The Huron Signal, 1890-3-28, Page 88 THE.HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, l[AR' 28, 1,890. GREAT WALL PerEx, BOOM INORTH AMERICAN UFr2ffacTFINE TAILORING} ERASER & PORTER'S Clearing Sale of Stock on hand at bc. per roll and Upwards. OUR SPRING STOCK TO HAND I The newest Spring designs for 1890 in American and Knglish Wall Papers Friezes, B.3rders, Ceiling Decorations, &c., direct from the largest and best Manufacturers. 500 New Designs to Select from We have so arrang d, as usual, that we buy from ManufIoturere who sell to 119 only, which in any other case makes good papers appear oommou FRASER & PORTExii. Cor. North nt. and Square, awl Central Telephone Exchange. lio.tench. Mar. btb, was. :Me,' of COI►NTY CUtiItEN(.1. Items of Interest from over the County. A were.. 441 :rat .rtMr ,'..Ny %ew- airs.• ell r.. •. Cell Reader. et **floe signal" eii . •. 1 rotas. Clipped wail I'em- desowd (rain Leery .rest... Ore. Kits car ..,.d..4 ice I. -ft Weis it'c pr•-sout 110.1.th, I•. -r (:. T. R. 1' hr -t of a seri... .,f mi.utt.') hers.. fat••. - • h.ld ui WI..,1h.n.,.,u I', ur•day. M.reh w2 h. T'.... Wilkins •n, .,f the 4'h Illi✓. N..r. • l.•.eed the Aitchison farm for a ✓ un,••er of years. M' R •...olds, of Henssll, has bought nut the livery booming of Mr Roland Beall 1.•, CI M -.r. .1•.•Wheatley and It•.hert W •t. ''I land on, have been app •intedd po., I r. WO shies. F t; Sp.rliril has purchased Walter 8.r .1'. h..e residence n. Wrngham. The pri paid was abou' $2,500. Mr George Shipley, Clinton, has bought the 62 acres is.. the Huron road, Tucksrswith, ow,..d by his hruthrr Thomas. Moo Aegis Sanderson, who nits been ecesee f n. hoopoe! work for some time, left We later a few days aro to resume her daises. Mr. Forsyth, who was visiting for scene months with her parents. (Hobert Litcli...,d w fee ui Grey.) has returned to her hoose in the west. lI A I'.•well, of Stratfot.l, formerly of Br,..e1., has entered into partnership wish Mr Hamilton, .1 that city, in the dry gosels sod millinery busuness. Richard Rivers, who has been employ. ed at Lockbow for the past year or ac, km gone to (;.it, where he enters the service of a merchant of that t',wu. V rlentiue :ram.n, who formerly car- ri.el the mall between Craobn.,k and Bruawls, has been awarded the contract for the nett four years. He commen.w on April I.L Was H Foams'', who had been i.. To- ronto fur same time, has returned to Chiron), but will remain there only • abort tune, as oho g.... again to Maui - tuba as a teacher. George McLaren. of Alliston, has taken a pualtlon in A. R. South's dry geode store in Brua•.•'s .1. .1 Vincent u tofl,,o • similar pr ettiun in W. Night Mignon A Co's. Store. D.rnaid McKoy, of T•ircnto, son of the late Cept MacKay, Seaforth, has sec- ured an excellent s,toation as clavical master in the Carleton Pince Collegiate Institute, at a good salary. Mr John Stanley, who has been tales- man in Mr Good's grocery department, Seaforth, for over a year, left Wednes day of last week for Toronto, where he has secured a good situation. John Bane, Wroxeter, has disposed of his shop and house to Mr Rae, merchant. Be moved on Wednesday of last week to Sault Ste. Marie where he intends fol- lowing his toads of black•mithing. On 'Wednesday, 19th inst., James Hogg, 3rd con., Grey, disposed of • driving mare rising three years old, "Kentocky Star' breed, to Seale and Hoover, of St. Mary's, fcr the sum cf $175. Thos. H. Miller, Wingham, wan the recipient of a gold ring and address and was treated to an oyster supper by his many friends in that town, he being about to settle in Seattle, Washington Territory. George Zimmer, of Seale Falls, is hack to Preesels, after his winter's work. He says they had more snow up north than we had here, but not enough to make things boom in the lumber woods as tl.ey should A letter from W. A. Calbick, Brussels• gives the pleasing information that be t•esehed his destination. New Westmtni star, British Columbia. feeling noes the worse of his lout journey. The di.tacce was covered is about five days Annie B. Smith. of Teroeto, daughter of Mr Wm. Smith, of Secforth, who has Lust finished a enures In shorthand at Barks,'s shorthand school, Toronto, was taken soddenly ill with of the lungs, and has been removed to her home. Moose these who left for the west reeeetly were Alex. lllprnst sad wife, for Verdes. Mss. ; )hiss M. Phair mad Alex. Robertw.a., Hesketh. fee Deter ass, . Waiter Johestes and wife and bre ehildree, of Hibbert, for Prises Al bent ; James Clark snd 'o'. Veltman*, for Sewell. Mas. , Joseph Telly sod Melanins McCrea. of McKillop, ter Ven- esuver. .1. Aird, manager of the Seafurtb hrarrch of the Bank of Commerce, went 10 Brussels to consult. with some of the nusiriwa men aa to the advisability of estatlishiug a Bank there. Four hotels were burned in Eut Huron during the past year, one each at Craobn,ok, Kinburn and Ethel. The Cratturnuk one has been replaced Cosi-tree one •t Ethel will be re -built. Mr Richard Turner left Hensel) on llouday, 17th rust., for Manitoba, tak it . with him a oar load of stock, and on Tuesday following Mr A. ¥cDonell and Mr Boutksal ani slater started for Da- kota (ruin the same place. Mr S Di-kson, postmaster, Seaforth, has purchased the farm of Mr Jacob Stewart, twelfth . . McKillop. Jnr Dickson is fast becoming one of the large land -owners of the county, owning • large farm in Grey township sod several terms m McKillop. Lest Monday morning O. E. Turnbull, of the Post s:afi, left for Brantford. where he takes a position in the office of the daily Efrpoaitor. He is a good com- positor suit well up in the otherlepart- .meuts of the trade. We wish him suc- cess in his work.—Brussels Post. Dr Elliot performed a very skilful operation last week in the removing of a large growth in the breast. The patient. Mrs George Hill, Bruce/601d, we are glad to know, is daily improving. The doc- tor was vested by Drs. Caepbell,of Sea - forth, and Worthington, of Clinton. Daniel Stewart, Brussels, who has been preoeutor at Melville church, for the past fourteen years, mused only two Sabbaths in that time and was unavoid- ably absent from home on those two tic easions. Few laymen or clergymen in this country have a better record than this. Wm. Woods, son of Henry Woods, of the 16th con., Grey, to still working at Nipissing Juucti.,n for E. Darrow, get- ting out poplar for the manufacture of paper He is getting $18 a santh but is expected home pretty son to help his father un the farm. Miss Kate Johoston,ourse in the Gen eral despite!, Toronto, who has been home on a two weeks' holiday, returned to the city on Friday, 14th lust. Miss Johnston is a daughter of Thos. John- ston, of the 18th con. of Grey. She has been very successful so far, and likes the profession she has chosen were much. SA LTFORD. From our osi n correspondent The mud has been slowly drying up in this vicinity durum/ the past week. The neer Maitland is row open, and the manual grand break-up will nut take place this year. Ws are pleased to state that Mr Henry Wells, who has been ill fur some time, is convalescent. Mrs Win. McCabe, of Goderich town ship, was visiting her daughter, Mrs James McLean, this week. Mrs Kobe Simmonds, who has been visiting Toronto and other points donne the past few week., returned home this week. A good program is being prepared in connection with the candy social in aid of S. S. organ fund to be held on Mon- day, April 7th. Mr Peter McKean, who during the past week has been making considerable to his dairy mill, started operations again this, week and is run- ning nigut and day. Mogg LIMIT. —The new electric lamp erected on Napier at.. (lud.riob, is very t for the village people return - keg hover, at night, that corner being very dreary on dart nights. It light. the corner at the railroad bridge very brightly and also lights the village con- siderably. AUCTION SALES. All parties mettieg their sale bills printed at Ibis Minor wiliest a inserted is this ►oat up to (he time sale. Sale of the valuable fans stook and le of Mr Wm. Jackson, lots 6 and 7, con. 3, Collieries township, oppo- site hese Fisher's fares, os Wednesday, April god, at 1 o'eleek p.m. Thera will be no reserve, as the has sold h is farm. John Knew, Sale of nix aerie of land belonging to the estate of the lata Stephen Irwin, ro- tated one mile North of Dnngannon,nn the Gravel Reed. at Dengaonon, Meter• day, April 12th, at 2 p.m. Joseph Mal- len/h. A sale of the farm stick and isple- sweats of Jobs A. McDonald, will he h fid os 1M 1 10, eon. 9. W. D. Asti - G eld, sb- field, sear Kistail, on Saturday April 6th, at 1 p m. Everything will be sold without reserve, as the has leased his farm. Jobs (IHfas, sue- ASSURANCE COMPANY (INCORPORATED BY:SPICIAL ACT OF IK)MINIUN 1'AttLIAMt NT) HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ONT. PaxstoXNT--HON. ALKX. MACKKNZJZ, M. P.. Ka -Prime Mlalater of Omuta. 111tH-P1taelDE$T tJOHN V BLALL P. 1 HUN G. w.. ALLAK. MANAGINO.DIR$CTOR-WILLIAM McC.tBr, F.1. A.. Car. ro1Jcts riga iris osgiwres . RAT"EC B MODICRATIC. lXcOJttaaTAali arTei Ma= xaalta. THE SEMI LONTINE PLAN tesbines io one.' Policy the benefits of Lite Insurance with that of an Invest meal. 1111B-ty WEST WAWANOBH. Cocet 1i. Nernst:. —Cooped met on Saturday, March Membersall pre- sent except the depety-reeve. After confirming the minutes of former meet iog the treasurer's statement for Febru Cry was read, showing balance and re esipteof $262 14 and expend n ure$122. 40. C from the township soli- citor re hose suit were read •..d placed on tile. A ocmmuniation Isom H Morrison re drain on cons 12 and 13 was :read. Moved by Mr Bailie, second- ed by Mr Gibson, that this communica- tion lie over until neat meeting and that in the meantime Messrs Todd and Lock- hart ascertain if the portion of work assigned the township is properly donne Carried. A petition aig,.ed by Jen Young and 49 other ratepayers asked f •r a great towards the •upp at of Mrs Stin- son, a widow with 5 small children, In destitute circumstances $20 was placed in the hands of Messrs Yeutter and Cald- well to be expended in behalf .d Mrs Stinson. Messrs Young and Caldwell also presented a petition signed by 76 ratepayers asking the council to form another ptdhu,/ suh-division, hawing tin polling place in Auburn. The petiti.o• was favorably received and left over for further consideration. Moved by tote reeve, seconded by Mr Beide, that the auditors' report he reeousidete I. Car- ried. Moved by Mr Bailie, sec• nded by Mr Todd. that, having discovered au, error in the statement of liabilities, the ✓ eports be submitted to the auditors f. r correction. Carried. Moved by MI (libsro, seconded by Mr Todd, that the reeve, clerk and Messrs Todd, elitism. and Bailie compose the Board of Health for 1890. Carried. Dr. Gordon was re- appointed medical adviser to Board of Health. The reported that the members of the council had met in Dui - r•nn ei on Feb. 22nd in. accordance with ail arrangement with Ashfield council to aruuge court room at -commit dation, but the Ashfield council having failed tokaep their appointment r... action was taken. The clerk was request- ed to inf 'rm Judge Doyle of the action taken by thus Board The following were appointed prurodkeepen:—H Moreland, W. Jackson. P. McCann, J Clark, T. Alexander,E. Hainee,J. Camp- bell and A. C..meron. Fence -viewers: - J. Piunirrt, A McCabe. J•s. Smith, J. McLean. W Dunkeld, A. Pentland, G. Smyth. J Thompson, J. Cameron., J. B Rutherford, jr., J. Gordou atol R. M tr ray. Pouodkeepers were spte'iuted; these will be uotifi.d The followi.;g checks were issued: —Jas. Yung, charity for Mrs Sm ins. fl, $20; T. Stonier*, 2:1 yards gravel i , $ 161; Joe Beck, A gray. S B., $7 95; M •se McRrien, ii - specting gravell•ng, $2 50; H. Carvin { juh on W B., 25.'.; W. Thompson, stone hammer, 75.. Council adjourned to meet on May 27 .s a Court of Revision. R K MILLIs, C:erk. A +erio;ts accident happened at Ssn- merlull on %l•.od.y of `lot week Mr Jne. McLanghlu, was hauling sew!ng. and when he cause as far as the apt.reaeh ai the bruise, .one of hie horses chekad and f -'ll ay.w..t the reeling, which rave way end Ire 'tie h •raw down the em- b...k.nesit They were. ii..e over. pre ventral going h.* I'o•.g by the load hang log on to the post of the railun;. W th a •nee dtfti:nity they were extricated from their peril, u. p•siti..n very little the woke fit their sdvesturwe. / tt !Mve "MEAT >ZRBHCiTfE.f ARS MINI? CALLUS FOt• 1" mrte4 the reporter of an old do Dr. Pier.. -'s be replied. They are sold under • pe itive rear - uses that they will, M every nsae, gore or the looney is promptly re- funded HM ' Favorite Preeviption. for aS there chronic weaknesses nervous and other unfailingpeculiar to women. I. used with success. It curves weak hark. ber- ing-lown sensations, irnngular,tiea and week- nemro common to the aer, and moat being perfect of bitable p and the mare d. mond for Itscisslsst,iI an' system. with wows of mere GUNS by it." thReturne vveweu'aMe wielderd IM m .ts• ttfss.tr. pow "the number of ._ jem end sn- osiled, ' blond Inedk In s' Is Ireton; hut Dr. Pleree's Gmrklen Medical Desenv.•ry 4 there all and it is they�• est Of the many which r a_li l begs sante my shelves, that le refa umoriM ow eon. In all roses for wheea it la 1, or money paid for N Is refursdmll.' ' In the ne of Pills." rernmrkad the 014c - Doman. th. littM put up by Dr. Piercer � work I. •_cent of sales and the,gmss sswl tlaf•rtion =glee my enasmsws. Ce room. Mle. by Wears Ota Ma. Aara. Al _ 1 tow es ineurehis case of Ca - of Dv. 's Mood M was e of sed Dip �Rv ein▪ e▪ m tfr"4 ..stw Di wistiw of Wag taseeer. lmesa F. J. T. NAFTEL r LH..rt.t Agent. A portion of the main shafting in the Breedfont at Box factory coot broken on Medusaday forenu.,n, the machinery of the esta•iushwent will io idle until it is repaired. Tile reprinter is being Jena at a foundry its a ueighn..ring town. A foundry is badly needed hers—Seaforth Expositor. Jas. Thompson left Brusse's f. r T..rer,to on Monday of last week. His removal will u.ake a vacancy in the town baud, as he a...o.e o,f the v..r.,et Lay- ers. We wish hum the succ..ss he I, . ks for in the Q.irrn CPy T tit.. will e.a,u be ahle t•. count f.•rnivr Urus•ulites by the hundred. Mr J..hr arlru, •.,n .•r the :a'e Ssu.url Senrleo, Inas iw.•, sadly s5icted in the death of his e.ti.u.hlu wits, vi died un Tuendsy,11.1. lost., of u.tl.mma- t.un. The trial will he to M• Scarlett, as he is left w th a family . f fire small ebildreo. SCOTT'S EMULSION DOBE CURB CONSUMPTION In its First Stages. Palatable as Milk. Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon color w sold by all Druggists, at sic. and $i.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Beile.�e. BOOTS & SHOES Spring is about opening end the Lodi,* of Goderich and Vicinity will be wanting sou.e• thing bice in footwear. 1 have the la.gest and beast stock it has ever teen my pleasure to show. All the leading lines and styles in Kid, Gongola. and other One matrrial,in ('onr- mon Sense and (opera rue. In Staple Goods An immense stock, suitable for Toon and ('onatry sear. Prices lower than ever. In ;foods of m) own Mannfa"tnre I carry a large stork. many lines of which I have been selling at wholesale for several years, having sent large shipments to British Colombia and other points. ORDERED WORK Receives my special attention. and I am deter- mined to give you the very hest that can be made. i have customers in this branch of my business from Montreal to the Pacific toast. Repairing promptly attended to and meetly .lose. TO THE SHOE TRADE OF Huron District. I have a sleek of MNId& larger thea Is genial by many of the Dibbles. aid buying MT Seeds in large quantities ter andi andI will sell ie yw at iobbery orlon or lees. Litt or write for .i,iotatlass on any lines you may be se•dlig. Leather and 0.11.,. tm aay saastitles tress a Quart of pest era parr of halt -eels. te aides of sole leather. E. DOWNING, LARGE STOCK OF 4 + Choice Goods TO SELECT FROM 2ZacCORMAC_ THE COMING SHIRT. If yrou wish to keep up with the times dualpurchase any more OLD-FA5HIONLb SlilltT.. fur A_ _ PR=1—iAM has secured the hole Agency fur MEStSKlt t WARD'S celebrated Adjustable Basil Shirts. 1 COMING SHIRT. COMING SHIRT. THE COMING SHIRT. PAT JAN 1539 er AFD 1 ' • S:L L41 AA M ES SER &WARD GALT 0'. COMING SHIR A 1 COMING SHIRR THE COMING SHIRR I have the finest range of Neckwear. Hats. ('apt and Gloves that can be purchased any eher e. In Collar. and ('tittle on!y the Newest German Makes, which surpass any other goods ,n the marker, are handled. Don t fail to wive me a call at the'.KW STAND. ('OItNKIt Mt LE AN'S BL(N'K. �4&tf A. E. PRIDHAM. itBSTRACT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF TAE CORPORA- TION of the Iowa of Ooderioh for the year mass December Stet. las. REOEIPT8. fiance freemen -ordinary $ 1f51 !r Balance Iron' 1M—special account31a15 17 Interest on special account. 10 to tlurke( n 30 Non-resident bads ...... 747 Is faxes of lig 1 4f77 71 . ION 1.494 11 21171 85 Interest .. Ili 50 Notes discounted . 75) 00 Licenses VW Lt Magistrates' fines . 15 00 (rid Agricultural Park rent 10 00 Public Schools . . MI 56 boundary lines 151 36 Collected for fountains N Ou altford for electric light 100 00 klectric lights . .. 14311 35 Waterworks . 1 0/ Maitland cemetery .... :102 25 liebenturus . 1: 4 75 Total =PEN 13 ITU* R108_ Mations Separate Schools............ County rate .............. High School Special grant — Dpounion I)sy Special great-Msebimlod Institute Agricultural Park Printing and advMislsg Watering st rims Fire Drpartsest ...... ('owned .-han'ker aid elks rapt -awe Public School* ......... Salaries A editors Relief Sinking funds Interest Market I *bent ti owl Insurance Public Works waterworks irlectric Light .......,..»:..: Sundries . ...• Note paid Hank of Montreal Cash Special depurit Rasa of (:umn.erce . ('ash Balance in Bast of Mamire.l Lash Balance i$ n tests[• 71 50 515 71 IMO 14 MOO le 155 0s 3M Os Iii 95 314 41 5' t1 Li.2 St 11' 637 to SIN N 1.115 8fi! 411 1501 03 520 11 2 fs 2513 15 IS Oe 3551 1111 211110 On M37 r 515 5: ZOO O5 5374 75 51 2: 17 er's baud.. . 31S 2' 06317 10 Total ...... ............ . , OM? 10 !turned U' It. ROBERTSON, H. W. HALL. Ammon. OUR OPENING OF Spring Millinery Wit; 'ate place on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 1st and 2nd, 1890. Thee date. will allow Ladies to leave their orders in time to secure their HATS and BONNETS for Easter. N'e Invite clic closest inspection of our Goods lad Styles, which include all the latest nev elties. 49 3m. MISS E. BOLAND, West Street. GE O_ BARRY" The Furniture Dealer, is selling all kinds of furniture a: the lowest fow.b:e triers. It it well-known fact that be SST -r for cash. He V also the leading i'ndertaker of the town. Embalming Fluid *Aware kept ore hand. Ile also n ekes • eperin'r. of Picture FYamlng. Give his • call before purcbasini, Furniture elsewhere. and you a.1:::nd out that be does as be says --sells cheat, VCR CA�elriw_ in thanking one and all for their past patronage he bopea to receive a continuance of the same. Cl- F0. BARRY, Hamilton—et. MRS_ SA1aI1E2,D Has opened out a large and varied assortment of NEW SI'RIN(a MILLIWRY. Comprising Straw Hats, Flowers, Laces, Ribborlg Spring Stock is now complete in all branches. I. directed to her line of eta Her attention BLACK STRAW BONNETS, At 50 cts. each. Good Quality at a LOW FIGURE. "The Sigilall" is whert ?i1-Ia&st P�ocie is doilti. 5 arse AtiltIgD YKAR. bkoLlt NUMBER tiW 1 TO ADVERT Notice of changes at this Office no Monday noon. 1 changes must be than Wednesday ual Advertisemel up to noon Thur week Laval Letts .Ail o.lrten%e m,tire, iw (A, of TN a SlnxAL of ewer tatnntreta at tr4.di at is darted. or from ire wry hn.r)it is derived, rev at the role of 'cord each irurrtioti. Mari (irr,ty-tire newt✓ rertiaaiweata .it rofti iruertei u brig,' !,want Owe NEW ADVERTIS r Sale - A. R. Cornell. Just Opened -Misses Yate Mew Goods -Saunders t t Dressmaking Miss Kate I Spring Millinery --Him Ca S) -stem Renovator- J. M. New Spring Goods John Kajoy Good Health H Si The Liquor License Act Cream Drawers Wanted - Boy Wanted- Dominion DORSI Joustsrov In Goderich. 1st. the wife of Al son. M.•Ailrttt'w At Iningane the wife of Willing daughter. DIED Jas»trs--At tualop, of ISIS. Archibald, fount Jardine, aged 10 mono Pilon—In London. re Maria Pnce. widow Price. aged N years, I Price of Goderich. n iMllev(Us. TOWN ri ck(trs oiwewr. r 4•'/oath he'll I A GOOD Pasini. -11 make M to l, pty to B. McGillicuddy. The Woman's ('bristle meet In the basement of every Tuesday afternoo 4.35. business meeting at in days gone by Joe. 'em all out. but at the pr wart knocks 'em Out in moulding.. Call and sei convinced. Now la the reason of t about town begins to I and take to himself lb spring dry goods. You J. Pridbam • Tae Scow WINDnw, fights of the town is iM dow of R. It. Mallows out tot the latest feat ur the allow wiadow. Merchants can wet t s Heads. kc.. tc.. prints little more than thew paper. and it helps tow call and see samples as April showers bring also brings bargains ipp as you will see by nate meat of Saunders ll• ito t :.a issue. They are no for. and when you are seas tnem. The cheape BRIEFI Mr J. P Doherty town on 1Vedneedel Mrs Win. Pridha visiting relatives in Miss Elle Crier returned Monday I Seaforth. Mr E Ostrow Thuteday from Wo Easter holidays. The Palace roller by Masan Maths/int being well patronit Mn Hyslop has six weeks' absence Mrs H. Lyons, of 1 It is reported the head of Lake Hum ':rain until shout tl Knox chor.:h Ba in the lecture room &:h, at 3 p m. shar1 The teachers of their semi-annual r Thursday and Fr Yard. • The North-st. Ir and S S. orchestn ratinon W sdn.eda; in a contort there. Mr C. Crabb is the store next the self, and has also t dab is front of it. Mrs McKay, home Saturday lay she had been lean cutting ladies' gal Dr M Nicholson leeks* the preset teeth a specialty. 9 a. m. for the teeth. Rev James Rat preach in the cherub next Send will preset' edseai Besmiller sirwit Tits Szawow t Methodist shove) day evening, tl presetting of a 00.1 amid fisherman,. Riehardeos, delis whisk was Inose t4e0a by the We v