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The Huron Signal, 1889-12-6, Page 3
0. ATED. at tis. eeat..p:.t 5- ,s preseat.d la �tt- I. with ursans Sts ►e Mauaaw,s Iso ••- seats with Alpine's lying kerma twv.b wblloattu•, i• serial , to be entitled 'The be last dd.eater.a ' Tb. sitar will be .res, and Ill aerated strIbeile a novelette tutu Itraru a neve, "1 uunsa, handeos,o- • ioeching subjects et o its abort stories, :les. the )lusting ,sou standard. itIuDICALS. err r•r► l M lis• of members in lbs red- , auaztrtr begla with d Iteurrutx r of esek spert.ed. •ubeertg. Number current aIg Pick's M iasgint, Ser t cloth Mediug, will . on receipt of $3 Ile e a, fur bludlso. Se paid. azl c r. A Iphabstkal, I, for Volumes 1 to It13a is June. iSSI, made he Puet-OMt.e to at old chance of ropy this arleerriaa oinkro/ liaw'ut TII)Jt3. New Ymk Weekly. ITEM. s a soca -established crated aewe,wper In if ,t• ed us, rlal eolit- hs* earned 1.,r it the all imppwaatal reed- it exretten,e of its Include a. riot and and no-si popular .a' of peep's of the sod pursuits. The are of remarkable or. No expense is -r• order of artistic • illustration et the and foreign history, . the pen of Thomas i■ the H Lx►LY L• UQ1MCALS. eg Of )PI.E. . . swAerrif. ra is the r .Nr1rrn. tiLV I.Kin with the ,f each year. When 'cram ko,. will begin at time ut rere pt ;retie lt-rr►i.v. for rioth binding, wiU .aid, or h0 eaprr.s. the fretxht dries net chine,. fur 1: per Annie. suitable Ser silo post-paid, os re- made by pt -t -life :o aruid , bailie Of op flus 'rarer:ix. , fir!/1'akh'L IF,R+_ New York. 3_ ng People. h %EEti1.1. I Han'-..: - V.,rvo ah ,... \ +.,,w.- for .,R a I', .r We. ...I,.r. .• 1. -sat fore oiler, n .a awe Iced Al vet I'n Isad 'tonne,." Ilo,sbeerr's M' s Twe mem •a:laalion u( tot r11.tie ewiit t'rilsj so mho r alt r*ern" le a 1111MI , tenon. Tbere will . Newels. Thomas lord Ons d l iii erg. thiels Sere: t. 'count waifs 1 -.,:ng People y. 1' her. . r,rrlW &MUMInt nt. hoe. •M. SIM Per V. isreinher::. Ut®. o ris ipt nl a !ILA een1 Penta each. nada lay Post om . void thanes *fins. gpyj,yy chi, rrdrrr' # Pr1,r of Hasj'rrt R IEIt11, New Park, i.' Bazar, T FJ .fatal for the benm no, with retard 1e . ii!u.treoon. lash• est suppt.hornta area Immo drew. maker de. No . "mime '• is at r r.r tic coolie of I,• es, •Mort .t111 rM� Fairtrovi an it Bildjei reek!) usors everry- t 04 Intern,. to wo- k. aro, Thorne `filler. n Lowe r furnish a aeries of at I )nine,'• - Three • .t•o idn of the de wilt be written r. Robinson. ,IODICALS- ir 110 loll. ............. •• +j to ✓ tsser/iera In the or Arvin with the �f an -h year. Wham ',pions will he I'Mat Ilrrrr• of re. r`r's Earns for ooh his.'inv. will list. ns, by evens", he height drowns tins ,, f..r t: , 11'et Tame. imitable ter na 1, test -pall, em ode by Prot -Ouse a raid Miaow* of qvg (Aft m?eerlds . mire */ H anima * Hitt, New 1 Om wlDesimenalliN tinned. M a bag tie u Ito bask, but thea. may M same what moms her a family by the mime of Mimeo, who resided in Ilan is 1867, fur • few months It Jess Irish and u., sasied 4 • tether and two sone, the latter, two /rest strsppuq fellows They app./and to have men. m least they did ootbisw:sati scent their time largely is shotroug, eat so mach at Ramo as ata mark, and the baro of the borne in which they then lived, ug the Macad- amised Road, yet shows the bullet holes which they made In it, tirtug firma the the remedah of the how at a mark they plsoed on it. To a few it was known thee the lathe, was highly connected is Ireland. but they made no aalualnlanees sad after about sin mouths of life here moved away, dleappsariug as they had come. The followita6, from the Loudon Free I'rw, is an iutereetisg outline of the •ubserlueut history of the family :- "The record death of the Min Q More -Smyth, Earl of Mouutaashel, will brisl to mind to the many readers of this kwrnal a well-known character one* Itvisg in London sad vicinity. The MOS Chore* Moose -Smyth wa• the elder,. We of the Hos Geo M ,ure, the erased d this rotes, and brut her to the Pr -Mon Stephen Moor., who succeeded to the title in 1826. The seaon'1 Earl of Mounto she), through operations of the b r 'bared Estate Act,lint nearly .11 the pla/.Ry, and about 1818 came to this Mantry and bought 300 or 400 acres ni bed at Kumoke, and with hie son the • Hon Osirse Moore -Smyth commwuoed farming operations, with not very pro- fitable rosette The bones in which the Mte Berl lived at Komoka was in the °entre of • piece of wood.. •od bad a wierd, lonely sod isolated appearance In examining the house the doors and windows had something like the appear- ance of • robber's hold. Every door and window was peppered with bullets as the result of pistol :praotio.. The eccentric ways of the Hun George in shooting and always carrying tel or three pistols in his pockets got him the sobriquet of the "Wild Irishan." After spending ten years of what might be celled • harem mares life in Canada, in 1863 he left for Ireland, end to 1853 succeeded to the present earldom He sae born in 1826. and eon•.quently was 63 years of age. The Earl was a track shot, and had the pistols with hair triggers and dint lock that ''Fighting Fitsterald" used it • diel wentitmed in Liver's "Charles O'Malley " These pistols belooged to the tint Earl of Muuntca.hel. or the grandfather of the late Earl. He used to say "it was a great pity that duelling was ever abolished in Ireland, for any blackguard would bate you with a black thorn suck that woeld be afraid to meet roe on the gram with pistols " But the oe. George oftem made erratic shots Being informed that a certain crack shot in the 63rd Regiment, then camping at Komoka, could stand straight up and hit a five -cent pace at the point of his toe without touching his foot, "Phew," said the Earl, "that's nothing; look at me," and he shot his big toe off, and was lame ever afterward He generally dressed in the most meagre attire, and it is related that when he arrived in Dub - Hb, after les•iu, this country, he met Dub - . lits father on the street, wearing only a Sad shirt. pants and • pair of cowhide boots. The first Earl of Mounteashel at one time owned, by • grant from the Crown, the Township of Moore. and the municir•lity wits called lifter the family nuns of this Earldom -Moore." A data aretemral1 All pcieonous waste, awl wore out matter ought to "errors from the system tbrou¢h the secretions of the bowels, kidneys and skit). B. B B. cleanses, open. and regulates these natural out- lets fur the removal of disease. 'l Miserd s Liatmost Cute. Carmel la trews NEW DISEASE. The Telephone Sreed• • hew Freebie Re manhood. Poor, suffering man in these days of /!ogress aid civil,zati.n is exposed to teow clangers and diseases. He is asphyxiated with gas, stricken by the dead)j current used to electric lighting and blown skyward by the explosion of tunics which convey steam for heating purposes in the cities. He hu writer's cramp, telegrapher's paralysis and the baseball habit. Cigars develop cancer, ice water gives him dyspepsia and whis- key brings on limjems. Railroad travel jolts his nercous centres out mf plumb, the electric light has developed a special form of opihalmta, and now comes Mr delle, cf France, with an indictsest to the telephone. He says, ac„[ding of the Washington Capital, that he has seen men who have to use abs 'phone daily suffering from •'aural over -pressure" caused by the strain of the auditory apparatus required to use that inatru- ser'- Tito constant tinkle of the bell irritar.•s solo 3 ears, and the nearness of the to .:nd in the tube, especially when it splutters from toe much inductnro, irri-' tate. others into a state of overses.itive- nese which makes them intolerant of sound pi icflnmed ryes are of light Tho.e afflicted with "telephone tinnitia," as some authorities call it, suffer from nervous excitability with busting noises in the ears, giddiness and neuralgic pain.. The only ears s rest -a (templets douse of the teleph.•ne. We can't help bat winder what will be the nest evil to befall w. Brix Mende everything. Price lbs is Ideality of "Tome n ietie.s,' "The Duchess' is realty Mrs Marga- ret Hnngerford, residing in a home of ecmfort and beauty in Ireland's famous oouate, Cork. She lie en industrious woman, and writes • complete novel with more ease than many of as would exeggise in writing a short article. She is drineatiii in her natant, and dislikes to talk about her work. Her modesty Is prooarbial of neighbors in hefriends, l tlea and huh tow* where she lives are ignorant of the feat that "Madame Hongerford,' as tho7 em11 her, is the author of the hovels that Be on toeir tables. ■t..vl's Ltatseet tars tssemap.e. National Pills are • mild purgative, seting on the Rtnsaeh, Liter sad Bow• els, removing all olmtroetteea Te Sae auoaeelflRes The special annwena»NMt which ap- peared in our agusee sumo Mem since, announcing • special srratawent "pith Dr IS J Kendall Cs, ..f Euueburmi Fella, Vt., yebltsMve of "A Treatise on the tions a.J hie Diereses," whereby our wbeoribers were enstrled to obtain • copy r.f that rideable work free by send - me their address to H, J Kasoatt Co (and enclosing a two -cent stamp for mailing same[, is renewed for • limited Period. We trot all will avail them- selves of the opportunity of ohtaioesg this valuable work To every love, .,f the Horse it i. indisp,neab'., se it treats) in a simple manner all the diseases which afflict, tl.,e noble animal. Its, pbeuumert- al sale tarsoghout the United States and Canada ur.kes it stair, and authority. Mention ►Au paper whet. sending fur ' Treatise. " 31-6 MORE TESTIMONIALS. Bauassta, Nov. 8th, 1889. J. M. McLe.rl, IJuderich Drat his :-I should have stilton be- fore this to let you know how I an, get - tin,; al:.ug. I am a lot better than I wee, gaining strength every day. I have a good appetite and sleep well I ran take the full quantity of the Renovator nue and it doesn't *Liken ma. My limbs are all right tow, quite swan in that way. Swelling all gone. The greet thirst is g.•ne. I drink no water a' night, but 1 take • little butter- milk. I eta quite straight again- Send me more medicines, or would you wish to see me Janie Deux. Hattnw, ONT., Nov. 11th, 1889, J. M. McLrowl. Dia' Sot :-I have taken all the Renovator. I am feeling well. My appetite is extra Food. I weigh most hundred and sixty eight pounds; twenty live I have gained since I began your medicines Do you think I need morel Write and say. Yours, &c., MatY Posits. Noir.--The System Renovator can be had from Mr Goode. Mr James Wilson, Reyna. Estate, druggists, Goderich; Mr Roberts, and Mr )'err, druggists. Hw- forth: Mr Counties, druggist, Clinton; Mr Cooke, druggist, K,ncardiue; Mr Park- er, druggist, Durban,; Meeers Berry & Days, Mr Congram, druggists, Luck - now ; Mr Harrison, Glamorous; Messrs Hargrea.ee Bros , druggsts, Paisley ; Messrs. Hargreaves Brae., druggists, Cor. Queen and Simare kits., Toronto, &c. &c. Sjld at $1 00 wed $2.00 per bonier J. M. HeLgoo, Proprietor, Newgate-st., Declutch, Ont, Wahl Sen ice & l�cpair� The undersigned is prepared to under take the putting in of tWater Services in connection with the Town System to Dwell- ings and other Buildings. Also REPAIRS -ra To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac- tories and Machinery of all kind. Prices reasonable. Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. WILSON SALKELD. A COOK BOOK Mile; TAP"; $&c FREE Sy asp a .q W asMag as hes part elite adiram. wags, giit4,ardtss / Co.• restrtad. THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, DEQ. 6, The Teacher! Who advised hes pupils to strength's their 'dads by the use of Ayer's Ser. sepsrUla, appreciated the truth that bodily health M essential to msaia v Igor. Fur pssuoas of delicate and feeble euast,tuttoa, whether young or old, this medielae is remarkably beneficial. Be sure you get Ayer's SnssapartUa " Every epriag and tall I take a aum- her of bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and sin greatly beuefited. " -Mrs. James H. Eastman, Stoneham, Mean. "1 have taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla with great benefit to my general health." -Miss Thiara L. Crory. Palmyra. Md. Inas M� ughter, twelve years of age, Bred for the past year from General Debility. A few weeks alma,we began to give her Ayer's Sarsaparila. Her health- La. greatly improved Mrs. Harriet H. Battles, South Chelmsford, Maas. "About a year ago I began using Ayer's Sarsaparilla as a remedyfor debility and neuralgia resulting rom malarial exposure In the army. I was in a very bad condition, but six bottles of the Sar- saparilla, with occasional doses of Ayer's Pills, have greatly improved my health. I am now able to work, and feel that I cannot say too much for your excellent remedies. " -F. A. Plaiham, South Moluncus, Me. "My daughter, sixteen years old, is using Ayer's Sarsaparilla with good el: Rect."- Rev. 8. J. Graham, United Brethren Church, Buckhannon, W. Va, ",I suffered from Nervous Prostration, with lame hack and headache, and bare been much benefited by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I am now It) years of age, and am satisfied that my present health and prolonged life are due to the use of Aver's Sarsaparilla." -Lucy Moffitt, Killingly, Conn. Mrs. Ann H. Farnsworth, a lady 19 years old, 80. Woodstock, Vt., writes : After several weeks' suffering from servoua prostration, I procured a bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and before I Lad taken half of it my usual health returned." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, • ratraau, BY S, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Pries $1; six bort!... P. Warta is a Deas. Cl„gm& P. R. BOOM TOWN PROERTIES FOR BALE. $100 AND UPWARDS I hare a large number of Houses and Lots and Vacant Lands in the most desirable parts of the Town -/tit •A LE 4111113•r. Now te the time to aware property before the Bir Rush, The C- P. R. is ooming sure. and la a short time prices will have advanced beyond the reach of many. Call and see List and Prices before purchase Ing elsewhere. R RADCLIFFE, Real Estate and General Insurance Agent Once West -tit.. third dour from Square, C. P. 11 Ticket and Telegraph Ottdce. UAL rylTREA'' ON ENEoUSES THE BEST BEING POI(DER IcUllll LEIIIIIE (cog's Ile Alum. Retain(I !ET111E1 IUYUEL GARTH&CO. FUMY sBPPUES Valves, he. & tent Pip Leese Pulley Ole% Sean let Pangs FN. Pilar Wes MWs, Gan Deg sid tawdry hind OS CRAIS STREET, MONTR[AL. D.A.M%8KI LL & ©° MANL/FACTURERS O FIN! CARRIAGE VARNISHESOAWAN. 4 SILVER MEDALSAWARUEL MONTRE.01_ CHADWICK'S SPOOK COTTON For hand end Machine Mas. HAS AO SUPERIOR. ASK FOR IT. LBITHERDID STEEL-UNID MUMS Is Sausle, Ledtse'aed •a�t),..saw Maas. r•'Z-sant Strallmt TRUNKS 1r, the Weal& J. BTELEIGHACO MONTREAL. MM. . fl I alt tin HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. Neer. Dame St., owe of the maw esatral and elegantly Tarnished A 1. lis tau City. doveasmaodatma for 400 joss,. Sniper TIfJOf St to aper day. E Man�es, • r Si of PEARS' fo!l 1:.r, for CE1ale., J.PALMER &SON who. on Imp'tn of ONECC:iT$' SJa311IES t719 i7i3E IUIE i., MONTREAL SOAP. DOMINION LEATHER MID COMPANY. )ia..tnaarws of /SI EST3$C:LLe0A.t9 Meets Peeking, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, Tinian Neon 1' i•+-Xioa RECKITT'S BLUE. Tlls BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. PUBLIC NOTICE11, Another large consignment of Fresah Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducerrients in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. RE E S PRICE t . SON. Bay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. .l Alt SIZES AMO WEIGH To ORDER DIERSIILS :-Ponos), V7OR 11077D=31:3. Ars 1-aseattoMM. Coate:* their own PCz . •i- e. Is a safer sort, as..1 Cali real der•eyer o! woseaa:a C.ua4.ca'w /,dais& FOR SALE BY G. H. PARSONS ENVELOPE S 6000 MK ISO AT SIG/iAl ALBION BLOCS. AODI RICE- GOODE, THE DRV`G}IST Makes a speciality of FINE DISPENSING, PERSONAL ATTENTION, FINEST WORK, NIGHT ATTENDANCE. TELEPHONE. CALLS PROMPTLY ANSWERED, If yon request it. your Physician will leave his orders& my Establishment, thus securing you these adsantagws and moderate c -R as lead on -- HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES - Try w• for PONqK.q, TOILET ARTICLES. PERFUMERY. ETC. A few p!eossofthat BEAUTIFUL MUSIC given to ladies with purchases. still is mock. McLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR, and all other leading Patent Medicines. see, . r., r_ W. C. G OO D E, IS DRIMIGIST. ALBION BLOCK. LATEST STYLES —ZN— s We have now'on hand a complete stock of Pattern Hats and Bonnets, with Latest Novelties in Ribbons, Plusher and Trimming Materials. Inspection oordially invited. Isacoemor to Mies Graham. Wese-1 FALL MILLINERY. MISS pAMBRON, Hamilton Street, begs to announce that she has now in stock tis, 1at+st styles in fall Millinery, special- ly imported from the British markets for this season's trade, which comprise wens of the mast handsomefloods ever seen in this section, including Feathers, Flowers, bbons, Shapes, Trimmed Goods, eta A O &LL AOLIOI'rED- IS FOR SALE, PRICES LOW, CASH OR ON TIME. 1 General Purpose Horse. 2 One Horse Wagons, New. 1 Fairbanks Hay or Cattle Scale. 1 60 H. P. Engine and Boiler. 2 Boiler Heaters. Shafting, Pulleys & Belting. 200 Plows, various Patterns. 50 Corn Scuffiers, $2.50 each. PIPE AND FITTINGS. Plow Repa rs of all Kinds. Cash paid for Cast and Wrought Scrap Iron. Warerooms near Victoria -et. Methodist Church. 0m A. HBER. u - ti VM CAN USE ANY WRITING INN. EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. No time wasted dipping Into an Ink bottle. a ■ ■ c 0 I A a a a a 0 z 3 I, • o_ s 611 Lg ry L a A- ca r� 12 �s 1 C —a `o Aso E. 2 ES r 4 4• d • .11 b a a E cg �p • En !a s 3 I 2 t t WE HEAD THE PROCESSION --0---o---- GEO. 0GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, isiving the butt of value in all lines of Furniture—from the smallest chair to the largest and Dist bed -room set, or parlor suite. Call and see his stock and get a bargain. -U NDE R TAKI - In all its branches, promptly attended tc 0 0 17 EMBALMING FLUID always kept on hand. PICTURE FRAMING a specialty-. GRO. BARRY,Hamilton-St., Goderioi. EXPERIENCE, CAPITAL 4!D Are the factors employed in the purchase of Goods from the best houses in the trade. The general verdict is that Munro is abreast of the times, and in all departments fully up to the mark. My increasing business is an evidence that my efforts to please the public are appreciated. And while I endeavor to keep almost everything us- ually found in a first-class house, the general public may rely u on getting the correct thing in every department. Notwithstanding the advance on Silk Goods I will sell Satin and D'Lyons, Surahs and Satin Merveillieux at former prices. My Sf ecialtit:'s for the Season: 331:7Z- ENVELOPES, VTENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, Rte., Ere.. at THE 3IUBAL PRINTING OMI MI Mercers s tee net heir Bill Heads, Letter Heeds Can o. printed at this ranee for very pliattpleer move thee generally pa) for the (:all cwt help to advertise their l,malmem, Cll mangles and get price... PATEN MEATS, TRADE IMO /113 COPTNICNT Otstsined, and all business in the V.P. Paten Ones altamale/ bat MOt►RRAFE riots. Our ease is sweente the U. R. Patent 01t ase, and we tae *pain Patens is ;ns. time than those remote fares WAgN/NOTON. f t�tRead MOD111, OR I►RAWINR, We.atMd�- elee es r. IN Q C* bilRiii SUN a Iron p� ispp rah' bare to the PPatma.tmr,;M Supt. . i or she N ama Per elrevelsrwml•r. advice. 10 mesa Sleets I. tint ewe es, �� . *rite to O/It1 ram 011os sow Wash DDDIi seesDay. Linen Goods in great variety, Laces and Edgings, Fine Hosiery and Gloves, and all the leading items in Smallwares, from Needles up. All Goods marked in plain figures and strictly one price. ALEX. MUNROwer , X64 Drawn- and Haberdasher FURNITURE E,j is' If yen west h. see the largest meek of Fureitury In town, go no D. G-ORDO jw rf on want to row the 1 WINDOW 13i3ADIDSI and rho etyma eat sad seen hese lovely tints ■a shades lasso• PIO'S VRHd rim A.A[INCI meetly done JOBSYma. Qdoes ole,fy ldoset keep OFELLEO RLtq0a. RIA1MIA he *reek for ooro ros, let her. hand. Md rn 1 too estate's** en ashen esmmlaYsa.et peri,., went{!{ eN t will etetav w a NDERTAKING} • Is the trNwrt•hlrhg 1 levy evervflami revered las Ott-etyt ries *Mew awl meet etp.rraneed repast Ulrecie: is the Delay. CNAIto t 1 Fs. W Oelsrl.b. Apra filth. NIL s 1•04