The Huron Signal, 1890-3-28, Page 4THS HURON SIGNAL PALMY, MARS 28, 1890. THE • CANADIAN BANK OF IDM M ERCE L3Taails011D IMT. HEAD OFFIQE. TORONTO. f11rrITAL (PAO W UILLIOR DOLLARS - SEST. - . . . . B. E. WALKER, GaNENAL PAANAtian. N.OSO.SOO. •750.000. GODERICH BRANCH. A Sul1ENAL SAsatisla NUDISM TRANSACTED. FArgatri ' NOTTis DIIIDOUITaor DRAFTS ISSt*D PAYAILU AT AL.. POINTS tel CANADA, AND THE PRINCIPAL ernes M ma UNITED STATEN, GMAT SUNTA8N, FNANoa, St 11111410A. as. SATINS SANE SEPARTI NSRT. DEP01111Tel OF •L OD AND UPWARDS NECtIV[Q AND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ALLOWED. twTUROT AitOso TO Tell PRSNOSPAL AT Teem moo OP MAY ANO M••aasaaa gee aides TIAN. Spada' AMe.IMN gimes N flew O.Neet.M of Ommanerslal Favor, and Farueors' Saliba Notes. I e furon lignat IS ecumenic") EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, AT ITS VTCASI PR3,rn\o melee: NORTH - STREET. GODERICH. It is a wide-awake local , devoted ra'cent, sew* and the dlmssnteat/e of use- r sl knowledge. RATES SF stam/W/rTOatf 111.111 a year ; 75e. for six months ; We. for three months. It the subscription is not d in advance ipt will he charged Sat the rate of $2.00 a year. ABITOiT1s1\C RATES Sad ether casual , 10e. ihr met insertion. and 3 cents per line sulle eat insertion. Measured by nonpareil Local notices is nonparlel type Sc per line. Local notices in ordinary reading type Ic pe med. Bodeen cards of six lines and under gS per year. A of Inst. Found, Strayed, fetus/ions V scant, Situation Wanted end Duytne= Chances Wanted, not exceeding 1 lines nonpariel $1 per eseath. Homes on Sale and Farms on Sale. not to exoesd 6 iines, 11.1 for first month- 50e per sub- sequent meth. Larger advts in properties. Any special motice, the object of which is to promote the geometry Denali of any n.dl- eidual or compact to be considered an ad and accordingly. These terms will is all cases be strictly ad- hered to. Special rates for larger or ad for extended period,. Made known at the office of publication. JOBBING DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing Omoe is carried OS in connection with the ordt business. where first -claws work is turned out at reasonable rates. Everything In the print - Ing line can be done on the premises from an Illuminated poster to a visiting card. All tions must be addressed :o R. ■e6:ILLH'FOOT. Editor of Tog SIGNAL Telephone Cal. No. 0. Ooderich Ont. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAR. II, MIK Tux editor of the Brussels Pose has been locking at the political horoscope, and the following is the result of his of :- "Who are the probable candidates in Huron County for parliamentary honors in connection with the forthcoming elections for the L.cal and Dominion Houses ? In East Huron mos. Gibson, the present M. PP.is once mote the standard bearer, an,d, at the present, it looks as if he would be elected by accla- mation owing to the withdrawal of A. Musgrove and the Convention going by without naming another person to take his place. Dr. Macri. mold, M P., will without doubt, be the standard bearer for the Commons. The names of H. W. Meyer, Wm. Clegg and A. H. Mus - prove are 1 as among the most likely to oppose him. A. bishop and John McMillan will hold the fort in the South Riding, and as that constituency is a "hive" there will, probably, be DO op- position. In West Ilur.n Hon A. M. Ross, D. McGillicuddy and A. H. Man- ning aro spoken of in the Local House contest on the Reform side. The Con - have not yet put a candidate in the field. Robt Porter, M. P., will very likely get the again and it is said he will be opposed by either M. C. Cameron, of Goder;ch, M. G. Camer- on, of Toronto, or A. McMurchie, of Clinton. TOWN COUNCIL. Mlmetes of the last newsier aetel-Mea/M ly Meeting. The town council met last Friday evening, the 21st inst. All the mem- bers were present except the deputy reeve and R. W. McKenzie. The min- utes of last regular meeting were read, approved and signed. A of the Mayor that a min- u te book be procured for the purpose of keepirg the minutes of committee meet • ings was ordered to be carried out. The Mayor also led the changing of the street watering cart so that it may do a greater amount of sprinkling. A from Mr John Han• nab was read. He offered to equip and operate a creamery in the town if the council would grant him the use .of the beck part of the market house, free of rest and taxation, for three years, put in a water service and supply him with water free, and give sufficient sewer pipe to make drainage be - tweets the creamery and the teen sewer - e go system. The was re- ferred to the public works with power to act. A ion from Mr Jos. 'VII - limes stated that be thought the price quoted for the use of water to supply a motor is too high, being higher than in other towns and greater than is charged to other consumers of the town water ACommonioatines from the Gordon NOME Pump Co., asking the settlement O$*sir amount, and from the town clerk • Wletiieme is refereed to the railway A_F_IMie_ to Ottawa, were read and ISL Amor wow. Tho Newel sesounte were react and referred M Ifle lased committee : --Th. Clisba Ofiellsts Co.. of Cleveland, O, R S. WILL,AMS, MANAGER. 1000 carbons, $13 ; J. M. Proodfoot, relief, $750; Ogilvise & Hutchison, 41 lbs. waste, $3.1; Goldie A MoCuliuoh, Galt, for a 315 lb. ppulley, $20.47 Gordon Steam Pump Co., $1,243.92 ; Hart A Co., stationery, 63 etw asrotT or nwasci . MITTEN. Your onmsittee has examined the fol - !lowing accounts and d their payment :-I N. Casdidey. $2.5(t; Bra- me Siusao,$12.'l3 ; Thos. Videan,$7.76 ; John G. Staves, $6 340. We have exam- ined the auditors' report together with statements of assets and liabilities, and leo far as we can see find same to be cor- rect We recommend that the abstract thereof be published in one issue of each local paper. We find that at the present time we have on hand belonging to the sinking funds required to meet deben- tures the sum of $9,216 9'2. We recom- mead that this money be loaned out un- der the direction of your committes on mortkage securities, as provided for by Statute. It appears that the rent of Agricultural Park for the year 1889, ting to the sum of $47,50, has not been collected. Thu should, in our opinion, be gut in at once. By the present system of supplies for the town your committee has really nothing to guide them in ascertaining what has been purchased excepting by taring the accounts around to the differ- ent officials for verification. This we think is improper and we would reoom- mend that the clerk be furnished with an order book and that orders for all sup- plies', no matter for what purpose, be given by h:m upon being duly authoris ed by the proper official. We recom- mend that the clerk be instructed to buy 25 cords of wood on the beet terms he can ger it at. (Signed) W. I .. , Chairman, The report was adopted. REPORT OF WATJ.kWolK`i Your committee has summed the ac count of Willis Chipman and would ad- vise the council to take no action with it until the final test of the pumps is made. We would also inform the council that Peter McEean has com- pleted the last well and is now done with the boring. A good flow of water has been obtained from each well. The depth of one well is 262 feet, the other 264 ; and a. Mr McEwan was to receive pay at the rate of $2 per foot for drilling the wells we I that he be set- tled with as per contract. As the water - rate book te now complete, we would re commend that it be referred to the finance committee for their inspection. - Signed ) JOHN BCTLRR, Chairman. The report was adopted. IMPORT Or rustle woRxa Your beg to report that they have considered the applica- tion of Messrs Chrysta! A Black, re put- tirg in heater in town hall and clerk's oilice, and would the council to grant their request. We would also 1 that to the future cinders be not placed on the sidewalks unless order- ed by the Board of Works or the coun- cil. (Signed) Taos C. NArrso, Chairman. The report was adopted. Messrs J. T. Garrey, Q C , Dr Holmes and C. Seager, representing the .1 board of directors of the Goderich A Wingham R. R., addressed the council in behalf of the Wingham A Goderich R R. Bylaw No. 8 of 1&t0. the membership of the waterworks and light committee from three to fire, was read three times and paved. The vote was as follows :-Yea-Proudfoot, Osntelon, Manley, Thompson, Pridham, Humber, Holt and Duolop 8 ; nay -Campton, Reid, Naftel and Nicholson -4. Moved by Pridham, seconded by Holt, that reeve Proodfoot and councillor Thompson be idled to the committee. Carried. )loved by Proudfoot, seconded by Campion, that the public works commit- tee make enquiries and report as soon as possible as to the ooet of potting down a payoff sot on one side of each street from the station to the Square and from the Square to th• top of the harbor hill. Carried. The council then went into of the whole M discuss the railway questioc ; reeve Proudfoot in the chair. . Moved by Humber, seconded by Holt, that the sum of $200 be placed to the credit of the I directors of the Goderich A Wingham R It to en- able them to procure the necessary maps, etc , required in mating applica- tion to the DM.miowoo 0 t for a subsidy for the railway, and to send such Ives as they may eon- I eider likely to add weight to the appli- cation. Amendments by Campion and Cants Ion, that no motion be taken ; by the Mayor an.i Pridham, that $60 only be given, and that the eoencil send a de- putation in the iutereets of the Gode- ' r►ob & Wingham R R , the Guelph Jameson R. R and the harbor ; by Nicholson and Dunlop, that $100 he , given, were voted upon and lost. The motion was then earned on the follow• ing v..te : - Yea- Dunlop, Holt, Mum - her. Reid, Thompson, Morns and • Proodfoot-7 ; may- - Butler, Nolson, Pridham, Netted, Campion and Canto - kin 6. The eomssittee them rose. the chair men reported the •etaem of the consent - tee, and the ret ere was adopted on • divkttote. The ewttl.NU the ad j ourued THE NEW BANKING BILL NOW 14014. MR. FOSTER'S SILL WILL AFFECT THE CHARTERED SANK& memo se be es leer la tq Ped of flee Meer swam-• Hew tomes Sebum ru .pesed- Tifs igtisa0 lreealreN•e-ry ssedanp be flim Othethe Assemttty_The ashes. May s6easa. The event of last week in the Hots of Commons was the latrudactlon by the Pls- same Mlabter of his proportion relative to the rewind of bank ehenera To thew who myths radical cheeses In the banking law, rding n ote a dro the coming m...nerrwinbe e Zceediagly rtheaatory. kr. Amer does n ot propose any very mxtaedve mew doper tuna The bash of the sees lases is to re main as it h, Banks are le be allowed to imus apt* w• .mouse of tksr paid-up capi- tal. and the mob and the doable liability are is term saeuri$ for the bilk There is to he a edam whereby .N metes will rya et Per in Casette, and there is to be an Iasrwncs plan, under which the noise 7 d involvent banks will retain their face valla atter the failure bee taken piece. The in- o nranee scheme will be operated in this way. All banks will pay 2}- per oat, of their c'nvlation into a fund next July, and, another lei per cent, in July following. The total sum' aggregating • million and a half, will be held by the 1 , and banks will receive 3 per cent, upon it Out of this fund intension the notes of insolvent banks will be paid at the rate of 6 per eget, It is also understood that the fund will be teed to redeem the notes, As the assets of the bank are realized upon the fund will he repaired. Mr. Foster also propo,,es an audit of bank accounts This is to be made by two auditors for each teak, who ars to be ap- pointed annually by the shareholders at their meeting. In urper to prevent multiplication of weak banks, it is proposed to require all new banks to have F',YJ0,000 paid up before they commence business. An objection to the proposals came from Sir Donald Smith president of '.ie Rana of Montreal. That great institution has been pressing the Gov- ernment to adopt the American system, which . • bank issue secured by a deposit of debentures with the t . This scheme was premed by Sir Donald, but the Hots failed to respond to the argument preened by the gallant knight. The is contemplating • new ballot scheme and has appointed a committee to examine several new inventions which, it is claimed, secure absolute secrecy in voting. While the subject was before the house Er. Blake said it was of the highest not only that the ballot should be absolutely secret, but that there should be the plain guarantee to voters of secrecy. because noth- ing was more common than for the masses of the people to be told that their votes ',roue' be known. Mr. Carling presented the report of the De partmeot of .tgncuiture. Tb,' report shows an increase in our cattle and 'beep exports to the United Kingdom lost year we exported KS,063 cattle, against 011,0110 in eAOeS, and See tIS3 sheep, against 40.000 in Dee Mr. Carl- ing says the trade was good, but he wishes to urge upon stock raisers the necessity of breeding from pure bred animals only. The immigrant arrivals during lee) •tgiegated 111,000. This is tbe largest influx Fine IMS(, Of this number e,t.e permed through Pot t Arthur en route to Manitoba or the North- West. The total of to the Newt numbered 27.136, but of these Pelee were Canadians. The Rykert investigation, is attended by an unusually large number of member, and by many outsiders. No in re- oast egest years has attracted so much attention When the committee met Mr. Rykert was on band, supported by his counsel, Mr. William McDougall There was a little bitch tuna. ung the mode of procedure, but the Minister if Justice etr•aightemd matters Dee by mole mg that Mr. Rykert be beard in his defence. When called upon Mr. Rvkert demanded that the committee or some one for it should state that charge against him. This . . . wee met by Sir John Thomp e n with the rather -art observation that the committee which hoe decided to hear Mr. Rykert .proposes instead that be hear the t•onmittee. The Minister is evidently bent upon allowing no trifling in this matter. The plan is to prove that no un- !ue influence was exercised to get the timber limit. Both Sir John Macdonald and Mr. Rowell were called to testify that so far as they were concerned mi su••h influence has been used. The charge, however, is not that nfneoce was used, hut that Mr. Rykert in his letters to Adams represented that it was resorted to. It only wants the Governor-(ie•.ral's for- mal ormal sanction ler the (iracem „' bill to become law, the Semi* haviag reed t for the third time. The Government baa de i dud to expend 1110,(100 more or 030.(100 in all seed wheat for north-west farmers. The Hon* adjourned on Friday till W,dnes. lay. The Budget will come down on nutli- ke,. hurslap. It is mid that the order to mnemes the Bettleford witoeeem in the fur looting ease am been cancelled. General Middiates will give his testimony at the next aseMfge of the t enmittee. when it will he decided whehir the further testimony is really esesemry er eat, and if n ecwery a special grant for the sweaters will be asked for. ONTARIO ASSEMBLY. n. atsa,eee Arent M Termite 1 illy meetly Fleetly Passed. TnaoNto. March 94 -An unexpected ele- ment of opposition was developed to the third reeding of the bill meting a grant towards he restoration of the t'niverrty building. the main gist of the oppaite m and the whole burden of the igieerbes of these opposed to it was that the university is a Toronto institu- tion and as such appeals for its restoration meld be made to the municipality and to hose who claimed the udv.ersity as their aim mater rather than to the province at arge The bill finally psmett In reply t.. Mr M.r•in Mr. Mowat replied That the I had not detected on my mod. of relebesting the centennial of he find Parliament ci 1'pper ('anuria during .be year I'4►J, but they would take the matter ato . Personally he favored :be idea of owne suibhle celebration ret that Peptide's'. event in our kheory. Mr. Gerona moved the following resole - eon - - That in the opinion of thIs Horse the Sae has arrived when the ( ohotukl seriously consider the advisability of 'urnh►imp 'wheel books free to the pupils i1 the 1'otomon schools la the province. He aid that the strange etteetl.nt upon the tur,.baes of sr -hoot tett leeks wee Iea hug• .:fast the ranee of tl ahem leve at Reny d the Public resole He umpeesel that the honks he pirrhnee l by a ;Tat from the provincial ex.iwqu.r Mr. Rees IMMdheren slid sot think the gam was prepared to nsrlirtske the tee essdum teak Of supplying the half tniili.m Wl6es attending the arhoeh with tree test - teeth The mover withdrew hit nwilntine. A t14Rses Toe Noised Teen OW A sad isms reeved of a woman who lived to this dvaeeed age, bet it is seareeiy aseesm iy to state that it was in "the oldies time." Now -a -da a too many wanes do out live half Gide al- lotted years. The mortality dee to fume- tlosal denatemeeu in the weaker sex is simply frightful, to my tsoihigg d the iadeemibable snEeriag whisk makes e areely worth the living to so many wee mea Bet fur these sufferers there is a - serials relief. Dr Ptwwe'. Favorite Preeriptioe will positive cele lessor - rhea, painful , pain to the ovaries, weak back ; to aMtrt. all these comp to whisk so many women are martyrs. It is the only guar- anteed core, see guarantee oe bottle wrapper. Cleanse the liver, stoesaeh, bowels and w hile system by maim Dr Pierse's Pel- lets. MoLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR is a preventive and mare for La Grippe. THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS CMeree& refess- Yoseaeecm, Mar. re IMO Wheat ........ M •' a ret flour.• Abe. 400 SN Barley, • Meth .................. e ls• o io Potatoss,new *bush ......... - N 5 50 Hey. • tea ...................... 6 0r s 744 Batter,•a........ ....,.,. 0155 010 gags, trgsb unpacked • des ., 0 12 M 0 13 Chess 0 II el 0 13 •SIMM14 40 el 14 00 t 12 SO 0 II 00 (,i0g psi Stet •newt1 to " 130 We0a1�.•'wt•.•300„ 56 100 ����jjjdgg !SO" 300 set 000 " e N leemklm.. 0 "S " 110 Apples. Hoes. bush• mete0 w " 0 000 Melee . }1�r Mar. lies WW> het ew and OM .061553 u 0 to Barley to Otitis 0 M to to 150 to Potatoes • 40 to Batter 0 IS to E&ore 0 16 to 64.B.;11016 OD to C(' Mwood 100 to WW000t • M to ork 4 7e e Peas Apples, twister) pee. bbl She People's Sulumn. M, s 00 001 0 et 0 40 0 IS 0 SI 300 e30 0 PI s IS 7 00 440 ea 6 el 500 SPRING STOC CO�lltirm�E TEL -?o Goods in the Market and Beat Yalu Ever Shown. PRINTS SEE OUR AND DRESS GOODS THE PATTERNS AND MIARING8 ARE J. A. REID & BRO Goderich, March 27th, 1890. For Sale or to Let. FARMS FOR SALE. I have a number of far- ms for sale is differ. eat parts of Oatarto. As you are aware, farms were never so cheep In ibis province as at the present time, and if you want • farm I would recomunead )on to buy now. If your means are limited I can sell ion a farm on a small peak payneest•glvMg you plenty of time to pay badaace of purchase money at s low rate of In- terest, thus esabling you to acquire • bone of your own meet easily. If you have means and do not require credit I can give you as good value ,for yc ur money as you can get elsewhere. for sale In any locality I will gladly send you dloos of fat me os from you. warf JON J. PA N ty tI4 King -et. east, 'Toronto. VOR SALE. -THAT COMMODIOUS r house en Nertb-st,at present accepted by the subscriber• coataising eight reins., be- sides kitc:bee. pantry, closets and good collar. Herd end soft water es the Menem and good stable and driving shed,. Exoelleat or•hael. The site is one of the most desirable in town. Ain that Srootued house on Caledonian Ter- race with good cellar and other Tern is a good half acre 1 ruched to each hoes. Terme to suit �1 ` Apply to W tf. MRS. S r. North-st. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY. -An auction sale of pro- perty belonging to the estate of the late Ste - . Irwin will he held et 1)uogannnon on _ Sproatupredrtay, April 12th. at ! o'clock p.m. The 1►TOTIC .-THE ACCOU NTS OF A. geed y oonafus of s'x acres of 1asA, with 1/��Itr•me Douse and Darn and t Dore acres of Murdock & ego. are le M hands formol • good orchard. situated one eagle north of Dun- lectien.and meet be settled at a :e; otherwise gammon. on the Gravel Road. Terms of sale costa will be incurred. W R THOMAS OUNDRY. I k) DROVERS AND CATTLE ▪ DKALERE-FOR RENT. -The ermine of the property known meths Bll• Meadow an 1 1,10R SALE. - A N F. W FRAME Islands, in the river Maitland. opposite the V House with one-eighth of as acre of land. Town of Goderich. containing neaten* more setusted on St. Patrick street. For terms i or less. Also the property knows as the 1))*- apply to FItID. W. JOHNSTON. 17 ter tiliery (property. togetherp1 with the building there's. Fo particulers • FFqy to 1 (.41AItM FOR SALE. F. JKYFRKY. Agent. (ll _ W 2t Ridgewood Fars, Goderich. I y. 1 will older for sale the fol - A ke lowing very desirable farm, consisting of the RD OF THANKS. -I BEG TO easterly 130 acres of Block F. ma- ke the 7th the Norwich Union of England, oeesion of the Township of Colborne. in the and its local agent. Mr F. J. 7T'. Neftel, foe County of Hume ems farm is wee, promptitude in settling my claim for ed ti miles from Godench. and li goods esteemed by smoke in the fire of the miles from ('arlow, n the Main Gravel esteemedlab Inst.. in the office of l'asseros. Holt t Roaad. There le a good frame house, t} Cameron; the claim was settled in tour days. storeys, almost new, 36 by M. containing 7 WetOIfA. Slit WART. rooms a large herrn fiD by (! with cattle shed, I! be 11, stubbed, and one of the Onset orchards in the township. It is watered bl Y� the Dominion Orange Mutual Fire In- a never -failing spring creek sed a rood well. sursnce Company Ithe Isrglat ppard Mut net About 110 acres cleared and free from stumps. Fire Insurance Company i* Ceeees.l lout There is no waste land withinof any kind onf the of Insurance for last 13 Sears sligbUy over noes.'lace. Good school 0 rods of the half the premium Payable to stock c-tm- GoWill be sold on ma' posies. Apply with to poor tern,. and further p�slonl urian apply DOY LK, to March 12th. M0. 415. Owen Sound. er, lioderic0. or JOSEPH Mt OWN, BULLS FOR SALE. - TWO 1M- os tie premises. PORTED Short -Horn Bulla for sale - "Wllace. 275.2 .- 'Dublin. iS566).- Ther 14 -CLASS BRiCK HOUSE AND animals have proved themselves superior ' i` len FOR SALK ON ST. PATRICK ST. stock getters, and are quallied to ge with any herd. win exchange heavyange one for draught About two minutes walk from the Square. Two stories high, brick addition in the rear mare. For particular* apply to 1+ stones high. building covered with slate. Vern ISAAC SALKELD, Goderich I' O. I Main buildtne has 3 large rooms on first flat, upstairs there are S large rooms. In the rear MCSiC LESSONS. -MISS AGGIiE adve tannic Updiition there are kit' -hon, piney. washroom. THleaoms on the pianson is oororgan. pared to mFor parti- lar.aApp rto the oom and lost Panni. Alsogood minors inquire at Geo. W. Thomson's Mare glue all necessary informal Store. D.tf. &tf. DANIKLGORDO)N. shade known on day of sale. For further per - linters apply to 1110$. ANDKRSON. ad- ministr.tor, ,.r JOS, MALLOUGN. auction- eer. Dungannon I'. O. 49 O. ANTED - LiVE AGENTS FOR THE HURON HOTEL. This well-known and popular hotel ha heen refitted and enlarged during the past season. and is now second to none in quality of *- for the travelling p'.iblio. Good moommodation for transient guests. W]6. CRAIG. Square, Rederid, Met. Proprietor Legal Sales, AUCTION SALE., VALI'ARLK • - .. In the Vile of Dungannon- Ueds and by virtue of • power of sale eon - Mead la a certain Indenture of Mortgage whloh will M�,rb p,aced at the time of male., there will be offered for sale by public auction at Martin's Hotel, in the said Village of Dun- gannon. at I! o'clock noon, on Saturday. the 12th day of April, A.D. IRO. by Joseph Mal - toggle auctioneer, the following valuable pro perry. h one parcel, namely • All singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and promisee situate, lying and being Is the Village of Dungannon. is the County of Huron. and brine composed of lots Nos. and serenty-twoon the south ✓ ide of James-st. MrMatn'ssurvey,in the said Village of Dungannon.asd being sued ivisiose of lot number thirteen in the fourth concise sloe western division, of the Township of Wawanosb.each lot containing by admeseure- ment one Ofth of an at -reef land more or Sea Also a pert of farm lot number thirteen in the fourth cenceseion of the Tp.nahlp of West Wawanoeh.,nn►e deteribed e s follows- ('omosencing at a stake planted at the east side of William Street la If castle* survey h tberaid Village of Dungannon and on the said fou li concession, running almeg the mestere limit of William Street in a south- erly direct one hundred and feet, thence easterly parallel with the foams ceacreros line one hundred and thirty het, thence southerly parallel with William Motet one hundred and rvent y_three re. I. thence westerlyfennel with the hearth con- cession line eightytees• thence northerly par- allel with William street thirty feet, thence westerly parallel with fourth t•onneswlon line any feet, theme northerly along the easterly limit of William street one hundred and forty -thee feet to the place of begtnning,con- tafning half an a. re of land. ler seven hun- dred and ninety tgoare tweeter the same mere or low There are on the premises a good frame �heuussss, hitches sad woodshed. together wit h hM M Mk a area mare -the q tdroperty A Aaam- m.00d choke felt. The anti h gondand la a gmod reedlike for gardeningpurees,* The land 1. well feared, and the whole property quit* a desirable "'PT. OF SALE. Ten ter .mat e1 the purchase mosey to be paid to the Venders tkitelters on the gay of sale and suMelset to make m) ah) p . rent H within 1S days ereafer t. T e Inatome may roseate en llwtaege a the pregame Net three yetc at seem ipeeked per ahem. The swirveiipseperly will be sold gwegt M a A The Yeeder win foretell eh mod title Ikeda. abstract a title and ether evidraeteeI title as ate new le her pewesye.. Per Nether particulars sa6 eenditiess el sale a;pb N the Aseilesser to MILLER kewdar 0,tE » . Adelaide aid pYeseiold ribs L'ARMS AND TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALK. lot 13, ip Maitland ('on Colborne, lit acres a very fine ,farm. Price $Y000. Lot K -I. In 1st con. K. D. Ashfleld. SO ares, price 1200, Lot. 43 and H in 1st ('on. Kteles,,ltruce Connty. 100 acres Will be sold very .'heep.Iots 15. 18 and Wi of 17. is the fib non. Vawanuah. 500 acres of excellent land in one block. Price $i5,60••. l.ot 73.Mcllougall's Survey. Town of Ooderk•h. Prime only 050. Lot l's0. town of Gnderidt. on Light House street. with brick house and stable. Refer only $000. Iota 077. 1174. 101e and pt. 1014 Town of Goderirh. nearly tth of an acre in sae block within the business part of the town. Price only $900. The above proper- ties will be sold on easy terms of payment. Apply to ('. SEAOKIt, Goderich. N.B. - Monev to lend at very low rates, 17 FOR SALE. - West half of lot M. Arthur Street, with small brick cottage thereon, Hrn.nt.ro Lem. 114. I96. 244. MIS, Elgin Street, St. Andrews Ward. /.31. coiner of Huron and Britannia Rood, Frame it and half IanA ry house on Keays Street, lot Sseeral lets In Reed's Survey, oppoelte new Shea Urounds. vi.. : Nes t!. ll. M. 30. M, Sl, W. N, OL All the above at tow ItATSS. Olt It te DAVISON t JOHNSTON Administrator's Notice. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The re -deers of Stephen Irwin. lane of the Township of Weems-th, in the e•,,,rnty of Huron. yeoman, deceased, who died on or shout the 22nd day of January, A. It. IgG.• and all others having claims against hes estate are hereby notified to erne by post, prepaid. or otherwise deliver to the 'ndersegned, soil eitors ler Thomas Andersen. adee ietretnr of the estate and effect'. of the said deceased. at their refile, In the Town of (eiderieb. in the County of iineven, on or before the Soh day of April. A. it ISM. their ('helottea names and surnames, addre.e . and description, the full parer/stare ef their acorea u WWIthethir enature mit he • mof nernn. tiro litany) heM by them and In def•n:t there- of, and Immediately •fret thesald 5th day of Apeil,A. I) IMO. the asset aof the said Stephen Irwin, deceased, will be distributed =is the imam entitled thereto, haslet only to claims of which enure shall have alien se above required And thea t otlmn Mvinegg been elven under the ptnvi.loi.s of the reviesd tetatnte., of Ontario, (tap. 1101 the sale adminMra,or will not be liable for the swot assets or any part thereof to hat anI".,t. aHalm at whose alm notice shall not have 'bee. removed et the time of sorb 'lama Dated thlei'h day of Marsh A i), IMO adialten CAMERON. H11LR T t ftAMR0t!A tee the said rmwtas Aleaical. I Rh. BRANNON i BRANNON, 11'iu-eletees *nrg.awa, �m goes •f i IEi0MM.. C. N rewen. s`Mth. gaol OetlarM P. C. tewAlsweR, R 17111 Dentistry. M NICHOLSON, I..D.8, DENT L ROOMS. Eighth door bek..i the Post Odle% West•st., Ognalticm, I025.iy DR. E. RICHARDSON, LD.S, SURGEON DENTIST. Oas and Vitalised Air administered for palaleasextrncting of teeth. Special attentlus Tgirea to the preservationae of the Naturasth. Office- ('p stain. Grand Opera Houten Block. Entrance on Wing -St.. Ooderich. 2161 -Ir Loans anb insurance. N. LEWIS, Barrister, Proctor ie /. Maritime Court ; Money to loan at R per vest., private feeds. Straight loan, he tercet yearly. Costa very moderate. For particulars call personally or write. 21 C. SEATER, CLERK FiR'T DIVISION COURT. , Insurance. Bata and General A~, Mosey to Lend at Low Rates and Cott. Fanners' Notes I/lacouuted. Orrice -Nest to Cornell's Furniture Stere, Godertch. tl00-tf F1 J. T. NAFTKL, LI1111% FiRN AND AG 'ILISNT IN - NCH _WIN?, n North 11ritW t Mercantile Liverpool. London t Globe• Norwich (Sales; North American Life ; sad Accident loser - woe of North America. lowest Rates. Losses settled p�pggg� Money to loan on Farm and Town )'roeirts l' done. Property valued, etc. fee -Cor. Neatest. asd Square. Godertek. 7l $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To lent en farm and town property at low et, interest. M I. leo coon mucron charged agents for the Trust and leen Company of Canada, the ('•nada boogied Credit l'ontpany, the London Luan ('one of Canada. Interest. 6. 6I and 7 per cent. N. H. Borrowers can obtain money Is day, It title trlhfactetorryy, DAVISON C J 1016 Barristers der.. Ooderich 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON Weer CCAMERON, God rich. yi6 , ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE let amount of Private' Funds for invess.men et lowest rates on west -class Mortgagee Apps) toGARRUW C PROCUFOOT l. RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE awn MONEY LOANING AGENT Only Merl -clam (Comp. mks Represented ne Money to Lend on straight loans, at it •• lowest rete of interest going, In any way !o suit Iti oorrower. ay crPYll'F: - Second door from Square Neat Street Ooderich. glfsit Legal. L, CAMPION, BARRISTER. /' Solicitor. Notary Public. e t .. (Mee Over Jordan's Iirug Store, the rooei. formerly occupied by Judge Iloyle. 2336 AO C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, Ac 1 Mice, corner iii itgnare and street (ltslench over telegraph tilos, Pt'u rate Funds to lend at 6 per cent. MIO (/'t ARROW & PROUDF(N)T, BAR l ' RISTKRS Attorneys, Solicitors, Ooderich J. T. °arrow, W. Proudfoot. 1: fIAMF.RON, H:)LT & CAMERJN, V Barristers. Solicitors 1a C te. bete ich. M. C. Camerae. Q.C.; P. Ho1L 0- (1. Cameron. C C. Ross. 1761 - Amusements. ( IODERiCH MECHANICS' !NETT 7TTUTe LIBRARY AND RSA DIN ROOM, our. of Lest street and Square On stairs. Open from I to 6 p.m., and from 7 to 10 p.m ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Leadittq IMS/fi�rr, Biddy and Illustrated Papers, Va;.u,ses, etc., on Pile. MEMBERSHIP rICKRT, ONLY Sill, p1.N.g free use of Liberty and Roadie • Application for Asesbenthip received b) Librarian. in rooms. S. MAL&'OMSON, OEO, STiVENF. President. Secretary Goderich, March 12th. NI& Auctloneenng. JOliN KNOX GENERAL AUC- • TIONSRR and Lead Y.aMss' S�eOddeo iris Ont. Hader had ooaeidbih seaa emperIMM he trade he is te Ischaryro with thorough sat dam lesions entrusted to hem. left at arum's Note I. et sent by mail te elF affilame oderen ich P. 0„ carefully attded M JOHN KNOX (:meaty Am tloneer. rg Societies. IDON'T FOP4Q-ET TTdi Dress Goods Openii TO -DAY & TO -MORROW AT John Acheson' John T. Acheson has spent this week in Toronto ing up the Latest Novelties. JOHN ACHESOi ISO W. C. GOODE, DRUGGIS' WS LEAD (7 s DYE STUFFS -AND- HORSE and CATTLE MEDICI: Use oar own CHERRY COUGH BALSAM. 26,.tHJOH CURE for Children Fine Prescription work at Moderate Kate Ask your Physician to leave us your Prescri ALBION BLOCK. PORTER'S HILL From our own t. Mr. McPhail is seriously ill. Mrs- Wei. McDougall and her son, et Egmondville, have beets vesting friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Shark, of Michigan d are spending a short time among friends around Portet a Hill and else- where. Our long 1 and succeaafu weather prophet took his on the 21st. He says that the weather is to be cold for the next three months We are sorry to bear the sad tido.gs• bat the weather cannot be otherwise when lie says so. ft Those who have anare Into it he west with pots and pans, gathering juice of the royal emblem of our Cann. try. The most soccwlul in the nnder- taking is Mr. Ltuosay, who has nue if the most coutet.lent and tomipiete meanie of making sugar and syrup imaginable. Prop's interested in nthe manufacture of these delicacies ld be amply repaid by taking notes ul hes H U LLETT • roma our own eerrwpw.wffi+ deft over freakiest wild Mr Wm. Ile. ter returned kr his home in Ma..ntebs. Misses Annie sod Magite vtsit•d irse,rds in S-tf-•iib la -t Work hes ,,..w fair y bet, sager bush.... Mr J..hn tinntnit e f th • I sold ' If his firm chstie ■ •.n He has ....mica bee f.em to Mel►,,un.e Sit Hoeg M's H•itth M.-B'one has rest • vet weft. relatives i., fi.wlei THEY WANT CANADIAN I The V. R Neese Ways and Man see It analog the mehed WASAIiOTON, *seep 9t, -Tie members of the House Ways Committee spent the entire dist lion and i Tariff Bill The dimension touche oils. borax, copper, nickel, hides number of other subjects A t brewers and roasters from Cwwq ideas. ` the inereard dnty a Candie+ ASHFIELD. Hew York city delegation pr'o(ii ere/atom own the proposed increase of duty o pastor of the Ashfield Several glovers urged the ormolu to tine provisions of the press affected peones but to add Meg L. The principal day was a reoondtlsration of th tax hides and they have been n free be The duty on jute bag tuoeesell F( UREKA iJOUNOIL, NO 1 GOO saw este am st17:t9 la sort rt Siglivi Black NoIcs 4 circuit, rave so interesting lecture on "The man of the 2Uth century lit week. The Inspector, Mr Tom, visited S K. No. 6 last Thursday, and expressed boos- t/elf well plessed with the discipbne mud proficiency of the pupils 'I he promotion examinations of the County of Huron will be held on Friday, 28th rust. Teachers and pupils will govern themselves a000rdtogty, The Literary Society gave • very in- teresting program last Friday night, which evil be continue) this (From') evening. The attendance last might was about the largest of the season. Mie. Ease Ritchie left last week f .r a visit to friends in Guelph and Norval We miss her very mach in our Literary. TREMENDOUS FIRES Iii Three Wielesele (..mage 7055 Nommen ■edaeed Hats Ftasr:teco, March 21. - City of Pekin, from Gina and advtiw that as Feb 27,15110 he Mroyed by fire in Tokio ant dsdroyed. Tee iwewrie were ammo injured. a An the area bosses were turned in the city o about 840 were ,Initaovwd se men were injured. The fires dental origin. NILE. Nevmral serious encounters t troops and• party of Chinese Fran ono owe rib Jackman ret. m watch the former met wilt Miss Barbara ackman still continua' party of Dutch eornvlcb w very low, riser a jangle were fired on Mr James Y Dong, of v;linton, delight- A of troops ever d Nile p„epgreratiun on Sunday. March met day with nine wounded, 16th. CANO again. i Boat Muller was kills+ I c Flamed Matthews and Miss Majcie Hama, wen succeeded bins. Bartlett united their fortunes Weeduea- down, while several of he, day evening.l2th of Marsh. Rev H Ir- vine is mining money this month from mm�� ( •aglahwrw.e.a ee, and the end is not yet. pet nate, March 21( -The I The Methodist rang people of Nile discussed "Epworth League' last Mon- of Maybes F. Pheerness, fern day. They vote os the question the first the Aimoriated elevator*, dee larceny b stealing ttro be Monday in MorAprilbrought In • verdict of Mai Mr Frank Morris and his bride tare for a new trial will be mad started fur their Western home for a now ee "henna"' The appointed to chose a iterd. have "Dn decided on Mr Geo Cony's grove. ground Nos a Camp Meeting in June.e The A use ter er•.ee eeceme ay ( estop is to be held front June 11;th to itiw Yost, March M. - 23rd. Miss .4 J. Williams, Misses Lydia ,,,,„„icing k-kd tn..a.ye and Annie Halt base promised to be life Aiurxiatem the mamma pretest throughout the camp, and Rev wxamtao the books reprta (leo Richardson, Dietrict Chairman, is to iogi,(n0bed occurred under pseeid. The neighboring circuits anti df rmaanst. &beard Kest. ministers will be invited to tib- aroused of m•tveratMm am A Brood time is espeetd and report In bis canoe is daily war are already being evade. leg rev Ties V:"snout rglMarch 2S --T A tenth teacher it mooted for the pub al Rkfprta ils s. Mi, a ndM lie school. Ieaforth. They have 534 aloud tike morning 7 and u pup°Vhs roll. „w..er. M said to be 400 lee Me Robe. Young, who fir a king tiers tag rapidly. The waw in I had been clerk tag in llannah's store, the eaves of the housesaidr I W gm, left last week for Hemmll, ported swimming bought for s a s share A , 1 is one of twhore he he merchant establishments B ..... ►. Marsh g of that town. l,e mkt treks was passing ter f3r T. ft stidoe. Morris. has boon ap- a.et at lanssiosvl this nu pointed to treegsrer in the the blew tee red trema m Meade Wild N e d e1/od of Jeweombs. b t,.k 1"11.11 redam Tf . Meae McOImNe hn sad Laidlaw we aye ttwrd kdtiobge who we''e w pals* Icy tt`e Coosa* to audit the trees- Whigs. Mega will probe ones a. S