The Signal, 1890-10-10, Page 2TILE
L)Tenuaas[o leer.
GODERICH BRANCH. coat mrs la but • baby- w•• in crow her long
who had graduated the year treble and that +veld brlug u• together alts[
A O[tsAFT BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTIO. FARMECANADA.R" NOTES RI DISCOUNTED. . was warned nil le «ata as wettable, bre ..But I hope w bete the pleasure. y. He had had supper with
PAYABLE AT AL, RE Ta IN RANO THE PRINCIPAL PAL Muer the family kuew that her feather I he said ; sed halt drawing wysel( back journey.
CITIES 110 TME UNitED STATES, (TREAT BRITAIN. FRANCE. BERMUDA, <G. best could not carry her safely through I we bused lire formal, newly wade s`- he: :gid ,nn bait(*t KMutter at
the Hy-
11/111111011 ■111111 DEPARTMtNT. (t the * h,rtp�'�. 01 ■ "*paoon." Feiner ywiutauatee.
LOO Ary:) UPW ROS RECEIVED. AND CURRENT RATES OF INTERtor I know Mr Harley 11'l..ore, the quiet, old- I "I e+uuut lear0 him to juin your "1• then anything I man do for het r'
A<.L g C iIk 5.014 1 had • ado to c,rre•ptnd. But iu this I ptaytully, ' 1 am t.kitiA him (..r • fur • Nothing. thanks. Her old nurse u
ADD[O � Tss[ t►RrlswrAt. RT TN[ [oro Caw NAY ANO' ar11 booker, sqd .•f course thought gra . w.,nbiprts, )!•sola.•. 5711 iglus. sad 1 asked dutifully.
, bogey turvy world Cupid atteuda t.. the well toter of the t-wws. Ilia ship gots with her 1 think she .III Ise out in the
gspvaaeC.n IM aACN VIAS:. w•rr ning•
Sp..1.1 Attention given to 'ableri assorting end lits Mi iervs frown. out with the tide.
and Fenner' !aloe Moth. II Alas, I sigh for the r+nished joys of Inhu(.artaken
thst rad aim• i° two Jays sllut.rshe meto'c..eenot,
1n to nee emu,: o not
P.:. Yli:.L.AMF, Morotagc. 1 sin *braid you are leher. to brve
1131 SIGNAL, FRIDAY, OCT. 10.1890.
There was • little tel i
telegraphed au affirmative to the reyeeet.
a our u'apd and 1 looked up to nee W. reached there Lun Saturday, and
Mn e'ara+w bearing d..qn .pun w (us
on Sends,.aad hut
ereuto arrivies Mr e, I *made my
the army( • Naval oiliest. 1t• was to u..
Tea years oleo I graduated at Mrs. .inform, sad bis grand bluude beauty facie all kind, gracious smiles to reassure
the child, and w• .uteri for there W lets
Could's fashionable b.rrd.s.g school w detailed every aims in the name r with wooed
But they did
Ci•uwaeu, Sud, a• lather was building • l gaol, bile nue look • the ail down t to epe Vwith us.
and after the
*,000.000. railroad In J•pru slid !midi, knew what wmetbisg I have (reebut i was .If the bre Aunt Martha
$800.000. to d+ ash rase, I sent down to Blue Lock blushed to my eyes. and 1 wear niter Grossly.t*re iAu• the dining
Spnags, 111 Kentucky, to spend thy sow- It was Jack.
mer, ooh Mr* Harley More ea my "stare you been iutrodttced to Mw room.
chspsron. Of course fatter didu't know Blair, e1r Aline 1" I hosed Mrs rana It d clasp four Caeresbtout 9 o'clock.
Wit• that
hatlurMru Bal-
Harley Moore was Kitty Banks. soy. I WWI all ready a u•. He apologised profusely fur the de
ten. Oell.otlew of C
The Manager of
W>eaasre to announce.,; w the Wilmot
Ulcer ch and cic:aity that rite :bas secured ot
Miss Nellie Rorn.algl'�,
who has rad several years'
that summer.
It was at a h.'p in the height of the taef„re. 1,thou;ht of Jackonly in con-
▪ , •nvnr very high) that Jack Alien !Election withthe ba k ail the; Idseat love'ight that trouble with that cbtld,”
like an°`,bstiw�
p jI pp +ith tAa halo � lit bun bnayt
d br u I lug u•,rwa Y pn•ee ll that I wld Grin
lit in Is appearance, ,t show ova ass
n ewly made navel officer upou his. Ile I had + Y t that rat t and enact my
was just twenty two. 1 weut 1to
W I +••rigs such • pretty girl, but father l e).+Id oast have t.•r,tt 110 utteust remember.
u.s u u•t cut+
sent me • greet deet of money, and I
knew :.uw to dress, and men have pillory. � bac . 1 wouldd )i t • th eoud years. w
foetid sown magurt in my grey Id him inn eholenory, and ell
eyes. And thea they •re tory like avid to
sheep, they .II run after oce girl. end I been trtendseser since. He told
neve often happened to he the girl My me to write t. Jack, but I couldn't, with she is still uureooeored from Ise
card was full when the 111 party I the letter I had written from South Ani- fatigue. was
to which Jack belonged came in, but I erica stili unsu•eered sod his euolue a in, nut ouin• curtain before empty aubeuf the duos
hered us
mentally throw over a hail dozen of the .•1 the welt of the dance.
.ouutry beaux as I sarr his tall blood* • He iardl loves you, Jon said he
swoultyhave as liftd-wslli-Ii turned to
breathout waaor litur'e
head come ir at the hallneias d.r•r. 'rea'g Y ally taken away. A regular socias Jeoo
Twenty l"inminutes Inter we warn dancexaggerated
It But lie a one sot year., and then stood there, her qurer,Iy head of red•
the "Ripple" the mwt nzrhom ted But lee was g T
style, while the painter to whom the ho went t.. �u h d dining
olunte red [�r same wile*. hair She hrayuu six
seal gesedrees above(
arca vee that
deet•u d heais frog short „t s a 1 sec. ice in Ask•, •e was trent midst, 't fell back from her perfect urns. She
deco could heal his wcuuoird "huuah '' Lt him altu;;ethnr. l tc be stale. Aunt � smiled bewitchingly in tray (ase, uud
"I shall change • ,
It was after supper on Minutely that
Mr Balfour told us that he would be very
glad to hove us come 11.10 his prorate par-
lor enc meet his dsugh.•r. "Sbe
would have come to you, he said, "but
THE AMERICAN CITIES, d be► though . nothing
• corner $ Ten-
- and theta lie d I bad kat sight white silk and lace, with .gee
Our stock is now about complete in all departments.
We have neither time nor space to give a detailetl list of all the
lines we carry, but direct special attention to a few leading lines.
Our DRESS (GOODS. as usual, will be found very attractive and
complete. Particular attention paid to ?downing Goods.
Our MANTLE CWTHS, which is always a successful depart- 'a
trent, will be found unusually large, comprising some Very cheap
Our Orev Flannels, Canton Flannels, Blankets, Lathes' and
Children's UnterveaL , (;loves and Hosiery are complete and at bot-
tom prices.
.ntieordlally Invitee their looroe.1lon ot; •
Jack sent cud .oto was b-glulltiIK
This was the beg and cites forward with
back to udeucton for his one. bee Martcrossa to
wasaboutt'ng too as be .red stout and I possible a dtook tarllthe self-posseesion
hands and kissed
and my leudnucy t.. dirt tea ;tuna. go
steadied down into the steadiest pair of outset tare as e•tahl:•t.meut .•t my own, we'I111 o glad doer old
th cheeks.
f the Bid Leven that ever wandered aver toror route to chenille', or takeyt uboys •0d sharp- to have wine one to look
u her the Blue Lick hi'.I..jut."
I .0pp,•n I rh'•uld have married Jack 011 t!i into the typical old wad. • And was [bat my miesioo ? To "look
that fall, and that would have been the s ' riser deer old papa '" She moat bare
yt� end of everything -only father conclud-
ed to come home from Japan Sud break it Jim MrNsbe cave across tion roomout been full. 22 years old, and I felt that
■.ith • ehumune I. ,.king was of ab she had held • scepter where 1 had held
all up.♦s, wt:h •wow renin Frrcch beard' -and a fan If she Its Ili truth been my
Jack wag "too soars;.'' 1 was cur, .hick white ban in • tang above bas
papa is going
after aim et
We are always on the lookout for leading lines and jou lot.'[, and
this season we will try and offer to our customers EACH WEEK
some special line. Look out for our advertisement and if we offer a
"Specialty" it will pay you to see it at once.
Bade of old Stock still Continues t-' make room for
Goods. • -
ac daughter I should have worshipped her,
New was hardly acquainted with me. Let .,f am ion"(
t„ take the liberty but the thouebt tt deliberately electing
Jack go 0o one cruise. mad if we were of introducing tw.. „f my dearest friends to play S00011d fiddle to thta gloriosa
to rrch other- 1Salfour, Mt • creature was almost too much for use.
i love +116 each other we might I rites hack aghast
we are showing a line of Grey Flannels at 20c. a yard, regular price
25c., also a black fingering yarn at 5c. a skein.
INSPECTION ask a a sea).
l.uti.-a will and it to their advantage to call o0
young." Ti -as "hu only child, and he gleaming black ever.
e ISI1Ir. at the thought of
still u t was 10.1
cry then .'• Su we said a tender good Mr Miaow. I discovered,the **ictal heights to which I should be
by -a very tender t"nd•by-with team charming crrrturr, is nun tc$mupo Oen. obliged to follow her. My virtuous a°d
kisses ktssand rmbnce•, and• A. he began tentingto me is to, benument•l little thoughts of sweet step-
and loss*. ►rad 1.5r.. at.d the" Jack was *greet, caressing tutee, been were trona' seri ally. I thought how m
gone. And tither started h: S••u:h delightful n wouldd bar• had She woo • sweet voiced creature, and
America as a prehmulary to becoming L. w
rine* on like that, instead of the gray if I bad met her under tiny other einem-
'•acqu.iuted with his only child." 'silent man he was. And then -I forgot
sutures she would have comp ►etely fas-
t went to Aunt Martha Patteta,n New t•, thunk of him In any other capacity cisU ed me.
York, and had • lovely tone. than his own. You and papa are not going to be
But I never forgot Jack. We were to He was • widower, I discavred, with me eery long. 1 asked write to each other eery day -a sort of whose wife. • t'alifurusan, had died
journal letter -mailed so that we could twelve scan sK him toannoyedHe had use dough- let we tell you, and she gave
her father • sweet gleans. "t am wait-
, every port they wade. Of ter, whom be always spoke of u u'
"y tog sailor boy here now. Thecoursecourse.0 came "every day" M, mC Ln be hab7, . 1 i,aa¢ from the way he tot
h i Alae w due tomorrow. I want you to
something of a hctiou but spoke that for the tinc b tri. wife had died
unless see sten disposed to put 11. d i =s el and keep it there. can't toil to ebetrve
The public of the present day demands
1st, Reliability. and, Constant Personal Attention.
3rd, Finest Work and Purest Material.
4th, Best Possible Equipment.
a 1s es. hi". Mw Blair."
year there were burning sentence• daughter's birth. She was with her rola- I But igen was • horrible, suHucatitag
enough penned to scorch the paper they lives in San Francisco now, and he' feeling aim. oyer me. 11 0017 netdW
After ul u • "home"(with him; by We was Jack's ship norm-
�E p_
The Furniture neater. U selling ail kinds of rur•nIre at the lowest possible prices. tt la •
well.kttown tact .hat be
Wee ji111Wery uthis that w some b ,ed t have her .k Tb A
selling her stock awns down. co
I could not hod Interesting topics P flay
were written upon.►. AND wtNTE1t u she purposes 1.» 5 Have you ever gone on from day to
to write about. la seemed cruel to tall
A choice lot. tall and see her Silk CeIvet, the iciest him of the gay time 1 was haying : of day feenn r that the sands of life were
RIBBONS AT COST— *alae ever seen. the ¢ermau• and errs and recrptiou• end rapidly running out ? That you had fewer
plays *here I was the gayest .t the ray and fewer interests, end that uotbi•g
H (T3 and BONNETS made fur on shorten
Beauties, it didn't wand consistent w tell ever could gives you • new imputes 1
him this is fourteen pate•, and then And then have you had some event or
`t' , take up the fiftetmth in assurances that I some person ensue along end start every -
ori• pining for his return. I did watt thing anew tar sue 1
Alp+'loge. Ilirde sn.l Tips. is all shade•.
—The ---
_ was
to vee hint, but I will not deny that That ,s what Mr Balfour did for me.
when I thought of bus love making it I asked him to come some Tuesday
did sound rather crude by the side of and take • cup of tea with Aunt Ma,rtha
some of the polished sentences that I and me, and I put oe one of my prettiest
heard these aay.. In some way I seemed geell• and felt a decided bean throb of
to have grown very much beyond poor interna u be came into our pretty par-
old Jack. He seamed very young and for the week after. Aunt Martha's
boyish e• I thought of him. crossness was turned to sweetest hooey
It was the second year „f his cruise by his continued presence after that. 1
that (ether seat for Aoki th lil•rtha and me had always been sure that half of her
to join his 1.i South America Hp ,ucspacity fur googout was *Cate martt-
wanted us to see the "glorious country. hcstIou etc havi0[ chaperoned • ¢rel .ho
As our steamer came into the harbor par•,stently stored to :u1611 the
at Valparaiso •here els a prr•t ship just natural destiny et r belle sod wake •
_Also g It looked at last u
�ss ■ -.S ��-a+y-■ • sS
have opened out a large assortment of the newest styles in
Eats and Bonnets,
Fancy Birds' Wings
And Trimmings.
Please cell and see.
North•et. 7 3-t
Two doors from Square.
MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, Sept. 15th, had forgotten me, sod father tarok us to
Japan, end se aro.tad the world. I � —
York again, ant I Madel t board from
\\'e hate now on brand • complete stoat of Jack in all that time.
steaming not, the Stan .rad :rupee w•• brlllisnt -+*rise.
101¢• y
millionaire who And
her h were to be rerinei.
s�zzs c =�
tor ea He alsoIslam thetams leaepee t' off lir' Fraeinog. Give hue a celluid always before purcbbaslIg
hard. Ile also n eke• s •.e
Furniture elsewhere. and you will 11rd out that be does as be rye- Vella cheep
FOR --
day. I know it. I felt it Jack -my t patronage he hopes to receive a co•U..aweeat ts•
Jack -was her "sailor boy. j 111 thanking one and all for their p•• D•
1 west to my room presently . same. BARRY* :Eiarn11tOII-Bt.
walked the door, wringing my hands for I GEO.
hours. The sun was coming up over the
eastern shore when I at last took a henry
dose of aotipyreoe, mud went sbi.erung -the voice (had beard but once for ten shortly afterward the aster naw • per
end sobbing wee
to bud. ! longlean-say. "Woo t you speak to ter enter the outer uftiee. Io • few
lr was late 10 the looming when I '. erMamie 1' misutea the youth walked let followed
awoke. Then were voices -tonne I I i turned and looked at him and my byi3 the
isr carrying the
AuntMartha n outside . voodoo. min meet hate been in my face. overtook the porter,bat . i master Atm of the
Asst Martha and I always had the same Its at down. .rto end walled .' the rear of his
*oma at the ayg Ile crthept
ground „Mamie," he said, "Mies Belfoer tells packet
ffcur on thepeered
bay aide. 1 crept out of me that you are going to morn' het eppreetio•. and
bed and peered round a corner of the
blind. My heart stave a throb and then ! father. I can't believe that you are go- •[ De lawyer'• hotter being reached
seemed to stand still forever. There, lug to throw your young lite away like Ib. door ell rung, g the youth cried
r ld.' us.,
lau2hing and talking happily lovelier, lfou that.'
(Sebe M was Bebe Balfour (Then was comfort i0 ;be thong►t slipped a sixpence into bas hand withost
looking around.
was r name that I was 11111 "7.11°2 to Jack., you • , • olsioed m
d Jack Allen 1 had felt certain of it f" I said bitterly. "Hen It m foe y
•n "Whatulttoyon
the night before, but a mental certainty
"You can certainly allow me to make voice which mused the your W tato
sen give you the crushing despair the moat of my life while you an happy around an enefesion ea he beheld his
of a koowu fact. with --mf stepdaughter '' master t.•de hire ap..cbIIet Never
• ` ~ I did not mean that he *hound have after that was he above bre beeioeee.-
any idea that I had broken with Bebe'. Youth's Companion_
father upon his scco.ct. EMS OF .THOUGHT.
"What do you mean by my being
bappy with your stepdaughter ?"
Hu intonation was even worse than wbTbiu, imo of what • lean is than of
mine bad been.t . this, tact •.
A wild thought that was hardly a hofs Temper u so good tag
went through say brain. W e were star- should never lose it.
ing in peek other's faces. A smile n better than agree' ass spur
•'Wbat do you mean 1' he said. to bstter cork.
"Aren't yon - it seemed so enneoo' - i. instate at
eery I wield hardly go on -"going to Do not waste strength
o trsry gab. tlal(our ?' unalterable evils.
•'No, I rm not. Sh• u 10105 to mar- Do right by others, whether they da
ry Lieut. Walsh who te with her sow. right by yon lir not
frim her mut. though ''pee "lin out . , asatie, woo t
"Miss Blair, Mian Blair : the *sprain Mr Balfour was a mi
aid excitedly, 'there ¢°e" the 'Veno., tint_only iuheruted name and money, bat I you 1 I want to. see him alone
ad to both, H• wsadutiuguish- ( "Of course, my deer,' she said, emil-
It was Jack'. ship ' It bad been slid ed in every sense 0t the word, an Amen -
one of our o... meg of -war
deftly ordered bowie for souse reason that e•n of the beat tsps.
knew. and I was not then to And he was evidently in earnest. At
the peruse, when I want off to dance (anti I
*snood oftener tb.. 1 had lately -there
was • difference in the dancing attend•
once on rhe ood forsre Ilifra unlimited lfour, whir
would be g
in ate, end a slightly pease belle). b. sat
by Aust Martha and told her bow his
"baby" needed the directing can of •
thoroughly society woman, and then he
paid m. compliments.
He had never raid in 10 many words,
"Will you tarry ts.?" After •11, Mase
seldom do. H. had given Aunt Martha,
ie toe twist delicate way, an oedemata/W-
ier -A hu hope. and she had given him
the wsrawoe that he need has. no fears.
And I leli.ved myself • little in lova
with him. I say sow then never was a
sweeter, truer, more courtly gentleman
than Aa Balfour.
Mr Balfour oppr.sahed see with the
air of en encoded lover He did not
tell est that be adored M ; that life
would be empty without me. He ex•
prw.eo3 bus gratitude for my regard and
enerid Ste and my greet kindness i0
see my boy. He was gone again by
time I gut back to New York,
urk,r• el m-
oseyed no •new•* to my
1•nation, and I 000etudd that Jack
16th and 17th lite sprino of 84 that raw o• "1
MILLINERY Really, it was only when I ease home
plaintive notes of th last avis:
from b.11. in the early morning, and the
the latest novelties in HATS, 11UNNILTS and their trimmings. Also . wand in my oars, that I ever thought rf
stock of LADIES'
acid CHILDRSN'4 L H e W sashed through sight eseing,
our stock. 5 per cions. ori for trash. lied had • Ray ••51014 in Paris and
All 511 cordially orad to inspect
soother in London sod • winter at Nies
and Mn'.ts Carlon. I had picked
enough of half a doeen langu•gss to look
e.ttiotly 000actuus when men whispered
73 Ya. them into my sen Father was nob, se
everybody knew, hut • foreign title did
not dazzle se. Ws had • fins social
position at home, •std there was no
neewity of purchasing one abroad -sod
1 w having too ,rood • time to marry oar
general pneoiple•.
Aunt Martha took • hoose at Newport
foe the season, and we looked shout tie.
People seemed very glad to age me hack.
i suppers if i had stayed in New York I
abo.ld have been pea• by thn time;
but I had the novelty ..f a bed Toth rue.
Novelties in ladies' headwsar, and the latest shades ben was uncertainty
t •S0� float Jim MINA,
setae ow the wane. HSwes(MiryN)•
a Specialty• tall,dark,,disringuw"ed tonleie* emu,
who Ilse dune • few noteworthy dw.ds.
Remember the stand—Hamilton-It., between the laid elms to sothiag and was omssgnont•
ly gives credit for e.e*ytbintr. i sup-
ptw I should have rnerried him ; he was I peepeet of his ssnieee. H• mid he
Square and Newgate-st'• 1 waiting my father's return from thought it rather geese, het supposed we
weal -.t.
Has just returned Prom the City with the latest styles in
My heart almost mi•ger• mefe I saw
Mr Balfour coming toward me. He took
my hands and would have drawn ma to
him. but 1 drew away.
"Warr," I estd. "I haws something
to tell you."
He looked at mein a ponied way.
"I most tell you, Mr Balfour," I said,
"that everything mut os at an etsd be-
tween 35. 1 o5nnut mem you."
"My desrst girl, .hat can you mean?".
And thee, noticing my .gitattoo,be dna
me to the sofa, sod putting his arms
around me said soothingly : "Tell me all
about it."
His tenderness was too moth for me,
sod 1 did not tell him all -but mooch.
That I loved -had alma,. loved --the
affianced husband of his darghter. That
1 had thought the •8ectioe dead until I
heard of him last night and bad s glimpse
of bts fees this morning. I could not
and would not lit tato the family with
Mr Balfour pleaded only w • ear of
his magnetises end determined centimeter
Sas plead. He told me then how dear-
ly be loved me ; of the hopes my pro0i-
being a guide and diraetor to his "baby ' see bad raven rise to ; of the de.olstion
And thea be kie•d me and premed my that would be his without me. His
keno, and we beaten talking about thy, daughter was going. He know he well
new play at tits Mediate Square. Th. sake en happy.
neat day he sent use geese of jewel• 1 told him that the office was kis er
that would have made may woman towel nobody's -hut it was nobody's. I mold
bug, Dever be happy again.
Our was sot to b. an- I knew tba: fattier and Aunt Martha
eos.o.d until after Nester. His d•ogb• would be bitterly disappointed, hut I
ter would some want at maw. es sone as meant to go Into a sisterbo d or go as a
beroeld go net to Sea Freemason and nurse is the war. My idea of war and
being her. its where•bs.0te was vague, bet I meant
H• wrote me that aka was most to give myself op to *new sort a men
an5uoes to see s• sad delighted .t the .•eediee.
i left Mr Rall.»r at lest, and. petting
011 my hat loud laciest, went for • •alk sig
the beech The sen had been hidden by
rl tf
ens •
the north to ••k. cud 1 .0 only ,.111.5 should Sad .new swoon (.1 it is her
_ whets Mrs Mi.•s P.r•.s "little head. Rios was mast •0510.• 10
1 tote vg le servtes d I "p•." sail a small bey, "then'• a gar kW fa.aev deem donee, and my fate go at torts. in Old Poem C,owifort to stay
1wlas es •• poor was reeled. until after Lein was ever, and he begged
Onset (eritain tn0words ,t e0id, mos out then that would le i 0g1• me to take Aunt Martha and meet them
to now. *bier to w "who w it. h 11 w late i0 0.. •.•nista. no 1 was there. i dem.vred at (int. it esetter.i
lepras l,ti,A,•',0 words • ( yea.- of a Dont lotto ow- lepers •lo*o sur T' "It'• • Wed w." siding M one suer .:rid... Owe wen 10 01 that M o0ebt to have brought her linked MI over t►• bay. feeling that the above this indium? pep,.,
0g* too. ket..M ib, to me .ed 1st me soak• the raga. Brat bitter day was given as • kintleme to trey II" 11even+111" I1►� to fasantly loos *beet solo', in seer Mw'
Agit {• trltreked with w i• pink Nato sag 011 h shammed •iib the woctaed feeling and misery.' tem, were moil is too
Even i( .1e were not i cannot forget ea • 7Seasty, by t'«• h r
woman tae.'' Sweet .itboet perfume.
"Jack," I .mrd nn.t•adsly, "did you To have • 10ermi marked get b5for•
everYet • letter I wrote you from booth hood la to be prepared for diieslti•a
Amerun T' la Mtge slot only • stab
"I did rot. n by did yon Rn to Mate for •blity, bet it is •onetlunl
$Doth Aeaeeiea if not to bo rid of ....r°1-to
s. P'
"Ob, Jack " I said. ''Oh, Jack r more. wbge ya
Then was an nosh to expiate, 1 eoeld Lite i• •Iw•ys
not begin it thee, because 1 wee •obbtnI have • porpoise, and live is its 1elg11
ea though I had to melt away the worldly moot.
holdouts of ten lona years, sad my bead Forks[ tb. p"A, 11 000.5 not bee
was cm Jerk's shoulder. •gels -sot in the primas -hop for ill
• • • tole,..
i lklele oven Aunt Martha is roomed- p.tA of dot r [tear. i p51'tk
d to Jack now. Father ee•n'd to he ...k h •fur orf. tv 1 way la wile : h
delighted at my joy. I know Mr Maltose net burs to bud.
thinks me tinkle sod heartless to hove
broken with him bagasse 1 loved his ser- ■teaN s u.smsse' s red my N/ratawa
ie•1•., sod then to hose marri.d some
ono elm within two no.the, but I never ♦ Ton gr •••$wee.
W an opp„ttaoity explain. A reader of the Jourwd MA• on to gii
a simple Mist toed
Anew Sb Onstres- d emesis u wall -poops*. The gown
"I wouldn't do that," mid olio shirk to is ten matt *woe tout of wbiab N r'
another whom be saw doles • demmirs♦ eras ►e.wledgw :
ober passe ..f work. Pfaoa • nn•11 pima of � p ipar--w
"It most be demi, and why •hoeW''t taro *edam. 1rsa.. apart . mom
1 do itr' was the a*eellent sed,• seed pour ower it et oug eamsoins
in • few 'instar the wo oldai t -do -it Iy „ears le pelage' it .ill be dimnlvr
clerk hawed ni kis remark was amens- by the •newels Akar hannaa
5s ref
tug the clerk who was est above his steed five or tea miaufles. 1010
arsammi• • little to ere nide. and dr
• dight inlet. sed the wind bee. damp 1n Scotland thanes • br.nebolt►e legal Ida it 0e• co two mita, of Innen
and chill. 1 walked op tb• beech 1., the profession known as "writers of the sig- tiler. 11 atesais it ,'Sass, lite
fortress wall, and then (Ain toed the .tape MK A yo.O* iSSti•aan was aPp•n5- low towage* of .,. 1t..1 u 1' ' w
.o eke top. There w • obeltered nook timid to sue of the.■ writers. The path mote traake /Mir $pp..05 5 tie /he or;
there. sad 1 sot down on the stoom sad thoaabt hinted/ • very gee paean. t h *ala d rarer. of ilvr. ages. armed
eoakad is roosal• yid
A e5eeld.vslisrs err site .tttt.ete • veno ee any • henale oaf pests to a lam Jeraea.
ten elbow wael•ton io. s►/ t MA P..iSt, wirers ics•re el There ... • ate" ►• lien. [tae was �•
• cage ; • bombes
,t1 dais makes bin ewe sen b.e. b e 0,4 belle. 1 Wer sous was seemisd 1s. isms. mmtf N comers anlimme a g,uu,.wnomdi Maar
war simnel ►unMo .tee, s hes-!sun, god sus M her (*lead* were already st•yiy, W I net sere, gni then 1 ►sad leek's volas psdbA
ver throe thswd 'ej rad .'amus Asset Martha was • tea- I did whew /aeiierp oaf lav i
�*, mar tarsal fIMIIF t�wF'