The Huron Signal, 1890-7-18, Page 4r THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1890. THE failure to Attain • esbstitete, these "de - CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE , „ui„:i wt:. •tel aWe" 11:8 » THE. EW COWS TAOLL. Il f:7TAA IANSO IMT. the seat •tustIes win be. "Down with We haws resolved a soh til "Cernda," HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO.„ R.drwtioa.n a pstrietie wag, wordsSm esel Whitt, MfrfTAL (PMO IPP) Si= ■N UOU DOLLARS I •0 .00,000. Tomato, amid meet. y In AL J. Whitt, - i 10111110.000r SOUTH HURON AND CAMERON. °woo Tho .wd. are „,,,,,,nes and 111.111T. • (alENpt*► MANAaslt. y `, !lt d E. WALKER, A44': a ,I'' • Y " f �1) GODERICH BRANCH. A i1(*AL liamoIIIO Somme* TRANSACTED.. Fiume*, Nain C . + •, Doerr' swum PAYABLE AT A1._ PCIssiTe 1N CANADA. AND TM NIINOI►AL INTIM at log throw STATER GMAT BNITAIIfr FRANCE, BENMuOAA Iia EAr11NS SANK DLPARTSIMENT. owto.OSPOIITS Of 61.00 neon* mortntIo �o O Mee atM• 01lAL A TNT Ates OV NAY Awn .osrgo. NO Sf*Od TSAR, Speed& &Heatless given le tlere S.U..H itw ed Q 1 Paper, r/ Formers' Sales NOON P S. WILUAMS. MANAGER PARTIES AND PARTY LE-ADERS. Ikt futon �Lit not .host time the Tory papers missed diecominit rho emotion of the es Tonneaus Liberal leadership, sod began to cast =VERY FRIDAY MORNING, about them for s successor to Sir Jose AT M OMAN PmiltrTISS OrrIL'0C MAl•DnnALD. Tb. precarious solstices NORTH -STREET. OODER1Ci�eoted of an old moo -who has passed the allot. Meout,y news and Wwidoiorake ei dins. .this of °se' ted three -noon and ten by nearly five tel tsaewtedsw !years -is all that lies between the Tory U&TO N N . g I party and dwi.tegntion today, sod it W• year ; 75o. ter sin i ba ; A s. for eiestba If the subecrirties ie mid Rodd were mon fitting that the powerful io- ta adveace abet:cilium will be c al , tellects of the CoenervetiVS editors were the tete or AA • Tsar• I directed to preparing for the inevitable in esTtesTMava RAT=1 connection with the leadership cf their Leiand other ossa•1 adverthiements. 100. limia for ono insertion. and i cents per Inc own party-er here their opraicn. would • .a1 the .este ea mg" patriotic is t►s A oorr.5poethe tf dent of the See- a a good ttwvti�eet It • peblisb4td ru.itor writes from Wesley, (nee the by the Oohed Pres ; 9S Adel•ide-et. sypatare "As Old Canasaa Man," .d- meat. Turusta mason M to be 00* • ung the nomination art IL C. Car- emulated epos bootie meot Its re - reach nkem.e�queot insertion. Honoree by be supposed to have value -than w meds seneerell Loral sotices is speeds tSI type se per )tae. dliog with the liberal leadership, where Leos' r as,iOee ea 0011""readt.g "Pe lc pe their saee dries is neither sought nor s Hosiesse cwds.l six Use. and under IO pee called for. yeso• LestFound. StrayedTi. Liberal leadership u a matter for A vae..t. Situation Wanted sed the Irbenl caucus to decide, and the Com at tb neat else *idents an m aoeoDlitihd uresie•1 cum - Rana for the sees po..r, such a Mrs Whitt hes proved ties. Fulb.ia y kis letter : holed* to be. DEAR Ex,OeiTos,-Aa the Provincial e lectwo is now over, and ws have Mowat e setrtaotioe of kaowieg thot n ot guang to go jest Tet, it gambt b. well to taus Ase attention to Dessiniee affairs for a little, end we who live in the part of **Riding that eoeditoted 'Booth Hares' before the "Gerrymen der' have a lively resellestios of our old gad trust frig„ , M. C. Cameron, who fought d t so bard ted saved the Riding whoa it was carved trot fur the "Tories," sed we think that it would only be fair to Ata. as well as creditable to ourselves, to pits klm an opportunity to repressst the Radio, now that it is made . hive fee the ''Ont►'" And se the time ie fast approaching .boa we will be celled apes to elect some one to moment as in the Dominion Parliament, I think it would be the right thing to bring M. C. Cameron to the trout once more. Let es hear what you sed others Lhauk about it and oblige, Linens Chasms Wanted not exceeding 5 that bare been ducomtng "CANADA : LAND Or Tax NArIJ LIIS?. T►is is the title of seedier patriotic meg, the words mad mesio of which aro by Alex. Moir, 11 A. It is is carob time. and has • good swing to the maize Prise 40c. 1. Suckling & Soo. pub- lishers. -The *election of MrCArm oo by South Huron would indeed MI a graceful tribute to that gentlemen, who in years gone by redeemed the riding and kept it safe to the Reforms party when it had been especially marked out for • Tory preserve. In 1882. the riding was carv- ed so as to show a Tory majority of 288, but Mr Cersaom gallantly faced the odds and redeemed the 000stitoIDcy, Iles seeperiel Ot per meet6, ++ ' and before he retired trots the represeo- r sub - ice. 1 Any to the eettoa ry elect of .slob M to Part For reaso0/ well known and syr, benefit of say trill- y Slone that time, as has been plot hese ado Y.rtraemenl s owasU Booms g retirement, An. - Tb terms will is till Asea be strictly ad- l d a Grit hive, and we do not woo - sent oa sale and Farms os PAPAS- cot to the goestion have little or no mfio One caused lima. BI tor first trios la pprroper n making or unmaking the bead of the tattoo eat South Huron had eooeeedd is F.roaantmooch Longer raising the deform majority to 171. tits o ed oat, South Huron hw E B t H ase 'RID LAURIER wall chosen to es the tared to. dK that taany who remember how Special rates for large* advertlsemeeta or Liberals, and .s have yet to learn that )w ed u for extended period,. Stade 7 Carsaon fought and woo political ksowa at the olive of publication• has made an error of jadgmoot or cased Defiles in the day. of adversity, now feel widuoto the bass to be oone►dered ea ad thoroughly discussed at the tiers of Hon - WHAT OTHERS SAY. ep/51ces en teary •bled by fNlemper- rNa. TSS 1t*AL LL&DEK n,• New York Sus, In eine cases out of ten, if not is Weal -nice owes out of • hundred, the origin of the political movements which produce results that enfant is history ra to the newspaper otos of the party, tad tot in the halls er committee rooms of Coewress. or the private oonferwsees sod 0500.•55 of ✓troprs eatatltea and Austere. It is the politicises that welch the newspapers for inspiratioo sod ideas not the editors the politioiw. ; said this is as true on one aide of the party lase won the other. • backward movement of the Party since like honoring their old -tis* champion, JOBBING @EPABTSENT• A tally equipped Jobbing Office is carried his installation. Os the trade question, 06 in i connection with rise ordinary newuVAper particularly, his policy has been sound, t re•eoat ble rates. Everything in Mi dignified and g. Froin the ass live oxn be dess os the p tea. tram an a veal card. when the representation of the tiding has been made safe to the party by Act of Parli.meot. We ars is a position ;to nm de on which beput bar hand to the Ntlat5ud poster to7 state that lir C1rg*OY bee no eye of Ali eseunanioations most be addremed to pow be ha not looked beck, and today longing *poo Booth Huron, 504 ha out ei. we0ILU(T00I. l. ti18. country would lis with him oo his and will sot pet lortb any effort to Editor of Tex Pisem. policy wen ao honsst .ppsal mmade.; , for that riding Telephone (aro. 1L Godericb Ont. Bot an honest appeal need not be secure the . nevertheless WPM the nomination of looked for from the Government that 18. co .tit1usq (, fared OnaDlmoes- HURON SIGNAL. saved itself in 1882 by the gerrymanderly 10 him we are inclined to 8.- of Ontario and the corruption of the Noe that he would t the io • other Provinces by railway purchases'dationn to once soon accept his old PJIDAY, MT 111, lea anwta d additional disborenm on public rnnstituency on the floor of Parliament. works ; or by the Government which Should the Reform cooveotiuo of South J. "GARafst" Holmes, the defeated of prior to 1847 phoned os the Statute Huron see 51 to honor their old-tim South Huron, had his e innings &goblet Boos the iniquitous Franchise Aet. representative, by extending to hm e Mower and the Grim on Saturday fart And an honest appeal 1. not looked besrty and nnanlmoes nominstoohithe .t Clinton,aod "Gabriel blew his horn." for .t the next election, for already the now be in order to get up rate, to 000e moproposed ecbeme of redutribsting Huron line. an laid, in the section, &t any and "hiving- the Grim in the Seth will IT vino now warp public, opinion hivin ort "wind In keeping out of Perlis - when presentations and addresses to Warden when an appeal shall be made to the poll. .sat the maul .ham, of all moo, the Biome and HAYTRR REED, Miosis- The .aheme contemplated t. to again Tory leeden must imr to fall in public • accomplices ie the fon deal -or terve up Huron by placing East Wawa- dorso lion. far steel, as some philologists phew.. it• nosh in Eat Boron, and depriving the KvsRYO'E may not indorse Col. "Bos' In(;srusioo x theological, or anti -theologi- cal beliefs, not every level-headed Tory taxpayer In Canada rhould beck op a recent utterance of bar on the trade question. The colonel Laid that he believed in protecting infant iii net les, but furtt.er remarked that "after thew infante get to be six feet high and wear number 12 boots it is about time to stop nckine the cradle, especially when bite `infant' tells you that if you stop recline be will get out cf the cradle and kick your head cff. ' A Col:,zsat Arlt x paper in St John, p, •B„ toe (u,tt., suggests that Mr WIRIAll be "tarred sod feathered" when fest be visite Canada. The style of political warfare advocated by our "Down -East' cos temporary, has MIT er bee. espoused except as a ,I ruler resort, and ha always failed of effect. It is solid Tory doctrine, all right enough, bot it is rather late in the nineteeetb century to •-ail mach. The person who make. thy. Suggestion in the columns of the New Brunswick paper would hare been • burning and a shining light amonrst the Tory "gentlemen • who burned the Parliament buildings and rotten -erred Lord Elgin, but be and the policy he advocates are now only miserable relics of • bygone and bee - baron age. East riding c.f the township of Grey, which is to be added to South Borer., West Huron to be oompeo.•ted for the lose of Eat Wawanosh by having Bey - field added. This scheme is supposed to have originated in the fertile brain of Dr HOLSSs, the father of the last gerry- mander in Huron, sod it e 1 room- ed East and West Huron will thus bas assured to the Tory party by majorities approaching 150, while the Grim will be "hived" is South Huron with a majori- ty of from 1,000 to 1,Ni°. But there is a possibility that eyed this scheme will not prove successful. Public opinion is against such barefaced politioal methods, and the fad that every election some new mode of frestrsting the honest judgment of the people hes to be resorted to by the Government to re. lain power rather than to hsve is record fairly sod honestly dealt with, is fast • b.comlog apparent to the men who do their own thinking. On this line of Sr gement we have the ill -success of Dr Boothe last carving. The lnteotios war to capture the twin oowstitesooies-- Keel and West Heron -by a majority of over 100 in each ease, bet the scheme miscarried in the election of '82 by West Huron being won by the Reformers, and East Huron narrowly escaping the mme fate : end in 1887 by East Home being won by the Reformers, and West Hums carried by the Tories by the nar row majority of 26. "Tb. best yid schemes of mice and men Game sit MIME. £114 leave m minim telt grief and pin l ler proemjo And as it was in 1882 sod 1887, so would it be in 18112, and perhaps mon so. We have in Huron • number of men who are disgusted with the condi- tion of affairs, but who, having voted all their life for Bir JOHN MA UPON AL.n, weal to continue to do en until be disappear, from public life. Their polities is merely e one-man worship, and with the disap- pearance of their idol will oleos a change in their polities! views. The corse of the N. 1' , is epee them now, and they feel its effects seriously, the bane of the Exodus has been epee their families aead has saddened their hearts, hot ea long as the ear of Juggernaut passes by they are willing to prostrate theessel ss be- fore asfare their Idol. With the df of the idol ham pnblie AS% r the O. Monday evening. a little Goo of Mr C. N. Griffin, Windham. asked • driver ors a load of slab. for • rade. The driv- er relueed, and next moment be heard • cry. Upon stopping the team, he saw the little fellow lying on the rod. He says be had tripped and fallen and the wheel had passed over his lee, which was badly crushed. This ought to be • las- sos for those who are in the habit cf climbing on riga What do goods cost ? You can find out, and also have the opportunity of buy- ing the following goods at cost price during this and next week : Ladies' Rub- ber Circulars, Parasols, Hos- iery, Gloves, Lace Curtains, Cretonnes, Flannelettes, Ginghams, Muslin and all Slimmer goods. We will offer this Friday morning and following days until sold out, a bale of Fac- tory Cotton for 6c. per yd. cash, worth 7c. wholesale. J•A-REID&BRO. Jordan's Bleck. Oodericb. July 1Rk. IAM. . 2151 - She People's (.otumn. NTARIO STATUTES.r - - Tess Toronto Empire hes lopped on' O 119 COLBORNE BROS. 111 1 -; 111 NEW SPIIIIIG & SIJIIER GOODS. AMERICAN CHALLEY, Wm worth In good patterns sad feet adore SHAKER FLANNELS, ;w;ff t • . 0. worth lee. , :1'.,'7r n d t a White Check Muslin's, ic. warth W. Our stock is large and cotnplete in all lines. /r -We buy Butter, Eggs Wool, Oats and Pim aid pay the highest market price. COLBORNE BROS. Talkiae about big tsilkinos, Williaa Ziegler, lot 18, coo. 14, Grey, has two comms* bred cows which recently gave 83 pounds of milk in one day at two regular makings. The mother of these ones., new getting ap in years. seed to yield her 19 quarts night sed morning. Nothing more than etod pasture, water and sett is supplied the above meutiuoed 5.11.1.. • Mr Samos! Biebs, of Uehorne. who 8.. been confined to kis house for about aim years, paid a visit to Roster on Thursday kat week. Mr Hicks states that it is nine years eines be had the pleasure of feeling the beat of the son. He looks remarkably well, says the Times of Eseter, the oety change appar- ent is thatthe is:quite gray. Then wee gotte s grouping for him in Exeter, and many a hearty shake of bands, with the with that he may woo be restored to health, was extended to hist se be sat in his boggy. Not beteg able to walk it took eottetdereble time for bin to proceed up 1ai. street as every few paces he war belied by the weewtoes well wieb- • of his irked' to extend to biro their greeting after so lose an ribose**. _-- Situations Uacant. the soul- 0.tsrfo Statotee- 5.1rd Victory received by eight columns per day during aha (lerktof the Pe.oe for dMtrlbwtioa to the mer months, except on Saturdays and Magleiratss .5d IRA~.11,1. 0 receive the Wednesdays. If it dropped the editor- 17t Clerk of Pee, H.rea- ial page no., it would be much improved NOTICE as a newspaper for family reading. T . partnership heretofore ex to ing bet 1.4.011 are baying flee. dissolved. all parties having Tits tufthunter' are busily enl aged `'lain. Assisi the arm will pl... man same to Fred- W. Jobnaon. Goderieb P.O. Alt weeping and wailing over the enforced 1st mets u lot Gflxrm must be putt try the retirement of General IllbeeLs'rox. He 0.1541218 July ll1m. was banquettd by some of the nivel- 11-5 DA VISON t , u i u, „,,, , r . len in Toronto the other evening, but 0o effort was made by Sir Fssn'e sym- pathisers towards getting up a subscrip- tion to indemnify the poor half-breed, Basrxsa,'_for the furs that were Melee from him. We mention this fact for the future guidance of the giddy gusher., I: Hoyt. G. E. Fiorito would reduce the national debt at the rate of eight million dollen a year there would be borne reason for our Tory contempora- ries jubilating, and Tss Stowat would be willing to aid and assist them ; but ire don t gee any fun in our confreres howling themselves hoarse, over the fact that eight millions mon then was required was filched from the pockets of the taxpayers by the C . t dur- ing the pest year. i( the chairman of the femme (enmities of Goderieh town consul taxed es 30 per Beet. more than wee teseinery, sad next January lima ed of it. the istelligeot ratepayers would sfl.t off his triad in a hurry, inaleed of bsrrahing for him. Are the Tory edi- Mrs foot., co do they think their road are fools, that they boost se losdty ei Ale eight million steal 1 Tel town of Mitchell mast be an at- tractive place during the summer months when garden parties, lawn socials aod other such outdoor methods of enjoy meat are indulged in by residents and visiting friends, it we ars to take the ex - pooped opinion of the Mitchell Adria - cote ea solid troth. It .aye : "At the garden parties lately held in town sever- al boys of notoriously tad characters fond their way either on to the grounds or in the vicinity of the withering,, and behaved themselves iD the most shame- ful manner, but they completely outdid themselves at the party given on the lawn of Mrs W. M. Flicks, oe Tuesday evening last. Some of the lady waitron were grossly insulted, the tablas were robbed of many articles, two dotted bot- tles cf .oda water neere stolen, the Chi- nese lanterns were stoned. and even hen the rowdyism wet sot permitted to stop. While Mr Hieb wa. watching is Itis shrabtery for the gwilty parties owe a them throw a to.. whisk struck bite upon the breast sad felled him to the ground. He was badly hurt. bait not eerinuely. Foremost is the misbehav icer was Feting Bombrsy, Chspst.n and Tammy. bet others, whoa* Maass could tot be 10.14ained, were nearly as had. At the text outdoor party the enwstable .ill he as hand ethos better order .i11 be looked for." The form/ides is really a sad .tat. of Alicia for Mitchell atilt the earnest labors of the Aeloono a dur- ing the pool thirty -nee yeses b teeprove the morel rose of the Ity. DISSOLL'TION OF PARTNER- PH1P.-Se It known that the Oren known es Whitely At Kb ,. of the Hamilton -et. bak- ery• have, this loth day of July. IA1Q by mutu- al coneest, dissolved parnersbip, and that hereafter the filminess will be conducted by Joe. Whitely,who will be pleased at all times to ferule% tchimes with the choicest ecl- ectics of erecerWa. Cakes anti hr.wl stet% a specialty. WM. KiNO. JON. WHITELY. Joa. W errgt.v. Jr., Witness. July i th. nes. WANTED. -A NURSE To TAKE charge of three a►ndrta. Goad water to comoetsst parses. Mas have reforests& Appy to MRS W. J. SILLY. AAbGENTS w ANTED -IF Y 0 U t . want to take mosey. take hold sad sell oar choice Nursery stock. New is the time. write us .t awe far terms. MAY BROTHERS. 1/t. Nurserymen. Reckoner. N.Y. _..Y. ,, . 01 . ,R+ 41 1 111 CUT THIS OUT AND PUT IT ON PIANO. PIANO TUNIN(7. Lentistrp. M NICHOLSON, L D. a DENTAL ROOMP Elsbth doer b.Iow the Yost (lace. Weet-st., Oouamitcr. 111.17 Special attention given to rebelling and .ctios regulating. Reduced rates for yearly timing. Orders left at Orpa Factory. at my resi- dence. Went -at . or at G. W. Thomson'. Pyne Warerooms will receive prompt sttentkini A11 work guaranteed. nom. E. HODOKISs. 1.1 UMBER FOR SALE. Pine Lumber. Scant Rag. Plena, at ale per theo.aed. Hemlock Lsmber.Soa.tling. u Phis . ., PiShingles, std ewes1 N per spe.ee. let . 1 el Erauellinq t,uibe. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Trellis arrive amid depart at Od/bb on te lows ARMY& Nall and Expiate 1.1 wee. UI. ............... KM p.m. Mixed11.15 m M lied...... ................. . 7.Np.m NWPAIIIM M.11 ........7.1 • m DR, E. RICHARDSON, L.D.S. SURGEON DENTIST. G.. sad Vitalised Air administered for painleseextttutisg of teeth. Special atteario. Arron 10 the preservation of the Natural Teeth. O ace -Up stain. Grand Opera House H1ock. Entrance es Weet-$t.. Goderick. 2111-1, Cedar Sad 1 N 1st •' .. 11 " " feas.s.boe Modse5Mss sr ,55n*1fsls. Surface 1'1ahg. .. . B 1 11 per 1 8onssd. Planed Loather. 11Ot White Ash, ft.sweed and liken rut to order. .Yb JOit5PH KIDD. it .SIC LESSONS.- -MISS AOGIB i 1 THOMSON M prepared to give musks reasons on the piano or aysFan. For parti- culars Ipel» at Gee. W. T'hea.wti tilde More.S,IL. For Sate or to Let. Maxef.................... • .............t.011 nem Loans aria insurance. EN. LEWIS, Barrister, Proctor lis . Maritime Court • Moser to an at 1j per cent. private 1.54 b vate .. Straight loan, in- terestearly% costs very moderate. for particulars call personally or write. 21 F J. T. NAFI'EL, LIPS, FIRE AND ACCIDENT IN- N('RAN('S AGENT, R North British t Mercantile Liverpool, Louden I: Glebe, Norwich Debs; a North American Life ; ami And Beat Is*sr- aaee of North America. Lowest hates. Leases settled promptly Money to Lew ea Farm and Tows Pro.erty Cosvey..ciaw dose. Property valued. etc. O -Cor. North-et..sd square. Oodertc8, 7t - '5O0,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO t'P CAMERON MOa.r 2CAMZltON, OM rich. tug MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE .meant of Private Feeds fee lsraetaes u lowest rates o. mist -clam Mortgage. Appb, toOAR1WW t PROUDFOOT R RADicuinrz, GENERAL INSURANCE. REAL ESTATZ ASD MONEY LOANING AGENT Arai -dam tbespmiwtp Repreirated rMosey to Load est straight lo.., at the lowest rate of imams going, la say way M suit U. sorrower. tOFFiCE - Second door Bros O.11 Sonars West Street Oaoderich. NC Legal. 'LOAN DAVISON, BARS. • Sdhlter. C, ke : Money to lead. Odle, ever Poet -Office, Goderirb. 15-tf C A M P I O N, BARRISTER, F.,• Solicitor Notary Pubtic. e t e. Office Over Jordan's Drug Store. the rooms formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. EEA 111) C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, &e • Nike, corner of Square tied Nest street, oderieb. over telegraph Mem. Pri- vate unds to lead at d per cent. 151. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR R18111*S Attorney*, Solicitors, Godeti.8 J. T. Oarnw, W. Proud foot. 17 frwo HOUSES TO ItENTON STAN- LEY -Sr. --One Mock from the Square. Rests farce and roar dollars 8111 M. E. FARM FOR SALA F The„1 will offer for sale the fol- lowing very dsirable farm. consisting of the easterly 110 acres of Block F,' to the , t h cow ces,fo of the Township of Colborne. is the ( minty of Huron. This faris snow- ed farts miles from Godericb and it miles from Carlow. en the Main ()ravel Read- There ie a good frame house. 15- etoreM &knoll new, 11 by M. containing 7 roosts • targe barn. 1 by 41 with rattle shed. 12 by14. attached. and e of the awes orchards os n the township. it is watered b� a never -failing spring creek end • goal welL • 110 acres cleared and free from stomps. Then is se waste lard of any kind on the place. Good school wlthle w rude of t-'. Dome. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For terms sad further particulars apply to JNO. BRECKENRII)OK �t•_�.�.�p_r-_f.•etor, Dederick. or JOSEPH McKLEOWN. L on the premise*. FIRST-CLASS BkICK HOUSE AND IAT FOR SALE ON ST. PATRICK ST. -About two .bates walk from the Square. Two stories high, brick addition in the rear Rotaries htvth, building covered with free= Male bel inghashx large reemese fez O&t, upstairs there are A lance rooms. 1a the rear addition there are kltehe.. peony.Upstairs, girls room ad bathroom. A cellar. Apply to the 1, who will give all.ecsse.ry information. SAL DANiELOORDON. THE HURON HOTEL, This well-known avid popularbatel its bees refitted and enlarged during the pest .ra.es. and Is now a ctowl to time in quality of ee- eomrsedatloa for the trave1115F pebble_ Geed ter tra.stea peens. Mw.. Oedertnk. Ont. CRA1.364.40, O, Meeks!. Dai fa0*Fees.,• A Heeofaelteef O,pta ��,,�.gg si Dr. Shrolimenl re��e� s..r t►M toes. O. Q Sa*as. J. R. SnAw- ��� re• s/}I, � 11A1 Y ..�!�e% .M'. • 4 vast , - 1 • FOR SALL -- Wein halt of lot 1i, Arthur Street, with smell brick cottage therms. Ri;ttatiw Lora. --1p{. 1110. 214. 516, Elgin Street. 81. Andrew. Ward. 421, ratter of Huron and Britannia Road. Frame]; story louse on Keays Street. let Aad half lead. Several lots In Reed's Survey, opposite nes Show Orounds. VII. Nos 21. !s 1a. 10. 5/, 61. 10, M. M. All the above at LOW RATES. Apply to 1st DAc1RON t JOHNSTON Amusements.` vCEAMRON, HALT & CAMERDN, Barristers, Sollaiton in Chancerryy. �e, loderick. M. C. (amens, Q.C., P. Holt. Y. Rom 0. Cameron. C C. 1751 - G(10D1131/011MICHANICA' DWI TUTU Li$RARY AND RNA DIN R(t0M, per. of Bast street sad Ssware lug Maim Ogee from 1 toll p.m., sad from 7 to Ohm ABOUT 200 VOLS iN LiKRART Lathy Deify, Weevily arid IAaetfredd Perera, err , Let-, o. P11.. MEMBERSUIP TiCEE�''ry ONNLYi is mooting hes tee of Llbreep wed 1 ' LlApplication tor received bas T• Wi<ATH$RA145, GEO.STiVE7tg. OMmieb. M. e8 198 eseewrsrp Societies. r• Its ?tlitrtS D P ; 4i L URECA COLTYCTL, NO 103 OOD- L IRICR.-Mersoen' meeting is Tae.dt�� eevesesip taat Lie in Tsmperaaos WA. VA 2224 ty Legal Notices. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 01 TUR LATE GEORGE RiCK Peacoat to an order of the flummery Divis- ive e( the High court of Justice for the Prov- isos of Ontario, dated June 15th, 11f0 and made 111 rho smatter of the emus of George Rice, deceased. the eredlters of the gild late George Rice. low of the Town of Oodertch, the ('oonty of Huron, amid Province of Ogle arta enembt, who died Tin or •bent the da of December. 11‘ are. oe or before too day of August. 1110 to seed by paid, to •Mers. Ow t Preamg aOvatesdtof the Town of Goderlob aforesaid, ■ollcitors for the executor of rimiest will of the std deceased, their Christian .ad troraa(sea addresses and descriptvoas, the fell particulars of their churns. a statement of their aor•u.ta, and the wear. of the securities 111 WI held by thong. or In. - fault thereof they w111 be perenpt.r ay 'winded from the b.aeet of the mid order. Every creditor Midis. ay to to duce the mime before me, u s bets Ia. the (hurt Hee. In the Timm el h. ase les End day of Sept.msber. Irl, at tee o'cleek is the fee.sose, beteg 18. time appolsted fee sdiadleatloa ea the chilies. 75.4.4 the Nis donut Jelgood)m�e,, 110 M-tt S �IAL(70Ma011, �eAe* met Oedsspb .nctt0insenng. TORII KNOT GENERAL AUO. T70NEER mid Lead Valuator, Gederhoh (1.L isavlas had oosstda ah4 sperlese.l+ be sm.O*.eeeleg trade, he M la a pesthole Melar,re with thorough m1Wactk1 4all �a� IMelons entreated to hies. 0,.,. rl gN aril..H5e1a swot b 51 ray pk�wof w.siae gra 60 1 L0�'EflTflIE siGut.