The Huron Signal, 1890-4-25, Page 66 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. A PP l ► 0 HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Thom es Theese es..de, When Fele abusers bud • little you 1iM� dMe make them ten easily by dt�lttw the Meet swim* of the blades lever your hair, ur the palm of your hand. This is hotter thea it is to 1,l Ilene and so run rue rink ot soiltug any• think that you may afterward tut. A fa.htosable and delicious New York dish a marrow -bones served to • some- what novel style. The butcher saws the marrow -bone across into t hsektaemes of about two inches, thew are boiled, laid on square pieces of buttered twat and sorted hot. Some panful cooks clue ue both mods with • layer of thin paste be- fore boiling. The small, dark checks in crockery tome because they are washed in to., but water. Every Dight the kitchen mak should be cleansed by a solution of two tablespoon fele of washing soda in a ration of buil ing water. Tees should be poured in while at boiling point. A little powdered potash thrown into rstboles will drive the rodents away that are so annoying in cellar or kiteh.n ; cayenne pepper will have the mmm effect on rata and cockroaches, sod a moose will never goaw through • piece of cotton sprinkled with cayenne that u stuffed in- to his hole. It is said that v•seline is growing in favor as an emollient for ahem. Take • pair of shoes, especially the shoes wore by ladies, and when they become hard sod rusty apply a costing of vaseIine, rubbing well with a cloth, and the leath- er will at once become soft and pliable and •anent i to water. Be sure arid put your clothes pins in bot soap suds at least once in two weeks, and let them boil ; after which they may be taken out, dried and put away in a bsg,reedy for use on next wash day. Ia using •nmonis for domestic pur- po.ee, one tal 1 to • quart of water is •twat the ordinary proporti-m. In case of a bite from a rapid dog, I)r. Billings, of New York. that the wound be cauterized with strong car bolus acid. It u much less painful am. mon effective than with • hot iron. The wounds will also heal in lees time. Did you ever make using Graham instead of white Boor 1 If you did, try it and you will be sure to like it. A receipt for cleaning marble, etc.: Mix up • Quantity of the strongest soap lees with quicklime to the of .ilk, sod lay it on the stone, etc., for twenty-four boars, clean it afterwards with e.mp and water and it will appear as new. Ncte—This may be improved by rubbing or polishing it afterward with fine putty powder and olive oil. Iattained eyes are often relieved by cutting • lame potato io two, scooping out the inside, sod binding over the feverish lids. Tu destroy moths and other vermin: — Diesolve slum in hot water, making • very string solution; apply to furniture or crevices in the wall with a paint brush. This is sore destrocttcn to those nox- ious vermin, and inv.Iasole because wily obtained, is perfectly safe to use, and leaves no unplesant traces behind. When you suspect moths have lodged in the birders of carpets. wet the edge of the carpets with a strong solution; when- ever it reaches them it is certain death. A piece of sponge fastened to a stick is a good thing watt which to clean lamp ehlmtteys. It is a very common thing for young 1 to scorch their linen when learning to iron. Do not be discourag- ed Wax your irons thoroughly and keep them in a dry place. This will prevent their sticking. 1f you rind • so arched place, eznose it to the hottest rays of the sun. It will be obliterated in a short time. Strong carbolic *cid is sure (teeth to bedbugs. It is also one of the very best disinfectants. A rat ttle *hued he kept on hand—out of reach of children—and a few drops occasionally put down the sink drain and in •Iopjan. Flannels and blankets may be soaked in • pail of water containing one table- spoonful of ammonia and • little sods. Rob as little as po.ible and they will be white and clean, and will not shrink. To boil rice in grains for soups, atter cleansing it throw it into plenty of salted boiling water, and boil it fast for fifteen minutes ; then drain off the water and place the saucepan the rice either in the oven, uncovered, or upon • brick on the hack of the stove, with • clean towel folded several times laid in the saucepan above the rice, the cover being left off. After about ten minutes steaming in this way the rice will be dry and tender, every grain distinct. To prevent your glass Ian from crack- ing when putting in hot liquids. stand • tablespoon up in them. Then is a pre veiling ides that this mare has some- thing to do with electricity, but the tree solution is that the .porn absorbs .orae of the hest, and also carries some ut It out into the open air. A box of powdered borax should al- ways 1- wa s be kept on the .ink shelf. A little added to the water in whish dish -towels are washed will help much to keep them clean. and at the some time keep poi e hands soft and emootk. Minis se reek.. The oftener flour is sifted for sponge cake the lighter the ask. will be. 1 i.g than pfale sake. Duthie, wont a gawk oven and .be. sans i.. a1, they wall bus.. Foe bane bed . list even et li nt sed s slew .ad shady kr, sear k is based tas.ngk. ANI. pias &.eld be baked 401,17. Oaks shouldn't he dis- turbed while baking, or it will fall Coq the oven dent abut and an even fin. • Thread mad aerate. Thread of oil kinds should be kept much as pomibie from the air, whish rota it. If one buys thread ley the quantity, whish f. the eso.omieal way of baytsig tt, only se musk se is seeded for daily use should be taken ost, tend the rest put sway in s soured les pro- tected from the air. Before the dar of eswi.g-tusekiues, s.wasg silk was to be footed in all work - baskets. Now .aehine-eilk is generally found instead. Bet for hs.d-ecwtug the old-f•shto.ed sewing -silk is mach better. It does not fray so noddy es machine - • and boom is more dyeable. Tailors understand this. and always use it fur band -..wing. A few stitches in the worn ends of vest button -holo end new buttons have $ wonderfully renovating effect. A worn liaisg inside a coat skirt gives a ant a very forlorn look. A good thick &stem of Dolor suited to the cwt, when basted in and hemmed neatly around the edges, taking are to have it jest ht well without drawing or bagging, will make one's husband very happy. Many mothers cut down line merino hose fur the younger children, and put in • piece fur the rile of the foot, cf an old stocking, or flannel cut bias, that matches it in Dolor. By sewing mess in bail stitch, they show but little, and wear • long time. The toes and heels of stocking* for children are often knit double, or have cotton and wool used, which makes them stronger. RELIGIOUS NOT[fs ' Peewee t'..«.......kt......sak The aunties of toe Moto of ti- preeaat•tiew, Its. Dr W. IN. Yilbv., at thm opeeing e.1 a reseal ssssitre orf than hudy,prsy.d earneesly ttostese.tne dreek- memo as follows : "0 Ovid ! &meteor, we i.ssesoh Thee, the ssppltestiuwe of minium of haute aso.a.ding to Thee for the Needy close et as that greatest oval of motors sooi.ty- - drunkometer.. Linked with almost every Fine and crime, in a lostbsume ouspsst with g•.blisg hoot.. .ad booths/to, it _ borders the criminal dockets of ousrts of jetties, throng* the pone-hcu.s., .ad- houees, jails and gibbets, drives sen to despair through the eoake-wreathed por- tal& of delirium tresses, unbars the poo - torus of I!fr, that they may sink into the cowardly grate of sescede. Bettaeitag most often in an alluring taste in the keyed hood of good -fellowship, it be- eoses ea appesite, • tmaster-pa.ios, w hioh destroys the body, darken. the i.telleot, blinds the moral swum, chastises the soul, drives Gue out of see.'..piint, and, pan lyiang the will, binds men and women band and foot and mune them i. - to hell, butane an entail of despair and w reseh.dnese w their children." The prayer is sail to have called forth applause from seine total -abstaining members of Congress and ezpreasiune of dieplessere from some who are out total abstainers, istarers L*mtuse.t t THE HOME CIRCLE. 1 Mead. • rr.er.I W.m.em. There i• no habit in the world that entails more °outiousl discomfort than the habit of worrying over future or pre- sent Busy women, who du their duty, motions have time fur such in- dulgence; yet it is sometimes the °a au ambitious permit who worries because she cannot accomplish more of bar work, usually browse of the want of system in her work. There is no surer way of los tug time and control over affairs of the house thin in fretting about them. If the 1 measures out her time 11y, allowing herself enough time for pleasure to prevent bar work be- coming purr drudgery, and carefully takes out all such duties as are not posi- tively necessary, she roll often be aston- ished bow easy housework bowies. bile may find .h. has planned mere ela- borate clothes for the children than are needed, fancy cookie, and many other things that the family au bettor do without than that she should b.00a ir.t- ted and iaded. It is wonderful bow sim- ple matters which seem messed perplex- ing msy become with • little planning sod thought. There are so many things dent in the every -day life of the Imam - keeper ; so massy stitches taken that are alter all superfluous. Tney are sot strictly necessary. It is pleasant to have pretty clothes decorated with needle- work, but little children growing up in the ccontry are just as healthy and may become just as r.6ued and useful men and women if their clothing is all severe- ly plain and simply made an the machine without ruffle or edge. It assists the , especially the amateur work- e r. like the I , who is her own and maid of -all -work, tc cut out • groat deal of work of one kind and do alt the seams of the same kind at once. then all the finishing of one kind, and other parts of the garments each in its turn. By this means • great deal more an be . d than if one e_arceent is made at • time. There is so old — "having your band in'" —which ezplains this. The greatest of the 1 is from the demand upon her to change from one kind of work to another. 11 is boot to avoid this as much as possible. Take certain day for sewing drys. For these days do as mach as pus sable ot the cooking the day before, and pupae all the 1 so that it cab be one as easily se possible, leaving long hours undisturbed fcr the work to which the day is devoted. Otte who has n ever done her sewing in this way, but has snatched it up between intervals of cooking and sweeping, will be to w how much will n. I in • day 'tree up to it. It is the taroe with sweeping. Families when there are certain days set apart for sweepi.ig usu- ally find their rooms sore to be in order when seeded, and that they require tar 1.ss care than when .wept and dusted when the 1 "find. time " The panacea for half the servant trouble Ices in system. The worker should be regu- larly compelled to do • oortain work each day, instead of being Idt,as she often is, to take b.r own time to do her work. So a housekeeper should exact of herself me tain work and do at at the tame given, and she will usually find .pen time to rest where before was worry and vexa- tion. For Clearly half • century Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Ism hese the meet popular eoogb remedy ie the world. The eon.tantly ie- seserine demand for this remedy proves t to be the very best opeeia° Ger colds, eo.gb., and all diseases of the throat and o nes. 1 Fresh apple sauce, wam if possible, is • good supper dish A dash of lemon improves it. Among the rale* of the Bonne cook. in school is one that Nays. "Always be & meets) sot to alam the oven door." A delieinus savor is 'ripened by pet- _ tins into beef seep a whole onion with • demo *bole cloves sleek into it. Peel t the onion hot don't trim off the top en d the layers will break apart its ioih.g. _ v Lowe owt in serving. To test oaks in the oyes never insert n. 1te•n aplister, bet draw itfor- wigtly for - rd •.d pen► the ear sloes to the lee(;11/ le o r bei sowed. Whodemi there will ihathoseowli-- 4 baked Mare will be ne mewl mop&..a e+ t..e.d require ▪ dam ; Seer Weed • slower nee. gab r gsSro mese ..d dowse b.h. Meow 5isse A.swed. i admin a urs -legged man who is b..iel; • fellow with aro arm who ie al- ways tracking jokes does more good than whole battalion of whole people who ,ner.11y growl at everything. I never ►lice. that theiiip.ople who are slimy& uompiarsing ever suffer. There is some - fling about genii.. .J erten• that ries op the tame end makes people ary qAM almost thememl ... Owe of the liveliest and wittiest awn I ever t 'mew was a feller 1,b had *sly ewe Ars. Seery i.INte of his life was a jay Adan, and yen wvuId as woos have theeght of nee** .ylpathy to s buy .t ttetas N him. Yet I deresay he had est es mei ether trouble ea any loo- sened an baa —baa !madiuo Airo.i- dm Mine% lemame.t 1..ded tit rherneraiim The rainbow of the skies knows not mon rare and beautiful cclors than the rainbow of the covenant blessings under which our Sevtour hrth placed Ills throne : bloomers as fresh as the rerd- ur. of Spring, and as beneficial as the pure air of the mountain top.—Samuel Lee, 17th Century. omen ray se be route Does It pay to be polite 1 The experi- ence of a certain London merchant in- cline, tint *frowsty to the belief that it doss. Let hint te,l the story — ' t ory:— ' It was about tiro months ago that I went to Y.'a restaurant to lunch one day, feeling . I, tired and crow, 1 suppose. Looking up and down the tables in the part of the room when I always prefer to att,I saw one table where therrlwere two empty chatn,nne u( whicb, however, bad beau turned down by • quiet-loukoeg men with • black beard, &bo ast at the table. I took the other empty chair and ordered my lunch. "Just as I began t, eat, a (Otani of mine—P.rkinwu—whom I wanted to see very much, came in and walked down pit the tables There was • busi- ness mater between as which I was asxious to . 1 was else anxious to keep at my lunch. I looked at the chair that ass turned down, and it struck me that ay neighbor's friend, for whom he Res keeping the place, was • long time in coming in. "I have told you already that I was a little crow So I quietly turned back the chair a.•d invited Perkiness' to au down. Whereupon the mak with the black beard I•ok.d up in surprise. 'I was keeping that chair for • friend,' said he. " 'It strikes Ine,sir, that your friend is • king tune coming,' said I, ill-natur edly, 'and I don't think anyone has a rijht to retain a seat to the eivluaioo ofelse.' "The black -bearded man said no more. though he looked me over carefully, and Perkinauu est dawn. Presently the other sun's friend came in, and the black bearded mak sot up, had his dishes removed to another table after some bother to get hold of • waiter; and they sat down together, while we went on w ith our leech and our business. "About a month after that then was • mater of some £1,000 difference in • betsess • man in our trade and myself, and we agreed to leave it to arbitration. We rah .elected our man, and they selected • third, who wasn't know to me but who was said to be • very her man. 1 had my aide vet forth in gond shape, and knew I should hare w on the case mail enough. "but when I went io to see the arbi- trators and gave a glance at the third man ay heart seek. It was the black- be•rded mak whose chair 1 bad taken .1 at Y.'a. Now, I believe that that man may have been fully re- wired to decide the case on its merits ; bat I don't believe that he or any other man could lure dune so under the ear- . He decided deed against me, and it served rue right. 1 shall sways be ieve that 11 coat int just £1,CO0 to turn back that .man's chair." • Few ratable Recipes. Chicken Salad.—B•.ii one good-sized chicken until tender; let it stand in the ewer in which novas cooked until tint!. Pick up rather coarsely with • fork; cut tine with a knife terse heads of celery, and chop fine one-half an ordinary sized head of cabbage and mil tbs two well together. Mate a dressing of half • tea- cupful of vinegar, butter the size of an e gg, stirred to a cream with the vinegar; one tablespoonful of mustard, one of salt, one-half • 1 I of equal parte of white and cayenne pepper, ai.d three eggs. M.x the musta.d, salt and pepper smooth with s little vinegar, beat the egg, ligbt,add the vinegar and seasoning; then b,ib in a farina boiler to the consis- tency of thick cream. When thoroughly cold stir through the chicken and celery carefully and serve. Apple Pie.—The secret r.( making flaky, crispy pis -crust consist& in having the lard and water both very cold, and in handling as little *s pasible. D•, not attempt to make it smooth ; roll in what deur is actually neosesary to prevent its sticking to the board. but on so con.id- eratio.n knead it Borax in the Laundry. --The exeelleet of holland and Belgium, who get their liaise r, beautifully white, res refined borax instead of soda in the of one Targe handful of pow- der to shout ten gallons of boiling w ater. Ronk, being • neutral salt, does ark in the slightest degree injure the texture of the linea. Those who try his will he pleased with the remelt, it is &ler, nios to wash blankets or woolen geode in this manner. For the delicate ..d aged sad all is shoes the vital outruns is *impoverished end slemrisi, Ayer'. Sarsaparilla w the very best tensa It leets,. th• wasted tim.es,and imparts to theories surpris- ing elsatt.ity and rim. Puss •1. Worth $ . bssMa T Def1 RY CARRIAGES SPLENDID NEW STOOK. AT A. B. CORNELL'S. CALL AND SEE THEM. Cheapest, Best and Largest Stock in Goderich ! our 6111111, flttttlhs Aro some of yore r ., kr•e t . re.oa • or - bee all the lung eommsndieepts 1 11-o are moss lines the editor Ie.roeil :.• .. h•_., when M was • little hey ; tt .. 1-:• Scent's short version of the T.1. Commandments : 1 Thou shalt not have more G• d - but me. 2. Before no idol bow the knee. 3. Take not the name of God se ram 4 Nor dare *lie 8.bbath ley po.- fane. 5. Give bosh thy parents honor due. 6. Take heed that you no murder d.. 7. Abstain from words and dead. un- cle.). 8. Noor steel th•.ugh this art poor and sten. !s Nor make • wiaul lie nor lore it. 10. What is thy netghbus's do not covet. —Kith. n n - It's easy to dye with Diamond Dyes Because so simple. It's safe to dye ,with Diamond Dyes Because always reliable. It's economy to dye with Diamond Dyes Because the strongest. It's pleasant to dye with Diamond Dyes Because they never fail. You ought to dye Oath Diamond Dyes. Because they are_best. Ow sew book " 4 onsest d Hoes. Dreg- 'ivies/ Il.• dberiio.w for as ores of Diswa.d Dm, sat fess os s.pliessias. T.ia.ed Deas as .14 wwrw&ee, oe ass calor moiled on roti e et prim,, to cane Wsus, ttcwasoow & Co., Mestrvsi, Qat. 'Wines, Lit40T8, Bi,C FOR SAL! 8Y G. H. PARSONS I A IJION BLOCK. OODWRICH ATTENTION Everyry ! out FIRST O for turning ING at 'THE SIGNAL." Blai Notes at Signal. ORSvflOt1 CURD TO THR EDITOR: Please (eters your readers that i ka.e a positive remedy ler the slam aae•d Messes By its timely use thos:,ands of bop lest cases have bees pwora...tly cared. 1 mat she eke to send two bottles of ray remedy VRta to any of your readers rs whave cea- T. A. atopy sthry ax.. ism HbNt NNwill send a:e their EAMtaide at . TOOOTOM O. TANr& Ho you sleepers, Rub your peepers Open wide each eye: Don't be creepers Bargain reapers Now'tt the time to buy. RIGHT THIS WA Y TO DAPIFL OR DWS eon assn*SNm First -Class :+tock of Furniture. kc. each as PARLOR at'ITF.9, BEDROOM 8CTTLe. DIN - 1\G TAHLE3, LOt NGS*. kc. My aim has always been to keep First -('la. Furniture. The past will speak for itself. There • ..11r., • •.•• II ,-.;„.rj(,,Cs•u(,.11.411p.•ns:s,.n 01 for.: Ciaet ,meat. That will cure Itself. - 1n undertaking I bare everything to )w foetid in a err -class eaabliel mreL lam the oldest and most experienced Fwneral birector in the County. sATtu.AtV % Lavth CHARGB211101111.}tATE. ' Rest -4t.. Ooderich. Between P.O. and honk of Mustrv.:. !mass. JOHN ROBERTSON Begs :o astaounce that be is r.ow agen: for The LiquorTea Cofflpally's Celebrated Peas Your choice of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volume by the Beet Authors, given with every 3 lbs. Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling the expense. 1 FEW GALLONS OF PURE IAPLE SYRUP LEFT. JOHN ROBERTSON, RHYNAS' OLD STAND, COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL STS. I CURE FITS! THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES CIYEN AWAY YEARLY. surely 1 say 6eOwre 1 ds est .w hee have theme.!.,. 1 •KAN ARADICAL,OURS : /Ibase detb,0es ..1 a blew pt.. •NMne, er� aissusass a aisbwt std/. 1 wary wt ay Fendt to Owe the worst eaaas .then base WWI 1a es reuse hr ort sew • curs. Soma at once fen artreateae aid a Free Suttle of my twtiNl.le Rey. lisprais ass M me, se..oases, 1M MUST £ORL 11111 T Pest 011ice It essbp yes Fammo s-41lb. MOOT, . T�1rTOs WE KNOW YOU ARE! Looking for a Handsome Xmas or New Year's present at a Moderate price. —1.24T We Know we Have it 1 having the Finest Lines of Siker Plate, Flat Ware and Cutlery ever displayed in this town. • OUR PRICES BEAT THE BAND. Inspection Solicited. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. "The Signal” will be sent to any address for the balance of 1890 for only 76c. Send in your names and 76c. early, and secure full benefit.