The Huron Signal, 1890-1-10, Page 8TBE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JAW. 10, 1690.
School Books and School Supplies of Every Description
Fraser & Porter's
THE LARGEST 6c• Scribbling Book,, ones
5c. Exercise Book. a.
Prices always Guaranteed the bed that can possibly be done.
Full Supplies of all the Latest and Best Educational Works, authoris-
ed and recommended for High Schools, Model Schools, Public Sehoobl,
and Separate Schools.
Cor. North st. and Square, Central Telephone Exchange.
Oodsrbh, Jan. tad. 1110. LIB-tl
ser ItieswgMb'e Last Letter W Archbishop
My Lewd Archbishop.
I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your letter of the 29th ultimo.
I do not think • discussion of the merits
our demerits of my letters, as
or not containing arguments relevant to
the subject of our oorrespondence, would
be of Interest to the public, who most
themselves lodge as to that from what is
said, rather thea from opiuiooa expressed
by either party to the centroverey, and
I do riot $hsefure follow you in that
din___..n ftsetber thea to suggest that
where al sseseatiou is made against •
pubhe man of iuteleraoce and btgotry, A Archbishop near/ to Mr Meredttb.
is not irrelevant to inquire what manner Tek PAlrca, Klsoltrog,
of man has mouser is. My Dam on this :Sunday, 6th January, 1890.
point is unanswered, except where you To William R Meredith, Esq., Q. C ,
go out of your way to repeat your oppr,- M. PP.
below epithets towards those who are DIAS Sia, -I have the honor to
connected with, the Equal Rtgbta move- f.oksowl.dwo receipt of your letter pub -
meat, and by the repetition of them limbed in Fnday's issue of The (Hobe.
allow your desire to fasten the charge of Whilst I experience no small share of
fer'uaooa bigotry upon the leader of the ` satisfaction at your prudent resolve to
movement. lay d
gratulatiug myself on the absolute
justice of the principles which 1 ad-
vocate, which stands confessed when
yore are unable tt. attack me for
any position which I bavehetually taken,
and are oompelled to resort to a very
vivid imagination for your facts, and.
having called it to you aid, to a mom
copies@ vocabulary for the denunciation
of the imago you have set up. I have
the honor to be,
Your Orece • obedient servant,
W. R. Matt•nrra.
The most reverend the Archbishop -elect
of the diocese of Kingston, Kiog-
ston, Ont.
London, Jen. 2, 1890.
_ your arm., 1 do not forego my
I did not overlook the statement you right es complainant against yod in the
quote from your letter of the 22.d ult., court of public epioioo, to "sum u,.' the
nos do I fail now to observe the thee- case before I allow you to part from me.
gatsees way in which you for the My °umpte nt wee that you had pub -
emend time evade a direct answer to lily attributed to me the authorship 44
the question whether you approve cr a sent -
„y you from • Kang -
disapprove of the position taken in the atop newspaper, which you were pleased
quotation I made from the article in to interpret to your auditors as revealing
the Canadian Freeman. Yoe must heves , "great danger to the State" -"one of
• Dot very high estimate of the intone- - the dangers of modern civilisation" -
genes of your fellce citiz acs when you - "one of the greatest evils we have to eon -
speak of the request that you should gm and with in Parliamentary Government"
that answer as a ••reiteretc.1 demand on- -sod •'•gainmt which both partite should
candid man that you should give the to believe that you did not impute the you to muzzle the prem." Surely it cry, 'Unite, unite against a common
were the part of a courageous if not a enemy.' " Io your reply you asked me
answer, but yeu dare not give it, be- authorship of the neatens to me, inas-
Obese the only answer you could now give much es Tlke Empire's rep rt was •'verb-
woula convict you of making a f.,unda- ally" incorrect in making ycu appear to :
tionleas charge against me. I say the only ay: -"The words are used by a news -
sneerer you could give, because I venture paper, bat to some extent, I apprebeud,
tc thine that even you dare out now en- by the gentleman who presides over the
dorsa the positioo that both the politi- Archiepiscopal Besot Kingston." I honor- 1
cal parties of this country are mere fan- ably accepted your assurance, and on your -
tiooa whose eluarrels are to be utilised further sxplanatlsn that you had merely
for the purpose of a compact mioonty hazarded a oonjectore es to my reining'. 1
(holding the halance of power between - sibility in the matter, I allowed y ur im-
them;, dictating its terms as the price of potation to stand se "conjecture and no -
ita support, and it was such a Combine- more." Accordingly 1 challenged you to e
tion as that, and out my Rumen Catholic, justify your publto intersects of this t
fellow -citizens, that I aenounced se the "conjecture," declaring it "illogical, un- .
common enemy to be met by united so- just and illegal.' You made no defence
tion. Thu you know full well, and yet, of any kind; and, in thew of my counter- - t
for the purpose of giving point to your statement end argument, you abandoned
attack, you deliberately misstate my I your original charge altogether, never w
Position. Fortunately the people of I referring to it 10 any of ynur subsequent
this Province &re no intelligent to be lettere Thee you virtually pleaded 1
misled by these unworthy tactics, and guilty to an indefensible and unjusu6
they will only recoil on your own head.' able attack upon ms before my fellow- h
I do not hesitate to repeat that such a citizens throughout the Province. Per_
combioatiou,created and existing for such don me, sir, if I venture to say that se- pa
a purpose as I have spoken of, could not cording to the laws of honor you are
be tolerated in • free country, nr to bound to make mew adequate apology. in
avow that whenever it is attempted is your first letter to me (fated Dow cs
party lines must be obliterated, if mom- 19) yoe claimed that I should hive cru- C
nary, to meet 1t, not by oppressive sated the newspaper from which
ilea a tie horst Coy !
t'tttposaT,D�irgtr'l,olatVc'fp/�eo>ttlxlwf P4aLtAsfs>ttr.r
l Vigorous, ?roapere�ts and Progressive Cel Company
Ica -Press Minister
VI"-YltstllD=117'{ 1 MPH t BL
ABR P.I. A.. lief.
res kr•n Imo :II Append ferns of P.1IR.s id Mitts
os to the
et the OPe** et the meaner dumb dunes the Imamate oritt& tat$bwer rase
these say other tammay.
F. J. T. NA FTE L m •.tet
mimed io claiming that I should, in vis. teitlh/rwtr ie". (The Repos. are mine.)
tee of my Spiseupal lerisdtetau , "ap- Cotta • politician speak or write move
peeve ur disapprove she s.eteaes of duI qtly in favor of Episoomel inter -
wee unknown water in • local mama- foresee with the liberty et the press 1
per which you thought is to Interpret ea � And you fTrther my that 1 am bound to
revealing a -solid compelled He stsuel- "approve or disapprove." In feet, sir,
1y, trrievously lujeriooa to the Ohne* has lawn amities in your ltuttees
State," to "modern oiviiuttio•," whish hes surprised me mere as inj.db'
etc., rte., and if 1 drelms to submit la �eious, impolite sad thoeghsksm writing,
your unwarranted dietetics, I must io- I than this appeal to hierarchical authority
our, you sey, the r•espeslb.lat1 and all ' for the restriction of the prem in this
'nest fres country. No newspaper ask.
for my "approval" before pobhcatlue.
no editor hes ever 000erited me or soli-
cited my approval. The limits of my
spiritual juri.dietion areas well known
Fuer lee the laity as to myself. What ap-
, ad pears in • newspaper dues not require
mot, my permeative to "remain before the
e1" It may ramie till doomsday
For if it awaits my ' �tevwsasien to resits. '
have nr the remotest interferemee on my part
Deo- "to wedgy, if not to withdraw it," un-
less, perchaoes, it bedirectly mtagowis-
tic to faith or morale.
Bir, will you kindly grant me penalise
sloe tc halt here 1 t)ffoial busiuew of
p•rtrnusist importance demands my in-
stead attention for a few days. I pro-
teges to return as soon as possible to my
of mom, of the case between you and me
2) I iu the court of piddle opinion. Mean-
ce while I wish yes • happy New Year,
up sod have the humor 10 be,
it; Yours very respectfully,
it + JANO /Frown? CtaAat-.
the Archbishop of Kwgat n.
the heinous rush Foo have tonjered ep
in support of your warfare against the
Catholic minority as the "a,eslueo
enemy." In presence et all the dtgu*Ied
judges and learned lawyers In the
land, I respectfully manic that
muse is lame ; it is teeter beast'
three amential eond,tioits of p
as above stated, being c. nspicuu
mon-existent in yoer $rgumeat
I have pot in evidence that (1) I
nu knowledge whether the naked
Mom withdrawn by you Irom 1M
antecedent and subsequent e.n:edt is
'rattly chargeable with the oleos toter
- pretatioa you have thoueht it your in-
terest So put upon it ; and you have not,
depute my reiterated manatees, offered
even • simulacrum of proof, ur alleged
any mama whatever in support
Your f&maul Interpretation ; that
have not been privy to the writing
publishing of the sentence brought
by you ; that I don't know who wrote
and that, prior to your pr.duc'wn of
•t your meeting in London three room
after date, 1 had not seen it or
anything about it. This statement re-
remite on the reword undisputed; (3) shat
m► Spiscupal office dues not extend W
esosorsbip of the press on political sepias
or any other, save those which bear
directly oo faith and murals, and that
condemnation or approval of your pet
sentence does not appertain to my bee -
nem in any way whatever. Agai
this, my allegation as to the extent
my duty, you have out demurred rev
by • whisper. Let me now ask you
the hearing of your fellow -lawyers
outwit., whether or not I am bound
swept your interpretation of that Inv
ad sentence and publinly to condemn
in order to save myself from rosin
aponability and all your fancied gui
noes 1 Don't pert from me, 1 y
please, till you settle this question. T
public will await your gnawer with mo
than ordinary curiosity.
1 might indeed have formulated
mors easy, sod, perhaps, more interes
ing case fur your legal decision. 8u
pose the leader of Her Majesty's loyal
Opposition in the Legislative Asaembl
bad identified himself, his party and hi.
political programme with Mr 8'1. Whi
M. PP , and bad publicly signified abse
ole unity of ventiment with that learned
gentleman by laking him around t
whole circuit of the Province as b
ieotenant and alter ego, to be the chief
spanker and trustworthy exponent of the
news of the party of Opposition oo
very platform in the cities and towns of
)ntario during the electoral campaigi•
of 1886. When the aforesaid Mr &l.
White struck out straight for Amex
ion and delivered to the world h
manifesto against British coonection.
e or was not the leader of Her
Majesty.' loyal Opposition bound
penes himself and his many -colored
party from the suspicion of complicit
y an early and unambiguous pronounce
meet of diespprcval 1 I need not ex
bate upon the above-mentioned three
essential oondiiious of proof of complicit
their bearing upon this very serio
se-e.peci.Ily serious in respect of
onservative leader I believe, sir, yo
let -
1 1
a -
(Too late t4 teem week.,
Mr James Johnston is bromine • visit
true. Oh mato.
Mr Charlie Cuoke is spending his
holidays with kis outer parent, Mrs
Mrs Thomas Hamm, of Detroit, came
boom to .hoed the funeral of her las
Diner, Muse Lofty McRae.
We are sorry to state that Mr I)evie
Johnston bra his thumb in the plenum
factory in Luckoow.
Mr Frank Bain purchased& fine short
heera bull while oo his net in Guelph
We rah him .uoocee.
Mr Malcolm McLeod and Harry Mc-
Leod, Chicago, aro home visiting them
father se Hemlock Cti,, and attending
their brother's marriage.
$15, $18 AZA $2
y�ew� tan l�" �'a' pi"" s
•.W e Wt the eeee a et
sln.+t tlstsvisa• amd�iataelhe ..r.':5....�"�'
.«r1 � «* i • s..shaat tiawesr arm set
Qui M ease sad .e. the gw.i •ad gels..
23- o
ERPlL.OPES at $1.25,1_1.50.$1.75i i,ESO and $1116
100q printed, at "TheSteam Printing Haw.
Mae ear ease ecerespeadeat.
Mn F. Harding sod ems. of Leaden'
sr sail. assets of Mrs Hallows, Poplar
Mfr Freak Bellows, of London, le
spssdteg his Christmas holidays with his
mother turd miter, Poplar Yens.
Mimes Mary and Altos Bellows have
goon to made in Hamtltoe.
The death is aaaoosoed of Mr Freder-
ick Wood by • stroke of weirdo. Fur
the lees eight years he had been a
rea►dart of Manitoba, living about five
miles (non B..ueev•io. He was formerly
• resident of 11478eld. He was highly
e emeewted by all who knew ham .ad
leaves • wife end family of std to mourn
their tum. Iu politica he was • Re -
All Partners and olden tetereeted la the
establiahateut of • ('reamsry in this aelgbbmr
heed are Ina tied m attend the mesas et the
West limos leatmere' I.otitu.e. to be held a
M8. E. I111.LZM. of Park Hill. nae et tete
DYsetere of the OutarI. Creamery Aaeesle-
tie•, wilt be present sad deliver as address
estate seeped aid 1t is deMrable so eases
same expression as m bow fax • erearaary
be .4 waah1W.d. The mit-
ts is /at tkilb•ard elf Trade of 0.4.
with :IVtletd theDei.t and
Prest�wt et les Beard
It. Preselect er( the Farmers Iastitete.
W. C. C000E,
The Leading Prescription Drna•tec
Telephone. tation
isaA tts rt ' rtneR W ort.
11.4411140 Bring ms your
mists "tui t0 have them with me tad sew*ions or ask
thew .dvaatatee•
B Mark
se.10. I.b'e
HooeyCough ewe.
Miss Angeline Johustern is home from 1 �i �% 1] Ise. Victor Cora Cure
Port Huron le spend her holidays. Ise. Tomb -eche Drop. lee. Toothache Jells
ler. etc.
The Christie.. tree at school Ni 12
dud not tome off un Christmas eve Si • x
tooted, on amount of toe that used to
take part &.vine them being called to her
long boeoe that day.
We are artery to have to oheonicle the
.heath of Aliens Leey McRae, shish
occurred on the 23rd ult. Mee Lay
...she youngest daughter of Krnueth
JlcRie. R•ad, and although her
death was eapec:ed,it eras 'redden when it
call*. Lefty Iran • fay..nte amotuing
those who knew r."r, and they will miss
her and sympathize mini her bereaved
parents. Her death was the fifth in the
family withic three years. and there are
only two weeks ar.d • few hours botween
Leer's death mid he: el+est mater's, Mrs
m. Kempton
I Sens 'mei uribr, Aron,teare.t tore -1 Due.
P,w lhy fine 1. wondrous Pair,
7 = And the brirbl sumshtne from heaven
sesta on flay Mer.
it's Me Father that hath call -•d thee,
iv Aiesls rise lobs we lot thee Ire:
V p prow forever
tin thy brew, •e whales." mew. -.
yore 1104
measures, but • stent resistance against extracted the semtence to which yon were
aggression. rtes phrased to attach a most odious meaning,
Equally foundationlese (courtesy for- and in each of your subsequent rejoinders
bids my neiog • stronger adjective) is the you have insisted that I am bound "to
charge that I advocated ' making war approve or disapprove" that sentence, as
upon the educational rights of the min- interpreted by you. Your patron sad
only of the Province of Ontario, quanta- inspirer, the Toronto Mail, and .11 tb.
teed to them by the Constitution." It small anti-Catholic local sheet• that tame
is impossible for you, ie the face of what their cue each morning from its editor, erg
I have said and written nn that subject._ joined in full chorus with your demand. pa
ettocesstulIy to mislead even yoweelf, Yon neem to have had a previous agree ch
Much less the people of Ontario ; and 1 went about it. Now, air, an all-sutii- - ge
have the matter, therefore, with this 101691 rep!y to you would be,that it is not spa,
angle observation, that nu; hint• in my + the practice among gentlemen to answer I art
judgment, is more I::ely to bring about impertinent questions, more especially ne
an 'agitation for such constitutional when they have been captiously Don- pr
ebonies as may be necessary to permit trived. But I prefer to deal with you as It
• the abolition of Separate Schools than • lawyer. Hewing bad the advantage of lie
• lib. extraordinary pretensions put fix- thirty years' .lady of law and ten years' I
rand by the Hierarchy in certain places practise its the indieiel aptbestion of its con
With mord to their nght to control principles and methods. 1 take exquisite shoes
Nem aM the intemperate titterates" of pleasure in probing your leoral mind and to
ate too zealous chantpi,ns as Your analysing its operations. suppose yod for
bs proved ynureeif so often to be. were retained as Queen's CVnnsel tide
epos it, these .4,..e cause by
have been "consulted" on this particular
case 'ere now. Would you kindly favor
the public with the legal npinioo you bate
given as t., the Conservative leader's
responsibility 1 Has be been so "disim
'enuous' as to evade • direct answer I
And if ae, why r.? D.., sir, sneak out
this time.
Before quitting this division of my
ement, I feel bound to notice the
w age in your lest letter wherein yeu
arae me with underrating the "harsh
ns.+ of my fellow -citizens when 1
ke of your inssteoce oc my ,lbot&I
destination of a political article in •
w.peper a a "demand to muscle the
tui in favor of your policy. hear nee.
is solely to the intelligence and pee -
spirit of my fellow citizens of Ontario
M.• been appealing throughout the
trnversy which your wanton aggro/t-
hee foeoed on me. 1 have no party
sustain me ; no daily prep to hemn
me and vilify my antaenniat; no
isee to take a:uns•1 with or to aid me
suggestion; i have nothing upon
earth to rely up•n except the inherent
righteousness of my people's cause and
the honest intelltgence of the Protestant
,alority.i whoa atteutior to my feeble
ettersmo. I have Men compelled to
crave, not for my sake, but for the sake
of justices and fair play towards their
peaceful fellow -cinema eonstiteting the
minority, who are de&ooneed se the
"m enenn seamy" of Canadian society,
threatened with religious and aril
Wines Now, sir, let the hostwt
Iligenee of the people of Ontario
ge between you and me on this last
set, se on all the reit. Here are the
of your demand es me: -"Oat
hardly have thought that so ha-
• Matemw%'meld hate apple•
• at (lbs newspaper) without year ep
1, or. 1f it had appeared without
approval, would have bels
fief le remain been the
without, st least, orae•
tie your port lo iwali y, if tot to
1^e. P you for It a des, the issue of which de -
ion will not thank psuded oo your eatablshing the reiptnsi-
a.pereiom you put on their coucitry and tidily of one mac tor a libel wanes by
tsar loyalty to 1t, when ?nil suggest atother, would you not think it all im-
that th..ugh there material interests portant (tb. remotion otion of conspiracy or
would be served by annexation t r the agency being en :laded) to prove de6-
mafghbering Repeblie, they ere reetretted Wtsdy three phots, ns :-(1) That the
free advne•ting Annexat «.on ny a cm- Indian dominant is gesetion wee • label
didaatton of the advantages with r.gmrd i• the sane imputed ; 121 that de-
ts $ ra1 &herd& which they enjoy to fondant was privy he the tutting er pub
' '0slleda. They have. 1' d•roht not, • lashing of it, and (3) that although be did
mar opiates of the (slantry that Vow not to -operate he wee honed by hi. office
Ostssaw• to l#tett•in, en.) they will
not. I raters te think, thank you tor
the • that the co.ntinu&nee of
Shelf= be it depends upon their
gtNsiteing the *Ins they sow enjoy with
ea aversion. assured, ton.
or eomtreat to poorest seek pablientiea
or ceder its rstee•tine 1 You �r slat
ask • verdict tram the jury withoet p�
proof of all sad sash of these t0I s
point.. Shasta yen de so, the preeidiltg
judgi would nadoehtndl enll
t you to would
t ohm engirt tbgsst to the naj,ity in order in the middle of Fear spewoh, sr poetaM
°Anil.. width tb• statemente tp which he wield paint ode to the jury bow wide- ed i
I heft *dratted •entain, will at deter 17 you had delimited fres the ham of prose
them font pewwing the! retiree which mesons law and ensmom mess, std that
they maws t• he heat oabwhted to Od would dieted them to give their vardies
wow tisk. seentq'• ietterest. m wntteaitatistty agaleet Yee* Lilt ase bperste
1 sow rt from Yost antes, MAP ply this to your ere against me. Yoe aeon
McLeod's System Renovator
and on leading patent media Inns.
The redleal Mel nosh 04apeasary.
ILL caooreeyeaayooff Ind•mm trey Rheo
sec, maenad Teeth•o►• Bpi es and Morales es
few that
of for
res -re ld arse D»r
nl•q�, ga•suhetumedof
meRsinessold by deuilgeietrma sear menu tat-
de Just wins is
7arsne ,.,.— n%w
l • gersti line.
tae1esp,las Y also mein,
dewed retro,. N taken 10 He*.
ir.1». Ptuescas'6 otite Prr rel Mme b the
tar alloettlesnam and
le Amami thaw ckrns�ne
1 ..J .lit lei., tor
�eterlee �ekemiye0rsntrNlar� tae 1~t
toot teta wrapper •ad Ilpye(earned whit
1,4 MOW 7•ar&
t snit)ft1. fait M Woman Da Ido, Ass%
Same peopleagreewith Thr Sen , op :niow.
sheet slam and things. and some people don't:
but everybody likea to inn Med of ice news-
paper widish newer dull and afraid to
speak 1M shod.
llewnerata know that for twenty yew Ta,
Sem hag tstgtht in 11•e front line for hensaen,
.110 pAneiplw. Muer waveritgt Of weekeeteg
- la Its loyalty to the true of the
1, serves with fearless intelligent* and
ferreted rigor. AI times opin, have 4111 -
freed as to the beat means of mcty'nptuLio►.•
the merman pnrpnsr; It is not Tt •.s's fault
mea further into the tnY
if it has none.
Eighteen bemired and ninety 1•, the year
that will probably determsir,r ler -rasp of
th I"r.I.tentlal election of 110:, and perkeps
the fortune* of the tkmner.ny (or Ike meg of
the reMnryr. Vi. tory In Isar 1. • dn;. and
the h„ginnIng of I wtr 1. the twat time to start
out in t-ompeny with nit Nen.
icafty. per month.!ft)„n
Daily. per year. .... a eD
Sorrels. per
Is . I w
atty ruff Pondav• per rear.� se
their- and teunday. n*r msemth... • . • VI
Weekly nun. me year. . 1 M
Address itis egg, flaw veva,
e. • IS it.
Stomatc�� `Qd
travelling Suiee.
Tenho. orand t t�
fs Fas
@Ma4MA as N
MaY and E;sgr'. • -
... ~.�...a ems
Come and see our
Caul) by the BllzhoL
250 Dozen Florida Oranges
-:PRAM: -
Dr. IcLB1J'a Ilan.
Tr UTO, RA IsI1im. 6DAyag, DAT=
CHOCOLATES tpagtl.b and Mma_so,,
We sell the best floods we
can buy.
The Christmas Swim.
Saunders & Son,
Tie Ong Hone &der tide
Building Blocks,
Iigic Lanterns,
Dolls ---100 dos.,
iechanical Toys,
Fancy China Ware,
Photo and scrap Albums,
Jewellery and Plated Tare,
and a thousand other Novelties
which y oil can have at your own
price, as they must be sold
'ql--SUNDRIES .�
preserlpfls. Einer Mere.
*mot Immo*
ver 1118 PRRZJ(fl 1t8e
Groat end
to fbr old and
new subsoribi's
cgs THE PBRIMITlf War.
ANIMAL son - -Nee :
Prelelhat tap soil est ow
Assets wasted. Ramps essgsflas.