AT "THE SIGNAL." GOOD WORK IS DONE AT SIGNAL CHANGE OF BUSINESS THE OLD iiii!isTD4TRELLiBLE . FLOUR AND FEU STORK DR. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • ',•WILD•' WHBERRY CURES HOILERA lera Nojbuhim OLa 1 C- RAMPS IARRHOEA YSENTERY A110 ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS MID FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OP ADULTS. HAS CHANG= 11A1( The public ere hereby seliZottbst 111= sad feed bushmanres Cull's has been gee.= 11 THOS. J. MIAS, who will mon 11 .0 is all Its 101111140101 at the old stand. Kestst. NMI the Square. l'ader the 1 of former proprie- tors this boldness hos hems the isonsit fill In Its line ot any In TAMS,. esti an the arm proprietor boo boos assailed with it jet over eight 10411%, there will be No failing WM ibm mono feenieriy exhibited In kthelse In hi the frost task. Good.del1a71 le all parts of thet The lost Item Roar ii:dia he' &hearses ard amine seeds ha mama. TIROL J. ',IDEAS. I alai On a- ttaining may OW 50611.1".t liblirthetil•01-0111.1"Yearderaail`cal peers and aloe take pilissure he resneenes %C =r1sall Mthereineiy A. I. couaii. Job Printing of every description MOW en ib. Inisrees, 11.-• nrSS-75'01I "1"181 Larham"" "'di"neatly executed at "The 8ignar ere ed Ilh•othsh vie Wing 10, • ar.a, wpm= sod Bed • Sow bone Inor Omni no Wort. iint=liipos Steam Printing House.