The Huron Signal, 1890-7-25, Page 6TILL t1U1iVLL O1►,1lr1L, 1'fi1LAI, JULIe. ZO, 1544. THE POET'S CORNER. Tile sold Thud Nava Nis't sari freest mild `!camas. la the merry mumu of May. Whoa the arda were sletlag cMseUj. tact• mune across my way. As tf treat out the eh,r above as eased ebaaa.i wan. A lade Irish colleen la .sold plaid siawL salted lar-- "BtiE title PO. mlw.-oval; Abed maga yet. kladt7 ate," said she, amid shyly pare 1ism by, ON weal ray howl &wag with her, • °apt%• Le ker thrall, Imprlwosed la the cmramr M her raid plaid shawl. lave heard of highway r.Nem that with pistols and with knives Made treutblltyr treveilers yield them up ► their ssorey or their Uveas .X But think of ins that headed uut my heart and head amid all R.h .3 To .im;,l. Iltbe wllese to an ould :Meld shawl. Oh, some men sigh forlriehee.i.ad .us,. mem five fes fame, And soot. on history's pages bops to sola e glorious ..me ; My aims are mot ambitious, and my wishes are but snail - You Wight wrap thew ell together la an mind plaid shawl. 211 seek her all throtrght Galway. and 1'U seek • herrn through Clare. 211 search for tale ur tidings of my traveller everywhere ; For peace of mind 1'11 never and until my own 1 call Teat little Iris!. imaees in her outJ paid shawl. iht*N. A. Fant. HEATING A BUNCO - As Amwdaa Imminent said 1. Nave Tease. pared 1a Llae.la Park. t'bteage. Its a curious feature in human nation that while a man will peril his life t. await a stranger who is being forcibly rubbed, be will turn about and delight in seeing that same man taken in ane doge for by • "skin" gime or • bons mac. Oil the next bench to us in len coin park, Chicago, one day, sat • long lean, lank stranger who. had hayseed and onion t..p. scattered all over him t prove has hailing place, and gave hensell away in every move be made. Pretty soon a slick young mac approached auto extended bas baud and exclaimed : "Weil, well, but how are you Sac ens 'f" s "How sr' ye 1•' replied the man, as le looked up in • puzzled way. "What ! D..n t yon know me '' 'Why.your face looks kinder familiar. but I cam.' place ye." "Can't place me ! 1 am Willain Scott, neptree •,f Judge of probate it Crassvil.e ! I saw yi.a hundreds t. tomes an the two years I lived with nn sine "(Ih. yrs I thought I had seen you, before., And you knew m • nght odd" "•Tere.. e route 1 set eyes n you." "Net's everybody down there?' "All tolerable. You live here( " "'Yes. I leek after abut 6hy house. c and stores hew • for a capitalist." "Gish ! you must get big wages." "(1h. a hundred a week ;n "You d.• ! By gum ! but you aro iu smarter than fox traps ! Mebbe you kmhelp me to • job 1" I think so Indeed, I was going to an • make you an offer." ni We were on to hen from the start es ? .t bunco man, but had oo thought of inter ti faring. "Hayseed" should take the ,t papers and keep prated. an How would you like to come herr T and moist me at a salary of =_, per m month f'. queried bunco after a bit. "Je whttaker ! but you dont mean .d it r oh "I do!" "Give up yer hand on it ! Say, I 11 in work all day and sit up a1! night for ea them wages. Say, will ye bind the bar al gain right now f" mu "I will. That is, I"- su "�u thi kuig out n..w ! I've got a ti hundred dollar bill here, and 111 give yo h fifty to bind the bargain. Yes, by gosh ' ih I'll give ye sixty !'' att "I wu going to say that I ought to see c„ my employer first, but 1 know it will be soh all right. I will take year $60, but only of for a day or two, u I happen to be a st little short jenow. You know where the Palmer house ie, of cunrse !" "That all fired big stone tavern f" "Yes. Meet me there one hose fr.',.i Dow to sign • contract and bogie work. "111 be right thar, and I'll work like es. a huGuo me $40 out .:f this.bill" Ile handed out • hill, and the young a man scarcely 'danced at it, so wrest w.,. his hurry to yet away. I think h.i mi. trusted us, although we pretended not to see or hear anything. When he was our of sight "lisy.eed" came over to tit with a grin on his face, and queried : "How did it act, boys 1" "What 1" "My - young man from -the -turnip fields." third may is w in duo Wee Misr ei••e. training. Is some cease the 1 is ow- intt to the assegai si mmtitatiuo u1 the .hildres, be taken it is rammed by bad hourteeshiag. I hour a lawyer who talked of seeks°. is worts arts damages of • wr•tehed gess ter for the Wiser, he had inflicted os the lawyer son by entree methods .1 f Though the buy wa. Wight be bad bees taught to such a maslar that he had tw mental dismphoe. n Some teashe, is giving iaetruetioo 10 deems, take no epeeist pains to help the dull and backward pupils. They hold that their fusetiw le w teach thou w bo are teachable under the '•rdivary dauntsmethods, athat the rest are not au spending time on. It must be untamed that a teacher re who has a large clams may, with newel, do be perplexed to oid. how mach the bright scholars are to he delayed, of to be deprised ofetes instructor's mammahelp, for the sake of the uslckwaroi pu pile. But surely he is out justified in refueiuig to give some epactal attention to the most needy section of the clam.. vu Many a devoted in.tr.or has to Ind • rich reward fur giving them epeeist maul.help uul. of the regular hours of school. I( children are very becawsrd, doubt - lame it is best for them to have the spe- 31114- coil service of a private teacher for some time. Although they thus lose the u1 spiting aid of numpauwushup, which afford* w much joy and stimulus in a utheo', yet they escape the depressinesuingand mortifying influence of suing thea dullness exhibited at every rummer' to that m.rt merciless' audtenoe, • c. input) I whim' children who aro outstrtppine t tem, and of healing their stupidity. But what shall the private teacher d.. He must begin at the beginning, at the sero point of the pupil's knowledge, and with patience proceed only n, rapids,' as • he slow wood can master rash step .td be must lend 'Intelsat to his tardy src march by •11 the oa ouoe at his cum - mend. Often, if the child lacks interest in the studies tint taken op, it will be found ou •tial that be can be read&.y interested it mum other study. Then begiu with his study, and link it, if possible, in some .say with the loss intersting pursuit. A buy who •bomioates grammar may bit . passion for some branch of J,sturiv history Bemire that he has • chance ti dratify this passion An apt teacher 0.7 momentum, save • Lay by discover - tut a talent which nous of his elemnetan iodism bas tested. • I once knew a boy in college who vmced no i•iterst iu city • f lits regular work. Hdei tined w a deuted bol,eiesely lazy. le au generally busy 'making caned ores of his !rules studeutr and the pro oleo. On day a caricature of a certain pro .esor, which bed much amused the tudents, fell into the hands of the pro - ti ur himself. He summoned the young tram to his room. The student went ith some trepidation, suppt sing he was , be reprimanded. But the wise teed.- , said to him :--"You seem to have a dent for drawing. No one of the Fa- ulty has been able to find out what you ere made for. All had despaired of eking of you. But evideutty you are tended for on an artist. You ought go abroad and study art. And then, having himself heed many ears in Rome, he gave his astonished d gratined hearer suggestione coiner - no the beet method of pursuing art tidies, and tendered him letters to dis- nguished artists at Rome.This indolent orient followed the advice given hint, d became a painter of distinction be timely council of his teacher was the eking of the man. We should not be too easily discourag at finding the mental operations of s ild slow. i know • man of advanced ears, one of the most eminent scholars one department of learning whom 1 ve met, whose mental processes have ways gone on with •.lowness which is rprising, but with an accuracy and renew equally surprising. He seme- mes has tliftiruby in following a speaker, ticau.e his mind cannot keep pace with e speaker'. utterances. But his ainiuent@ are so ample that he is justly nsidered an authority in the branch to ii.h he has given the leisure .1 a long e Still lees should we be disheartened at a lack of precocity in our children. )tang• a mac of great intellectual force has ripened late. Sometimes very rapid physical developement seems 1.. absorb all vial force in a boy so that his mental - development Igaa. One need not be unduly disturbed by such a phenomenon. After a little the intellectual growth will be resumed. The observant teacher or parent wt/1 wait with patience fur this result. But do what we may, we .hall, of -coarse, find a certain number of ch.idren who can never become eminent scholars, or even passably complete a colle,te course. We must then henstly recog- nize the fact, and inquire what they can beet do in life. blot umfregnently they have executive talent which fits them for some worthy career. We must with patience strive to im- part to them, by however .low a process, such an amount to any kiss) of training as will mistily them to fill, without discredit, the place allotted to them in life.- The Youth's Companion. • "But you - 7e11" - "1'm from Cincinnati. 1 do a hitt ,• business with the three cards and 1hr sleeps when home. Thought 1'd a.. what they were made of in (`htoage•" ' Bet you gave him a hundred dollar bill," "Exactly -one of the counterfeits of 1874. i had fifteen •4 them once I'm just $40 ahead. Ism ening uow it he should return b.;ore yea !save tell lm. that Stevens has gone to meet him at Mr Palmer's lig stone tavern. T... hundred dollare a month ! Wake snakes but hunt I jut struck $ gelc,nda with • bit (1 !"-New York Sun. Tb.la.ebward Noy. J. mi. Alfa ILL, Or ?Ha t srIt•kR- KITT Or ir/CHIOA?. How shall we teach backward ehil drew t Thi• is • question which sorely perplexes parents and teachers. We are not now et•nesdering the ease of what w. call IeeM.-minded children. We are speaking .d three whn hays anyone' (Id - bully in learning, of those whn he • little interest In study, and of these who have stow ••d tardy mental develop- ment. These three elutes obviously differ frees ta•oh miter. The first edam Is nut likely, under awy treatment, to famish s.holar ; the sssoad and the rigs cad ThMIN.. Every man is ruled by what he loves. The gates of heaven are always opeo. A man generally walks the way he look.. Love'. messages are always written in red ink, No man is right in kis religion who is not right in his giving. Th. weakest man is the one who is a slave to his own desires. Every Christian with • long Les ia iettise hie light ahem through smoky glees. The man who, is willing to do wrnog in order to gain riches can saver enjoy them. Yoe don't have to be disagreeable to be frond, or look like • snipe• in pickle, to he righteous The fowndatinn stones of a ehereh are of a trod deal more than the steeple. God hes no nee for the men whn ire ulnae hiea•elf esesti6.d shaply' um he feels bad. FOUL PLAY SUSPECTED. WAS WM. ELSMAN MILES ROBERTSON MUnisEREDI The dead toady of a Miaow Wier lose at Fest t)alamisi There Mad Dem l)wlwilag cad a Qss'vel-saapasiest Weaada are sraadetalsa, Post DAt.mouterw. July 1e. --Bary tab eturulag the demi body of a man was (used lying .r1 the bottom of the dry duck straw, who no. subs IeeisUy Id etiIL.l as MLm ltulierfwtu ted t tucaso, employed as wheelie man on Itis bt.amer B. L Tilley of at Catharines. Th. Tilley west on the dry slink hiss yesterday, cad last eight sums of the area, awes* them the deceased, were drtuklug, and did sus go ou board till snarly "'Wulff!, during which time detested had an alternation with urs of the other name, one or two blows b.hug e;:bangud. Dr. (oonsi st% the a,r•ussr. empanelled a jury to enquire into the p•rticulaes and this open verdict was readeral. "rtes .bueaeed, Miles ft..bertson, was found deal ou the bot - tote of ole dock rear the prvpeier Tilley with • clean cut wound of the back of its head, bow dome we usunut my, but such .ess tsps cause if his death, being supposed to be falls or Imen throw u fniu off said pro- Felker." ropelter." There is a feeling atuong the people bare that deceased wet los .teach by foul means, ss Us distance from the deck of the Tilley to the bottom of the dock i. nearly liU tort, cad the body when fuuu.l was lying fall length, with the feet together and ou bones broken, with a .seep cut .a tits beck of the bead and a small portion of the brain o..sfttg out of one ear. aid there were blood stains ou ti. side of tie steamer from the wain deck down. Was He Murdered T BROCivlLLIt, July Ill. -The body of slit.. man who wits found on tis lake shore near Three M!le Ray • few days ago has not yet barn identified. A fracture of the left temple Wads to the conjecture that the man arab murdered rod thrown into the lake. At first it was thought that it was one of the M- inted crew of the s•hu,oner Brock, which went down iwar Hur.ediop Island about two months ago, but the chitties do not support this conjecture. ve GRAND LODGE OF CANADA - IR Ingot on Witb Haaoaa-low root of the Eli.-tl.,n of °givers. iu ioK•rov, July Iii. -Five hundred dele- gates were present at the opening of star sue nuns convocation of the Grand Lodge of Canada this morningin the City Hall. Grand 3leste.r Walken' pre,lled, and reed a lengthy attires, redeem ing his official acts for the past year. Routine busirtegs occupied the attention of the Grand Lodge all day. The discntsios on the third degree question was adjourned, and will come up as the first order of business In the morning. Grand Master Walkexu, assisted by Deputy Grand 'faster J. Rom Robertson and the members of (.rand Lodge, laid with appro- priate . the cor uer stone of otic !fickle Wing of the General Hospital. The election of grant officers takes plane hemorrow. J. Rom Robertson of Torontc will be elected 1Grand Master and Hon. J. M. Gibson or Ed. Mitchell of Hamilton will be Nomas Deputy Grand Master. C. C. Robineen of Aurora b in the field for Grand Registrar. The war- dere' ardens will likely be A. Mr4iinnL of Belleville and George Davis of London. For District Deputy Grand Master of Toronto district the candidates are George J. Bennett and Fre.! Inwood. Hamilton district will elect C. W Mulligan. The hotels are all fl:led and Kingston pw.i.le were evidently unprepared for St Influx of visitors Mavor Drennan stayed up all night and periorally 1 late arr•i vale to private houses said managed tc get sleeping .. . for delegate& Ten Tblags Werth knew'sg. 1 That the height of the atmosphere is alms' forty miles. 2. That sound travels through water at the rate of 4,800 feet per second. 3. That the freedom of the press eras first granted in England in 1688. 4. That there are more magazines and newspapers published in the United Sates than in all the rest of the world o„mbined. i,. that the cost of railroads in the United Sates has !teen 89,000,000.000. 6. That over one inillion persons are em•,loyed by the railroads of the United Sates. 7. That an average cost of c.nstructing a mile of railroad in the United States at present is 830,000. 8. That the first printing ly stem MU done in London in 1817. 9. That the first newspaper establish- ed in America was the Beaton Noe. l..t- ter, first issued April 24th, 1704. 10. That the first public performance on a pianoforte was in the Covent Gar- den Theatre, Lindon, May 16th, 1767. The evils resulting from habitual coa- titene.e are many and serious : but the see of harsh, drastic purgatives is quite dangerous. In Ayet s Pills, however, the patient has • mild but effective aperient, superior to all others, especial- ly for family use. ftaara . Lrahaeaa . Prasad a. P..hrr b.se.- A turkey -hen wandered of with a flock of a d•.zen young. In the early autumn a neighbor found them and brought them home. Thinking they - w..uid again go away, I confined them in the bern three day., killed the old het, then placed them in my poultry -yard, from which they souped one by one, but never went tar from the premises. The result was 1 never had to go after them • single time. I think the killing of the old hen was what saved the flock for me. Four of • flock of sixteen turkeys were of • white strain, the rest dark. Num killed three of the light-colored birds sad bet a single one of the dark elms. I will hereafter keep e,tly dark birds. The doge cannot follow them en well as the others. Meer nor towns dogs are nearly as had at destroying poultry es sheep. The ears ought to go. i had • small flock of turkeys hatehed last August They were all reined ex- cept ewe, and have made an •=repent growth Ret the very mild waster was in their herr. 11•110sd'a a.num,ssa misused tar ihrish gpt 1 1 8rtperstltitm esidcm Wrings glad ad- ieu, eon evil ones ; emotes being of men and narrow rather thou el poseur. sad jay. 'fIs banshee and the de.tn- wasoh, rearms croak leg amid magpies fl) bog above your heed, the emu ,b.t clings to Friday, and the ill luck that attemds on all undertakings brguu un Goo day- but uu eerreepuudu.g g.ed luck pressed to all undertaken tie . v other day spilt melt and "outline' blown into your Imp from the bre, futwrals ...et isopportuoely, with Other puttees still of deeper import sad graver bearing, all help ti Quake tie moumule slats to 1,.. tyrant Superstition 'shwa ones we bat « allowed hie power 1.. be c..nM,ltdatrd and our souls are delivered up tutu his keeping So a• may say of .,erythiog which is not pure reason and califs coin - orvheusive yudgweot. The following is an extract from the will of the late Rev U. B. Cameroon, of Action : -- Coustderiag this rltrevagance displayed by the c,w►munty in general mud as • protest monist it, 1 dtrrot ilia, my body, when deed, shall be decently wrapped in bleached e••tton, neatly pre- pared for the purpose, laid in • gimp'« outfia wade of pine, with tet ornsuw ita- two, uoi M much as my name, aud car- ried to the grave ire • sleigh, If les winter or a spring wsgua. and laid in the gr., without • shell : and that 110 wouarruet4 or stone of any kind be put up to mei the place, unless some friend take resider from the tied to mark the sp. t .od, if he fancy to do e.. ens thereon lb initial letters 'D, B. C ' Iii all olhe respects I o infirni my said will.' To whiten yel'ow piste. keys, rub they with .and paper, and tinuh etch a pas of chamois. From the West Huron L'cenet distribution found Clinton has received the sum of tlt)8.67 Take black court plaster, m listen enough to make it stick, and meed the small cracks and holes to vour silk nm hrella by pressing it on the wr..nc side with warm iron over a thin paper. Or.e of the best thing, to cleanse the scalp thoroughly is to dissolve a ora spoonful of bora* in a quart ..t water and apply it, rubbing it in well. Rinse thoroughly in clear water. Spruce pillows which have loot their fragrance may he renewed, it eet said, by subjecting them for a short time to steam, and drying them thorougly. A photograph can now be taken quirk. sr than a mule can kick, but it still takes just as long to hatch an ere as it did when the mountains were r•e+. -The Ram'. Horn Harmless mirth is the best cordial against tae consumption of the spirits : wherefore, jesting is not unlawful if it treepaa..th not in .Itantity, quality, or reason. We are none of os folly aware of oar happiness while it is with us, and -youth is as ancomctous of it as a d .war of its blossom. It !sage alone which admires - and regrets. For the East Horns entrsrce examina- tion 31 candidates wrote at Brussels and Iii at Clinton. e k a r Goderich Steam Boiler Word Established lire. Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers and dealers in Steam Bollen, Salt Pans. Tanks, Herbs 're. Smokestacksand all kinds of Shed Iron Work.. lmpeoeed Automatic cut-off (sorties En. gine*. Upright and Horizontal Engines, Ma- cbi•ery and Castings of every description. Base Fitting+. Pipe and Pipe Fittings con- stantly on !rand. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Weeks r *pp. G. T. E. chiles. tit Repairs promptly- attended to. P.o. Box 381. W rII i =slim= CZ KING - OMS Pi'10 suR�vY CURED TO Ts s 1<D is !!sass ��er r stmt t bave u remsy i the or: Mame �m.... ly n. a.. tiea••w4 et taw hies eases Ove Wee• prm•wsatb wreL Mal �..grtra�d..to stud bsal�e��st.1 sr nomeddye.MUM to soy is/ ear read re have ms. rim MOOYM. IISOti IM ileal A�a�Yw fie TOMOMTO. O ► " "• TO THE LADIES. Try Our Oxford Shoe FOR SUMMER WEAR. Th. v erelwarrv.t el not to stip up and down on the heel, which outset bs said •,,t other make. Our Russet Oxford Shoes ar. • decided euoes& There le estbleg like them for summer wear, THEY ARE ALL OUR OWN MAKI' and guaranteed to give satisfaction. All rips mewed free of charge. Bents and Shoes of • superior quality mad. 10 Wier. JOHNSTON CARE Mollusk and Retell Manufacturer amid Dealer is !leets W Wiese. =MT -17 JOHN ROBERTSON sip te ansouoce that be is now agent for The Liquor -Tea Company's Colobraiod Tea Your choice of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volumt by the Best authors, given with every 3 lbs. Give it s trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without fbeling the expense. l FEW GALLONS OF PURE MAPLE SYRUP 11??, rot JOHN ROBERTSON, RHYNAS' QLD STAND. COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL STS. 1 CURE FITS! THOUSANDS OF Nri1I WYEN AWAY YEANIY. m�Whoa t Owe 1 de stet have itsresentaeaia 1 YUAN A uAo1QALCt g Mime amus Siska .a a lila-long Wady. 1 , � aty r' l e tOss a Ilse allitiemew M I im wmat cassia decant* others have failed is no reams for set now rw„el.s.� . M Nes/ 4 recce far a'trestis. and a ►e•a !uritis of my IwtiNN4as ����w �g�. mai Pau OSce It tests yes not rot a trial and k win ewe L+�_ _ ddtwi-N. `frOYr. k'•0. h>r sb ,tulle•. Ism tNgT AOtWOw ftylltay, ONTO. WE KNOW YOU ARE Looking for a Handsome Xmas or New Tear's present at a Moderate price, -JLIgrD- 1 e Know we. Have it having the Finest Lines of Silver Plate, Flat Ware and Cutlery ev31 er displayed in this town. - OUR PRICES BEAT TAB BAND. Inspection Solicited. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. HERR ! LOOK HERE It NEW FIRM. NEW GOODS LOOK el ?dee Bare opened out • GROCERY and BAKERY on Kingston Street, and are orreriag Har- i vales in NEW BLACK. GRKE', and JAPAN TKAS, COYYEfrs, Ff(ClTS, SUGARS til Kl-Psi. Ktc. All kinds of PLAI% A%s /As. mwa:Als. PLAIN AND TANDY OA. * AND PASTRY ALWAT8 ON HAND. Only the best material used in all classes of Baking and turned 0111 in a shape to suit Us moat fastidious palate. -5,947- New Subscribers are wanted by Jam 1st, 1891 And as an inducement we will mail to any address in Canada, United States or Great Britain THF Huron Signal For the remainder of -1890- 50c. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY. Rutterand Fars taken in exchange for Goods. Call and examine oar .took. Goads de- livered to any tart of town on shortest possible notice, 2 111 11111E1 3s 11111 • 04 r NON CAN USE ANY WRITING INK. WHITELY & KING i tN.Sr.. (:U!iliRiCH, i . o 0 GST YOUR PRINTING DONE AT 'THE SIGNAL." •