The Signal, 1890-10-17, Page 2effen _• �.., _ „_� 11 111 .0 11.11 III INS I ie. .._ _•_� - ----�.•�_. THE CANADIAN B4N K OF COMMERCE c?*.. l Ss tans. HEAD OFFICE, . .1 lA .PITA& MAIM UPi eU MIL.t.low SOLLARS MDT. tt - - - - - - • L E. WALKER, GMNERAL MANAOMR. GODERICH BRANCH. A O ssost BA,,,tISQ eLJSINEM TRANSACTED. Fomenter NO DRAFTS ISSUtD PAYABLE AT AL. POINTS IN CANADA. AND CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES. GREAT BNITAIN, FRANCE. SAVINNS SANK DCPARTMIIIT. OMPOMTS OF ADDED TO TME AND uereaRCIII RECEIVED PRINCIPAL AT TNM ALLOWED. AMM a1MR IN SAON TSAR. epeeist A$NwNots gives. to tUr Oollrelles of C Ns./ raw, ,S' Sana !lot**. o• S. t: +- FARM, FIELD, GARDEN. SU$IECTS OF IMPORTANCE TO SU- BURBAN AND COUNTRY READERS. ~a Vie. A,a...•ate oats aid aL.a the et la Tawe, .r Poll rIww/os fee ear ...- Plow .e as e. Dean the Sell Wass. Joseph llama has the following to Ary 11.5 0 • • , H n .i �. • in American Agriculturist on fall p.ow- TNE PRINCIPAL BERMUDA. Act It is of great t j� • W now barley and este early in the spring. A new Jaya difference in the time of sowing often RATES OF 'NW"' makes all the dtgenses between a gaud IND w MAY AND crop and a pour stns --and what a differ- ence that is all.; ., • .: i farmers know'. Paper, P Pa. It is not merely the ]knead all profit front our labors, but the kind is fon( with weed and in Ivor Condition generally. et; ,^L" in MILLINER The ]lanaavr of My own land .'cries ,rooalderaUIy character. Much of it is telling land, the knoll being sandy, while the lower edges of the knoll aro more or tem clayey. other. When oats has a dry cellar. to testa are nowt. and reported t the f(re atan Y the valleys between the knolls can which a uniform temperature can beGo »tta»tt11 we will try and for W our customers k d d luent ud a 11 t ''f the creamery :atma ;:es the latr,n'r .cute special lint:. Look out for our advertisement and if we utter a r FRIDAY. OCT. 17, ] 890. IN THE AP1AMI. TESTING FOR BU TER 1890 .•ytat Maas Lbws{ Ilse M•reeesr' Win - seeing ei la■'S Qtylp a EA014 PATIION OF A CREAM - The ammo ie at hand when the eels- IRV HIS JUST DUES *null of beers becomes a anb, est rat im- portance to apiarists in the uurtbern states. Bee keepers concur in the state- nos Ade4a a b a neem r. �y.rteweed ttMtnt that as yet no plan ham beets de- Creamery Aiwa be tans Use Ames .t Timed that cgntbittes all th�.ra.r tial* to nester teat to +. S.p.raae Leis ear sscceewstul ,wintering. Tigt las U. New- nisi r.rat.r.d t• These. We have neither time nor a W give s ensiled list of all Ails man names the tulloven�gi.,'a't absolute we it aka, ghat o timing line we carry. but direct special attention to a few leading lines. raise si;•rt for mate wintering. and the ,milt Aur butter fat Rowell 1. 1tiYU. Trk- Our DHSS l:lx)D8. as usual, will be found very attractive and beet apicultursl authorities agree with big the tants abut carers per week, we complete. Particular attention paid to Mourning Goods. hits: 1. An even t:•wllsratnir, varying took Air te.b its ♦grit, said innate an Our MANTLE CLOTHS, which is Alwa�'a a suceeeetful depart- (n:en 4B to 4o lige. 2. (.oaplete ex.ac • of the five tens far a beats of 1 pub,,,,n ar f the hive. cf 3. Perfect from mage At the end of the at of inept will be found unusually large. comprising some very c ►Asap each patron.linea die licitly of the a.d ritauCt ttv4. we tuniel the drop had In-ttl. •0tlet Per . dein (rum f .tv:a:d .:iaturixaiaotw. 4. if i'r:•tt.0L,n of wtor+•3 iroru contact vrith cent. (8 8-10 per cwt.) wore batter than blur Grey Flannels, Canton 1' lannel», Blankets. ladies Aad Aho Gait work ind;t•nted; therefore we Children'» Undervesty, Gloves and Hosiery are complete and at bot- the fried. 3. Protracted isolation bora added that Ix mutt t w W each test, giv tum prices. Eta ti,boil: changes ;a Aha spring. 6. hie oro rata elutes of Exclu FALL. JOHN ACHESONI. Our stock is now about complete in all de rtutentm. u 1 tug each pat.rxi Its I for .- dtaa of libht. �. :ittIIlcirut atoms what the ad ee made more than the ec i alt; es M for v,wtrr awnaamptiun. tent ..-irk indicated. Whistler to wittier lets in a cellar or 11_ swot are ell intents by rtiwb('r, the on s `i .ler stands i� an open question. xrsou waking the tests never knowing Soros practice one phie and awe an- N,hew, milk tis being tested.After the We are always on the lookout for beetling lines and jolt lots, and • EACH N'EI;K Trziid GLASGOW HOUSE from s dark sand to a many ae the c 21ur ie an c c r ru ix t! flat work is clayey loam. Perhaps three tonne du mut reedy Aur the timekeeper. ronvey n distinct meaning. All 1 et^ -h ,h..µ1.1 1.• pmt into t::: crllur. Some do W slew is flat the soil vanes consider - condition to remove any centro Aur sualticion o[ hada f thte as sono as the 1,•e, are tltr,u;;h slur- (aystt'ttiamt (m the {tart ut the pone otte.. working. To;; •t hart uta /told into goal until the tat moment. As two fixed dant 1 ) . v and it we have Maintained, sat it W the number; tee t' ,lace. A .iariain carry as w whom brew txwbo' r. This to dour "Specialty" it will luny you to aloe it at once. ably and requires different methods �' try; h„uey, whila.vitu rA Lsl:vu theta out N• , keep a flail • record of the butter we are showing a hoe of llrry lyYa►tets at •_'(k. u ymal, regular puce couditi..n for eats or barley in file spring r )t. ld of the creamery, , '3ic., also a black fingering yarn at 3e. a skein. can l .• elven, owing t.f the gen sal r le any su epi: ion that any one it dishenr: t requires three or funs tinny the labor n- localities and aeetao:.s, a Kot+] general rule ear tak • a t\.t immediately and theeINSPECTION Jt�,ii Y �iii.attil%• or has plawux In announcing to ,.lies of ,uderich and tic:pity that she;la around ITC redotherIAT•' On such land as t I tley ilia• services ut feht ortwoafter it. Where tis workFurApedthe lwest yield fur anyT0HN ACHESO toduosflirt•late floe!x•r,1wi;l exhibitx.::uds„( batter furV1.� FOR NEXT WEEK qct Im1 is to h ter the bees ant nu ; Alum taay a field at hes h �n in axe the through breeding pellet* and have a aro credited by thio test until another t+ `out ,raa•m, and on which one intends hr Miss 1zT1 11.3,e Z�eriarg'h If 1 made. .w ..atv in the Fprngl Ant an inttno11 ) patron was J (te { aolvanta„ a from fall plowing. As stein as little y tat ri• when *lightly lit- t , „ i!L t:'bv into uu1 bat tart .t inn ix„m i+ f IOW wt.o ha• sad severs: sears the cunt is cat, and while it is atandin,; in stooks in the field. if I ht:ve tune 1 l'irtx•tl. It will be wise, however, to the highest was 4.-4 lxmn.ls of baiter •�____- natal , the trove as cart -fully n s ►xa,aiitlt'• for rash led punn.L+ et* wit: nrric.d- RICAN CITIES 1'k start the views on the Ined Ire t 1 that here {,•:n{;. eideilly invites their inspection of? . X P E R! E N C E I N THE AMERICAN tr a to a •10 , „ . u,ottt; t r '^Tivaa devices ei •• the last receiving 31 per .^int more per � in Ito Rh C A. THE LATEST STYLES at her OPTALL DISPLAY. Fe�a Asp, noon R T• The Sale of o'.d'St.xl: still Continues t -.make room for New Goods MRS. R. B. SMITH. Y�MILLINERY� Ladies 'a ,ind 11 to their advantage t0 call on MRS_ S�.ZKELD ter iltlieery this FA 1.1. AND V.:' TER. n she purp„ae.a selling her stuck away down. RIBBONS AT COST --A choke lot. ('-.11 lad see her Silk Velvet. yatue ever seen. Also W {tate, Birds sad 'sit-• otic.. ail sh :deo. 11 i.TS and BONVIKr.. made sup !on the best NO M.A.�T N. ween the rows of and finish Plus.- utt� effective in orlinary winters t.•r 1 g after the earn and stalls are removal. I 1 W hie creamery of r y is than ted on first wintering thea on rummer stanai are Thin creamery 1, operated .m the diel- unlena one who :s di•poeed q pat Iltm lead is • bas nal eat Mop u there. can't tail W Abeerv. fhb strong land I lout three In .nes un r1nt1T stoked hives. There :re double Alit for a it., oultllp the plow and turn ups gout, deep tor- 1 dead plan, the patens lxtviug us four e: alloni hives with four or five loch cents a pound for making tin*• butter. t in t_ 1 '. nm , and leave the e.ilauil on top, where cliamlx -s £lied with Cita. Thaw hive, the old plan of paving 1*v tlw• 101) pouiels nn :eel ) d ' cleanerand reh mere e.^Si v prepared t than n the: Alfie run soumwu it hail nut been plewe( In plowing fur lowest received fiftv-seven not rt von 18t, Reliability. 2nd, Constant Personal Attention. Pack before mill weather and .1., not re- eighths cents per 1W po: oda, ani; the cern my practice is to plow around the move the kit until the cull neat,*e r 3rd, 4thFinest 'Work and Purest Material. Gehl. and thus avoid haring dead fpr- I � tB lti+;hewt seventy -their cents per 1W 4th, Best Possible Equipment. has dens to Katy. flares n:: all aides of peurds s rows. lint its plowing in the fall for the hoes flue t•!c!ff. below :as w•-11 \Yea:: now using the Petrick or Iowa spring crier.. I can. if necessary, maim as above. IIave as tuuch empty al's•:' station newt, and like it will. narrow lands. nn.! by contacting the .,.s pe-stible inside the ]rico and eta- The f,dlowing is the 1P restage. of dead furrows with the necessary outlets ,ids the packin;, ani do not lit .the _,.ayy and orf butter fat in f"creta :oast- Lew CHARGES. TELEPHONE. NIGHT ATTENDANCE, a oNsl'LTATlOt` PARLOR [ can get rid of a large quantity ,.f W1t0'T c,,.;.•r of the hive r. • .t on the. pealing. rile of milk, the milk having been .sl- it' the early spring. These narrow ]ands, it will 1r• found ape • convenient to sou- ], •wed to stand mita 6 rabies' it is ezpoae-1 tat the ameliorating action aro preferred by sash well kleiwa at•i of theair i 1 frasteof wwtor Stich fall OOP I of milk each petrel would have n wrists as A.J. Coon and u! •stun. tetvttl aixt •-eeYe.i cents per 100 p nn.i us. d tan u m . . The public of the present clay .leinatele e Mr. P oltpytton s directions asufull es. •' isle hie milk; as we paid by the test the { 1 for tiering crops t o 1 SCIIIPTTON DISPFINSARY ALL OF THESE WE CLAIM TO POSSESS. : the by running n gang plow sat as to 1111 np tine the .-half in sa ('ruw,l the lx•.•:. r :.l was memwuresl; then ;t was betel the ]lead furrows, are easily leveled en to a few frames an 1 the packing close with Patricifc test: down, and by cross harrowing with an to the bent. vantages sate, Acme or other harem- the land can soon through all the sours+. Soule apiarists be got rattly for the drill. 1 drill in 150 use savwdnst in piece • f chaff. Another to 200 pounds of anperl utew with Plays i. that or, f aterut:ling the hive in a t the barley and oats. and barehave reason to box er.tliciently large to admit of the T- s. expect a good crop, and the land after ?tared /tacking of u: t:: i, .trxw or Fluty 4 the (Ante or barley is het -vested 1 is in fort- a trade. .,-.......--•..'-.•-..-.- 14 ter oon,lition for plowing for wheat then s , a event txpuv.:Sion of (:an tb/ an .!-• s• if it hall not been wetland deeply plowed apiarists a unmber of the we tuber s a,i- s Ir the fall previous. tr In advocating fall plowing what to teemed cantering ":1 summer bund a• in 11 M doable walled hives. with an abundance It >M particularly in my mind is nut swat land, of paeking ••n top and all around the It la ase but land on which a clap of corm or Pu hives. The importance of making sur+• 1t• 19' •1.r, tatoes, or beans. or r. es had been gte ern,thrt each co2uuy hate gneea and phnty t t N 370 W. ry on this to show the nun li- ana which was intrs•le•d for oats or bar- of feed, also of crowding the bees on as. gine ] ley lu the epnng. Little or no tlltng w: .a;• t 1 on my own farm -of late year'. at any R. du e' thin P' Per Ver.' Per teat. by Pat - Or Create. sic.':, Tet 1; tai 15 3'.. 13TI..' lrltreiture 11. -aloe. is teili.a(all Linda oflrarntt*1e'at She lowest ;visible prices. It V SM w.:1.kauwn tact that be 15 aro W. C. GOODE. C -EO_ $AIRY ECU al.t 4.aw 54 sr* :w 1 '1' ( an indication of t;:, - 1 about plowing sod land in the fall; r.s v:iuter,vl tris bats 111 a cellar and had scenes with oar test work. Ther: are �`B' (� - BARRY, i3 21111tOn-Bt. never font a Coln• .said that his talc tr tern , points t S to criticism, but we the fall, and that notfrom theoretical d i in wile the line trete • nd f T'' r. _Sona - 1 land feeling sur• we are working in the right lr„ =7.-Z.J (sweat.. I1.•isalso the lraiingUndertakerofthe town. Rmlalming Yield always kept on hand. He n tikes • Furniture elsewhere. nd specialty will �!Ind out Mat t Ph turf. in dors asjhe: says -r IL cheap ro purchasing FOR CaA.IC�3_ 1 anstyw cream as few frw:nas pe kern. . was a ther.awlt better value of min:- tieveral rPesk.•rt,. One member, who lu t!,astir2 one and a1lJfor their part patronage he twpw w,reca•is.• + coati censers t he we have rendre 1 •r- mime. Shortest rate -1 seldom. if ever,plow red land in :1711r. MISSES ]have opened out a large assortment of the newest styles in' Hats and Bonnets, Fac;� a:rds' Wings j is not t pts, them hall t to improve as fast as we coon r diem out when the willows are in a Ty " time and because, further, .,o an can GEMS OF THOUGHT. I 5. IPPr.prtau., a. bloom. direction. -(tauter Brea. is Creamery --- ' Setae tlm•* ago a prominent eoientist oother land ins toooe wet nt^ at Itimes when lectured in cue s.1 the teatime lend is and sticky to work prwtretla4 Crops niece rent. journal. __ lThere fame are which are kind. ..f things al- a churches an to advantat,-. knowsthat thin ed pt ac« which are I•y o•..r1r.u„ Divine of pant, nod, in inc espies at w Reaeratisc Old Meade, only,but bt+canse then• L.t1i Every reader rat tome salt ter cr.ete rte. cerering, arch es is aff.•r.ied by news - The quality of feed determines tuff:ne r (:.,duke psacr. There ,a peace. for I,,•sr's talk, undertook to above the re r- ws. .•xamele• in the man who live. fey and leen isle/ern geol..ey and the Bible. It It ahs happens that old meadows 1101'ttn' old sheets and the like, will lmt extent the ynaii.c of the milk. Gres n Wet til d shoe en COvereff he 1 tntm irxst. (ahhtr is ttYl with better infect on the ". 1:osilitiz hos on to make him feel the i expected, it may in that the arguments . )"y" serf, with no oubh aspiration . may be Aha• he was not s. clear as nes come nulm,fof ire; thea ass of meager Wet i Flr 1lszea'a ez lanation of this .elan_ hos ••o t•. make him feel the j expected, it map as. that the arguments growth and of inferior quality. whoaa P quality of butter after Lwin,- wilted a rain; .•t (:.d; that is peace, but that rr of • sctenwt were taw deep for the au • meadow falloff in productiveness :near ptro•eM;"n is that the Ihin e..,ver.ng Pre- day or two. ,,,,•lelp the peace .•f toil. Thera u rest lessee, and Sall .gnu it a possible that Tents the sod sad plants trots radiating See that the cow:: have a liberal suis f the worm evening Produced • ssible that fannerssupposeii 11 that the soil is n loner their heat. Be sere -If we can yr...! neeu}.-.n th..orfsee .o the caverued lake, me lhed to at ch a timer • that it is no lustier ply of ppm cold water. As well mir;ht which o.. w tut can our; but that is the that dire/heed the cruses o1 the beerera able to pr.xlnce ptoitable trope. Tats, art artificial co:eringOrCl.•t:d. no matter a cook t- pest to make good. palatal.].' peace „( atutca stir; There is ate' At all emotes, the rule+D.oeEip sought to how thin, we Tamil : ccosupient the de- porridge out of meaty oatmeal and see:- sm.,oest the atones which hase faI''rn : he established eau not very sharply out- , ud rolled down the m..un,rw•. aide. 1Itned to the audience, despite the num- and iie quietly thele at rent, but Chet is her of degrees the speaker has had the peace of trenity. There is peace in tacked to bee innate hp Institutions of th.. tyart• of enentte• who he t ,tether, Learn;t:g.aod, as the learned man ceased 6 d wt bund �a�ianiningliiea ]aye teams Hume, u to t^.env eases s iirt.l r,.teet.ion.- lie a,lvtees that u,;attwk•1. Thaw i• nu gsesli°R that Amur P na:lt water r to get pure. :sweet fel- . y as well as other crops, if cat end removed fanners having. ems to Imr.,e es chat.., wined, wholesome milk out 44 tune v year atter year, win ;aw:warm the soil, when tract is -nminent, try burning feed and foal drink consumed by a cow. but not as fast as w emmially supposed. cheep ellen straw. ho, ree stably holding See that tire cows have attxrs.t.. eat r At, ds. to the wb:w• or .lamp chips to the windward ref a every sly. They best know when to The meager t�•wtli ti- 14•in oiler t., drtvm;ne jams where hills themselves. noes of plants, and theee to a e wt, are i°. lnewtr this latnu'Aaing fire. tura a Let the cows bemired frotn ennoanev swob sod. : 110.41011 few all tial i• aefts. of toeg`haa the • mnke e7111 thou; "n which side of excites a cow lae.w•na the quantity and -Also- CHILDREN•s PINAFORES AND APRONS. Please call and are. Two doors from Square, North st. 72-0 MILLINERY OPENING! MONDAY, TU DAY, WEDNESDAY, Sept. lbtb, 16th and 17th. We have now on band a complete stock of FALL AND WIxT R MILLINERY ricins lie latest novelties in HATS. BONNETS and their lrimmitale. Also a comp S l NDERVli.�STts. tall stock of LADIES' clad CHILDREN'S All aro cordially invited 5.. tompemt our stock. per cent. off for cash. 73-2m. MISS S. BOLAND, MISS CAMERON \Vest -$t. Almelo] Noe, au s, as to tonna n swmpact ifle r:» r strive. and the rkmeoli.11 of harsh Y P and worry. Any .ninth trwtutrnt that peel • sesta s it a mtSu of pr a the Send the street' : -e.u1d for wottwr+t injures the quality .at betoven. arum amt.) bel -assJafe the +oil napr re far 11 the wmnke sh m!d {;e rtraiglit np Pvn Where peactic+vhlc let the seem he wwa its w to pares of Ire hmgo nth. fervor IL:s.m cafe Ste that the straw he mil ea be 1sra sty man bine, and by the which i -iradilisonebyp of ng over th, bnmesl near the tenter of the fie]. (1. is readily done by passing over the "acne {p. a►t Rl. th sharp toothed harrow. Wh. en the sky is t:le.ndy or the wiled The adder should he well brnrhed and the .*per* ' gram killed. mull as a re- hitt ttgt'r tnilJnag. mithe int[ plants make • laza- Has just returned from the Oity with the latest styles in meadow with FALL MILLINERY. Novelties in ladies' beadW ', and the latest shades n trimmings a specialty. . " Dy this operation the nod w laeeaawd. lits tlt It ;,. as waitsitu readers know, bet thein n:!ol,r.l with a atwatr kneel lxtfur• • o!a frons hast. t rwmstn - The milk shenld be tasrttnlly ntra nt-el The New Tech INN* mete- tneme+i tele after the miu.-.__ is oont- rlu y ride, in the same trench of the }II• di•coonr, • 1,-ok of ..abs as to j footle Aiello the uunnaities .of their what was the ubjact of the lecture was eel's tilt need at Irncth, and their hind• apparent on the taus of ail. While Abse 1:•g" l .stir c!enehed in •lewdly rnmrtY in a state o1 ut:certainty the past:r of es sat each other, but that a the i•acr the chmrch Ju.eped up and ann..ancsdas ..t dent h. If our I sacs he hitt the peace the cl.atng hymn : 'Nobody Knows • f the aenstuhst muaiymg p'esture, if it but .1ewa." The look of doubt vanished to taut the prate of mruil turgor end 11t- as bright smiles beamed throughout the victim, the xwce "t apathy, or the peace hall. and tLe hymn wsa sung with sh .f the soul dead in treerpeseto and Stn, , mph•sre. we may whisper to our ..ulr, "Peace, - ;ea,e'" but there will be no icer' ; HOUSEHOLD HINTS. there is not the peace of God, for the r peace of bind is the living peace of lore. tient 5n,w1h. This may be done either r Ker. F. W. Ituherteon. room at the fall er in the riming. Tike use room ata time and have He Ii ill well or pies Deeseilisry to pars over mTiadr ata ).c+r Tank lhar rami r M oa Thorough siringe.f toe milk for a few Frar•k W;Ikin.oa, Cron buyer at Ilam work done quietly in the off days is the aes•in•r welt' a bear] roller, as Me I!'deth "'mei ezhili"sn rd the esel" minuets: by dipping.. poasing •r littering ihoe, says : "l used 'leveret medicines which there a neither washing nor ,rco- bawsweng meow th, nod meak. sod it fair nt the new err comet. mar Illemtmmse will 'antll r,* the lever of the tetter. send round no relief mail I tried Nilaon's ing Dor the usual cleaning. Begin as liters ev.•re eine"' 1.1M mt11s, IN When vet lot the rising of the cream Compound Syrup, Wild Cherry." lair the attic and clean downward, i. e , pro- be i ti aliaami fi aMnata . ess o smolt pions Mina,. 1169 slw•e•p _, NAM LAI pit milk rfossid 1. a„ a . of than one bottle cored him of a Ioug aiding there be n, attic. All city house a,„si sr, nus Nttattfbaba•armomlky. mid try. melting the talal of live stook S.f1l. about fel dip standing and painful cough, with tight- ore not 50 supplemented It not, thee of sod are marc b pmt roan tae inky mid r' tent ralole. A jell- The grand total of all anhitdlm Kea GAIN. wimp i1pr1, aptiittg pada area need the nese of chest and short breath. Sold by upon room or closet nerd fame genera mast, talt3tafa�r water in the tank should be kept as neer 411 druggists. lin atorsEe of trunks and incidental+. Span clone application of well rotted barn yard not the purifying elements. Let cosi! manure applied as. a top Arwa+ing just a[- ser. and There. 4% dom. F. r poaeihk. 1/a■N's swrtme.e cern titNemtn.r• p 7 R The atptgregrt• alts of aro .hii)pmi mil, sena 1tMiold he wawhed in cold or earner be laid bare; aunt not the kalro ter octave Cas will greenly increase they t -.lm Canada tp the United stow° hi IPA teltid water find. them rinsed in boiling r set the tiPe1 - mine or et.londe. There are times whet p 11 It betiTeneiw nit t. worn. lief' har- is placed at over L".000,1100. water before they are exposed to be A sfbd young fellow, who had been hewn paper and a e,•uod scrubbing row be old and gain worn- A dice writing a letter with • pencil, got up brush are better .h in sermons, and thi will rruv►er, bat •harrow with teeth 1'nes. fr' en thick Tin di t rt tl evi is „heel terse Th. nal 54 w of a titin i eros and friss hit seat in the Erie lepet for a •*semi's is one of them. Then, after th is. preferable. - the ch .fiats which wine district scene• ltasaz to ►is. ?brit waist will imarnw• lis -the champagne wanes. deeming pnver/55A-Prot. Rube/sem. stroll around, lensing his uniniehed let cleauuag process u quite templets, se treratltr•a he nese... ter on the seat. A man came In, ta•k that no depurate' odds and ends filo Team air„ i hal r buss seeded by The total according of retake mills is in Frew. Stock San aMl Home• the seat to wait for his train, and in an Mdilment; overhaul for nal with now. w, according to the were- A lest alteent way packed up the missive. Ile paper, and patches mtwtches. I triad tetany „ led 0o•.•t•ta remedies witbos$ ecus. Knowing tiers .4 the• New Orleans f itttxi It law rer+n as if kindred interest* held it in his hand when the young man (1.,that pins tar „mad chanme is :rot, with 40,819 l.xfms and returned FIllnd artd and comtram cease voted dictate t, the cure chapped heads I applied it to the 1,819,-n x1 sPtn, The larger: camber of es.kdltlit emir pk,sed Iles patrons cheesem s of the once per day cheese far- "That'. my tetter, Dilater. " cracked anal sore parts. and only three in Ohio fruit u reported lees, than half tortes acmeeo carted plan about ani- "Weil, yo a au have it," was the re- form milk Sam p and delivery. Where the '7; eu.nplctm corn. `intoe then I have as it will pay to save the late of the tent milk gorse twice per day to the factory it 1)id applications were necessary to effect a a crop• you rc..l i./- ' ern] times *Mlle"' it with equally good reaches and pivot theta this fall a compie g,,,, ,theles np on the marl, end the „N-" That u, 1 gl.naed over a few results. it teiftena the dammed parts of inches deep. maker bat, tn, by 8 p. m. who're. he can. Tins of ,t sod noticed thin hardy a and k opt mCi±torr grid dirt. I dc11 Te it uniform treatment, and n certain word eau stalled correctly,' rely (:pint, aro Awing more largely grown give •'it is.i letter to my girl.'' HJlmllt0 l 1lty between the I not want a better tetnedy. and were I at the tenth than ever before. amount of aerntion. With the once per 'Yea" - "1 Remember the stand- I tt add anything to it in ()Infinite swaps From nt northwest e e r before reports of a day .lelivery plan the earn of the night's ••G,rl I'm t it world he w vary little pnlveri zrd blue about flax crop milk devolves u{scon 11n• irtmn, pint right •'Yee.. vitriol.--Cs,r. Rnrwl New Yorker. oat of every ten of them revolve to do And 1 Square and Newgate-st. : `'f R n marry The culture of grapes Is on the increase n dot.`i rearm a cneke d hat about wuwdara lee Grate.. iv Canada aa little an twistable fur the brat keeping the ga111sw. What i want t.. impress -' A (rill to vide for patsblishln a of inc milk. he. hist seri is loo, Inc. -- and loin of it, provide a It is told that there are i ,.000 wren of If there nam an immense job of labor .or there's silt •ere• ..f land and a raw - Ilii lawtsl o, rhnstthe follow inatrieal• A Mmrwspolia at fiat ebareb him di. uniform standard her wheat. corn. cfwta, land devoted to tpmatrw in New ,Tst+iey con ted with the home care (4 the input baaiod ler.'-N. Y. World. in W sewe•xI -- rows, kmafi•hera, joy• ti+"! h..m u• membership • number ,' barley and other grains his been report- ap.lt,eventy-/hrcecAn terilstotake them. night's mean there would 1e some ex- eperrteas, ravens, males, .1.ras%to. , Christian Reienttsu. They heel too ail and ro-rrnnenrl.4 to the nati.mal home The ctnnd{turn sof the puha p tem. ac-cmap, font with a ten -My -live cent then- tsla,s.m veva ifgaitiale hawks,owie, wild pigeons, btarkhirda. mseh whites end news little Christ- of Nvea by the eotnmtttcw on i8 ppce Mining eipr.• not. that choleran,mmer cnTh to titwtisof th U oast, is eat.., sr monster and m b' di on: tan isntty. sgricultnre. The president of tie N. the low wTerwRe ever i sl re. trported. sterat,. • bit car "f milk, end know that alt•ek• the hnwele of the wart h, lint Wits --Who will mond run. eiotba• The .. Ar,.s..w fonder oris that than tonal Fa.... ere Alliance is credited with the t has hem reduced a ems humanity in general find it n.esseary to who 1 as. Med and 5150 1 Hsabend err • f.w parr.nn• ..517.1.,• who hsve the statement that eaten/lent for grain The Potato crop is a •b-lrt "le in En- Iain nnmher of degree end insure es. Dr Fool,,', satinet of Wild Rte.w- _N,sawdy. I'll be able to bap Asci 1 at m.14i,ss' .n..wsl to ei.ebl• flew to is as important as a standard for nope. rot and, btigat haviug leen wide allnrnt aboolot sly s good lea nq bond!- berry for tinea enmplainta, 1y.entsry. shout it. Antony.- emrerr - dna at the aa11k - JPaa Oantd diarrheas, eta it is • mare este. 9 let has thee, 4 T Half a eh len wall pockets or retienla nude of cretonne. drawn with colon top.., will amplify the htrineoa of as ing for the freementr. Each receptor should be Isheled, every bit ,.1 string an vestige n( old soft linen should 1 garnered; sickness brings needs, •e 1111e trying salmon has taught hous.wivr the efficacy of waving every wrap terial. Having enmeleted the eaten or slot room. the alai from other' epartmen may find iodgment ih their proper r Taloa each floor in its order after tl elo.N• are overhauled and stringed ; stow at time. My one Oa week, i that the regular hnsedoldeNdine bus interfered with • Mr W. K. BnkM, Sellt.lr, I leased Ile Iwro* setas.illtediedeo Witialtrm, near the Yea 6414110sb E more lie family them la t�4