The Huron Signal, 1890-1-3, Page 6d A eee.rre tiegy. £ewkbtahnie hes addressed the Mitres mg iettet to W ti Ai rt/. tu, P P. �. Mwu*ans,'e• Vaca, 1 •ma!'o, DM- Set IOW i lir W. R. Me hatch, Q. C. M. P. ; Pasa tits, -I am Itlyraered by the re- wipt, of yuan tette, sit dace IJtti east„ _ wed would have replied a clay wru. r heli 1 cwt bees teesp .edy desired by . rheumatic •VssI..n, .ongesial w this shame. I went uuhasitatiwKly that the Bwupi•r's report of your a; to your Moms itne4la Ill lemur n M belly ino,.rrvet u. reakt.g hew say, with Irlrre..w h. an excerpttr Kiersten ire•.papur, ul.icb yuu severely or•r..uted :--'Tun r,.lds egad by a neat aper, but t.• rase teat, 1 appseiwod, by the gentleman prweute .,ver the Archurt•.ec..pat e• Inge.o . t hkewrae take your word roplic that you ulwset merely "tu Wdto•te opU.Iue (he& the In num from its p...luau and ■uthuudio.l., west u.., miteseraa Wy be taken to ex pees the Atckhmhop's seuUwutut. uplift the matte; it, tend, ' wbl:it maws, 1 t.k. it, two you b r,.Mvd a coup-ctu't mud MY more. Teo fraquuatly base the psrliIie.l av- iators wh.. ere tog.gcd iu the prelim... autrllerht•,.c crewels to Oratorio gives' peb.M %mara.tw to that 'fewest acd esu y est, *'.a. pled .n .mel is I venture, in ad dregete,; roe, u, .ud, alum Projectun, ler the sole yf cleating odium i4.gain`t the lit ,nor. hr Tlatr 21 - atrla1 Wit►Iras sod Tu.. `latae. Ksrniwi J('uw I trey reo...liuu a`n'al `Ire eLebee With a 11. r 10 liro.A1l,g W.+, i 'boy cubed, 101.. die st sm.: • •1..n with ties . ealy-fouud- ed U.•t•err.ty .•t (►tiawa. cl. (scally and its p+tt.wr 1 have u.,t . , led to astern the ineoke•.oe of those two , agoras. whose ciao.tct.r :o -u wet' apples:sateid by toy ,(.hies.* Awl say frIW.Je les Ottawa that cut.tredte•ion of their injurious e tasru»est« t.l. t!�rhobe sehJ1-i , m..re particular , .•n rpiveesel does, ISAseea- ad uarutc...erty. Beat slams lbs same eon �.ottoe is dd feared ra 'vivito' senna bey by j' -a, sir, worse reputation for pars nae .u.eglney MO high .ewtl ability is u..Jiapu.rd, mute whose rts.scuisne up- Liehutiira •d limn, es � fiends luxe p. raise, used to end espresev,a etre• while to Inter foible words, •'1 .would rather err,• esu foamiest Isle altogether then j .•n IIl AU teltati'.0 aeatuet 1141 CO,. .. L,:: . tot sena," 1 feel ►xund t.• si,;:,u t Inti r.• .ts et fur y.or sentiments, eve.. a h••.. ) .•,, of r, 54,11 by c.rrresti0g 70 .1 ",acute to prat/oat res repettuoo. K.•a, •h. -.ti re, that the Kiogstoo • .p.tan 1 :. f. d M' by y..0 has uo in..ro • term* • 1.,111 any !het paper tt. impress I0, •et,ltd,ente It Pin eat.n- Itslied 1n. ei.eud.utly of ins, and is con- ducted 'rehired Patrol on my part, at it•' edit. r' .1 rt.g„s rather fr.-..•iritlly pts. 51..• .. 1 hAl l to prciDury iatere.t in it ; 1 don't inner who it. editor is ; I have not .t'r.. • hall dulteo copies of 1' within th,• •net six months. I kn••• m,ttord.•1 the •dttuusl article stigma- . baud t,y )ow, rz,xct that • trleitr.uu re- seieed tr.:n h. 1(5eo1 yes' •rday in reply 10 1.17 query e• to its date informed me that it a pe.'ed •.n the 25, ti of last Sey:ea'ts 1 Wt. •nee ).,n • ...v lu,l_e of the (ure,t.ic ,5 .le of your us est wen�hty pn.nf .,f *7 reaoonalbd►ty, drawn (roan the fees that the extracted sentence "hes been permuted t. remain hrf.•re the ,. it.:.c w.:hrtlt, at least, r.o.,. hiked on the Aruh►•tah..ps part to modify if 001 to withdraw IL." 1)11HI rlta i SIGNAL, RIDAY. JAN. 3, 1 f 90e ee `draw is w I *iIdiy there hapset M spy_ praise. vomit twat • U/ out 'iM •et ere wisest, 1. their catered ,.d Leeteriae sad oneistiteuvus1 Maier - dealt )ere .d with the 1riempha.t ..ttmwatbw, ' L there aur a►tgaT palt- •sea so `tis Stars is rept sours (►n11- +Aer •ti she mtaurity I" You atrwrMes • face hid _ wbaolt the tteemewu .s4•er rghe'il. and; by eltbo,tlub, este- fwsuustohaveso.xieteu.. Y P • s "a &taper to modem sir " and "'ono of the greatest noels res 1..s to owteed wuh to Paritareesrtary S•glra- wat," acrd *Web •'bleb penes ouch should etT alta, matte nosiest • tons ser• roll, allwT, `chess is deeper r is 1Jie to oemessatty.' ' This se truly `backlog ; ,..es a it M N adage to Him imams advent Moat to earth you belie,* to hole been herald - ars ed b the sage* soar, "Pesos us. marsh ,.ss .o good -will to ta." who Did the Hon. Mr Meader. or the e of leader of deo Oppesiutm le 'tie Qreb.e Legislittuby eay orfsi toy method A pkiedto esti* the otos of . the e•t►lnkitlg pointless, Bred inflames thin. religious pawnor' against rte Protests.** miaurit of Lower pelade, yusr anse •seamofm jollies mid lair pl., would thea, 1 trim, res ep in revolt against such petty politiciaai barbarity, and possibly sou might he tempted to charge big u►Im5 ageism his Church u 1 retie ..f seedo.•valiens and a ape cies* of the soil Iumtoated morality of that hiatorieal period which the more ignores's of your agnostic (rieuds are wont to facetiously style the "Dark Aga.' David, the royal sinner, felt no remorse of cos • science over the murder of the brave and faithful officer whose bed he bed defiled, till the prophet of God appeal- ed to the unexttwguiabed spark of aslant justice in bis breast by a Famine of intuit.iy is.. grievous injury done to ooh of his p*aaant subjects. Let Lower Canada he your parable. Ah ! sir, at was unworthy of you who expect to bold, some day or other, the Mbar of Premier in the Ministry of this Provinoe, ur, this failing yeti, to mount the Beech of Justice for the conscien- tious settlement of plums and dispute. between ataa and man, that you should •.meet diseord and hate amongst Her Majesty's subjects and bid the majority units In solid compact tor the Lippe's - 51011 of the tninoruy, w h• r' you have sought to brand with t1.c w...; cf Cain. Herein you become ;,silty of all that wickedness imputed by yrurself to the unknown su.hor of the Kingston sen- rebce, and you are involved iD all your 'vrnble anathemas 1 against hien. He is uukoown; bis sentence will pass tut , speedy oblivion de - riots the factitious l.nl'ortaoee you have striven to attach to it. Your name and , our cruel utterance against your '.atholic fellow -citizens, than whom there are no better, in the I•r.d, will be linked t .getber in the mind e•( this . and may their to memory prompt the prayer. "May God forgive Wiliam Meredith." I remain, dear sir., Yours very respeottolly, tJ.temi % tnraNr CL.Aer, Archbishop (elect, of Kingston. Permit to.. to supply y ,u with a rule for ge:,rral guidance in matters of this kilo. Whenever you see a hetet from the Archbishop or Hiubep at the head of a nes.p.yn,rr especially It the dine -eau seal be 41111. d, ,tppnvin.t .,r rvc.'mmen.i- iug 1t to hit duck K. the argsn os Catholi- cism in his diomuth or as a tremble ex- punett sof Catholic those/lit and uelecder D( Catholic nights, filet, and then only,. nee you lurched in holding bon respo e 'able tar its teaching.. Oo the utbe band, were I or any other prelate too e striae a tigtd ceueorship .,ver the pre such as you demand, on political tops et on any other then those d•r*rtly baa lag on faith and morels, eItIl ulh y0 would, as your letter ilhtenatee, typist; our acon really amuog.t y,,ur Modern associates would, 1 sinc'•ur.nrrd, ran nut their loudest danuactet."ns s;sins the Catholic church, and l•erxeed t.. vd fy her from day to day. and trod tit rk week, as the very type of despotism, th enemy of "free tbourhi and '•mode eivlbzatien,' the cttadei of •ohseurs0 ism,- and all else that sou'.! tend to be depreciate her before men. Wen Please(. DRAR Stint, -I can recommend Hag - yard's Yellow Oil u a sure cure for rheu- matism. I had it for some time and was cured by two bottles. and 1 must ay it is the best thing I can get for general use a a pain reliever. 2 J. MUSTARD, Strathavon, (rut. How ro Wgtoli Har. -It is often convenient in a stack of bay to have some rule by which to cal. `urate the number of tons therein. The following rot will be found to soak correctly: -Multiply the length, breadth and height together, and divide the pro- duct by 512. In well built stacks that have stood far a few months the above rule will be found to work neaay cor- rtctly. s .m be a flaw. t hen troubled with a C.'nth or Cold, f get a bottle of Wilton's Wild Cherry and 1 u ts, cure ,t at oder before 't h as time to ca, settle on your lungs. Why experiment r- with new and untried remedies, when e this old and reliable cure may be god Ep d from all loading drulgista Thousands ssbear testimony to the remarkable curs g five properties of Wilson's Wild Cherry ' t u such thorium as Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough. Colds. Coughs, etc. i 1.ws•wt,i I roc ro r eopr'a�ti 0 �Iieeiio�n to I;et the gamete" in white wrappers 1 and titanium. and by • careftit ■pplicat,ua of e only. In. the Inc properties or weHysieete•.t 1'etteta. Mr rn lip sp•5 has provided our breakfast tables with • t• - deli. ate', flavored beverage which may nue Lotto CC. tL'* WILL. -Intelligence baa sr many heavy (tortoni bills. it is bo of tie• dispoeitiu0 of estate of Lord A. P. Cecil, eh.. m was drowned at Adolpl.ustow• acme is months ago. He bequeaths to the m British and Foreign Bible S..ciety a £2000, to the Inland China mission:I:500 n and t".►Ori) in trust for such poor Christ - tars and such servants if Jesus Christ in he the British Isles, France, Germany, e Spain. Portugal, Sweden, Russia, Syria, • Canada and t'nitad Stater as the execa , i tors in she -dote and uncontrolled desert, t hon may think ht. The balance of the estate ie given to relatives and friends i Beuty (HANGS OF BUSINESS I ow ALT) RELIABLE Its desired wad admitted by alt. Anar she Wap while ray bust be deet le subaaw» perilous hamaq r t4 w ed Ayer's Vigor. No what *he eider el the hair, this sedan glees u a tae and pliaacy adds grimly to 14 hair be site. butak, dry, e, stellar grey. Asses Hair Visor will restore the ester. brier out • new grow*, and reads, the hid esti sad skiver. Fee keeping the scalp clal5a, oa4, sad healthy, there V ar be bur peperayea is the market. " I eat tree t• ember list a trial of Ayer'. hair V hate eon vlaeed - that it 1. a gentiles article. IM sae has ant only canoed the We of my wile and daughter to be _1 Heir ,setter P+epa- la. ctrl` t► the Abundant and Glossy, bat it ham eves rather *tatted mow trhe a reepec ad nice." -R. Britton, , Ohfi. " Hy hair was owing out (r say &mistimes from wits. I tried Ayer'* Hair use bottle, and I now v ss. sty a head of hair as any one weld wish dor." -it. T. Schtatttou, Mamma, Team. " I have used Aver's Hair Visor Io my re- gard for number 0t years, and te- gartt it as best hair I r..rMk* I know of. It keeps the scalp clear, the hair soft aad lively, *ad preserves the esfiNml color. My wife has used IS for • tins with stoat saddac re- sults. Ileej&min Ifs. Johnnie, Y. D., Themes diem. foto. . )K hair was becoming bonehead dry. bet after miter half a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor it grew black and glossy. I cannot express the joy and gratitude I feel."- Mabel C. Hardy, D.Gva., I11. Ayer's Hair Vigor, r*graaan or Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masa. said by termigts*a and Perfumers. Mr Lodlow Harte. eon of Mr C A Hartz, Clinton, olio has been in tbe of- fice of the Manufacturers Life Insurance Co., Tomato, for some time,hnsaccepted lege $1.00 Paper. a much more lucrative p,5itloa In the Coale of lour and toot Ards. ;:.:. each. ofli,'e of the General Manager of the Wat.aah Railway, St Louie. 1AaT•t 71'. UB 'KD STOBB HAS tl'U AXOID 11$JI her. MWe.l.h.wtiy +d that ue seg y rind ss. by ALL THOS. J. VID.'6AN, rfibs raeaat`napba =raft e Pouter oat tree= it se ta ati its hes seam at the asar the arm. w was Mae et asp L mai us the .sea esteem t W tse.walk K hr ineemnit --weedier !eur1* t(rtl �r�k. olds delivered ►w shale[ the town. bat Went .ad bad tinea d bear and feed armee head lad elude tea seas•*. a �1AN_ tuner �w11f�aof Ilius-ak�h-e m y ear (rs��riteM��-k'pe 0f � . I L *adage Z *aI sake pMws*L numae54- Ir aeooeanor. forTeles. �A vele... ret. '. l� � tad to he . taaaw+iy r i.l.1w DISCOUNT. 1etrar to t tt� n.Cealemw .d the gabble ga.eestlp that I have desisted r tt4 'Om •f SPOT CASH 0 pi r test of all perebases of SIAM and lees thea 03.00 F 10 pie is.. a[ all pus/ as se of 03.00 awl upward. Ott pee is of m own wabatere b per tact will be allowed. ' I Ore ue band the Imam awake of BOOTS & SHOES is the Domioism, a A..tailed list est whisk would oeompy more space than the "Isio- saL' is prepared I• give ; suedes it 10 say it comprises *eery desinb), k.a(to he fogad with the lees Manufactures. el Garda. Every liar in aJnsdy osrbd BELOW ACTUAL VALUE sad the shove teras mato my afore the Obe.p*gt plo. In C...da to bay year ahem. As immense stook of R AND OVERSHOES ▪ hilt( FAMIL1 110111P 1* ■ UMW is every stele both in C.*.diaa and American, Glove Goodyear Raaa.ma&D Nltan1.s Hae ` a (:sumer. Rbjtiot to the Maw 11NO OF THE WEEKLIES' 1» --AO ▪ ree Press LONDON, ONTARIO. 7s HANDSOMIST PRINTED PA PER IN THE L MI1JkION. ALL �"�, NEWS Ire. rraph, Telephone. ]*ail. and ('orras- uadence up.to the hoer of pnbncatroe. - l 15.81 ... rrsetleal sad neral. see g*v.* rare week. Special *erred Agenewiturel memoir Lre.t. - (Nal Meq always leasee. 5.ge.lw Posner Saloom. •554.1..• BeaM5 .IST THE Ti1INO PON THE FAMILY' Dry member of the household eagerly looks for it each wrest. w uttural Wearier eat is a oohed fume! the' Fre. Press, bring always ue me Oruro. and co.duct-d be perr•1sa prole• qty Skilled in farm work. There is no better remedy for worms of any lin•f in children ur adults than Dr Lowe Worm Syrup. lm Mr J W M►Donald, Porters Hill, has sold his thoroughbred heifer at b cents per pound, realizing $6b, . Burdock Pills cure oink' headache by regulating the stomach, liver and bow. els. 1 m McLEOD'S Si'skiii t• is becoming the Standard Medicine of the day. Parties calling err wrrnnr from all parte ..f Canada and the United States for the System Renovator. It never fails to cure impure. weal and impoverished b1.wd dyspepsia rheumatism, It/411 . f memory, broechitot eoo•urrption, gall stone,. jaund.oe. lid oey and urinary disease., St Vitus' dance, female irr.-gularitlea and general debility. Manufsch►rtal only by J. 51. McLEOD, Sole Patentee, better known as '•The Old Lector, ) Newgrte-.t.. (.edersch. Ont. The System Rer,orator is sold at 31.00 and fit 00 per heal.. u('A rEFI-L-Co),RtiltTlxo. PS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. It nowise concerns me whether yo have rightly wrom'y alt«.I-retro tl. naked aentemce you Ore pro,tro,:e,l fro the K'ngaton newspaper. Cin kn••w, a well as i, that a sentence withdraw Iron its aattcede►nt and subsr.lu.nt,col text may be plausibly preen:mei t, t public in a Kane *belly foreign to th mind of the writer. Perhala jou haw heard of the Unfe!ieving preacher w11. boasted of having read in the 'Stele that "there is no fled," and truly he was able to point to the desertion in Psalm xiii. Bot he had emitted to Wavle the'preoed- ing obtuse ..f the verve. winch runs thus: "Th. fru' bath said in his hart, there is no fled. ' Wherefore, Since 1 tetra no knowledge of the context ptec.•ding or following the short sentence y,:u extract • d from the Kingston pater, I •s.1 us- able to form a trurlent judgment as to its mar:inl. Neither does at appertain to my business in lay way whatever. The conductors of the newspaper : era, 1 presume, able and wielder to give Toe doe at iaf act ion 1 may my to you, however, that i be- lieve you bare hernial y.'ursdf end your cam by the extrarsgaooe that pe.vades the whole course of your London speed, its lo.o..r.s s of assertion. de moment geence 11 oosclwio.le, its unrestrained hcense ..f deagu.•iation. hours was not a casual or es address; .it was. as it was expected to be. a manifesto of the policy of the political party who own your leadership in the Houle of reamer* and out o( rt And yet you kilt wed patty and passion to your legal alai to .lash a degree that besrGer, leggin ,. some unknown person wwwtrrvrii���aa. a eMlssw is a ringer.» paper ex• hortiisg the Cathodic poptilatma of On cheer to defied tbgsdvse against the Rights V•1eW M „sgs/1fl 4I Lc Whooping c,ogh, croup, mire throat. i sudden colds, and the lung troubles Co - 1 culler to children. are easily controlled by promptly sdminietering Ayer's;CF. rry ()actors!. This remedy is safe to take, certain in its action, and adapted to all constitutiooa. bliss Annie .1 Neville, Seaforth, a young lady seventeen years of age. and who was highly esteemed by all who had the pleasure of her acenaintancs., died at her home at Sraforth. on Monday night of last week, of that dreadful disease, CGMUmltlnn. Nlilburn's Beef, Iron and Will. is pre- pared from fresh beef. 'viable iron, and pure sherry wine. combined with choice aromatic. lin + A spark frees the eta,. t into the re parlor furniture of Mn W. F. Stewart, BruwM. the other day and made had work before it was nott.ad. The hoose had a bees ail. fte.,,NoTI the J,Mictoue use of such miracles of .tint that a const.f.itk•n may be gra hla;ly built up not II strung enough to moo etery tendency to Ii.. -ase. Hundred- of soM1r maladies err floating around uv really to At- tack wberr.rr there In weak p,nnt. N'e may escape 5ia.y a fatal *batt rap keeping oursetres well f'wt,dee with pnre blood told • properly vourlshed frame.-- "Civil .wrier Gazeft. Ma.leelmpty w;tlt hotllaw water or milk. Sold m.hi in pa• kott by grocer.. Lthrll*d thy.: J.134 lAs 1+'PPS R (e.. Husetupethm ('hera- ist5. London/ K.*tb&A. ,Hr Balance of 1889 Free. A HAND -01111 kristmas Number - Ann -- .C1-11202.408 13,1 away free of charge to every swbw•ri- brar 18ML Arte.• who Sastre seen the ad• hese sheets of the Christmas .nether pro matte its •'ggent and alone worth tie• aro. s.1* estrerlp o. j.ltr Wanted Everywhere. Liberu Cask (ommissius Allayed. amort popular paper to work fur. More M/ cam be made durl.g the fall and leis- memos inmemos working for ter "flee Petrie then eiyetber employment. Aeidrar-Fags Phase., 32 fit Loons, Oatasao. ARMSTRONG RUG SILL AND PUMP WORKS AMSTBORG'S IIPROVED gain and Seed Cleaner rNrattys.•kugr owie.id to he the beat ma. o . regale fur t horuu. h1y clean.i.g grain and of all kinds. -yr all Noxious Seeds • ken from 'resin st one Messing saving rlesnias all ibin,ihy seen at the Peter ,Eat •t any tied of grain. It can he dtte.l arty fanning 111i11 without remit. mg the M malt, -r bow 01.1 the mill .I, and tilt do as good work or better than the improved new mills known. stews a•. seed to be Wows into tate char Illttry ch -torr warranted to works' repro wilted ur no etale.uu .rdenng by mail g:re Malde 'kith of ase of m+k.•r of mill if convenient. fIsla side atta5e or the oid fashion- .Iake. - It Cleans Speedily. n 0 to ''WORTH / A large enannt7 of QST -CLASS PUMPS Id , 1*nafa.1121 d from Algoma white ,•led pine. Tilers by mail promptly *Headed >ibtnped to any pieta. .1117DR1'88 STRONG BRAS., C-oderich, Ont. WEIGHT IN GOLD." 30 u ho have ymrcha•ed WA GEMG 41 , I teat ,fy •r}•ory fan. PRICE RE • .1 ..n the .*gent .., o••./re, and SE WING AT R(R.'ii: Gorier lib. (fad. el. PreyamMas 4.5.e.t. The meet prevtlent complaints at time to make out this season are rheumatism, nseraleria, tusore three. i.flamm'ut>.tet and mages - Signal" does good m. For all these aced other painful `6 hayridesHagys,4. ni low (hl i, the! and furnishes go beat i+«glewoal anti Menial r+nady. 2 R LAMPS VIVO, �%. THOMSON h� rwth of the above statement. Id have one nr two at lea*t.1t ED , TO $4.00 EACH. IV. 7114) who will sell you all ••u hull dlrtv-tloni. Aa, ES, OS AND ORGANS. ,let PRICER FOR CAAH. gat the glove, West aide or Naar". fie in. EIt will • soon be founts. "The rating 44 aper. A Large sea dem. Oar. LIBERAL TERME. maks, • whish see Stock of blies' Imported Rid Slippers, v.,j bona Cell ow Serest. and 8guare. E. DOWNING. • JOHN ROBERTSON Imo. ne a•&•a.ee that be is aow moat ler The L!qorTea Coiopaiifl £ilebraled Teas Your choice of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volume by the Beet Authors, given with every 3 lbw. (Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable the expense. Library without fasting 1 FEW OILLOBS OF PUBS IAFLE SIRUP LIFT. UM JOHN ROBERTSON, RHYIAS' 01.0 STAIN, COR. SQUARE ANO MONTREAL STS Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. Olga • AAhLIA(TrREPS OF CRISTAFLq(RI to to .1s. S *led ENGINES s OLti• 'S THPi ,, r vs'1111. orAr, rEASTESTI�EET:(:ODF'(i�ICH&RSA WIC HAS E ux HAND; 1'011 Improved Land Rollers rice $22.00. HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CIIT11E88, PLOW POINTS &c. .612i9 I.OW E v si ;3 Having made M�ILLLS BUILT ON THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. Rwith the TYBIGINE & BO .B WORKS CO. TORONTO, We are Prepared to Quote Prices to Parties in want of the same, R>�PdIRB AND CA87'I1Nrt38 OF AT -T. atitime q. P. R BOOM TOWN PROERTIES FOR SALE. $100 AND UPWARDS i have a targe number of !rouses and ieta and Vacant gads in Ike moot de.ir.hlr p..eta deb Tow* -Is* alta rat aP, New is the time to .enure property before the she Hush. The C. P. 1t. Ir homing . 1rr. and 11 a abort time prices will bare advanc..4 beyon(kW tite and see Lit Listf andbefore har- ing meewbere. pare R RADCLiFFE, teal (LPARSONS Estate go• •ad Oe.wrst Itaenronoe Ant a�. oatm-St.. third deer tress Square. t'. P. R lad Telegraph Office. Wit. ALRION BLOCK. OODKRiCU• Wines, Liquors, to F'(,1' $A1.1SALK BY CHANCE OF BUSINESS. The Carriage Rushmoe of the ince ALEX. MORTON hal boen parch 1 by MESSRS. M:•CREATiI A! WALKER, who will duet it Els usual in future. Both gentlemen are well and favorably known, and the public can look for a continuance of that prompt and ver(feraitorylateealing wh ch characterized the ll,minion Carriage 'Parka WE ARE N()1V MANUFACTURING SOME I5irst Claws Ctaatters. Any style of Cutter Mede to Order, and on tl,e Shortest Notion. Now in the time to leave your nrrl P11 Old Cutters *.painted and retrimmed, aryl Naw One., at pricer, to snit the time., cleat of We oinvite at personal insp*ietion, and guarantee low pri&. for the All work warranted. trade to Look Like MOM McCREATH & WALKER, (Suoces.on tq Ale:. M • .4 •