The Huron Signal, 1889-9-27, Page 7TUE Is t' Ki Ili MI(;NAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. 27. 18119' • hOa Ores she rms. ag ae Meth tnl�i r the tut. t llttisidyl ogee as .id Ti..faoyellow WI the burden d ille*SIS lease that .•i pissed sN ins aiie*aputis tt tthe .st la 7 Ihlas►h literature el the khat'att- -.T%s Gwlkimaw'e M•gesia ll aid isilsri1d L*r.siele, edited i *gleams Urban, Oast. -I stuapd ars the fah lowislt very pretty treses M. as an. tows head. The s.b)est of them ie the 'Nate IN.mghdea.' 8l..ghd.a is quiet volley is the EaRU.h .like .t BaRult, is which is situate that mishit littla Ewghsh Iowa, Aldbo o.glt, a fash- ionable watering plias towards the opesime of the present esM.ryyl lyhm nights • 100 make north -asst d (ons dos. Aldboromfh, .e, s it was riot. 1 ly allied, Ud.bergh, thro.gh whisk rens the hide stream 4 Alit., whssms the tows derives Ns same, is the motive pyk1aeue of the post, Bey Lien Crab►., beet ltnows se the winker of "hales of the Halt" 11 is sot improbable to seppoee that the Iellowiag verses may be from toe poet's ow* Wed. es they are set oath as the work of • "native Mrd." this same tunase of the (:.ales.' Illtb.)) appose these two sett-k.ow• poise of Lord Byrum, (redly pebti.hd. �' sad "Ode to Vass..." AI - red Ibis time Byrom had woo . high trams is English lit.rater., and bis Beaks is accordingly peeked by the editor. The whole volume Metes with 1.Uimg tirades spinet the irre1igiva, y and the Deism which was the Ittdlaetwl fad of that momentous peeled i• Lesopeas history heat re_subse- quent sub.. gsent to dmdmt Fres► Sevdutios. 11e QswHe01ss, toothiest of an . rive mower, kindly asks M. reader•. ••If the Bible be despised. will Bi.kmone he regarded r In ooseleeke I easy allude to a very prophetic utterance from the pea of tlylwasw Urban himself in criticises cf a work them peblisbed by John (Lmble -"A .erica ed Letters oo Society and Mousers in Irttlaed." "That o... dwmeted country appears op iter pt.litfae borisoe like • slwsberit i wul- 0.113 which at any eao .O1 in • sees,' of seeming tranquillity may agate vomit forth its der••satiag Ona" Thi., let es remember. was whilst good Stag Gorge the Third was on the throats That vul.aao has .t last proved more than a sleeping crater, sad the Ire of its beg pent-up lav til Conservatism of Westmiestrr, has at length tat warmly felt. Cviceirr. Twit vats OF.LOOm*DSP. them .tads • T.. Mello the rent's s. ; Rest !11eSl�ele..eke. d•tow 7-011 this below Ty vasa, heare.M Owes% nary rear : Twa.lt'.'s b6lswe lash thy esimidt .bare ; Thy hestdlsm pwepe • .berate the wander. The wawa; that ki t . •eare.kr. The sell Whew Qum isms GOMM The level brash the womb .IIR The @O� tae... IAh amesarti g weed. Amid the tenor. the .Imo The tk 5s.t sear pwsmm • ihwea. Ps "mit I. tains=114 "art ZIA the vastetell ablest ?sir 1. the corse. whoa Lens'. molested ray trs es testa to the K s las. *e rade saris wean its foamtatg Whoa eveaing taiidl7 realm. sad whirlwinds ibr matt syr whimpers Womb the vale. A sweetly cheats the lamely .ightlaa.:e. Dehlglitlas Mises with her dulcet raise: - Timm chimes are til•. --0. happy. voile re Jobe >Ins she shell tell whet rapture $ilea be ya Thet gamed epos thy souse& in years ge•seert Or. to the lamcey.s tal aasht rests. That hairy lead. which .mai antlyedthy shore warms wsrs wend. mad r!r`.m.aad reeky p. reel's., Net beneath the restless deep Mee Iliesnarlialtai shut. SIMI at ;set, what the true p.bbis has limes Isle r_Ihes. many rare and that -b s osst61101s -Mtieb at but lately iatrodesek hes made for itself a reputation mem' to .too., the medicine a Jahnsou s Tooic Bitters which in oonjoectlo• with Johnson's Temic Liver Pell. has performed some moot wo•derful cores impure nr on- pevemi.bsd blood soon becomes purified and usriched. Billiousneem, indigestion, tisk headache, liver complaint, languor, weaklings. .110 , soon disappear when treated 1fy them e*oelleat tunic medi- cines. For 8.1e by Good, druiiist. A! - Moo bluck, A+dencch. sole areal. id ilii. V hos .td gets.. yaw eater as asd I..ewetteae wMo the'. s.Nlltttt you w *101 their ks.s dge of your magas 1. *toted t• the wawa .1 the goods they sell, .ad the prises. The assay valises Ills/ am give very glibly iw Amerman Mess and bgLii& shillings. ♦ hies eMsrver eaa dietiagui h the e Os that i• Pari Polish, It.li.at gather a, Swiss, Omsk ami iltli•h. A Mrs B--, when 1 knew,pri/ee herself opus ill. Mee with whish s1• r.erpises • fell.. Aa•riMn i hal she codes alight mistake o s day when we were riding down toe A•spe sess together. A you••R lay esiered the scut ee and eat oppo site to es "*he's a typtsal French girl," said Ilse B--, in audible English, "and the first pretty one that 1'.e semi i• Paris." Theirl bit her lip .. if the were try - lag to keep from 1•usihiag. 11 • b.pp••ed to ted out afterward di .5 the was from Bdlla.se, sad had re.ug.ised the .at- eptksa &meekest in Mrs B One seseniwg, before brsabtmt. I heard the mead d • Oat. .owing fr,m the street. Tha air sought my Miseries. 1 res to the.isd•., sad there wekiag ia the middle of , the street sees • Freitag' peasant Ind with • Isle at hie 'Ma He wore trousers d Mos jean, end . loss white blows. ♦ wid.birimmed straw but wee pushed Wok os ifs dark heed. Behind his walked two black goats led by the song of the dote, keeping time to the assent, sod passing whenever it award. Danes the nut of my Nay in Paris, I sewer (ailed to see the early morsi.s procession that •nlea.ly wended its way pest eiy widow, Orpheus tied his Sete charming the two goats to pastor.. - Ahea M. Kellogg, is Tremerw-Tru,.. Deem Titans lei Parts - There are mate carious sights for Ato.rie•n eyes to see in Paris. The people, especiallythe poorer dames. live oat of doors, anlove to be in the air and sunlight Work that Americana thank mem b. done in the hoose, or kitchen, the Perim* take toot on their front doorsteps --pias to.Mll,veretables to look aver :.ad a eomsfoe sitbt is the women standing on the sidewalk shakiag • wire basket beck and forth, drying the lettuce that has bass washed for dinner. O.e way that the working people get the fresh air is by riding on top of the era or omnibuses. These vehicle stop at regular intervals -not .t every semis - street se they do with e --and then is always • small crowd awaiting, ansiow- Iv manatee the upper pert to see if all the places .re taken. Stout women, os their way h•.me from market. drag then heavy baskets up the steep Nair*, driv- ieR two or three small children .head. 11 the weather is had, the omhw I.a have to tight their way ae beet they can. and to tell the truth, if a pas.engeer is in trouble ghost railing the driver to stop •tint getting to Me met in .fusty, will 1114b. assisted by ho feilr.w •ura lt. Th.* are not the people we •••r •wf.hrated for their pnlit.wess ! ln sSm,ner the favorite material tromp by the wtvkibr classes i. lase jean, iA "very variety of shade -dark and sew, Jett out o.( the store,thmu5h every pool this decrees in too, ,ill the c.d.,. 4.41 - este, psi* blue of mouth washing r reech- d. -The French nnr,ery mail. we.r • hint« mood rap I.ke • Tea O'Shanter, of h'ac'k • r potpie shah, with I•.wg Seth nhhnne et the luck test re•eh .Inu..t to the wn.no.d Then, over the dress. e I«tte menhir cloak, to snatch the esp. that /tones from the neck to the feet. T''n hoer every nee about goo rat- line line, in French, three tithes as fast se' mit i•. Eneliah. To. 'molder It"." w say tan. in thio big rimy who Aam.ir••d in pear I.sttases. Yes, in- x••elnh ,,...;,:l.h in "Hi Isle storm where en el the u,. r sissy• kept. And nutty pvti•dine little shops have the A /set weak Namembeetag Mr Jae Bianca, of Tomato, states that his little baby whet thew mouths old was so bad with summer oomplaual that ander clamors' treatment her life etas dispaitred of. Four Wass of Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild $tsewb.ny eared her. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. • The oftener lour is sifted for sponge soke tb• lighter the oaks .ill be. The flesh of fresh 6.h should be tie., the gills should he light red and tbe seeks silvery. In making a.wtard plaster for a pe- ttiest with . delicate skin use white ..1 eon instead of water. Wash mirrors 1a warm sods, els.. dust with whiting from .mash. bog and pol- ish with aiatwis skin. Hard soap lasts mash longer i1 dried for sissral weeks before ming 11. Is is also lees bertha to the din. Bab your lamp chimneys after wash- ing with dry salt, and yob will be sur prised at the sew brill.aoc. of y..or w fihta Brooms dipped for a lew minutes in boiling sods oinks a weak will last such Mager than they otherwise would. To premed the smell of cabbage perm. - eltmg the house while boiling, pies ,.n tete stoves dish containing vinegar. Ii a cucumber is out 1.t strips and the Meese put into planrs where ants are foetid, it will surely drive them away. I. boiliog 'nest for soup sea cold water to extract the juices, but 4 the meet is wanted ter itself alone, pot into honing water. To resoT* paint from silk goods ash.• rate the goods with equal parts of tur- pseti.e and ammonia, then weah with soap soda and let dry between blotting paper sod. r a heavy weight Fbystas' i. The A+mer:esti Mapasime glostrating the evil custom of talk.ug to an invalid .boot lois pains, say. that once be requested • mother to mark • stroke upon • paper each time that she asked • sick daughter how she .a.. The sett day, to her a*tuai•hamet, she made 100 strokes. A three mouths' visit sway from house was pns.nbea. Tamarind whey is mash relished by chronic Invalids who have grown tired of the stereotyped beverages. Boil a pint of oew milk, and, as it boils, stir in two ..bleep".uf.1s of tamarinds, after it breaks by that is meant surds and whey "operating), strain and add nock candy 'bough to sweeten slightly. This is • laxative dritobr and should be avoided in 0ertaln 004.111 s. lia smear tog se tie reams. A Ammo .rat.wuswM. peothses--, sakisg isydriee r Baas*• about the meshed of eidekbeg hears 10 that owasy, was told that, to satrap them, a pit was dug several feet deep. end after eu.eriag it with turf, ;eaves, et•. , «ine food was pissed co the t p. The best tempted by the brit. easily fell into the .ears "Bet," he added, ".f /our or 6ye hap - pus to Kat weenier, t: el will all get out again." ''H• a is that r' ..k_d the mealtimes'. • "rimy lure' ..ort of ladder by step- ping ..n Kash other's should.r., and thus task. their .nape" "But h... dues the bottom one .tet 0 "Ah ! these bears, thus► sot ppueits .wr"d ui a 101441 sod soul, such as God hes given w, yet feel gratitude ; sod tory won't fore.' the one who bas been the abtrl mons of procuring t heir liberty. Sta...p..rtost ..t. they fetch the brauab of . ore, of Inch they 1.t doors to their brother, enabling Ions to joie them to the freedom us which they raj -4...." 13ou.tble beers, we would ..y, .r. better than am* people that we hear about, eh.) 'ever help soy►•tdy bet tbasselve.-0er Dumb Ashman. A use Mesa t tailli sae. My little eon aged two, area Nita ed with diarrheas. ('dl•o.gd by piles, two doses of Fowler'. Ettrad, of Wild Strawberry gave relief and hat( the bottle oompteted the miry Mrs J. A. McIntyre, Gladstone. Mao. Thy toedirtw to • specific for all somas, eumpi.lnte of children or adults. 2 A Cvraarst, Dyes -She-"I am sorry, Mr. Browse, that 1 cassia bt mina -mom thee • sieter W yaw 111 le getting late, by the war, and 1 tbit.k I had better hurry house soon ; would you mind berrying up the burse !" Hs (stw- ageq)-•'Oh, nn* at all ; but you see 1 expressly asked for an old h..ra•, and we dare seven miles from home, and this u •d only aasea three miles all bour. Get up doers, you ! '- Harps. 1 ...... Dyepeosia is dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Iodlgestiva is • foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus is nos of the moat oomplio,ted and wonderful things in existence. It is eerily put out el order. Gres.y food, tough food, sloppy food, bad moo cry, mental worry, late boars, irregular habits, and many other ti.in!fs whish .aught not to be, have made the American people a edition of dyspeptics. ButGreen's Aotgoet Flower has done s wonderful work in reforming this .d badness and .skies the American people so health that they n enjoy Wm meals and be can happy. R.memtier :-leo kappa nes. without health. But Green's August Flower brings health and happiness at the dyspeptic. Aik your dreggitt for a bottle. Sevestyfive mete. eowle The practice of ticketing Ronda with is by na means general in the- -re- hij grocary trine, but many dealers End it of grr*t efficacy, psrtiwlarly in the ease of Metrase or drives, when enmesh of ¢turd Taloa n offered for the When quality is this chief neurit of the article, placards laying stress upon this point may lee *lied to advantage. Bet tare ah.»141 be taken that the risks* °r placard is neat and •ttnc.i,a Coarse, ugly placards of wrapping paper, wise► are to he seen in sone store*. do genre harm than Rood.-M•rehant*' R. Tie.. A Pee Old Around roeh Mottle nl Dr Owes Usha Cote is a media•l grid• nod r.e.ip beak eonntaining setel I'feresatlew, .ver 900 rs.eipes, and prenouseed by deOnra end dmweeisle me wawa" tow times. Ne set of the medicine. Mdi.l std cock 411. gold by •l1 dreggisls, Sew a Dade Caught Call&. A slim young man in the height of iseimon toes nulently sueaf log hu a win -et ear, when a cump.uios remarked, "Aw, Chaska, derb boy, low d'ye °rah that dweadful sold." "Aw, deals fellab, left my cane 1n the lower hall Luther day, sod to sucking the ivory handle, .o dweadful add, it chilled me almost to death.' If Cherie" had used Dr. Bar toys Red Pine Gum his cold would act trouble bio eery insane, or .le at J ileouh ps.aripttoa drugstore. tf The oaken of the 33rd Batt. have de- cided to have a grand miht ry demos- stntiou at Clinton w Sept 26th. Large orh1es are to be offered for the bat Com- pwy ape. Witham* of No. 2 Ca , Windham, has decided to enter his Com- pany h.r the oompetitioa and requiems the members to report themselves early w possible to him. let prise is to be 1100, 2nd ht60 A sae •..e_. Fereoamer eu.plat,w .tad dierrk.o. IMO trimly recommend Dr Fowler'. Es- l trait el Wild Strawberry, se l have me d it le mg featly with great euuo.w a. d would wet be without it. Juha B H... ens, Urtembf, Oat. sewer pave! with• het it. ARMSTRONG FA66II6 MILL 160 PUMP Wel ARI8TBOAG'8 IDPROTED grain and St- ed Clime • b ly solo *Wedged to he tete beat eam obi's rade for then ily she u..eR anis sad mads of all Mani. Separates all Noxious Seeds sad chess from mita .teas. .vtag .•d oles.I.. alt u.utky uses oat 4 say Wad of 1t �• rte = Into say &ustatt mill without removing the men we mater how old the ural b. and makes it de as sed worker Wer thea the most 1nspr ved sew mills kt.ewa 1t allows mit seed te be blows bate the chair It Cleans Speedily. /Seery °Mawr warranted to work as rope - seated er so .1x.11 th of Moil sad ordering et makemall r of�mill tondo Icus ~.siesta sad if ghee h.. std. Snare or ;be old Nekton ed kiwi shake. A fees queatity of FIRST-CLASS PUMPS ea bald taxa 1.ct.red from Abeam while quartered plae. IItR,.Ovder* by mail promptly &tended to. Shipped to any point. A.DI7REBB ARMSTRONG BROS., C -oderioh, Ont. To the Neale/ rresssmaea. eat alt whew' M may venues. Phosphorism, or Nerve lroott, s Phu. - e Element Weed upon &ia tti&s Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Mesa, cures Pnlmon ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Pkoephstine is not a Medecine. but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but Gimp' ly the Phosphatic and (lartric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle u eufficioot to convince. All Druggists sell a. di 0) par bottle. lows. & Co., sol. agents for the Do.talon, 65 Yront Street East TToronto Councillor Ca'biek, Morris. ata died last week on a tour th1'0002 Manitoba and the Northwest Territory, .ted 'nese people say he purposes going to Criti.b Columbia. Nese Trimble Nay be ((xpretea. if you d.. pot heel the warnings of na- ture and at 5000 pay attention to the sisintaivanee d your health. How oftes we see a person put off from day to day the purchase of a medtciue which if pre- cured at the outatart .,f a disease would have remedied it almost immediately. Now if Johnston's Tonic Liver fills had been taken when the tient oneaaner made ita appearance the illness would have been "sipped is the bud." John- son's Tonic Bitters and Liver Pills are decidedly the best medicine on the mar- 1 het for general tonic and invigorating properties. fills Ybc. p ur bottle. Bitten M) cents sod 81 per bottle, sold by Goode the di uggiat, Albion block, sole agent bJ He that is embarked with the devil mast sail with him. 17 -ft DON'T FORGET SkN*'aafe rata. Require no description. sinew. with rare exception, ail at some time he.. exper- ienced their tower's Rheumatism is not weri'y dislodged. Drily the most powerfully penetrating remedies reach to its very foundations. The moot suc- e.adn) tr..4 we it known. and it is now free uer.t!y resorted to by medical men, is the application od that now (*moos • wrnedy few pain-Polao.n'a Nerviline. it is este to aav that nothing tet dis- covered has afforded equal .tisfactu.n to the suffering. A trial osn he rade .t a a..li emit, ads aa.ple Modes 0f Nervi. line can he heel .t the drag stores for 10 cent., large h ottles .3 rents Mr Lowery, a Listowel, hoe hponme the possessor .of • 3 year old colt, by Kenturk, Ater, rwoew•Iy °wood by Jos. Carter. The price paid lo. It was 1100. -T0 00 10--- 15,4AC N. CASSIDY'S -CHiAP- Cash rt�ze FOR GOOD. CHEAP Teas and Groceries. NEXT DOOR TO E_ DOWNINC3-'S 8001' AND SIIO6 STORE, CLUB'S BLOCK, Goderich. THE BEST BAKING PONDER + le II�'$ Coos Ng No Alas. N.si.g Injurious. 5TUUU9 MOS GAR HSC FACTORY SIPPUES Valves, Inn l and Mee Labs.. �� Pimp, Whd Came teptekss, Duty mil Way dNwlih OS CASK STREET, MONTREAL. O. .MICA KILL 8. ° A &. rut TURERS 17� FI E GAt1R ` tNISHE JA A" ' 4SIL R MEDALSAWARULO MUNTFEAL" CIA►WICK'S SPOOR COTTOj4 For Hand and Machine Vac. HIS NO SUPEAIOCt. ASK FOR IT. MERE MIS 6emeb. TM mad Wieder Woes TRUNKS b the World. J. ETELEIG11aC3 MONTREAL, !Nl[tt tirlb be11'i HOTEL BALMORAL BIONTAI A L. )latae Dame M. mesa d t►mb ohms metre and elegantly tarribilted Motels 1n tit, City. Aeeomm.mill.0 liar 1.0 games. aeM$11peer tday. 8. Vr �OOMgauFF cate PEAnose DOMINION LEATHIR NM) 11i11L1i fATG12!1, COMPANY J.PAUEER&S01 W kol.sais Lew of IRUSll3T1' W11o01Eu i10 1E11 MI r., MONTREAL SOAP. IOOu., r- riser Are. t t a. . sift, W 4. • homily C at the red Wel ad teed elate( haw•. r hat wet, M1 Kr..,: etr..iee wap.arse. .t A.y (Meer ur Nor. ire boor nines iv= f ebbed y e. .on .t �` - 011122iRllL t 00..7000110 W • Melmelmiusi ',Shy MS a fL Nesaha+ l lime ash 'Mk tsa iysasUw Spa SelaJ.iMea. Ma Kamm elope =los estbetat 41; =IV atmifsA fit 7fosait m .t.AILILI t ' CALF & 1.O CARLIBAVAMA) LAGMB ( Bottled) iron Kele b) G. H. PARSON 3 53 ALNI.IV HUA't: "ulaktlU'H MALL'S SPAM NIE. 13. i1a Qre W )mealm. MereMrs SIB bw��Wasssam tcraw. .inns as'.. =Fr Illy tit we et Tl; Ci wee,_ lmrvF .7 .•mus. u weeks tr ..r. bFby w0 Dt 't rima.i. 00.lre+•r.L FUNS" .OLD NT ♦ILL •RUQQWws. MARVELOUSEMORY DISCOVERY. OnlypyNT of� Meeasry ?v.tehtg. � 1 iia awe read1.g. 0iAIM and adult measly sea. l 15 OO.e •aaha.. • 5,.tWrs. A. Hers. Mea..fiv ... ' Judah e: lit Ave.. N. T. ..sear r ,,- , -a - r,, .•., �ias NOTICE! that a those of readers we offer : In view of the fact large percentage of who avail themselves OUR ANNUAL OFFER TO NSW SUBSCRIBERS become permanent of " The Signal," the following inducement FOR - 25c WI WiLL SEND TO ANY "Tile Sia1" ADDRESS FROM NOW ATO lzt OF JAN.. 1890 M..aficturw of /MUM MULL60AR0 Steam Taeh$ar. FRICTION N1LLEY IOAU, es» i.., Perfertfti las RECKITT'S_BLUE. a weadrrwt.wogm Vanins. The largest omens, *art nu. that p1°T. pp • eestrolling part on the %nett% of the I 0 Andy ie the liver. If torpid •.r .na.Air. the whole system Mrntn.. dialysed. Dr. ab.ss'e List Care is mole apo•.-•tl'♦ ter Liver std ZMiey dhss sae and ie guse•w1s. In .mit Soap" book and inedidn. 11. *std bp •n dregaist.. 25c. 3READMAKER'S. • . F. nRtx,\D rv.w t.,..k 131 Fit 1 P. . r t.11 Alio..is i • r.ty la.:ut v:'r....... . eve* wed by this.l. R wawa to. 1i4Meett o '.deet. * w.rr.,.t Medal.ro:..., ou and uck%hest ,..nr.he.. Baker. in nearly every Wee Iw Canada aro .ting it. PRiCE FIVE CENTS. Summer Goo ; CREEP Y'RLETY -AND AT - PRICES ;110 ROIT ALL i -AT THLr- TORONTO • CASH STORE. P. O'DEA 2151. fYALNACi} 38 WILL CURE OT1 REUEVE B!LIOJ911E:8. Mzz!r m's, DYSPEPS'A, L'i' PSY, iND/CCSTiON. JR S"I !!CE. £°Y•SIFrL t ", .ALT RHEUM, HEAiTTGU3N, Ilse. AOACHE, And nary greet of tMs ase aril Iowa 4.1•Orttotrt.d .'VER, it.ICt :YQ E"<7.aAt7I% BOWE:.L t7.i OLO()D fLUTTfRINO OF THE HEART. ACID.TY OF ' IIE STOMACH, 0^ ¥Es3 OF THE 8x18, T. MILBURN & CC. hyo Wed testier-Maviase RBE T. oat ..... 1 •. t lllrHl. �l{YflLl\ItLL�ISJt {L� . � .Wr ui ra.w. w. o. 1 p.�... • 5. n or, i,. ... •_ .M a.. ,.w.;. awl 4re. .-• w Fr.... war•. M.M.. ,e. .,n I.... .r.,..e.td.. nor. V .1..._,-.w.•.i� W.* a nava. ae-.,. .....t or.. ewe.a i wt lo mon -. rat lbw 141 .1. • .a1... .4.10.11•41,• roor4 .Mr _.- .h..It.5.l 1•••••••• VIM. w. 5-' ..aT td. .4 rte...,.. •...low r .ifs er P••••. .a„ ea. I. d M .h la ....auna and se_ ins r . s_.. sass, _a au 5.ia ebspike Its.. scar rYi•w.r.w- .5..5 sr•• r as wog.. rod Se ei1~ ..,......_wog Call, or send us the above amount at once, accompan- ied by name and address, and secure the full benefit of this offer. D. l[c(AILLICIIDDY. SASH, DOOR and BLIND PLANING MILL ESTAIRINIED I266. RHCHANAN & ROBINSIR, ratu►aett-at:wt Deaterm le all It ends of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES AwA hrOArr: wstert.1 wf mere School Furniture a Specialty