The Huron Signal, 1890-1-31, Page 3IDICA LS. iii« 4 M DLHir~i ire ai /de vt.a- an bests with :Tertiredenri din *tures* set rat= rissoles' re rr Voi. ., 1 to k to Jena tem void nano of tholorieremort- w .//eMeares • RB. New Yeah Maly. D. r.i.ar bliehed d me Le amed It the nisei. ode eve alis: I wet wstelePlutitre eureelts. The researtane 140 nee 2rieslatille e traties et the e wa DICALS. ... pl M Is 1 � is the r bests widens di yaw. Whes nee K04 wili'SS pt biarling, will be tteeethe rep set eel far p par e. wettable fll eat -paid, es re- by e - raid �chance et this sr•.re1se- 'dRases* • . New Yore. People. TEEYLY. month Tonal. e Nemberattraesive pe► nn at hest owe others la mil ted M mad noilligtrie fibyJ art "we sewn he geritirs Indrably 11. Thaw wells. Thome Ela S hers leuseir w ente.t.-Ater NM Per Tem. o ber fit 1Me. of of a hoe evnl l eaeh. 'b7 Post of Ina Ibis odometer .f Bear.( t t,ltewT Maar. Myr Ma MM Main le itratine, nab - are .. Y tat Stereo Act berm eid Martof ts,""Aseibe Ch TSE H «RON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JAN. 31, 1590. 3 LAW -MAKE MIIMIC '/ M •t,.x aerie elft. mr Jf/9lllpr. WIT ,rim Wipes 1.4= >M Bowl et.Jw. Aube taesetem s Dsparte.as Tom ram bireme..-ctiwm gmemem am. OIMAw., Jon ST. -'laser clDr . Mlle were introduced today by Hoo. Jel Crrltarg. They nal respectively walk i~ 1M for the�NWale dispputssod @l mistime tpf hehetsdbeh.Ese i mer Owe 4th. Nirbsfrw et AgrMaMsnw babe d Prigs*& MOM( TO OMM mums. lsW. Mbb. Mem Ceeennebte se well as Fair soa.we-esw.e ter Weis. The Modem" of madam £.gush moth - is to strive to bygento se well es =M .1.... 1..k.Mresea *trees. metal tell kine ss. nada a reed• eakrrsd serge or eeekmere rather than the tams... A grey Bait d this Mad iU styli.► f......d with ebbe..il- ver bottoms *swayed with a Bsoteh thistle. & of wits ars all tri destialti pNeleff, sad were wore by the little sole of the Herman Emperor at • noon soy& wed- Jiatr. They were in white sone, with light blue silk tnmmimgs, relieved with Tb. sto 16e 4uwe sit t arrow while braid. The jade - Ilei -y.M C.a1Com�paj, tam PcslArthur to 11."of alk, •nd had btu•d lotto Demob.ee4 Webs, „.y company wag, sillier* trimmed with silk and braid. A f` Mu,bt,bn,.. Colon/ratios lwaymews& addltiww b the wardrobe d the baby Icing of Simla was of henry °ream white: aoudad .ill. deeply trimmed with /impure lace and closed with carved pool women O.mpaa7 www rad a mooed base heel . ashYg forrehni tegtition pretested by hie. Deena from the Toms Typographical Usk.. Aseembly Nu > •ef labor, Una Ito. 27 d BtWkrtteod of Carpenters and Johns Arse te•. Mr. Omen {rreented • petition from whist Mr. Brown's bird WU and an tis H. Banat Society asking coaffremt - A movelty fur small beyi just leavin,t he wominiony et petticoats, and net quite Id *sough fur the dignity of knocker - lookers, ie the e. -riled transition suit J white.ilk sad heard, is of dark blue +erge with searlet d.oueatwro.. tics of their bOOg°rs Boy's overcools eho.ld m.aeare about kr. Brea had a swiss of quinone os the two feet in length, and are made of the Peer mag Rates Meph•a'onti omnipo- tent .,(test fluffy cloth, with button of more with the pubic terata .lees lune . pall trig distant's& than men ever kmat 7hsy www eI sa.wwwd by Hca Edgar •ser, and which are almost se great • Dewdaey`s stems- that Mr. M"�'tes' '.puree of delight ea the numerous pock- badrotbsatempbysddwrteashattipa ets which mum be supplied in a boy's oast • For fancy dram parties *lore ars tii pause suite of plush and velvet, with a mainisture waistcoat of the lam century 1n satin or brocade, and quaint *returnee Mr. Pope nuked Kit was the imteetioi to establish • calsis quarantine nation on the frostier et some ka5ad port in Ontario or Quebec, sad b reply Hon. Jobs Caring mid it wee not, se (hes would be Is.poaebie witti- est imperiling tea nosebags .t preen psmad by Casae f• tbs m.rksts se ors" in white eicoth, with trousers end short DriteM !t eeaa become seminary 1n con- jacket braided humor fashion in white --sacs of ea iwtlmaticm recsuUy received, cord. Little girls have Boats of the fluffy .hits cloth, trimmed with rabbit skin or ,bite feathers, and nceompauied with reit hate and muffs to match, or of •,Iver tray plush, very light and bribbt in its badings, wenn tinniest linings led nominee of gray alk cord, soft vicuna. ••r Deur.) undyed astrachan, with Mt anon CoL O'Brien made a brief address muff to match. A tatorite Dost for which toes Ifrietee4 to with great .ttmtioj W ell d afteround u of dark greet cloth, He rand the raga of this � roma de- modelled atter a man's ridingtap art of the pend a for cess pr1ealed and 15• comes- poet egntsrr, leas► •bort the cape pen. 5 * �4W7t the t ,h tooting the shoulders d and of that,e but at , cri'to- the freedom of Flee arms, Sow will a° aur rd that it ,nlgbt be cot*nstbiybieh are covered with long close to • and Carrow std technical ernes, or .1e.v.,. interpreted in the widest wore. Ham thought that it was due to the public that Greenaway bonnets bare Siren place, the very r044. Inform•tioa "mad 1.. _- I:espt for very von" c°,°7,°, 01 to large muted It was unfortunate that the HovePrss-- wit telt bete, wit b enormous poke mss( bad we submitted the case to soma '.rise in front and none on the back, telb•mal when it could have base manfully heavy with plume°, tousle out with bonen, reprimand. This Rough beaver bats aro worn with the wouakd have Scwded to shay. pubic excite -camel's hair coats so newel teed. A Die- men b the placed fast ries the disouatset !mit oolored cost of thee description with haat es widely obtained -so other trimming than large smoked Whirs the Speaker put the motion thhpcsrl buttons is worn with a rough wiles Homs was elogaeotly sleet. " Car -Steelier Mt tied round with a silken scarf Bed !" said Sir John. and carried lt wee tamed through a buckle of smoked pearl. esti Mulock4 a.otktm espremtre of the Accordion plaited dressed are very be- keyabty d toe Candie° p.uPie t'o toe Q11s. scaling to .1... little maidens who love and the Empir* was test in order, but .e Mr. the lel .u•e and alcoves as well as the *clock was about to rise Bir John Macdomakt Ain nude of 15. platting. -prang to kis feet: "I would ask the mover," be said, "to let i Evening dresses for little girls aro wed over nth I have as opportunity made high in the seek. and with lona oonv*rmtioe witb him." mt. Mabel avast sleeves. Chins silk is the favorite ma onissposdaa mad" Fe. the A.d.sa t -tial. in pale pink and green. or white mag contract was asked for by Mr. Laurier. honeycombed with yellow. They aro but lir John requested that thio motion, should deed over, es osgottetioes fora feet Atfaatio Derwin ars now is program with smother Itsa Dr. !Loom, will move: That in the opinion of this Home, the time hes mars when the Federal °overnmtent should eeiabhi.h a health depsrtrneat with . rrupondbis bead, pr,sed.d'iesto • yoke from which it hangs in per - over by a minister, or deputy minister, fort fes simplicity. purpose of preventing the Bread of disease, collecting mortuary statistics and educating the peeps es fares ponbie in .11 health .mei sanitary matters. Mr. Hain wi11 enquire whether It Is within) the Government's knowledge that, es elbows by U.S. edictal r,turm, for eleven montbsi snag Nov. 30 lag 1<St,1/6 pounds of oleo- Nonprla. were exported to Brine Nail Atewsica, and has the Minister pf Customs any moos to behove that it is being brought into the Dominion under assumed names. Dr. Platt has given nines of a resolution that machinery designed for um is mining operations •60.151 not be subject to eastern °It all ages nutmeg- may be prepared duty whet imported into canals fur mining `or administration in the following man - DsP01••• ner : Grate one or more nutmeg, into a Mr. Small has given notice d very fine powder. For children, give an enquiry whether it Is the In*eenoa to one -sixth to one-third of • tesapooaful, take action on the petition, presented to the aconrding to the age, of this powder, Pod -made- %mural by the railway mall mixed with • .mall quantity of milk. clerks and letter carriers throughout the For adults, from a half to twoteaspoonfuls Dominion. 1t is his intention to endeavor to may be given in the mine way, accord - have the grievance of these employs vend- ong to the severity of the c... Every laird std redressed. t ton hours is generally the best time to sd- or. Ferguson d Welland will "in ask the minister tate moody. attention of the Hove to the matter of Insomnia (sleeplessness) is very often erecting • monument at Lundy'* lane. .•ffeetnally reheved by one or two doses A deputation. consisting of District OTpni- .,f nuttsaeg, whert .sob stronger reme- nor Koster of the International TIF0IPaPbi- isms have signally failed. - Lnoievills cal Union, Preened Farrell of the Onorier-Journal. Ottawa Union and foreman Bonny- atilt osdr -ault d The Mann waited on Hun. J. A. Chapeau this afternoon a retee Iaapeetel. •• ..r•. ' They represented the local wakes and edged rog woe IN. for a definite answer la connection with Dost tarry a peeket-book is Fla printing bureau trouble. Mr. Cb.plesu bawd. took note- of whatever was said and stand Don't arty a pocket -bock in s very Visa he wee the workingman's hiemd. bat 1, et which hsmrgs awe ttrom the torrid not give the required raise bus t y $11 to 113 without cw.mtting kis aoll.aguea Pws°a' He *slid the dspatstion to wsftmttil Momlay Don't west a watch in a poekst on out - fer ss aanw*r. A eaesting of the asbm' .d. of drum to prohibit the importation of any from cometrM where pisery easuntoats shown to mkt. CoL O'Brien moved for cupies of the opb- ices expressed by the law °dears d the Crow. on the Jeoulte' Eagan Act and of the ogee submitted to them, together with the eonsependeooe on rho subject. Hie emotion was seconded by Clarke Wallace. In eine- made with several tuck., edged with • narrow, gathered flounce, and with abort nadir*. and full sleeves. A broad, soft -are of China silk accompanies each little rock. The new Empire dresses for lit- he girls are in embroidered muslin or white alk. and have the skirt gathered Ills eeea as a The te-- The medicinal qualities at Sweaters • e worthy of a great deal of attention. Phe, aro fragrant in odor, were and •estedul to the taste, and possess de- -tied sedative, avtringent and soporific •roperties. In the following affections hey will be found hira:tly serviceable: la.tralgia (neuralgia of the stomach), bolero' morbus flatulent oolio, dyeen- •e•ry, chole ss.S.atim and infantile relic. Ask For Ayer's Sane pertlln, sad M sem yes got it. whoa yes .ant the heat Meet►-periMr, With its forty yams d .-,. ped Tits' ONO le the curs el Blood Diseases. yes era maks 11a nine Saks la preferring Ayer% your loss bald 10 .wrow sight, at whish lb. deco- Don't wear chatelaine wash'. takes will report Dts't judge strangers by their draw lade.dierleni sa Weeiph. Dow'! stand long in the ammo spot in a Orshrit. Jan !l.--Rotwiran three and four uwd. &desk tate mending a stabs in Waterton. seems owned by James Hoyle and oceopid rot rix. W J.pph [Irby was discovered m lames Don't go into a wo.d with your outer Four d KJrby's bows were ersmsted .adniost .nbett+aed. barman. eta, desYoyud Las ca /*ales Doe'* loamy valel&Ine is petit ester about Hipp, insured 1• the London and Lan- onus. eaahis No tawwmcs on *cicala Imes Dost rake too groat a *OW , et per disrteme is ssrpectsd. - jefWt7 A anti feaheass. Kota..Dost forgot that yon ars jest s. likely -bl'rt•reos e, Jaw. !f.- While G.T.R. Drabs setbody .kis to M $ .intim of pick mom a• Chrtalmpbsr 0. Farmer woo adimati sg a *seta -Rados Tr..aeri edepNag le the peel ben hflaturday sight be PL was streak es the had by a projeoli g Ma- har rad dilag b1°seab thowhorl was ireA Milwaukee dargyesan who u ,e dsdly Dsolsmd had bras umrrlatl soma with Roo Dr Miliwt., th. may Ave nestle The nada tow» tmhsa wlL... aka (?sited Sista* Reran(kis r[seewosa Aa i.gsed will ler House el Wives. states that Dort be diarists bis se Ides el lime. He Area oar tk. cr.. Drowned. Yell* to press& lar three eireigIti IllekJen w MMi 5 oboe fiat en . r� lastd aieM ebsi be Y Naar. revel emwiL 5. •test lido esenhig said awe et the wow west est N aids4RM for the pewees ti sak - .Irw.ed. lin a •sale) ets11. Sarsaparilla to say other. Tho for.eoa.es of mad - era blood medl.diem Ayer's Sarsaparilla is still tis must pop- ular, being t• great- er demand than all others combined. « Ayer's Sarsaparilla to selling faster thaw ever before. I never heelt.&. to recommend it." -George W. Whiteman, Druggist, Albany, 1114. • tam sate to wing that my .ales of Ayer'- Sarsaparilla lar *reel these of any other, aad it gives thorougb.stWac- tbn."- L. H. Bush. Des Muinea. Iowa. A .r•. Sarsaparilla and Ayer'. Pule are the best selling medicine. In my Mere. I can recomputed them commies - timely." - C. oosmien- timely."-C. Belding, Pharmacist, =*..limed, 111. •• We have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla hem for over thirty years and always recommend it when asked to name the beet blood-purther."- W. T. McLean, Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. •• I hare sold your medicines for the hest .eventees years. and always keep them to .tock, as they are staples. • There is nothing so good for the youth- ful blood' as Ayers l•rmaparWUa."- 13. L. Parker, Fos Lake, Wis. •• Ayer's Sarsaparilla gives the beet satisfaction of any medicine I bare In stock. I recommend it, or, as oke Doctors ay, • I prescribe it over the counter.' 1t never fails to meet the cases for which 1 recommend it, even where the doctors' pmacrtptiona have been of oto avail." - C. F. Calhoun, Monmouth, Kanas.. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ran?AISD ST Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co., Lowell, Masa Pries t1; ala booties. K worth $ s looWs. Teraewts of T• tharhe. I an rea.mmecd Hagyrd s Yellow 011 as a sure cure for toothache. I suffered for several days, thou I heat- ed my cheek and rubbed the Yellow OJ un it •std was immediately reliv- ed. Mia DAVID G. ARNOTT, 2 Hoarier, Also. )filburn's Beef, Ir.•n and Nine is pre- pared from fresh beef, soluble iron, and ours wherry wino, combined with choice aromatics. 1 m Prince Amadeu, former'y King of Spain, who abdicated that thr.ne in 1873, died at Turin of Wilson's Wild Cherry cures Coughs and Colds. lm •.*0l.. sea Contains the great seat of the American Republic, and Burdock Blood Bitten contains the virtues of rorty, barks and herbs (rot:r oar fields and forest., mak- sag it a wonderful remedy for consti- pation, dtrepepeu, billionose , bad blood, scrofula and all skit. diseases. 2 iflrsd'e Liniment Cures •isrg.t In tows. YELLOWOIL Na WORN POWDE :S. Ase pigmeat to t..ke. Comtaln their ova lssa4vs. le • safe. sure, sad earaa■d dtmOywr of worms is atiidsss.w Addie atm"' yr„� .EP LlS T R ST BAKINGPOWDER i1/.• 1 Se &imam N.thrag Felines*. TTIEI Efil111111L TIE BEST FAMILY UEWSPAPQ U CAR 1ffrA11utex aD NtAmav HALT A Carranv. KING OF THE WEEKLIES! 1880-90 11 I; 1 1 RCM SOMAS - Lass Mei O0s,i, Ibex let Pigs, Fire Pampa Mod Multi .ad A y Ylsrilw 531 MU STREET, MOt1TRIM O.A,MGA .!LLQ? C° CARRlASE VARnISHESL.t 4''µibL+ 4SILVER ME)A.SAWAKUED MC,NTNFAL CHA i WICKS LIZIKROM SPOOR STia-t(IIa TWNRS la COTTONshim * ' For Hand and' TRUNKS Machine Use. la the Wend. HIS NO SUPERIOR. MONTItem. Free Press J• BTBLEIGII d CO ASN 1-0111T. MNm+�� HOTEL BALMORAL MONTREAL. Dleta. Dare• et.. ono of the emsal ersl b. sial •i.psuy rseleW Pedes estew Goy. Aeeemaed• ass air 41st Sweats. $1 top m ding. 1.v �oOl1 liana -•r PEA S -e LEATHER BOARD Ibis tft'll AIM*. J. PALIER&SON Wholesale Iso trs of DRUGGISTS' SUiIORIES 1711 IIOTRE 611E If., MONTREAL SOAP. COMPANY. Maaufactutise of ASIESTOSE31.80AFO Mesa Peeking. FRICTION MILLET BOARD, nti.«s P•r/.sfn '.o. RECKITT'S TIER DIT rot LAUNDRY USS. Wanted PUBLIC,IWflCE Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of suerior quality. In order to counteract the d is- uka. honest practices perpetrated on the aukilic by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE dc SON. Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. I am prepared to purohase during Inc ensu- ing winter Ole Elio Feet of Saw Lola. Pine. Hemlock. Elm. Basswood sad White lad Blasi Ash at hiehsm (market prier Fla.• lag laiFle d e highest mime over paid in tbie district lam year. I shall do the geese tide wham. MON' Cheaply. Promptly and ust 1 have ea bead a large quantity of No I Orale Roe shingles, which l am offering at 51.13 per square. LONDON. ONTARIO. THE HANDSOMEST PRINTED PA- PER IN THE 'DOMINION. ALL THE NEWS IN FULL By Telegraph. Telephone. Mail sad Come.ponderer@ op to the hoar el p•blicatlos. IRs.I,.IS.ma. resedeel sae asef.1, are MM..a men tweet. .petal rarl.ea seporemes*. eareemserat Imo /moll. Calldiall story always t...•... tsg.alees raw* t'etwms. Faso*... JUST TiHE TRIMO.TOR TIiiC FAYTLT Every member et the household eagerly Noks for 11 eaachh wteee*. ar set is a _ feature The iFthe� rams' bstat anon *p t� skated la dam work. eateds w Large $1.00 Paper. Ia Clubs of Mar and cowards. 74. each. Balance of 1889 Free. A RANIf5OYI Christmas Number - AND - 1!'OtYMt OMROMLO*5 Uiveo trey tree et charse le emery oar liar Perk Arttals who harm mom vsm,s shoots �ofs the Christmas sees M► tate ea • sear worth plea of Ad's Lairs (La amiarims .iestj����l�e. MOMS MIN M_t :tern Addwni-ha Pas. w Loupes, DO RANI JBIr$IDD, jr. 11 tin. MILLINERY( In the latest and best styles at MRS_ S. A P K _V-i_l_213S_ Also a number of HANDSOME TOQUES at $1.50 each ---Good value. They are going off fast Call early and make a good choice. For 1890. Consider SCRIBNER'S MAOAZINR when you are deciding upon your reading matter for next season. The subscription rate is low --3.00 year The standard of the Magazine is high, Its spirit progressive, The illustrations are interesting and of the best. There is no space here to give even a summary of the features to ap- pear t - pear next year, but among other things there will be a NEW DEP- PARTMENT and ADDITIONAL PAGES, and groups+ of illustrated articles will be devoted to the following subjects : African Exploration and Travel, Life on a Modern War Ship (3 articles), Homey in City, Suburb, and Country, Providing Homes through Building Associations, The Citizen'* Rights, Electricity in the Household, Ericsson, the Inventor, by his Authorized Biograph 'r Hunting, Humorous Artists, American and Foreign. There will be 3 berials. Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute in 1890. Each Subject, and there will be a great variety this year, will ba treated by writers most competent to speak with authority and with interest. - Readers who are interested are urged to send for a prt7irpec- tw*. 25 cents a number ; $1.00 for 4 months. CIARLBS SCRIBNER'S SONS, 743 Broadway, Sew Hot .4• mum- ENVELOPES, viENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BIL HEADS, Ste., Etc., at THE SIOILL ►BMT1N UIFICE. Mee*bsate ate gm keir Bos W am tem sassear- Terms, "I Dams. . cel at this yaaor tpwerssad tholm to shortie, theirloodeams. C)au sad moo temOse sad eet mum PATENTS MEATS. TIM «5111 MH CSPYAIMT Obtaleed..ed all bmsl...a to the U.S. Pates Deco enameled Moat NODRRI TN PRI N. fie.,er amd we sea shall 2.11.1. s` 1'e5as Use lbws them remote fru II.I aAIWQTON. MmaadMODDZLLr�5R DRAW -INV We M- irka i1V i'. TfG1�1`.119 WI LMS Os. ieel�Ne trss�m*e ia akMore re.�b y 4ssl.la ger 0,01miteI•sti of A% .eamik . fres of o • sad WE HEAD THE PROCESSION GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the beat of valve in all line. of Furniture -from the smallest chair to the largest and best bed -room set, or parlor smite. WI and see his stock and get a bargain. UNS�ERTA.�i a,TG_ In all its branches, promptly attended k 0 0 lar EMBALMING FLUID always kept oil hand. PICTURE FRAMING a specialty. GEO BARRY,Hamilton-8t.. Goderioh. EXPERIENCE, CAPITAL AND SKILL Are the factors employed in the purchase of Goods from the best houses in the trade. The general verdict is that Munro is abreast of the times, and in all departments fully up to the mark. My increasing business is an evidence that my efforts to please the public are appreciated. And while I endeavor to keep almost everything us- ually found in a first-class house, the general public may rely upon getting the correct thing in every department. Notwithstanding the advance on Silk Goods I will sell Satin and D'Lyons, Burahs and Satin Uerveillieux at former prices. My Specialties /or /he Season. Linen Goods in great variety, Laces and Edgings, Fine Hosiery and Gloves, and all the leading items in Smallwares, from Needles up. All Goods marked in plain figures and strictly one Prim 10114 ALEX. MUNRO, Draper and Babsrdasber