The Huron Signal, 1889-12-13, Page 1-41444,44-- • • oak VIPT af DEVIIII1Muntlt 1 GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY, DEC. 13, 1b89. MalitILLICUDDY Legpopenen. t A TSAR IS aDwAsiclt TO A.DVERTISIRS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cos- ' el Advertisements accepted airamp Thursday of each Ufa. Esagern 4111 eivence radii ea iiri tk. Jere/ 'Isu .fTu &mut of meetings se enter- teisieseets at tellini as eihnissiesi fee is alieryed, or inset which a'semi- new beterAt is derived, must be plaid for et the rate .f OS& cent per *mord each insertion, no chair less Ann twenty -Eye mete. Wises ell- orrtionswets of entertainments ars Maretel &rig/ fusel wli fts piss* free.. BORN. tho fah tilt- the wife of Er Ale: Eileen. Lake Roane. Aableld. of • daughter. Batiw is Oa the lath ult.. the wife of lir Hear; Entwa. Lake Reale h•ha•Ld• 01 • daughter. MARRIED. retarea-Wooreas - At I 4. reeidence of the betaisa father. on the loth last . Mr Jars* Ideber and KI.. Elisabeth Waiters were lashed bnaids of holy matrimony be Rev .1. Marren Rowena. -Hamm At the residence of hers Robert Itterst: Newnan:4n_ on the Ilth last.. by Keir It. Ur.. D. 11.. aastated by War Jas. A. Anderson. W A.. Satins Howell. at Colbente to.. sad Wisionesse Evarigetise &wet. 64 tiede- rich. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS EamJ..- D. Gerdes Wasted -Joba Lbaldater Etna Gtions-J.. Wilms Xmas Tres -0. C. Rebertooti. Cheep Heeds -J. M. Proudtoot Clews, flate-e. F. thrash& *stray Calvea-Deestd McPhee. Cinistons areettair-w. C. Goode. system lbseevater- J. Y. Illetisod Cart- Eureka Conseil. R T of T Beard Waated--Dee 1 Doelob Oat. Etexam's Halr Itesterse-11 Inseseer Case. TOWN TOPICS. Mr,' ye, takes' lutes. At 'root era -If yes ere in need eehare you buy look at the varlets at fis • Gooti P04101111T. - The meet metal rift sos cam in410. is to Achy a Win Pee. Ap- 347 moollutividdr. skeet. Ooderich. Goode. the drug:mat, has a splendid &siert- neat of tin goods for Xmas. He donn* ail oppositme tor cheapness. Callao,' see. Ga. Stewart. the phatogragilier t fuming out • lot of Ms histsdson.e chilliness and New Ymire $.v01tbe u photo*. Call and ruralise. Mums. Wm. Achevrin and las A. Reid are appointed irooakoluota Co receive tenders, IWO Titeetey isext. fur csittaker of North 91. Ilethedoo ceureh. The Woinfues Christian Tem3orance Vol.* awes la the hareasent et Nerstest Woe church every Tuesday atteetweou. Prayerineetiag at too boo urea liteettest at 3. Th. Wrist -Hie weather we have beer bae• lag Weir ia (sly the westeer-breader for the bard soap to folinw. 11 roe cer wise you will Oat [Won F. k A. Pridhata. the tailors. sad it things deed for bressid-bre- tar oeusseenort by tie u oder' den 8 War declared on high prices. TM to sutt ibeeds and crees stetting up =nail tress. The high art Christman carts from Raphael Tu* & don are adettired by evrThud). Album*. Plush evade. antleoe brass, chins and saciu ware. at low prteee. Doodle mast be sold. The cheaper hoes: us. der the sue. Tte day an army &Meer bought an ree wit de* tit auction. and 't afterwards y turmoil out to be a relic belongeig to the late Duke of lien,. tor which be has since reoet•- ed ELMO. &allows. she phosserrapber. has something similar in artotypes reprodue- Dons of the great masters-- whiol. he Is sell- I leg. traniu and all. at prices that would sot 't buy the pencils for the °rig -mai oiketchra BRIEFLETS. Dr McD.reagh will be to ()Atria for ronsultation on the brat Saturday of every month. Mr. Hamilton M. Wk. of Lemming - ton, is spending the Ckristaiits and New Year's holidays with her parents. Mr and Mrs Geo. Cos. Brit...ma& Rood. Arotirrwx. -Eoreks COOntil. R. T. of T. No. lc*. The ..mi -aminal • *Nee n Of +Twigs takes place wait Toretdm• evening. Every member • is req metal to be present riettoot. Tererat Et.rune., - The ttnn,4 nieetiii tsr itt.• • public school trustees will be held on Thursday, Dec. 213tb, sa Christmas day will fall on Wednesday this year. Dr M Nicholson, the Wassioet dentist, hes the preservation of the natural soh • specialty. Gmadonnistered from in. for the palates/I extraction of Church Band of Hetes will meet ttsurday, 1)ec. 14th, at three o'clock are, in the busmen. All member' • requested to be present. and others shine to join will be made welcome*. Persons wishing to improve their ramie@ or strengthen that power of motion should mod to Prof. Lomitte, 4 petal Are., N. Y., for his OrtwithIP post tree, ae advertised in snags! team. 10-tf It ITIrt ALITR Jinn litoeUteom Winnipeg Free Press of Dee. Slit the following referees* to a former tont of Of -Asia wall and. favorably wn tO $t$07 01 nor reedere le, Deputy Sheri& here, yesterdey vett • marked eopy of the Omani ' oonteining an ammuneetneet of otrlas death .t ft withantotoe. oat John has no intention et ol *the golden stairs. He has s ; vett/arose. for ressainieg alive in; in tka Saari/akin% capital nf 'sneer roviace." mil- G Masan Meeire, who ham been et. barber hoe emoted aly do - Joie Itedhed. Jobe C. Maims. sail Mr. Ches. Ilymassille, the lair West- ing 00*6. Mesmer &evens, ut Detroit, oersted "polo" ia bout of hie cosy shay - for the past eight taisatle, strived parlor. adv. on Wednesday Met. Am letrorrerr biraovistmer.-The mens Soft e*up aad Pretties Pedal attach - meat to a Neweesehe Upright Paseo serves the agrees .1*6. lest... or Fir- estone, whew prootasiag. se well as she inetrument hoes MIMIC sad preserves the Seem114 No Room sea Ataxic -The diph- aerie seam that prevailed 6. 1... last week has now seheided. At the last meeting of the Board of Healtb, the meatier was damask/ enquired into, sad it wee fogad that only ono ease mow muted in towo, and the patine was Sae fully iesproving. Molitor Oliver, of the Edmonton Bulletin, wee is town Toesday, sad called spun Tax Sweet. He said Goderich was the prettiest town 6. 6.4 as.. Saar staiirg to Ontario,m-d was amorally in- tended to be as important place. Mr Glivecia addition to hie editorial defies, is also something of • politician and occupies. seat ie thea Northwest As- sembly. He is loaded up with N. P. sod the poosibilitiss of the great North- west. IseellieT AT CLINTOS. -The prelintin- ahem in commotion with the inquest aeon the body of the Lets Hugh J Whitely. alleged to have best poisoned by los wife .boot • year sad and a ball ago, wore held on Tuesday last at Clio - ton, hy Coroner Holmes, of Goderieh. Dr Reeves made the ,....tniorfem ex- amination. after which the viscera was seat to Toronto for &salsas. The evi- demos takes was is enhateace that which hos 14... Previa/MY given in connection with the sem. The taqaest was &a- tomised anal Timidity next II roe ex WS Lie•TITVI a. -The ft ltow Mg is the het of perialicals. mastazinee. .04newspapers that are to be offered for isle en the rooms Isn Moody evening, 16th sass : Graphic. Week ,Griti, Witness, Wisiotper Fres Prem, New York Times, Century. Atlantic. Chambers', Boys' sad Girls' Owe Paper, Cassell ..Good Weeds. Leisure Hoer. Engtieh Satur- dayMechanic. Night. National Builder. Quiver, Harper'. Weekly, Bazar, Young People, rreei. Leslie's Popular Monthly, thee - tested Weekly, Ificieetilic Amerman sad Supplement „ Oodey Lsd y • s Book, Soottish Aeseriten, Chicago 1.`..eekly Thaws papers are all for the coutiog year reprosentation from *vary poi a the 1890. riding except Winghata, wIttch was on - A Pluto 19140 Or POWER -W0 repreeented. Mr Robert Bortainehain. been favored with a copy of the l'ioon. the Conservative organiser frit'.T.rl .To R ick Island, lit , which contains a . to. was pretest, The following (tibiae. Triankogiving m.ton occupying 6,,0111. elected :--Jneeph Reek. President ; oilmen" recently delivered by our form- Robert Medd, Vice -President; James er towel nano Rev A B Meldrorn The Mitchell. Senetary-Tressurer. R Rad- soti says editorially :-• ' Thai usontiog Godericb. was appointed oo the we present in its entirety the T.hanks- Executive Committee, wool W Campbell', airier sermon ;4 the Rev A B Meldrum, resigned. and W T Whitely. of Clinton, of the Central Presbyterian church, de was also placed on thea Executire, livered at the union service at the First Resolutions were passed endorsing the Baptist church. It is an exceedingly police al Sir John Macdonald, *spree- aMe diecouree anti 'twee the present sing confidence in Robert Porter. M. P., trend of evangelical thought. It is pre- and seetaining the leadership W Et seated in full this utornino in aocortissiee Meredith. M.P. P.. in Ontario. Ad - with an unanonnus re- ..est nt the meet- drowse sere made by Mmes. Porter. ing for its public • a. Extra copies Birmingham, Kelly, F. W. Johnston have been print. to ripply demand for sad other", after which it wee decided seeding porpos-, and can be had to- hot to noontime a canJidate at this Cos - morrow. or .14,1. 114.; Iset. at the vention, in views of the tan that tbs counting room." election.' would probably not come of A Sttt oLire before June next. View:nee Jesion• CommtsromeiNell.-Soune of oar dor- reepoedeace arrived too late for inset- tioe this week. We would 1.k• 00- .1... it by Wednesday at latest. Ammon rim Townson.. -Th. Globe Wednesday last woestaiewil the followiag ito keel melee, which refers to a seas that has became somewhat selebrated in this motion : Ross .. Townetrip of Wa- wasiesh--Garrow, 14.0 , ter the pleietif, moved to *mainsail isojenetios treated by 114. 104 Jodie at flotherisit, restrain- ing the detesedants from illegally taking gravel from lends holonstiog to the plain- tiff. M. G. Classeron, for the &dead - sate, outran The defendants have mi- tered epee the laad "leder a bylaw. The learned Jedge .0sof that the bylaw was ea general as to be velveteen sad that the defendants were therefore temperer. and meat he restraieed. He sea *1.. of opiniou that the plaintiff had made oat • prima facie title to the lead in quetion, the tenant for life seder the will by which he deices to be re- assuidermais beam in possession- In- junction continued till the trial. Coots to be disposed of by the trial judge. Rao. Da, Wu'.' DAUGHTER ElEaD. -,:-Toronto Globe : Mn Boyce, daechter opt Rev. Dr. Williams (formerly of Gods- hall), died Wednesday mommtng ender vsey sod circumstances. She cisme from her husband sad her hoes* in Dallas, Texas, last July to remain with her fath- er theough whet it was feared would be • fatal ilium In September her sister, who lives in Mootreal, beitu 14..Boyce went down to that city and waited upon her until her recovery. Since leer return her health beanie such as to we - arsenate • surgical operation. This was successfully performed on Seturday, bet on Sunday there were bed syroptonts,astd the patient sank rapidly. The funeral will he a private one, at the deceased's repent. and the remains will be interred in the Boyce fussily plot in the Hamilton esseeterv. Mr Boyce came up from cl Texas arion the summer, and after a visit returned and left his wife with her father. Rev. Dr. Williams is weaker than he wee last Friday, and there is lit- tle hope that he will long survive his daughter. wt."; El rite!: CoSSAltrATTVIDI. -The annual meeting of the Wes Huron Coo- servative Association waa held at Codes News and Popular Science Monthly. Tgesas. y artorpoon. nom was a fair Crr r. -The Jersey City Arps, of Nov. 21, contains a lenothy report of the mTHE Eorfoirs TABLE. ar- Haire of Dr Burdett. P. Crate, one of * wore or twe asses Weer Peettratiene the most popular physicians and leading That mare reme se Naiad. ansiety men ..f that city, to Mies Isabella , McKenzie, demighter of Gen. Res Mc- . rue HRIarifas emottE. Ketimmthe well-known millionaire The , e 141.° reeleen, deke C_,Liejetee,,e1 ceremony waa performed in the Scotelt vhich etureeee Pee' e"'wee preibitirian church, manor street. ! the Wolse Printing C., . in the produc- tion of a Christina" number. The tares after which sone 300 games partook of trat alatary magmata, racatcpa was one and "The Canadian Militia, are certain - the bride' breakfast. Arnong the cdto kn'ar" acel'InPlinlittc it, "Intends. in Gaelic which pleated the father a the • 1Y deltervinsl hand."'" tram"' bride greatly. It was from the ininastere THE NITA& sod bankers of Kingtmon. Scotland, and From Montreal we have received a read : "Casa mills bennaohd don dm- copy of the Christmas Moe. It it sway pailoig." the hotrod translation of which op in artistic and literary merit, and is is "it hendred million elessaings to the well worthy of more than the price et I which tt offered. toiling at the couple." The event has a heal interest owing to the bridegronm being a nephew bookstores. of our townsman, Dr Nicholson, dentist. CrAtrA* cHRIATMAs. Win Bryce, the Canadran puhlisher, has sent out "Canada's Chnstmas,' which u handsomely Nutted and illus- trated. A aeries of Caroidien .1011/11 en- titled "Agrees the Continent," is on. of the features, and two stories by H. Rider Haggard and • number of pieties of Canadian poetry make the work de- aidedly entertaining. 1111.41.114 Arni,444' rot 1890. The Canadian Almanac tor 1880, pub. Behead by Copp, Clerk & Co.. 04 .ui is an utiersted and greatly improved form i00 mecb preciated e eCanadian Almensc is simply inralu- apby thlarge Th asdiener, Will. E. Ramsay, the comeelite as. • book reference, and this ts* . . . year • pasts contains several new features °^T,Fmli vre,, 1,..anwf• Ind I" INA add much to its merit. There et Vi to so Shy,' IOW -la* your t rysiati." 1.. the firm tense a list of the Omit:Sae brought does the house. In his mealia, "I wee in It. and "Whom dtd you get that Hat." roused the risible. of the limit sedate and mused Iseithter indie- Milvatals. Miss Mactlillivray. the ale, salaries raid the Miele* of' the Govern. eetiontst, is a winsome little body. and the t'new "Paslirltesenti°n:11."Isildenigslitnesiii TPhorn.°1- "Mary'. Night • e Sowed • steams on the measioe, to seefeepanies sea eery of the Al- '•ifalith •nd lireelier Jock,and tba ''Mini-- Mr 111.mhe tither Dew, the orehestra leader, al- . T" "1011()Pal-rrtx relt willottwone. *eagle mile twenty years old. proved to The Inset nember of The ennnhopsoli be an menseplialied Imam and pliable, east sositalne • vas satoent of eatertairt- ead tee J. M. Depees by the brieeieg lag isteraters, with ..mere.. Moshe Mit f Noah • emeptiey showed that he tines of the feistiest order. 1 be het thoroughly tope -misted the reqeiremeets artiste is • somewhat dissimilar& oleo, so of the petit* for ea evenings' entertain- titled "Child -Fame Christmas Illonaieg," smut. by C414 CbeIstcoPkw. Tti Ikon el toe Tel CFIA"TatA 00N, 41T There was • good attendance at the Gravid Opera Hruse nn Friday evening. when the celebrated Chautauqua Con- cert Cl. 41144 to. Gf then admirable ear cuts. There was mit a week number in the twelve musicians who comprised the orchestra, and • number of then*, notahlr Messrs Karl Schmidt, Herbert L. Choke, tired Smith, Embert Lye sad 8imnor Napolitano proved to be ex- pwt prolimaionals. The sanitise of Mrs Harney Dickson was alto a feature, and thetann, the political solar of members d the Dominion and Ontario WHOM 61 Parliament is given as well ass the deirelopeemet et Karam MY. "dm Ism Stomas of the Southwest." is re. let.d is a belay imam by Ensest Ingersoll. "New torsOssetlidaint ter the World*. Fair' kip a reply by wither. Welikot Asia, to the article 17 &sato, Farwell. of Minnie, is the preview bone of 74“ Cuesteepolsiess, .ring Mimeo's °Nines to the proposed exposition. The .n.b., also tostaias "The Capital of the Dragon's Empire," an intereettne desteriptent of the cite of Pekieg, by Freak 0. Carpenter; "The Tamers of New Trek." by Heinrieh Metzner; "For Bearers aad Far Weer - see," ity A. L. Beldam; "Joe's bowel for Santa Claes." a poems. by !relate *Aachen ; "The Art Soeialiets .1 1..- 40*' be Mary Baena Ford; "Ithe Flower Market of New Tisk,"hy Elisa- beth Bieland ; "Tesentatine," a (poem, bv Abe* Welliegton Mollies; "Literary Watildertne," by 10isaboth A. Tomp- kins. lied "Betty: A Leat Century 1,.. Story," by Anna Verses Dorsey. fa the SoeS1 Prohleess department Edward Everett Hale dimmest viestions of the day ; and "Literea7 Chat" contains abort *ketches of some well-known writers. • Ceentopelikie is eatiosbtedly nee of the brietneet of the high -close mouth!, periodicals of the enatiment, and the @at- tention nf thou who wish es obtain Gest- ates* literature in combination with their local paper is directed to Tui Stainat's clubbing rate for 1800. which offers the two publications for one year at the low figure of 12.50. TOWN COUNCIL - Tb. Illsisles or Last k.i.l-Meartakka hat The town stencil met laie Monday evening, the lith inst. Members all present except the deputy reeve and euunctilor &fifth. hl mutes of last sasest- iag were read, approved sod sages& rsit mayor stated that Mr Fisher. who resides at the corner of Albert and Sea- gate -eta.. being noder the impressioe that the water means were to be laid oe Altertet.. had put in a water serves to tap the main, and now that the mains are laid ors Neegate-.s., instead of en Albert -.e.14. wishes the commit to put is the service tor him at the town's expense. On seam the *utter was left to the Minas of the waterworks coesinittee. The finaucessoisonittee was instructed to procure a day -book and ledger said tilts for the use of the clerk. The treasurer's stateineut for Novem- ber, showing a balance on hand of 0.170.63, was referred to the finance committee. Fhe status's report showed five inter- ments during the month midis* Novem- ber 30th, three adults and two children. Petitioes from Johan Sproule and Jas Hyslop, in regard to texas, were read and referred to the court of revision. A communication from Wills Chip. man, engine expeet. rotative to melon' the emu teat of the waterworks engines sad :Hosing tom some renneueration for some previous loans to Godench, was referred to the waterworks committee. icoorsrs. The following accounts were rood a,ed ordered *0 14. paid Russ, Sea & Co., Montreal, insulated wino $27 40; Hu - etre SIGNAL, printing Organ Co. deb.°. titres, $23; also the firemen's salaries*, acoordasig to • statesmen presentee., Amounting to $270. The accounts of E. Smooth, $39 '7, and Woi Kirk- bride, 018.54, were ordered to be paid and applied tower& the payment of their taxes. The lollowiog accoitOta were read and referred to the finance cons miftee: company, uttering Square. 07; Stephens & Beres, Loodoo, water- works licenses, 13 48; R. P. Wilkineoo & Co.. hardware, 020.86; Frank Elliott, painting, $7.78; J. M Proodfoot, relief. $2 50; Sesodard Carbon Co , Clevelend, electric light trarbons, $123; E. Graham. relief, $11.70; Win Campbell, puce:me- w, ;rootage, $10 21; John Hillier, re- lief, 112.25; Doherty Mfg. C�, Sarnia, waterworks fittings. $2&.G6; J6a Wil- liams, lumber. $4$ 88; Hutto," Stomi.., printing. $3.02. Tho foliowing reports ill committees were then read and adopted: 441,011T 01 rissle, l'04/WfTTRE Your finance conimittee beg leave to reaort that they hare completed the sale of the $5 000 debentures •t • premien& ,sf 4 and accrued interest to R. Wilson Smith, of Montreal. Ws have handed the debent eras to the agent of the Bank of Commerce here to for- ward to Moutreal, and the mosey will be here in a few days---debenturee, $6,000 ; 4 premien., $)O; socreed Interest, 679.43 total, $3,279.46. The Bank will *Allow interest on daily W- eiss at the same rates. was allowed to the waterworks, electric light and Agri- cultural Park debentures. We have examined the following account* and recommend their payment epos beteg del; certified :--stephen• & Rama 113A 10 , 0.o. Niebereeli, $' (4. N. Dawes. $41.03; J. II ProodfOlet, $5; Jobe Roberts's, 1116, Buffalo Pipe Co., $417.50. .1. IL Cotopaxi, Chokes*. ItSPORT OP FT'lLIN' WORK, (112111ITT1E. Tour sommitees beg leave to report that they have atomised lato the sprit - 'stifle of James Bailey for snowsuit far pleat*/ tress on Neleconee., and noeld reeemmead that he he grained an el- bows... 01 twenty -flee oasts for meth tree living. Tema. C. Sorrel., CloaiTIMMI, IHJITTIEW LIONT AIM woreawonas emu emits Tour wetatwoots esti eieetrie light eafterittee beg to rare me fellines Siam our last nowt them ham hem ppm laid me Britataisia Rood from comer of South to Cesemroa-m.; ea Cameron to Regime -et ; ote Wake - so Terrace from North at. to the rater el Jahn T. Mattel's dwelling. Siam lent repeat them hove base fourteen sew serving added le them already ia. Total oweiess ies„ 173; and 13 mage ordered, which will be dose in a few daps. Joan &runt Chairman, swear or raurreav oomurrisa. Yost eameeery eassmittee beg Nam to report that they hoes eineaMed sad sem- pared with the hooks seed loop petiole - ins to the semseary the deed a Joseph Whitely, sad Ilea dot Mr Whitely has 114. 101. mlied for is hie deed. Bosse mistake mast have bean made by Kr Whitely, he evidently barite( gone into Range Z. besiteed et Raw F., when the lots atestiomed ere. Rosset Tammany, Chairman, Bylaw No 10, of 18110, to prov id* pon- ies places sod appoint deputy returning officers for the holding of elections for town sossaml and public .chool board and to piovide for the payment of rune, wee read three times sad declared carried. The letter of coadotence to Mn Moe - ton prepared by the eoweenittesappoicted for *be purpose, was read, when it was resolved that it he adopuil and, forward- ed to Mrs Mottos. Ou motvon move Proodfoot, see and ed by Thompeoe, this fire committee lots instructed to report at the next meeting. The council thee edjostreed. COMMUNICATIONS. W e do sot hold OnreekTes responsible for the opinions brow Correagoodenta. Contribu- tors tr this department must cosine them- selves to poblicouestioes, as& tee brief. Isterweaslaa To tbe Editor of Taa Sot - I observe by the published re- ports that Mr R. Radcliffe 1. 000 prima- deot ni the local Conservative asooeis tion of the tows, aad was on Tuesday last elected • member 01 16. Executive of the West Huron association. Is this Mr Radcliffe oar old friend who draws& superannuation from the creel service of thas country? I waa under the impres- sive that civil servants--ective sad oe soperanneatioo-were supposed to be eon -partisan. lest them some way ot et,,pping such partisan ethihitiou on the part of men drawtng pay from the country at large? A reply will oblige A Com. Susses Ittroeme. Well, sold taste generally keeps civil servants or public annuitants quiet poli- tically. The only other way of ehiettine of •*offenaive partisanship" is to wait till the oppoeite side gets io, and then ''cut their heeds off," so far as the salary or annuity is cencerned. That's the way our Tory (rinds dn. and we don t think it i but cure for the dresser A man under obligation to the people of the country, irrespective of party,for salary or annuity, should /*void being en active political worker -Ko. SEURAL. •Tislaele and 400L1rbt Loaf. 11the Editor arise Signal. Dui Sot, - I desire to say • word or two w reply to the unknown person who, thomelt he makes a serious charge against the town bakers respecting ta. alleged lightest* of weight of the loaf, has not the c-lerage to add lots tem to his statement. He casts a deep reflec- tion upon the hedgers in general of our town and upon "two" in pertacular. I take the stillest opportunity to assert emphatically, as far at least ea my heal - nese is concerned, that I have never dur- ing •the seventeen years in which 1 have been in business in this town been guilty of selling to the public a loaf whict I hue repreeentori 11111 hiking Of 2 *0.weight without ite being the abeolute truth- I challenze "Cams ' or anyone else to contradict my wordy. Farther, 1 am very loth to believe that any baker in this town would he unacropul ous enough to deduct anything from the regular 2 lb weight of the loaf. This bakers vi this town have as keen an ap- preciation of phneiple aim honor as, I venture to say, even "Citizen- can lay clam to. If he is honest in his would he public spirited statements. let him come oat as • man and bring the cul- prit* to jeans& It might be the story ease more .1 114. Chimes gun going off the swag way. The geomet of material weighed out f-ir each loaf in my haske-botuie ia 2 lb. 3 a, and not • whit less. That thia amottat will produce a tell weight 2 lb. loaf I leave to any one who lin ie. stay - thing about the haloes of bread. This amount /14 2 lh. 3 al. of material is pleat. ed on every loaf "onnunon- or "fumy." As • •Citisee" is Anaheim. hat an sinatewr Mee to inform bon that in the baker (wnh unlimited digesters)/ 1 market these too classes are *brays re - engross& Os mount of the messier serfaes01 enlist in thelnal it may possibly be • little tight:ettan the um - mon loaf. The common loaf ievanably brings down the males at 2 lb. TW sametesieneut. lb, 3 oz.. is pet into the emektilla of 9 fumy keg This is s fest te be ressetaltared. Is it fear to espeet thst Lim bakers of &Aorta shook' *spend eltrs labor is paseperiee to the taste of people whose. cot enetaret with the entheary emesses We. bet who, timegh the mese saran* of meseerial 1. .04 as for the otetiose leaf, Soweto the feet et mote Woe volved in malaise such loaf, whit& sells at the ordinary price, yet, like the Oliver Twist of Dickies' ...p -boo., Mamie tot "more, more." It is a Net that ha the City of Tweeter. as an most ettess, the foss, loa averages in weight ate more than llb . 8oe. We pat Zile 3sse is our faaay loaf and charge SO more for tt than for the other. Mood- -Some people, like • 'Chinni." don't know when they are well oft. Yours, .to., Davi,/ C•mranos, Westst Bailey, Goderia, Oat. rem r ----5 .a Parma. Teem adios et 2140104L. Sta.-Many inquiries have been Wi- ly made as to the best method of estab- lishing smell plantatiooe of hardwood on farms when the nature: supply of timber ham run .bort. The beet reply thet esa be elven to these ia that, to imam *vapidity of growth, we meet pleat enough young trees to shade the ground to a ocosaderable extent, that is to say, pleat young trees, say three or four feet high sod shout four feet apart but esy. This is .bout four times as many•trees as will ultimately be needed, and.therefore, it is well to plaint three fourths maples, which are cheap, steerson trees of easy growth, Med make every fourth tree a tree of better sod more durable variety, such as the ash, hieltory or cherry. As the plantation gets too clue the maples 311/1 ha cut out, and will make a good feel. leaving the more valuable tree.. "och will yet stand quite close enough to answer the purpose. Of coarse my read- ers understand that to grow emir timber fit for manufacturing purposes, the tree must grow, otherwise they will run ieto branches. This is thiniode practised by the hest United States planters. The nowise will est shove the others, which will do good, but do not let them ere too far above. Yours, &c., R W Patron Torooto, Dec. 7th, 1889 DUNG A N NON. From oar owe correspondent. Examination commences biro on Wednesday next week st 9 a. an Di.i.ion Court grail he held here on the 21st of December All comerned govern themselves accordingly. Mrs W. Line durinz last week has been rusticating sod visiting her rela- tives and friends in the vicinity ut Mo- berly and tipster,. The municipal council of West Wawa_ nosh will meet is the town bell oa Monday, Pith inst., as thn 15th falls on Sunday. Al: concerned will please take note. Mrs Jaa. and Mrs Arthur Wileon, who have been visiting their niece, Stn 8. J. Crawford, for some time pest re- tuned homeward t Lindon on Thurs- day lest. They en ioyed theineelves during their mart. Some of our young farmers in this vi einity &serve great credit for ambition in raising veal stock. As an instance Mr Ito*. Anderson, of the township of 'Willett', near Dungannon, is the owner ot • tine colt, one and s -half yeses old, which weighs 1,350 lb. We woald like to hest from say one who can surpass him in this line. The lecture which was given by Rev W. Cason, of Seaforth, on the "British Kmpire, 'a pronounced to have been an intoreatieg, instructive and intellectual treat. Tho Rev A. Potter ehly presided over the meeting, which was composed of • large audience. We are credibly informed that it was quite a sects's, financial!, as ..IIs. intellectually. We congratulate the Yonne People's society, and hope the course of lectures under its suipices will continue to succeed. Mr Luther Brown, frrineriy a rest dent cf Dungannon, who net here *boot n yie leenag.. end I exited in taji.kpelle, hearth %. est Territory, is at present vetting minims, fronds and old acquintamtes. He avers that our luso ttful hamlet has wonderfully increased in appearance and dimensions during i that period. so much so that he scerceiy knew it nn acrient of its growth, there having been so many fine bedding% erect ed. We presume according to nresent prospect., that were he permitted to visit ne t itie years hence a mote ; marcellv as chants 'route be in sti.re for him. The Northweet climate mans to I agree with him as he locks and feels healthier than when be lett here. Oo Friday of last week, after bovine omit/Wed a new survey of the property recently bought here by the syndicate, referred to in recent issues of Tn. et/r- est., intc town iota, parka, etc., Messrs. .1*.. Warren. P. L. , 604 •' W. W. I Berry. of Leeknolt, left for their re- specove homes. We are intonate! that Mr Warren del his week to the grottier tom f all concerned. He is • ipiod practical gentleman itt his line. Pius of the eels etrvey will be i.n hand shortly, when, we presume, tows 14e spi3 be offered for sate (Vitt** number are prospecting already. As anr.ounced, Per J Carrie preached the eleventh anniversary unarm in the Epuespaltan church 14.. .0 Sunday haat, in the afternoon. As the washes ,as very unprupitions, there were not mealy peasant on that occasion. which es to be regretted, as the rev gentlemen expatiated lamely on the history of the Church, in its vaginae fleportments sad thenousinstions lin the whole it was very iiestrusti re. His *taborets demonism *visaed Christian chute, to all deems- ineliese difrevieg front hie. His text obeivires -C.hr1.* 1. the Heed of %be