The Signal, 1890-10-3, Page 1ILORIN(3 STOCK OF Go OT FROM CORS\ LA.C., 4 1 1 LL: CHESON. ,lute in all departuient& ace to give a detailed lint of all rue attention to a few keeling lines Inl, will be found very attractive and aid to Mourning Good& hich i' always it aucceeefal depart - large, Comprising some very cheap n Flanuehl, Blankets, Ladies" and i liosiery are cowpleIe and at bot- al#its. it fur :.¢ding linea and job lob.linel r t. • our eustotners EACH WEEK our atilvertitewent and if we offer a • it lit epee. KT 'WEEK . I';ntlt•:a at 20c. a ord. regular p at 5c. a skein. _CHESON. dame .n a i•and keep i; th••rr. Mat fall te observe IIPTION D1SPENSARY, ad, Constant Personal Attention. c and .Purest Material. )ssib1e Equipment. CLAIM TO POSSESS. lT \Tri:SIIAN(;-:, (oNt4ULTATIOl1 PAR1.O7[. G-OODF. hip bels BRIGHTEST, rail des, Par- NEATEST 7,¢n- t ,ems rks, Id a )ITeI' .s to Call AND BEST, o sr11 UM11lRD ut MN "BE SURE YOU 4RE 4kRIGHT, THEN GO .4HEAD." Y. GODERTCA ONT., FRIDAY, OCT. 3, 1¢90. °` "a11 »" * """ The Largest, Bright- est and Best Paper i* Huron from now until Jan. est, 1892 for $1.25 in advanos. re Y CURRENCY w" P'*''r'"'P``i° e''""°' HON. JOHN DRY DEN. COUNT _ la Grey. He hes been *tattooed at Keen Itttma of Intermit from ¢oar the C•stre fur some tin... County. Mise Maggie Meliorate., of the Zed •oes, Morris, is gotnq to Alguw• un • • watts anatat .t 1M c..nty saw. Dart. visit to retail res and friends. She peer- ed sp tweak deader .t ••Taw esas.L" Wee. remaining all winter. rue mad anent, (upped sod C..- Mrs J elf Williams, of Washington dea.ed neem weal aerates. Territory, u 'eine' her mother, Mrs Kett, of the 10th eon., Grey. Mrs Wil - Mr Edwin Green. of Fort Williams, is hal" r to tory poor him" - visiting Intends to Wrvaster. Mrs John Lamuet, of Thewslon, Al. Uv.► $2150 per w.e8 u wee ped rosea, who has been visiting her parents, d M K r f the lu son Army, is home ea • Tien w his parents, t ' et the Atwood flax awl. , The New Minister of Agriculture for Ontario. • eau terabit mases. • Tberwweb aertewl- t.rrs - lege weir a •' ranee abs -- Climbed Ibis Leiner steep by Mew •. wesse.b.l. Rees/. • 'rem the Farmers Advocate. The subject of this sketch was born June 6th, 1840, on the farm where he now resider, which then corpuses 1110 fare have gone *broad,not merely in THE'1'01'1 1i FATHERS The em...i1 was w.11.`i.e.a with 18. TEETOTAL JOE CHESS. bis own county and preview.. but in ' result of this analysts every •tats of the Amer can u l' lore as - we11. To the IUGlew or.inally started What Payed Before Them at by his father, under the •eau's tee.l.ut•, the Last Meeting. he has repeatedly added nr.p..rt,u, es from the renowned bete of Ant..• Creick- An Meet be n.de w Leases Fere t.• sbaml, Al hue, Sionland, the wra.re tiara The wase' we asrl.b tut purchase in this direction Irina the awalsme e:ema.dered OA. entire herd of Mr Cruickshank •'.,phew. lir. t bIpe rsa • severe• In st.ek breedine,Mr Dryden believes -- in working for a definite ..begot, with so The y.unal held • • rel meatin • on ideal always before him, ar•d any cue p•° g w ho views his sheep or cattle will F. Tneiday last t"o°aiderthe to the Fdvt. e • advisability convicted that he 8.s 1 hu petition Ceder - purpose. In uniformity and flesh pet,- writers Am eiattnn and also et sending • Or to wages Mr to n ins. Matthew Barker, Cnnhro,k,has been Morris, purl,oeee returnee( hems this urea, and a situated nu tut 20, 7th con clueing c,511qualities they can •carte ..ee eaawu, Whitby, county of Ontario. excelled. His bard has furnished iia rates from the Attestation, In view of the confined to bed with cancer of the SLUM Sam E. Fleury, of Erin, who has just The mew,' bowie bode¢ neer by he was fair quota u( prize taking animals, which recent ato engines. tett of the The member present returned from •riot to r partes in eeu ehowo utak marked ,ucor*s, pumping a, P Keg and, g oldhe had not onlyin Ontario, but also in Ment- hes been transferred from Ethel to Wine in Wimgbam. S.m. prefer* Csoada to learned to read gray !reins In the New tuba and the United States. win a station sweat. 'Freeland. Tee•..neut. Hu father battler only a Etcellenee, however, :s not seen mere- educatuon, and keenly realizow ly among the Shorthorn+, but horses. ly to delegatiuu to endeavor to seen better arta for some time. At to school at the early age of three have been M r (leo Knight, formerly of Keeler, 1 was renewing old years. When tire Tears Mrs Taylor, of San Bernie, Cal., u at C. Bowerman, who hu aught tuoc.a. meagre determined that the eel ahoold ahrep, pigs and poultry all manifest the present vieuug at the residence of Mr tu11y In 8. e. No. 8. Grey during the past hie lack, H Wigging in Wroxeter. sit years, has d to teach in S S. bate sli dA' adrautages in this tine roe seine skill and careful attention. The Mr Doig, Borrie, wee uttered two hun- No. 1, Grry,f.r 1891, .t s eatery of $440, soboula then effordei. Ile was sceerd- theory practised at Maple Shade u, that deed dollars tor les filly a new days ago to be peed quarterly. lastly kept steadily at school, nutmeg u pays to produce in all these lines only b e entlemo (rum Chicago. rapid advances and being always • favor- by the best. arced 1 R Mr H Milord, Holmesvitle, is now ire among his class mates Mud teachers Mr Dryden bas Mn (:rune Barton and family, Brut busy tilling his silo. He has fist acres At -". • •fee mels have mitred to Paikdale. Mr liar- of southern sweet cure. which will yield ton has been working there for some about twenty tons per acre. He 'husks time. that he can cut and fill into the silo as Mies L. Oliver, Brussels is away at cheaply as he can harvest tt ea soy ether Toronto and caber points of inlets -et. way, sed it ton be more eerily bandied She does not expect ter return till the when feeding and with less waste. spring. ?4r Francis Cc htenau,of bivKiI..p, was Mrs b. Pearson, Brussels, left for rewriting from the fair in G.dench on Port Herm on Friday .1 last week. Wednesday, September 17th, when hie She intends making her home there for fine prize mare got frightened and ren the winter. ,way, throwic.g Mr C out of the buggy. The total assessment for tee village of The result was • broken collarbone, be - Renter for the year 1889 was $173.000; saws aeversl scalp w•.unde He was for 1890, $463,000, a alight decrease taken to • doctor to Cbuton and had his front last year. wounds dressed. Peter Becker left at the Craobrcok The ad news has been received of the vend'', and take the pcetetlice t potato which weighs 1 11 death of Mr A. N Herniate principal of course then provided 10 cz. He would like to know ho can the pu'.iic school at Wr.•seter, who died in agriculture, guarau- grow a larger. - on Tueedey,Sept. 23 rd,f.om I teeing him to obtain Aron Cocci•,linesle, met Piths pane of the Tongs, at hie b...ne, Everett, the sch.earship of $1_'O 1.1 aoeidrot reern'.ly ty running a mea' Simco• county. Mr Reid, reeler -eel the rehired .t that t.me in hook into bit arm. He was laid off work echoel at Wroxeter to study at Toronto this t. But for • few days. i mmveraity. Daring his Ih..tt itay there Mr Dryden'. fondue*. Mrs Will Bal'antyn'. Brn.sels treat to he made himself onirervade liked 'oy his for the farm and has Tomei. last week, t, attend the funeral kind. Venial Ways ane exemplary n be- desire to enter again of bar outer -1 its -law, Mn Ju Raddiak, harmer, and was • young man of more upcn hu chosen owe - formerly ..1 Bruweis. than ordinary parts and promise. patine caused him to The village of Paisley was the scene of refuse, and so ended Alfred Rayman, boek-keeper, Cren-a plessant event on Tuesday, ll:.h tort, los school life. hrw•k, has left kr P when Mia Mary J Hargreaves, formerly From his earl i • m 1 Simco C.. , Where he ekes • lucrative' oenur• .of the. phial. was united in marriage to days he has bad • fond - petition in the firm of Mr Beck. Mr Jams* Brown, of Portage -la -Prairie, nem for rural scenes A little son of Mr Arch. McNeb, of Man. Rev V W. T. Clutfr, of Bruseels,ud and the farmer*s Ute. the 12th sere, ..f blch;iilop tcruship, the 1 knot. The bride was Naturally fond of live while plsyiutj at school gut his ¢,liar attired in fawn satin and looked charm- stock, he early Warn' broken. A Sed'.rth doctor we - tog, as all brides are •uppwed a, du. rusted • (lesiva to have called aril the cue attended IQ The bridesmaids were Miss Annie Her. some of the beat speci- J. J. Denman and family, Brussels.. weaves, rater of the bride. and little mens upon the farm. will move 10 11 nerals this week, where Miss Marian Hargreaves, niece -f the To this his father reit - they iMend making their home. R. L bride. The groom was attended by Inrely objected, dreier- Taylor, Brussel., bas rented Mr Den-, lames Jones, of Brussels. The happy' in* that these were no tnsn's hoese fur a tam of ti: a years. couple took the mon for Triturate en better than such as At Cain•vdle, three miles from Brant- route to Manitoba, followed by the hest they shade POtweeeed, ford, John Wilkinson. builder, dropped wishes of their relatives and friesda - providing bot h were dead while at work. He a supposed to - Brussels Post. fed the same, and it he • member rel Western Star - Ledge,was not until man y IAtdep endeut Order of (1Jdfelluwe, Btu LKKIII-KN. ,- years had elapsed that e el..- Them our own correspondent. he was prevailed upon The W F M.S , of Melville chinch, Mrs Henry 8ltelton and her nephew, to make his firet por- .hippeti a box container,/ 200 pounds of A Critterare sitting in Windsor 1b» chaae. Thu consisted clothing to ohs of the Presbyterian week. Mtn Jane Csrrsibun is also of a b n 11 under ors r Gagne at the rate of a! os .ret m K•nr.nl.ue, ..o the Ashfield sir- Aw dnci: Indian btlaion• in the North Vest a with them. year, which was, as might be exp.s . Wrest in public affairs which finely • pumped some means took fright and nu eft Ite- . bnrt lime ago. The tea was valued at Mr James Lioklater visited relatives td, given to the care ot the son. The plated hi o i•. the Ie.ets..n 1.. at prawn' 1,000 frailties per mwote Jr( m the Coit last Sabbath. s me salt -vehicle smashedk fighto ran mare at Iir:edited tits week. toll was kept in the same stable and occupies. Under his ma.agemeot the six wells with steam at 80 boa. against There will be * literary onntest in cote- salt eh treated by being cot and *ward in every respect similar to the or- Agricultural Soeirty . f ti-, to l lot., I a water pressure of 90 lbs., and it neet len .th zip° Hell council next Led utak Julia McNeil, of trey town- . Miss Howarth, of Auburn, is vuiNng •g t Fnd•y eveui.•¢. A .full attemdanw q( bruised. Fotonately then was no per - ship, phYelltdil w siva six of the largest her cousin, Nn Jsm.w Taylor. Binary .toes upon the farm, but the During the use el •, rte u•.tu.ne•r, did the engineri; easily. In the after- members tm requested, win to the vehicle or the result might rapid growth and perfect d Daring that time sheds sod eirh'w were noon this om,oed eutfivant water have peen mote serious than it we. putstnes it has ever been our pleasure to P e regret to learn of the death of of this animal in with the rotted u.. the grounds area eider and to throw four etlioiemc tire -streams at the ae see it wotrld make •n Irishman's othersrima!, i d the lather that y depart -Square tali' are its height, Mr Hugh Girtin, the Well known and oro sr the pump house COLBORNE y prep eels Post •h ..eh.d r e sae of As public school fur some time, h• was lien to what was then nailed the \\ lathy Grammar School, %agent b) \\',+hams McCabe, now manager . f en.• of the Life Insurance Comp.uie• ..t '1'on•uto. Hen he continued his emcees for a year and a -half, taking tint place in nearly every subject, and cemplraug the us- ual curse .ben taken at these school.. His teacher pressed very bard that he ab'•uld matriculate at the l'ne- 6 Secretary -Treasurer of his school sec- tion, President of the County Agricul- tural Society, Reeve or Deputy -Reeve of hie township, be has 'manifested that in - were : Mayor Butler, reeve Proud:not sod cwncillon Ceotelon, Hurney, Cam• pion, Reid, N sttel, Prdh..n, ri alt and Nicholson. The minutes of the last re gular meeting were read, •pproru-1 and signed. The street Inspector's rep .rt. ca!liii attention to • breach of the fire bylaw I,y Geo. Acheson acct Chas. Newton, by erecting frame buildiugs within the tire limits, was read. and the M opsotor was instructed to enforce the bylaw. A c mmur.tcation fro a lilts Chmp- ut.u. C. E., enclose,: his ...comet fur .ervices m connection welt the water - ...Cis and bu repo -t on the tical teat of the waterworks pump - Ing enetnes, wa read HON JOHN DRYDEN, M.PP. aarOXT Or WATetWOta, .'oe1nrret. GLIM/nee :-Your a.mmittee begs to report that Mr Chipman attended the tinrl test of the pump;ng savors. hu report will be read tv you during the wrangle. We f the pay- ment w Mr Chipman of th.eam ,f $•500, this being its full ..1 his claim ler extern, VOL and services reuder•d to the tomo. The matter of putting in water worries. for W. H Mersey and John Porter we wok to are referred to the committee with power to sot„ W. further recom- mend that the accou•t .t the t:ordon Steam Pump Co. he Gloried. (Signed) Joie( BI'TLia, chairman. The report was adopted en notion of Pretelfuut, seconded by Murrwv. A ion from bfr Jo•iathan Miller, .1 the Albion Hetet, aupea!ine against his .ams-esme°t, wag referrer t the court of revision. A.., - ,ctrl'.. The following soeounts wore referred to the finance committee :--J. Mayne, painting fountain. $S; N. Dement, lumber, g4L '.'t; Buchanan end 1(on, lumber, etc., $31;,00; Etta... ••f Item¢.. Grant, relief, etc , $10 `.q: R. P. Wilkie. son d Co., hardware, $.2 11; Jos Keld, lumber RS 3;,; Colborne Bros., oil cloth, $1.10. The report of the finance c •m.nitrre, recommending the payment of the fel- adopted :---Joh HEroNT or WIL.LI, The Y. W.C.T. U. Again B Him SO Goderich. a Bert.. .r taraesy 2111.. •d reswazs - T e speaker tremtienee N be a Wed era» lea card - The Tweets Ipso w ►w Ile Geld /sail. Joe Hess, the temperance revtvaliet, who did •, good a work here last •prima. uuder the *espi•n of the Y W. C.T. U., ¢retied in town Saturday evanina Wet, acco.epeoIed by hie w•m,Henry-who, by the way, is ''a chip off the old block," in physique --:o attain enter epee a temper - mice campaign. On this occasion also he is working in with the •'r..-, and bas succeeded in arousing •tmn¢ t sentiment by log rect sod c..,,cinoing opposite Sunday, at 4 o'clock p tn., the ti meeting was held in the Grand U House, West street, and was largely •tt,•nded. The chair ora pelf ny Mr H. I. Strang, Head M •f the 11...h School, and music was Dished by a choir led by Mr Aleck dere. The revltsltet took for his tett oarat,!e of 'The Sower,' and built interesting end instructive disccur•a front that foundation. lie took the louring act , cat*, was opts o t9 ground that the farmer sowed tc feed tee I1 •t••r•inn, $'S4 50; Ht t:o,i S4,z,L, nation; the school sowed to cultivate the . forties, t,E• $10.Lti; J. R.4..Sus A l'. coo 40. intellect ; :he church stowed W inculcate I beg a• remora as REPORT OP RRL man's doth' to Gel ani 1.18.. man ;and mal. o othe test• the res sewed to *relate • right sent:• nude of the pumpin¢ GESTLF.VF!I :-lone commat.e beg to P engines 1 1 the purchase of 8 part rub meet ret the oommunwealth. Then, .i.0 erected by the bee knee b sots 12 rubber cotta and 1e richt here in Canada, there were other tijrdoo Jtnm Pump hats for the firemen. We als.. rscow- .wen. The people a am electors! body Co., of Hamilton, I i mend the attachment of a pale for a sowed II.Pmse ; horn •owed bar -room.; 55a January ire, 1$881, team of horses and • seat ter a driver to her-r.e•una rowed appetite; appetite sow. a presure 1 eat was the large hue reel, and the payment to .4 drertm criminals sowed rds; drunk it ds sowed .s. otncn d made, et whn.h vine the te..,i takes! the ingot reel t.. a fire of jails, a water pressure tory• the sum mt 8:: and in caw of a false the bao¢mso •reps; anJ tan rhstsj 'nen s lee frum 140 lbs. to al*rreL '1 fire tel :,0, in the team tint ar- r.'pe *.wail corpses fur the ceineterq am- 1501ts wa maintain. rivttg ar.d being hitched Li -the hoar ••:elation. Now wate.: he came for those ed at the pump h••use cart• bef.•ret .s epe.k.r druids which clam f,.r tour consecutive 'Signed) W. Picounroor. Chairman. ..1 *,were they would cast in their lot hours. At this time The report was adopted. with. the • m a 11 engine Moved by Nicholson, seconded by At ec. ry meeting the revivalist was ••i,• undede s hen run- blurcey, that the mower, reeve and the equally •ipreai*e, sod the resell was • eine at a v e ry low president of the Board o4 Tn•4• be a c:owdt-d gath.rink on each occasion. .pend. while the large e,•nnuittee 1•, meet the Fire Under- Ht• son Henry has a topical baritone voice, and on Wednesday favored the witheng ram smoothly .ure ,,rarer A•wriato.n to endeavor to get meeting with an excellent solo. We aro the same pressure better classification for the turn for in- uuetin. to Teter further to the subj.s end at the sense •peed- gunner -the committee to be st liberty skis week, owing v+ want of space, tem. A •eeond t ea t was to ¢take aorta if they •w' shall do s, on wether occasion. made on February fit -Carried. __cad, trete but there A con,•.nication from Stephen 13a11, was 1 i t t l e improve 'odium for the renuttance of Inc taxes, DL'NGANNON. went in the sett. n of was referred t., the court of revision. Prom nor eon eerrapondent- the •ma!I engine. The ;usncil thea adjourned to meet bit William Begley, now of Blyth. and These tests satisfied on the third Friday in lie -toner. - formerly of Dungannon, and family, IOC *s to the strength, - have het a visiting relatives, friends and capaci,a.h ' hmausbip ASH FIELD. acquaintenues here. He likes his new slid finish of the two Tram ear ewe p..sUwtt in Blyth, and is wcceedieg ergines. The 1 • r g e We are sorry to learn that 111n Mani- well. engine was up to erect- ilron, elder rlaugt er of bit blcIhooagh, Weather. which has been all that fiction in every re 12'h con., lies dan¢ereusly .11. could b•• desired during the latter part of spect, but the small Septem!.er, Is still 000tiouing exception - engine could not be Tl•rwbir¢ teems to Ise that order •( run at amt •p05d u the Jay. We can hese steam shelties on 'Illy tine. the Lege engine with- all Odra of us A Ili NAWAY.-On Wrdntrdsy of last oit shock. On the Mr Murchison.. 1 Paramount, filled week u oar papular merchant, bar B J. bath mot. the small the place of Dr Stturgma•o, who we ah Creatord, wall hi the act .1 attaching - ia mere to the vehicle, it hT "TEC: s TR SIGNAL" tisE PURITY. STRENGTH. THE CELEBRATED Ram L.al's PIKE TEA Uneq.Miled for .ensitt1 and ' Chucss of Iflfusiou. B 8 u% Fete sate et ROBUTSOI'8 U&OCBRII fam waren. b1t. N' Reid of Hamilton, daughter t t hu system were en■ugnrsted in every inert °r t ° ` ser nl•e estate d 111,11111"u: through ,nth wale: jest W luck at them. -hew of Mn Csaead,y, akar w illueee of farmer Idea was • mistake. He +u thou mese, the water pressure R Fran oar own - e toms time. A large mirth of hits" willing to make the purchase of • In January, 1864, he arse get elected being 160 lbs. The en toeer in The knife and fork tee meeting •t the ragrvJ!ate t"wards Lucknuw on Tees have extend their deepisi sympathy rel tau week ooh a lar¢* drove of On Saturday evening, 20th alt . 111r- heifer, and soon afterwsrdm a mow and the blunieip.l Council. Hu firer ahargs the -e Trp ithmntt.hsengineailing Bethel church. Coiburue, careen Toff un toad -q. ktitV .heap, which +ill be Silas Strulake, Exeter, received a the bereaved husband and n!ativr■ on elf, which was the starting point of the speech on that occasion was gtvn with this work surly y you Tuesday arch. Q. In every way it I.hirp.d forth. foreign uh*ch • even injury 10 one of his syn, from the Ica of unw in the. prime of early lila present large heel of Sburthorrls. At that (ranknr•s and !tonsils, wbiuh has From the tests made on the 18th Pmt. and r,evrd o Ira • drlightl 1 •*vera* Ther• , • stone directed a arm by Due D:vid who was •general favorite with all who the age cf 1 the farm -to • hancteru•d hi+ enure ,bhp career. thou made in 1S8 I can new report nkat was lent cat a.e f..r lb• cutler u the . t. (aur citizens and others in thus' rico-ally icy Russel. The wound was dressed by a knew her which had been added fitly acres -was road was Ito well received by the people each engine can easily pump the piano s p J moats were abundant end 'who h -a a driving steeds aro enjoying A ate nisei Priem gasps cat an engine,.lost he wee pieced byone eerie at the ty of water required for both domestic P" 1 thwmselre• imrnen*sly im .z.rciarug o° 1 is now healing. passed from hie father's control to be P ' inst the pressures much enjoyed, white the C.Ib,rn• the beautiful trotting aootw, whish hu G A. Powell. •former resident of b'=q'" soil pas.•°geresn, steamed tree worked by the; 0 0o share This awn- head of the poll. At the first meeting end fin purposes a;a P ladies showed their rbilir as conks in . se our burg the other night -beteg lin- Providing • d hath re The xm- been ii,sp *ted by Chas firrvim, Esq ,sr.. Rruads, lies opened rep •rte+ store on anted fur two ears, when the armoire- •d taw C .uroo 01 M was elected to the specified in the contract, end the one- 1w11,o a ■n expert in evil Mr ., p ry Wel• u the B. ted 0 the market stem.. in the seat's tactor. mMai•e. with O.aai, meet, ronin unsatisfact to hot► positron of Deputy-R r•vie ¢.°tin m in tractors for machinery. Windsor block, p ; ort 13irvin expressed himself to very Pitt. •. conductor. Wel Blatt a brakesm•u, still wee It keno and ■toll annual rbc page. ret that of Reeve for many Steam Pomp Co., ars now entitled tr, pony •Jjourn•d tr. the church for t • Stratford. He we. for some tinsels moa- P ; atter rutrrt•tnment. TM • ten ser• . P imenrry term• as to the manner an nectiom with the business of D. N. Hata •wd N. Bee. hler es engineer ret the rpswnt was alrorwa•dm paid until the tach years, n1. be voluutorily retired. any balance dos them. It now remains ail* nn hand .ad prepared with excellent traction engine. Gresl Ain was of. During this resod h» news was fvr for Toot town to request the Fire Cn-p D• which theaontrsotore, Mrears Horne t Co., anJ recently a member of the er'e death, in 1881. moan on•d .* • candidate f .r dorwriters Association to enmin. and eddttmsts. TM Butt's choir dd•i to le,wry,have pwf..rmtdthe wurk,andsut- grm of Nfacnair, Hamilton • Powell. he Max 1° 'unties in at Mr Jolut Ghia - firm uierr calehrit h tb. mts•io rendered by Doha a gate with Las train, a there i• • Shortly enter M entered into this Wooed! ••tem soil fire 1 1 s t that is order to Mte • onorw shish ()b Saturday,Sept.40th. Hugh Wil- iameo honors. His nut twat your 1 t he Temaril hu amlr'e arm parliamentary •your town a tier- them. bar Yick•rd, of FI .Ime.ville, oo• mould M sedopd to 'norm to the cnaaty • P y deep ditch on butte sides, sail the so. lying is that direct•on, be refused to appliances and to give sd the chair, and amused the ■silt hams. Brussels, west to Feel to attend rug. trdg• i• ntbar •arrow. We of 170 serve, lying .dj,scsent 4. his nwa, 1 nR digin might boa made iw osrt.rii parts w the funeral of his brother ltial•rd, .An doubt it • R. R one, •mold do the nod • few years later another Int of 91i accept the . nu. Being again and aaalli for cl•eaificatinn. Yeo will thus Twp • Ont h hr of that day, '•taro (or . or w•terwor. t 1 •t t- a.w+rhe las surface water away in died on9th, jo the 43rd gar . t sores. TM Mud wu held thea fmr •oral urged by his namwmus }nand• in 1F7C j>foosiarT 1' Sept. ep 7 verve u „ii up nils he etis.•atod t.. oot•te.t taw nrfinq sick axpcodlture. The rrductinn in ensure ►woa`hetcarne ¢roes n kis heaf which t kat as hhr time ref wet wmmth •r. M•un H.rn• t his sol The deceased was torn on Ow eat¢. when limre bei gg the pfro the (Mm" It tivo. N. W. Brown a•oe•hould Cully equal in •moent the D Lower' ars saw prepared to take ono! Iale d is 1840 in 1818 He Dame u, AUBURN. a xty-five acres lying too receipts ! ' At this titre raw rtdlmr mesa repreeend interest on the amount.lpemded. found rt we already .,tespid b1 an ani trscu }ref . ___ e.owerss. "'all akar Canada i• 1840 and I.iLbad in for Welliver- the berm beano, ettosg• wee ie disposed .f ragW tu.tr CHIPMAN, mal of the moose kind. On Wednesday they have) ties s tpereel. in that Ns. Teas ear www eoe evening of laOoasafvMivr Le !.N flosses Mr (Signed) Cavil Esgiseer. evenrn,r , new eget social was given, end eta County, when he bad lied for the On Friday evening of last weak Holme the..aerrwaUtstw his gsees•vt faro by iloa and ore tlet•lhee prepared to pelage last fi0 years. of the bot•, d by the heavy It lies in • block, » th.esntly trI*nd d, hoaeat ret perwew I i.osdwnim, yafter a Bi*Mfor.l, Sept. 96.h. 1890. the whole pmeeda were rsportd as up good work. Mr Jas C.omiser, .d the 10th tow. of Vpa god met d tAs fstr•I►fired end eosbiws •oma o1 the cbrriesst land to hard foughtWtoarlptb,at the head ..f the poll, ANAirwa nr wars¢. +arils ret wary dollen The DMgaoone Agrieult°rat sat Morris, sold his gee drought team to menu; y" 8e fosse in that 6. agricultural district.ng yo» of •tram • of rag saes t. Tuba' Cain, newt to the Peeidw.e and awrwR h» farmer Meads thn.orh••at The follows anal Ph Driving lis* Aawo•ietioa Coy. ere pale" Mr R C of I.ondnn,rn CNotoe,fnr the r Two public, roods, raanimg either way. WEST WA\VAIfOSB. tag nn bsebeirs rapidly, Peels ae (enrage nig, of M 8•meal Mst•h•11 to •iyew•de k» divide the farm into (oar rasa Up las riding then oak trent rejoicing end water taken (tram the last well bre •i yi handsome sum of WOO. One of the .a te she bed leostly takes to ad mutat conrntwiati.'l, At ease- the station. which is used From oar own providing Warr, stn. They aro hn •nim•is ti the tingle at 1500 i8.. tad meth side of one et these toed, sails only for fin r nes received frum to have all ssgeeary aoa+ma.idatxro tot tipped himself m oath. The i, pm Merut„as tress were Planted any years ago ad Bos sines that time he has ben vieotoes- 1pe Po•••• The moeiap•I e.onctl of West Wawa- ei a niter .t 1600, an4 they were. e,wi- seas • *kin aw, t*e pun• sail „as 1 ',peered, hat aRwr olevon yeah of the Department of Inland Revemtse : w,eh met on tint°rd•y, 27th u11., in the the Fail 8boTr, .8108 urn .8. plass eiders(' the best draught team is the , the }arm has tberetan bra oswd 1tarp emi,av tiro, UMT g AtMt kaosk' one of the windows and palol» life his popwlarit y remains the B...q,..f amides. t.we rased Into grains town hall, all the members present ex- bore .m rho 14th mod iota of October. enmity. Maple Shade." T• sent l g •o steed B own: Yr. Marshall w., and M trill holds the phew u pow [ggsr1ata : Dept c sincillor Gilmer, wbo by reason Dengasstrm village i• still enetanewew Miss M Trewartha, writing from sent lot ...agate Brown:eh, i1•eM.dd 11 » Iron ton meek to sap that Mr re res ntative ..1 the rding in the L.o•1 Rdlesearrest Ma'C - utas psieepsr'!►m. of sickness could rent pot in an appear to graven.Dtsriatl Ail koro Edgley N W T under date et the b .Ilam •t. ...A ti premiss.- Dryd•o » sm a•,b.sia•uo fartme►, rakht i, t•btsrs lgauee - teays « « 18th all. says :-••Yteterday w• went h•mt drag• awake, • were was,. • e in ewer* departinsnt of the farm. P All the Meek a.srei.ti.wr of tA. errww- for ea ermines to • piemiM s,N to weer mor or ed se es. et IM enemy MA•tes hereThe farm itself bespeaks the ears and have hese men or le•• ailed nod aPM.de aoacle tr0.t_ 1t.'71 « . t .•von 1 .Dee. W. einoerely bop. that It"' il1- have bees reward upwards of five first - nem will be ..f short dwr•tioa, and that .q... 'mamma,. mak as dualling an ei he will sono hoover. The eeeneil, after and the Mega agvioirlt.esl botlu,**. with caving transected the meee•eary mesiei its anp•sdaraa. whisk are sppraistang pal hummus, adjourned to asset semis os .r,n,t,ieties. we presume that there r the twenty fifth day of Oetober. ant s vtBage in the seemly of Huns The direetors of 'be West Wawannsh which ens resew w sealed hopeovesw.wt 111./eal Fin Insert/was Co. held s meet- in t i.* steam. nig no Tents'', 20th Sept, 11 bona • Tb.» seed aro mo searaty of fresh week .artier than the meal mnmthly t roar •tllag• ee tr• Mae ked a nowt addition to mer else at traded► f tarts leeito red fellows are eel •d r prrseww i. • 1 _ .. west •pprovod ttsenier. Nm pert ret the ewes.• as n e 1,Ima lq a goo slAl « 1 j cetj 1•(e 1M lT! w est le • hew, bmf t►wrw was plenty n( 7'he due! skill it" whisk it owes coattail ieraems•r•d A read tris tarda V far► a0 " snow on the gonad, hoed that the pie- yea 15rytbisg is does „om the farm In the H A boo to M.msw«I Presid M.s...l. Koos T.ri wmatb., woaW eomw It eematsesd lo set of the Dominion Sbeethrrs Herder: se bctrimr was psattfnq t►rs lel ad. vilkswe.errie yi .-P. its rtie•pt •mow a the IOt► lith of ' done triad tnA .btwar. Ti"Trssait is alter .the V»►PneWst oaf the Atseltieaw " . w N Isis was pat ug fur 1We "elm till "rill sisal. evening Mr H.►era,d Leads.- k shirked bverytbittg wheel' is t i.w emee ,He «rite _ow tetleaat.A. seed by the WbM OWsallH• Mt (aiRl •d and raw p an 5.4 l a M Iharm nos oar a toot of rtN+ the trop K M.wb fj!••i• are wivev b SA ire Awosl•ticm. H. has written woo Mme. ori meat „ away, o ea R the MIM7 and thewwiog Riad tune et the dem"' Fir 1M tsar aa•te,a is r e,atatt - " yeey rola, Ilam01 sit sear through• et the out IlH e Good deal for t1 a i s wash d }Tar., ad. tirwte* au eoa.aderuty .cal alas the f.ea ale she F the etmsdiwg gr•is w•• laid eerfy en• , ••ear r. W 0t Ire in, res sea. 8.. e•eupied sail h.. 6• amt was sash tigss ie- a>7- w.wrweats s " stmt of the farmers disk k trill ala www sts tmampsd eisIlsrt,lut the M* 1j yyde • •1Mgtdss. awl •l • atm• ari•mimg -amen, Iwsitmsw Ap is- threw, ato.oessd tree ser epic fthe think they will ms M able iso p wan era' reale", mesas, the giber day M tdwoel p.si•I4. asd 14 at re r.a IwMst'•ii -w movie booise•a estialaMseyssa progress- Mr McDehn. A•rt onset est was rim.wMt lrsi TM bre• Mad remelt lest Nim enema he vl « heathers' • hear, r p•lseud M eippfl tray meeting cerise tn4ll shows. A gently member 01 the threaten were present and s be est She rem•imdef et their grids et sit;ter a id emed ap pr•i•1.i. i mz heather -le -law lead M awn d whset reapd WIN.s. ssT terata_ injury. ltai d highs. Geld. Meet bee- the lodes tee pate were vele moss I be 'Mahe w _` M Al. emir li tledelad ori 5 Me Desdat dirge FAliast K M meet m iw 1 brut. - imp. *Pre a alive , 'heal hadm wr'et« orae ettt nee •/s owls w re► was all eat but . her bet Tb• A.md ib.sgl•w life tM I* are bode el &lbw beer boss evert Ni trial est OeC who asap psttrsiss Hist with the true V emu, sag i. r least M lim tii.g. will hen to tete Its meow te tMo ii et istt,tm+d• ye lie mob lMssss ler the eat - Par h Elmherew aril eeN 11Mt was .t 1Kf. 9. tel. Act We soh .• M mid tristate ►is I4". Mr A.w O.mkw, tt1M W hoM a 1lwmis Leda• -utr. gw1e.1.•t to ties se alert is lie A. Mosr: • sees Mt J. M. Ba11•de haw balk • age gators0Sme. a tuba••• .r moo Joh. M•Oetelees. IA A aeries l s ams year. left lost week le stere -room la entionelen won Ns wow queer pew M We a aloft pottage Weigh II. 5- .8. tr of V'•A4sk is site= .a8' l▪ rmaei 1taNm rmisname N the r 1 •11 th d $j0ll Igo WIN WI wpm t o a awl of tabby. M , he m.mt•I •mirsvar, - enema. el QYahas. 'Irate ! `1.p vary vie Gir1.a 1a1 >tlt does' p ltaatt Do aidal sI t . ` g..: ,may`• r .".'.i.a,.. - ten :.. t.wr...r•vaasreltu• }'... ib "!!►3✓, T' .xn ;i. Jam': Ar' i t,. ,;." i i' ` ., z ..'*,1,. ••Rt..:. r 1'r- - Yt • ' . 6 __ _.-. .... .. .. ,. - n. '+:t " M `- ,` a,F•.:wr+v auw Yra,b. ': ^ _xK , Ari .ra?k;"' r •.•, L ":'R•`e,l+.n.: - %t.: " a . r„1 . . ,... . ^... . { teat• • /. e ,y= r 11111111 IIII IIII COLBORI INTEr[7:7 21"11 DRESS GOODS, MANTLE CL HOSIERY Nearly ali of which Velvet itill,ona and I 01-1 Call and Sei It Mao v. IA. aIpbeeee Daudet is busily eases ,e_eas to the situation .4 children who have been separated by t Mlnformatien laid bv teepee POO Kr Thoe Crewe, of . eefraCiinton, on Monday. Sept. 151 ;netted with •iolation of the Crooks A was imposed. CORNS, CORNS, CORNSI 0.AsE,s torn Cun en lands of Ilan! and soft Oo ter:11•77Iu.. without pa, n or anno ante. • oors existing it will not .urr. deserve every root lied branch. Once ta.c.1 nAnIer be fegvetted. IR. -lase all voletitutea., H. Spencer CaS 8014 by F. Jordan. The Great Iterae CATARRAIL Warranted A SURE CURL SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIS amp Pateates sad Mae afacitUIP -cp QUALITY ALWAYS WIN - As the Old Darkey sal "Do =Viler pay niore ate do bed Mlle in a while. thi My SUM sad hab a Immo I Our Tea TratIc 1)61111 You me get the 01A i NAIR GROCE