The Signal, 1890-10-10, Page 5THE GOSSIP OF A WEEK
AU,ea PARTIAL .. 14,1151140.4 -
Me ears Toes H• saw see De tae 111JIttq
liter Ai MAI tail Deserver
the a....... sof Deosie -?ae Names e
IaL Assemetleies,
Toeotrro, Get. 0. -Th , gteas Busts. Iiia
lea were oyer of the vest Milton. of mopes tee
disowned the eveetfmd ease
asbei gobbledes uooetweine
theythe were printed. Orme
er enterer' , baa been shown by
Canadian, leatplrh and Ast,rl°aathe to :veer
thee is any ober. The Leedom Tim.., the
its area car. H
treat Th0nderer woke up oat of
parte of the trial.publyred verbatim re
the *Mori d Ragtime y imprecations!
telegraphic feats warp atarv.ljoaa Oa th
lest day of the trial, 1t took tram $ o'doci
IN the aflerao0 uoUl 3 the next marNag a
gable aha report over W dinlah.•
But It is all over now and the last act
the terrible drama will soon be enacted. Btr
chat! °'oda • *rave fight for life, but 1t was .
forlorn Already
Mg rmada��ort the emou k are be
ex.outwn which (akar aloe
oil the 14th of November tet 11'.adetock jail
A bangxuaa has not yet hags mound. bit
many Woe boss received by ah•
Niro Birchen who wet prostrated
lag the ve dirt has recovered ,mAlafsnU
visit her husband, but the Crown
serk4d thew visit.• great dealMee the primmer eximpt the No
jailor, two
medical officer and the
stated that Birdsall will commit
gets the chance before t8. fatal 14th
great precautions are tying taken at
to prevent this His food. which 1. ma
from • eeigbburteg botel is all nit u
his cell 1. examined twice a . ay A
always remains with bun night au.l da
Ta. Le•.....1 tie Oppeessmo
M ,rte leselpo
THE ;Mj FRIDAY, OCT. I0. 1890.
• THE � DOMINIONIlY BR1gE. r -'.,.�,..•„__-
�-•• ,. ,NEWS OF THE WORLD.11
L Cama, Oct l -lien•
Laurier, leader at the Caadyd
party, addressed the dare alt tie
at Itum•dhe
Begot. Hymn
w ; Ina deli w
mg, of the IlleKtaley
reciprocity ht asters! p Ha
tenured goods and euttiasd the
to Liberal party m as tsdrdca
pr'i1eelpas Re Isla sere that the
belt would prove dlaasrees b
this evening Mr. Leerier wee promoted
Mr ffiessem Ir. ?►aHe motink l►lhwui ken his wy b d ,edsare nos
1 It. Men
The snua� tionnen as Cel t11R a w14 mese Ogg thee,
b'Alphonse arra the well Mows /iaati m-
elts d.
memoir on Twee* geneses lionelis Handilea lamas Frown
the pee n been seamed In Nhaleo. Kiang Miff a alt deauattw the Mo
andnred fee The Mann barbs= Comely $mMbguoa will The e00dlt10n ad fb
product* ia memo- be held da llUlbrout on ONob., 7 and a. no *loges flatland shows
nolo. of Thirty carloads of potatoes y Modally ship. The entire
B e "'h' stokes o[ 1,1
to that (meet tram Mth
anitoba too e United Mato ahs tee been etel
MCZIgM. 1)r. Rx-mmtf
oberaeon, eehsr for • ioq Haeotuhu advisee
Caa.da. la CaOC its misssh
• critical oumdttioe, et Mabee am ows renewed a0Uvityrotaem of KU-
withTbe Hlppudrome in Bog fsam wee donor
fi Pelloan y tegpedwd la takl.g b7 gee
H- Y
an sddrees at Ht Hyacinthe. and la
gas" good meow wry he •aaalde ed
elver of the western Om* Lee MAW from
W,„; leis. ssouad 8.1, Tr. population d Oeergs b l,a34,ae6: 1a
sls,Iioos woad not he held ear new.
Hoa Illy. H Bert% Grove, bear the aim water tact alms
at 8t y rusks loath funned
commercial sal Berlin
e ass
L H. de TbO�e b b. Mid oat .4 • pabgs below turned to HardwrY Gad Bar ee
proclty Peek George Bancroft, the historian p..
ee the TAe C. P. It. ie baying up lea acres of land bratel by asth Wrttata ce�
twosolos& M w Howe district of Yuatr.. fee bane. 1 at hL Newport
and W �'- bra:
3t Logy desp.tahwa
-mem SKIM or 11.46
, Que. Oat tI -
Leerier Muted that again hen to -eight.
with the sect
United Masse w
only meths by which the t
could dwell side by side' in peace,
l whl.h In future my
meat can gala or bold power. The
malt was growfeg la the,U•Ited 81.
the iJbeen party would persevere
Des an accomplished tact
govern- Brockville rd w an
Menage a w
the town a panger Woe to Ettaters w
anti- d $43,000 oat out. Points gas blokes
Gad y• The
sed ac w . s. Booth,
until (1 •Wnosl Kirby. aced
t 0, wea k/ In -chief of the 8alvattoo Army. diad oil 8at
Sarnia traria through failing downs urday.
o[ the deep shaft.
and lir •od Mrs Kendall, the distiaguirbel
say*: ar oc
Lennox, Oct. d. - Oase of w effects
McKinley tariff law has been to ex
expert trade In metallic bedsteads
Birmingham This was • campara
new bowman but had corse to am
130,0W a year and was rapidly increasing.
ungulW .t Bir Ind y Aberdeen are rectperattg English oonsedlatw, have arrived In Nee
from Smith's llaaltoban renew 'leek.
lively fiUver Heights. The lookout for the Sootcb iron mann
cunt to This year's boring catch around Cur'raat'e "'III redoes the market supply :Dol *J tom
Island and Flower's Cove is said to boa con weekly. i
wplouom taUure
on hoar 1
y t
Wive re I+
one si .1.
guard' 1
Meeleeerwe e1 the lasulieee reepaetaa
M as is eese.tlsg taailog to 'firs.
A tseetine of the directors of the
Sot Huron Fartaen'Lretitate washdd t.
the American hotel, Hru.•el., at 1 o'-
clock, t)dobee Sed, L- )leYaddeu,
president. in the chair. Ti.,, were also
premed Messrs John McCrea, lies - Pres -
ideal: A. Hist ep, seceetery- treasurer ;
8 Walker, T t: Heys, .l 1) Edgar, 1).
Robotism, Robert Hood and Rubs
Dine°.lb, directuts. The provident
addressed the meeting reladv• to the
business before them. being with reward
Lo procuring local mm to prepare papas
ote some o1 the tmtiereeting suoject,,to be
rod at the annual meeting; obtaining
.ssiet.0.e from some of the pro.las.ura
(ruin Guelph Agricultetral College, and
also with a view W Loldina meetings .t
different p..... w the district before IL.
.nnu•I meeting; atom with reference to and county .(rant., Ka It
wee su(Iwested that the authorities .t
tie Dumnoun Experimental Farm be
coomontgteu with. with a view to har-
ing some of the professors at the annual
meeting. A new set of hooks we+ or-
dered to be procured for the secretary.
Two or three members have already
cemented to prepate paper. for the
meeting to be head in December er esOy
n January. After passing capon • num-
Dozens of similar lnstamon are co
ght in every direction. An unlock
act of the American tariff le that
ash markets are being Aoudad with
d. daub' and Belgian geode, which are being
at prime with which English
And It dif)icalt to compete, This of
f "Jack the Ripper" has promised to vide
And 1; wore° Gad one man. Winnipeg oar October 16th to kill three
of tae
tariff Rev. Mr. Peyton], of Gleagow, btu beet
LoODOT, Ocie 8. -Amsterdam advices
mow to Tee and of w Ant . Au officer taking the census In new Kort -
ed -for (parts, of tide datrovere.l Lucy Ridley, who Y 1 t1 ' t
ser of subletta the 10ee11,,K adjourned
meet again .t the call ,.f the pterrdent.
los Institute has a large membership
and • gca.d library iu connection and u
one of the moat in the Pro-
tn. lin; 7'w shows w serene in the Dominica crew- years chats - 1.
D. L. LL D., well
offered A meeting of cattle shippers a°d onsets wet known as both clergyman and satbor, dew
held in Montreal to agitate for Incte•wsd in Emglawi
u.naan eery of 13. e56,0p7. George B.
taw 11 seas thleags is attributed to the determiartion
manufacturers in time countries to
P. am book or crook scene market In place
[win cwe closed to them by the McKinlay
Y• law.
shipping facilities
]Ira Htrcb•11 and her sister Yrs. Weft -Joao
will rearm in Canada until all Is
Douglas Pelle bee sailed for EWluted
Ms Owns Bonwill, the murdered
brother. The latter has takse aU tis
of the deceased with haat.
The latest seoeativo in the one
statement that Birchen has no.4e a
ion. He implicates another t* the
He admits that be was an aoomory
says that be therm,/ bly merits the sen
death. Birchen contemns directly that be
Ilsnwe( to k astw„o.d wad beyond in the
tfo0 cf the swamp. He swears he 1s not
swamp murderer. Its was not to the s
and d.d not d4, the killing. He or
ly insinuates that Oration a yomttg
man living .t P►ckhali's was the Kielty
but this 1s not believed. Bissell ex
satadactorilyrmanymeasl'* Ile and
tha11 were going to work the farm
gams for WI it was worth. They had
ranged a scheme whereby Pickthall was k
represent ben self n Itircb.11's nam er,
show bather's and Ane !millings to the you
Englishman*. U at were to truth the nays
farm of Birchen Tee Letter cnnf.eeas
be hal outright tone wife, anddece,ved
tin everytklon. hire ,all i. weakening visibly dam
and further d.velopmeuts are duly or hour
ly expected.
Th. Crown du not believe much in the
fon. They thine tbat Birdsall
no ateora,plie. and . that in aceuat
Graham he is paying off an old grudge
Mee lying, in the beim that a fresh inti
may be ordered or the outman, sespeoded
Otantnuted. Tbe same might by mid of
Wtn,ductioo of Picir:hall tato the cam.
A Woodstock 1 writes
"Bircb.0 may fairly be described as a m
idiot. He has some affection ter his wife
for hie mother, but beyond ibis be does
know what the wool meats. T8. rods
tic persue otbo seven months ago desert
the wretched man w • "h•n.isonw Eng
now" Would see him now, when be is
Mager buoyed up by hie love of notoria
walking up and down the marrow 0511 w
bis face ashen white and 84. week mon
and chis trembling front the ag•.ny with
The law has hunted him into a close eon
and be b learning in this world with a r
guinea that the wage; of sin is death.
the old court fermata mins, "May God 6a
mercy oil six &ori.
Tho C'anad,aa, Militia have again got
Cominander. C'..lou.l Ivor John Cardio
Herbert of the Ure.e.lier Omni% hea heat
appointed to 8(1 Use puiitt,.n vacate.' by (be
era, Middleton. Col. Herbert watt born Ju
17, Iteie and was teem a oonu,lsou in
Guards in 1970. Pie becam,. Regimes,
Major in the fall of rem alai alai, i, rwcale
the rank of Colonel. He has wired wi
gre,.t distinction on many staff 11,,
and is an experience.) „dicer.
Tree will be no *mum this year. A
not that 1. what Sir John 14004 .mkt . I.
ata great t'�e1aervahvo picute at Halifax las
week Several mamt,i3- of toe Domini, -
Cabinet have been touring Hine/el
w Mariti,ne Provinces, masking fa severe
place The 1 0v.rnor•oestcwal Ilea abs, beim,
paying wady in tie province by the Ise au.
has been enthueseeticelly w.:ontned.
fair Rector Langevaie, wiuieter of Pablio
Works and Hoe. llarkenne Howell, mindset*
d ` present that tate feeling he M. baton
atm'. u most bitter reganiiug the McKinley
alai the IMWh minlstr t•
devise some method of retaliation
At Hunts Vldio import duties have be..
ties boo
loc emend S per cent. and export du
been restored.
The Paris Rappel says the question of
seeming the Boulangtet, wail be teem
Chamber of Deputies, rwieiarl in the
Genem' Lord Wo& s1•y, .
y lir . •
1s lib
.metas tr1'I°
crime II
lento o
tool lie
&Dealt, owing to the fact tae&
with Holland has been newly
Dewed.e nian elf or Doe Clothing
t'eefslsee ea the Meewbide.
Ca*awa, OR 8.-Tbe railway section
the Canadian Pact&c Railway gang
Thurso this morning (mad the
a unknown man lying beside the
ween that village and Rockland.
y was entirely denuded of ata cloth
lir of pante, • vest and one boot
beside the body toad at sotne
It • shirt. necktie and a mate to
It is apposed that the man, ha
eeted 6trrelt of his clothing, perish
of the weather.
or bat was totted. The vest and
black is color and shirt
andect.d pastor of Emmanuel Cosiregabon
re. al Chop* to Montreal.
ports Two oma have been .treated at Moncton
tariff, N. 13 , on the charge of wrecking w In
to mimed train last Monde:.
l'bis to The adjourned °aunty fair and races •
American Welland, were Pure. 1 till Octobei
oar 17 o0 .aroun' of • wet track.
Mrs. McAime claims SOW from the -IK
Thomas corporatl.e for tannin sustains.
through falling an • detective oid.walk.
Beed 'Thirty -me beaded Chinamen en mute fow
small on
ung trim
Eng oe a
ora bet
plata bad
Pick A Is,
Ph1° f ,
s. from
•at boot
asp div
ttce from
the coat
let were
use � passed through Belleville lib
7 catch the Vancouver merest
west It tee been decided by the G. T. R. t
shod; build a sheet him m°nectiag the taenia
track branch of the road with the air lane et Glen
The ocec.
ing. Then is m foundation for the repartee
were outbr'e'ak of diereses among the Canadlat
distance oattIe awed at Dundee on board the Norse
the King.
ving Arebbhhop Fabs has reached Rome, ant
ed intends to protea to the Pops against the
No political predilections of Mgr. Labelle it
pante Quebec -
Eng The Northern Fair at Walkerton closed am
Saturday. TM receipts were in advance o
former years, but theexhibits were not quite
so good.
nil The coroner has been notified.
ge Deeth or • Little Colored 0
Jahn. Xis,
JOax, C.B., Oct. H. -Annie Burns.
cm moos
ear; 12-y
lib tow s
ors wl0uh
an. of
DU took
nam inornin
Ise- anti
Bah colored
IC A Shi
1e, You
Gar arsenic
A kir stn
, death
thin te
with the
n was gds
I trona
tit held to
te Const,
es once at
ti •s D.
the stew
wife end
and pro
pond n
of braid
tri a The Montreal Hone Exchange is opening
up an extemiive trade with the Wait Indies
• and °rime valuable stock hat already beet
ear -old colored girl deed ander peculiar
Let night. Rarly la the e
be called at the hour of George
(J and there wee giv
01 goose by Doe of the kitchen gds
she ate going home. 8be comp
pains in the head and daring the nig
violent ooa,,iloons, dying early
g. 78. body of the girt is see
the tongue protrude in a terribly
pa Cs.k Pats Arsenic In the Bread
.1 the yowl,
coulee. Oct. &-A heavy does
Ito their food by * tea
van- A rifle match, conducted by *telegraph
00 wee shot on Saturday between teams repree
aerating abs Demerara Rifle Association ant
en a the Royal Gre°aliers of Toronto.
elle Toe (:rent !forth -Western Telegraph Com
Lined play was granted leave of appeal to Us
ht Supreme Coot of Appeals in its suit again
UM the Montreal Telegraph Company.
then The value of doctored exports from tis
dye aomular district of St. Thomas and Pow
Stanley to the United State, for the pas
- three months amounted to over t1105,uW.
The Sheriff of Oxford her received foe.
application* for the job of executio°er of th
oobdemried than Birchen. tine is a Germ*
of trona Waterloo, and the remainder are iron
ward and cook .apse user ca0sine
of an hands aboard the British
Troop on ber mange from Mendel
Japan. The men were Mohan,
and, sheath Allah bade them make
lives of the party, too mach poison
►so, and this alone prevented din
results. The toes were arrested and
await trial by the English Uonauyt
which was ordered to be convened
Kobe. The steward gave his name
1Kaz, and his tompaoion, who did lib_
went under the name. of Charley
Ln the ard that passage the thought struck
ptaia FYowees and h_
t'.e•, irate, Jcmn !t Troop had tet
put out of w way. He at ate tol-
n what Allah bad oommaadel rise,
posed patenting u the e.afmt way to
to the desired end. When he veinal
ew .lnjler she steward ADA a knee
with the powder, and - arse day
*red Mei. Frowns, and Troop. the
mats, were tak.s sita, and for day* their
lives were dupaired of.
Brion the Consoler Court sono. of the
crew 1..611 d that they had beard the
Malays agree 1O poison aU bends and annex
the mad sear me of the .Malay group 01
lal•ade, so as to deliver ber lap to their lens -
tee Cant Fondue. )larnr of s small Fren(
stela town, Inas left New York for the obi country H
He 8 so delight Ad wit:, Canada that he in
me- toads to came out with his family and utak. 8
it bis home. ad
Ref[, has 1 by his
of t!, t �e to Dublin to mune cowman. -
roupe in Ireland.
1t to understood that the vatic -au hes de
cuter that W Catholics riutaln from vottnt
at the coating election in Italy.
Through the bmrstinr et a reservoir a
Lalonde, near Toulon, France, Ave
were killed and thirty Injured.
It u said the difference, between ('awn
Weldarttee and Emperor William la
to the military yollcy hare been removed.
A general strike to threatened on the Humes
too and Texas Comm' railway because
Thos Stevenson, 1(hh c m„Gray. !reels
the ran on big potatoes. One of the Red
Elephant variety weigh. 2 poundsand 12
00'01., and he has 40 potatoes that
weigh GO pounds
'(top -Mart
pereoa, For If Toa do net it sa•T m'w�
a0sspeive. rot
t va liR"gas ft r DtaweiW
moues use
regsrd r
wwtcho, 1, pare been employed has the
The engineer of the British steamer
ton," at Liverpool, from Wilmington
fa suffering from • disease said to be ch.
The revenue cutter "Wck,ott,' has MOS
Anal, and definite orders to proceed at
to Sebring Sea and seise all .choosers
The United States public debt da
shows a decrease of bonded lndebt
during the month of September of
Harrison Newman, a charity commissioner
has contracts! suicide by jumping into th
Ohio river at Louisville, Ky. He was out a
bis mind.
Fleming Bros. wholesale
and deniers w medicines at Pittsburg hay
assigned. L(abilitise, 140)000. area tele
that amount.
Mamie Joseph, daughter of Berner,
Jtiwph, a prominent merchant of St. Angus
Florida,ne, was murdered by Alexande.
Campbell, • rejected lover.
iA Grippe has respp.ared in Illinois an.
ne fat
aalftywasny atHamilton MAre nUThe Arnold, wits 0,
:be city marsbal, being the
Importers ware greatly excited at New
York on Saturday over the arri rel of co.rg•e
and the coZLtrtor of customs kept (lie of toe.
,pen until midnight paesk,g entries
The report that the Russian Giver -omen
propelled an alliance with France when
speller was Freed) Minister of Foment
Affairs to sen,.-ofAcially dented at tit.. Peters
yards. e.
to„ , Of Pare Cod Luer 011 and
*meat vow yew �d 0000.10.
It11,316 It to almost se Duties e as silk. lar
better than other secitUsd ilnaWgat
manorial flesh peodaear.
The Vivo-Pr..LIsnt and The Speaker of lila
0tre of R signed the Tarin
still and it 1te 1'resLknt, who of
xed bis siguature. House and Soon
}Dotted seine die.
After fifteen weeks, the rain M two fac
ries soil great suffering on the part of lib
mplc.yee, the great stnke of cigarnoaken al
has been declared off. Apar
WO mitt were oat.
A Vienna dispatch .mys that Germany an
ustria have cape to- a ruh,t.ntial agree-
ment to discriminate against exp.;rte fr
to Ualteit States, and that Indy, the tie
^member of the Triple AWartce, will probe
in tee movement.
The flet state ekrtion wee hell in blab'
C. and the entire state stoke
e incinat4,ne seem to favor the Republica
►et. Tho Repoblieen State Uon nit
turnsahow a Republican majority of *e
81101 in the state.
The lnterstete Hay palace at Monen-r:
, was c.ppm..l The walls are built of bole(
y with just euough bale' atmw to make
"'eine contrast. The primary object of tea
position is to make a dieplsy r the rare..
•ducts of F.a,tern Illinois and Kerner,
a lana.
n the Washington Hese the Feats con
resolution wile. agreed t.. . .
Eleven/ Towne 8epsrate School Trustees
taking advantage of • provision of the Limes, to
Looses Ace hare made a strong pro*. e
against the grantiog of a license to a "oleo' B
al near one of thew schools.
C. W. Mama, who for the past year ha
eosin Present, has committed suicide b
taking a dose of laudanum in • cup of to; t
He was about 2:4 years of age and bad o Meads or relation; in the locality, ./0
A minher of Mennonitee, 1.110 lett Soul*.
ern Manitoba last wittier to settle in Ore goo, are returning to Manitobst and the bal Th
Mee of twenty Oman,. will come as soon a they find the means to do so. re
It is rumored that as a result rif the charge, 1;
preferred amend . - t Elite, 01
the Welland Canal. he will retire from *or LI
vim, wed Mr. Nomura, the meletaat supine- ha
tendest, be protected to the position. Tbe butter makers of Winnipeg are ask elr,
cm A ineriein butter to that enforred by the ,
Melia/ray Bill and for Investigation into the '
Winged aduiteretion of California tells.
of Customs and the Xtr; end Counters o
Aberdeen ere ringing the far west.
Two of the Oman., miaisters recently ap
pointed have hem remiected Parthentes
by acclanmUnn.
elected lo libuth Ontario, stet Hoe. Rlebarel
Hon. le El. Smarm being a minister with
oat portfolio will not hays tumid raalswairra
11 is stated teat Hew J. W pimvin
dal Secretary, who len defeated * the las
ehicUors will fur Wm* Brant • libos
stems bold.
ln • feet deo. Cased" will neetrive
distinguished visitors. The Oteepten ot leo'
wie/ Woe/ Inelitubm is * ha Nee
atinathes ant al ansidestee. TM Canino
aid Ontario Gerennunits and trout ths
1Dreeto Hood of Then lin Owe tble omit
sad lespoe the miaeral wealth in it 'Tle;
vint eill he • mantilla cm* and penknife"
of mob gone
The Yeti raft this
men law le ifie UMW States will arse
Canadian trots in many gleam.
lowing le • waminary or worm. or the abed
teatime ea far am ft win offset lember:
TM change of dense is she wicel soliedel
is a redaction from ft In per 1,0011
wiles pan boards andl •
dunks' am weer pine shipboard. end dams
les, mai the impontioe of • M per sem
talleplesee poles and etweeed aft or seder, tie
Me hoe Me is the old tariff. There le Mee s
Ma lila Threat is Maybes.
ogee Beltmere's weelthisse mad neon widely
aser thee atty. Mr. inseam. eerie was
staving oft tne immaieg of Dept. 211, nod
dentally irwebed his seek. TY* Wool lowed
freely trove She eroeued, eel he brae gresily
ezeassisi whea fermi lying se the leer a
hie room
amend lap at Tareebeed allesegfte.
tarred to -day ea the tares st Mr. itaITIme,
Hay Wand, in the at. Letwourbee Miser. en-
jost he, aa Liar amuse
MAST. iiiEeT. NORTH. SOUTH. repreeent-
Dewier* eir ale. end Sias.
A Thrilling and Dram- Detroit, Chicago, IR. Lids
atic Novel
and Kansas City
It is the oily yeatibele with
The Efaldsoinest NEW
rteplete with Incident and CANADIAN PACIFIC
- and Full of Intense Ex -
to Finish.
citement from Start
This recently published novel
Is one of the best that the au-
thor has ever written. The plot
Is slowly and clearly developed.
and by the time the reader has
got weli into the story, he can
hardly lay It aside. It is a tale
of modern life.
A man known to half the
Country as the wealthy and re-
spected head of an ancient
banking house is at the same
time the head of a gang
Of colners. He is also an es-
caped convict. In each of his
modes of life he has a wife
The daughter of the convict
becomes engaged to the bosom
friend of the banker. The lov-
ers are kept apart and do not
meet until the end of the story.
This double life leads to many
exciting episodes.
The banker runs for parlia-
ment. is knighted, and has
other honors showered upon
The convict is being hunted by
the police and every moment
the trail gets hotter. The ex-
citement is truly intense
throughout the story but the
highest pitch Is reached at the
The finale is very dramatic.
A realistic tone and a vein of
cleverly sketchel humor runs
through the novel.
The pictures Of the election
contest and riots. the murders,
and the coiner's den are vivid
In their descriptive coloring.
ARE j]
By Profession ?
By Education ?
By Association?
If Dee. me sou are not ereitlY taking It.
30u tseed
The Leak Ulm Paper
i Send 12. Me peat el elm soar'. enneerlee
kites. Mareseng lilt ENANW.Irk. Sox WI,
er ' fifteen months from October I. Iblit. to Joni)-
ary I. 1832.
The wareliip "Comes" arrived at Halifes and
*at a newt inertial was heel at Bertatela
ennownine the stranding of 11. M. H. "Py to/
Iron the ship.
Lord Stanley tem preeented vrith an ad with
a la
diem by Um Ifonctnn tewn ounce in Ms woo
Opera Muse. The school thinners turned ou eon!,
be greet His Exoeilenev. and at his requo- mon
very were rtesaved witn great eacbarmem tat",
Use afternoon.
none esenley visited Manitoba Indisetries it At
Yr X X Tarim.' hoe tiorePhim Breeder
my tariff nil! whin lies n. Thema Barber put •
at the J
Owl of the pawing* so te
ex b bibles. 1t repro obe
mins ea ancient fortified city gale &LIAO mono
veldt ernete It will be eonatrueted with abs prn
different kinds of woods growieg in the pro boo.
vino. and will he built by Kr. P. Vathere to tee
(*ported tongued and greftred brook, am
"'herb Mimeo the OW !kaki, OM lumber ini
pal*. risme may etradry shah 4stmeipme
duty sit legp,, the °blest lama& he anal
toressees bee Si export deity at
separted to dee Qatari Beam
the Leteamia Imague sum* eel
ob. %mod sad Illisseeselkm Med wish ten
oar mask Theseallet iimipipied al Maw
final *nay nie Valballie mill lase Mr Oars
wells by Salk -
men, woe eadeaverag to alhede Sao. tab Brow
la the lam sites be Aimed and led sad aim
opmetalline iis dee bars end sat twat la
seem. stertme earner.
ailed im • MOM hoer by/awls dr Tames -
berm Leas Ora* • Pena. illaSwar.
bylaw wee carried hy a brim imeepeatep.
voting ter the beam
Parlt Plait et ON move at Ilevemoriese asIsby
wee wag ley Me. IL ilasseie
Mr. Mares alphas. emessit. Mei et
alimeleet Oran earl.
44 sehemam The Sow Tette Mae use
daps III arm simataa, tehilat brie beg
emu hese mad has weans Nigh
eld amend of trotting for "tin --eine'
vide* *or • neutdarr1 stake in what) emit
winning • haat In 2.20 or better ow
The ease will be $1200.
Hoye egotist, who wee ranentir hiarkballes /from
Dont the Heath: Chits. and for whom, node
of am alleged irregularity Nada'
eartelher eiselloa was ordered. wee ague I -nut
'sled hist week, wean he use litersen One
essered ender by Mask Ilde is tim
tided lime the illtitoramp-Oeseral hoe beet
baskialled frees en Unitas Oak mad le Boo
so sever be sods proposed.
The Thrsido thy assessor, have just coo rope.
teallabirease he Ma memememagpm over lea yea the
Ms ammeseggs take for die year atsmateb
le dakaal,OMI, tad Ms papaisalms. me gives WV
beg yamr sif MIK The total sameamg.• 1 Sit Pa
0410111,110. Taste Maras OMNI • he .• Tb•
Learanoratli. intbolie prier a, from Da -
echo arrived at Philadelphia nal the
fp "Heigenimid," are demised under
soetrect labor las Tub prism aggao••_
that they wens Sara. In Seim to Mu
buschere In the esthete, Odin, et
ea, knee fameried eann bylaw!
mann hes hmere reteuved in the eeeetwo.
awl Wee Om speedo wfU be die
wind mi et Ileireleb eage. Mak* hefted irillberfdes.
ovi heard Me "Nakesheme imam ea I
sae SI npnpaiseila tammegag set tabled
Tor Insomnia *WI all the /11111 111,111111K (MT
Comietics ale bet re-
quired when it ;a taken. became as •
blood putifier it has no equal, es the re-
markable champ, and improvement in
the ormplez of throe w inve taken
it ter any length et time testifies.
Mr Alex. (Uwe, Kincardine. writes •-
" My wile has tett. golly kr a lobe
pale and mildew all the time. she eoc•
Untied jour Moni.rat4.r eenit weeks,
and 1 am gia•I to telt yen that she is now
well, as smart end iu lively as a p.m),
girl. The Liniment K NIclentan's)
yaw Dent it, Hugh (linhain cored his
lame bark. Mr John Mitchell torn Mrs
with the Rei,ovater. Re is Ito IW work-
ing, cough and lunge an tieht.-
thrust, 'rough, chide, term, gravel,
dropsy. &a . can tie had from drupelets
im,rdlletorgitibe Renovator. If ant in Iambi
70. theetee.
17 litt Mr 111111:
Leaves eledeneh 71e. • In cia G. T. R... mak-
pos. Nana* day: tit. Lbw. :AS and
Irma be talked into goner cia &Of other
mute. blows your tieketa from
who is the emir pereon who can seeure mar
el re
( .1. Telegraph (liner. West at • SOUt111
two detention. the -.41.14,11..
Dissolution of partnershilr
in February, 1891, compels
us to offer 5000 rolls wall
paper, 200 window shades,
a lot of plated ware (war-
ranted quadruple plateLeon-
sisting. of cruets, butters,
pickles spoons, knives, forks,
etc., jewellery, cutlery and a
large stock of fancy goods
and notions, which we offer
at lowest prices, so low as to
induce you to buy. Call
and see us.
As the Old Darkey said :
1(. hest once in a while., than to
pity leas and hab a poor article
Our Tea Tii36 Doilhiedi
You can gct the
Latest and Best
vv (III. )(NYE.?