The Signal, 1890-10-3, Page 7.Y`
' Our stock is now about complete in all departments.
We have neither time nor 'pace to give a detailed list of all the
lines we carry. but direct special attention to a few leading Iiuem.
Our DRESS (GOODS. as usual, will Le found very attraetive and
complete. Particular attention paid to Mourning Good
Our MANTLE CLOTHS, which is always a ...
meat, will he found unusually large, comprising some
Our Grey Flannels, Canton Flannels, Blankets, Ladies' and
Children's Underveste, Gloves and Hosiery are complete and at bot -
tow prices.
1890 THE POET'S CO EtN E.&
1,1 depart -
very cheap
We are always on** lookout for leading lines and job lots, and
this season we will try and offer to our customers EACH WEEK
some special line. Look out for our advertisement and if we offer a
"Specialty" it will pas you to see it at once.
we are showing a line of Grey Flannels at 20c. a yard, regular price
2.1e , also a black fingering yarn at Sc. a skein.
tittles ane who la diepoeed to pat ids heed Is •barnlh*serve
keep It there, can't tall to serve
that for a h
1st, Reliability. 2nd, Constant Personal Attention.
3rd, Finest Work and Purest Material.
4th, Beet Possible Equipment.
t1M lrrrReCies vena er Male "Free -
gee' Met.
Io making puddings care it uscessery to
have them • success, as many such com-
pounds are ao audtweet ible, unwbuleatw
article of food. The ergs should alway.
be beaten separately, the dour sifted, the
butter creau.ed with the sugar, dried
(runt carefully waehrd The tlaronoK
seed should be strong and pure, as cuuk -
ing destroys much of the tante.
W'efer "'adding. —Put 1 cup and a half
of milk to bod,put in a cup of butter,atir
until melted, mix in half • pint of dour,
/ let come to • boil, take of the fire, and
sot to cool. Beat six eggs until hght,add
to the mixture, abd beat hard. Set in a
warm place tor thirty minutes, grease
muffin -rings, pour in a little of the moo
ture, and bike in • quick oven. Serve
hot with sauce.
Roly Poly.—Chop five ounces of suet
6.e, mix with half a pound of flour and
a pinch of salt ; add sufficient cold water
to sate, toll out, spread with a pint of
tart fruit jelly, roil up, tie in • well flour-
ed cloth. Pu: in • pot of boiling water
hod boil two Imam. dert., with foam -
tog sant..
Batter Pudding.—Sift two eups tit
flour, add a pinch of salt; beat six eggs
until light, stir in three pinta of sweet
milk, poor gradually over the dour; pour
in • greased mold and steam two Miura
When does remove from the meld very
earef.11y, and serve with moo.
pound of sugar together, flavor with
setmet and bakm]iu 'pat paste.—Home
Mimi r■leers Labor r
One day's wont for a kealtby liver is
to secrete three and • half pound* of
bile. If the bile •.cretton be deficient,
constipation ensues ; if profuse, bilious
now and jaundice arise. Burdock Blood
Bitters m the most perfect lifer regulator
known In medicine for preventing •ed
curing all liver troubles. 2
Sir Edwin Arnold intends to reach
Ragland about Christmas time. He will
travel homeward by ludta, and it is ex-
pected his poem will see the light soon
after the new year.
Creole Pudding—Beat eight mem with
half • pound of sugar, half • pound of
butter, .ud the juice of one lectin•.
Line • d sap dish with putt paste, °over
with qutnoe preserves, pour over • little
of the astatine, lay os more preserves,
thee more of the mixture and preserves.
Sake,.nd eat with mune.
Beet Podding. --One cap of molasses,
otos of chopped suet, one of milk. one
melt cf ratans and currants, two and •
half oups of sifted door, with • teaspoon
ful of baking powder. Flavor with
lemon. Steam two heartland serve with
cream m.M.
Meninges Peddle,. —Line • deep Ad-
ding disb with aliens of •pompe sake.
cover with ries fruit jam, poolroom e.a-
tard bad Mkt ; ice like eke, set le Mews
to dry. Take cot and sower with mer-
Iugmo Serve without eaglet.
Cotard Pudding.—Take • pant et
milk, cne cup of serer •ed six sign
Beat the •aier and eggs together, favor
with vanilla Poet the milk its a rid -
Meg diva, mix in the errs and sugar.
Bake halt are hoer. Eat with seem. •
Steamed Teddies.—SUI three sups of
tour web • !shampoos of babies pow
der, mit with two eupa of smear, four
ems. half aof melee ..d • sup
mt ereamiwo. ,tesm tee beers. Berme
with herd Nees.
()rang. Podolia'. —Take three large
Granites sad est 1. small pig, pit in
the bottom of • pudding disk, sprinkle
with while sneer. Make • quart of me -
teed shod poor over. Kat with rich
Old Virginia Podd,e .—Take three
eups of (Mer, one of .eat, oaf of milk,
one of soda...., two of raisins, half •
h••pooefel of ends di.•nlvd in milk.
Roil three hour.. Reeve with Immo
Petaen Prodding.—Take ere pros& of
mashed potatoes. is. pend of smear.
ton eaps of halter, • teswp of ere••.,
Mx (res, and the jati. of • lemea. Stir
all together. and hake is pet paw
Boiled pedant/. shook! be United in
a bag .4 firs drilling, .lwwpe &nowise
room kw .wefliwq fitemakeer 1• better
floe bungee. Ttsidt earthen peddling
melds .re bort fee baking pedde.p.
Trwp.vwt Poddieg. —Beat tea eggs.
a pseud d Weer. sad • quarter el •
C. C. Rwa..aas & Co.
Gents, —I took • severe oold, which
settled is my tbtost and lunge and caw-
ed me entirely to lose my voice. Fur six
weeks I suffered greet nein. My wife
advised me to try MINARD'S LINI-
MENT ane the effect wee esybal, ter
after only tbree do... and so outward
.pplicatnon, my voice returned and I
was able to sneak in the Army that
night, a privilege l had bees swbie to
enjoy fur asi weeks
Ceeetes Funniest
Charles Dichosa, sou of the great om-
elet, is now on has way serous two Unit-
ed States coming fres Amaralis lc his
home in London. He is trsvellieg with
his wife and child.
MMus Sews.
Mining .Spens moieties abiders never
.tt.cks the bowels of the earth, bet
humanity le gestural fired it .se.sesry its
m.. Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry fur bowel .nesplaiats, lywtery.
diarrhea, eta It is • sere more. II
■Inaad's Wows Yeses lament be SIMS.
M. Why ahold ribs aNe el mama e•
rswalastrr immune savOSI T roan.
0 why should the spirit or mortal be proud t
Lite $ fast-alatag sa0•er.a swift flying clued,
A best of the Ilgit.lag, • tweak of the wave
flea pameth from lits le hie rag inn.. grave.
The Leaves of the oak sad the willow stall
Be so•uerd •rotund, sad together tre laid ;
Aud the young and Omelet, and the low sad
the Mab.
Shall m•ulder to dust and roger her stall Lc.
The tabst • mother amended .ai loved,
The mother ,shot ls(•at's atectioa *to
The Amebas& that mother and latent w; •
Koch, all, are away to their dwelllnits of rt. t
The maid is whose cheek, on whore brew, 1•
whom bra
Shone beauty and pleasure—bee triumphs are
by ;
And the memory of those who bred her and
Are alike trout the naiads of the Lviug erased
The head of the king that the sceptre hath
The brow of the priest that the mitre had
The eye of the sage. and the heart of the
Are hidden sod lost 1n the depth• of the
The peasant wbca3 lot was to mew and to
The herdsman who climbed with hie goats sit
the seep,
The bettsar who wandered in search of his
Hare faded away like the gram that we
The saint who .rJoysd the communion of
The simmer wbu dared to remain unforgireo.
The wise • ed the foolish. the guilty and jun:.
Hare quietly mlagIed their bones in the dm:.
8o the multitude goes, like the flower and the
That wither sway to let o hen succeed
So the multitude comae. even those we he -
To repeat emery tale that Ma often been told.
Fur we are the same that our fathers have
We see the same sights our fathers have
Senator Edmaad. hos *Masted to kis
handsome maim°. in Washington as
.utaide mirw•y Milt no p rpoee for
his favorite dog, wbm\ is sea •lbws! M
..•.der Armlet the omits ball
Frank Wilkinson. grain buyer •t How
Otos. Mays : "I seed *moral medielses
and found no relief esti) I triad Whine's
Compound Syrup, Wild Cherry." Ism
than one battle eared bier at • lag
standing sed palatal eosgb, with tight-
ness of sheat and Most breath. Sold by
all dresgieta Le
Lsnpold II., Kisg of the Belgian., ba •
tall, dim and rmwrcably headroom man.
He has • broad forehead, deli.•te foe
lore sod • fine, full beard that has he-
ron to torn grey. H. is Ifty-silt yeah
avd's slemme a 1 Vr eeia.
We drink the same stream. and view the
MOW sun.
And run (ne same course that our fathers
have run.
The thoughts we are thinking our fathers
would think.
From the death we are shrinking from. they
too would shrink
To the life we are clinging to, they. too,
would cling:
Rut it speeds from the earth. like • bird on
the wing.
They loved, but that story we cannot unfold.
Timm acerin d. but the heart of the haughty hi
They grieved. but no wall from their slum-
bers will come :
They }oy'd. but the voice or obetr gladness he
They diad -ay ' th-y ldi•d : ani we things
that are now.
who walk 'ea the turf that lies over their
Who snake in their dwelling a transient
Met the rhanaee they met on their pilgrim-
age road.
Yea ! hope and pleasure and
Are m(ngted together in sunshine and rain.
And the smile and the tear. the song and the
Still follow each other, like surge upon surge.
'Tis the wink of an eye, 'iia the draught or •
From the blossom of health to the paleness of
From the gilded saloon to the bier and the
Why should the spirit of mortal be proud t
Row. Father Walter, of 8t. Pattriek's
demi at Washington. is soi.R to write
kis of the fames, trial of
Mrs Serrate As Father Waller unaid-
ed Mr. Remit. the recital wit he of
great Mtge'so.
The remark Maths.
People make s sad mistahe Mtge with
serious reals when they see eat • me.
stipated muddies of the Monde - xasw-
ine 1\at Hmrdoek Blond Sitcom ie se
„/..tssl gore at any singe of easetipatkso
deet net .asst as (s neghstleg is .se
it .! the right time. Use It now. 2
r/amed'e aoartmeas dame Msemeatae.
baken away bi tie .root ..d osydiaed
sod destroyed m the open air.
Another general fact, applteatle to all
eruptive dtse.see--scarlet barer, same! m,
small poi le that of • good gtessiag all
ever with simple ol.ta,eot--owe •,art
mutton tallow to two parte lard—is
always in order, almost always • benefit
as well u a remedy, •i d alwajs dupe
more than any other measure to keep
the poison, tweeting in the skin, io the
body clothingMislead of being carried
about to others. The housewifely ots
jecuen that ,t sots the clo'bw le true,
but an advantage, as it compete more
tra.iuent change, out only ,.f bight drew.
bet sheets and pillow cases. Put these
immediately after changing tutu h.mitog
water. t se • intb soap, but tits chemi-
cal substaooe. It is the water. hot to
hard toiling, which kill.. 11.x1 for ten
or better twenty stout.., and then treet
the clothes as if they had not been tar•
footed ; they are pert..tly safe.
Hl.oicw&, pillows, and bed ticks may
he tree.& tit the same .ay, bud the
clothing of the nurse. &iter recovery.
the aaree bath *humid be freely indulged
i1,, with plenty of loop, repeated es need
be till the last fieldmice of disease bas
daat•peared. After death, the body
shouli be wrapped in • Meet saturated
with strong solution of chloride of lime
and thou put in tight casket fur prompt
and private ouriaL
As to the room : All e'se that cannot
be bided, must be feint/at. d with moist
sulphurous acid gas, and the rows should
be well steamed at the eao•e time, by
the boiling water in • tub, which may be
helped by sprinkling the 11• •cr and walla
with hot water before lighting the sul-
phur. After the fumigation, thn'o i1b
"through and termite ventilation Use
soapsuds to the tor, and to the wags it
wood or painted. If papered, the paper
will have suffered by the moue acid, w
that it will come off all the more easily.
When it is thoroughly oft have the wall,
well washed, and never put on any more,
but paint the walla. The ceiling may
not be paiuted, but whitewashed with
but and fresh lime -wash. Remember
one important pint, sepecullw as re-
spects diphtheria- After disinfecting a
room, cr house, see that no mom, damp
places remail. Hare floor, wail, closets,
every bit of .00d•work thoroughly dry.
before occupation ut the ro.m again. and
put off such occupation as long as roast -
Um plenty et sulphur,— 3 or 4 Ib.. to
• .mall sized room in a dish on a tub of
water. A spoonful of alcohol will help
to ignite It.—Canada Health Journal.
Sam Small, the evangelist, is a tall,
slender ton, with • quick and Sarson
walk. His face is pale, his voice low and
pleasant and be wean glasses. Ht. dress
la that of the typical clergyman, except
fair the &leach hat on kis head.
goat Memo
A11 have equal rights in life and liber-
ty Soot the pursuit of happiness, but
many aro handicapped in the race by
dy.pep.ia, biliousness, lack of energy,
nervous debility, weak neer, constipa-
tion, etc. By c.mpletely rem- 'lag these
c.mplaiota Burdock Blood Bitten con-
fers untold benefits on a1! sufferers. 2
Jeremiah O'Donoran Row's term • f
e:,foreed exile from his native land will
expire on the let of January next. It is
his determination to see once more the
Ionisfail he tried to *erre. Row, it
seem., i. • poor man, and • cemmitlee
..f the extreme section of Irish oatmeal -
late has been formed to relieve him from
First Feminine Reforir—"Do ynu
think you have finally sawed Mr Tipple 1"
Sscmd Feminine Reformer—'•Yea.
indeed. I here prayed with him, and
Mang with him, and toad to him until
be has become converted that he u
going to get a divorce ftom bit wife sod
marry me."
General Booth, of the Salvation Army,
was lately introduced to Lord Widens',
a corre.poadent states, and the latter re-
marked to him : "If you lea been •
Moldier you woeld have been the greeted
(loners' ort the century." This is ex-
eeptionally modest on the part of Eng-
Is.d'. "only General."
Pr.aidpnt Carnot is spending the sum-
mer with his family at the palace of
Foetaiee►kao. Mme. Carioca is fond of
going into the forest with her bu.beud,
and walking shred it as unreservedly as
Marie Antoinette walked in her milk
(said day. .t Versailles when donning •
dairy dress sod amusing herself by
Complete and thoroogh disinfection
in use of the moat effectual means at
oar command for presenting the spread
of infectious diseases. The proems, ho. -
ever, is often done la • sort of perfunc-
tory manner and is thea of little .•e.
The following brief outline of how to
do it thoroughly is a somewhat altered
extreme from • brood article which is now
ming gives m the pubic health jo.r-
ltala : _
The germ whish is carried (roes
penes to pawns ia all infestio.s da-
emons is • beim* Wag, sassily of a
vegetable totter tbs. se animal shares -
ter. Wks to moulds, mildews, ffer. , attd
is gash disease peesliur to that disease ;
bit all ore alike killed by sorties mists
u sed int that purpose. The kilns; of
the epees polos L diaideatio.. This
M tet.i.stiM me of the word, bet, is
p,seti... we incited* under this proems
every masers wheels diminisbss or s.'
mow the infection from tie roar er
hoses. Bitterest di.saeas w be .beast
seeeessfelly attacked in warless other
weya, bet there ere ordain rules whish
apply to all. These poisons agree is
"mowing oat lux.riaatay in the bodies
of persons who live in foal air, Swot in
lamp, uselessly, ill -lighted pietas ;
e ase of them growls" osteide the living
body. Overerowdiwg tee maay persona
is • boom or room helps them. sot oely
in this way, bet by aiding their direct
from perms to perms.
H.nus the vole* .1 iaaiatloa
The tint e•..retial in dealing with i-
feetio.s diseases is forefead them, by
eleanliseaa of permo., elot►ine.and every -
thin, in the bees. The only way to .w
Ihie webbed mf absolute okeanliaees, is to
sake it • rule of life alw•ya, before.
daring aid after sickness. When sash
dooms abbots and gad seek promotion
sot taboo, it ahe.ld not he aeglostd
.anther hour, het all possible don. im-
sseduudy to make .p for (set time.
Anteing the means to this sad, free wee -
Sistine, le the moat isspnrtent; thornugh
ventilation, through wisdom sad doors
This s possible in ell reams, Meow the
nits?, .rot oesupied by the patient, sod
should be r.peateri often to !e
.troy the &taffy and wo.ldy odor pees
liar to arowdint. The deeting et ths
rooms is bit dews et this them .o that
the dest,Mbs sire* aid eerier of meek
fee/mare le the air of the he.N, may he
Illmttuna for $ailialag • $...i times
nectar, Slsptitt.d ►y tab Drawlag .f a
Orem beetles. of the P•rnr1e r., a. 1t Orla-
laally Appeared la Americas (lard...
Tho side wane of the green house, a
section of which is beru illustrated, are
built of brick 4 feet high. The toils art
solid brick clear to the roof. Upright
frame„ .61 ran through the Umber. 7 feet
apart: girders or striugwrn (4,'2) an nailed
to the training and connect them trent
Ttmetr Whidlem.
Breit and timely wisdom is shown by
keeping Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry on bond. It lies Da equal
far Aders, choler' morbsa. diarrhoea,.
dysentery, edit, snoops, and .11 sum,
mer •omplaisb or looseness of the bow
els. 2
A day mer two ago a gentleman who
was vieionq hie Iaboratnrv, and whose
tuna was stoat to enter upon his best
employment, sabot Vans to vivo him s
motto for tet boy, so that he might have
it as a dimples and gable. Mr &diens
laughed a little at the novel request.
then said: "Well, 111 rive him this:
'Never look at the clock.'"
('Wain secreta or (,I!t:X Leo tog.
eat to end of the house. onk at the top of
J U Ste' OI ENE2io
Black, all wool, wide double -width Amason Cloths at 50c.,
worth 70e. Special fine a11 wool wide Cashmeres
fr.. zn 48c. a yard. "BALDWIN'S" best four -
ply 'Turns at 7 1-2c oz., ac M slaewhere at
12 1-2c. Cashmere 8hawln, 81.75,
worth 82.50. Knitted Shawls,
$1.00, worth $1.50.
(NOTE.) Those Goods are bought less than Mann -
the framing (61, the other 6 inches beh.w. facturers' price and will be cleared quickly.
lowing= (Melling (3)for vomtilation. The
ventilator is opened and desert similar
4. it railroad couch t.'utiluter. t ^.a the
side walls is a wood plate 2 inches thick.
to which the rafter is nailed. The rafter
(5) reaches to the lowest +tringt•r (41. The
rafters nee 1''4 inches apart at the hot
tom or fo,t of .vu•h rafter.
.t piece of Short zinc as wide as the
rafter is thick is tacked in the center and
turned back to form a lo..p to hold the
glass from slipping; 10s12 double
strength A Ilam is used. These t:ri' laid
ou top of oho rafter after painting. leav-
ing a gtarter itch between the glum.
Thisspace is filled with potty. and an
real strips quarter inch thick is w rewe.l
down over the glare, the eer-w. Leasing
down through the putty in the rafter.
The panes are placed edge to edge and
are not lapped.
The German Emperor i• • vewseimis
testier. Fifty of the leading
inertial* of Europe an laid en his table
every morning, and immediately after
breakfast he pleases thrones thein,
shears in hand, nipping any item that
strikes hie fancy. If he should find him -
..If nut of a folk within • few year*, be
might utilise this nn as
"exchange" desk in • , officio.
:loom Gilbert,• mise►. seed 70 yeem
we. blend dead -seemly at hi. ►maidens
to B.oedm.w. this comity. Daring the
past Soy years he had lived sets., devot-
ing his time in seeing w, •blah he
&spans& in hanks. It was ki* lura(
that hie Setae the neer meed did not
art him rower three mints per day. In
tam he sold • neighbor • Med of hay for
$7. Gtlbvt pe..tsally 'ell.eted the
interest this year. sod last year .e-eepted
the primeval, It hawleg served him rite.
11100. Gslher! leaves .n mists waisted
at $125 050 to $130.000, and baa no wiling is this seeks . - Ma-
itt.her( D.•pnteb.
The .sashlee Meat.
As a c'urfosity the sensitive plant (Mi-
meos pndicn) is well worth cultivating
in the window garden. The leave- of
this plant are very ornamental and we
sensitive that when touched with tho
hand they immediately droo;, assn fold
tip, regaining their former pwettti.n,
however. within a quarter of an honr or
so after. A breath of wind will ala
c•iinse the karts to act in it similar maul
ner, hence its common name. The cult-
tue of this anions plant, too, is by me
means difficult. It is an &annul and
should therefore be rallied from seed
sown now in a pot red placed in the
wartnest position in the window. 1t
covered with a pane of glass or a bell
give, pieced over the pot there win he a
better chance of raising plants. ().ner
ally it is advised to sow the (teed in heat.
and where this in forthcoming in the
shape of a green hoose. hotbed or prup-
&gatr.r it id navigable to fox• ow that rile.
lint we have wen tolerably go.e1 plant.•
raised from soul warn in a pot in a win-
dow of a warm room, and therefore if
one can do it then is no reason why
others cannot be renally rtt'cl-ssinl
(Aver the seed very lightly and we a
randy compost. Amateur (iso:ening ad
vises the application of sufficient water
to keep the sea just moist, and as own
as the young plants am about two inches
it h( ight transfer them to small pets,
singly. and grow on. with n snhsegnent
repotting into five inch pets. Daring
the whole season of grovath the utmost
caro in waterirr mart be taken. or eac-
ceoefttl results will not be obtained.
Vert' Highest Price laid for d•:r;g.-. and L'uttnr.
D. GORDON has now on hand a complete assortm
of Furniture, such as Parlor Suites, Bedroom Su'
Tables, Chairs, &c., Window Shades, Curtain Poles,
Picture framing a specialty.
n.avardl$ for Winter Clamming.
Among desirable winter 1.looming
planta are the bouvarlias, which thrive
nut only in the w arse green blase, but in
the window garden. In color. Pike and
shape of bloom they prevent a pleasing
difference. Alfred Nettncr, t;o-:bie and
pure white. its flowers looking like cine
tern of miniature tuberoses' anal presents
ing faintly their fragrance, is handers
est of all; Victor Lemoiue, •leo double.
has largo (miters et brilliant real blaP-
soma; President Garfield. 'oft rich pink
double Bowers; flavuicen*, single, a pale
yellow. and L.iantb•, the earliest and
most taithfnl bloomer of an, is dark
scarlet When brought into the house
b ouvarlias AMom in , ',' with
the amount of light Atli beat given.
Tho advice is given by Vick to never tet
them become pot bound. and atter bode
begin to appear give liquid nl:mnlanb
once a week, and shower tbeni to keep
down insects
0° -
I give special utt,,nti.•n to this branciu of myy buaineae, e_ad keep 1
everything required for funerals. CHARGBfi MODERATIS. 73-aga
First door East of Bank of Montreal, West-st., Goderich.
Black Velvet Ribbons
Now in transit from Britain.
15. Ratws Ivy amid reheat Bosse ss..
Americas Calthvtor has the following
to say about ivy and sumach: The three
leaved ire is danttero.a The five leaved
is harntlesa. The poison summate have
white limens. No reed berried .umaeb Ie
poisonous. Both the poison ivy aid poi-
son sumach, though unlike to appear-
ance of foliage. have similar white her
lies growing in small, .drnd.r cheaters
from the axils of L't. leave. In an other
anmaehe the berriwe are red and in elem.
bunches .t the ends of the branches, and
tar from being dangerous yield a treaty
looking arid which is moat pgree*Lle to
the taste. and withal
liallab abet .r la. Plus.
Recent , y� 7,• in treating the
black wart or black knot of the plum
have hese made with linseed MI, turpen-
tine and harness. applied with a small
broth •• soon se the warts begin to ap-
pear.. All these remedies have been
found effectual. but in some cAMP. Injury
was done to the trees by the exomsnive
mcg of tnrp.ntine and kerosene. TM
tre ee abonM is. examined at least the
times diving the rnmtmer. ares in each
rase just swtongh of the liquid .hurold he
emptied to eatnrete the warts.
r).e.,.y Infested Troll.
Farmnra and fruit grower. who wast
to maks an effective fight ageismt the
aegis maggot will do well to promptly
iralway all infesMA windfalls aid
vectorm from Wonted fruit, apple poem"
!� i Ms.. shoot the home,. Tkdl
wine=d& be floes flIf 4..p burying. 50.6.5
er feedbag bowies.
2064 Draper and Haberdasher.
DRI N mss.
i the must (ooling,andf l 1, .1151.1
iG y mWainm=md 154". .tA arZT T si m..
JUST RIC('KiWKD—A frit Ilse of
— Averted ylavars.--�
Also a large supply of
The keit In the market for the toilet. Only to.a.d Ma pee- hake
A poeltire coo ter Diarrhea'. Dysentery. r'5otarmaterbaa, ate_ Me.
mammy ANi) 1)R( I4(JIatl. NeatGoo. Scheme's dry goads stem
7o1)u D2. PzauQZoot
le giving the
da town at his store. where he always has no hand • urge steak of
wry Good_es,
It will he to the public advantage to give him a call before going
r117 -
Job Printing of every description
neatly execyited at "The Signal"
Steam Printing House.