The Huron Signal, 1890-7-4, Page 5TR $ HURON 8ttiNALe ?SWAY, J ('LY 4. 1890. We Are Offering YLtRDfNRD BY A MANIAC. TRANSATLANTIC ADYICEC W. ACHESON & SON y ie v V riedeermi � A Special Line of Shaker Flannel, Another Case of our Popular Prints, la bar deome pattens, Special Value in White Cottons, AJob Lot of Corsets for summer wear, .t tee. INSPECTION INVITED. ♦ Y�OM�M•� TERRIBLE WORK NEAR • flAO6TONI�N VICTORY Al11� A MADMAN'S TERRI$LE WORK NEAR • (LADSTONIAN A 1 tAR• GRAVENHURST. ROW-IN-FURNES i.. Partite leeWeses tilted to Month. brew.. -The Mersa LYatee titins the Mend With a ane -Tae aieneeer M stall -•A'. Imea«t Ueswa- (ltavr .$Uttft. July 'J --William Brows, an edea.. ,ierso•, stray of from Deblsquteus Midi, . .A Lias, early on Monday news - tag and . 1 tee been heard of til yesterday Metres" .. ata Lc cursed up in • held mewed i • morass i vbla.ua, a farmer iu the tuwoab., I .Jorrnu.o, tour odds from this town. i w.. ralsius at the MW.. BRM i u lipped Lomeli' of ill his clothing and wet. , w l4,bivauter benne, when old Charlie L. Lessem was staying. On.ateriui be adieu C... ...woe to etre, out nn the rats and wow aturelf, which Robinson refused to do. Au adterostiox easued- , The memo .aimed am old gun and with the dock feint Roberto to the door. Atte* breaking tee gun over the murdered man's lead be cut some tearful gashes in Ina vie tfm's side :Le was pep.riug to dig • bok to the get ion ill which to bury the victim, when a sera cam shag the rood and lira Redman gave the alarm (laiat Cuoutabie Stoma of (Invashere% wee summoned, and the our%aver was fusc lying cwtue led ii the grow,sttl malted- The prisoner made no nebAaace and toed where his clothing w aa pilot on a stump. He is cow in pit beta. Au inquest was began by termer Brides laud to -day. THE CIGAR SEIZURES. Mr. Muller Has as e'steude,l tenderest* with Mlalet.r Nowell. t)Trewe, July 2. -Mr. G. W. Muller, a travehir for Goldstein A Co. of Montreal, arrived in this city this morning from Tomato. Mr. Muller bad • lssgthy wafer .ice with Simmer Rowell and t. omouaomer Johnson of the Customs loperessient nu cos - section with the remelt ssisures of cigar* is Toronto stud Flt. Catbanute. It war 9 o'c'iuck tab evening before the mt.rvi.w was concluded. 1 caned on Mr. Muller at the Windsor Hotel atter the interview, but be refused to divulge the nature of ler talk with the minister and a ommiswuer. Howe ever. 1 teemed elsewhere that the cigar me porous business amorally was fully doomed sod that Mr )duller uuule a proposal to _Me mutte rt as a mesas of pret•ru::ug a repeutio. utiles pesstim i of Nerlich -Co., ..that the makers et doossti.: c.h.rs Le compelled to run • blue Moues through the end . 1 each cigar, to show that it rr.-ty is • domestic cigar. The charge is (hely inside A Cbspeer et I mestere - classed to the that retail dealers pled nualeetc cigar. m ONE REASON FOR SECRETARY Water's Edge --Manses Killed. boss which prsvunurtycontsmsd well -:.awn BLAINE'S OPPOSITION. New Yoe', June 34 -Tb. bark Athena. brands of imported cigars and thus =Paw which arrived last night from Window. el, d, upun tbw customers. If the ribbon eeiw to remove Accept the M.aswre .* Pt among bee crew twomcJ amen, Henry were adopted. it it .iuwi. no our cool.; >ssaarraaa R" illiam and George Welker, who were part palm off • domestic article for an imported 7Desla+.tlea CessmereW Waz-A od the crew of the Norwegian bark 2fordeap one. Tilers are plenty u( potpie wbo pater 1141".•796"." rear..._ ter Oermaay which was burned at sea June P. The Nord- a dumeette cigar to the imported article. but and Ap.M w by Other lrw.aa cap Jett Laguna, West ladies, May 6, with a lib imp..rtsrs went their gond.. protected Neer Yosz, Jags 80. -Tb. Herald's Wad•ntwego oe cotton and asdarwood. Nee was from all keds of bones imitations end fraud. tagies spacial says: . , , by Copt Medea and bad • CTSW It is an illegal act to place these domestic Ons wink ego • desperate attempt wee of I9 mea. On June 7, when MY the Grand tigers in =Ported box... pmt the thing is scads by acme of Mr. Blaine. awed friends Banks on bee way to Leedom mad done almost every day all over the loon uta t'�'�a� the (Disc of what the Becreary o[:C'krrtianeasd, gibe . -- rough tea- It is end that Mr. Hullers interview with haloed about the McKinley Tang BilL-liber- A tierce gale knocked bar about dur- Mr. bowedi wil greatly ad the departmeut JOHN ACHESON. 8 PLY TIME IB TO BEST QUALITIES INSECT POWDER; PARIS GREEN, HELLEBORE. Zan) I' T' LOW 1ts PRICES BLACKBERRY COMPOU�i@ FOR DIARRHOEA, Etc W. 0. GOODS,. - - ALBION BLOCK. tEA t ON PRESCRIPTION WORXJ THE ?Amu BILL THE NORDCAP'S LAST VOYAGE. t ./atemeed has sot only been fully cer palg that day std woe A high era boarded in the investigation which they are now roboenesd ia every doted! but auw the err ides reel. numbed the wheelhouse and swept awillnE in count's -Aloe with the Teroeto Cu. - .rise is over those is the emadience of "Irian. d the crew o.ertx.ard On the morn- tom House, and more parucelarly with re - Ileitis who know the morel otitis bold sottj(sg of �Jane 9, Seemed Geer Orloff die- lard to the illegal privileges whicb seem to, only wonder that he kept silent se long. ippvsred are m the ox.tttm In the holed. Tbe have been extended to \erltch B Co. during Online the Let week the S•elekile7 sew were &rowel and fought heroically the pmt dosed years hoe paruosany, assured msaobere of legainat the speed of the fire. Flamm 1 asked an official of the Caroms Deoar$- the Diplomatic Corps that hs views shot upward. enveloped the rigging and went bow it was that the Toronto Custom were out misstated. To the ministers mast. The yardarm of tae Emmen House had *en permitted to u.e • cigar from the Latin-American Nauss, nearly an ,moat fell, end kiUsd two of the stamp different from that used at all the of whom were dslegstsa kith, pan. Americas stew The focus. rapidly ems," and the other porta da the Dominion. He raid that Calderone*, he has emphasised in the most captain, realizing the I. of itmger it that were true he could not underwt w.I II" meaner his deep chagrin et the wa7 fighting against tbs,n, gave orders to clear bow it wee, and he doubted the .tory. 1 then bunts leaden in Congress bar. treat- away the boats- Just toes tee mizzen mast informed buil tbat our lhf the boxes tet • cut the . of Use AdmisY- 1wi and 'meow" three mf the crew into the seised at St Catharines' had been shown me tratun- oma The miters finally got away in the and that toe datemest was perfr•ty true Months ago Mr. Stine intended to Week hosts and were adrift for four days, when -' WeU," be remarked, " it that ls the .awe 1 about what he feared would be the drift d `they were finally peeked up by the Nor- th' tariff Polk,' poy in CongressHe took t6S w.gins bark Ag.tba from London. quieter mune of endeavoring by confidential .. , • w46 gentlemen of the Ways and MILLIONS OF GOLD IN SIGH r. Memo Committee .ad at/write engialt owns u Oreer'. limey et a Fabulous Discovery the guseral tariff biU a special provision for .t the Maty, meboaatial her trade with Latin -kart See Fneeetttc'o, June 30.-CoL Paniiio through the agency of ,.rip 01117. AYnelo, of the Americas Army, reached failed for the two seancm that free men Diego Wednesday from Juarez. Lower .agar had been cbaen u alCalifornia, and tells of a remarkable strike is the mountains near Juarez He found llokl ore an rich that with a bandenortar he jot viz emote of pal He declare* that it ffi Ir. inlay, m es Ohio representative, err tth-'llbhi tui • ppuc11.t, but there are millions in mewed by the prospect of unlimited cheap wool from the Argentine Repebtic and Un- A Parkhill Men Milled to Mlrhtgat. gray. But why should Mr. Blaine so tib P•* i uUL, June le -Postmaster Jobs dsttly sad Rse.'getloally bless .Baind the Noble the rvasitht this letter: Republican tariff policy atter giving 1p W Fowtttt, Mich., Clinton County. June E original purpose to,pe.k out to the countr7-Poruna.ter Parkhill, Ont. Dear sir, - shout It, and failing in his private efforts to There was • man killd no the railroad track save the commerce of our own coon/mat from here May 2'i. and be had some some rapiers its mischief I .is his permit wbich gave hie name u John They ammo that be has cable and other B. mem* of Parkhin. Oat It you know of itc)tm froth our ministers in Rump. that kir or We people an early reply will 6. i utin.nt Powers sicoc.ptmm. clad the YcwarKy 1b...kfufy rvoeieed. Reepecttully room• r'ect•ratfos o[ cinband A. L Ceeirzv, Clerk at the lagnelR are preparing is eo.o.rt a scheme orf rrtalia- tine. At this mcnent the Rao Depart- TAKEN FROM THEIR MOTHER. moot ie bordered with dispatches from ministers and tv-orob,, . 1 by n• Three Leopard Cube at th. Yhll.del. cern otNcial advises, all tending to show phi. zee la hate ftI.pi.g. bow deeply the McKinley Bill has warred the C.binents of Europe and how little date Prit.nnst.MtlA. Jut. lli.-Head Eeepir peed they are to admit any American Byrne nod Iain H.u.eKeeperShannot l product to their own port* tb.t can possibly to 4ay tool the three newiy-born Phrt te prohibited by retaliatory duties or pub away frown lib^Ir another. P6. tabs _ were horn last Sunday, sod for several days regulations. sot slot141 the pending Tariff bill that all hank at the "r4.41' remembering 1be sed fate of • previous litter, wateb.d the has monied itis feeling, but the general mother fur fear she would in like manner eammwmi.l policy of Ma early new to eat her offspring- The keeper, also watcbsd power it Weehiugt.n- The Curren. Ad- for an nppnr. lefty to separate the mother mind tratdoe bill come int, pretending to from her cobs, as they bed a roach dog is be • neerenre to simplify the badness at roe/Hors to play faster mother. .ed to emperors the evils of Yesterday tbe deared ether came. K.rt- 1lrisrs'missMe. bet really meat to obstruct re Monona smooched the rage rety1ng the ilaporlrtbs sed to rales rates ret duty ey water twin and nuking a rocket wits the ksdlrwt*nn. flans came the McKinley bill huge lump of treat, which he carefully pleos1 with etudes intestloeally profaner'," isetead in a re'run's of the ear furthest from the et trimly protective me bentinfore. trap -dons leanling beneath the rage where The opropoitton te tabe eo.o.rted aeons " aro Dowr1 had hien confined. He then with (dermas gd has been wnthrtrew. Almost inwantl the bcplard osigimit d y Mended rot and would ban returned, but v1rtnally areepted by Presse, Amstar -Het Hmp Kopper Byrne, who wee concealed bark glary, Italy and Rprin, and possibly other of the reg., was two quirk With a rapid pewees of Iwss ..wont to Aaartwe cos- p,ap ee a pitchfork he dsanmwd shut the in tier countries the American ext heavy trapeione and thee confined the leopard .rt trade will M struck at partly through mese, to the ere. ileum", duties on ratter and .wine under Memnon tine mewled snd.rtsw*th and Plea of dc.ppi1tg pleuro-ptsismonie, what found taw three little rase, which tb.y prone - sensed gond, doer and (ober staple articles ty bare le I 1 Brawn's nellee and are to be mbjss.Md to higher duties. phw'siI es tee able The task of preceding lnemmneb ae the frame are pet fes,d their future mother to receive them was thun •by the prohibitory tariff meas me the mps me 1 berm, it1. blresstf taking ward and base elartm et the Melti.ley bell, Warr, mad after ..areas/ trleb the dog Oink Mr Burne tAtsb trey will be Weenier be Madly en theme sod yesterday the MO. (diMr hisreing of the ooserrt of sellae by wbeth neve oak's( their mod .bnet.de AmM1ese rattle, hogs, betembesik, and pre their -..mbar' two p. ilea Tee M 'beings .re to he wended from lmnpIhs essay damn sow fes the secmidnl reining Ogrgass o lnarkata wedMllgsend •scald df .varetaars 1111.1101"17 r ag- U the meet boottitelly remelted len- classed, though not s decal party to lir► Perth V"' isw afNtrM to the western farmer end free wool. is any amooat. under any dream- ellesoe., wee • borrifyiem nightmare to pro tectianisa a the pttkc'tical kind. Mr. No know nothing of It.- " Lues the blunter know about Of' "I do sot know: you had better ask him Mr. Muller left for Turooto to -night BLAINE'S BILLS BOTTLED UP. Ms. Cala., fie Late Messber. lame N G lad M.16 164 chine l•rdNa:es-.Dr P eter.' seree.sae la Attica -The fes raw 4' ,I.4.4'. Murder. Llutte.N, July 11-Ttie PIf.tst*rnter) ,Mous at 1Januw-w-Ensues to -Jay, tut uutrotse of wbiri has bow teasel fua•w*ft W with much bower and .1.itsiderable R1.xiety by all parties, result.J in • 11C4.02") fur ter Giedst..uau caial.dat.r. 'i .r varca/icy wee caused by the ruuan.tlul W . tL Colne. • 146erai-L'eluaiat, who aiabed lit Dm the Les..t:.0 of h:. uuu.utlteur) rv_ardity the I$-ewittg claws til the Leal Tsaatioc hill re/rt,ug to tis toenpwi..u••u ct publt can. and wt.e feligDO11 }los before l6e.L*tere. 1 etc: red to a ere dropprd bji the Government The vote 'NY u tuiluws: Duncan rGleddonime 1901 Wainwright iCoosenattref »iia Came (L.brral-Unionist) ISM lo 1 a6 Cater was elected by • vote of 33t1 azeim.c lett! for Ainsworth tiaome-r ital.:). A wrviaa Cosset Mardere.L B.t.c.luue, July 1--]1. Marcnkt•virn, the Ser.ian cutout at Prestina, Ruutur:.a, btu been murdered- The Servian L:over.useat L main` au euquiry into the stair. Speaker Reed Igwores the C. 5. Hos.. Foreign Affairs Committee. W*s*icoro*, July 2. -(line of the sale lights upon the contest between the broad views of Secretary Blaine and the prohibitory policy of the Reed-McKinry enmbi atiou is the extraordinary treatment which baa been accorded the Hoose Committee on Foreign Af- fairs by Speaker Reed The chairman of the committee is C. Hitt of Illinois, close friend oT Secretary Blaine and hls Assistant Secretary of Sate during the Garfield administration. Mr. Hitt has re- ported to the House reeolutiens favoring rectproctty trite Canada and with south America, but they have slumbered harm- lessly upon the calendar for weeks. Mr. Reed's policy does haat seem to be "one of action" in regard to thew resolutiono which embody the views of bis distinguished Maine rival. Mr Blaine. Again and again Mr. Hitt and other mem- bers tet the comtnittee have naked that a day ,ti given kir the .. •- of measures from the Committee on Foreign ARairs- flpeaker Rend and his associates of Commie tee co Rules have not seen fit to report the necessary order and itisdoubtful if the subject baa bees tern mentioned in the committee. TheCommittee on Foreign Affairs in the cat Congress udder Perry Belmont and afterward under the efficient chairmanship of Governor M.ienery of Kentucky hail five days for the oondderal tee of its mesettres, Mit in this Congress it has not had • day. Mr. Hitt has got through a few measures ever winch there was no contest by the unanimous consent of the Hoses. bit Gov - mar McCreary, wbo now Mads the 1')esao- rata minority, bas jest unused him that be w111 no integer permit this singling oat of the favorite measures of the Speaker. The conn =Hae most be fairly treated or Governor McCreary will object to the . et say of la measures The hill to carry out the proposal of the Pas-Anterkan Confer/mop pew • survey her as int.rerutaeial railway et41 dttmbees far down nn for calendar ret the H. where apparently H may rest darbeg t6. remainder of thermion. The rale of Hie Hotel would mot permit the email • swede, for the .navey and Me appentment .4 eommindonee ricer by • aspirate bill, Mit fortunately for Mr. Rlatne the rune of the Rsnaes permit snob Item* to be attached to the regular appropriation M1h An amend - meat was aemedlagly adopted to the Diplo erre &pproprietins !sill making this appro- pristine and the Roare will probably weer It In ronferases. The Rpnater emcee en hove party eR-•*sally Igse.wd the /(wage M- inta. f.onsitese red le hes. kept Kr. Blaine* sugssettnea for dkl r/rlliaa deer bele *Ply WSW ftp A *islet Investngntio. *Nasaud.d. 6stossebx, July 2.-1 be to:verL.:m•ut l:as des.uded ct the Poste that it .saw the tower investigation to lir mels of Ina tuttataole+ el the tuunler of Sl. Yarw.uva;h, tree hart an consul at ?Retina ler. Peters' %uterine*. ZA::xtbaa, July it,- Dr. Peters is expecte, tu..rr-lie tet the maid on July 10. Atter haft Lgutit.g w U`yto Le subdued the hostiles all bootee/ tee Gentian Ilse a- V "'endo He Neu completely mongrel in Ugaoua au. onto -heti to flu.• (.lata., ashen Le wee ju.ned by a Lu, upean m,.ewowry. The Argi.-t:rr.wau Agreewat. Beaus. July ..-ltie :Lh.g.o-liertnan agrtriaW1 wraith no secret : is.I*... cwt a vert••'y of smatters beyond tour a:reroy pule Weal are regnb:wd. w STOX2=4. ARRIVAL OF SUMMER GOODS I 1 Lamas end Nuns' VTrims in the Summer Shades, with beautiful Light Trim age at Pleasing Prices. Our Three Special Lines in Black Grenadines HAVE JUt*T ARRIVED. THEY ARE THE FINEST IN TOWN - •ted at -- LOWEST PRICES IN GODERICH. JUST IN, A SPECIAL PURCHASE OF 0 N E CASE of English Hosiery ---Ladies' and Child- ren's ---in Cashmere, Lisle and Cotton, SI2ES- ThE tilAGAisA CENTRAL. to cis nee ed (apttal mock-iu be Iilwlit lir cornet., in a Maori Ttme. ST. CAt1WA•(SSD, July `l. -At • iptai:. 'V.' i-•- Piffling of cur me:oboe:lrrst.f tw•b: L at l.erlarr aware i antral tai wey Com pithy today the yawns- 't n:k of ter compete was ra:created from j:iW.UW 1 t..' •..n ctor s hatred the •barehu:dere teal lb. oueepsrti..n of idle road may the city Of Toronto at an 'arty dot= wee arranged. awl was merely drleye d pealing the arttieoa o1 tet d.ta.l. We talo Pleasure is 14bowleg theta at the Speclel Prices. 1 New Satin Checks in Muslins. j New Groceries. An r. -boar Day ter Postal Clerks, tVA.MISliTo,r. Jthy e.-itepreeentstive Ketcham luring r. -rived the mea vrary 10- feruuat.uu from the Pu.4.ffi.•e Department, reported favorably tadaj groin tti. commie tee on Kroner std purtruaJs the w.l Baiting the hour. of later to eight beurs (w clerks In Dost and s.cuad care ruhtul'Jeas. Malas t.emoei ata the Pr.bih.tlon. Atore to , Me.. July e. -Three huadredan•t eighty -eve .ie.& -Sate. were present at tl:. Democratic State Coavenuoa to -day. M. 1'. Frani of Ptxtian 1 prowled. A resoiutioa to t.r inserted to the platten' in favor •,t sut,- r-.itting to the people again the queoboti Lena or p us hbiteu was adopted atter u sternly ueLate, 1,4 to :a. William P. Thompson el &re art N ae n oinivateod for guv• rrnor uy acc.uua:iot.. 1 sa ..i Accident rt L»edwy LINDSAY, July -A '.eyeareild boy named Freak Bum. sou of 1-. moos Luau of the' tint*, not with • teurfal and fatal accident today: T1.t :At.. tai ow war play twit armdu.. Ik.vej r i1.11.1 whet, her clothing hu .rune way got (ought In the .l.aot.ng. i hr piercing cr.e, •4 tea uifur't anew boy pave the alarm when tee m..-:okuwry 011* tln11:011stely stop. pt' tool t:,e uaurle.l Leafy released. Medica; aid was procured but nothing could be dune. and the lour :Iter te,ww lingered :n rxcru- t.aterrK pun Willi death ca:ue u• bis anuria •t1 tmg Tarn►Ie In Coal. ELIZABETH!, It,J., July S. -}tier 2 of the 1 bi.aue.phui and 1Craduig l'a mp.ayie hal docks tell with ■ terrible craab at 11 am. O. day, carrying with it tie oars Titled wlta o..AL People in ter lower part of tee city were much alarmed by the creat- No one was in jured, although • number d men had miractr• luus c.(apee. boa haat y. We pay the Highest Prices for Eggs and Butter. 11o113PJCt7TION IX VITIHD. W. ACHESON & SON. KILLED IN A CATTLE GUARD- ANOTHER COWLES CA$L. lemma May 'Maar* lr like Heald. of Hes An Uxbridge Farmer *wheeled 6y Clothes Pro•tgate Vata.r. lane Wire Mea. I.osooM, June 3a -A tans bee remota, Towltto. June 30. -An engineer On the come to light in this city which the in it Northern division cif the amid Trunk tells of many of the Matter.. of the celebrated Cowie* a peculiar and distressing .trident that bop• i abduction sensation- Sumo three yearn age Petted while *was running his train (rant, Thorne. Trwnane ran •way from bis w de, a Gowan to Barrie on Thursday evening. As daughter of John Fish, market gardener, be era. approachfus • caul. g• aril, be moa, who Lives a short distance out of the city, horrified to see • young girl, wbo.. wealth d! leaving with ire two daughters, the eldest brown batr and sunburnt face was coveted by' bails 12 years a age. When Tram•' . broad -brimmed straw hat puke hes head -ran aeray be is hard to have taken with hint e up from between the bars of the gaud. Che' cions tat Thomas Garside of tiouth Losdua engine, No. 168, was within • few feet of tion, slant end the engineer, Uke a asst' ver:d; The woman was a member of the!Weenie acrd applied the brakes Of course it wee alI i Army here, and als intimacy upset up be - to DO •wall- The pilot of the engine naught tw•en ber and ,1Yaamss, which resulted ie the poor creature just at the with* and cult the Paw leaving their rgt.*&va lawful Pal* the body clean 1n halves, one pordeea trio*. Sere and Beeiva to the "hind ed she tree.' tbrowu nearly 90 feet. The Garside woman took tTose with bar ties Tree gtris name is Lithe Fraser. She w.slthe.. children, and they aresuppoaed to have 16 years cid and livers with bar grandfatbem'..ttled in Cleveland. James Fraser. She bad goer down the nook! Mn Tremens is a highly reopectable and to keep the cattie off and to look for straw - Miscast woman, and at the tar felt k.e11 berries. M. disgrace which had fallen upon her. Home menthe ace a man giving the name, bat struggled manfully to maintain bee oh1wtick or Barwick called up"n Mr. Alex- ander James,., Uxbridge, appointing agents for the Pinter Wire Clothes Line Company of Loodns, Gut In the course of eoneerwa- tion be found out that Mr. Janes owned a farm, and beton Tering induced hint M take an agency to .ell this wire. The smooth - loomed Bostick explained away every objec- t oo that was raised, and said the company would take hack any wire that remained un- sold. Mr. Junes undertook to try an screwy, and the next want et; two men delivered :kMNI Get of the wire to bum, squiring bis m c o - taro d oourwa to • "receipt" or do omen, Jur to .bow that be had received that much stirs trap the e,snpany, so that they would know w:,ere it was Mr. James tried to .e11 the wins at coal rice, Cie per foot, but it was no go. Vary tew people would buy. The wire was toe dear. The umbra of the whole affair ie that kir signature terns up at the bottom of a wee :or t13), awl that John F. Wood (presumably a banker, sea. the Pink.. Wire Clothes Una Company and Alexander la n, . tear the awwnt of the note, wbich, of count', Mr. James will have to pay. The Carnival is bene, and one has only lir look at the streets, gay with bright r.,lw•ee bunting, to see that it has come with a ru.i and a wave which cannot but bring sncoe•,a in its train- Already the main street{ sue gay with atreatmrs. and there* flab doubt Toronto will put up a holiday attire whio1 . he never wore before. As for the expire.. crowd*. already the bottle are filling up. nue not with Canadians either. Portias ar pouring in from Iowa, Missouri, Kaman an. she far t+. uth, and all tell tbesi,ry that t*er AM hundreds thereto follow. sadder Death at Moncton. Moecros, N.B., July :--Jamss fear of Halifax, traveler for t:ortk.n, MoKay ay A (-o. of Tomato, was found lyrnz on the floor of he bedroom :n *1.. U0.ittnerc.al Hotel tuu afternoon dying of apw.plezy. He was ratwJ to hie bed and ezput e•l in • siu,rt cline Cowles 1r All Maio Again. MoNhetee. July 2.-Eu,ene 11. Cowles, who was shot by We brother -le -law, C. C. Hate, in conueetiun with tee kidnap/sin; m: little Fkrreooe, Las sol icieutly r ee ivered 1.. base the general 6odg•itai, and lett for the Adiruod cke to -day. L7wsalitea's Mead,e.e Hospital. HAau.tox, July 2. -As • result of the 10- 1010 the management of the towhel, H.►:ieat Puysicun C'rosthwalaanJ Nurses Hose, Roam and t'adenbead have lett the inettut„on. Chairman Pratt telegr•phel to Toronto General Hospital for a do rtor to take t.lnpxan charge of the sister biotite- Dos at Hamilton. A Held* u 7s. MASTtr.rteL t, isle, July 2. -David ler of Monrovia. Ind., aged 1444 years, and Mr*. Adeltee Daniell of Fairview. aged :s year!, were married at Plainfield Saturday acquaintance atter anacquaintanceof only six week. Mr. Miller is • member c( the Friends' C'burch, and about nee year ago era* e. - gaged to he married to a Mrs. HRyworth of the esus denomination Having oracle known their at at o e and whits . . in the manner peculiar to their branch of the Friends' Church, wbich tees at Mast two mobs, the beide elect change(' 6.r mind. This, an doubt, will account for the haste esnibited is Ws recent courtship and marriage. Per lire rived. 8T. Joico, N.B., Jely L-Jsrk Power and Dick Nagle were tried to -day on the charge of leaving (!sada to..gait+ in a prise fight ire another country. They pleaded guilty end were fined 0160 web. the Weltd's Year rte MAttos. t'gicAtto, July 2 --The Worrd'e Fair N.tlrwsl Com .imine today sneered the joint efts, .g of The lake front and Jerre Perk, es the le.Nea far the (blast Mem iepertins by a roes of to to l 1. FATALLY BURNT. A Hamlltaa Girt Perlahew in Teeter Agony -The C.p•town t -biles.. HAnzLT'Of, Jut. W). --W bile Joseph Cirri - tie and Mary Ke owe, two 6.yw.r-old,, weer playing with meter+. the lute girl'. Arm cosine ignited and We was frightfully bury ed. dying in terrib'e agony within a mule. of hears. The little onee faiber is a Grwo Trunk e.sr inspector living at St6 Ferris sues seat. A fabel accident took plan at 1portb (i at ford. mfr. John Duffield, a wall -known Due er, residing on lot V, (rtcemion :1. Glaufor-' was engaged in drawing out roman when borons took fright and ran away. H,• e thrown out sod sustained fatal injurie-, bud, MUD head std internally Death niud to) been instantaneous. He raves wife and thre dauglterw. leash ba'w Crop Outlook. helpless children, and did not think it wort! her time to follow the worthier fellow whit had promised to " bre and cherish" bee,' But Tremane grew Massone. without bb children and outmoded, so it is said. in .1.! ducting thsen. The unfortunate mother was in no condition to give chase, and artier. they were was • mystery. Mrs. Ege1t beard from • friend in Cleveland • short time ago that Tremens and has paramour were hying (s 1 Cleveland and that the eldest child wailed,.I shamefully abused. She immediately wrote to the chief of prix there asking for information. The child mentioned M said to have been aught several times by the Cleveland .eland police running away, and was always returned to the miser ' able place which was called her bum.. no set ration being paid her plea that she want. al to see ber "mamma In i4115don," Tremor swearing that the woman was hie wife- lin Tramline has entry moved to Hamilton, when the le working at the tailoring business. Mr. n ot Mea tem, have interested themselves in the ease and w111 u.. every means to have the children returned to their motion's. Tbe girl was fount by Policeman Potts of the Cleveland forme, ..n Friday atterna'm, ix the Nouse of the Good Shepherd, where she had been pieced by Hamas. Asyut Parmelee The old talks here have been moiled to that effect QUEBEC CABINET CHANGES. Mr. Chart.e longeller, ex M. P . Sworn as Cre.M0ot of the Council. Qcsii •, June :It). - 'ir. t'biirl.•. Lngelier was 4. -lay duly sworn Pr.. Writ of the Council in pla(a of Hem. D Mercier, wills mann.. the duties ..f o.'.•mmie 1,ter of Agri- culture pr.. sun , e:e,• Col. illoslee, who has retired to private bee lir leangelier ter signed hot .eat for 4r,t ftnrwrtt,• v hr* the Cole. morn with the u.od.rstanditgp that ht ouccmae fin be .Mnti4 have• portfolio. It is gan4." ally thought that this Arrangement is not die• rimae and that al: th r *Hi take pian leaf oh. 4 )then.waro in {.Blew 4reiay' by Lie:items" Governor Anet••r were Hou. 14. Morris, Da- hat hat ' t t -e , - tet Stellytt. Marei.atd erg Gooier, ' as clerk of the letederlle Council. 1 Foetal Dead. AT. ' .lits t :.sus ,lite t .- Ahotda,'dafhi yed•••• t , n, • , Root. eupsrint.o.iMA o° i;,. ti ll•erne, towns. ' its et, , - a:• -i, -;a 13'.11414 ' • :J a",atom, 010,1 , t the fr ,h..r ,.1 the n.s.ttutl•nr. when curl • r .t tae or 4.1 , tnntatsrt lying : the gr {,n *h_ ,.1 e builJini; lewd.1 W!*MW'2 IP, June 24 Department 0 -•*{uri,ettl.I,e{, 'lt>.- sh tela wee p'.,:-„1 lip I Agrlei.turs has boned a bulletin on the r.. i . , •,f a dnao 'tamed Phnr.e.•r Ila► dttkon of Drops sari livestoc'k.::7u .orroe .n , L - • es . , ret '*twat*, awl ii' .vl 1 eats repnrtiag si nult lrwer•1. Jun. the „ r, '--I,! ; e.e.pa t iraa been ' . tit., V . •{he the weather wen admirable for won i f � ttnr•e" pear., 401 Was wit -.r••,1 .m lift i! as ;q. •to ol?ileast with hear: .tis -1 le., t' is1M K 1tw ettlfered eavervey, oar- , log 0: t •o, ftinttag vatic dui•it*g it:tieb ft (• 411t+ tie 4'0 10 4.41 J 1 nxpt•w. lie (8145, W mot, sit. *be rK dim tame, solo was at es tit tit' uctaion that a. the .t e2 .,1xi. +ken ,1i01„piw tYw••:•t:wins ,..:n litsi r. .11µ.t ..-se..ti'tee' mi, .•1 •e. during wniti ! .cL he beet A tit owl fell oetwerdi, ter • ~aubita hie Growth was doer early in t :,».es»n int rapid later min. The average fall of re theorems prevince the been 1 :O rely a few plane are regarried •o any. The aereig^ underarm b I,eLi : increase of 16o,(MM) over last year. • :litho of rain, root nerd hay norm in every district is rwprwters excel lent, a ,l pieta of bountltul yields .err promising. Lin stuck in ado. in • l .sr A Qarsdian Killed IN Deere i)+etrvett, Juts 29 -L A MRfion adian, wee fatally shot here last w. partner, • man naso} McCartney. tim nansal carried on a carriers at tottery and .dirt • coag. trade.. 2,1 allege.* that Ma burn cl.lrawM.l Iry burn.. He oriefrnsad him rnr meth, Nod now strep estt..nth, tower huli.tw into Melborn with f•i death ensuing two rays Mor Haves • wife, formerly Mie Jwmu4. kr s'4 Believille, Ont r•• Tatar Vfitly. ('nt/'R*Mvea, .inn+ 26 .6. e6 1 tee victim a the holtrr exposit o'esoet thew af.ortioen. Thane P,t.r 415,,'. era. fl nw ■ or i•' 'e'er•• care p:.n• Mg a Parte_ v n•n•twt edges, July 1- The PlataMi iib • e 'et tux r xpi• win k • • .I ttets.tsisMtr tem soil..ttawt'r1 MsInk Wsmod flfIt-er,14pf•.R 'mow „y towsi'Ives leo*... its........, i : Ag�'r,rtt,e, 1u,:' ' 04:(els cavo weeks ago a.'' )h Mosie 1u M.• c, stn..*lie& u,nn..tmvain. bl' 1...i.. -tike * Orge el A berfovb, hest • nimbi/ $ "`� iw t'nar rt *h-•8 : 1.,„...uki torn, seer 11110 { #ei , ' tirorik.med Titer ce t ri . iset Marty all tris i • soitto M' 4+.1• ,c4rir t is trirontrie. TIM , tinsess.ser,. earlaftrnrwarb a:. a teeth net .lit s , er rnetiva•oir, act. tae teteet of r plow, tall ell ,, wl•1.'b .li.ale.,arr.l fa titan h1R1,t. Two toes ,-,.i moot l.a1.• berm ere*p else *lout the bus,. ' ' f err as •me , :int{ a'e•rase 'G'414 -t ant h*nd4. 1M • erLim'e •1 ter lie, iutesr. leu trace los • . yes lee fer,.n l -at the Misses, but 11 le bled shat I/r`9 met b' (steel our., Farmers wed .'►. tyle Ith.a. tt*.q ... tiro '+vsntr hc,oi., ke pt‘ a 444 :Mit f •IMrt> r..i.+k rorR to state are . a acini r d All 4,,iescsrw4 ewxtt oh,. hot *hair ba'vs. .n all r x .n moo ,.f free wart, which i P•1Msow Holy ems�.'•t.. -M au, It of either at riptides ie' sr Rehr -. f.. • Mitt t toffsx ter meioses' of IS* r II.