The Signal, 1890-10-10, Page 3THE SIGNAL, FRIDAY, OCT. 10, 1890. SVMMER SHOES PUS. IR ENDLESS VARIETY Of alb amid Prue. at the Old-iteldi.lei S1:1 -OB Store OV Z. DOWNING. I am s giveos 1 qt chasmMao of Ibbelli bat Best Productions la footwear from all the Leading i[anufacturera in the Ilomi.loa. Prises lower than at say Ober more la tint Iomt.loa ter the same clam of Goods. Ordered Work equal to the bee In Caseda- NO SLOP WORK EVERT PAIR OUARANTSILD. Repairing done Promptly and Right. E. DOWNING, Ch ID t -et .ad Severe. Godes-kb. K:L' i'C8iT1YL_Y Ca iE C1111?S, 1111S11 T$[ STt41nN J Bowel Coelplalds, E iarrb_ea SUMMERCOINPL.AIHTS KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. WHY EVERY FARMER should get meet Armstrong's Improved IITo. GRAIN & SISBDCLEANERS ? BEC IAT..T3E 101-11 allows no foul weds to be blown into the chaff. whish to of great Importance to every farmer who wtsher to keep his farm clam fog. It sates and cleans all Timothy aced Irma any kind of grata whale cleaning the grain. ori. For Market cleaning It removes Cockle. Chess and shrunken grain. and gives the farmer the roost ou.stb:e weight for his grain wt•h no unoec.s.ary buss. ell. it will sample grain for show and seed purposes equal to hand pickiest - Silk --Cleaning seed Wheat it removes all Cock:e. SItWard sed. Wild teas. Wild Mx and other font and shrunken od broken grain. an'' giro the farmer pore. clam. seed grain. Wt. -it will clean Oat*. Barley. Qc. tha- oughly without easeef grow. rib.—Cleaning Pew: it will lepante the wand. quartered.. halves. Oats and whole Pse /root each other. carrying each to • different 111. -it 1.. perfect Clover seed Maehiae. re- moving all dost. broken and dead weds sad atter wetk larger or nnaller tbaa the Clover Bred. 111:1 —It lea first claw Ores meed ]Iaoidar. Wows eo seeds away, MID.—It is a good Flax Bead Machias, Its. -1t lea ant class chatter. tllaD —Icon be Steed late the oldest fashioned /Lallimg Mill that Is laid arida a atopies. awl make It do Ibe wort of • new 11111. 111•16—It ane be attaehad us • sew )1111 with- out Waring It, 5041 en he removed at •ay tIe . M sadly as a three combined. 1t d..m oss laterfere with the one set the re Kolar doves of the MW. 1 ell. - its nor(to w nearly .11 perforated Wee. Ink it lies • e•ps•dty of sixty bushels of grain par hens. tette. it rad cheap ae the ordinary Females Mill shrew rtes.—Ever, Machine Is Ocauuratm. geed year ord.r at anew if you weal it this if roe hove not mew • )laehlo. ask M Y►e ewe sent for Inpectl..a, cad that you tp Wee 11 ea condition It alts. ord.,4i+inetg ly mall seed Inside width of steea of Phonies 31111. ARMSTRONG BROS., t +r O oderioh, Ont. trel.mc ■ m.v ..s *Ira Or le40 • aOM MOW OM 4 a. arra Vgoo as.•e•esa mom" Rom ow map so Rom W .a..• rwe.d rm. leal . r rw ►t .sOrr ..........—.n STRENGTH. FARM, FIELD, timiDi.N. TIM CSLX3RATZD Ram Lal's 'U3E IA 1 Uaagnatled for quality and Richuess of IiIfllziou For .ale at &OBERTSOH'S BROCBRY ! Corner Moatrealst. and Square. FLAVOR. FRAGRANCE. HOUSEHOLD RECIPES. Ceteups are a pleasant addition to meats, game and bah, are much more than pickle and are very easily prepared at home Every how's - keeper will tied use. during the winter, for catsup,', to sas.ning ea we1, as eerv- wg thew with suitable dishes. Tomato Catsup. -Put • half bushel of tomatoes over the lies and let them buil gently fur nae hour, then press through • sieve. Return the jul.;e to the kettle and boil very lou'. Add • quart of strong vinegar and boll half an hoar ; then add • quarter of • pound of sugar, half • teacupful of s..t, an uuuce of black pepper, one nuts•. of •llspnce, half us ouuos of cloves, a fourth of a tea• *painful of cayenne pepper, and stir until well mixed. Let buil a tow minutes. B..ttle ami eee1 while hot. Cucumber Catsup. -Pare large, ripe cucumbers and remove the sods. Grate tine, asti to one dears add toe small onions, tiler taesp000fols c.f csvenne pepper,• -Uiespsoafel grated horse -radish, hall a 1•bleapoonfel of white sugar, • little melt and black pepper. Cover with cold vinegar and seal. Sliced Cucumber Catsup. -Take large, ripe cucumber,. peel and slice thin, rpnnkle with melt, ■nd let stand twenty- four hours, iron through a sieve. Boil • quart of trines/at with a tablespoonful each of Mack pepper, white mustard seed sod celery seed, and pour over the co• cumbers. Cabbage Catsup -Chop ane gallon of winter cabbage, one quart of onions and six pude of green pepper together. Bal calf a gallon of vinegar and one mond "f mustard, gmlfier and allspice, one tableepamful eacb. of cloves, cinnamon, :nate and grated horse -radish, with one pound of brows sugar. Poor over the cabbage. Mushroom Catsup. — Take freshly gatherea tuwhr..emee, wipe, but do not wash them. Put a layer of in the b,ttom of an earthen dish. sprinkle with melt, then put another Iyer of mushrooms and melt, alternately. Cover with • damp, folded cloth, and stand in a warm place for thirty-six hours ; then mash and sinus through a corse bag. To every quart ..f juke aid one ounce of , ; pot in a ket- tle a.,d boil hall an hour, then add an ounce of whole •hauler, half an ounce of roger nn r, two d.•ien whole cloys, and a blade of mace. Let simmer gently h1 - teen minutes lunger, then oke from the Sre and let stand in • cool place. When cold, strain through • flannel bag, pat in elms bottles sad seal. W, Catsup. -Ons quart of vinegar. hell an ounce of c.yrnue pep- per. f•,or heads of garlic, bruised, half e dozen •achuviee. mashed, ten whole clover, and one blade of mace. Coyer and stand aside for eighteen hour*. Strain through • sieve, add one gill of walnut catsup and • tablespoonful of made mustard; poi in • stone jug and let stand for two weeks. Bottle and seal. This catsup is an excellent sun - agitate for Worcestershire sauce. (preen Tomato Catsup. -Chop one gal- lon of green tomatoes, • half acetic of cabbage and • pint of onions with six pods of red pepper ; sprinkle with melt and let .3sad over night ; drain, and add two tablespooc fails sash of mustard, gin- ger and bias* pepper, with one table- spoonful each of cinnamon, cloves, all- spice, horse -radish and mace, and •pound of brown sugar ; pour over the catsup ; pot la a preserve kettle and boil four noun, when at becomes thick and smooth. (hype Catsup. -Take eine pounds of grapes, remove from the sums, weigh and put in s preserve kettle; set on the fire and scald ; rob thr.ogh a oolarder, add Ave pounds of *agar, three table- spoonfuls of cinnamon, nae each of ground *loves and •lispiee. Buil fl - bon seiaotee, then add the vinegar Mold. Bottle at nese Mother's Tomato Catsup. -One -ball barest of perfectly ripe (mimeses. Weigh and tweak in phase Poses theme over the fire and let them Dome to a boil. Whim snot rob thaw through a Novo. Add onrhall sap of salt, one taaesplel each of a11•plee and cloves, rats. geart of strong vinegar. Oook me hoar or until •paste thick, stirring all fie time. Bottle sed awl le bile hot. Maoris le. The eat mems ass. In thea days d haeshag it is • relief he beer et ssmeshieg that esu ifs d.am ol- d apse. Whine WIM awry has loses Isbell as a wwy b. the sura of ar lissom d Ihs Throat, fleet cad Lowy, be /Seely Nowt/ yews, ebb mash seism r N gees IIs phgm the sod. elf The OY BoYe'e ase M OseRba► Oshls. Droop. Asthma. iaaeh seri shM sed am ./.dices .1 flim ism *an r. ut ISW as* roe eal as Oil THINGS .:ONE BY FARMERS AND AT EXPERIMENT STATIONS. :backers et Teets hada to Wisest Cortese set rtes Obis Natotie Feet Raated eeae Tllel soul le ass4taa, what•• rr.te.ttea, Rte. For eight years , . . in wheat .reeding have been carried en at the Ohio station, where the rates et seeding have been all the way from two to nine pecks per acre. During this period the seven peck rate gave the highest yield, but has been closely followed by the Ave sad six pack rates. Mulching wheat for winter prate ctioa has failed to be of any practi- cal benefit. A 000siderably larger yield et grain was obtained when the wheat was drilled le cad a inches deep than when it was drilled 4 inches deep. Thu d pt et (trilling wheat must be guv- rrned ley the soil. Lighter agile will per- mit the wheat to be pot in deeper :hart solos that are heavy, or that are of such ', i' , that they are likely to bake atter rain. The repeated . . made at this station with farm yarl manures and .. . . J fertilizers., as reported in a bulletin issued by the director, justify the following conclusion.: .I On sterile lands both nitrogen and phos- phoric mid most be present in a fertil- izer, the nitrogen in relatively large , in order tu produce any bene- ficial effect upon the crop. (.2) On sills of medium fertility nitrogen (in nitrate o[ .oda) seems to produce amu» narked effect than . . acid, yet both seem to be essential. (31 Ou soils capa- ble of . , thirty to forty bushels ttf wheat to the acre with gaud tillage alone, there was a failure to gain any increase of crop by the nor of any fer- tiliaer or combination of frrtilizere. ,4, Potash seemed to be lts.0 often required than either nitrogen or phosphoric acid. It was found, in testing the varieties of wheat grown in 11109 that thirty-one earietie s of bearded wheat gave an aver- age of 404 bushels per acre, while the thirty-six smooth wheats yielded an average of 37.4 bushels per acre. Six white wheats averaged abe.nt 37 bushels, while the red wheats averaged a little o'er 38 bushels. Cr.rbred and Hybrid W:,eats. Mr. E. S. Carman'a .ucec.'esefnl e,tlleri- ments in hybridizing rye an.l wheat on the 2 gr ands of The Rand New Yorker, an achic vement that had previously been considered impossible, attracted long ago the attention of scien- tists both at home end abroad. Lint the ncieKntiste are by no Inerna the only ones interested. Everybody who knows that these ., .. is represent years of pa- tient, earnest work, hope a th :t the final outcome will be grain of eadr•ri•,r merit to any now in cultivation. While many cromsbreds and hybrids here been pro- duced that failed to show improvement over existing kinds, there are some also of premier. Three of the crossbred wheats, also two of the rye wheat hy- brids. were offered 1'v a lea•lin;g seeds - man last year, at the prohibitive price of twenty-five seeds for twenty-five cents. There were olered by number only. This year the price has bre:: lessened anal the numbers changed to perntan.-r.t nn:nes:, as follows: Willits rued Robert. by pau•ent- agie half wheat. half rye. and ungues: after the aasiatant secretary of agriculture and Professor Roberts, of Cornell tn:iveraity. The others are: •-Bail^v," after Prufes- r,r Bailey, of Cornell; "Beal." after Dr. Beal. of the Michigan Atlric ultnral col- lege; "Stewert." after Henry Stewart. and "Johnson," after Professor Johnson. of Yale. Two of the hybrids. wbic!i are by par- entage three-quarters rye. will be planted (we grain, a fart n;s::rt each way) this September and offend next year. These resemble rye in having hairy culla:: awl long, close leads. Both mature with rye and are perfectly hardy. with very ate :ag stems. Their flowering qualities are not as yet known. All efforts to bring the wheat plant back to rye by the use ut ryepollen mem the progeny beyond fifteen ai._teenths have resulted in sterility. Mr. Cannan hasplante which are by parentage fifteen - sixteenths rye. These were nearly sterile. but are yearly beccmin;g les so. They bear beautiful largo heads. which are quits distinct from either rye or wheat. -New York World. come Cowl Native $keel.. One of the roust beautiful of all our native shrubs is the wild rose. with its rich, ggrrn. .delicately cut foliage and pearly pink B owern. who.. fragrance is more delicfens than that of any other plant I know ef. It is beautiful all the year roand. Its seed vegtels are good substitutes for flowers in winter. It is much preferable in every way to the ()Id cinnamon rate, which *nor: makes a thicket of a garden if not kept from suckering. Another fine shrub is the elder, with its great fiat cynics of ivory white flow- ers. A large bush, covered with blos- soms, has the. of being draped with lane. Its wine colored ber- ries are very attractive during the au- tumn. For a corner where it can be given ample room to •lemic,' ttaslf in we have+ few better ahrnbs. The dogwoods 'sight pstg. loosened smell trees more .s , y, than shrub'. But call than Whet wit will, they are well deserving a plass in any collection where then 4g roan enough !cer theta. The *hadblow is another good b:.sh for garden we. ib white Sowers a» always hailed with delight, bemuse they come an early in 'price. Ls time 1t becomes suite a tree, hat It can be kept as a shrelb for yeses by cutting 11 back well each season. Th. annum is a most beautiful shrub at ell scasma Its Maw is pite fern - Bile in delicacy sed fanlim is affect le d11 it is deeply ~mos is its eider - ,w keg. mimes sl±bw et Mit ars se etive whim sees agpaleet a bash - el noisy ash•d•••y ahliait=6".4 rtOw& IL =ORAL e or* la wham w,.ppsea Y'{ LAV11/is naw. Mr- Mew .ad Mlles as reed are a tterwtY eeppl, 01 nap 1. Witmer. 1f you want your hens to lay give them feud beat cakolated to furnish egg form- ing material and gently stimulate --nue term' to tarnish lines fur the .hell and :neat to make bl(AMI. Rememb.r that there is a continual drain on 11 of the member laying hen. In summer un extended runs hens will ahuu.t or en- tirely find their own egg making mate- rial. But in winter and in ouoAnement three intuit be supplied regularly. ()ce simple rule with adult fowls is to give them as much food as they will eat eagerly and no more. When practicable make laying bens scratch and work for their feed. Exercise condnoes to prolific- acy, .:yule coling about and overfeed - tug results in too much fat to allow the production of a fall quota of eggs. Food fur laying fowls is one of the subjects considered in the poultry report of •4 -es expethi ent farm at Ottawa, Canada renewing are some of the directions given: lu the cold weather of winter a warm meal in the morning to necessary to start and keep up a steady supply of eggs. A good plan is to throw all the waste of the kitchen in the ehapeof scrape, pieces of (.read, uneaten vegetables, etc., into a pot, bt'at up in the morning till nearly Is cling, and then mix bran, provender, sheits or whatever is most abundant or cheap on the farm into a hot rhes, dust- ing in a small quantity of red pepper be - fere mixing. Let the mixture stand fur a few minutes until the meal- is nearly caked, then feed in a clean trough, with laths over it, to keep the heus from jump - mg in and fouling or wasting the feed in their eager anxiety. Feed only enough of this soft stuff to barely satisfy, never enongh to gorge. When a hen has had so much food that she will go into a corner and mope she has had too mach, and if the overfeed- ing is continued will seen c'am to lay. The laying hens are the active ones. If food is given at noon it would be oats, and scattered among the litter on the &cr. This meal should be light. The last feed in the afte"noo:t should be gen- emus. Each hen nhoald be sent to roust with a full crop to carry her over the long night. Green food in the shape of vegetables usually grown on every farm wiil be relished by the layers. Cabbages, trtrnips or c:.rrats are gen- erally the most convenient. Small pota- toes boiled and mixed with provender or bran is a good chmlgo for G; meal. Some of the above named vege- tables should always Le in the pens of the layers. Red :'!oyer 1::y, steamed, chopped and nti:ed with Lran, and given while bot, is ono of the healthiest foods for the morning; meal. Meat in some shape must bo give:: at List twice a week to fnrniah blend risking materiae. Hens fed on meat lay well. If given 110 meat the hens will ea: their eggs and reek feathers fr ra one another. As cold weather caprct:ches prevision meat be made for ksaai:tg laying hens warm, r,peeially at night. Hens will bear a great deal of cold in the sunshine. and will not stop laying if they can r,. ..t warm. The isapo tanve tit warm quar- ters. with good mutilation. cttn hardly tit overestimated. A very good arrange- ment for a hots hones tor winter suggest- ed Ly cne at::her-ty in rich :matters -onedsta in making tl::' ceiling of rails about six fret above tho floe::. These rails are covered with soft bay or coarse swamp hay of any tial. The rotx:tts are placxrl ad:oat three f rt high abut.: the floor. :.eleetiag :feel Cote. In selecting seed corn be e. retnI to re- ject grains the outr;.lo aliell or pulp sac of which: its broken. for the germinating power of arch seed is impaired. Reject alio all ill shapen kernels. Most farm- ers reject the tip and omit kernels, led it is pretty well demonstrated that this is no imnporove/n-1A. If the ears are quite fully developed said well filled out it is claimed, with considerable truth. that to discard the butt and tip grains has a tendency to ehortcn the ears. In high northern latitudes, 1►owever, where the dent varieties are mostly grown, the tip meds are usually discarded because of an alleged tendency to til, . . into the flint variety.-Ainericat Agricnitnrld. T • Car. of Macre. Even gelid manure requires care. If the hollds are massed together and he - come very dry they will poraesbut utile value, but can be preserved by the addi- tion of . . ,, which permit of nail- ing both the liquids and solids in a man- ner to impart to the whole a greater vain than is pssere.c.l by either singly, am no manure can be a complete fertilizer that does not contain all the ,nnlwltances required aa plant food. hence absorbents add to the manure as well as preserve it. Tblep Told by Apiarists. Professor A. F. Conk says: "Never al- low the queen to be forced to idlenes for want of empty tells. Extract all uncapped homey in the fall and the honey from all the brood combs not needed for the winter. The honey should also be thrown from pieces of drone comb which are cat from the brood frames and from the uncapped comb in sections at the clew of the season." M. Quimby said on the .nbject of wintering hews: "Dry. pure air anti a proper. cern f. aro two prime ems'ntial in *nccewifnl wintering of h.... Thew certainly cannot be so perfectly controlled ont of doers as in a suitable Indoor repository.' A Colorado bete keeper ways: "h will not pay to bay box hives and black bees to tree:der and hellenize. However, if a person going intense bambino has had tittle or no experience it is good school- ing to perform this work; bat otherwise it is bettor to pm -chase a goad stook of Imes fa good Deane hives ready for beat - nem" The wort/ says: ''Bees ars soeemtle.es Qum the wools to hives .ad lbs apiary. Iterettng bas tress, how- rm. mega tot seer sties. is miaow pteltalob. ohm a Ins hi /seed AM seat emblems to gib the essle whale it Ile bees en to b. ereadaweie ORCHARD AND GARDEN. 1N THE INTLRtIUT OF FLORISTS, FRUIT GROWLRS AND OARD€.NERS. few me labs ea lasb.ehess flet lasopea- Mee Weoeha CLes 1. wow' M Grew meats ear Whiner ntoemisa--news a_/ Rotes oe Iates.ea la many hums hot homes are expen- sive luzurits that cannot be afforded, but the love el flowers exists and window gardening becomes Inme et the cheerful features of sunny apartments daring the winter seamen. The Wardian case pro- vides a pleating change fens: the tonal long, narrow window box, and plants mown therein are les care than are those set about in puts in a room. A Wardian case may 1n anexceedingly ex- pensive and elaborate affair, or an inex- pensive agid simple arrangement, such as * shown in axe Cut. All that is required are a bed or box of well drained .oil, with a glass case on it. Select a common table frame, with the top of the table off: nail boards on the bottom of the frame, line the whole with zinc, fill with earth (or set the planta lu the case in potsl, and over it put a came made of glace . window ghtns will answer. Any glazier can maks um. at little cost. It may be [mule of any shape and bright desirable. There t.huuld lea n dour . r sliding lane in it, so AA to gain ready levees t.i the planta. In the center et the Intl should lie a hole for drataage. over which a plant saucer should be inverted. Fill the bottom or the bed for an inch or two with broken c har.,al. Planta in a Wardian case ars not so likely to freeze with the name degree of cold in a nuns as ? 1 house plants: hat the room shon151 be kept sarin, nevertkelesa. Drench the soil well wh.'n the planting is done. and they will minim watering but (.nee or twice a month They will need ventilation by .e n•AUDI AN ('ASE. removing the sliding pane or opening the (hoer of the case occasionally when the moiatnre on the glace seems in excess, so as to obaletre the glass. Not only ferns and 10.oeaes, bat a'wore of pretty wood plants can b.. grown' and arranged with reek and shall work to suit the fancy and please the eye. .t:. Orchil That Demands Rumple Con ore. Lyerstat akinneri fa a native of Guate- to:cls, found in what fs calkel the tem- perate portion. It is toned with; an ordinary grrnhouse t .., ::.. and a tyre or peaty soil. Vick say, that a tem - pa rnt::re of fifty degrees is sufficient, and the planus are kept in better health and produce fila r flowers with a moderate L•rr:-'ratum than one higher. The I!.awetingg season lasts through Octolar. Noveu:bcr and December. and may be prolonged through Jennary and well into Feb -nary. Its Llt.nning season is when fiuwens are the taunt needed, and the plant is . . . tly n h,•antifnl winter ornrulent to the c= send The plant will keep well in t:a hone' i -t a cocl room. red from its :riap tability in this maprct it hat; been called -the •slag: in room orvhi.l." Quit ' t: clamber of et:i.'tirs of this plant am found in a n:: anti state, and are new in critic ation, the difference being mainly in the (depth of coloring FINE TAILORIN(} To shippers of Plans. ('atrfnl pr.: kin; and the use of the proper size of package when forwarding plants aro moat essential points. If plsnte are carelea ly packed and an nn - wieldy box need for their conveyance trine grower t, buyer. says The Florists' Exchange, the rnt,sevynence is that the box or package is roughly handled by .. t , e and others. the plants; are all scattered and mixed .me with the other, and a number thereby rendered useless: the receiver's time is het in dis- entangling the mesa. oaths are frequent and the general impressive' prevails that the grower filling the bill doe* not know him business. and then •muss the nn- kinde:d cut of ull. further orders iron the same bnycr are lost. This fact is worthy of attention. nrt.t sad nastiest. Select the meet perfect tomatoes for steel. Squeeze out the pale in a mewl. and allow it to stand until fernrentatiun ham heed the ..ed from the *limy mat- ter which envelops itit may then he readily washed clean and dried. A Michigan tnan has patented a ma- chine for billing celery of the seventy-five varieties of grapes frnfting this warm at the grounds of The Rural New Y..rker the following are the only kind,: which are osrrying bunches tree from got: Parity, Dela- ware, ol♦warm, Pocklington, Q Vic- toria. iatoria, Antitheft*, Ulmer, Oottage, Nem tar (Bleck D.'lawarn4. Raton. rmpi» fibste( and Wooden. A Testing frown La ?ranee, which ham been named La France de INN. . its, eeo ording to The Rewe Hortieo4, the best new roast nit the year which has ap- peared ppeareel he Parts. 11 is d..rvibett a.1 equal la etas to the Pawl Neyres. with petals of a odor. Vick mays that a small from wash sink nr ca. "sada mf alar, .pt is a frame Iib • fable fee ohm ,awaits., with as ewe- ' awry kermess thaw ..4..s., V ea !mat t liesatesr hi, )ted eee...te 1890. 1890. .Ia.il axa.d. v v Az-It02t- Fine Display of New Goods. Fine Worsteds. Fine English and Scotch Tweeds. Fine Canadian Tweeds. Fine Overcoatinga. Fine Workmanship and Trimmings. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. MB_ acCOR,Z.ZAC_ PUBLIC NOTICE Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on th public by peddlers are offering Special Tea and Coffee, and ro n age. and others, Inducements solicit your BEES PRICE & SO Say's Block, next Bask of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Golerich Foundry and Machine Works, RUNOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM WB I1AV2 ON HAND FOL SALE: IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, PLOWS, &c. We are Manufacturing I.... .. . 1 New Model Mowers which are equal to the beat. Give th m a trial and encour- age home manufacture. We Will Guarantee Satisfaction. It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. I WO Engines and Boilers for sale. r^ll-tEPAL IRB AND CABTI$ OF' ALL diets NEW ARRIVAL -of- PATENTS CIOEITS, TUOE M*MS 113 ceP!IICNTS T I i j R obtalnc.t, sod all burin. la t1 e 1J.8. Pat. O11.'e ...ended to at JJ0L'KR4TII MItB;Y. FAbb'Our oras• Is opppooa*its the C. R. Potent (N- oce, and we use oMain Pacenta in :c. ilea than those remote from WASHINGTON. Send .YODEL OR PRA 11711"0. We •d- Tlae s top.t.a tabilltyy free of charge sad we hake .v0CHARON UNLESS IrE 0B - TA i.v- PA TENT. LATEST ...w. . '.w .. mi e r +e rr We refer, in the Postmuter,tke Supt, to Money Order iv., and to officials of the C. S. Patent oe. For circular, advice, germs and rsferwao.s to actual clients 1a your own State or Coaty, write to C A. SNOW a CR, (boo.ite Palest Oda.. w aabi.MwD.C. G -ODDS. Remnants to b. Cleared Out. Perfect Fite and Showy Shapes. H. DUNLOP, 1137• The Weatit. Tailor If'\.local ortrerelllwg. to art tny enarwnteed N 1-ate*RY Sy, A. Salary or Commission. paid weiItr. 4 II(hlbe. Special attention girrn to beginners . Workers never fail to make good weekly wages. write tate at once for particulars. 73 la E. O. GRAHAM. Nurseryman. Midi boom 1s rellable.l TORONTO. ONT. WANTED! A good peshing Salesman here. First dame pay guaranteed weekly. Cownmieeiea w salary. Quack selling new Fruits and epr"lal•'ea rAKMMKS eon get • good pay fag Mb fm h e wages. write for loll terms and par leaders. FREiD. 11 YOUNG ono. rTmow . 73-3m It. nr.Tga. N. WANTED Any quantity of peas, barley anti oats, for which the highest market price will he pail at BIIRROWB' rl-tet. • WILL CURE OR RELJEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINES., DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, JAVNOWCf. ERYSIPELAS. SALT RHEUM HEART 8111tiW, HEADACHE, FLUTTER/NO OF THE HE# ACIDITY Of Calf STO>A/,'f1R, DIH MES* Oft Tt sAced 'ewe roes of w, n T. RUM & Pssp, tagasis e•••e us. rise.. .w maw _ eta .r The Seetbkman. *rets w e. t. u.:- :'S•w .... Y t•le•.a. •MAr11t, es Mel• + aw,, . rr- M .se . sern.a v .MTI M .ems it Y Me FINE PRINTING PAPERS AT SIGNAL _...oralies