The Huron Signal, 1889-11-8, Page 1t ,ORIN4 OVERCOATS IEMEN. TD $20. wtaoipie the aveWamse .t all Wage d • aeata•aa.' a{,� a41ve. of C assittser.s, phis sad �a.d t t u�d� ied la��m, their afasLor iiiias .•! SAL :o the people of Ooderieh mored mjt STORE D (the stand formerly oe- rovers for the patronage !Is. I hope mill to retain ng increased my Stock it quarters, solicit an in - lass Hardware Store can can be ordered. YATES. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The cop for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- al Advertisements accepted 41 to noon Thursday of each week. '1cent Amiens. AU. kletscte ,tonnee im die local celisseas of Iris Ararat of meetings or enter- taiwwsnta et w4iok see o dmissiv. frn w eAsrged. or from ,chug a peeuni eery benefit is derived, nowt be paid for at the rate of one cewt per word each iimertiow, nes r4arye I. than ttoemty-)ire teats. When ed- srrti*ioents of reterfuinmrnts sen inserted u brief total Multi 6e gime free, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fan --ling. May. H owe for nate- Mrs Moron. Toilet eta►► -Totem of Health. Farm for,ale-D. J. Mol.eonan. ant Wasted -Mrs W. T. Welsh. Executors' Notice W. R. Robertsoa. Sun for tfurvice-n. R. McDougall & boa. 1 Caro Pits -The Mot. Advertising Aaeacy. H arpeY� eekty-Harper .t Dreamer. New Harp r. Magazine -Harper t Brst:,ers, New RA TEFi'L-COM!'eartN0. 'S'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. thorough knowledge et the asters! 'h govern th•operallsaa d d/aa.tata tu,a. and by a careful apptic•tios et rupertl« M well-•rieeted Coate Mr provided star breakfast u with m Unwed beverage which Nay acre heavy doctors' bills. It is M rooms oat of mo, b articles of • roostitaUoa meg be gradually aid strung enough to result tiny to dbr ,e. tlxuadreds or mobile ire nesting around us ready W at - re -ter there is • weak point. W• se many • fatal abaft by keeping well fortified with pure blood nourished frame."-" CYrU Service simply with boiling water or milk. in pa. bets by rs. labelled obeli; CPI'S t Co.. Yem'eupstbtc eh/an- on. Kaglead. n . Crayoning Suite. N______ AND TRUNK RAILWAY. teemed depart at Dederick as hi �yLafetti DAL - . .........1Jbj s'' ...., ..... • s.... .... ..4,1$ Ra ON'S PIII.*OIUT COUGH SYRUP or Children PRICE 15 CENTS. BALSAM OF ) CHERRY BARK FOR coughs and Colds. I'ItI('k 2: 4'ENTpt. TOWN MYOPICS. 'e chines *mew we. Wow mesa. wirraire Whereat eat Y - A O000 Patmsxy. - The mote weeder gift can make is to give a Wort Hew. An- te D. MuUilleauddy. ogees. t►.drricb. The wort turned out at (leo. Stew*rti ,enhance to latrine the creates sites. Cwatoreere aI ways can mare rias moa The Waimea. Cartesian 'r•mooreoce trains la rte barmiest et North -.4 Met n obun•a eel Tuesday aners en'. Pr yerloeetiemat business sleeting at 3. The weather Will keensobaaneable, and the pant toe for warding airsickness is to some of the ars. alias us.lerwear Lich F.& A. Prideam are sellout w cheap AN vires alio MnirLDU U -some of the tepnaeatatioas of pawls:* by 1be ere ever Wuvgbt into ibis seethe as,- * on v ft. it Hallow**. The unset • e Ina; their teller** at exptaw.fw.. many orae, lammed ,n- It,rhr ptcearo+ ores Rd •tte4 and IIF. it. Kelley's. I'reecrlptie. Drug$teee. l & WINTER 3ooae. e just receival m) large nent of Fall and Winter and to make room for tri now selling Off my Dviou8 Stock es away down. ' I do not n carrying over goods nn- ier year, and will always BOTTOM PRICES ion hold them over. anziona to keep tip witj) se I have just put in a b plate glass front. and akin./ other impMvementa make my extensive pre- tond to none in town. here to exchange public for cask and am 410 It imager itf Tor rte) Hour. Noes peofwonder why Sassier ♦ sot answer Seam. They wears • , at+they advertise. They h.adte tee b• -et et staves made is Csa•A*. the pro,dou- iomaar the Lr it C. Dame' Co. Tb.v d.. mg but ereneta+s work. sad rmpl•.y bet arstrla.s workmoa. Tito rc.eti is heir envtomers are well pleased and their einem mows larger every day. They are sea within "cheapest house ander the nam.' f3RIEFLETS. Dr McDonagh will ne is Go,derieh rove uInitatinn on the SIM Saturday of very smooth. Mr F W OrNM, .1 Pl ieli- 1. if J.. Panted iry Sr Atha Tedford, of intuit, paid • vkitt M Gudetich this eek. Mir. Geo Swanson. who was injured tIy by (shine down the cellar stain is bee house, is, ere are pleased to state, re0nveriag. His Honor Judge Tints held • ,non of revision for the town on Friday. An adjournment was made till this (Fridley) evening at 8 p m. Mr P Hnit, .hn was called to Rain • to attend the deathbed .of his brother-in- law, the late Verney Elwood, returned home Monday evening. Work ha been onmmenesd on the dulling .t the harbor of an eight inub hole for waterworks purposes, to supple- mer.t those already is use. Miss Hannah McKenzie has returned from Kineard.ne aecompsnie.l by her friend Kathleen McPherson, daughter of C.ptaiu Finlay McPherson. The stock and liminess 411 the late Aleft Morton has been hoeght by Messrs McCreath and Walter. Gook out for their advertisement next ween. T)c M Nicholson, the West -et dentist, n. , c.s the preservation of the natural teeth a specialty. Gas administered from 9 s. in. for the painless extractioa of teeth. "Aft" York has returned frim Kilmer - dims. where he has been putting in i -teething and heating in the residence of John Gentlea,E.q , for &tenders & Son. "AK" thinks trod.rioh a good enough for him. Mie. Adams, who has occupied the ',Adios of bookkeeper at Saunders A for the pest year, left for her home rennin on Treads, last. Mies + made many friends by her genial position donne her brief etay. Persons wishing to improve their mo•maries or strengthen their power of attention should mod to Prof. Loisette, t7 Fifth Ave., N. Y., foe hie pr,wpee- tas pn.t free, •e advertised in another *Mums. 10-tf !. .Lx Inroa•MT IYraornateut.-Th. atm Soft Clop and Practice Pedal attash- meet to a Newcombe Upright Peuu series the nerve, of the Il.Wnar or per- former, when practising, as well as the Sacrament from wear, and preserve" the tun. if. Football is bowing in lioderich On Thursday of Ism etek the Model school team was defeated by one from the town by • soon of 2 to 0 Ou K....da, the Model school and the High s •h' oI met in • watch, but neither smeared • .0s'. Mr Jse. Beale, Sr., has • very car ga.ious Jaime. called 'The Grip that Never leu 8 ip," which is • clothes line leetei.er4by the aid of .bice the tysitg of kttota res clothes lines ie deepened with. The (aateaer works satisfeetordy with nope ur clothes line win, Tt>yrsaaacs. - The it. W. C. T. U. held their regales loee.sag oa Moro day of this week. After tbo order of Meantime, a hearty vete of thanks wee. tendered Mrs 11. Heudera..u, presidarit, sod Miss Lnzaie Stewart, ouirsep.,udenv es..etary, for their practical •0d ►auric tor4.4 report of the ouuvmitlou held at Wk. At. committee meeting of the liuderah Turf A"aueettua, tt •aa decided to wave • colt rase, Csuadiau bred, lar Oulu of 1887 at their nest weetmg, '.4 tea bold J..ly 1". 1890 Purse --$300; dirtied -1•. $125; 2u.l Lb; 3,d, $*iU; 4,b, $40 N»wivatuus entre 1.t F. b 11...1ry fee, 10Z cat poise, pial... a 010 1-t of Feu. 110 1st of May, and as..uCe 15th J u..t Au.. • uu.eterr .4 tattier rauw to be de ceded of at • later taw Address .# e esieuulettluua to A Jturd.ck, S. -u 111 IT • C•waa.t- Ir H Z•..luef. oat .he Late Howie Cnsa.rue, Abe.. tau months ago picked tip • bottle vn 41.0 .wore, *cad euro his •de wee putt!..g u, wetaup .h. 'Pottle 1.e weans d, u,.lhlait rem..taioq but *het was tauu.ht to tea nutk due sent tato bit O. filed wit tt .rts.p to her darah'er, mud normal, the app clef co.k as.u. inn, •sod es Rest., to car • wrapped pap -r aout.ut,ug the fu11•.fi,g : • Uwe oral .o. July 6. w.. Lake H Into. J -.s . NuKsy ' l tie rotor .,.utU;d 't •.y •here .Nr 91. K-) '.....d Irota . and 1,. Keo moseys* et the doceueeol to 1'. Jou .1 VIt'roata ST. Meer Dist Y P S C B Tor '•p. 11 weed .g .4 to Y • Ptr•- p.le s S•ooitty ..f Car et, ."•. g•.dr•eor. ►a 00fll.ct,ttywlth 1he'Vectoria street Meth- ods' church, was held on Muuday last .n•1 we. web attended After • prayer was odered and a chapter was reed, the follow"-.. programme MY given : - Omit's, NMis ...•Io.,, e Cun- ningham ��►. • �N .•.•a N oi int and Martin ; .•c.'.' ..... N..• tS ftmtledge; iustrumeul.l duet, Mie H•ontslo esti Mr T. W ,dg•tr : address, Mr Gram ; unser .. u.embon ; remd'o.. lir G.,r. ; -••1... Mrs 8 .1 Res : ; sad , 14r G. Mart-te ; o.-trmin.ntel .l . M se 11.u. - to, . adder... R • 11 L tI'itton. Darns oe f1* ;ma Venire Z mina - The fuo.•r.' •1f i1.' late li.•...ye \1, -seer gtw.w d, stn of the Isle Archdcac .n g. wood. and for m*ttr ye--ra collector of Inland R.vet►ne at S.rnis, took place 111 that tnan ou band.• in the presence of a large nomb.r of retain« and friends The remains were taken 11 Rt George's church. and thence to Likewise ceme• tory. where the interment took plane. Rev Rural Dean D.vie..8c.atiag. The deceased had been 19 )roars in the evil service. hewing joined the Intend Revenue Department in 1870. The deceased was well known in (1•derich, having paned his y..uth here, and after his duties ealled him away he annually returned to visit members of his faintly. Qu*angt.v Summate -The gnarterly •,?vies• in connection with North -et. Methodist church were held 011 Sunday last. The retiginus exercises o1 the day opened by all the chimes joining in • lore feast service in the basement at 10 o'clock, which was largely attended. The majority of thus present tore testimony t'.. deeper work of grace in their hearts, the outcome of the epeeist services just brought to a close. • The regular preach- ing service enmenenced st 11 ri clock. of ter which the uaerament of the Litd's supper wet administered. The feeling which seemed too pervade the people wee more in harmony with the Divine Spirit's otic. work than it had been for some Dine past, and it is hoped that better things are in store for the members of North -at Methodist church. Pi,aLtc S.•foOLI;naan Muinwo.-The regular nee. tine of the &hoot hoard was held nn Monday evening. Present - Messrs 8 M.Icnm.nn, chairmen ; Ache- son, Bell, Crabh, Chrystal and Nichol- son. The minutes having been read, the principal's report, showing an seer- ess attendance of 640 -280 boys and 234 girls- was read end filed. The enntin- gent committee was empowered to pro- vide roma nee•••alies for the schools, nit ordered to report at next meeting se to the advisability of reinovlag the pnreh outside No Ii. roost, ants moving the (freest the south freed nI tbesohnol. A enesenn,ratioe free Mrs A. Morton, ••k.owledging the receipt of the trilled• vote of coadoleaee, was reed and the Secretary sethorised to aekaowledes its receipt. A common• iwtiva, stating that the pabhie and high saint tr est0.s of ()Mario would hold • meeting in Tor mto me the 14th, wins read. The ehafrman having stated tb•t he thnogbt the expense of •ttendine the eeeti•g beyond the advents.« derived therefrom, it was waved by Mr Niehol- sea and teeowded by Mr Aeh..on and esrried, that so satins he taken. An amount hen Mr J. F. Bats fora wheel- barrow, •i, was ordered to be paid. Mr W. J, Cattast.•n, of Tomato, •r - rived i• town .m Tuesday last, and at onee entered epos his duties as mamaler of the estate of Gee. Rhyaaa, Mr Cam. soon comes with the best resomismol.. Cons ss s esmpet•nt druggist, and will nn doubt do • soocwfal business The Or•ntremen of Onierleh marched to the Vietoria.t,. Methodist eh.reh oft Seedily morning, where an oppropri- et. and able sennom was preached by the Rev Mr Rotten. The mositial pnrtioe 14 theatre** wee easeedingly well trio Uwe!. There was • large •tt.edanoe, ke Amish beteg e,IpNd. GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY. NOV. 8, 1b89. A PROMINENT YOUNG LISERAL, I SIGHTS OF PARIS. • Cedersea se, Masi •s issa Cowles se tae Vr.M.t Io last Saturday's Oiebe appeared a n umber of portrait.' id prumin.'.t young Gfiends, who daring the past few years have gained celebrity as rising politiemt., a •d swongal the number we 'retread that of our former 'awesome, Y. e1. C•tle00$, . ho has reeeotiy been elects vine-preai- .Ivot 4.1 the Toronto Young Liberal Club. 11, Causeruo tint saw the Tight of day U..lrneh ...we thirty-four years ago. He received his edue*uou is this town, ,cad In due course studied I•w in the uf- ins...4 his father. Mr %1. C. Catrwtoo, the mel -lane.. Liberal p.titteiru. Af ser completing his curse of study and •uuoes•tuliy tutenug upon his choose ir'•fe.Won, he became • member of the tt .0 4.1 Csmer..n, 11,11,1 & Cameron is 1877, with whop he continued eoonect- e4 auto J.a. 1, 1889, wham he removed t, To-ooto, tot enter upon • wider .pheveu( u..tulnes-. He there identified ,u...wif 01111 the Young Literal Club of that city, and eo much appreciated erre hu qualities of heal and hent, 14.t he soots become woe cal the leading moulbars of that body. This ■p- pr.-cwi..ts found expression' at tba lest I elect,,. when. with only • reai- de.ice of note moo 11.• to the Queen City to r.o.,m.nend him, he was electj.d to the a.c•.od p•sitwu on the executive., board. Sir (wtmen,54, although • young man, is ee11 versed an municipal and political work. Fur s.meth.ng oke tett years he occupied a neat en li..derioh town wan- ed, end for the greater part of that tie.e represented his native town at the County Council Board. In every political election siLee 1578 he has been to the front in platform discussion, a -.d hos earned a name and reputation 51 a clear and forceful exponent of the is mottos' ..( the day. No man in West Herne today stands higher in the sem- noes of tbs people, and should he at adv time seek the suffrages ..f the elect - ere of this section for parliamentary honors, be would command as large • following as any man whom we can 'time at present. HARBOR NOT ES. *ROIVED. Wednesday, Oct. 30th -Schr. Sophie, Toledo. 53tt tors ..f coal for the North American Chemical Co. ; ate. Ontario, Duluth, 16,000 b..hels of No 1 whist for the G T.R. elevator; .tr Shicklun., Port Arthur. 16,000 bushels of wheat fur the O.T R. elevator. Friday, Nov. 1st-8ehr. Emily B. Maxwell, Chicago, 29,000 bushels cat nats for Thompson & Ci.., Ses(onb; soh,. Mary L Brock, Sarnia, light. Sunday, Nov. 3rd -Scor. Goldhunt.r, Windsor, Tight. Monday, Nov. 4th-Str.Mylee,8trnia, to take on balance of ,ergo of hay sod oats for Pon Ar.hur. D, P•RTU n. Wednesday, Oct 30t,1s-Ste. Ontario, Servos, light ; Str. Bhickluna, Port Arthur, light, Wednesday, N )v. 6th-Str. Port Arthur, hay and oats. The schooners Sophie, Mary L. Brock and Emily R. Maxwell are lyiag in the harbor wtndbouud. The eche. Guldhonter, while arrived from Windsor on Sunday, has taken up winter -quarters in the harbor ; and the schooners Tortoise, Kolfags, Ontario and Pinafore have also taken their winter positions here. Gd Andersen, engineer of the nowise department of the Dominion Govern- ment, •oved here on Thursday tet last week, and erected the steam fog whistle, with the antressatie machine to work it, is the waterworks engine hoc... On Ratnrd.y • fog settled over the lake and the whistle was pot into use and worked very satisfactorily. John Bishop, P IC.fev. J and A isa- mont, KtMI, started last week for Muskoka, where they porpoise .p.ndieg . few weeks .t deer hunting. Khs t.imie Wane,,, /Ethel, left last SMead•y for Moorefield and Torooto. She porpoise staying in Toronto for MOM* time .hen .he sill take a course ie ths easmrvtory of weNa Mr Arthur T.itnhell Ise hewn rnnfle. d te the home for say.ral weeks by Este supposed to have limn Aloof e ie , sad was a1 one time pretty He is new evidently improving. An Interesting Letter from the Capital of Gaul. The Oa.d.emew City la /M Werth- Mesa. .Nes of tae r. 1-•e•I.l*t.s of la. hem eat -Tie Palettes of lbw alaga The rains arlp.sNlea. heat cur own correspond/tat. Several months have elapsed since I. in a very inoump4te and somewhat hue• tied manner, trotted your readers lino' the dirty labyrinths of Jerusalem, and with them visited the sacred shrines and B.W,cat landm.iks of that remnant of a glomus past. I shall now compete the series of Steen ou Palestine, and follow botfly with a short series on Itutn,,Flo- react, Naples and Milan, meth their famous pictures and works of art, and from the old world with the gentle read- er's kind permission (though why quill - drivers always qualify the reader with that heavenly attribute I'm at • lois to know) I'll pinion him with the wins if the morning and soar him, or her, as the ease may be, to a part .f the new word about which very little is reed in newspaper columns, the Eo Dorado of South America -the Argentine Repub- lic. Before launching into the desert wastes of Palestine, however, I crave the reader's c:asideratwu for a brief space for • short summary of the sights of Tye P011a IMPOSITION, from which I have just returned after a week's visit. Lke all great exhibitions only the most memorable and interest• i0g objects that meet the eye leave an impression ou the mental retina; a few mouth" after only a confused blur is left to remind even the moot observant risl- tr of the multitude of sights. While the impressions are fresh I shall try to reproduce them. Leaving London in the evening, passing over that dirty, turbulent ditch, the Struts of Dover, from the old town of Darer to the his- tone town of Calais, and suffering to tootle more sea sickness to thesqware inch that can be found anywhere eke in the wide world, we ttke train to Paris, which is reached in about ten hours from Lon- don. Some one has said of this bewuti• ful city, "For her beauty, for her gran deur, for her historic fame, for her war- like deeds, for her power to lead the w ill of a mighty nation, and to crown or di.cr..wn Ivor monarchs, no city on earth is worthy to be her river' I might here add, fur her ability to inaugurate and carry to a successful is.ue a World's Kz- p»ition no city on earth is her equal. Her central sitaot,on in the midst of the . great Kuropetn cities, her highly de- veloped artistic tastes. and the attrac- tu asof•the beautiful city itself, give her undoubtedly the premier place for such an undertaking. There are many sights at the exhibition, but the most Imp rt - ant thing to be seen at Paris is Paris. Itis impossible for a person who has not been there to imagine the gaiety, the brightness, the perfect cleanliness, the clearness of the atom/There, the light hetrtednrss of the people and the pan- oramic variety and alluring attractions of this wonderful city. Wept may the "wood Americans" hope to go to Paris wben they die, for if the reaoe of mind and general happiness of the Parisian is as deep and abiding as appearances seem to lndicate,ou4Yankee cousins might get into • worse place when they come to shu6k off this mortal coil. Thy first question •eked by • Paristan 1• "water DO YOU THINS 04 OUR SOwiJlt- T•aDe r They most he by this time est* of the plethora of praise that vi•itur. Dost of necessity give in reply to that queetar►n, The Champ" Riviera, Avenue de la Grand Army, Avenue du (3•.0 de Boulogne. Rue des habeas, Aveuoe W.gram and • soore more.all ranging from 100 ft to 100 yards in width, are traly w•.rthy of the Parisi.n pride. $taadtug 4111 the oat of the Arc de Triomphe, twelve of .t11..ta wide streets redline from our feet in all directions, each shaded by four rows of finely kept ire«, and the streets and side -walks so perfect!, ole.,. that we would not hesitate to lunch • b pienle Rom then. At the eastern extremity od the Chomps Slyses is the moat his- toric, we may add moat noto►i.ate, spot in Paris, the Piste de l• O..nenrd.. • greet spout guarded hy eight groups of statuary representing tfi• eight principal adios of Francs. The visitor is enrprte- wl to sue the group of Nateery repre- ..nting the city 41f aTaawa eR01 nurah iso YOwawswo. Oa enquiry. the cause is srntwfe,ly explained ny the mimeos. S't nherg was one of the cities os ted to the (ler- mans as • result of the Fr.wen-Prmaian war, end is now • German city The twee* of the eight cities here r•preseet.d are: Lynne, Marseilles, B•'rdse.z,Nantes. Rosen, Breen Lille sad Strasburg The tablet r►e Strube/re bears the in•eriptlnm "Talmo by the Germane is 18'if. retaken by the Freneh blank epees stands anzioawv awaiting • date, but as keg as Kismarek lives, 'Fernee most be ennte.t with the bleak without a date. Foreign armies have at three different Dams sin amp•d nn the Plass de 1a Oon.rrde, the of tint armies i. 1514, the Riwish is 11118, and the Oarsmen after the e•pitelatioo of Paris in 1*71 in the emote* of has 'gear* s "sad" one .of Clenp•1r.'s Nro•dlea. mark• img the spot where • seatery syr • 51.1* .a TSAR INNN ADV Sita. THS HOIL{OTI IR STOOD day after day, week after week, with its busing knife doing its fearful work of rzecuttoe, entil pearly 3,000 heads were shorn from the bodies of the followers of Loos XVI , that unhappy monarch Wessell being the tint to 000trib0te his heed to the ghastly basket placed to re- ceive them His Queen followed, with a throng of equally unfortunate beings, who, If they could rise up from these graves with head in band, lake St Deus, would preseut a gruesionie company. 1i would be interesting to know .hat they thought of the Great Ezpositi.•u held 1. oummemonte their overthrow, and to bear their comments on the varied phases of France's political history ante, that year of bloody memory. From the Placed. la Concorde --(what a atisnotner the "Place of Discord" would be more en keeping with its character) -we pea up to the Madeline, the most beauttfut church in Paris. A11 the streets in th,- uetghtwrbood have been the "cones of bl.wdy struggle* Here tierce b.ht..•u behind barricades toot place in 1831) '48 and 71, and the church itself wit nessed the butchering of 300 Commun- ists within its walls eighteen years ago Napoleon intended the building to be • TIYPLI Or vlrT(&Y, but work en it was suspended when mis- fortunes befell hos, and it was not coot pleted until 1872 after re%enty We years Irons its oommenoeuernt,at a cost of over half a million sterling. The interi..r is a marvel of beauty and crendrur, small iu comparison with Notre Dime. $t Peel's of Loodon, or St Pe.er's of Rome, but -cure beautiful and etcher in decorative finish. The great church of Paris from point of aim and antiquity certainly i. Notre Dame ; a dark, dismal, cold, cheerless builling of immense size, hold- ing 20,000 pectic, dating from the tenth century .ted surrounded by as many historic associations as it has quaint sod hideout carvings a,vering its exterior sails In the treasury of this cathedral can be seen for the considers tom of a franc.(20 cents) fragmentsof the crown of thorns, • piece of the true cross and a Dail from the cross. 1t was used as • 'Inlets or ea•Ao\' for some time at ter the first Revolution but w.• restored early in this century. The Pantheon, • short distance (nolo Notre Dame, is the great pride of the Frenchman's heart. It is • truly mag- iiticent buitdinir, erected originally ea a church, but nor set apart solely as • last resting place for the illustrious dead of Franca -a French Westminster Abbey. The great atm of the young ambitious Frenchman is to be either $ journalist, • general in the army, or • member of the Legislative Assembly, and if suocee•- fol in reaching either of these [;rood p .sitiona he is pretty sure of a place in toe Pantheon when hu barthly Bourse u ren. A glance over the inscribed stone urns and sarcophagi shows that nine -tenths of the illustrious dead have occupied one or the other of three pcsi- teens. Journalists especially seem to be eminently successful in France in attain- ing positions of power and gaining sombrely, sod to be a successful jour- nalist is equivalent to being a member of the Legislative Assembly. Thi prin- cipal I''renou oew•papers give pried - wince to their journalisCs by announcing the name of the writer of each article in every issue, thus bringing him from the obscurity, by which he would be sur- rounded if employed tea any of the great Eugaish dailies. This, to • certain ex- tent, accounts for the prominent part the journalists play in the political turinosl int.. which Fr•noe is so often plunged. Tye HOTEL pa x11.1.1 (City Hall) is another magnificent .di- ner, the rind* of the gay Parisian. It has been built since 1871; the old time having fallen ince the hands o1 the Com- mune in that year suffered the fate that was intended by Uuy Fawkes for the Sealed* Parliament. Many of the Com - amulets were blown up with it or penahed in the flames. All the leading artists of Fiance have been employed an d.wotr.ting Hoe new balding and the City Council of Pana sit in solemn ° on- ol.de Of • Frenchman can be solemn) in more elaborate, more meetly and ,.4/render Caused Chambers than di any other city latberii in the world. There is only one Peru and there are no other Parisians, and • person reside -.g among these gay folk sannut help but soon be- come "delightfully Freschy," se Mark Twain taprooms it. Their great ehar- aeterstin, after their fondness for revo- lution and political change, is their passionate partiality for or. *1, theatres, e.fe-concerts, arouses, balls sod every species of •meeement and shrew- So great is this 'cors for the stage and Its associates that the O.nornment has ex- pended nearly tea millions of dollars in the building of TVI LAWOa.T OPIMA I1 TWO w051,0. About 601) hooses is the heart of the soy were dfinetshed to make route for this msatss..th house, winch was finished about 6,. years ago. It is c154trolled and aob.,dieed by the (lnv.reas.nt, and ender the lordliest eleetne light of the Pim* d" l'Opera, terming night into day, • doses tpoesled soldiers with shining Mmes, are es ford every eight during the semen, Beads, as well as Saturday. Denten the eslob.tinw .e•er m, tickets te this three sores of grandeur me at • high prea.ium,:rasgtng from $3 M fes ally blind of comfortable p minion., bet, Ntwithamed.reg the pace, the hetes is .rwwd.d every night. Hare "the bawd mad the eheralry," wet of Frees, bet re• p0SSmtiwg the civilised woeld,.•e bet r • just now as well as the heavies of some of the beat open augers of the day. Thom are fifty-two theatres In this actor-wor- ahipi,g city betties the countless ode. concerto, circuses and such like amuse- ments. The true Parisian It... Boob all hu home. TIM Capt *01* 11•T0Q1a1T Is le bun whet twine is to an Eogliah. wau. He gels his meals there, he MAD his awu..weut there, he meets his (tends there, he dueness% the politiod quesuous of the day, and even his love metope is done there. The oafs rsgioa a m the isigbbrrbrrud of the principal theatres, and trom eight o'clock in the uvsui..4 until two in the moniug thee Maces .re crowded with ladies sod gea- tlesn..n partaking of their eonsemmief,.a, sefr,slntel.ta of some sort, esteerally cute noir (Mock coffee) and brandy, or raft on laic (coffee and milk), for which th.. cafes are noted. Even the side walks and .treeta is front of these in•ti- tuu'.ns are etero.ehed upon by th. 'able* and chain, and the sightseer 6..da h. .elf is the midst of • midnight picum . f gay, laughing, chattering Freoehu.ost end women. The visitor cooed properly "du' Paris without e, visit to Versatlor•. Ttla rALaaa Or Ty1 WCIB', sig oaf el out 1n turn occupied it. It is situated .b..ut fifteen miles out of Paris, mod reached ether by rad, 'bus or tram. Its •,.sect beauty is passing away, for wen tp the throw )ears which haveelaps- ed since I was first there the courtyard, the reception r....n, the grand ninon, the stairways, ail show signs of decaying grandeur. Iu this palace Queen Vwturu► ware entertau.ed by Napoleon III., in 1855, on her visit t. 1" *..ce. The pri- vate apartment of 6larte Anil/100W., that unfortunate queen who was behead- ed on the Place de la Concorde, are *flown to the visit. -r, and many other iuterestiug objects in the Mame Histor- npue will take up • ha'f day's notice, bat we want to get Paris and her ezhibitiios in tblee letters, s . we must return to the city. Leaving Versailles and ita magni- 6ceut collection of pictures, nine -tenths •.t them representing battles with which France was connected, from the time of Clovis to the present, but from whish Waterloo and Agincourt ars religiously excluded, se will have a Ostia) at ano- ther home of royalty specially attractive to the sightseer. THS 1.04.1711 -(Loon)-in which many of the 'dogtrot Frame resided, is num • great national gallery °f (itotures and statuary. Liles the Nat 1 Uallery its London, this contains the ptotures of the "old mas- ters" attern" and the best works of ntoderu de- ceased artiste The Louvre surpasses the English collection both in numbers and value ..f the precious specimens of the old masters. Titian, Rembrandt, no Vusoi, Raphael. Perimeter), Paul Veron- ese, Munn., Tintoretto, Outdo Hecto Rubens, and many others of lesser note, DR seven galleries, white Claude Lor- raine, Grouse. Daimons, I.otbert wad a host of other French classical ma..srs, fill trouble as malty more. It is said that to see the Louvre a,llection of statuary and paintings per must walk a distance of five miles, up one side of the galleries ah , down the other, and considering that the pictures are ranged in three and four rows on ea* wall, the oil egad color merc1anta must have done a flour- ishing trade in the olden days. This very bnef deserepti,n 41f Paris would be still more incotapflets i1 some noontime were not made of rtl■ 51400 and it bridges. From the east wall to the west wall of the city- -fur it gloried in • sweat and wall - the river is spanned by twenty see bridges, is crnasing any of which, it is said, you will alwwys see either a priest, a white horse or • toddler. I tested this saying, and can vouch fur its accuracy. it le well enwalled, while every short dis- tance • flight of steps leads to • ferry landing. The lank. and their boaie- vsr is are delightfully shad.d with four rows of well -kept 414..ce, and equipped with plenty of sesta, for the Parisi.* is n..thing ,f not find of ease as well OD pleasure. The ferry system is a maitre. able feature t., the Londoner, who, if he wants to go any place, takes •'bus Of train. hryof the 2,000,000 Parisians will walk a mile to have • half mile's ride os one of their pretty river steamer., which with its fa.tastic gilt poor reship aloft* at the rate of fifteen miles an hour, with- out fear of eolltding with a coal barge, as stet Indianian,' a man-of-war, or may of the floating palaces that 611 our Old Father Thames. D. E. 11.0. - -.- AUCTION -AUCTION SALES. Rale of farm stock and implements of Writ Rork e'll, on lot 3, cnn 8, Col- borne township, on Tuesday, Nov. 12th, onmmenctne at 1 °clock p.m. John Knox, •sctivseer. Sale of facet stock and implements of Deems Munro, on lot 10. ern. 13, Cnl- btovae t.waah.p, one mile from 8lteppard- ton, no Thursday, Nov. 14th, at rime °'dock p w. John Knox, a.etione.r. t'vaswnapsa.a •54,01? forst. To Toa Karma Please inform your readers that i hiv. • positive remedy for the above mated mtase. 1ty ire timely nee thousands of hepatus cases have bees e.rveanently oared. I shall be glad to aced two battles nt my remedy raga be any 1,( 7OW readers who have eoa1eeptise it airy will tNd ISO these Express avid P. G. address. Regmetfwtly, Dor T. A. Rummy ly 1a4 W. Adelaide et., Teteeta, O.1 ,