The Huron Signal, 1890-7-11, Page 7• ISql/PITIO0 SURttel CURED rimmj emir readers thee I have a petithe remedy es Se abuse lies see tbeataaade ones tees cases hey* bias perwisersely ewe& re= ree _betties ot sof rismody PRIM to say 9( your readers wits twos ow NI won mati their Express and Peet Otke Addreere_ _Bamisseask, ilhalo NM Wawa Alleit 'TOOONTO. Oinwasate. THE LADIES. HE LONDON BOBBIES. ALCAMO CONSPIRACY. Kew Arrests Oros's. Oat el Om arias es The rimatawat inemild• !EKE THREATENED BUT IT f ALLA komessaz. July 7 _is oultoertioe with THROUGH. • the girths of The Herald's printers Preadest W. Kydd ot the Typographical Ude° end ante et funglit• Gainer Is Ilierseellrevel Is time n. Ammersuaa ar Treaties - A Whssalses Baal. tow itose Rook eisalsad W the 1•••--7700 tirta" et this shames on a °barge el eunispirary. wake ea SIMI geedse. The ousagdOnt ie made by Mastager W. H. swig. July t_The siessisio, among White of Tbe Herald, wbo sakes affidavit yews ths.th th,smestei Tee reaseabk tbat he behoves defendants outtepired to tee Bowittrast station who we, Prevem one Moldiest. &off u00 trr• "nem! to ettouto, (Atomise tittiimptsd . from workbag fur The Herald by to .ucing • farewee address to his comrades in Stephens to go to Burton and °Bernie te send eistion hem. today, but rim, Cireerway wort. The accused were atimiteed by an inspeeter. A disorderly Weed tn tall 111 MD *ace. The trial wee duel for and Die aessateed outiatebles Aug. I* the inspector Irma the room. The Horeb, Wool' are advised that thee ipso ta... sub.,' by mum, Can cause to be errested the whole of the job oxen printers "rho wore engoged by the )ur Oxford Shoe FOR SUMMER WEAR. ft lao' 10 51 p up and due n un the .heet. which oudiot be mid of Russet Oxford Shoes led eu •etts. There. ie. teething like thew for sumnior Wea,. RE ALL OUR OWN MAKE acti g•uaranteed to rive satisfaction. e of charge. lloota and Shoes of s superior quality made to order. THE RURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1890. lf THIE ILLS OF BABYHOOD. Iasi by exposure to a degree ot add. ethers who me frail NMI weak weskit A ley aa "cleat seas aeries So liefiesers £101 110 *€W 'have thttle lives soiree uf treateseul. It would be in - ins sr Ialleass• human to attempt sasktug these eigoroas Nell Nelms ta W. Y. Werid. by tackles" eapueure. It 4 to 14 re - Frees a phymeal staadpuint babyhood. membered tkat mai., feeble shildrea, • 16.1:1 esistireees Um beet two earn id wee,' judiuteaslycr.4 1„r, b.ctue um. life, is the most tasportaat period et life. lei co,..ne. 14. .11 the ailiellil kiegduat the must Cul. as raliable indictitioas to lb. coe- e•leless la the Lomas ed•Prl•R The trary its e preaeut, bootee should tet eye -bunt tsetse Cell 01.4111 a feeble cry and bathed deity in eater at the teuiper•tui• 1. itur.ssd of a degree uf automatic the budy, &tied rubteel oh • memos, bet until the Death day of exist- .,It baud, sue* then dueled wish ens...est- eem these us no *videos* of tutellectual ed starch powder. The unscented 1. Infagioy is ante uttell than (Abecoss* be used, as by it en 11.101 p.11.11101 1.. • 160 11101110 Ot iguorauee, and in the very ouuditiou cellists ler treatment is 101 till St stags of Ids is Isid the fotiniation masked. 4'f 411•••••• itt.. •IF•111 tbe list of esio- Algae a nos tk, of the t•lity. water should be lowered to that of the This fearful sacrifice of child ly in which the Lath given. The ---------,---- uence of Lestime ts when the baby trek*, in the wiy seeped baths !Law. wioto week arid wbu left Orb* work without , mottos. but they are unwilling to do tins at tor violeuce Clcue to nature. There is morning slid before it baa taken 1100/1• , aod thrown over a bal au . eu caws y, -tut Hasson was parading a nunitot jorey of the 44, r.t. en teen tio more reason why the modern baby went. A light bath at itigbt hes • toot men le the Yard • heavy spittooe *as Mee". iiiitlib• °I: L. •bould run the list of so-called iuhmtile quilizing effect upon the nerves .id tit - t. window. This .1.111.i.1.111.uusb t. it."veil tug ut we" "are. -' " dterie diereses thou e parents should wtte vitse Sleep. A flied rule silo fette.erc reens at him &teny ou is eseWhd• a ----- - alternately with the boils gout tod for all case* teen.' bgiven. Thafrem Choeof Police Bradforntass o rheumatic temps, to which the club. It iii well 'Wit tee „velar ,,,,,,r„i„s with the Bow -street at' Bemoweek. Jule 7. - The Nate -mak 1. own men 01 the day are sebjected fur %total- bath be followed by feeding and then fo sleep bere the baby 4 taken tutu the Be afterwazds summoued heforw him of Agneeican flint glass erorkere net here to- rd l•we u . y men wno had refused to do duty day. All the skilled laborers in the *1401 (1415 It has been proven by the reeistry of „pen ale. tied instautle diadaemed each "1 houses, including cutter.. grinders, !moulders, vital atatisteee that tone out a every live Children are very susceptible to odor� nounced me in . . from the force. The men of the Etnaand engravers are embraced in 131i• ordSaila- 111140i• thee before the oompletiou of the such as from Bowers and sitrocita oils, etoi wined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. station bowie were indignant. They - tea. brat year and one out of Big befere the their eery.. are ,Iten disturbed sod thee Its effects were magical. I was inimedl- thee ottly a purlieu of the utunber oc ately relieved and tinned to iniprove wbo refused to do duty were dismissed. REFUSED 7 0 SHOVEL COAL. second year, theibeat argument that can made irritable by them. A (leritir't. be advanced for the importance ef • physician reports disastrous resue• 10 a onnutitilleonrdti.reconly recn. uvered."--Joel leullard, y all went le ca5 struet suut the Tremble. Assowg the l'e a N. -W. Bewkemea wore general knowledge of the Cate of caby by the father rubbing • rhe -u- .. fiii months ago I had a severe helm- et the dimissals spread rapidly. - An C . . . Drowned )(mug children. For the following forts matte j.,int with mem,e oil whde hear i lie errhage of tbe lungs. brought on hy an dies, beat obtained uo relief until I be - is eelefelle end civilian ei"thitNt HAMILTON. July 7. -Satday a crew 01I am indebted to Dr F. J. Bowles : crib. incessant cough which deprived me of owl Illoclol losmallos w•re tel" brakemen on the N. & N.-% . Railway were During the early weeks of ezistence The practice A drying wet and vol.(' sleep and rest. I tried venom! reme- lts all illas eller police divisions. Ian! off because they refused to Stove: coal at the condittens essential to growth are clothm es in the 'estere is a pertilet ',I% gan to take Ayers Cherry Pectoral. A Eldegeem from the Other division* reached iteormitows. To. er.,w which wort up to- food, digestion, nutntion. regpinition one, and ith mid not be tolerated i•d• • few bottles of this mediciue cured me." ilt Ike de aol it "r" de- day my they will refuee to do any shoveling sod sleep. It is not until about the !gement. They eheuld net he toted a Mrs. E. Coburn, 19 Becoad st., Luwell. cl t:l ii 4- , nd time until washed, but hat.y • Sifillia• The Favorite 111•11Seine for Throat and !sag D40 - hal king been, aad bull is, Ayee's Cherry Pectoral. It curse Crewe iffheettplag Cough, lArtanchltle, sad dieLlusa; soothes irrtuittou of the Larynx and Iniatese , atzengthese the Vasil Onsets; allays soreness of the leusgej prevents Consunsption, mad. even lu advanced stages of thet disease. relieves Coughing and induces Bleep. There is so other preperatios for du- mmies of the throot eod lases to be com- pared with this remedy. " My wife bad a distressing cough, stet pains in the .14. .4 breast. We tried various imedicines, but none del bier any _good uatil I got a beetle of Ayees C'berry Pectoral, which has cured ker. A seighbor. Mrs. Glens had the measles. eml the cough was relieved or the age of Ayer'. 1„%erry Peceoral. have no besitatiou . ling this Cough Medicine to every one aglicted."-Robert Horton. Foreman ReadloolS, Retention, Ark. I have been a/Meted with asthma for forty years. Last spring I was taken with a violent cough. which threatened to terminate my days. Every one pro - NSTON CAREY ,i'liolorale and itetiol Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots aad ahem. 7 ly N ROBERTSON• begs to ana0Uncv that he is now agrut for -Tea Compally's Celebrated Teas we out ot a hundred or more Handsome Volume Best Authors, given with every 3 lbs. and acquire • Valuable Library without bean. the expense. LONS OF PURE MAPLE SYRUP INT, JOHN ROBERTSON, OLD STAND, COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL STs. E FIT fig THOUSANDS * 1111111ES I COEN AWAY YEARLY. . When I say Cure I do ast Iona merely to stop thets for a bon and thin ISAIAH A SADICALCUSItg. I have suds timpammestrase, airsainows a hfe-leag study. ereuerstrot my rained" es Ohre the others haee faiird Is ao remelt for not *ow nerebrizi:eateen.s......... Ilead a rime Battle of my Infanta.* Itonmelly. sad • mother for a trial, and it will tram Address i• -•14. -i --11100T. las mar acietuucas BY11111117Ts Yee KNOW YOU ARE ii•some Xmas or New Year's present at a W thnee Preeenk that • "itzthe a if ordered to do so. If they refuse they will sixth month t at Metropolitan police force would e„, taw vg,11 they oher it is likely that the moots have acquired sufficient strength room should not be used for laundeeng iwwigbt. The °americium . 1 Aral now o'll be discharged- The brakemen to enable the child te support its head peewees. Nothing should be perui.t ted S ecretery Matthewv as follows: my tkat if the railway autliontiee persist in or sit upright. Parents oho 00 that takes from the purity of the air tbet Alta seeeting bold un boturday it was requiring them to shovel coal tbry will make not hoed this natural process of the baby bresher. . result" *el PA' be reulActfullY 1°4'1'4 tu a union :natter of it and appeal to tise hater- d .. must not be surprised MAY 11"110' t° t'llw libUdenite t1.uaaa48 C4 natiortal Brakeineres Cnion for support. to find indications of pressure Low asarrei. Itrectil int. Live • demstrous Hiller will he *yowled. All Treariurer. hes b- night an islaad in Muskoka. the spine. eels into yoor fansily and they'll bre. di pie of little gear - eel" Peat"- 11 110 a""" is in t4ir 'Mr"' C N. A tworthy. Cleveland's ex -Cite upon the internal organs or curvature of You just bring • coo tn• divisions await your reply aod trwit it is sew that the city,. claims against At. A healthy baby will sleep a greeter like sparrows, and you tint better a but tie 11 fi t few days of Burdeek Blood Bitters jute your " For children afflicted witb colds, coughs. tore throat, or croup. I do nut know of any remedy which will give more speedy relief than Ayer's Cherry Per:torsi. I have found it, also, invalu- able in cases of Whooping Cough." - Ann Lovejoy, 1237 Washington street, Bosnia, Maas. will be rederstated." pert of the time c that all the soon who Wive been stow oder orthy have all been settled and that he has CORNS, CORNS Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, a senfortable rentuent. He will build • anJ it is not necessary to waken it for house and eee how quickly health end PlIZPAARD 17 Tine dispatch was signed by delegates (rem sumtner residence ou the island. l It betimiimee flePPens strength ft 'low it• new Nothing sleets Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Mats. wrcrie'Is drowned in tghat the milk does not su p ply the re- it for strengthening, regulating s id by .11 Druggiss. 01 '2 Wer 21 divsons. I1 s atetedtatbrEdadPatrikF.ae,agedC,wa radford, the nv Chief oPulesas the slip at tbe fot of Joiner -street leaturdaY utted amount of nourtehmt, &nd 11.- perfy ng p, adopted au unusual mud* of procedure. night. It tr thought that be accidentally - tirdtuartly koports of offences against doe walked into the water. the end of the street vituraeneuffuersta a.eoi maieepepogatThionemien •tnertincarteaatess- ciplin• are eubinitted to the Scotland Yard Leine unguarded. must not be confounded. In the latter A handsome, clever and highly educat- Sneer thaered linste. anti tbe me° implicated appear menet John pommel. fourth soli ale- a reran', ...' 1 weighing, and of , young Russian, liookruPetbreeyh opera - when "lea. 'al" ate t° be urtt/ed' 'jut uu* Brealiall' died iiii"wriang art' ail "el'''. noting the conditions of the muscles will thins in the Renege ef St Kitersiiiird, and the men are uot giveu a fair managing the mill. at sundridge awl Hunts- •bah?lry is not gaining its one pound per the wreck of his fortuue and for • ta lack of firmness, and that the Cattle ti. Chicago some years ago with it is allrged such cuss are handled haetily dliseas of typte.it,1 fever. He had Won opportunity to make e ... . . . . . The vine. month. o on. Bcotland Yard peeves are making vigorous figured largely in the moot exclusive rffort. to mart ger aniww,cy. hot it luarksaa. • •. NO CYCLONE ABOUT IT. __ The deoland for warmth for the first social set. After • hut.. all his sueney IS th.thing 1401 51* inmeehate reply front the mut This -et might Wired " Rolled week will require tbat the baby sleep at having been spent, he drupped out 0 f Home Secretary will avert • nowt serious trathiren and Tramp* at rargo. a L°11.1 night in contact with the muther, but eoctety and for some yean earned a strike. ST l'AI'!., July 7. --The Wribpetos 1:q. 0 i . boort% tthat it be wholly covered so that it precarieue living in various ways. Later The men. it is mot. propane to follow the .. , . ‘ 1 .1 The pieeen,_prem we. ed wit:hes eninotahniantgiuboust ifmropmuretbseir;kfrineight be t)ek to the stage and lits fortuties course purstesd by Use dock strikers. 'roe graphs: A straight wind from the northwest .8 I well to beein at an early date tc ac- his latest turn of fortune that an acquati• It began to lock up. It was soon after boas at lee in. When three -qua r wee done the city. Electric light towers en.. This w b ill do much towards estab- suburb mw the Russian bound on the itader. vili t° their rusPective "It" .truck Farg° 2.'t MIL °nu" damage custom the baby to going to sleep in its times going to church in a fashionahle t6rt c't the ilight furin bit.° "rived were bit'wn down' wb04e hi`jch* were un- lishing a regular and early hour for re- eame'errand in company with some .1 Monsen wilt form three deep and awed roofed. dozens of tartan bowies were raised tiring, and will sae* the mother • elod et the set with whom he had mingled the apperanos et the men iodide the station awl *Meet every plate glow window in deal of caze, in addition to allowing her in early days. The nossian„ who is a houses. When the latter COMO out they Front -street and Broadway was hroeen. the dispoettion of her °yawing.. highly skilled musician was asked te • called upou to erre tire movement. seven children ..'re instantly kilted. Two The position of the child in the crib ploy the organ, and everybody was de i$ more favorable to doyelopmebt then Ilghted with the delicious dreamy volun- lt eeFected Wkil Ind," all unktiown tramps stopping in • box car were • be doebttul M care their f.irtursos that et lying in the lap, and its eleep is tary with which he opened. er train Os the 'Northern ed b beine transferred to A month late the Russian Gni his 1011.4. *11 low we Have it, 1.ines of Silver Plate, Flat %I -are and Cutlery ever displayed in this town. :CES BEAT Ttiti BAND. ited. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. ! •,! [ERE! LOOK HERE 1 FIRM. NEW GOODS. L.= dot IC ERV aid BAKKRT on Einoritoe Street, ard are offering Bar. ()MINN aad JAPAN TRAM. COPFKK.S. FRUITS. SUGARS at PLAN% Arete VAX( If BRILL.. WY CARES AZID PASTRY ALWAYS Or XLITD. in all classes of Flaking and turned out in • shape to snit the gliG CAKES A SPECIALTY, In exchange for Goods. Call and exantine our stork. Goods de. 4 014 shortest possible notice. WI-PTELY & KING, KINOSTONenr.. MUCH, 1 • -6 1 g 1 -.5. pli 7 f t 1 k 1 ! Ptil ; il„ „ _._-. - ;16:Y: i.; .q.. ..,w , ':g ;el 2 rd .4 ill .iI, _,,i t 1 , t , 0 I 1 8 .1.1 il 1 IA 1 1 % 1:: a 0 Erni gg g 0 --- id ,, *j ,V111 I 17 -fi e) P :011 1 l'i'L .11 ii * 4 1.6.484 1 I 5 g : 3 d 111.4 21 111 gis A ; 1114 m 1-1 .1 ; hip I 14 1 pkno 11 flhe strikers and the niiht 111(.0 will thou No. 1 Fasten; 1.141 the Imeal the edurnatit reliefs Pacific had just pulled out of the yards and nt't latarraPt endeavor to persuade Wool as° had stopped at the mammies. crowing. Th, the etib. Some one has suggested a (Ad acquaintance met again at the rooms join the strikers' ranks. Afterwards tram was made up of three baggage ears, hiuhet for cnrrYing • baby te and fro I,f • friend in New York, mid the (tub- as various hold Din, coach,. and .1,,,p,ra. priest, car con. In the nursery. the swaying motion be- ject of this marvelous voluntary Caine up. tog agreeable and the sides admitting of The Itursian was asked to repeat it avid t sa inz at the orb uneasiness amenz merchant/ in ibis °Atrial, and yr. , ., , ,, 'Loran... me. • covering being thrown over without he acceeded to the reques , y nom olecalnie in Hoe -street There is stifling • party of Chicago B N. . ... . , &WI West End streets. Tradeames AU the ctiechee and the brooder were blown intertering with the motion of the limbs same tune that is waa an impreviestien guarding their shops and in the banks from the track but 00 Bees were bat Tim A baby that is held in the arms ef the Ile obeyed it as Inter° and all prosetit its wiD remain all night to protect the lights had been put out, so that there was no mother or nurse a great deal and reeked were delighted. ' r of their employer.. Are or steam. Nearly ati passengers sustain- to sleep before being pat in the crib will "Don't you recognize A r he asks'. iicipation of a orike a riotous mob of ed slight injuries. soon become to exacting that the moth- Several of them found °something A CITY IN faint - blocked up !low -street and vieinity er's time and strength are all consumed liar in the mnsic, but no one could ieape mg, , „ the conetablee front in waiting upon • heanhy child. it. _ THE AIX the station. The crowd oix•••aivis eltleage Prod.,* Moo nave a taiga, As the child increases in interest with "Liffiten, said the Hussies "while I t mounted officers endeavored mheme in . . . . Mei age the wisdom of having strictly IA- play it rapidly, -and sitting deem at the • clear a passage mad were received witti quit- AG., July : -That* city in the air is served the hour for "putting to bed- will piano he rattled 01! what all recognized and pelted with bap 4 flour. sticks, pegmatite will soon lie . , . 1 by Cbi- he apparent. 'rhe detuands made upon as "Johnnie, Oet Yonr Gun" By playing In 000 instanter tbe constables hid to car; where it is premised to build a city of the nervous system by y14070U1 p 't stowty, with new notes skilfully in - a fellow -officer who was attacked bY Mosinee@ houses high in air, a city with in the fresh air oan oc ly be met by a full terwoven he had produced the dreamy crowd At V o'clock the Prince of Want streets. sidewalks, alleys and perhaps shade night's sleet). • composition with which all had been so N clued should be out of bed at 7 0.- charined.-Chicsgo Herald. CORNS! 0 A.SE'S Corn Cure Restores ail kinds of Hard aud Soft Cure.. Warts. rte.. without pale 40 ease* 'ince. t I III • safe. sue and effectual remedy &ad there i• no eons existing it will not cure, deafening e%ery rout *ad branch. trove tired net er will be regretted Heftier •Il substitutes. (full dirceilutis %%eh C•4:4 bottle. l's ice Be. DR. FOWLERS 'EXT: OF • WILD' TRAWBERRY CURES HOLERA holera Morbus 01-alC'e.,- RAMPS I•laPAtteD ONLY 14V H. Spencer Case, Cienilst and Firuggio. King.e. Wein, Hammen, Ont. ted by ides Life Guards arrived at the tree& This enterprise is n . , House. 114 crowd thickened and the tee South Water -street . ... prodnoe clock in the eveuing. However pleminit continued until a late hour A men. Ten arms of land noe h of Randolph- the intercourse with children may be, persons were injured. The majwity of street, literally cevered with railroads and they carnet with impunity be allowed ti pollee returned to duty as utuaL owner! by the MUNN Central. is to be 47 figure at evenine receptions. Of the ekrand and other thoroughfares were apart for tbe purpose.and 154) bona". dn'ea) many failures to succevd in adult life, peeked than usual owing to tbe drift fort end two stones high. er" to be built how many can be trued to unstable 0/ MID from suburban (thiamine to meet upon high street wets. Viaducte will 14112 112 nerves. The way to keep them strong is efflargeecy. Tbe Prince and Preteens of front of thew htitidiege• The "ores will be by supplying in full doses that 1.est topic alid__,daught." tef, t _,___,the theatre at at 11 taA "PPlird__,With, mid Iii°rage r&iiits• eteetrtettY • 01 all, -Rotors's sweet restorer.- -He's a Jolly (rood Fellow." Fur road will lose none of it4 ground and Chi. well to have the room pain- .... were loud.). ICI.......-....• .... cfowo heat min ali modern appliances. The rail- /i is mei drafts ot Life Guards arrived to pre- eago will g . .. . eit' The Pt"' Rather accustom it to sleeping in a room fully still in order that baby shall steep. tavern wbich was c lofted in .. . of archaises an.! euguwers. It is declared which i. '1"."" ..-' ' ' 'I 'Pie' --------------- 5 the aPPr°est where there is the ordinary notes ince order. the excitement KS§ wrecked by the to be feasible. and while providing the corn- tient to mot ing about. We are creatures mai the windows "f the revere were mon neei with Jest whet they want at of habit, and this, when acquired, will At midnight ties erowd was wadi- ressonable prices will yield the company • save Assay wakeful hours later, as well is ard the hooting unabsted. A steady handsome income,. sdd to the comfort and freedom of those was falling. Reports from all the su- THE WORK OFT HE STORM. in chariot. The nursery should be an state that all of the night police are On airy room on the ninny side a the house. Lightning neer • BUM lit Taseveorth--A Fresh air should be given undiluted , July S, 1 a.m.-Tbe Home Macre- Fatal Bolt at NOTAW04141and unspairingly. Children born in Chief ot Police and other high offe Tairwroure. July warm weather may be taken oat when a at the Bow -street station last night permed over this I Mos this afternoon doing 7.----t weer. gt°r111 week old. It is better at hest to go out the situation. It S reported that considerable driftage. The house awl barn ..rhe . . often, for fifteen or twenty minutes at a ammable• evinced nisch of .Heory Rieharibion were struck. the barn .1. • ...._, . *0 _. _- .be fsmi, of II , titan to take a prolonged airing. , . tr ea duty. but yielded to the pressure ot being eet on fire and beret with all its con i • le • ""a Practice c '`" ' Nicene -- babies *tat • thfck hood for the purees5 this hour Use streets are quiet and the ue". lAsm ab°ut 41(1°n. Psrtialli immmt of ke• in the cold air frum the lungs. III17 men and eiti heroes. There are :10 mixed with pare air. l'his increeees I pied by Llightsting. M. .4.3%. itemectore, 1,34) sere Nottwoo°, July 7. -During a thunder- liability to take cold, in addition to de- fend 1.,4110 constahles on the rolls. storm this afternoon George Hewers. • peering it of what blood and other ha - l& Edward Breelford, wbo succeeded farmer living about titres miles from Nor- eves need so much Monro Me other day as tiss wood. was struck by lightning end thetautlY The advent of a tooth with its 'Bend- el! the force, was the political and killed. ant irritation, 414.. not offer an excuse socretary of the India ofBee. He ric - Cberikasolter Oilberes wile for depriving the betty nt its outing. spul.rePistatA°° as • e°11"naltder 4 Winters°, Coen., July ft -The sem oe Neither should a slight cold with • little in Indial William I.. talbert, Whisted's millionaire cough. Fresh au. without eidetic's will Teat Aosta-0moms Aaron/met phdanthropist, 1/110 died the other day near do more te imerove both oter:=1:ban IlD05. Jell 7. -Tho Peeeefo Off" b.' Toronto. Otte, gives 11460,000 to the Gilbert an unventilated room with 1 by the testa Ur Anglo -German agree- Home for the 'Primeness at Winsted. Mr. As • rule • cold, and the official mi.tb° (Albert founeled this bottle three years ago, fever, does not offer an obstacle to a nom so notating liew le Mar° t° epos wbich he has spent $iok000. He also child's wing into the open air. It does Alden Tne Warns& Bay matter will erquesilied $40,000 10 110 Oilier% Stead for require, though, that they should be lialsattlad_ __,,_,t* artittalatk• It rb. (Pwitt°n colored glen at Masted, Ls ; 1100,000 to more warmly clad. All are quick to ap- 11..e"..° IA tlat ettPtra"°° cl t" establieb and nseineitio • public school et prostate the of protectiota higb (wary in the sisters portioie ot the teem by Nothing against cold when goii.ff from The Vero Yen raease. of Wisebeetwe now East Whaled. A clause a warm room into the open air, but all do /glom. Julf 7.-A R"aocc 4110.10111 gar to the will provides teat mob ef hie alisetees 'sol reiermixe the importance of protect- PCin' lb" bercns."17 flisibb aria IR 11.' deers sad DPPIttona noadv•SIONand alsolbor ios against the shoat of ermirg from the Yee Reorganise a wreath. Disease is the beginning of death, its spproach should be met at 3100 by appropriate rernedies. No better means exists than the use of Burdock Blood Hitters whenever aymptorne of any dis- ease of the stomaA, liver, bowels or FAANI1G MILL AND PUMP WORKS blood appear. B. R. R. is the beat life preserver. The grist mill of Keech & Viseerers was -0 " have been witherawn. s. also tnielt. tbe roof being badly damaged. u conipel the child to breathe the air Metropolitan Pew,. Force hes • total it has already exhaled, at best bat partly CEA YSENTERY A SURE CURE! :-old hy F. donate. NEW OFFICIO Insurance, Conveyancing, Land, Loan and DIVISION COURT OFFICE C. SEAGER his removed to his new onion- Pole McLean 1 uew bkick. ottiersite the market. MONEY TO LEND on Mortgage aad Notes. The Great Remedy CATARRH. BRUDIANSIA Warranted AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF VII BOWELS IT IS SA Fa /1"D RELiAILE FOR CMILDREN .;17,11a„A iti4ti C - 312 . _B00 M TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALE. $100 AND UPWARDS 1 nave • large number of Houses aim 1/xte and Vacant Lands in the most desirable paror uf the (owe -Mgt n•Lgirwaar. Now ,s the titne to 'moire properly before the Hig itow. e . P. 5. 1 coifllhlt 5045. ti.doindatrisletorr tireaprices will have advistwed tsto'i Lelst. and Plices before purchas- ing eiiiewhere. It. HADCLI FFE, fl1;ncie'. Aircnt 11 Ticket .04 TeIliC?&Vli Itteal‘F:rtate and trenerai throtho, 14-11. ARMSTRONG SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. HEALT IRIRTIONG'S IIPROVED Grain and Seed Cleaner HVit aen.1-ary acknowledged to he the best ma. . chine maiIe fur thoroughly clam i eg erste aud seeds of r'l kinds. Separates all Noxious is the first consideration. without it Life is not Worth Living. • Defective plumbing le ton often • wares many of the ills tne flesh is heir to. 11ITING DONE AT:TRZ 81611 e or SAUNDERS&SON devote una elms sod Prelforklig welRalee IR' provide* that the town elf Weitilesseise have anta air into a mom ream The clothing erill end iserreastait for a trustesslipet at the wtat sad irt me" " ebbe" the 'Telma may aorearentodate itself to hie bb 1•1°1111°r* B. bill rirrI1114 NONA for the Purism ce beeesilleff lb, should be laid aside gradually, so that sautes of catarrh. It Is n t iri•• " t°4441401"btliti freP °I e-lisgrzi Ab” tamers for their liberal pat dart ter _. I 'eke 6;4 ornortnner of thaakiag my re.. fee. The vision in loin* bibles is ies- 0 S al Sillial I W."1.TOrbrerebit°vtterreThoptel:.J% M7 45.05. this firm be protected from tb• the sisn's rays, ea wall ea Man di• grate ao pedant and the eyea very mesa LitIcana limy be dose by ears, e reapsat. Whila stress ebilehre• will be their time to following the latest known methods of Sozitary Plumbing \ ‘1, House Drainage, and are endeavoring' to do Seeds R. J. K. GtiRE, Sole Patentee and Nianufacturer. OODIERICII. ONT. QU ALIT Y ALWAYS WINS! r•iii et -ere from grain at one cleaning. my ing soil cleaning all timothy reed at the name tour eint of any kind of grain. It can he flttwi into •ny fanning mill without removing the sh4.... no matter bow 0141 °1•11. 111111 1•, $1141 Illalke• it do as good work or better than the mot improved new mills known. It allows no Reed to be blown into the chaff ONLY FIRST-CLASS WORK It Cleans Speedily. As the Old Darkey said: rayther pay mOre an huh de best once in a while, than to pay less and hal) a poor article n." Tca Tria(1(i Doolhil! You can get the BEST VALUE' C/El.:very cleaner warranted to eork as repre. nom Intand petting in water plumbing however. flute ask them for • price. tented or no etale.litli In ordeeng by mail irive inside width of rho. and name of maker of oil kl if on cenien t. anti if shoe has side shake ur the old !million- eri hind sheke. The Cheapest is not always the Best. A larire (mantel, of • 1 ERE GROCER. CHANGE OF BUSINESS! FIRST-CLASS PUMPS THE OLD AND RELIABLE 11 tNimS.TORE eiget inters by mail promptly attended FL13111111.1s1,N. 11BANOYeltHo to. Shipped to any point. A.DDR111813 ARMSTRONG BROS., ii-oderioh, Ont. FAAT-ier. on hand neinnfactured from Algoma white quartered Pine. Rental at "Tie SW ATENTS The public are hereby notified that literalist and feed Moines* tormPrly earried on by A.E. Culli• has been purchased hY TII0S. J. VLDIA.11, who will carry *1 044 In ell its branetee at t I - old 'tend. kaat-M. near the Vary. ton tb is bueiates hearse.* the most sieve., fig In it* Woe ot goy in ewe, and as thi fir* PrOIPTWIttif las teen destined with It jar •••• Matt OW% there will he no failing earn CAVEATS. TOSS' SARIS 10 CIPABOPTS the **WO' slinthitni 10 keelM14 it la the front task. Obtained. and all loisheres In tb• P.a. Pates Under the ot *rimer propr.e office attended to sit MODERA TR PIERS. Goode detiverst to all parte of the town. Tiles latest soul heed liana of tiour rind Neel 011V flake is oPtina11. ibe 11• Pet"' (W' always ea hand and esteem mods in season. theta thaw remote from WARDING TON. 1000. J. YUMAN.. Sole and we ear news retests ia tees time Climb theft The litilleneen est lestega. 1111nuAw, July 7-1. the shordles tintiay NIL Visible; of Asiat Premiere sod llama. Kiser sad Marlin el New Tat won prim O r. Wolf, maims% ell Ate Westinstan Arnie. wish Orel Wadies." was ...teed bet ~lag. 111r legolladmiS Asurine deur well eta Nom limsrelt Wirerwifie. • teeter wane euP917 ff•112 di° bate* tire °bang*. Should Ow sews or tens their share ot Use aireemary wart ea tide Impremseent, widen will most the tows MS* VW mime? is to be Maid to a toad Air • pubis site& rhe Lossory mut V•410.14. TRA14.11109m. Tidy 1-410'. Alletrale esissd its Wiwi ilk aye run 11111 Pr' A failure to obese*, this is a fruitful Rlaik howl murder, OR DRAW INV. We art OR- g,weetereelp of the Rest414 iipe, silt! .1i le Ip *MIMI -I- Stake ett kireety. write t• • 0 11.1mteare)reorbe, ree eit,wer tiro. nr1-, *I'd 4WD tek• $41=0 . T4 IN PATINT. • we make QCHARO ILIUM; mem and te %deal citea4 year tf A. IL MIX, hilvilog- FINE PRilitiliG MURAT SIGNAL 0.......W1V7..4v4za,.....D.c. Firit-Clata hid" at lie