The Huron Signal, 1890-7-4, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL, FR.[DAY . J LY 4. 89'1: I '1 ;, .y T,:s , SEE HOW TO PRESERYE 256 POUNDS OF FRUIT �i•. r,a TOMATO. ICTO., hL ., H,.. Or tror.ro (2) Rarrele #of Cid.ox FOR ONE DOLLAR. ONE ($1) PACKAGE OF THE Fi1 Presrv�og Pander and Li uid �ericaoq VV 11siJ DO =- One (Mc) Paokag. will Preserve 32 lb. of Fruit or 15 gallons Cider. Full direotione inside each package. Try the Preserving Powder and l.iqui You will like it. You will find it lees than half the trouble and expense of any other Method, more reliable and accommodating. and the Preserved Fruit, ,to., even Superior to the Best 'banned or n d" Fruit, etc. For Cider it is cheap and decidedly the best known method of keeping it sweet. FRABER & PORTER, Sole Agents for Canada, Book Sellers and Stationers, Central Telephone Exchange, North Side of Court House Square, OODERICH, ON T COUNTY CURRENCY The lase Mn. ■asbe.d. • The Oakville Star has a lengthy no- tice of the death of Mrs Henry Hus- band, which oonorned at that plana on June 6th, la the 47th year of her age. Mr Husband, who is the head master of the Oakville Public School, is an male of Mrs Robert Henderson, of Goderick. The Star says :-"Suuday afternoon at 3 o'clock, a large oonoourse ot relatives and friends met to perform the last sad office of oommitting the poor d'y to rte N Items of Interest Brom over the County. A Weekly Neese .1Ibe remain hews Seer. ed .p us sola .enders of **The signal." rub sed relay. 471pped and COW dewed frees livery teetlsa. Rev W. L hutted ., ;who goes to Co - Bourg Metbo3iM church, was tendered . farewell social on Friday evening, Julie 20th, at Winnipeg, and presented with a e of 8230 by the congregation of purse Church. The reverend pleotlemsa is the youngest brother of Mn J. L Kerr, cf Brussels. Complaints are being made to the Reeve that the oow by-law is not observ- ed in Brussels. He has instructed Walter Smith to see that the by-law is strictly eoforoed. Owners of hones and cows should bear this in mind and call et the Pound it their stock u moving. On Monday morning, June 23rd, as Mr Jobs Inglis was at work in the woolen mill, Winghes, by some memos be got the end of his third finger of the left band caught in the and immediately taken off. It was not a very pleasant birthday present, as the old gentleman was exactly 76 yeah of age that day. A drive between Clinton end foderich shows a large number of fields in which the presence of mustard is strikingly pre- valent. In fact some fields, supposed to contain grain, seem to contain nothing but mustard, and the fernier. in whose fields this weed is growing should do something to prevent its spread to the annoyooe of otben. Lan Saturday afternoon Daniel Ewan purchased the acre of land, house and .table, corner of Alexander and Thomas streets, Brussels, from W. J. Norton. The price paid was$600. Mr Ewan got a bargain in the property as the entero half of the lot is a most desireble location for •jresidence. Mr Norton lost money on his pureh.se of 12 years ago, to say nothing of ' t made in that time. AMBERLT. From outown correspondent. Mr Alex McDonald has erected a row barn. Maser. Jno. Walker and Wm Wiley loot their valuable stallion, Soutor Julia- na. A bot game of ball was played bet - wen the school -boy of No. 13 and No. 12. The score was 34 for No to and 4 for No 12. Rev. K. McDonald has returned after attending the Assembly. Mr Hugh Pritchard s preparing for a new house, which will be a great im- ttohisf•rm. The Carmen' stock Rist mill is Dow being built. Mr K. F. Henderson has the job ot building, and Mr Grey. of Toronto, bas the contract for furui.hiug the machinery. Messrs Dal. McDonald and George Dina have lett for Montana, where they have moored good jobs. Mr Jno McBurney has gone t, Mani- • tubs, where be intends to remain for MOM time. - WEST WAWANOSH. Council met on Saturday. June 21st, psourding to sdjon.rnuusut. Bombers alt pr sse.L Robs Clark, lot 18, win 6, was placed ..n roll as teal!.! .uetead .4 as farmer's son. tl•,nmouw•taouafrom the Mayor of Wuugh•m were re+d enol lard over for farther consolers, nen. A eomssmoatf.e from Mr M,,rr,.om n drain on oon 11, see read N-.v.d by Air Lockhart ase,mde4 by Mr liaise, that • committee moraine • 1 the rave and Meows Gibson and 'P..44 .a ap- pointed t settle ell duputes ►*toren ]fr Thome and the meaictpalitt rigid. The treasurer's report 1.4. May showed halance .i d receipts an.. g to +213 48. and capeodnare $193.46, leaving $110.00 .0 hand. The ri fool.. e received and hied. Dogs ohne-,i and R' bt Medd, having ben lieu , here struck a/ the roll. Kd+mrd s,.d care McRobevte were put • r- r -II .e teats instead ••1 farmer's -.es. A . !.mal v'a'st ref fol was ,, .d• toser'e cutting hill ..ptocs.te 18 .rid 19, e. o 4 and 6. and p0 towards eraralling ' e- twesn 18 sr d 19. saes h l'hr l.d',-. , g sec coma were I ...0 :-- W m ('miner m - ring fences and town+,' hs.i, 410; m, MrMberts, coli... ,"t 18 .1 19, eee 6. L9; Win Tonkel.. .,,ober f r piping. S10.11i0. U„urea. a. j .vnwd 0 !Sart its fletteftllay. A mg 1 ti R. h $n...n, clerk. bosom of its mother earth. o larger o oeral has been wituee•ed in Oakville or many years, then being upwards of one huodred teams. The service was held in the Methoiist church, of which the deceased had been as active mem- ber. The casket was borne in the church by the deceased mother's five sons and brother. What mon beautiful or sug- gestive picture then to see the lifeless form of • loved mother being borne to its last resting place by the nee, whom, while she lived, she oared for and took true motherly pride in ! Then followed the Board of Educatio", the United Workmen, the L O. U. F ..cid the W. C. T. U. The church was full, the seat- ing capacity being by far too limited for the large Dumber present. Rev Mr Me - Arthur read the 23rd Psalm, and Rev Mr Jeffrey led in prayer. After that touching, yet consoling hymn, 'Asleep in Jesus,' was sung ! Rev Mr Kettlewell spoke in appropriate, impressive, and eloquent words. The Mount Blanc rising above all other summits of thought is, that death is but the gate of life, end we have every reason to believe that our departed .inter went sweeping through the gates, receiving an abundant en- trance. Mes Husband was anivers•Ily esteemed. Rbe was a good, kind neigh- bor. In the church she worked earnest- ly according to her time end ability, io her home she was the largest addend, which made up the sem of human joy and happiness. After the choir sang 'One by One,' the mashies of the W. C. T. U. gathered around the oa.ki, while Mrs B. G. Moore and Mrs C. W. An- derson sang an appropriate piece. The friends were then invited to cease for- ward and take • farewell look at the face of her whom they had learned not ooly to respect but to love. It is tr.sless to g ild grief with words. A mother's death cannot be assuaged by mere cos - dolman, yet, we have the grand motto, 'Help for the living, hope for the dead.' The casket was strewn with the most beautiful of flowers. This and the large funeral, together with the feeling of sor- row predominant throughout, forms the grandest monument of memorial to the 'scrod memory of her who was ono. with us, bot is no more, that wield be erected.' Resolutions of condolence with the bereaved husband and family were passed by the Board of Education, and also by the W. C. T. U , of which deceased was an salve member. THE DOMINION IN BRIEF, Brsmpto.'s sew presirAoe le completed. Diphtheria . epidemic ie part of Q..bec A daily mail . to nisei tumor. and Deh ratty. Presidio Vita Harm has droved at the Pacific mai. Large quantities of w ars Wag &hipped from Belleville, The new ligbtho•ee tit Port ColL.rue le aiming completion A Hamlitoo family have bees pinioned by eat hg canoed beet. Cedar paving otatractcxs have eltus ively Mated at owes send. No trace has yet been totted of the escaped waded trues il•gstoa. Chiral will be the Jtl.n. or • big Orange deme•s1oaW,n ua Jaw Di Aa cid resident 4 Glea Allan named Jobe Maadniss heagrd htmeelt. A band tournament to H•miltoa r ammo ed for August Iltb and 12th. McGill College has added two new protes- sors fro... England to It.. .ted. A Canalises rifle tees will go to compete wtta the Yankees at Crsedtauor. William Johnston's. aged SO. was drowned War Delaware, Out., while bathing William Dalton was killed to • Grand Tevsk gravel pit, west of ?remota. Brantford is forming • new sulky -••now ladumry with • capital of 11100.000. The late Lest llover•or Mclean was burled at Halifax Saturday morning. 81r John and lady Macdonald have alt for the seaside on their summer trip The North -went gvsis, riot and hay crop DUNLOP. From our owe c. Mr and Mrs Chas. Mason, of Bruce - field, were) visiting in oar berg this NEWS OF THE WORLD The populating of Omaha is 184.7411. Wyoming le to be admitted as • Mats Tbe railroad ink. la Wiwi 1. stabled. lila Parnell was 44 youth oid us !Saturday. Yak+ baa won the boat rain with Harvard. Hari lab City bait a population or SOX 1 F:•nr.rr,r wdh. and his wife ere sill t Hamburg.. pneaeut population 1. es'.Intatvd at I,t►:,tu0. t$tanlry's mew book as Katuedey. The Earl ei Carnarvon IV years of age Flames have !pin buret out 10 the DINO bar nuns, Pa. Rzowdve hest R M. Lose has induced genal stokasin. Eagllab Liberalism to defied the ngbis or the Heligilattdarw Fifteen mutintha id ses sailors have bas to.dsmmed w dim Prof. J. J Hewitt Is lying at the print or death is Balumore. Cardinal Monolog Y midden( on behalf of the London .bop cier►s it is mid ('h e.go's lab front is not avail - ibis tor the World's Fair Murderer Broulgr was b..gsd et Phe City Mime, for taking two hues. France declines to mtbaiit the Zanzibar coast dim ulty to arbitration. St Louis will entertain the next l.terna- tknai Sunday Ncbool Union. The Chinese popule..o.i of 'Frier* bas in- creased =,000 in ten years. 1t is row $1,W0. A doctor in Pittsburg, made ani by are reported exoelkut and promising. drink, jumped out of • window an i broke A sea or Mr. Hardman, of Ottawa, has has neck. sod druwend Du tars at Morse, III have taken then Wes rt itwl in Leedom w e dead. il• e been upset truth • canoe Peter White, the fourth victim of Ib.. cin. uvea to eatable Mem to strip • Wow. Two did Philo arrests have been made. chaster, Ont., boiler eiplosw•, 7 Better accommodation fur emignuts is to The official count of the pop ilation of the be provided at Mooned by the Government. District of Columbia is :ra1.i!rl, • Kai.i in tin Private Brodeur!). who was accidently years 01 sometting over ST,000. stabled at Kingston camp 1. not seriously The World's talr will have •x-t'enat,r hurt Painter, d Michigan. for President, and J. A new named Johnston bas adbucted his 8. Dickson, of Texa , as Mecie ary. daughter train bis divorced wife et Si. Cab- It Y stated that Pink.'rtnn's detectives muses have succeeded in erre-tine et Wed Fork. Two hundred sod fitly-.igbt mike of the Ark., Tearott, the murderer of Banker Melt. cable came -ling Canada with Bermuda have 01('b " been bald The heat on Thursday std Friday in many ct""er, when etoie $10,00!1 from the Pet- PWte "t she tel wee intense ami a iargr plc's Bank of Halifax, has offered to restore number a[ pr,strati.as mini acing! death tb•mosey. •t' �"rt'd The Brat sod on the Toronto, Hamilt•n dg Two farmers in Birmingham, AL.. seined Buffalo railway was turned S.lurdsy at an eight months' old donuts oe Friday by Hamilton lighting a duel with hatchets One of the Navigation is perilous at the month K iia mea was killed. SL L•wtro•oa, which is 1111.4 *> 01111.0.04111. The Brttirh w% raj " dnp Fred art pal ar e[ loose fns. is coal she will yivsd at taro Diego !'ala., and alter teh/ag The more of Joseph Wills at Fort Erie was saris, tum gumpVQO°`d w Behring Sea. She burglariad on Friday night aged considerable goods tarred off. Tb. authorities cit Algeria and Than have forbidden pilgrtsa•ge. trona those countries John J. Hecker, of Mirsmichi, N. B., cum- te Mem. ca account of Lae prevalence of miffed suicide In Winnipeg by cutting her swims h Arabin brat from ear to ear. The Parte evening paper Ls Liberte, coro- ner job printers et the Montreal Herald meads' oe the McKinley bill. •xpre.es the have followed the example of the compost- optaiah that Nampa wall& we reprisals ton and are out on strike. agate* the United States John Mullis. who stabbd ez-Reeve Jar The three mile race between CorneU and 41.. of Saltteet, has .01 beat aptar.t Ponnayivanie'varsity crews at New Louder. Jardine's conditxm u hopeful. Conn., resulted in a victory tor Cornell by To. death is aanouared at Bt. Leos. Qts., tour length. The time was fast --14.44. Or s centenarian named Charles Besedeot In the British Hoses tit Commons, W H. Laf shoe, • veteran ot the war of 191.2. Smith stated that the Government, finding no Mies Mary Malawi and William Camel- alternative. withdrew the propos.. relativist° man wore drowned by the upsetting of • the funds for the purchase u[ the publicises' boat in the river at Brockville on Saturday booms afternoon. In the German Reichstag all , Toronto capitalists have offend to supply to the Army Bill were rejected, and the first Ottawa with an electric Street railway ons paragraph of the bill, which flan, the pate. capital of $2.'iU.►►00 it they get the nearer, effective at ate,9Ki men until April, 1!194, was water power. approved Tb... . . for the (raged Trunk double The miner in thee Hill Farm mine at Dm - track find HOD hand to secure labourers that bar, Pis , bave Dot yt berm reacbed and are they have se agent at Quebec who is engsg- certainly all deed. The work 4 nmvering lag inmigrantm as they arrive. the bodies however, is being vlgorouely pro- Presidet Harriers has nominated Samuel ceded with H. De...a. of 171iaois, te be United Mater Alarming reports have reached New Or - owed at Belleville; Woolman J. Holliway. Meani regarding a general arming cit worvse et Indiana, at Stratford; Charles D. Joelyi. In one .action rel Louteiana for the purpose 01 Michigan. at Windsor. Ont. of waging a race conflict Some shooing The body of John Wiesner, a Caaedlaa bas taken place. farm band. employed last tall by tanner The sentence of death prnaoun•ed upon Ackerman of Grand Island, has been found Major Paulsen for coaspiring to overthrow under a lot of brush. Coroner Miller thinks the Bulgarian Goverrneseot was carried out the man was murdered ami an investigation on Saturday, where be was .hot. Hs mat will be held bte death bravely. A Moncton. N. B., despatch say.: "in ac- The Ecgli t civ gy have become alarmed credence with the decision of the Cotton at the ashen of the Government in abandon - Combine, at. meeting in Montreal recently. Sig Mr. Go.chen's licensing classes, tearing to close down all factories for six weak. to that the ministry may also regard it as ex - sell off surplus .tock, the Boucles Cotton pedient to withdraw the tithes bili factory shut down yesterday. In spite of Mr. Gladstone's desire. fiat Robert Johnson was dragging for the the [Abash at Barrow -in -Foram emir in body of young A•b.l.wn, drowned in Ash- the return of Mr. Cada.. they have flatly re - bridge's Bay, near Toronto. Just as be fund to do so, and have already selected • grappled the body sod was bringing it to the candidate. Mr. Duicaa, to oppose him. surface, ha over-be/lanced and fell into the The pbilad•lphia carpenter'' strike. which water and was drowned. has been is program ethos May 1, is virtu - Tb. Quebec City Council m fiaturday ask- ally at an end, and the mea, who have been d Mr. Mercier for • Goveriseot greet fore boidlhg int for thirty-five oats an hour, civic hospital. Mr. Mercier Intimated that it will bibs nark at bas bolt time they oa. the Mayor promised that ties hospital would get b. pit under the cars of the religious orders Tb. Wabar read bite gives notice that, the chases of ib. great would be increased taking erect oe Monday, it will further re• oirr�rr mi nu FINE TAILORING LARGE STOCK OF Cholce Goods TO SELECT FROM 33_ acCOR1�AC_ Net Mips ter YroliltNllen. Holdrai1, July 1. -Tie Episcopal ey.od, regarding the prohibition quewice, eesdved that : N•• deplore the great evils produced by the rsceagve use of mtozicataug liquors and the grv..t used there Is of the use of and every ,Deane of their evibi by e.lu.'*tioe, moral sua.wu amt iegielathw. t� . are yet of opinion that the tune, has Dot arrived when total pxobibit wu saki t.0 sucoseaf ully ea- terced. Canon Patridg. was 'looted goveruur of king's Colle,te. The Toronto Carnival human with the firing docs tb. r.10 al dr/1"d b"4. by way 01 the d ow hundred bombs and a promenade con- D4i"(t W and the (.radan Pec'fio to the est on Jarvis street Monday evening. Do. bank at 110 assts per 100 pounds. Chicago to minim day's procendoi was • long string of BOOtod spectacular .oMabur. A11 the , , Prtaoe Blamar'ok will establish at Rehm: - for the Carnival have bees meads of an ample harem a seam which will b made up from weak the .usarnos (1110 which have from lige to "16.11"- stR time bee. WI to him. A portrait of R. D. Mo. with a stag of workmen Mn. t4mtth, who ales asst te the Hamilton the. p••u•t E peror will W occupy the plan. and teams, u doing op a contract for hospital Shpt" week. ega suffering team • graveling on the 11th con., A MacAllister uelf-Indbcted rsaor wwgd, jumped from an o1 Rochefort Magafee the aroesfhee a[ Mr. bsi.g inspector of the job tapper window Friday ttlmht cad neelvd mit for the rat i. the Hoose d Ocm- injuries which proved [mini She was •beat Ab Jet 1• Tim.. Lox rem, Ont, Jutta :i L -11 is learned that Mr. F'ulki.aut of IkreIaester township, who has bveu w Now York attending tie Pasteur Inatatute, will return hoes.+ this week thor- oughly cured. The apc..:iste say that he reached there just in the nick of time and that ba.l b•• 1,teywl two days longer it would have bets i. ,:.olab1e to sive his Ida Twu additional CONS dad one pig have shown egos of the " vibes " and had to be shot Ur. Gruhun of :•,rc/•ster vatted Mr. Fut- kinsmen harm to- 1 my in order w secure the brain of thio a,...u.le for transmission to New York. Gen. aS..f.11wlon Raalgaa OTrAW A. Jun, :let -Ttwrs is a vaca.Cy in the command a the Canadian militia Oen M. 'd:et.,o hes n-lgt.ed .t last, the n^.i•teal dt.c7:meat having bean banded in to the klwatter of Militia m !Saturday. 1 he 0eoeral tett, es view of the redo:tattoo of raisers pier -til- the Cana- dian Pailiemen',that 1.o'tike.-r mono alai open to hits. The resignation win ha ae oapted. It will be r a.snb•red tune about bas middle oT rist wreTt' - IITinetoo denied puutavely that be aid any Wteutwo of resigning years old aged this Web her third agompt at meas Ax Nwrth Dmagal, made "amt M SHEPPARDTON.sghclds of Mr. O' y. • • A prisefi"ht took p1.es cin !)t,g lodged Home Ruhr, W been elected without From our own oesreepoedaat Malt week, between Angie King of Port oppo nA The following is the standingfur the A Londa► cable says on details of the Hero. aged a otlair. Tbs s the gbt le pies. y-O'Cci.har:ra.a+ b.v hese..., cit Jona. >4 the pupil. ofA 6.ld- Brawn of SL Chir. Tbs .aro t•;4 1S but iia Knmlita b . demon'. the• Au► pardton school, 8. S. No. 11, Ashfield: rouged■. Twoomoagloves were met For -4th clime -14, Jam Maw; 2nd, Lillie this firm 14 rounds Ogg had the advantage tr•Y•na for ti•ir . Iib traatm•tt Glean : 3rd. Emmeline Modem 3r4 or bb opponent, but on time being slid far of O'Cemor, whin they advice to °Mole crake--lei,:Mary Maw; 2nd, Wm. Foa- she15tiratedthecoloredman threw away hemdono• ter. Manioc god el•es-1•,, Wee Brinlee W (1015" std blare he could h. dropped had It Y said Mr. Gladstone will strongly op. 2ed, Jas Colbert; 3rd, Emm• Colbert Wen Kiwi a severe Pounding. Owing to pe.. the orcins d H•8gr'1•od to tlwrm•ty Part `ted, first ileo. --let, John Brinl.y; this actino o. the pat of Brom Lb. •*!.roes w�_vt mattr comes IIP tar dicusicbv a t MA, Annie Vrooesea; 3rd, Alex Gordms. sht King the vdalar. Wel"' Harr milt esd 11 be and "Isar ley Senior let else -Harry Maw; Zed, W. „lure" - a ler"• atbmtdancw cit d tier Sam Ilb.rsls Hawkins; Maud Young. Junior lei mind - - at the ° 1se Win. d The Misse•poW If.>rfhwsei•rs Maier says Tie abhor l of nesigIrmo (9.g. of Windsor, IM aggregate finer pednotioe c[ 111 eolith ohm --fat, Ron McNTea; fled Mamie 14, 8., Bdshow ('eurmsy, K No". t400IV Carr. prodding. Among thea.s pesos were the test wash alae 71.500 barrel. Present In' BENMIL:.=R Toronto. This heat•- disallows peed to ea o.week al tate weal Bon is taw oldest of a"Wb-epeakl.g seat at UAW barna. Tb. •Wont shtpsd le tar Frere smother L kerning 1• the British eoio.w empire, Its lot weak wet*110,Mbi.erel• ably Royal chartered rival being treat at The schooner. "J. N. era the Neva Moura Joh° and. Charles &evert. el Montreal The governors of King's hands !lee tae breeight dip S•aforth .ed sek.ow respectively, &.anion esae.ry tea moa. We I0. ideal b r the naw d the erected maw. spent Canada's mead day in this village. collagen Mowry by •deetM4.g lease to the Boo leh "Jeanie." vides alb lest of Haying hasb.pae ie thio neighbor- r'ga� ° °Ores �� t+w. al this oust of Nova &teed•, IS htnod, sad prumirws to be a good -mop The Meade ef Jetta uswieron, tar .sarty Apwtl SI, while ea a voyage teas Flalmes* The strawberry l.iNv.l held hews in eight yssn pdee.wol-•.•wr 0(10. iHob. b !!!male De..4Coa, wM d 16.11411.1"".... b. "Jen with the. Meihodist Cb.reh evens'Reform delt he on wy Pet.1., •bee m•• w. loot •a.mpttag to wee . unified ease sin. The able* were oeesems es hi. reeirdmant tram lath positin.. A eeteld In tie Masts Central ets4hs was overloaded with Ana elan eatables, mad A gaol mosey pemlheat Oe.mr"ativw were re.ehad ere mew 1a Alava Aper ea v Showell that B..miller geoids ss ll keep esnn.g the gm.eu wbo sows erect nmrty • day same.. ib. e.1141. 1w tseis 1b ■ their t.tine for good geom./. bemired at the me* precis.! et the City. ein' rik.esomimNhse •.d Ibi fl w Miens Otrol T�• maeiesl pert of do Datan de teas Tie chair was labiate, Mayer (merle. thedt •med•h soda eltb the posters tarsal at eapplisd by North tic M•t►eidie • p.'omlr.s Oe.rer"etl"• ead ee.dsll•r of w 1M relives& ...nps.y to 41.4111111.61.6° Ynb.rg. Illperib eh a rib .heir, cad wtr of t. "cry Atseb Ar O•ff r• guams were tebdmt ltemsi, rote 1. rtes err d the highest order. A ■debet of r*i= plea O. M.'.01 Pro. O.&*.1. A tt *4 matba 4pa.+rlet/ns r vied as 10 ebMhar • nna wen nndawfi by stile M titer led lea. L Darifi }grl/dtlfr01 tie herd K .egsred r(o. tie Mai Oar Walt, Trod. Intl view will be ordered. -ir •�; i I took Cold.tBioke711 I TOOL . sco'rrs. tUUVLT AND I AM wiaosoU5 it=mon TO TALI ANTTIUSO 1 CAN LOT MY MANN ON; anildPn Silo a% FM p«1 ••Oi• n C_gjgaiIIUr ATILT it UT, AND li NOW TOTTING FLUSH ON NY SONIC AT Till RATS OF A MND A DAT. e TALK 1T MT Y !LIMY Al 11�DO 10*11." � cranium $o14 by inns= le pet up rt gDca at See SCOTT b BOWNE. BrAwillr POItT ALBERT. Troia e.rowe Mr Ruben Graham left oo Moady to visit friends in Tomato. Oster H salmon baa gone to fishing Wands at the north. Mia Victoria Hawkins, of Loodoe, is spending her holiday with her parents hers Mr Peter Stewart, teacher, No 5, Col- borne, and Mies Hattie Andrews, of Sbeppardtoo school, visited our school Friday last. Jas Hawkins. sr., we regret to say, noon suffering severely with oon of t ensue. Me Wiggins' yacht, with a party of Oodericb beetle and belies on board, pail this port a visit one night laat week. 0.11 again. Dominion Ijsy passed off in .s on ueoally gent msnaer here. The Oode- rieh noes were no doubt the metes of attraction for planers seekers. Never- theless some three hundred people, more or I.e., from the neighboring book - woods villages, Dungannon, D000y- brooe, eta , spent • very pleaeant and profitable time has, fishing, boating, N Iz r R. R. Sallow', photographer, Oodericb, paid • business visit to this villa1. on Thursday Ian and "steered the shadow" of the 60 odd pupils which our present very able tamest, Min Anon Burrow., has seder her sostrol. School closes on Friday sod this young lady will speed the following en weeks with her parents at Shsppardtos sad in visiting friends sad- ; iii - in Crediton, Uat, and Outrun, Mich. Sekool report for June: -Part @sexed, let John News; 2nd, Eva Clef; 3rd, Becky McMillan. Junior ,eeeosd-tat, Maude McConnell; 2od,Faiuy Hawkllsa; 3rd Hattie Thsr4.we Sr. sseoed-1st. Tory Hawkins; 2d, Isere Th rlowe, 3d, John Quaid. Third Clio -lit, Witt Bennett, 2d, Alphy Beenett,' 3d Walter Hawkioa. Fourth Class -let, Itary and Lisi• Stevenson, tin; 2d W71t Dre- w; 3d, Harry Leigh. pot In with Lead, Galvanized Iron Black Iron Pipe, S� with Adjustable Brass Connections. HYDRANTS OF VARIOUS paerna IU, Hose. Sprinklers, abbe. Sinks. Brackets, lead all the &fuchms.10 at reduced prose. W areroonu near visterla Brost Church. C. u ABER. 1*-tf FOR 50 CENTS WE WILL SEND -- THE SIGNAL" ,r...•,...5 +2.. . %TO ANY ADDRESS FOR THE REMAINDER OF 1890. Secure the full benefit of this offir at once. Call or write to "The Signal," en- closing Subscription and Address in fuJi. A. •