The Huron Signal, 1890-4-11, Page 5n�i
:cans anb insurance.
N. LE w LTi, BarruNr, Praetor u
Mantises Coyy*t� Ma, eslean at y
sat. divotsflees, baa,
t F. Come eery Veer
nelan oW pusenaUl .r wrW. it
waned. Ineursocce, Legate and l
l rel w Ld at low Rates sad (Met
/l.rseesa' Pieter Iheereated.
cit --Neat to CerscU's ruralise O,e
oderich. Ore,
B, PI la AND A(t1DSYT I\
St' K.4 Nell AGENT,
eeeauag North Wilk& s M•nsnage
reel Leedom & Globe • Norwalk Oates.
b American Idle; sad AooYent 1.r.
.1 North America
Meet Hates. losses settled ppeseqtt
q to Leas on Yarm .ad Tows i7eaart'y
7 oise door_ Property valued, 01411.
Loa -Cor. Numb -•t. and llamas7Ood�seia,
. ea a .. r.0 ale--•
New Spring Goods
from 8c. up.
jN prints- Immense assortment.
New Parasols, imported direct.
New Carpets, the largest stock in Town.
New Lace Curtains, call and see them.
In Small Wares our stock is complete.
lawns arm and town property. at IOW
Wag. Men nee» purchased. Ifo oats
os charged agents for the Trust ead 114,ere
pray ca the Canadalamed
it company. the Lames Leas Comp.,,
rade. l.tsres. 0.1.47 per oat.
B.-- Itorro' L`. csa obtain mune, 10
1 OH!c , Ooderich
10,000 TO LOAN. APPLY To
&sweat of Private Funds fur Investmae
w est rates a *notches Mortgages Appel
ty Plralclane Cbup.a/eu Represented
'Raney to Lend oa .trslgbt loans. at tie
st rte of Interest gang, to ate way te
tae earrower.
oFFlcit - Woad door from Square
t Street °odert oh. 10t5 -if
rlolfrt tor. Notary Public, e t c.
e Over Jordan's lirug More. Ow rooms
erly occupied by Judge Doyle. 2216
Office, corner of Square and N est
t Goderlrh. over telegraph "Boa Pr,
Funds to Tend at 8 per sent. 1010.
!SISTERS Attorneys, Solicitors,
etch J. T. °arrow. W. Prosdfoot. 17
B arristers, Solicitors In Chancery, &c.
retch. M. C. Cameron. Q.C.: P. Holt. M.
aggeres. C C. hors. 1751 -
151. oor. of Seat street sad rare tut
in front i toe p.m.. and from 7 to le p.m
Dade, Weekly noel Illustrated
Papers, Mora_ -:sea, 4('0., ea File.
d lag free use of Library and Read:n•
.plication for membership received bl
arise. in rooms.
President. Secretary
rierieb. March Ilib. US.
Legal Sales.
Batt Well property Is tbe Tows of °ode -
oder and by virttie of the powers of Sale
aided in two certain Mortgages Media
respectively the 4tb da of December,
.11175. d the 5th day of Mater. A.D.
and which Mortgages will be produced
he day of Sale. there will be sok' byjpeldi
;Sen, at Martin's Hotel. In the Town "t
ench, in the County of Huron. ca ?Will,
the Sed day of May. A. fl. MO. at twelve
alk novo. by John Knox. Auctioneer. the
owing valuable property, namely all that
▪ property situate n the Tows of
erich and known as "Platt's Mil Reserve -
tiny described In the said Mortgagee.
cw,tataing by admeasurement eve sere.
Ind, be the same more or Mss.
erre is situated upon the said land • iargr
Block, Derrick and Dalry Salt -.reeks.
le above property is well situated and
r to Oodench Harbor.
til pen wahine as to title and term, and
'litmus of sale may be obtained from th.e
doe's solicitor, or from the auctioneer.
lied 10th April. A.D. Idml.
Veador'e Solicitor.
A ttctlo:.eer.
Vile of 1►uneenees.
eider rad by vin ne et • power of sale cor
ed In a certain Indenture of Mortgage.
eh will he produced at the time of sale
r will be offend for sale by public rectae')
Partin'. Hotel. in the said Village of Dem-
me. at 12 o'dook noon, es Saturday, the
day of April. A.D. IIa0. by Joseph Mal-
ik, auctioneer. the following valuable piv
L in one parcel. namely :
and singular thous certain p•reeleof
Is of land and premiers situate. lying
.ng ate
kg in the Village of Duagaanothe
arty at Heron. and helog oonleme l d tela
. seventy-one and .eventy-t we on the south
of James-st. McMat•' the said
age of l sin gannon.and boingsasdivisio.e
of nemb.r thirteen in the fourth costes
i. western division. of the T.wn.hire of
wanrrh rseh lot .onteialag M admr•.ur•-
et sines.tlfth of as acted land more or lees.
n a ptrt of fare, lot number thirteen in
fourth eencessfne of the Townehlp or
e t N'awano.h.more particularly deeetibed
ollowsc omr..sdag at • .take pleated
he cast side of WVinlam Street in Mortal. •
hey In the said Villseeof Dungannon and
h . aid fon-th concession, reaming sere
casters limit of William r
liam Spat 1a a gouts-
• direct one hundred and seventyose e
tbence ea0eely parallel with the fourth
neuslos line one hundred awl thirty
throes southerly parallel with William
Yet on. hundred and .sventy_(hree feet.
.ee westerly nardl.l with the ?earth .on-
ion line eighty deet. thence north/Aur
1 with William Street thirty
It of 'William Street one hundryM
telly parallel with fourth coneumios 11► �.re4 •e,e,�(�pp
r feet, theses northerly &longi the o7
y -three feet to the Seco et beide/Matron',
Ong half an sere e( Iamel less as bur •
d rad ninety square feat be this mass swore
here are oa the premiere • Uel tram.
re, kitchen rad woodshed. taw•aher
m. rahle and Iargo storeroom A arm-
pit fruit trees levee the rty Marino
des fruit The seal Is sad {a a goat
Altlnn for ganleatngarpgeea Tie la. tel
..11 fenced, and the wholepreemie elite . •
1rebM OW.
oft SAI.K.
en ter cent M the percher. revelry to Ise
4 to the Vendor's Solicitor on the day el
e and 'tethered to sake up eh.JJ per rent
blr In days Odometer, The !,•lees+ may
sale on Moetgege OS tM prw.Ws fur terve
n at some per eclat per annum.
tea preperfy silt be weld imbibed to a no
vel bblldd
he Vender will turwbn osly each thle
da abstreet.f 1411.- .ad ot►er.vtdeweuof
p is arc stew 1s bee p esteskwn.
col' euraner tasrtdevel.r. 514 e•ned(tlttse of
s agpty te the A*e Hewer, Dinsgamesi. or
Cow. Aobelaiee and CI,wvade-sts, Tor.wen.
• St Vender '• 9Nietters.
ITA .n. 333OTT01
And in Imported Goods we Defy
Sea Crw•t R appeae0
Illesi g le genial In 01116. IMasiam
all • Oho11�� /11i1a
Ftialim-*LL.. &Nib h1An%sg ae the
Meal dutbine M may lady bias
lirsMtaal Maw Omar my Mw nmi'aeeel
Ileiiwi elf a pr. rant Lai year.
A erring (Ideals dueness* by the rapid
ifehts et the Mika. Ayer all Otaaws.
Tref. Oaldwfa Smith ie awned te Visit
Is the cows et Imo mowfhs.
The evidence la era Weeloralothertned
:Mowing Idle at Q
all In
Kr. J. M. 1Hhwbw, et the Central Er
fertmenaa1 term eolpeob be vett Mawilmns
At a wing at Maritime Move f ue errs,
rt ;
es agreed to edemas the prim
per trent
A girths Y threatened in W cunt
Peg ha fits attempt to enforce the niarbuur
W. C. MetlosaW, d liloatresl, will man
• donation til $130,(100 towards the law facul-
ty of McGill.
The schooner Qom*" the lakse cleared
from giepisw tar Owns Friday sioruisll.
with 17,300 of barley.
Mtehenl tlenifh, Ow greed, I his Worm cot matt r•
erulultall` tllliOIMPninoa far the ab i'►e United ewes et.•mer A uranee was
Wise el Ma Jaws not allowed to eater the harbor of Malaga as
SVC Mr. Tombola, preddem1 of the Priori- eM red are bin a hos",
Il a M•ahodht Cosfereaey at London feu TM bide. leather, and eta.
lead a the street Sawday: York are prvuatie g against
Five thoursad bushels of tworowed barky duty ut i:n per teat. en bidm
for disndwtden amdwg the farmers of the The united minas Tarter bite ben been
Dominion bas arrived 10 Meatiest atwakd so as to wormer the duty on the
John Fete, the member for Fist Victoria Aller grndes of cut(oa hosiery.
was nominated to tarry the color" of for party The Prise of Wade paid a Dying visit to
at the mit Legislative elections Paris us he way from dierliu 10 penes
A of an English symtieate He took breakfat with Hann HLx'L
is in Montreal wanting to buy up the 1tix. John Kemmler has bees .1 M
gnpiic salabiisOlistestisCid that city. death, and be will be executed by electricity
Wham and WiYcs, Whitby burglary within the week beginning April :'Mat.
Nabs has amemos d to fen moatM mod • year, Fite hundred Linea carpenters at Lynn,
..' Ilam. Cssars1 a..
Prison M. quit wort in an effort to enforce • de•
Rev. J. J. Forbes. .afire-lawof William „,„„,1fur nim boon • day per •day.
It b sated the Renis. Oar r saereri•g
bum ar.stae Ilta
(Mpg. ('rest,, the eapsusrr, hen started from
Tindhpr for Bums
All fb Juhst, 111, stows quarries woe ilia
Yearly 1,(w1) owe gnit wok.
The Horace Greeley humesaad at Chip -
pique, iqua, N. A' is burned down
There acv ,tnM,n d • partially etioneedal
attempt upon the Itis of the Czar.
T . Freoeh 1 hes ordered the
0130 torpedo heats in private
y Aihffist who was cowered In the murder
Of Prefect Mewateer has been arrested at to
TM Muth of Penia hes silted • wbacco
asonopuly In Persia to • syndicate of English
H M. It Bullae b•• captured • dhow with
I. emdaved W peternt aboard
near Zanzibar.
Tbe Bf , N. Y . , punter and de-
eaxators ,truck for en Increase of wages from
1.7 to lc So per day.
The Brazilian bishop will shortly issue •
postural ritualise to omens' to the operation
of Chun* and 341.te.
Ikea Pedro is unwell at Cures. 1h. l had
eo, who ear summoned from Parte, ctantden
traded New
the 1'r't'1'0 d
--LSD- Crawford. of Moahw•1, wbo west as tutrlw- .A ,.ung Kamer- named (Min, c•onuected
wry to the l'ardine Islands, is dead• with the laurnne Academy, was killed
SOME and CATTLE MEDICINES .� �,: entered at l �:rL. reti7intlY{ Z tit }.ef
Use our own CHERRY COUGH BALSAM 211c. beat hint badly atter robbing hos home. Brie of the frored skis d hM Brazilian pro
}IONFai eoUJOH CURE for Children. 15*. A convention of Haat York C peaty ordered by the Previte:nil Govern-
'1 to 5 amend. K A. Mac•clus•id's van- mem.
Fine P r work at blod4'ratt Rates. ddd•ter" but he says Iris sill In the ring. William Schrock, • former betel keeper in
Ask your Physician to leave us your Prescriptions. Edward M"0"'''Wth eml' red R vbe e'e• whine mina bad 1""vnee weak'
P peµ sbrewer!. London, br1 kis lift trial wandered away on Weelseday night and his
D E A 11111 IN THE (i A L E. nI '446 -
manic will bre'' ler rvealle.t
The New Canadian warier on nursery awe
Three vdtrabb
paintings in TOWN COUNCIL
__ the Maria della
Masses el the Iter W Meeting het/ Twee Bitter Anguish Brought to a IW ci•mod''he ageuteuf Amrrkau uursrrw Pace Church were turned Nonentity' by the
My Lvahm lam. g to retire from bemires' in W indoor and
upsetting of a lamp. t;a{ohaol'o (redi) 'The
The town conceit met 1••t TuesdayCioderioh Home Essex.tSibyb" narrowly escaped.
evening, the 8th inst. The members mil"( I inroln Reform ootventimn. ocvninat- r being made for use Md:r.gor,
absent were tb• deputy neve and ear,,. The miens wast "d'arsslaa' reminders /s rd (hpt W. 1)♦reot, tie siting member. u, tank clerk, of Pittsburg, Ps., and a society
ter M« m ter fb.w, Lae ■a4aia.N
ciltors Dunlop and McKenzie. Ti. 5.,-, a,. wen■ wlsa Nr 41 tmt.est l.fneulu rna.ty for the Lord t.egis Re was listed to Niagara Falb asci
minutes of last special sad regular meat- insets, tlsprovtdee taints_ chore he bought • ticket for Kingston. He
logs were read, approved and signed.
err.The Peel Conservative Am moat. n has cannot be located.
The tr•ssuret'• statement for 'larch Wed. Inst one of /be mat ver nominated_Mr. Jas. L. Hugh.» tl.•bsl iie A Ian W bees istasdeasd oto the New
shot/ion • balance 0n hand of $2,4:11.75. ! rueful sorrels shot have suers upon ant epecior of oronto, to comae
the rl.ltnlg fur Murk State Senate ,i • d Ills. oestrus--
was referred to the fiascos committee. the Local Howe. tens of a railway trigs* over the Niagara
The bre warden reported three tires! taundty in O, oench in many years • c Toronto is threatessd with • big labor lover, between U. ewgleeer std the old
since his Cut report, and the witc,t of carred in the los* of the fishing Ma' srike. A large number of masons end brick- auspeu.• brklge.
Psnsisn and her crew, the three Mathe layers are wen out, and other trade.
wee__ The Portuguese Oov.rnmsnt ham invited
Maitland cemetery reported wine later- T w fallowing wit, one Arm in America and several firma in
ane ter a A wool seven u c:o k in lh 71.71.
meat donne the wooly of Much -eta mor R the tleei tut out fur the tiahn tl
adults and three children, J. G. White, Ude New York 1 other countries to make tenders for ouo,tnat
,frounde, the "'reit/1g being tier, end th traveler, who attempted t0 commit suicide non of four new cruisers No leaders from
C'eson and
from rosin John sndicatinns bring fur a fair day at the lit. Lawrence hall, Montreal, bee in Ef(li.h Arm, are invited.
Acheson and Colborne Bros , stating Early that they do not wish to continue Eay in the forenoon• however,•very grvaariow audition. The peasants are rising in Rican, a*d
• heavy mist eat in and th. Mr. Victor A. Robertsonho
, mon o1 Judge blood e already been shed. The agitation
the nae of the electric light .ei.tur in were for wbat the saio.r•
call "dirty weather. Robtvi fro ,o, Hamilton, diel at Portage is tsr{,nw•liu(cw Flnlandarll palmed. andgcnd
day excepted) until September, a the ' Towards mad Prairie nee Friday of inaamuiaWr'y r'heun'a- armee rad commies have beet seat to qua
lamps are nut lighted ur.til after the the storm had become w unotisukmh• • Ilse. He was :5 year of age. the di -order. The excitement is intense.
closing hour of their light
tee, were refer- that pr.ysnt were made by the Aura Mr. Johnson. manager of Dun, Wirnam & The stave mill of J. H. Humming & Co.,
red to the electric light committee to t ,r returning to the harbor. •orae twely. at Montreal, hes estimstad that lbs Hunt.eille, Ill_ eels blown to pie,. by •
mate •rr*r emenb for their use on het „r fifteen miles distant. Wben steno amount of paper renewed during February boiler explosion, and the proprietor and one
urday eveoiogs halt way on the return trip the •tuna and March is about Ile per rent d hen Sten were evidently killed. Nine per -
broke over the reture►ng busts wit' Donald l'hiwbolm, M. P. for the New West- snit, were injured. Three were fatally hurt
man, objecting to the repudiation Icy the t to and necessitated gaud wa minder district, plied on liurl3ay morning. 7'11 Ne„ Ytirk grand jury •owlet an in_
.frrr. of two Items in his account,
wan togreat
n.t ip in the part 41 the crew of ..el agent re years. The rentable will he taken t0 dklnsent for criminal •vmtrnt{er aguo•t Oil -
referred to the waterworks and electric bet ,e sees •w.mpin.e. H'bort Clarke'•Antigonieb, N. 8.. for interment. worth Choate, the reporter web, was caught
light committee; and one from the (►.,r. bust which is sailed by John August and The t'oneervativeoof Addington have r•- esv,orinoppiug in the Flack jury room, and
don Steam Pump Co., respetctinJ !heir a crew from Belfield, was about two affirmed their dee-iron to sustain Mr. Janes be liss loo meat to *I Ior vottemptd
account, was sent to the same committee
elle in advoce of the Panoian on the tical• of Cruller. sir the standard-bearer of court.
A number of accounts were referred h' return trip. 1.''.' hen about six mile. that riding for the L,.al Legislature. The New York grand jury trade apresenti-
tite finance committee. , Get. August and his :raw east the Meth, Mr. ('hell Slavnell, of 8euthwuld, teettlyd stent in which they insist that the Legislature
RFTOaT Or FI!tAOCE ''o'amt1TILsonM,y• make effort to reef their ear, the $10,000 dewier ant brought against him amend the peered ctiminallklaws
k•id that 11to e
by ('aunty crown Attorney Donahue, of will lea felony for any I't
Your finance committee heir to report and OM about the same time he snot renTh"s, by making • {attic a{wlugy and Gamer m uiy Shape .wtrele hi. Salary and
that they base examined the following his crew had to rapidly aborter sat. in flaw► m cash. legal fees
amountsand would d tear tin his own tout. After tbu had t r• i�aMichael Walsh, a married man of St, and Eakin Pasha has arrived at ZanzibarHe
payment upon being duly certified, viz: done they Ioe,ted to dee how the Maggie Purcell, a woman of b+, are both *bow lees eagerness contrrninR the proposed
-Ouldis & McCulloch. $20 47; Ot11- Parisian was doing. hut net a speak mbeane from Momtraal, nial it a re (mood expedition than hi.smpkyrn their, and itis
visa rani Hutehiveo, $3 lti: Hart & Co., could be seen where t miaow they baveelugs•l. \C.dsh Lav a wife{s rtei he isiebw to cancel hieeogegerustlt
89 cu.. J. M. Pr odfuot, $7.50. We or two before she had been salting t.• • u.. {sired, 70 pears of age. and return to Europe before deciding as K.
would recommend that the accounts of ward Mound Nothing bat the tut -buten, An action wri taken out awaited a Moo- his futurep'
the Globe Carbon Co. and the don waters crested with "shite errs' 0dirt b.
trewl .,klex selfor selling au English trate- A raft eaotaining twenty negro.' who
Steam Pomp Co. lie over fur future ed the eye. of John August and h a tattoo of 7e,ls'. works. "iA Terri aidweir trying{ to neaps (roan LM 00.4, was
consideration. We have examined the ore.. 'l'iiinking, however, that th "L'Asi.nmmolr," on the ground that awl are etyim.n.i in .b. mouth of Bogue Vaisya at
wear ratan took in connection with shortening of earl had ca•tsad the Paris- immodest and indecent plblicatioonm. Vlek.turg, the raped current having carried
members of the waterworks and electric Sao to be und,eruible, end as the storm The late Hugh Mackay, Montreal. has Mott tee frail ••raft againd a tree. Thirteen of
light committee and would recommend was now at its height, the crew of the $12.001) to the Mackay Institute for Drat the crew raehel the ,bore diva
the adoption of the rates se therein made Clark. Moat turned all their attention t., Mute.; 14.iao0 to St. Andrews home and 7'b• loope has finally r
deeleal abatehall be
out. making G,oderich harbor. which they tl,0lx► to the Montreal t:etned Hnap►fa1 0,..1...a1 m of the Anthem neprrtiug the
(Signed) Wu Paco • pro r, Chairman reached shortly after four o'clock &boo, The estate foots up over a m.11i.a dollars Rrarilian ltepitblie, Nun cin S:polverni has
Jaynes Mil...d of Whitehall, nest I'ietuu, been nnetrnrtevl bi order the bishops and
The report was adcumd la your and •hal attar they bed their wb.was committed for trial (or petitioning his , 3--gi of Lir.xlI 10 rr'ognire the Republic on
The waterworks committee was01 it tut brew et the O'clock
t11.ted tugs
°r wife by. mixing "tail• aril with her ten and emollient that the rights of the C'hureh are
use et t toarborconnect the two new wells e - I i old nix u clock the toga Orcaciia and was b,,hd in I"Ci► beide, has tern arrRted. rcwg.vtwl.
use et the harbor with the stella at prey- Seibold and Ih. fishing smack Map'• it wee feattd iw would •Pup rend bis bundle
iord Randolph ('hnrebill ridicule" the
bet in such manner w they shall deem I ��� the consort of the Orcadia, arrived ,ss,,,) withdrew. know that the lend Purchase 1a11 is a patify-
adviubl., and it was also empowered to 1111 the harbor, looting beat behind the tin Mar.h'3•th a man ranted Banger tried in;g and trrru(oilizi„R n,armure He predict.;
purcbs.e w oar load of 4-ineh pipe. I Parisian on the return trip, tut they to ,i„pe with another man'm' wife. • Moil that the tela Ism will report u,n repudiation of
pacify -
The application u( Mr Jo. %4'illiam• • (ailed to bad trace ,f her, although 10 Lennie -one, islh r sidrntr. m( 1110 t.ytn of rent, which will throw Ireland into such a
for water to supply • motor wu referred I reach the harrier they must have passed Lancaster. I,h,ebe•. But while trying to cruse condition of anarchy re will give serving smp-
to the waterworks committee for recut 1 hen had rhe been afloat. over to fort Innis 1.0 the (rt• they broke port to the Hume Ruler.' demand for an
sideration. When it was known thwt she had net thrnmh, ail( both Vern drownrl Irish 1'arlinm.nt.
Holt, that (yCilt ie!a it Hutchinson be' tricorn,. were , twat. willea.Barri*:, i,rako•non, was k(loWhenni
.i at When eixen bearded a thin reread Wand
sent to Bsybe'd •no William Barri*:
oo Thuinday. The train was e'er -roll. ll. ID., and with drawn revolver* cried,
Moved Ly Nicholson, seconded by , been sighted by the lata rennin,
to have the track in front rd other points in the hope that it might he nursing •sharp curve, and Har•ri• who wan•'Throw rep ymt(r mode'" its pawrngwel be -
their mills planked and the clerk he in learned that the Mat having through c.ntnp of the .or. won thrown to the around. Cain. fr,"I tened, thinking they warm train
atruct.d to notify them to that effect. some m.•e• bee.eme unm•n*ge.hle had His bend struck 1heumben of • rattle -guard retie.. -p. The -y were n licval, th. rotor%
The matter was referred to the harbor drifted uhor•, and that her drew had and heorely- lived a few minus.•. when the moo taeduee t tan.le iR. and planed
committee. been waved, but .11 efforts to find trace Constant ';Mrartiu, weir . to the conte of is.„if the p,..angere ander arae'.* The
The mobile w.rks a mmittee was son- , or tidings concerning them have, up to of to late Ernest I'h•nt *nip, brows. (Gunder, prise", e erre the te,t orieu. B•oralt brothers,
veered to debar what plank i• re- the resent• roved unse•ilin valued et g; rl.'tx', terrine' in M) from who or, nertw•l er mafe-l.Inwing
pre pp P P q' }'ray .• tcutdur to claim the pr. let ty !4,e (teems • Lang. •oral 4'e became soddenly
soared fromJOS. Kidd •. i10. to he ax 1 Th. opinion shipped
a h by sailors i• P loon .•..? ni'. h.•ma, the* mile. frtwn Rag
Lor. tinct never leen her 'Tricks Chilli and
stainedthe thenad I that the Mut chi I hay end and
by PD•d 1 Ni, Ievtuest www au entire wi'{erM•e. Herten,`1 J. Ile ort An. to • Idol in which
The eouoctl then adjourned. beteg and
bei laden with nets and bat A (minter named Taylor. who wanted to ha ::ve, ..y1 da,.vhb•r woe .1.03)111(4 sli d
last, end Ming built on the sharp -stern fake hi• daughter sway from the intimi agt••rwm^►• firma to Ienn.• Mrw iwri(i and
attern, she itched forward and found- tweet Il.d.l st Bury, 1,hie. wh••rvn •he was r ,ere r h.. r n w••rr n-. ts.l with dfflovH.y
frightfully rut by the bursting of • bottle- body was towed is a pas&
no death L announced of Mr. Hugh Humors are afloat in Berlin that the Em-
' Mackay, hood of the Montreal dry goods pens has had a scene with his new chased -
Arm of Mackay Brothers• Hr wan S: year" k.r. count von Caprivi, and that Prince Bir
bt1ok •pprsehnm . uenplet we In ern rt)
t• all colon, ,n the d.. west au.i b, -.t .L,t1�
&ATHENS, CAMBRICS AND PLi1N1 , all uvW and ohoioa.
FINE TABLE L.IN %NS, 'rowea,ti and IOW E1.LINUB,
Al. Ct.54l'YTilION
'('all and see the Prieto of our Gaul..
\ft:'. ;'CH ESON & SON.
to a few days hence 1 w ill 1e• prepared te obi a Cempbete Amertmest with all the •sw
1• is the different &lartturr,'r.
As t•rua,. will hen :,uteceable Fe+attuo.
1 feel that 1 have won the Confidence, of the Tullio. and will Ao ms nttan•t to retain i�,
and will nee every legitimate wrest.. to Kite Katie, Srttatamiun to all "venlig rue with {hair
patronage. 1 su:1 an:t atnrs• wit ndl:crr to ;he
Acknowledged Honest Principle of having Goods Marked
in Plain Figures and Strictly One Price.
Receives a large share of&dtentin',...n.lde..r'.-db +o. t1,.,t 1k'p8'tnoot to the KEl
NOTE. to all the rest.
Tall links from ac',rn,
20t;4 Draper and Haberdasher.
Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Sachet Powders, Hair,
Tooth and Eail Brushes, Rubber and Horn Combs,
Sponges, Toilet Articles, Etc., Etc.
The lady Vest Marr. P P te
Mrs W. envied the lady nett laded be Bred. .mpkayel a' a .ervant, gn•rmh't with long het,- II r 'n•+'•! to (raves the building,
Th. Matheann bey, 0...41, Wilhsne Hunt, the proprietor, over the matter. wh n end ter• •.' • .1 h • rescuers wiM a shot gun.
hurning gid sad
cacao she always seemed eo well and
harty "She ening life and L don't.-
on't"said the diec,otested woman "How i
would like to chants pines with her
At last she made the acquaintance of the
object of her envy, and chi• is what the
lady told her : "Happy ' tN enures l an.
r 1 enjoy perfect health. My dear
n W , year face tells me why yon ere
not happy. Yea .re enfferine from
fonctionai deranresenta 1 was a mar
tyr to female weakseee• fee yeses. bot
Dr Pierre'. Favorite Preserintios erred
tee, es it will yes if you will try it. It
to ownrnmerevf to tl'ive sntnfaotinn is every
can, car pries '51 Md) rw;orned.
IM Pierre's Pillets, owe a doss. Cum
haadach*, •.a.tlpati•*gad i
s Mie H Potion, Clinton, lett for
Maaitobs os W.I ip d Int week.
and John, were aired respectively 20, le air latter meat UM farmer. Tie wcn,til err Uke. Inn renally jut
and 15 years. The two elder had three lag to prow fall. Hunt has it"' ''edged p.islwd
or four Teem' .,,, as tish.rm 1, he jail. A fee s,;n.l rtpkxMd Rene
hot the yoa.Rwt liar tee only nut .in hie The faneent radical •lan.k•r "a... which dery Stag;, : et UP' 1011111. 1411 H.e'k lighthouses
•*mond trip. They were the chief asp promns•l • .r•n'oattonal trial at the 1'elk•vt'Ie off the e,../ neat m4 S. -.A land Tbedo ns was
port of their aged father and ninth amines. h..,. herrn amicably mottled. The (artsepsatte0.I 1.. the etilrrwx, mut the light was
.r, the latter being •Leal help baying leen etam,t'.l mer oath 1" Maraca tette"' ,, ed for the Ant time .tore the
►era fro far •a antis• weir is erwtdemrri d. d "I"'Mhar, fir (14"Bestial 'hi" he
bad s•h.,e • e. a. i Gilt In ('11 After the n
Tho tall fate rel fM threw T.,rne when uttered anv of the wander. charged Dr. plain. s p• mood .tram-, hs.1 a farrow ea.
q ihnnt •r rpled for '30103 reit .3.1.4 hn c141, Mw;, Idling wrvckmi an the reef "MN
et stirred op hearts of our neva, awl of the light She was
it h In into h.eped the tlfJspslhT will rent MIME that In (atrren retells no ,.0*takes a to Or, rel... acv t
the Vaned. of Mrs Solna's care war...'( j.t,.d u, rim.• by PIK Agnes..
he he Waltman to i Sly iare be s* Jndge B„toltnsi gel* thrrntMb a a•rnel$-.ten 7b. ,.m• 'r'emtablr d of •
of the sudde f.a at flee spa .r v,t,,,k„r,,,t-., - ..,--- . N N . (',nh 1Witnrday k,. .. rmt:,inin, Stool) im trnni.iing the
moved in • sudden and should
eanntir, and .Ire•► (le ribwalk 1.1 feet 1 lbw on r t of .f r.t....•.:.x;r. w.('''npaay The money
and those .bo eosdole should herr th. ht. hark {ie was i.utIlog "n coat 1• ••cat awl le :.,,. I..0 con ..,,,,,,m
fav 1,110510 tee. ;loom
heti in iniad The ennivmn of the enisiesisst M haws feinted. lie was wheel rep setae._ o .i.rr., • m, ago IVa teatime' teem,
fwmily are left in destitute mrenmst•noes ass,,,,net*eMgeed .d grew senna* Tyrone till Mann bt I,Itr Mgn34.
I ca, Mr .34niNesUow
and an 'fort •hneld be made to do comen hr e• 3t seasc. whew, .tilred Demese.i was 77 +?�.,. ode/viedFlee mdemtmpr it where
thinir 9" them In th. war of relief, nae years ofd andweelh d over ye
n panda. Ills here ea the f.irkage ked WWI given hen ant
that they her. been beeef% of their .if., three hit ghtene and a wwi survive Ma. I.•sn .rn+•.ted. Ito •ay* whom he Mond be
rattled reunion. H. wee broiler of Stater 1 Wend. the heti* rife the rosy wet geed
.•, t�
a , a r. Er, .tri" V,dLil.
ALSO A FIN t. ..srsl)urM :rl ul'
liege to Inform the People of (luderk.b and t•Icinllr that he has
Enlarged and Greatly Improved
ii,e1Store lately occupied 1,Y A. Murdock & ('o.. retaking it
One of the Besi Equipped Shoe Stores
in the county, where he intends to carry on the Boot &, L.: :nes,
in all its various T,ranchr'l,
w .L-s.elesale c Retail_
BOOTS & SHOES made to Measure, and repairing
neatly executed.
Aal dwas}r tthare ens w
Of nn Of ai nl I�0d0
Limo.nee1* wild •
a a mo eta w nay hsterase
�.e e�,11`'11�A h".PPp.� L �awiwir�~.41
Mapprsm 111 e4skau. Ma sM ti"l
SS1Lli ll'i1M
And Other Tested Remedies
•re b.c.unlpq the Standard Medicines .f
the day Parties calling or writing; from
all farts etf Canada and the I Witee !States
for the System Keinovator.
it never fail. to core i.onare, weak
and impoverished blood. dyepwpaia,
rheumatism, hes .3 memory, bronchitis,
c•,naewptton. Fall 'Oita*, jaundice. kid
ney and initial') disease. Sot Vitus'
dance, female irregularities and geLsrai
Maliufect.l1ef orly lir
.1 11 1101.K4 ill. Sole Patentee,
bettor known as •Th.. till
\..gate et., (1'.deriob. (1t•t.
The 1lystem I:ennvator is sold at $1 00
and $2 (w► Per Node.
Blank Receiutt at "The silhal.t'
"The Signal" for the remainder of
1890 for 7bc. 'Subscribe at once.