The Huron Signal, 1889-12-13, Page 8'"rte .,• THB.HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. 1)FC. 12, 18t4' THE MAMMOTH HARNESSDEPOT Nob Ame-ricarno ss A uraw Compaq 1 1lUtX POIt*TiD 111•.11I>tolAtiao'P$wr DOM,NIAIi PARLIAMalIT.► IyTu4. LUDs Teat ALi. WM. AOHIC$OIST tt j t 1see 'glebe! Hareem Yoker, wishes to Is she et the Tet oeit acejt tat ees e. t MAMMOTH HARNESS DEPOT, HAMTT TON -BT OOI�EX IC7H_ bask a sea seas nem es settled by rasher ems helms the 'direr et Deessaber. IeR =du rt,� u robs. H dere Btaatate 'Ahltta H •el to twlstat �w ___ _ N w Tear~ j l' . e l is a� s lwar•tt w� • e.l e.u.d .es tae oho,,., 'XS hareem «te4. the • es. .�.�. �, 1Remsnhsr 114 nom "771ra_ 1°achesoa�. HELLO,YOURSELF DONT EXPF,CP ERASER & PORTER to do it all this year. EVERYBODY WITH A WARM HEART is busy with their Christmas Shpping EVERYBODY WITH A LONG HEAD ie going to see those BEAUTIFUL & MAGNIFICENT BARGAINS IN TOYS, BOOKS, NOVELTIES, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC., now Displayed in Beautiful and Bewildering Profusion by FRASER & PORTER. Central Telephone Exchange, North aide of Square. feed.riek flew. Zak Itte,, MI-tr • LEEBL RN, Mr Robert Armstroae, better knows From our ewe correspondent. as watchmaker, is ergaged to drive stage Mw May Stirling, from Dear Porter'• Wall winter from Kintail to Kiooardiee, Hill, visited relatives here during the 01 ars afraid that he will have many a past week, cold ass the winter. John - Mr. J M O'Connors, of Kisgahridgs, Messrs. Wm- Turner and David was the guest of her parents. Mr and otos, of pits plass, at•guoe a Ltthe Mn Matthew F)1ey, last week- tofir learn the Stove!. cabinet W ,owi at the PassoNAL.—Miss Annie (Ylaughhn, encce...m of Chirac f3w•el. 11'e wish them ing feat weeknear aK. r asbridrant visit of a fturoed art. Mr Neil G. McDonald, lately from Mrs James ,aMaw.b•, has paid the a her a reit night, tbe guest of her slater, Mthe .ask. H• sod that th. thermometer Foley.eras twenty degrees A. Gordon, of Sheppardton, who has left thene two eek sego sero when be s been appointed' to collect for the funds was too cold for him o e thinks hways s of the Bible Society eh this section. lest wall winter in Ontario. weekvisited Lisburn and our anter Dian—On Moody morning, the 9th burg. Dunlop, Discharging b4 duty, and .nst•et , the wife of Mr Wm. Kempton. meeting with fair success. 112th coo., Ashfield, IMPORTS* —Oar townsman. John was the daughter of Mr Kenneth Mc Linklgter, nae purchased a noir porker Rae, Lake Road. Se. had been ailing lately from Alf F•athentune, one of the over a year, and bore her sickness pa- Itrading stock raisers of York county tautly, and we hope she in better off Those intending to improve their stock than living in this sinful world, for we of swine should hook out for his &dyer- believe the trusted in Him who is able usemeat asst ware. Sinr.,-• and willing to save. The whole neigh borbood sympathies with her bereaved DUNLOP relatives. 1'bie is the fourth death in From our owe esuwgaadent. Mr McRae'. family in lees than three in Mn James Tobin, with her eco John, y"•rs' ,n• remains were interred spent several days in Ouderich, the guest Lochalah cemetery laesday last, of Mies A Luby, last week. Meer erose Ho rArsa Doe -t stop my paper. Printer. Owl strike my acme oar et ; You know the times are etrommat And dollars bard to get. But tug a little harder Is what i mean to do, And scrape the dimes together. Known for me and you. I (isn't •Rord to drop I find it doses'[ pay To do without a paper. However others marl 7 hate to oak my neighbors To give um their'• to limn. They don't jun say, but mama it, "N'hy don't you have your own r von can't tell how we mise it If it h an) fate Should happen not to reach us, Or come • little late 1 ben all ts in a hubbub And things go all awry. And. Printer. if you're married You'll know the mime why The children want their stories. And wife Is amines too, At first to glance It over And then to read it through , And I to rend the leaden, And con the book reviews Aad masa the 'arrrwtoondence And every bit of news. 1 cannot do without It. 1t is no use to try. The other people take it And. i ringer. so mat I. 1. too ulna keep me posted And know what's going on. a Or feel and be oeou.t.d A cosy simpleton, Then take It kindly, Printer, if pay is somewhat Mow. For earth is not so pleat, and wants not few, yea knew ; But I must have the paper t'o.1 what it may to me. Id rather dock my sugar -(nI do without my tea. 80. Printer, don't Ton stop it Calms you want my frown. Por heres the years subseriptim. And credit it right down. • And Bend the paper promptly And rein At flet I yas on, Its welcomed beldam. Miss Maggie Allen. with Miss Louisa btirliog, of Leathers', are nailing friends and relative. about Heiman and Bruce - field this week. As Oto Foos.- The popular preseoca of Martin Fiulaud, at one time the fore- man of the Lansdowne farm, shone amongst us last week, slatting friends about here. In the put three weeks' issues of Tug Sto:;eAi„ mention has been nude of the second growth of flowers this year caus- ed by the recent tine spell of weather during this fall. In looking over a copy of the Sr"t,ona.. of Nov. pith, sent to es from Iknnte Scotland by • relative, we notice this item showing the mildnees of the season there this year during the month just closed. This will be inter- esting to some of the readers of THE Eloy AL who may hare come from that part of Scotland : Mousiest or rut Serine. - The Rev William Stephen, Garwock Manse. L*urencekirk, writes :—"I came across the enclosed specimen of heather ou the Hill of Gsrvock, at a height of 700 to 800 feet abate sea level. You wdl nb- at some of the blooms are in the of formation. It was growing in n exposed plate. 1 should think it a gn8d evidence of the mildness of the season." Mr .lathes Watt, gardener, Chapel C)ardens, Kirkcaldy, hae (Jr - warded specimens of t west, -ti ve varlet des ---including tome. stocks, chrysanthem- ums, wallflower, godetia, carnations, polyanthus, alceularies-- f spring and summer flowers, which are still in fall blooa In the Hower borders of Chapel Gardena, belonging to Mr W. R. Mood. The gardens stand about 170 feet above ,.a -level. A M BERLY. P rem our own correspondent. Mr John Meltse has hien engaged for another year at ILO advanced salary to S. h. No. Ib, Ashfield. Mr William $Finlay.on is visiting op in Braes township. His mother is strati .he will lose her Billy, Mn D. N. McKenzie paid a tlyi.g trout to friends in Lanes and Paramount, and only for the white-faced horses elle woeld hare had • herd time to, got home. Mr Andrew McCoart, who was in To- ronto all summer, is beck to our rile(' se his as ever. He is looking for some good horses. COLBORNE. From te:rown correspondent. Th. school examination of, 8. 8 No, 1 was hold on Friday last. Iia teachers, Miss.. Jones and Sallow*. were assisted by their fellow teachers, Mr MacCoresse of the Nile. and Mw Robertson, who hes been sexing at the Nile during Miss Plummer's illness Then, Peter Alpert, of S. K. No. 5, Leebern, and Rev Mr Henderson, at pressor acting pastor of the Carlow and Ambers' t'reebyteri,a ohunch*, in the absence of thew pastor i. Keotllnd. All the grades in their venous branches were obesely examined by the teachers taking than by tar.. Th. *choler/ watehed earth other is Mrs Robert Hamilton hes goo* home deteveting err to in reading and showed to her lather'', Mr John Mabonoalh. 12 a willingness in answering goeetions. eon. of A.bitwid, neer ieseicnow ; N. is The order kept by thew in their seats very little bettor, i1 any. wee geed and worthy of prase, tit* HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, ONT. FULL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT: 1 Vigorous, Prosperous and Progressive Candian Company PRie1DItie f MON, A. MAQ=[,\Ljg, Id. P. Ifs -Prime 1Mtatstee YICi•tRiENHO a HO'�,( t - MANAUtNU DIR*CTOJR *tura'McCAati, F. I. A., tag. Tlg iegp,y lines 11l Appronl Fars cf Pens i s RETURN PREMIUM PLAN. aril ir$itie1 This Palley OUAAANTgLB A ILKrugt or AL1. PREMI('1MS PAID is safes/ties to dor fell hos of the Polley le the ',rem et death lariat the Iaronn•et betted, at • flower nate lima any other Cenpsa . llaLty sebolan w.robine the egaminatlne as eked, es th. •.diose*, among whish was • large utmost of ladies, and also a a.sber of we i eroer esx, including J. Yank*, 0. Gress, Jaws Went. others, wad two members of the of Kdttaati -u—Thu•. Sallow, at Bir•ett. B M of the latter garskw dresses, Mr Btt remarking that mashers had dote their duty la ad profilesiag the profiles ut the school, and he was pieamid with the eiaminatioea also said th. trustees had Rut • few rain lectures from the inspector du F. J. T. NAFTEL, Distrt t Agsat, BENMIL:.ER. "Prom our own cocreeposdeat. Wm Sharttee is on the mend. and I Missionary service to he held in Bea - Boom miller church next Sunday evening ,d S, Mn W . Moore, sr . bas a paralytic ad- stroke. We believe it is the second the Goa. n rase- Mrs W. Mandel is down with intl&• that station, bet is recovering under Dr M S►anuon's medical ett.ndance. sur I the year for "hoot doing their den transom. The .cholate at iotetyals several songh in tall vows, sad • q &site of rodeos sang very prettily The Ltlghd s' the Leal.'' Messrs. Mm orae, et die Nile, and P. Stewart, ut Leeburn, expressed t seetaslres pleased with the esaninatioa, the latter saying parental not try to break confidence bee mese teacher situ scholar. as it lemma r- spect fur the teacher. The chairman, Rey MI Hen ier..x,, fully endorsed thus rs and made a pleasing adds to the children, con :emulating the teachers on their school and etpreseing the pl it wee for him to be present ; the gentleman a her enameled one of olames. J. Veroo. was pleased with essmn.arion and advised the scholars be oon.tant in attendance and stick their studies aiway s. 8. B William of Dunlop, gave ea address. express himself well pleased with the exam. two, congestauuue the school on haw such good te.cnemsud closing with a menses story to the boys that is his tra els Some y. -ars ego he sort sith a warn moo sono, grid no couldn't reed and n sioos he was married hia wife woos road the pacer to herself and est him du other duti •4 that married men familiar with, and f. rgettiug how sunny courts tip days she read t news to him ; but it wasn't so no Miss Jones, on behalf of the echo. returned thanks for the attendance see the euu.inatiun and to those w had sasated in it, and then request Mt.. Sallow. time junior teacher of t school, to countforward Then the qui was broken by two of her scholars CAD ing into the room and facing her, on of them, Mies Bettie Smith, reading th address clearly and distinctly, shod Go don Bisset giving heir the pres.ut,a hang- ing lamp. The address eases follows :— Co Mas A. D. Sallow.,—Dear Fnend and Together. —We, the pupils of S. S. N 1,, Colborne, on this the eve of your de partore from amongst us, beg to teethe - you our sumer., regret that you are going to sever your connection with ns. W have spent twc years pleasantly and pro fitably together, and daring that ties we have always faand you • patient an painstaking -teacher, kindly but firm! reproving each dull delay, and aiding u by es cry means in your power to over many the any difficulties iuseparabl from school" life. lots have always prcv d to w that your work was ours and ours your own. As a slight token of the esteem in which you are held by us, we beg of you that you will accept this hang- ing lamp as a souvenir of your sojourn amongst us. and as a symbol of our friendship, which we trust will always burn as brightly and clearly at ncw. 1Vi.hing slimes every atts in your fu- ture career and a merry Chileanss and a happy New Year. Signed ou bel:a.f cf the sehool by uig ri Mr Wm Welter, Coition..., has tee* •• I eonhnd to the house 10r the past week "pal with a severe attack of erysipelas, which ear- has caused him much et:.twring. .awte rev the the to to 5, ing w - inti hu• mow~ •- .4 h \t ' �.y"at 'e ow to are in he w. to ho ed he et Mr Richard Moore. Colborne, return- ed from Manitoba on Friday. the 29th New., after an abesoa of eight months; he likes the Flan well sod says he will never make Ontario his home ; he in- tends to go opt there again in the apno; and take ea land fur himself. Iii A BOST DMZ? A Beal( tlsr result is a co111aioa, whether " corning tiro' tae rye." or not. 1.11e is full of coins- _ e Loos. We are constantly colliding with some- body or something. It it ion t with our • neighbor. it Y with some dread ddthat at r_ knocks us ng Ibe track" and perhaps dis- ables us for Imre. Women especially) it a.vma, have to beat tbobrunt of more rnillslons and asictinns than mantas.' in an carr• of nervousness, bearing -down sensations, tont- derneao,prmndutteal putty, sick headache , cou- p festoon. n1 aammatii, or ulceration and all female irregularities" and voalue.aws,•- - Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prescription comes to the ream. of women a no "ober medicine does. It la the only medicine for women. soM by druggists, under a positive guarantee, e from the manufacturers, that it will tire aatistacti.n nn erery ore. or fanny Raid for it will be trfundtd See guarantee on bottle e wrapper. 7 .: Dr& PIERCE'S PELLETS BESTIR $I'IITi . tior.t.O' BI..g7. Mise sallow, expressed her deep sur- prise at being presented with the ad- dress, and thanked thescholam for their gift. She had always tried t.. pert, res ber duty as a teacher when amongst them fairly and honorably to the sectton- The tie tow was severed, but the twc years spent with them was a pleasant time to which she always would look back with pleasure. The examination was, brought toa close wit h prayer by the chair man. For the past two years Miss Jones has ably fulfilled the duties of head . teacher. and fur the coping year, 1M90. will have sole charge. which shows that daring the period mentioned she has won the deep confidence and esteem .if the trustees in her charge Fcr the! Doming year she will keep up the far- ; famed reputation of No 1. C !borne. ea; one of the leading schools in Huron. ; ()wing to the formation :.f two new school sections within the past two years in (Aherne, S. S. N7 1 has been de ' prired of wore of its 'cholas.. and this year Coming the section win hare en', one teacher. topyrlabt, Mr. ey W oai.p's Dm KEA Ass's. regulate and cleanse the are timely rkr.rt�stoma-h and fectly harmless woe mess. Per - druggists. aZ nems a vial. tee &,M! b1 Mc LEOD'S hulor 1. ' is b.ccming the Standard Medicine of , the day. Parties caning or wntir.g from a:t parte of Canada and the 1•niteri States for the System Renovator. It never fails to cure impure, weak and impoverished htexd. dyspepsia. • rheumatism, loss . f memory, bronchitis, consumption, Rall .torte.. jaundice, kid- ' neo and urinary diseases, St Vitus dance, female irreyularttle, and general dehrlity. Mannfactored only hy .7 M. McLEOD. Sole Patentee, better known w "The Old Doctor.") Newest. s• - floderioh, Oat. The System Renovator is sold at $1.00 and $? 00 per motifs. 25AND ( (NTS PF:R OZ. an Por lite beet English. Fr.. -h and Amerman Perfumer an Hulk. IS .dors to choses Rem 10 111FIFRF.NT OrrORs fo of Sachet Powder to choses frees KINTAiL , satiric ter GA ■axle ■ webs EMIR mow Our burg is not notorious for reed, 1 e deed dye., bet the natives find locomotion a little I PLUSH GOODS From onr own rorreepondent. reit, %suis. tl*sier some (reeve op. A few of nor best Caledonians drove to t iexlerich last Friday evening to attend the St Andrew s supper We suppose they enjoyed themselves, and that they celebrated the anniversary of i ODOR CASKS, the Patron Runt of Sandy ('awmil is a SHAI-INO CASES. truly Sortttsla fashion, end here done DRESSING CASES. nothing unworthy of the virtues of the country they were extolling. Bob Armstrong, general watchmaker sod chick cleaner. has hewn appointed Mail carrier between Kincardine and Kintaol. Lest week Bob bad a desperate enen*nter with highwaymen, but osi drawing out his seven shooter he soon dispersed the hand. flob is an adept wiry taller. sad east have "erre eeeoln• tore, real and im.giasry, than any other ntlaa we know of. A flood as ortmeat of JUST RECEIVED. PRICK -9 LOW. Call and see the Goods and Prices whether you huy or not.. Prisertrtilo Dreg etre FINE TAILORING FALL 2T2 i ---,'ERGOT-- FOR C+IeNTLEMEN. $15, $18 .ANTD $20_ .dotter stay.. "A es lesnub tete is drew is etre• pis the .vehtsees et all Wags eatssrslgM ' t eeaslsb la tM east slmrlblty of sae to asa{.� My sew fall stiff awl everaostiap are tory atleaeUvt, d (7ssslss•r,s. sad .last Cheviots and Worsteds. Thew goods are canted, 80041.4 la tidy stns arsp.weisr1y oM sad trimmed_ Ile arty sterabant tailor tarns set h•ndsswer, or mare s at nae amend w the mei and prima. THE GREAT BANNER IS STIIL WAYINII ! TRERIBLE EXOITEMENT Will be Going oa at McLEAN'S NEW BLOCK is the Plate Q-Ias&--Gr in oonnection with Selling BEAUTIFUL DELF.' As the Proprietor is Going out of that line, he intends to sell out his Entire Stock of Delf at cost. When I say coat I MEAN BUSINESS, and all of it must be sold within one month. My Delf is well assort- ed and of the very lat.st patterns, in Brown Rustic Tea Sets, Enamel- led Floral Tea Sets, RiL9tic Dinner Sets, Slate Rustic Dinner Seta, Sage Rustic Dinner Seta, Blue Benak's Toilet Sets, Brown Summer Toilet Sett, Begonia Toilet Sets, Enamelled) Toilet Sets, also a very fine assort- ment cf plain Delf; now, if you wish to present your Mother, Sister or Wife with a tine set of dishes, do not lose- this great opportunity of getting the finest bargains ever offered in Huron County. N. CASSIDAy, PLATE GLASS GROCERY. Three doors West of Dritlsb IL Schaal", Hotel. /t • Ooderich, Nov..ith, i*. Courtho.setigaare, QODERICH. Mr Wm Preod.rgsat,now of Chatham. (PA r1FUL-Colt/ORTIlttiO, has been engaged as Mat hematica l Mister E P P s , s in the Seaforth Collegiate L.etitute fur CO�oA next year, as Mr Dickson's euecevs.r, at a Sala of salaryt11130. Mr Prendergast, like Mr D.skson, is a gradumie of the Se. forth Institute and a rapidly climbiug to the Lep of his prolumsus. BLOXAM'S Electric Hair Restorer RESTORES CRAY HAIR TO ITa— ORIOINAL t.OLI,R, BEA (T I' and hfOFT ERS, Keeps the head (leap. Cool and Pres from Dadrett Cures Irritation and Itching of the Scalp! (Dress beautiful glom sal perfume to the hair.pn,duers a new growth. and will stop the -failing out in a few days. Will not golf 18, akin e.r Ibe most delicate brad dress FULL IDIttECTV 8TLWITH BACH HOT - F:. Try it and be chorine/4. Price TIN; Cents per Motile. ltefum all Substitutes. ROLE AOF,NT FOR CANADA H. Spencer Case, Chemist and Druggist. :A King St, 1Yest, Hnonlnon. Opt. a BREAKFAST. "hay • ihon,ugh knowledge of the natural laws whieb,govern the operations of detainee and nutrition, and by a careful applioatioa of the tine properties of welleola .t ('ono, Mr Kama baa pro,Med our breakfast tables with • d.•L41 ca rflavored beverage whicn,h y sawsm many heavy doctors' bills. it is bus the Ju.tcioaa me of arch articles of die' that • constitution may be t(raduany built up until strong enough to resit every tendency to disesar. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to at - may re -ape many a fatal .hshahk tack wherever there u a weak t, We ourselaev well fortified with pure ri properly ae. ourisbsd frame.- and C81)14 a_Ab " Service Made *Imply with boiling water or milk. os1T in packets by 1t labelled thus: JAI( IDI RPI'S t C'o.,lloiraop.tbtc Chem- ists. London, En,�r.d. sea CHANGE OF BUSINESS ! THE OLD AND RELIABLE F:A,rf ST. FLOUR AND FEED STORE HAS CHANGED/8 AND i, Sold by all Druggist.. 7 he public are hereby eotlael that the flow and feedT,..., p foemorty carried n by A.K. ;a Culla" him s hpure THOS. J. VIDEAN, ko'cs ,%.,c *,,:1-` Cokes Skawack‘ aa,bloodze,` 6, SluaDiseases. ttilaill41 *viae. tat! (ND TRUNK RAIL%AT. Tr:.,as arrive W depart at Bearish as is 1..., Mail sad Illepsees- ... pa Iced..: .:::.... :.It y�i, ,ii.rn es hand • 1. ott•stky .f .7 4. 1...... • • - ' , .......lg.. pt i per so wbleh I •f&MNyg si afu1 ......!.Haan I M! •Id eipe„ss,.::::.••...:.:..•••IA I par wbe will carry It ors 1a all lis branches at the eM stand. Ea., -t, near the Square. Under the maasgpi,,,n, M former propri* ten this badness has been the moat woes..• fel lasts line of any la M and as the new leaprtetor has bees dent) ed with It ter eve. eight years, there will he no faille(o"Pin the entity forseerty exhibited in ttreping 11 in Um frost rank, lorts delivered to nil parts of the town, lateu and Mot lines of flour and feed etymya on hand and chole* Node la season. TH08- J. VIDKAN,. hake tbl. opp Maatry of thanking my tem Masers Inc their liberal pun,nasre duct prba 1etorehlp of the Mast -M Flour �elaewwb. and also take pleasure la r and isignay sn.reesor, Mr Tboa- J. Ph will be found to be • thoroughly rel !r-ct A. IL c DTI HOL Z otic at Mo cha thai ard %'r wee All nada of TN Wins, ., rhos ary6. /or e i Own r terti�n insert, %rrr. Lana -flop M..1. I Tows- CAA yew., b Miss Ci Pcsru-ti James e day s. WATaoN sesame eldest d !lean. W Arena - ty $ smooth NEN Bargains- l Scrap :roe -. Honday,tace We're l.itl !towing itoe Boarders Wi aasclal Oali Boar for Aar Legal Blank NemtaaMon .A Merry Cbr Xmas Prase' sweeping Re The Aroc•kias area.. d dhrei Cbristm.a I ,the o."armph r, *wt's mod A Goo.) 1'ne you can mak, PIT SO IE McU HOLIDAY Dir woods in verist la latent de.41 Butler's. ft maitre m comes snow,•r la Goderieb to dew•—at 1'Adl The Warman', everlthe boo every T ae.d.v ilii beaearssm The orders to tt,beautiful a during the e, but be sed umiak! a is tateade festive Beason, pl•asaat room, oar embellish tf We're in it ' sons carried tl other evenlaagg crowd for ChM &A ainst all ram, noose Coder th take, but c.11 as sura to bis! It Mase 9 of this 1 clerk. Csap._i beg t Intend deletes the New Tear, r ,O as to Immure tl bargains In fent have to call ear this week we soil, methane If until This u a ..00hs M •bort. Lotmof tatty low prion. It. Ansel Mr Ernest 1 cn Saturday. (' i pt %in A brine I ter neck Mr H. Seeorc visit to M•nitol Mrs A.LH to visit her pan C*ptaia A. lows last Beton Rev ti, W. R, tows o. Mood•t - Ws Kay the pest ■ (1oderieh Mt. home. Wednesday, as Mr ♦. r!!ae jtou with a mishaplir ankle wee inure The election el Na 27, y evening Mt Buttes, *hair faeGrry Teeswatar 1 1[» Jordan am &y out . rivet to ponied thew =+e At the regular "meet. No 'JI • nation, the I will take I Doyle era/ Warmed 1 flat preprel to purchase eerie/ the Mil! fag Wining` OIC Egos Feet of $err , Plea Hemlock. Elm, laseswonel snit Whits and Sleek Ash a barbed ,warltet pi... Ha. this a te th �i w pr1'ever paid Is this whiter. Met year. t WWI do * erase listost Ilawleg W Rxeewted• cheaply. Prwrapfll mea JOS. NIDD, jr.