The Signal, 1890-10-10, Page 4• Wes 5k, iSIu $jnil iYND HY FRIDAY w rye WWI murrina orrice • WORTH • STRZRT. OOD&KICK. p1a le a wtdeewske 1 doweled felane the Ma et w RAVI. ell • year : Teo. ter x ,wonthe : 4a.. tiler wised•. U the eabeeripaies is sot pall y ndaes abeerilstea will be c •� Me sate.1 MO • year. uTNRTtaAxa RATS* PUBLISHER'S ROTI&, Ma JAalra E. QyADAT, As - burn, has been /1. l,e SlSl Traveling Agent for THE Sweat, and is . to solicit subecrip- Lions and orders for jobwork for this ice, and to sign receipts for same. D. McGILLICU1)DY, TMs Skeet., Uoderich, Ord• 9, 1890. Tux American duty on epp'J;a has placed en added yolk upon the fiscal L�I.wd steer easeel adver,.eniest& lac. burdens of our agriculturists. Qae for Ant iaseetieo. and ]real per Ilse -abmrlaaa uBpeaalle,. Parra► k per nee Legal Oakes L. to dis•ry readies tine le Pe has married the sub -editor of the Cinch t insertion. Measured by smears THE editor of the Breton World Lepel ootlose is ma type• gleed. Seethes. carne el ells s tines and under el per rear., d Loa, round. Strayed etteetlons Vacua. Situation Wanted and Business Chances Wanted. not etceedtas e tines nunpanel 11 par mouth. Mouses on este end Ferree on rate. not to rob e xceed tl lines. 11 for Aral 'mouth, wont , . per n nab- e equenl month. Large THE SIGNAL, FRIDAY. OCT. 10,1890. • L ROUSE UP Jti7U0ll WANTED. it is our duty to provide fur our leas his charge! Summary eje,Uueut SANK WITH HER CREW.. fortunate fellows ; d I am eleot«1 `- tawwad d the r�•P• p lItttrr uonnty has reached a period with should be carried out with rwgatd n I shall support the project 1 BRITISH BARK LOST WITH ALL ON in its history when a ladxes.ity mists •8a1 � end all the to the Sir Jones mad the other tura, E,aaausa, Gel 4 -AB n. mieldww et for the erection of a House of Refuge, +all the poower I possess, 1. fiddled within remit d the wNa Menridials for the unfortune.. Indigents within ta11eJ I am nwdowecd wadi if my rtsi►eti lea a lwrkwy _ 1•ws•1 mw ntn�d the Bos ewe *moo would follow and such a amuse :a• re Welar yd+gtspsIlkeet .a, . leaarai at the war or�aa and the = emealhe abler at the fids snslM le the land its limits. For years the question hes been agitated and with varying veru to, but we believe the time now is when the advocates of the scheme should make a rally and boldly strike for victory'. This week the subject has been brought specially hove to many towuship residents by the .. - detion of the Grand Jury for the county that such an institution is ab- solutely called for, and by the earnest, Christian reuarks of M. Justice Bownisnville Stat .rnan. The etll Met:MAI:0N upon the situation. His tonal We i; now gra iatically cur - rex t on .lir Beeston World. Lordship took the ground dies pen- uriousners of members of public Now is the time when the man who bodies and the 'canting up of Muni - has r s via , Ica a coal stove resolve.. with great cipel, County, Provincial and [)owin- AeT spectral ^•,tica tbl ohietc •'t which b to force in the spirit of true economy to ion surpluses, when the lives of hien, promote the prooa•iI° beceal ut shiny t.••tr p woolen and children were in the bed- Theme a1- romDaay• to bin co"•td''r'"t aa � sift his cinders at frequent and regtt- course who,like Nero of of have One d them, •ills. Caw mi'''l IM in this natter does not wit the Ina while their ouuntry pe▪ dalIlieryee a uw.t.ast- ea4 jority of the electors they are at liber They are now yelling •Loyalty ! •' era a. xtah+tsa we asst d a ilrtY » o�•aa• pass, and e▪ s, ....as ar Lowboy. »sashed kh elation can. h welt a ty to vote that I be not elected"- at every point of the compass, �� �� lash dsaY•es l.ts.t e. mltrdwr. when such an one has gone to his eon- seek to arouse favor with erstwhile not, p a bit ttoomtag tb 'wa�atO°s of .•a7 car• stituente and placed his plea as a followers by harping on that single it l a wawa.'" craft d Las es4 w5l000tent on Use me* Another will large �lelsb(ns ��drowned- -- woad axeed expedition of Germans mut pleading with men for the bet- chord, but it should be . -il , .rmbecttt� 11. wen dro Hart from Nodi to subjugate the kid to anent of his fellows, there has been that in a crowded city, when a shop- A •rl.rt/mb Cebeptrewl- Ohm. cta unfavorable response lifter is pursued by the officers of jus- poseraxnoorea, oat 0. -'Lbw ewtharl- dAu.RALL aicofwe. Or ♦,rtleme ter and cberaed aseurdlr,.li• win- Mice, was a public crime, and a dis- W la all cases be -:Hotly •d• Lar periods during the doming Advertisement, for extended penodl. Made x11• treasured, holt I,OINI the rr•,..lutn,n ,0111 T►es° terms w herd no ter. Fora week or two the cinders grace to the members of the respective Special rates for larger edcea•tirmewu, or bodies which allowed such a condition of publics, ion. known at the omce Rets shaken instead of the ,eccumnlst- of things to exist. The county aonn- J 1 N 1 I N E DEPARTMENT. jng ashes. cilloni who annually went back to - •ally e'1 DPed connection with . t e . • lua work 1+ turned out na a rate*. ni Jobbing Omce 11 carried _ _ - -- - -- their .;'n ...iu eels with the boast in m i 1 n ordinary kR newepeoer esu where fir a c THE sw•iftIP.s of Celt/ellen justice their mouth that they halt retained a r_, blEverything lath, print f til tl ed poster to • : tdtltyt card. county.monlcatto•s must be addressed to leading nett simpers of the United project that was designed for the ame- n. tet;tt ucl »rr.T. States, and a telling contrast is make lioration of the condition of God's ,,y,, Kdlotot Tut SIGNAL d between the two iysteuls of legal pro iaDr, were unfitted for any public p01ri- a t 5•l. Aa 36. un.t.•nrh oat. crdlure. There are, after all, some tion, and deserved, instead of the thisgs in which C,utalw can give votes of their conatitueutat, the utter- • pointer's to Brother JONATHAN, and most contempt from all wall -thinking - - the conduct of orf- court: is one of persons. That was the terror d Tim FRIDAY, OCTOBEi(, 1(370.10 them. Lordship's aldrese, and the empires- ' re awn poster donet o• the :lofting carve tram su is commriltrcl upon favorably y by surplus by voting against a .t rimmed that a Duo no uncertain or all at M ta,aag beca,heo Bos It is only the shilly-shally, tumby- tile, he frequently seeks to escape by •cy 1. Ir tint agaied ah. a Itpae t'yI•es tlrhe Le.d a trtwr•wt D•M•h' l.•mt•. pen►by, time -awning, spineless muuici- shouting, "Stop Thief ' " The cry of that tit. ooweprratora are malls' lfsw YOtts, Oed. 0. -Dawe l)rr Las tM lase �� � tbu local rdersl ser �� d helot ,� Ieadini beam :. la the pal candidate who is afraid to let his " Loyalty : " by the 111.11 who hove Mr Use furtherance of the D&"t• for the Arlt m•seon o[ its h. manhood take first plate to his vote- brought their country to ita preemie ,, war t- • kin to peewee, the moa- merlin, Lowe apc,l,t Lbw, rust o 11.1x_ sorry pass should not secure them ,yys,oe. elm oarryIDE oat tear designs drama lib be. lime well a eery hunting. atter In b 1 M, averaging work . the from justice, any more than should ems. Steib• stewn• Don*, week's play, bat doing hie net FREE TRADE 13 WANTED./t I Dais 6'-•jb. orwad wars half d the semen. the thief's cry of "Stop thief ' Dab Nteksra ends of r• C1.ar. h to • Up w the time be was tent Jar i7. Whom t l3od hath jointed together lite Restrictionist V ust lio nee esahllse. The cancerous •Reotioo ,h basing average 1a es games wee .lr 1 1 itl 1A bum cad+ M W been saterI[ W ae WDOe rssunnlsq ale tram, J alp 7, be bas kt.no nun put asunder,- y�'fiE §IGNAL is an knjunc- "'use gams. w which me second tion w nations as w. -1I as to in/dia'ici- Sous of the alleged readers of ehdaed bt, a n. 1/.•e a arsrage for the eessbar .sr7 fete mals, and has a particular significance character who have been giving min - continent fee. . mal ter r.sswry.N.di girowhlog hes t� t+saieaatoas arwrage Lar l • , . 1, (let 6. -Baron at .last week's play of .s+6, basions[ bim to to the people of the North American ate analyses of BI1ecHALI. s worst at- ��wer [org.ry and Lha '.�y wife doles wooed Oahe tea the nes, wttb a s,saos'e continent at the present juncture. tributes have ovenlone the nuttier. �,suby� 1. belhe teplored m ut ria to s,wtfe 1.k.. d asst reel$ The immutable law of Nature has or- These scientific gentry, had they lime} d the barna hews but td. Con, caw Jim (YHourae and Roger CosDor it k whenLord 13ottEK US* you witaewsa wall third sod fourth, their records being respire. SIR June and his henchmen say sum of such sentiments do honor to TO GY)RRBBJ'01 /►E T;I. heart and head. the nest any to get even with We tare dewsecl to see at any rate We want correspondents in mtttry the �ICI�LNLEY Bill is for Ciuuuiians I locality. We want the news -Mot either to find a foreign market or to that one convert has been made to lip►the scheme during the week. Mr. slander, or buck -biting of • consume what they raise. They don't tb neighbors, but news, fresh and crisp. say, however. how• the foreign Jeers JoUslrrns, neve of West Wa- We want it done up in sleet Mara- market is to be rcachecl- or wanctalt, was the foreman of the Grand whether tiro . onunodhities--Itarlev. for Jury, and brought the presentment graphs, and would advise our corres before His Lordship. There was n in4t..1r. _should Ile consumed in x p pondents to model thrix writing upon solid or liquid .trate. time when Mr. JOHNSTON t4x,k a dif- the lines of our local town hriedets. __ --- -.-- fereut t -14W upon this question, hut Boil the individual items dnwnl and ? GREAT many of our agricultural we tom pleased to see that a brighter friends in this section who toted for ,any- 11w, cipwnelt i -e' int on this line give us plenty of tlm•u;. I►ou't troll Ctastuln for Canadians in 1ST$, and _-that he sow looks at t:.l subject in ble your sewers. vuth :a lux of every election since that time, nn• a better light. With Mr. Jour - words. Don't 1011,41 a c:uM(ll to shoot making a direful howl Ie•t•ause our MTO5 under conviction 'item this great a fly. When you have ti message to neighbors across the line have taken public question, ant! with the ho1*- sent!, send it in short, sharp, pithy then. at their wont, and are letting that he will lie sinxieus to (spread the sentences. We would rather have an then. fry is their .own fat. its a light which lie sow enjoys, car hav0 tough exiwriente, but it takes a tough confidence in the future of a House eighth column of five -line paragraphs rxnerleude to tench - well, to tenon a of Refuge for the 1.o or soul infirm in than one paragraph taking up three- certain class ..f our ell•eta,re. Huron at as early .late. f 1 if r vthuig tlainedd that Canada x14.1 the United in Woodstock " n zibla It u.zlxctwd lively .lao6 sad .347. Thea coma tithe of the States lying side by aide and each err " hall plenty of woney and drove w examined A aumMr 111 Femme prom 9aetoa , pions, Kelly .345, Hardie Iueh- dependent to some extent upon the r [orgarlea ted ecu .344 and Brouthere .342. Ryan. who Iced M Res deed • deeds the Pirates witb en average of .:t il, is . outer, should dwell in harmony togeth- td Then come Ward .33n. Buck Ewing T.4ee waw • ya►u Mer MI, Van Haltom .336, Larkin .Sit;. Duffy er : and yet we find toasty that un- PAPAS. Oct 6 -A drama Ma, Beaklry and tlnteuffe, each having • wise legislation at t Ittawa sail at Kort (,rs1Os ryas elms ate• *hes • bead- loam d Mooed „e six Washington lata put Natures law at (;ora r sixteenth setts -579 Crane . ►ly Abseery .300. Reteeld .Yea. Bill Brown .973. defiwner, sail as car write *s much V y70 Des Richardson .tat. Johanna bittertelea of heart exists in the breast y�u Lay . 1) ltichar .L10. 36' , Joh . , John Ewing .3UJ. Keefe .117. of every member the the community Bauer has an average a .306, ktnelow on each side of the imaginary lice ylU, Elaladap .96Y, Joyce .�. Con Lally rl64, Andrews .352, McOeacby .343. Cook side at his fellow on the opposite .3t1. Beery .GB, Cob Murphy .Itis, Homier, side as wouldl lis the cave were each a Pa They w•itrd togethe 173 Weyhins .175x, Murphy g 11 hostile camp of annc•dl men. hih Hardie ping .1 , bas ia toted tear ewer Why should thisstatoof affairs Ofd tinur to exist! and why dao not so -calls+! his four -in -handl, would doubtless have declared him a jolly young fel- low from England, a bit gay, you know, but not a bad sort of chap at bottom. It is very easy to discover a fellow aft. ant in aristocratic circles am implica1ed ----- u. Nae lte•.tedb Attacked ' of love and mar A at D'Array. Tba ter bee Just been enacted . loam Russian boy of lb. .aced Yater moral draw- in a e ow r a jury in France In vyadtmlroff, caw iraveldwg rkably b.anti has determined him to he guilty of hIe wswderthes La met • rwwla murder. Th claimto be able to tell feel idow, Mme Carmine Fres-cunt, who, mn r. is sr �. childr'sn. was also h B murderer by the with her two !mud Tea ms ae• that IICHALL case a trwveung for plsa,hr+. y width of his thumb, the hollowness of aai„aed, .w.j be am.oled hlm.SU entirwly W C bis hum' lm and the thickness of his ear Iter, white .be wilungty accented Aga r, rode together, is bosh. These physkologis�s, pay- rd together and spent the long summer ynarters n a co umn. n - - ---- Huron is large enough to support important occurs in any Iociility of As between Sir JOHN MACIsINALD auP►t an institution, and, we regret to , Premier, Sir JOHN MI.aCIIONALD, going sufficient interest to take spa column 111411 Mr. D. D. Wiesns 011 the (ter state, requires such an ons sadly. fmm glare to I,Iaee, his slogan being of :a market for egg, the IetcI headed Assize after arrive the paewl•ntment of " T don't care," when lie knew a of spate we will send) wont to the s-ufortb dMwlrr is the letter nuthority. tee Grnnd .Tory and the 11 ph of the levity stroke area xlxout to he inflicted 0f that ,••.tion to make tl l\'lttlov a fry` -rat's neo tri•di t{u• iiel}•n• give publicity to the fact that upon his country. "Wt a will (lien correspondent statesmen rise equal to the occasion and say, It is not right that this un- settled and unsatisfactory state of things should longer exist :let there be an end to this war of tariffs between neighboring countries : let the un- tie/win' strife cease' The people on 1 1 is 1 1 lwgologists ought to start upon some one outside the Is Becklwp, tibindle and \toes dosed iu three p (Aim& in Park pate iu t They lease too much in their favor whleh weee aB et the Must ezpene�� �d with yin. Hardie RiaW� after the twelve good men ost,s ..d eervd to mance_ a nes cry lea, ors+ hit• 7 c ID ugts and taw d of h penitentiary or the comlPmne(I cell. yane. Fre!ditet bas wenn base hit.,ha•iag mt• f and the couple Invited them to Ilttis dinner. 1•ads ititwos. Tgeia with 41, Ilan Bewtt�sll lliiii ' - and I true in the sale hid wandering to the fauns thea+--•`, w tea of .560. 13e Wale the Male"' League the children were Welt in the can d • esu this puiet, sod in hese rubs with 10. moat ezgtu•I toil Uuf 1111 have settled the matter of }wilt. ser. Thep took thaw. trhh b w the tae• ro 1h1R has .rads the utast rotas, 1s3; Toss we most deitghtful little aupMrs atter J Ranula w.r.L 1(010. Freyetnet was eoanu,red n[ bar Brown 141, Bwrap 144. l'awser, 13ECACRr. the Attorney-(iPnPral will spy p3be Banta his pntsrs w her {;lcbardr,n •nal Wiard11o3a pf ten an !lea not over -ride the decision of the eouRs wean, and she caressed him openly sad fig, Quinn 58 aeroBeckley sl s torte a greet show of her devotion. Every -is the champion in and in tit. .natter of the disposal of L1w- body wee happy and height in their malty- iotant a storey W base with 1W 401011 Wiese. Tum Brown TWO couple utter. edlammid Witt tit. Jupce holds the frier v intercourse, or go , . balls with 1'-S in Imi gamma freest possible trade relations, but the!Ansi tug re>r with• the xtfwir, and claims that Mr. MOWAT hotel anal thou woo for • waLl o° their The an lit is um \atlaael L•gv voice of the in urs alio tempos- paltry they r dent a s+nmptu arily boll power in each country is R hem the thea hour Knight I l Incinuati fr.e000d for strife of tariffs. f•er a customs war. g rushing in saw bind ng end Tiernan, nein judgesm the doorway ",,,1 lYB tea Marr 801 both sides of the line :try anxinue for don *e wa4t•, the Free Press i; try- dSecidai this earning twat they raeaing record i• t t Idle D Array fur • ing to make political capital out of Abe they .nosed a room the would at (be twee peace, fordl f th sus dinner. batting average of .300 or better. Glasscock is persecuting London for return t y went w their at the bat with • 1 wee ower thenlead, the National Liagtr 10*140n,. If the Atwrncy•l:eneral room. In about a quarter of as record u[ .icc, o Was train to u t the ruling of the a piswl shot was beard. and the ser- wi(ti.Sd1, Hatnilww and Burkett ha•e .1(16 wens stoned Tbon sad \•lrtue coats Why Y Simply because it rllablr. u, ,there would he moot for sue- oorwn wolf the revolver in his band Next with .:IOQ. Then tallow clamant, l'lemehn .806. each to appeal to the meet corrupt picion, but as it is now the argl Inert 11e had a wild manner sad appssem ds Brodie. Reilly and rien • ' • elements of the c unity, and oar is utterly nonsensical. it is a ,hatne He .brew the pistol at the ssrvenu feet. ex- Pinkney .800, Daily (Cleveland' .IHG, Inter: -1 have killed my mignon: Rua brauk nut McKean .911A. Col - taro from the classes the sinews, of duet the filth of n large and erre Mg fns a r,•tistat,le• street me He tliso addled: The newt of the Brooklyn cbampx+om, have war to longer retrain office against the city like Londlon should }x run intra u I eosin not teeist it A amdbem whisper r Tarry 271. Canadian J,.t Tum recur& es follows: rout: leel, Burns :MX Dab will of the uuta,les. comlmrative!v email strum like the; In m�eear .Kill her k 1rme sal a voice 1 heir.' 1 fought smith : A, Clarke �1, 5::, Donovan :t30, During the past Werk we have Thaus•.. At certain .rx.;ons of the I against it. Thea n ,Won Bushome and Heard of .' .Rhee 104 Kill her' kyll Sop Lovett l'I• f Cx►lalR s be Take the revolver from her Wh,Atler hat a w•jtnesmcrl the .p,tr•tac12 0 - r. - L will wand n speck++! Briti.h s,arket Ana the American star- x Hon,w ..l1l fug. is issue /1 41.4! in .into us,. said he. new markets,.. and a 'aprrzI4 • (yr w •' • , with the result the county, and session after sr. •sintl Its premised to his heaters the trade report'.',•. We are now feeling up a lest at the ,slur t larger number of topics and a greater that this •ide of the Atlantic (but the the question ,.•Dune'* 1. -fore the (aunty Of Englan.l. atilt China. 011(1 J:►pn, other 4AP of the line wtt: four "int!' (,,,until• but thus far all efforts to se- and the biles the Seas. forgetful of a dozen Latter than (treat Britain as cure, the d•stablislusent of the Much- the ftset that the same infamous poli - an rgg market. The British Market rrlluire(l institution fur.• prove.! us -;0y of restricted mule which caused) for eggs nuty be better than 1100. :availing. I the 1_�nite'l St*tes to turn their cone but it (mntiot equal the Auwrioatl Heat- Iota,; 4111111 this 14rotc•htel state' ntereial guns upon us is in full market le -fore the Mt hrnLi:Y Bill 1*t, of aflhirs Ica tal!nwe(I a, In.t ' Ti 1 eperitiOn etas to (peter trade from the Medd. county. has in its lianas n4,(4(M) "r i m arketa nameel. in al.lition to all A IlliTrd"revt: and .liner, witnra*r, thereabout. of Stott Act tine; w h, •h this we have a I•xndicap talaltlst us of in the Bourn 511.1154e wcrc eldliwl heli- it knows not how to disposeof. Lag - thousands of miles of transl..rt in year nn a dyer wa. made to nllnw this working up the prslmise i Is'011tlt..01 I:ovnds" by the• chulrric :ulvrx•ate dila- , Tout the to form the nucleus towards ,•rt-eting I trade. anal the ••.*meet of tine. with feuding the prisd.lrr• .0.040. ,a HIM /41. of 11.•fue's but the prevail- . the i,erislable • a•m414.lit 0.4 for which Ilial nut interfere. .k leilicemmn in private clothes who ,narlklsl into: ,1 tion was vote I drown. Rodent Ihgia• n nutrkot is to le•-tound is of sits! iltl• Iatlott provide, tll:t• :l:,i-tatlee to the pert:mere. Catholic church it: Ireland semi ••u extent of rf4,004J will lye given by the !tut while the `lir JOHNS and other dastard to tit erten s the • 4'r:•t:; of raviolis! !(ins talk thn1, _'kir) about o •wing the confess trptaI a -* ternn t f C (Iot•erliMent tae counties y ! ( t 1 the ernt•tiDn of r►ot•Me at territory than ever beton% and want to Imvr 114 many plates represented in as few .N.luwus A., lar,sil/le. Let every one of our eorrespirndrnts give us the new,, Lilt boil it .lownt. Say the most in the frwewt w..r1.. la IT It11.L ilrEte1.1:1 MICKIN» LEY (till that is caned::_ d. chi* IX- citemetit 0111110111 4141444 of the imagin- ary line these (Llys anlalgaulation het w,•.•ti the Mail and Empire is the la: rumor. _ Tile prevailing ( nilut tenet: there is not roots for Jet,' now•. There afire! was. IT nnw appwars that. J. It !awe D 11'10it tLl. h*. :a leaaniut: towards almost evrrythiti; that is latest aknew�•dgttent is, that be Ile Berm, in 1tuls•rint Frrl•nati• New i, the time when s Born(• Market- mach 'is was pmntisord by Sir .iuna anti his **trlli4•s as a -are out tome a .f the reign of the • (. P. would 1•m•r a big • • tl to the action of tit.. �I. h 11,1.1, Bill. - !tut where, trh' where ,: the Hdohu Nnrkst1 i bury nickel reg. wee a.:11.ital stroke Tne h•n,.,ee -swing n,:,, hjne in ',f bu.iueoa. and hie *1,14• •iw•••••11 nits an destry it like Tn n•nleve to'\\ eat Tor •'!mtorn•• of pxatriotiam. enter�.rlw• and einem Junction. etei Illy. Tor, prows of east emote happily blended. The the a.ljoinins city will ia.int to tJte *teeth of roppiir and nickeliferous new industry as :a fruit .1 thy. !Dation- ore. in Northern 1 h.tnrm• is u,nte- al Poiiey. What the Hamilton pa- thing . • the fmbuloue. Coro- _ orns _ pens will O*y will handy (weer „Tett. paroll with sur d.piritn the New tab dont* *nilt lin Rio Tintn mitt.% of Spain I '71 a IM. - entice In-t11Cv nrR T7'n1PRlI • that well prtotre. tv i 1 snow year the rocks in the river a( blaesk i du it' 1 eoaldn't help m7041. 1 made ben Hornung . '. B.s,ett .'1P1, Clarke .935, Ruc - and slimy with accumulations of or- give ane the weepcxl. Then 1 east: 'Carmine• 1.v .;D4, Henry .2Y* I)enh! 30, Murphy the 1 niust kill you: beevru says so: die.' I And .9U6. Hb.rrott .3rd, Weieb .171. Rowe . (N1, genic twitter, and hrxhh of Ilio Carmine, my b•sloti- piornmers has". Anel she• tell. MJ poor toted caw average. city itself is threatened. slide those cul I,e4•ve.i, s dead sal 1 here tilled tar." Tiernan has tbs lergwet towns anal viltagos .lawn the stream • 1 in entering the nnlm in which the deed .SW. Burkett is next with ..06. 'Clemson war alone Mae- Fre!cinet will lead lying .rad W11mut lead in borne rum wild 14 eseb. have to Ia ar with the defilement ref ,+o the Ata,rrritb a little wound In her Atwat Reilly hes met•• 36 thrse-baggers, and tsar the water by their big sister up the The Boort hof tlndoubtrllp Sane throdlgh Thc,mp+.xl 10 two-baggera Hsnultow is the riser. Sewage fxnns an the safest her heart and death must have been rodeo- 0504 d. in the N%atitual L10gDe taae.mta with Y_'. and befit 111Patls of dislxxting of ,raw- �tatlebatig Ceawewtiva. Naw i'alt[, Oct. 6. -Tate Wk about a age 111 inland toN'il4 RDI. cities. 111 I1rBLn, 1'1el 6. -Taw , at the conference of the representative men of the fast, it is the only way that should Nationalist convention to -day were private. National Ledague. Papers League and . Therewar a very large attendance and. meet American Association seines w Sire getter beal iwnoitt..I. wile** the pmecipitatinn ,.f tl,w prominent members of Use National- eatistacnun. and the old-time friends ,1 hese- inetll•xls :are more 'successful, :roil (Iry iso parte were peeasnt. Justin McCann, ball are full of bope that something will be mowed tow rbptinu rat four resotutionc. all of done to revive the .•41 time interns. A earth 010 0t- ars strictly insisted ul, whish had pwevlously been wtbmittatl to Mr. prvwnin• ne I.ea:ta• enan, in rwree def ver - Ant of .her• 101wo lag night• 101.1 that it was tittle that oil. Ian . ily 4ted rich is see situated ;; is Tlse Pl°dges 1 p tiw fullest support of the National all parties in interest shoiwt give herd to that the water carriage of sewage can League w the tetuntw who are threatened what th.prow• end the public demanded. interfere with 110 other nlunicil,ality. th rsiw :n of the course i•eroonai pride, selfish Interests• and likes cal adopted by the oovernmemt and landlord and dislikes would bare to give wap w the Messy f.•11 fourteen trent. in Tor- P!ndiaates The memo,' revolution demand general post Tbe• genuemen whose capita that certain (Integrant district' in the smith- a at stake mirht nate t...gether and Wk otdU/ on Mi•.ui:y, the first .lay after ern and western parte of Ireland be given matters over. No 11*4111 rxmil.1 come from by the (;..vernawnt inch a meeting. and the possibility of much file Nell there ISiil tamp into tone. I idol measure to taken at once CT the go(sl, *eel perhaps a solution of the wbole And •till there wrl.albedo perm.n. wl10 nude the inhabltanta. The Government trouble :rigid realt. sway that the United States is not loured upon w inaugurate a seri•, of public That batparties ere willing to reset is for the purpose of 1•-i mug em- beyond qucstw.,. The thing now is bow W natural market for barley• pyyms,lt to the p••ple sad enable them to bring it about so that neither party will be support thenas.lvOt without charitable as- ',larval in a compromising potato's. In tar eiatanoe. The third resolution-rvmaksnitm sh ball w to p,litle• w h••n mutters get leo such s atir tcrl,.. the• ..,,dart of the Govern- point 1t u sate w ammo • trey will be found Air BCRN. ow" by T %f Aitxlaae:TdeV Ji 1' whilst Frowl our own correspondent ----'"' !lei flat a Pn at t'li. day their pmutietea haeut i• caauyng the arreg (.f c rBriun. U11k,h w brink all parties together. N ern this h we were prdrtniw.i (4111 chimneys in b+th last instead .. • r 4ht Scarth nwilotie.n Immo s for omen In The N.V. Herald says that there le scarce- � .1 tilln (• . turn who wee laid up with a sore throat. behalf of the Irish anrnGfr•xnspmpstifaera Ip. doubt now but flat Brooklyn sad Louie dlie. ter the Indigent Within t,u•Ir t ptev Mr Rom . ecu led the in def••mointg wane N*tiotaliat uu ntlr•rx m _ 1 in 1 „"h r4u in mnfultillt.l ThenV pulpit sat Lbw other Nnnun•aliet kadiery arraigned done a feeling of 'demure and gratfAcstloe borders. Theme1 h Presbyterian 1 h bare o0 tial perary 1 thin ba•whall wcwid h. -tae.• all dried naglstratc. awl u1M., ( Re M Stewart, tile,tuttly attdx•ate r•rfueing to will: •1• cid. but have availed nothing thus far. every d sty. fawn an draw- the ohj.�ethm Glee wands he ens car were tent that the farmer would • I Itwy Mr Meyer. formerly pastor re the tbmaghwt the world. Neither 11i11•a, wilt will cosiest fur the w.,rbt's clampkds The aatement is ndyntt/rd by t},..Itvaarelteal church here, is et present O'Brwe nor Yarnell wee present •hi jtew,hlpn will ltpxro the ewrles is Leal". •')0te41 front the sour:. I1 einem bat' fa 11•,11►r Market at III - ' his former --.a.:___.e In w •nw•h Mr 11'I b•,r.r ..lrharwtalated _.,L rain• t1t. Vr•n1, 11•'11. 1111,1 11-11:u1(w I•l 111.181141 feet.; are .aunt In + e the c •arc a Tip will pervade the members of I1urd.11 County Poult Is n 111Drc terrible thin then :1 hell - houn.l here. If justit•t• is not Winn in !retsina, it is dttraPiotinily stupid. MK. BLUE'S nitittitl••n is .1 w.v•k 1a the iron Mestere of Great Britain to ream•• over to Canasta nuel wee the Sn•1 n.•t e. :t1111 41rpuib4. wlltl 11111 Retie to that their t'inl.titu.lvt+ are oilseed to it. That is not really * true prementation (if the fact*.I The townships that have decided against the matter by a tote at they Inunil•iltal election hate (Meer a0 ie - ea der the matter Whig not properly Ms.:p awl before the electors. The nwre or deputy 5Ito isle -nal the scheme in tlw County Council. of IM - (vanity spoke on the hustings en as to holster up his tote at the Council hn►nl. 11141, it, the alsence of opposi- tion from awn w l,n heel Shen thought to the quw.tion, of retires always situ - evaded in pulling the wool over the �9n. 14o7. Ono. F- Fonts, waw ache+, has not up to date ;Greet set spinion that our loyalty to (great Britain nhorll go so far as not to haw free trade in (iimge fraclove divrwesea. 'raja would las an interesting tare his next hifalutin ttddrr*a on in - Atoned relations. ere l Foreign capital end a dye• of the electnre. foreign market aro *like needed in When an -honorable• Img 1/earte41, order to the - t rot our min- humanity loving reeve like Joni, Me end industries, hut ineaprability at Mtu.ax. M. 1'., who formerly repro Ottawa to grasp the situation hin- ders ids. A change of Govern- ment at the cruet ikIllllnicwl ebeetiorl em be • Minnie: to the (mining termite of °made. dl• ,r : then. in-t•:ul of *hipping our 0 %Veinal rot hi. -thumb cut In fnrM prettier t•, t liuraLl would "y its pn,gre'4 it. arta The wet weather prevented • number and luanufa'tur.•s c:.:ulwh the artisan of our villager, Ir ,m taking in the tee- , at Smith's HIII Teat M„ndq salt expert worker to (..1114 hither and evening. 44,n.ullte the nt1ep11t of farm ruin gar- den. (pate t:,,..• pmt. leen fat fille.l, we mak the Sir Junks -awl their apologists, atilt from one earl of (:.ana- d* to the other a 1 and prolonged) " No ' . u the answer. Then, if three men falsified the re lona in I v T $ anti for twelve long years have diesel a lie, awl if the country instead of being beneetted has hem surely crippled and die- treetop.' ie- tre iw..' by the insane . polity which has brought it to its present unfortunate 4•nndition, what should 11e .Jt. pnrtiMn 0f those who have came def tit. I,rok Le I' in, 1 StJ►tae, :rent • mill mil dot leedle pew,t.r d •saw.' He i• programing tev..nbly, genteel Mullett in the County Ccmncil, primarily heeen the has gone to hie NiOat.itnante at the ae reword 1 What would a farmer de municipal election am .tat..1 e 1 with * tenant who Mrd wrerkwl his am in fawn of the ereetinn of • House farm, and drM ii.tenal injury lo Lha el Refuge in this county : 1 brliaatra property wh+ h•dl been placi.1l in • V! 1 Ike party upon the rec.,very d 1••rnwi Rom an einem wbirh had throne Eloped With Two Illarrtw4 Women. ease to be mortal and to paralytic Naw Ioal.cAaa la, Oct, 6 -Edward the whole future of tow Irish emcee. He re- Waters of tt-berlrrvllle, Ala, .tear Mobile, joiol.1 to be aide to tell Parnell that bm steed who on Thurwlay performed the surprising as high as ,ver in the afectir.hr wad cel- tate of .ping with own married women. awes of the Irish person any that they Mrs- F'in.Iter and Mrs Tanner, woe captured desired to expre10 their appreciating of his tn+1•y et toe l'ntabmta turpentine maimed he interring genius and indomitable courage. by M.-'h,o, of nne dmf tow watfen, Mr James Cumming has been appoint- tracked them from Mobile. Waters ttaa ed orilleotor for the township .1 Tucker- Llghtwrmee and Carcase• WAke. tepee at the point of the pistol and forced to smith. The council could not bene Lesiva. (set. 6 -The Bghtermea at Hog do a 16 mile walk. when lin carters pleased made a better selection. Soden!' 1118- have struck. Fifteen basdrwt cartoon at him in response to hr piteous eppeek TM poaitor. Liverpool have ousel for higher wages and woanee w-: a less gently treated. oda at thaw Mr David Walker, c( Tuekersmtt shorter helmet being kicked and Meta, and weirs takers K Bey Mt. Isis* Miss., see miles away. wham= has boon very unwell for some time. farthing Carters Rous. 1. Work. He ie troahlwd with an s(ectlon of the Linins ort.. 0cy 6 -T1. etrlke of Lha te•y wa 5 wt task 4 0 Mobile in'sighl st,mseh. His many blends threiehtnet aloft'II" 11*. named an edeas katal meth T1wts•a edemas. the country will be glad W learn of kyr --- Oi1 41..1' in the grata and ea6 Lewm..T, Oct 6 -The 1Jberala of Seele meovery. tars bade. .111 1. weeded to -morrow, the Vietoris cwt in ,'nnveetton beta today M On H'es...dq, thin 24th on.. while siker, ata mase trtesatag to -day bawds dr syn{ a eaadideso In reprvuoa UMW (e Mr Andrew Reid, of the 7th tonoessisn, aided to th resume work at e old mesa the eamlog bee -election forthe Hews d Rollet, was engaged in harming ete111011. Igate0*.e m,tke al as p„ .•owe, R imam 1, h, tariff. Loarnow, (lest. 0.- s. aM. at d Msetpasa, win the unanim•n,a n natio e. ate., at the err r,t Rya farm, own of Ills �• bed little ones thought the would have s INewneet•nd 1lkomuulk Urine drust 4fs 7 INTERESTING ITEMS (1 WIRE fire ,1 their own and ty built a Mutr•h is temples h whether the bora• little pile of straw and set are to M. sins or the eamplesses nhAR as ow eters ' The eaate1 repeat d c sawn eel Before It was noticed by the oI•ter mask. Mears work sea 1/4111441 enomef+saet10 OMee ekeeathlsuwM bets .d this family the straw sleek was M tadiftwey Weeder of tltsls__d. M the sad nr 110 hat aced yaw MI Aid psadeasm Mmes sod ere help arrived Lha hats cage Larson, Owl /1 -As lrllmse bre mar "mei" "MIL akin harwisg en fariewely dist aot♦iug ear bora sow eseemeade the ilrttirb fermi lea ar Maw of Lha Isla lktlalhsa eIP elowld be salmo ad, end tM total amp and ill the Irawrald Isla Rea iserrlrsR M -d deers Inadie 11.tara•y s. ret nee ag •..ebur elf his trete red0Nd tke-a in Owe Draft fir sawn Mars • °f at Ras i1ie/ Saws sir may we wwNwhw len takes. The low is adimsted 04102,500 MtdrN ham, n ur ea.w teatbtem er w way K bar yaw y'sssa kat/ sewn wap •elsaaerss ham, and ttl.a srtmher h Meld Dwarst. and the i anew is $1,400. ille bums fia_r Ilia VD limen at taa.t a_. d Termitic