The Huron Signal, 1889-12-6, Page 6PARIS EXPOSITION. Another Graphic Letter on the -- 19u bjeot. nesse Peetiestaire of tit. WON Tewer• - Ve a. Larne aallioderSrb seeasae— • taiga Ptah en Mae mored and reams Ge lurrrpoal. From our own correspoadeat. When approaching Pere by train the t Wtor ee;;erly uraues his neck Ire. the railway Cerro/we to vet the nret glimpse of the B.del Tower. In the same way the traveller In approaching Naples watches for the first sight ul Vesuvius, or the wanderer in Egypt restlessly moses from side t,. side in the (looped -up oumpsrttueet of the Kited iv.'s ar waiting for the kret new of the distant Pyramids. They are equally good landmarks, equally tuterwttng, rued equally umlaut, except as advertiae- weuts to help swell the hotel lists. Bui rule arrear. TOWS*, the subject of this brief sketch, can give either `rmuttua or Cheops pants and still open no ahem a, a big drew It is one of the most oesuttful attractions of the most beautiful city rd the world. It is visible from ail parts of Pans, and from many miles out of the city its airy, graceful shape u traced sgaiust the bine background of sky. it was begun in January, Itttti, and io a few month, the stone foundation was complete, and then began the uprearing of its iron super- structure, section upon section, platform after platform, until April of this year t was completed at a total cost of £260,00• sterling, or nearly one and a quarter millions of dollars. The visitor t. as, prised at the enormous proportn.ns. The four •;rat `wet on which It stand. might be planted on tour upp .situ C. if en ofGoderichS,luare—thHigh shy it is called a square 1'a at a lams to scut... —the four arches epriogin. t tries, bases would roof the sq 'air. the roust douse, weather Ca:s and •.I, would re- present the little 'outvotes directly under the centre of the first I letf.,rin, and above all this would be the maimc sim- plicity of bewilder:nit girders and berm. interiacinv and eroesiut, amid a.l tied fir; rivets, rivets, at-tiR Vw HUM aiVrT-u, to the hrtuht .•f Vela feet The Etffr; Tower c,nol•. the uu•hes ..f time a great deal higher than etty of its Isni..us c •u temtaorerin. Text to it :. the, W..th- tngto.t SI, ,nr.it, x55 feet high. the.. fetter. et a respectful distance Col .gree Cathedral xl0, Straa'.ury Cathedral 4tili, the Great f ywmid 460,`t l'rter's,E'.me, 1.. 44S ; ft nen, bmlioburv, St Paul's, L ii. - den, cud amoral other cathedrals ar claim only about half is height and very little id its gram •, li tiodertch mold in reality boast this rut Ilse a:taaetwn the e'-ctric it.;ht at its summit wruld turn night. into day, and its searchit:g rays would p unturat, every nook and come, of the compact little town.. The La con is vutb:•e 4) tndrs fro'n Paris and from its buehtners you .•rn read a newspaper with ease at St Germain, a suburb thereto mules distant Thus, the citizens of that enterpristo•, town of hbepprrdton, seven mules r..rrh of Gods rich, would most be obliged to disturb the pavements of their interminable length of streets by laying dorm) gaspgpes. hut might live ty the waste rave sod reflect- ed glory of its mor.• fortunate ne•ghbor. Clinton, Easforth, gingham, Lu:km.w, Kincardine and Brussels would grow green with envy as the Goderich Clttzeus ▪ levetied their telesco"m pes n theand took o',serva�i•ns from this col nasal ob- servatory. I: is said that on a clear .ray t Cantt-v •tr ►tart• MILLS can be, seen. Thu ascent is made by everyone who has five franca i$1) to part with, and I ohm -aired few who did not part. A', enormous heft, running up an incline from each ..f the four feet, can carry from 1000 to 2000 people per boor tee the first platform. Oa Whitnoinday 36,000 persons ascended to one or more cf the three stages. Each hoist acc•mm,siues fifty pimple sitting, but at the time I ascended there were over seventy standing, so e. r was the rush and crush to get to the zenith. in about tour mioutcs you are at the fi:at landing - -a little town in itself. Restau- rants, afea,shops and stalls innumerable are pushing a paying trade in mid air at prices like the situation. A gallery runs around the ode, frim which ■ magtuli• cent panoramic view 41 Paris is obtain- ed, and en t•guaily vetoed inspection can be mad,, of the 12,000 girders, beams and pots, pts, frith their seven millions of rivets. Then, and then only, you can understand how it was that forty drsu:;h''siien and calcuiatnn were em- ployes I. r two years preparingdhe plans and 2,1.01 firawnigs, by the aid of which every hole was drilled in is proper place before the girders left the works. q•heu the second flour was being laid it was found one side wy•��one-fifth of an inch too high; tLis wouli ate thrown all the Mesta out of place in the higher build- ing, end had to be remedied by lowering one aide by powerful hydraulic screw presses. INS aaeO'ti FLOOR, 460 feet high, is reached by the mime means as the first, hut the lifts are gene- rally not eo crowded, owing to con.para tively fewer ladies going Io this height. Here, se on the first stage, are restau- rants, shone and oaten, and the F'.0,rro has a %ma.l machine set up where a daily issue is printed and published in minia- ture. (In thellsumtntt I400 persons can be accommodated at one time, and then the space occupied by V. Riffel's lab:xator- les. private drawing room, dining -room, bed -room and kitchen is not taken into account. The beet gauge to arrive at grime idea of the immenelty of this tri- umph of engineering skill is in the feet that 10,001 people,or over twine the pop- ulation of Gtidertch, can hr convenient- ly accommodated on the three platforms at on. time. The reader with an eye to finances will may betiding a tower is i paying business It is not likely to peeve • had open. in this acre. The $tate gave £I0.000 towards the ,net of building, and Paris Rave the land. The Aft. have a moneymaking capacity of at feast 11110,000 per day. and contineiny at Bair fur sic months, Sundays and /deter - days alike, they would show a profit of over half a minim dollars, after pay- ing the linit emit et ouestructius. Bat the Tower is the property of IL Eifel sad his ooapeay far tweedy yen, due. Mg which time every oma aeeeodiag u will Pat his live ereaas, so that ea the whole the ebaeeholders should be satiefed with their divdesde Besides the Ws to the (hast ptstlerm there are rave wllepP)W sralaw•rc, one at each Dosser, by whisk you may mimed at year leisure, if yea are toad of climbing, bat the htigms is reoaid b1 the excellent vire and the �� brassie Yea pay the dew for grandee as riding,but motwithstaadiag this worm may be counted asosodiag mod descend- ing at any time between ten and five o'clock. The hoist to the top oec.pies about ten minutes in tae aseeat, going about seven miles an hoar, amid lands you and your seventy or eighty aerial fellow -voyage» w comfortably and se- curely as if in a Broadway hotel. There is nothing peculiar in the sensation—you are a little higher, the atmosphere is a little parer, and the world seams a little quieter. Below ue things have assumed • different appearance, however. The city Y a blur r f house -tops and tree -tops; Use Seine is a winding silver thread, with little patches of blank, which most be thesnsunti. oraplinv alone; omnibuses are ants, and very lazy ones; human be- ings are black moving specks. Over the river, some eight or nine miles, is St Cloud (San Clou) with its mins, and Far- ber westward another eight ,nudes is Versailles. the palace of the Grand Mon - torque, which, .hrcueb the erceitricities of the wheel of fortune or the vagaries of history, witnessed the crownu.., of a Prusasil King as Emperor of Hartmany The Buis de ltologne, the lArch de Tri- omphe de 1'E/idle—Oho triumphal arch, situated to the centre of the star -like Opening whence some of the principal streets radia.•„ the Champs Elysees. the Tuileries (lsrdeur, the Louvre, the Mad- eline, are all landmarks that can he pick- ed out without much trouble. But •Il things come to an end, and even to the h:g1 est point you may ever attain you. mutt biddarewell; so we descend. It is possible that !vin YORE MAY ICLIPSE PARla in point of towers, but it •silt be only 'y dist suffering and ..mess that man's imperfection drives him to that something hither will be reached. How own- se is the distance het were, thin- bipeds who liyed in the caves aid rocks like the besets of the tield and the min who designed and executed this wonderful structure. and still this ani every invention and 'rusk of the Great Show is the slowly elshorated growth of insignificant beg gs Unlike mist: exhibitions the P.r.a show has been a noisome! sueretss. it is estimated • profit of 0800,000 will ue divided be- tween the city of Paris and the Gover,• meet besides haring a number of ez:el- lent nuldings to the good. D. E Irl. •C. Wild Cherry Bark, Elecampene, Hoar - humid and Senega. These see the re- medies with which Dame Nature has Supp bed Canada for the cure of Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, Bron- chitis and Low of Voice All these.are contained in Wilson's Wild Cherry in their most active form, and with other — — medir'inee constitute tots n.oat reliable and L all diseases of the Throat, ChestUST RECETATEDe and Lungs Wilson's Wild Cherry i• sold by all druggists len Expel the worms by urin.t the ssfe ano tellable aetbeimiutio Freeman a Worm Powder,. Ili A large assortment of the Latest Styles in Fall and - -- Winter FALL & WINTER occas. I have just received Ins. large eonsignnr{etit of Fall and 'Winter Goods, and to make room for them I ani now selling orf my - Previous Stock At figures away down. I do not believe in carrying over goods un- til another year, awl wig always sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES rather than hold them over. Being anxious to keep up with the times I have just put in a handsome plate glass front, and intend making other improvements that'will UMW my extensive pre- mises second to none in town. I ant here to exchange goods with the public for cash, and am bound to do it.. ARMSTRONG FAAN11G MILL AND PUMP WORKS AEIBTROND'8 IIPROVED Groin and Seed Cleaner Mgralturafir seksuwledged 1tqq be rte beat ma - tibiae mate fur thoroughly deadt.g grata sad seed* of all --IT-- Separates all Noxious Seeds and cM set:um grata att-see clseing aortae and cieeersir alltimothy seed at the same time tout .1aay kind of grain. It can be Sited into any fainting mill without remut tug the agar, no mattor how old the mill is, slid makes it do as goad work or getter than the most improved sew mills knows. It allow, no used is be blues u i..tu. the chat It Cleans Speedily. If/Every clrwn,r warrante,t me work as rem,. *anted orae sais.-sa l•°rdering by trail site inside width of shoe and name of maker of trill if convenient, and if shoe i.e. side shake or the old fashluc- ed hind shake. A large quantity of FIRST-CLASS PUMPS oa hand manufactured from Algoma white quartered pine. tp ,,Orders by mail promptly attended to. Shipped to any point. ALDDRE88 P. C.= ARMSTRONG BROS., Manager of Toronto House. W4oderioh, Ont. WA CHANGE OF BUSINESS. :0: The Carriage Business of the late ALEX. MORTON has been purchased by MESSRS. Nt'CREATH & WALKER, who will eon - duct it as usual in future. Both gentlemen are well and favorably known, and the public can look for a continuance of that prompt and satisfactory dealing which characterized the Dominion Carriage Work. under its late management. WE ARE N .)W MANUFACTURING SOME First Class Cutters_ Any style of Cutter Male to Order; and on the Shortest Notice. Now is the time to leave your orders. Old Cutters repainted and retrimmed, and made to Look Like New I hoes, at prices to suit the times. We invite a personal inspection, and guarantee low prices for the class of work offered. All work warranted. McCREATH & WALKER, (Successors to Alex. Morton.) Rich and Poor, HATS and BONNETS, Prince and Peasant, the Millionaire one Day Laborer, by their common use of this remedy, attest the world-wide rep- utation of Ayers PWIs. Leading phy- sicians recommend these pills for Stomach and Liver Troubles, Costive. mss, Biliousness. and Sick Headache ; also, for Rheumatism. Jaundice, and Neuralgia. They are sugarcoated , con- tain oo-tain ne calomel : are prompt. but mild, in operation ; and, therefore. the very best medicine for Family Use, as well as fur Travelers anti Tourists. •' i have derive,) great relief fAtm Ayers Pill•. Five years ago I was • taken so ill with Rheumatism that i was unable to do any work. I took throe boxes of Ayer's Pills and was entirely cured. Since that time I am never without a box of thaws p111.." Peter Christensen, Sherwood, Wia. "Ayers Pills have been in nee in my family upwards of twenty years and hart completely verified all that is claimed for them. In attacks of piles, from which I suffered matTy years, they afford greater relief than any other medicine i ever tried." —T. F. Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. " I have used Ayer's Pills for a mu m- ber of years. and hare never found any- thing equal to them for giving me an appetite and imparting energy sod strength to the system. I always keep them in the house."—a. D. Jackson, Wilmington. Del. " Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured me of severe Headache, from which i wag long a .nffsrer. — Emma Keyes. Hubbardoton. Masa. "Whenever i am troubled with ems. tion. or suffer from lost of appetite, r s Pills set me right again." — A.J. Kitti iser. Jr., Rock House, Va. "Ayer's Pills are in general demand among our customers. Our sales d them exceed these of all other pills coir. bined. We have never known thea tail to give entire satisfaction." — W right & flannelly, San Dieggo, Texas. Ayer's Pills, raRPAaan 1ST Or. J. C. Ayer a Ce., LoweN, MN% 'Iced by am Dial= r Mr'I , • Also a choice variety of FEATHERS, RIBBONS and PLUSHES at the Misses Yates_ Imo — MILLINERY! In the latest and best styles at QRS_ SAI E JDDS_ Also a number of HANDSOME TOQUES at $1.50 each ---Good value. They are going off fast Call early and make a good choice. "WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD." :100 people who have purchased WANZER LAMPS .'stn GEORGE W. THOMSON Will test f) to the truth of the shots statement. 1 f F. very family should have one or tweet leaet.ly PRICE REDUCED TO 114.00 EACH. Call on the Agest, OF.O. w-. THOMt•tN. who will sell you all yon may require, and give poo full directions. SEWING MACHINES, PIANOS AND ORGANS, AT ROCK BOTTOM 1'RI(•RS FOR CASH. Don forget the place. West tide of aware, oeeerieb. Oet. It, ttga, Ilfl/•tcs 'NOTICE It will • soon be time to make out accounts. "The Signal" does good printing and furnishes good paper. DISCOUNT. I haw** shwa ma t' a stemets sad a he public gooiest*/ That 1 have amide. se eclat M • ti ww.sg Lbaosat for SPOT CASH 6 par rent ..g all purchases of $1 W allege than $3.00 ; 10 per cert oT a!l purchases ..f $r. 00 and upward Ile goods 441 my ••en manuf.o.ure L per Bent will be allowed. I hare on hand sue of the tartest stooks of .. BOOTS & SHOES in the Dominica, a detailed list ,if which would uct.upy store space than lb. "Ste- " le prepared to etre ; sullies it to say it comprises every desirable Gue to be found with the beet Manefecturers of Csusda_ Every line is already marked BELOW ACTUAL VALUE and the above terms make my store the Cheapest place in Canada to buy your shoes An itumvuse stock of . RUBBERS AND OVERSHOE in every style both w Canedisn sed American, (:love Goodyear Make, w file subject to the time LIBERAL TERMS. A Large Stock of Ladies' Imported Kid Slippers, very Ore. Call sad eta thele. Cor. Bast -et. and &mare, E. DOWNING. TOILET SOAPS ! —:STANDARD:-- ENGLISH :STANDetRD:-- ENGLISH AND CANADIAN. Auto ,Tel•\- YfOM ?Hit wwaT AMERICAN MAKERS. • ►nean eLu'rLY or THAT FAVORITE W�3IT� CAs1TILE TO HAND. F. JORDAN'S MEDiQAL HALL. JOHN ROBERTSON Dego tit announce that be is sow agent for The LiqilorTea Conpufl Celebrated Teas Your choice of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volume by the Beet Authors, given with every 3 lbs. Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling the expense. A FEW GALLONS OF PURE MAPLE SYRUP LEFT, rya JOHN ROBERTSON, BHMNAS' OLD STAND, COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL STS z Goderich Foundry and Machine Wo RIINOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. HFR011 FOCKDRY. t[fMDt num of CJISTSFLOIVRISC-muse' • 'SAW MitLS.STta1r rlfCINtS,J0ttfRS THR5SH,N ICHINtS. Sap ffsTC.SSnareS.alOY.H CULTI•.TOSSILSPLSSCaSTIMCS EAST STREET ,GODERICHCM..:... WE HAVE ON HAND FOIL SALE: Improved Land Rollers - - - Price $22.00. HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS, PLOW POINTS &c. AT stow IwrIG-'T..7-12.ES l FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. Having made arrangements with the JOHN DOTY ENGINE & BOILER WORKS CO. TORONTO, We are Prepared to Quote Prices to Parties in want of the same. RICPALIRt3 .AND O.&8TIN0-S Ohs ALL KINDS For 1890. Consider SeRiIINRR's MArGAZiNE when you are deciding upon your resoling matter for neat season. The subscription rate is low --$3.00 a year. The standard of the Magazine is high, Its spirit progressive, The illustrations are interesting and of the best.. There is no space here to give even a summary of the featuree to ap- pear pear next year. but among other things there will be a NEW D- PARTMENT and ADDITIONAL PAGES, andT•: of illustrated articles will be devoted to the following subjects African Exploration and Travel, Life on a Modern War Ship (3 articles), Homes in City, Suburb, and Country, Providing Homes through Building Associations, The Citizen's Right., Electricity in the Household, Ericsson, the Inventor, by his Hunting, Humorous Artists, American and Authorized Biographer Foreign. There will be 3 serials. Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute in 1590. Each Subject, and there will he a great variety this year, will be treated by writers most competent to speak with authority and whit interest. Readers who are interested are urged to send for a prospie' tux 25 Gents a number , $1.00 for 4 months& a CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 743 Broadway, NI't Yar e.e..w driest tteaw, CV Orts Or Thar, u Clederloh Modes &beet I earns la the fou of eltthiy-mise, r lineal fee the Central kids, We'd have u pretty flaw f all classes of Yod.Ylteu Felt ray Isamu the best. tot after December tela has pared I thick will have a mot t ma))J be Chet the htvh lane Memo e viedytagfutekes ue teed, t . With energy meal, work mad teachers, *boa we se to wheal. Are Messes Tum sad Parka, ', 1 we are sometimes kept Lathers 1 ' it is •early dark. isaidwian Scheid Ilameessent We ease pick a w. ud M' eerie too. as have to learn, Lw odious school law. imbeds Mr Parke. ttc mkjeote of ssiuel wart, sg tee, wehare a sha', A ed drtil we masa Mlrl ',stigmas there are Of ladies Just one mans 'altogether there are. new On. tees than thirty-four. en mery well Stan aa.one all these, 7 trim tis well, ve wWish s. . out geed, rallies emanot t"L c *gr -i&ed a foot ball t'ub Itesa atter we came here. ad •nasal ed cher four o clock. t hem It was calm and clear. ohmls our great aptalr. Hoene/ yed before, nil so crab tick out • wood leer' Free, pretty near a mote. f t we practised quite often, Aiding a team quite strong ; t-annot tell e' rictorie s, Fur It we• it Was tucking. be wsett'r sew is rather rough. The sky's sot very clear: tot netting else you can expect At tits time or the year. rota Mates Model .B we tem lint we doalwa-s gad hat (hod cb Ase -sl stab .1, And Linton to s behind. n1 whoa we write on the exam. Vueltas* I'm not astray. f tilodertch pupils some a ill win The honor, of for lar. nil though the papers be quite hard. W Il make ...tool, per cent, t ill come out far ahead of thole. 'esu u: ber schools alai neat. )1111.a h appen to read this far a beta :site enough," resell my; 1 thu.i. I bad betty, stop Wttu.,u. farther delay. lf.im *i.s J: Co ,.ts, — We consider MINARD'a I PENT the beat In the market and null; recommend its use. J. H. BA*kta, Id. D., Believes Hospital. F. t'. Altnakauv, M.D., L It. C. S , Edinburgh. M. R C. S , England. H. D. V.11505, M.D, l ni-t Pena LEEBI- RN. our ewe correspondent. nes steamer Is still on the move in oar section this weak. het Gordan, of Sheppardtoe, • to cur burg last week. iter an absence of six years we once wait -rope our popular friend, John rt, who is home from Dake ta, but tot alone, hating added his name to roll of the benedics before leaving eatland, stud with his fair ;•rtdt• is ting his parer -la sod other recativs. OmmuRei..n service saw a eo'.d at - awe of the members of the church risk, of the rite, with several mom - of t:te Presbyterian sister church of ow; ale.. Mr J. Aikenhead, sr., elder nos church, (icaerich, was present ers D. Caroming, A. C. Macdora,d J. Strachan routed with the rte. • J. A. Anderson, pastor, gave a biog and impressive address to the municants op the nature of the end asked all to try and keep part of their armour bright sod ping as workers in Owl's canoe, that '.le could be pierced by evil thoughts temptations of this life, of which were M. many to contend with. r fountain of perttetual youth was of the dreams of antiquity. it has well-nigh realized in Ayer's Serva- l-1.1a, ersa- v ia, which pantie* this blood, gores s..ty to all the bodily foie. and .s restores to age much trf the vigor •I freshness of youth. DUNLOP goo our own4,orre sedent. 11+5 Ltrets Cforo.--In chapters of Holy Writ we read of the deep joy .tote of the kings of Israel when the n same after the absence of three re. After • period of three months s the creeks are running once more h a full 6•.w of water, which is much Ionised by man and beast in Dunlop. saaORAL. --Harvey Green, formerly esidsat of thus section, bet late of the en city, has been visiting among rids and old schoolmates of No ii, is the sante jelly lad as errr. He man,. beaming smiles from his emus, fair friends who gave one of papular idols a hearty wele-.me. re with regret that it is his inten- ome a resident of N•.w York but a little bird whispers letters travel there as well as to the Queen •1 dee ass grit tem a he of t gree le t nth eq. lbs ed hon Cut mils sant beim at, hon. clod to I amu lion who hart It h sties war rutn con, 000 amyl Burp on their port er of ly ha wort, half passe the I The thud man, of al the 11 mom build !MIK It is and i ports it Si, the e State to er every offers ships riche. away Ia Oil is cough good H•.pi cures pain. gal Cat atmos show' chimc menti camel day-' once white cle.sk; gote teros with hunt' richer with i sable and camel shade tug ar mend. pale g Ty rise cloaks Icet•t1 are fir Hood white '.rant and I .Ht hen hare white muff* stir's Lisp aye m Lion. by tin tars, t all It ht lion, blood meat •a Fruit ferenn we qu being med ininert, legisla seven here, t lot enc Ilk, a with tl step. shrank the sem of star quite e etas hr __— "Th Almon Ta\tag tUb. days hen a person begins to shiver, the capital .d is r• ding from the surface ; con chairs con to a greater or I... extent, has colt m' en pir-s, lied the patient has already fact b, n cold, to M followed by fever, in- Wed ; tr tine of the lunge, neuralgia, oil was w t n. oto. All thee. evils elle be bitten. ed and the gild expelled by walk- theatre or in some etereise that will pen- commit .e prompt and decided motion is the ewe system. The exercise should be stage s •ient to prod.'s perspiration if trimmt ars es eiteated that yon den get a .ontriv of hot water to drink, it will tam- stage fly aid the penpinstHm, and in "devil' y way assist nater, in her efforte to trailed, yr the wild. This energy (allowed ewifh M !cls at an end, and whatever eeaatel tlrl olti.wate in is avoided : light si a are prevented sad your private