The Huron Signal, 1889-9-27, Page 4Gt4 TIE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, aEF'r. 21. 1889 Yrs CANADIAN BANK GO COMMERCE 6rTA061fB1Z • MOP. MEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. 1,1°' w , *ANTAL IP** CPI eNli EfKLIM o.aa1M • • M.M_.eaer STs • $700.0110. B. E. WALKER. Okketik. Mltllti hke. GODERICH BRANCH. A OSAiIAL IIAI1tRt0 litt61M161 TfMos alio. FARINA, Nouns Otsoou,Tto. DRAFTS t1M]Uu0 PAYASLI AT ALL POINTS N OAIU"A, AND TMs PIINOwAL 01TI118 1!11 1111 Uun.o &TATA% &MAT f1) TAIN. febARo1..kwon*. am HAuu.s SAME eIIPAUIM aft. OSPOSRs OF WOO MO UPWARDS Ss_Mliq Allp ommar MATRA of niTSRW*T ALLOWID. 91111TVIONOT AMMO TO TWO FSIM1sl*1. AT TIM MO Or MAY AND NOISss/1R MS MON TZAR. rase. Opeuis1 M6sRf66at res. ifs I s 11191111411114es of Oeea.warei l Pastier t1r ,s1_ irof ease MN/. R 5. WILLIAMS, Masuddi1. THE BIC FAIR n. Prise Lint of the Giwtest Show in Huron. A Lass ilbwwtes s. PJattss. Illeveas. Moog and Peuetrr. and a FNs.1. Orals ale Frans MIAOW lle.ead t. seas. Last weak we described the Great Northwest Fair, held *t IJoderich, and following we present tc our readers ib. PRIZE LIST. AGRICULTURAL rano -(t$. Two bushels Clawson or Seams fall wheel, 8sml Fars, 3d John Rater, 3d Was Blair; two bushels Democrat fall wheat, Wm Bialr, 2d John W Salkeld, 3d J W Hooter; two bushels any other variety fall wheat, white, named, Henry Corwin, 2d 8 Furs; two bushels soy other variety fall wheat, rod or amber, named, 2d Samuel Form; two Unhook Lost Nation or white Rotation, Henry Corwin; two bushels spring wheat. any other variety, John Salkeld, 2d Liao Salkeld, 3d 8 Foram; two boehela rye, John Sand.; two bush. mix rowed barley, T Hamilton, 2d Henry Corwin; two bushel* two rowed barley, Geo Church. 2d John Salkeld; two bosh. small pass, H Corwin, 2d Jno T Dick- son; two bushels white data, H Corwin, 3d Thea Hamilton; two bushels black este, H Corwin; one bushel flan seed, H Corwin. 2d 8 Faris; one bushel timothy Died, 2d D A Purvis; half bosh - e1 clover seed, Isaac Salkald, 2d H Corwin; beat and largest collection of grain ie the ear, displayed in the most artistic manner, S Furse, 2d John Salkeld 3d H Corwin. YIELD ROOTS, VEGETABLES, ET(' Nine long red mangold wwrtzels, Jno W Salkeld, 2d Joe T Salkeld; nine globe mangold wortzela, John W Salkeld, 2d John Salkeld; nine Swede turnips, John W Salkeld, 2d John Andrews; nine white Belgian carrots, Geo Sheppard, 2d John W Salkeld; peck onions, Geo Sheppard, 2d H Corwin; twelve ears porn, field, John Andrews, 2d David Cos; Largest pumpkin, Thom Beatty, 3d John Sands; largest squash, Geo Church. DAIRY PRODUCTS. Teo pounds table butter, salted for use, in rolls or in prints, Joe Wilmoo; 5 pounds table better, Nicholas Mocriab; tab or crock of salt butter, pet lees than 40 poor ds, Thos Hamilton, 2d Samuel Potter, 3d Nicholas Morriah; 10 pounds .alt butter, Thus Hamilton, 8d 8 L Soott, 3d D A Purvis. sitz?. Apples—Ten varieties, named, 4 of each, Inc Salkeld, 2d J W Hunter ; six varieties, named, 4 of each, winter, Willis Bell, 2d Wm Elliott, (Goderich township ) 3d J W Salkeld ; six variet- ies, named, 4 of each, cooking, Isaac Salkeld, 3d 8 L Boot*, 3d Willis Bell ; six varieties, named, 4 of each, dessert, Willis Bell, 2d J T Dickson. 3d 8 L :bots ; five Northern Spy, W Bell, 2d Isaac Salkeld ; five Rhode Island Green- ing, Willis Bell, 2d David Cox ; five Baldwin, John Porter, 2d Isaac Salkeld ; five King of Tompkins County, Robt Gibbons, 24 Glen Bros; five Spitzenburg .£*opus, Glen Bros., 2d Was Jones ; five Roxbury Reset, John Porter, 24 J T Dickson; five Hubbard- , son's Nonsuch, Jos Whitely, 2nd Thom Weatherald ; five American 0olden Russet, 8 L Scott, 24 Isaac Salkeld ; fire Ribston Pippin, John Robertson, 24 A. McD. Allan; five Wagner, Jas Dickson, 3d Jos Whitely : five Blen- heim Pippin, Willi. Bell, 3d 8 L Scott : Live Ben Davis, John Robertson, 24 ,Sohn Salkeld ; five Hawthornden, John Stewart ; Five ba az.. porn me Grim, 14 L Boot& ; five Pomme °rise, Isaac Salkeld ; five, Mann, David Cox, 2d Willts Bell ; five Snow, John Washing• tan, .d Willis Bell ; fire Gravenstein, 5 L Stmt, 2d David Cox ; five St Law- rence, David Cox, 24 Jam Bordon ; five LU oz Pippin, Isaac Salkeld, 2d Jos. T Salkeld ; five Beauty of Kent, Wen Jones, Lt Glen Bro. ; fire Duchess of ()idenburg, John Ar.drews, '24 S L Stitt ; five any other kind, named, winter, Thus Wstheraid, god John Pt,rter; tire any other kind, named, fall, Wm .Zones, 2 j %%Alia ROI ; plate Crab Apples, D.vi,l Cox 2d Mrs C A Humber ; five Quinces, John Andrews; five beet Seedling Apple, Willis Bell. Pears—Biz varieties named, 4 of nob, J W Hooter, 24 A It Roes, Sri A Bing- ham ; Hires varieties, damed, 4 of each, Willi. HNT, 24 A M Reiss, 3d Themes Weatherald ; five Bartlett, J W Hunter, 2d Thos Weatherald; five Flared Beau- ty, Win Rea, 24 .Ina Whitely ; 5.. Vicar .4 Wink6eld, A McD Allan, 9d J W Heater ; fin Doctors. D Aa,loolsse, T Weatherald, 2d Willis Roll ; five Belle Lucrative, A Bingham : 6ve momma Bonne D. Jersey, Wm Jones, 2d Isaac ti.lkeld ; five Ileutre D'Anjon, Wm Jones, 9d %mos! Farm ; are Bourn atnperfine. d W Hunter, 24 A Mcil Al - iso , fins White Doyenne, J W Hunter, 24 John Andrews ; five limns Hardy, Alex Watann. 24 Th... ttsllo.,. 6ve Besrre Diel, ,) W Hunter, 24 Jae Durk - • son, jr : five Ironer. Unee, 14 Form, 2d A Hingham ; 6v. Rheldon, Wm Jones, 21 Jas (lord .n; 6 v Benne CWrceao, P Adamson, 2d Thee Wsstherald; 5 Rem. ell, A M Rets, 9d James Dickson; 6 13eeked, Johm Andrews, 2) Juba Porter a5 Clapp's Paveeite. 9d J W Hooter; 6 Lawresee, A Watson. 2d A &agleam; 6 Belida, A Wsteoo, 2d Wm Jon; 6 Josephine do Matinee, A McD Allan; 5 Kieffer, A MeD Allan; 5 my other variety, wised, A M Roes. Plot.—Twelve Washington, Wm Stewart ; Twelve Bradshaw, Mn C A Humber, 2d Joo T Dickson ; Twelve Pond's Seedling, Alex Watson, 2d Gro- om . MaLssa ; Tooke Victoria, Wm Stewart ; Twelve Smith's Orleans, Willis Ben, 3d John Robertson ; Twelve Yel- low Egg Was Kay, 2d R W McKenzie; Twelve Dwane'. Purple, Ws Stewart ; Twelve Lombard, Wei Stewart, 2d Thee Weatherald ; Twelve Reins Claude 1). Barley, A Watson, 9d Thos Weatll- enld ; Tway. Jefferson, Thos Weather - old ; Twelve Imperial Gage, Wel Stew- art ; Twelve Coe's Golden Drop, Thos Weatherald ; Twelve Pesch, A MoD Allan; Twelve any other variety, named, Alex Watson, 2d A M Roes. Peaches—Nine Seedling, Glen Bros. Grapes—Six varieties, named, 1 Mus- ter of each, grown odder glass, A M Rows; three varieties, named. 1 cluster of each, grown own* glass, A M Boss; best and heaviest, 2 clusters, white, un- der glass, A M Rom; best and heaviest, 2 clusters, black, under Rhee, A M Ross; three hunches Iona, Capt Gibson; three bunches More's Early, W Wright; three bunches Seedling, Geo Sheppard. mow tear. Collection cot Bowers, Alex Waivn; twat• varieties Dahlis. 1 bloom of each, Wm Stewart; eight varieties Dah- lias, 1 bloom of each, Mrs J L Smith; four varieties Dahlias, 1 bloom of each, Wm Stewart, 2d J T Dioksoo; 12 varie- ties Verbeses,l bloom of e.ch,no 1st, 3Zd John Stewart; 8 varieties Verbenas, 1 bloom of sash, Joo Stewart, 2d J T Dick- son; fowr varMties' Verbena., 1 bloom of each, J T 2d John Stewart; t em hand bong Ale: Watson; colleotioo Oeations., Watson: collection Dian- thus, double, A Watson; collection Di- anthus, single, A Watson; oollection Zinnias, double, J T Dioksoo; collection truss Geraniums, single Bower, John Stewart ; collection truss Geraniums, double flower , John Stewart, 2d Alex Watson; collection Phloxes, annual, Wm Stewart; twelve varieties Gla- diolus, Jas Dickson; four varieties Gla- diolus, Jas Dickson,r., 24 JDickson; collodion Asters, -Wu m Stewart; collie - tion Pansies, J T Dickson, 24 W Stew- art; collection Stocks Spikes, Wm Stew- art; colleetioa Pstsoia., double, Jobo Stewart, 2d Jas .)ickson; tasty' Coleus, John Stewart, 2d Also Watson; six Coxcombs, spikes, in bloom, Wm Stew- art; four tuberous Begonias, roofed, Jno Stewart; eight Geraniums, single, in bloom, John Stewart, 2d Alex Watson; lour Geraniums, single, in bloom, John Stewart, 2d Alex Watson; "sight Gera- niums, double, in bloom, John Stewart, 2d Alex Watson; four Geraoiums, dou- ble, in bloom, A Watson, 2d Joo Stew- art; nine varieties greenhouse plants, A Watson; nine varieties foliate planta, A Watson; two hanging flower book.!., Wm Stewart, 2d A Watson; 1 hanging flower basket, Wm Stewart, 2d Alex Wason. Flowers (Open to Amateurs only.)— Best o.11ectioo of planta on stead, not lees than 15 varieties, Wm Stewart, 2d Knox Church Band of Hope ; two Geraniums, double pink, in bloom, Wm Stewart ; two Geraniums, sin- gle scarlet, in bloom, William Stew- art ; two geraniums, single pink, in bloom, No first, 2d Wm Stewart ; two Geraniums, single white, in bloom, Wm Stewart ; two Fuchsia,, single, in bloom, Wm Stewart ; two foliage plants, Mrs C A Humber. GARDEN TEGITABLGm. Peck of roam potatoes, Mrs Angus Nicholson, 2d Geo Sheppard ; perk of white elephant potatoes, John An. drew*, 2d John W Salkeld ; peck of beauty of Hebron potatoes, neo Shep- pard, 241 Jas Aikenhead ; peck of pota- toes, any variety, named, John An- drew,, 2d Geo Sheppard ; 3 vegetable 14 marrow, Ssm9 Potter ; 3 winter squash, 11 for table, nos Hamilton ; 3 roots white M celery, .1 E Tom, '24 A Bingham ; :I H heads winter cabbage, named, Th... J Hamilton, 2d A Hingham ; 3 hoods fall cabbage, named, A Bingham, 24 Mn 50 An,;,s Nicholson ; 3 heads savoy cab- Lia Mgw, N m Aosta), ; 3 citrons, Thos 01 ilatnilton, 24 Land Cox ; 3 heads red 2d Cabbage, Wm Anstay ; 6 Ion( blood ak heeta, table, Rodney Adams, 24 John Sin W, Salkeld ; 6 turnip Mood Mete. table, 11'm Anstay, 23 Simi Furse ; 12 n.lieh- es, 1%m Auetay : 12 table turnips. Mmiu'l Purse : 9 King onnrs carrots, Three hea Hamilton, 2d Sam'1 Cot ; 9 early horn Jss canna, Henry Corwin, 24 ,Sohn A ss Naftel ; 9 *owlet ottrota, nance, Robt 41 Gibbons, 23 Thos Hamilton ; 9 parsnips, for tobb, A Itit.ghes, 2.1 It .bt Gibbons; 12 red onions. Issas Salkeld, 24 Thus eon Hamilton ; 12 yellow onions, Thos Hamilton, 23 Mrs Anion Nitlhnleoi ; 12 silvar skin onions, Wm Airway, 94 John A Neste' : continuos *wont rers, 3 earn of arch, for tattle, named, A Bing- ham ; eine ears if corn, for table', any variety, named, .1 E Tom; throe orator melon., David Cot, 21 H Th.. Ifamdtoe . 3 from dash melons, .x Thal Hamilton ; 12 red tomatoes, Wm td .. Keenest, td W m A nss ay ; eollesti en bees Harden prndue•a, diettnet fru ett&ar M- iM tries, A Binch netts rlauvgacrvaa gheela trek. home -meed, Wes 1111.!• pessary, id Miss `O' w eek quilt, .motes, This Hamiit Ills ehwerk leek, Iia Mia. h bibbed a worked . k. I 1 J1j ;Kim Det i Saps* MI6 lin o tic pee& bemaasette seg assist. Lislia Benha.a.. >d Semi Potter ; hoees.msde nes tat, List+i. Be shaeas, 9d Wm Harvey Rowell ; oat .elle. staeki ego. Thea. aamiree ; tree paste weans seeks. OM states and ore ins, Thee Remakes ; two pats of wools.. =Lea enamel and tats B Lade BeaMa... ; tete petite ass ss rite. es* .sans and one Ise. Kim Lisle Symi g - ton, fel Lisaia Bseheses ; wadies yarn. Goss, Thea Hamate., 24 Gee LAMAS' worm. ()cat's shirt, linea treat, hand 'made, Lassie Bsebaeaa, 2d Thos Hamilton ; gent's shirt, lime frost, asohins made, Mrs Wm li1115 2d Tisane Buchanan ; goat's f Linnet shirt, Nadine made, Mrs Won Elliott, 24 Thom Hamilton ; gest'a fancy flannel shirt, head made, Lisa. Biederman, 2d Thos Hamilton ; night dress, Mn Wm Elliott, 24 Lizzie Bakens& ; tatting, Helen Shook*, td Mies Washington ; crochet work, mod- ern, Heise Shooks, 2d Mn J L Smith ; masrame work, Helen Shoats, 3d Miss Limbo Symington ; engirt/dies lass, Miss 11 E Jack, 2d Miss 8walbeld ; embroid- ery on lines, Helen Shoats, 2d Mrs R W McKenzie ; point lad, Mn J L Smith ; hooetoo lace, Miss Moentesstls, 2d Miss Lizzie Symington ; fanoy leather work, Miss Symington, 2d Miss Washington ; silk embroidery, Was Jams, 2d Helen Shooks ; fancy braid - ie, any material, Mrs J L Smith, 2d Mise Symington ; riobos work, Mn Colin Campbell, 2d Mn J L Smith ; fancy knitting, by hand, Mn C A Humber, 2d Miss Washington ; plain knitting, by machine, Mrs Harvey Howell ; fasey patch work, Miss Wash- ington,i td mss SymingtonB J 24 Miss ; outline e mbroidery, Mise M B Symington ; Roman embroidery, in linen, Mrs J L Smith, 2d Helen Shooks; darned ort, specimens of, Miss Syming- ton, 2d M's Washington ; Botha wool work, sot, Helen Shooks, 24 Mn Wm Elliott ; rick rack, Joe T Salkeld, 24 Miss Symingtco ; hairpin netting, Mrs Horsey Howell, 2d John W Salkeld ; fancy netting, Mrs Harvey Howell, 2d Mn J L Smith ; paintiog on silk or satin, oils, (amateur), John Aikenhead ; fancy tidy, Mrs Reynolds, 2d Helen Shoults ; crochet linen lace, bus, Helen Sheulta, 2d Miss Symington ; crochet linen Isco, mans, Thos Hamilton, 2d Miss Symington ; crochet cotton loos, fine, Miss Symington, 2d Thos Hamilton; crochet ootion lace, nomas, Thoe HatiI- too, 2d Miss Symington ; novelty braid Moe, Miss Symington, 2d Miss M J Robertson ; crochet work in wool, Mies E C Kay, 2d Miss Symington ; etching on any material, fine, Mn C A Humber, 2d Limit' Buchanan; etching nn any material, coarse, Wm Jones, 2d Lizzie Bachman; .rresine work, Wm Jones. 2d Mn J L Smith: crazy work in wool, Mrs Colin Campbll, 2d Thomas Hamilton; crazy work in silk, Miss Sym- ington, 24 Mrs J L Smith ; ring work on felt,John Salkeld; apligue on felt,Haleo Shoults,.24 Miss Symington: best and greatest collection of ladies work, the work cf one person, Miss Symington, 2d Helen Shoop*. IdOBBill. Theideglibred Heroes.—Stalkers, 4 prem old mad epword., Joke B Mar - lye,. Forest; yearns/ftJeita Avery, Qwtso; 1116!1110111 any age, diplon. Jv►a B Marlys; female, say ego, Jae Avery. Roadster Renee. — Stanton, 4 years rid sed ever, out less then 16 tar over lie ksatit high, 1 Jonathan !idler, Gad - auk I T Mantua, B.eiall; atallio•, 3 rim gild, 1 Jonathan Miner, 2 Sturdy Boers Gederish; stenion, years old, Mbeersier, BroesLeli; stakes, any age. Sipltlm., Jonathan liner; illy or geld. big, $ years ad. to he elbows Is harness, slas.ttyyla ees.idered, 1 T 1ip1w , .d 3 Alga Mertes, Uuderie4 3 H Mast Oed.eeiek; 611y or gelding, 2 aan ad, 1 Was !flair, Porter's Hall, 2 Poster, ()adored', Ally or gelding, year !eras, 1 leis 8 Aadnws, (iuderieb, 2 It Gederioh; brood mare, 16 head* high and under, with hal by Wher side 1 Jae Whitely, Uod.rich. 2 A mCarlow, rw, 3 John Gardiner, Porter'. Hill; tial of 1590, 1 Jae White- ly, 2 John Gardiner; pair astched harms, mares or gsldtoga, in harems, 16 hands high sad under, 1 R McLean, 2 Issas Salkea. 3 Rob' Medd; wail* horse, we or geldmit, show's is ber- ates, 16 heeds high mad soder, speed and style outsidsred, 1 J B W hitely,2 (Y), 32 11 Edward; female, say age, dtplu- sea, Jos Whitely. Spacial prism by Josatkan Miler for colts sired by Arosdia Wilk.. -1 Was Clarke, * A Young, 3 J Likeohesd. $addle Horses --Saddle horse, tem Or gelding, 1 John L Aitken, 2 Peter Cooke, Hohmann., 3 Jolla Avery; posy is saddle. wader 14 hands Dirk, midst" by boy seder 14 years old, 1 R Males., 2 R Thosaptos, 3 Peter Cooke, Lady Riders and Driven.—Led ride.'. 1 Mn B Proctor, Lucknow, 2 Mrs W Bowden; lady dnver, single, 1 Mn Jno Spoonr, &lttord, 2 John Oardiuer, 3 Mn Proctor; lady driver, doable, 1 Eltz- abeth Shiner, Godericb, 2 J P. Fisher. Carriage Horses.—Stallion, 4 years old and upwards, 161hoods sad over,sbowo is hares.., 1 L Kennedy, Clinton, 2 Jas Berry, Hep.sll; stallion, 2 years old. 1 W B McLean, Hawaii, 2 Nixon sturdy; brood man, over 16 hands high, with foal by her lade, D A Punts, Ood.rich; foal of 1889, 1 J B Whitely, 2 D A Pur- vis; filly or gelding, 2 years old, 1 D A Johnston, Ooderich, 2 Jos Whitely; yearling filly or geldtog, Mrs 8 Andrews; single carriage hones, mar. or geldine, 1 John Porter, Goderich, 2 Moses Iltixon, Bromfield, 3. General Purpose Hones.—Brood mare with foal by her aide, 1 (neo Green, God- erich, 2 H 0 Tailor, Auburn, 3 H Mor- ris, Colborne; filly or gelding 2 yrs old, 1 Wm Clarke, Oudench, 2 J W Salkeld, Goderich; yearling filly or gelding, Isaac 8alkeld; foal of 1889, 1 B O Taylor, 2 H Morrie; stallion, 2 yeah old. 1 J Me - Cartage., Porter's Hill, 2 W F Clarke, Dunlop; atallioo, yearling, 1 J J Fisher, Benmtller, 2 W C Potter; matched team, geldings or mares, in harness, 1 Janie. Cornish, Clinton, 2 Jas Reynolds, Clin- ton, 3 Robt Medd. Special. —Best walkingteam, to wagon, 1 J E McMlllaa, 2 W C Potter. Heavy Draught Horses.—Stallion, 4 years old and upwards, .1 P Fisher, Au - bon; stallion, 3 years old, Sturdy Bros; stallion, 2 years old, I and 2C E Mason, Bromfield; stallion, ye rlirg, 1 W A Canuingham, 2 J 0 Stewa,t. Mares Kegi.tered.—Brood mare, with fnal by her tide, 1 .Sohn Avery, 2 J J Fisher; filiy, 2 yrs old, H Steell & Sone, W F Young, Dunlop; foal of 1839, 1 J Fisher, 2 John Avery. Canadian Brei.—Stallion, 2 yrs old, 1 H Snell & Moos, 2 W F Clarke; brood mare, with foal by her aide, 1 Geo Cur- rell, Kin(sbridge, 2 John Sands, Col borne, 3 John Salkeld; filly, two years 14, 1J J Fisher, 2 Alex Glen, Carlow. J W Salkeld; geldinz or blly, 1 Wm larks, 2 J J Fisher; foal of 1889, 1 Geo anon. 2 J J Fisher, 3 Jas Couper,Kip- pen; span Amoy draught horses, mars r geldings, to worm, 1 W F Young, 2 as Reynold., 3 J 0 Stewart. The following exhibits were highly 2 commended by the judges :—Silk em- J broidery on linen, Miss Hutchison; punting on moleskin, Miss Hethering- ton; three sets mats in crotchet, Miss E C Kay. TINE ARM. Professional Lit, o:1 (originate) --Any 3 subject, H Crockett, 2d Miss C H c Mountcastle; landscape, Canadian sob- c Speeding in Ring. --Stallion. env age r size, 1 T Murdock, 2 Jonathan Miller; mares or geldings. ovine' end driven by anners only. 1 Hugh Olivia, 2 Nixon only; mores or geldings, J H Ed- trong, V.8., Wellesley; James H niter, orses—James Henderson, Belton; Jim Ballantyne, Pine River Amateur List, oil (copies)—Any sob- f Fraser; marine visor, Eva Ausebrook, 2d Sirs J L Smith; animals, grouped or original painting, any subject, no 1et, 24 Mrs 2 L Smith. Professional List, water eolors (origi- nals)— Any subject, Mise Mountcastle, 2d R Crockett; landscape, Canadian sub- ject, Mimi Mountcsatle, 2d R Crockett; 8 marine new, R Crockett; animals, from 2 wood; Bowers or fruit, R Crockett, 24 b Miss Mountcaatle; copy, any subject. It en Crockett, 2d Miss Mountcastle; Sepia, R Crockett; pencil or crayon drawing, Hos h Mountcastle, 2d R Crockett; pen and a ink sketch. no lst, 2d Mrs J L Smith; .1 3 Dorhams.— Bull, 3 years old and up- wards, 1 H Snell & Bons. 2 E Gaunt & •ins ; bull, 2 years old, I Isaac Fisher, Liam Salkeld ; bull ealf, under 1 year, H Snell & Sons, 2 Isaac Fisher : best all of any age, diploma, H Snell & Sono; w, in celf or giving milk. 1 H Snell & iitas, 3 IC Otani & Sone ; heifer, 1 year tl, 1 13 Snell & Sons, 2 Isaac Fisher, IC Gaunt it Sono ; heifer calf, under 1 ear, IC flaunt & Sons, 2 Jame fialkeld ; boo femsde of any age. diploma, H Snell & ins, beat herd, conaistino of 1 hull Ayrohires. — Cow, in calf or Ririe./ ag.PodlleiP41"Amengnis ii.'oFriho-errtioens. --Caw. in eel( or goring milk, 1 John Andrews ; Heifer, 1 year old, 1 John Andrews: best female of any age, diploma, Jobn An. dr.11;roLlstoins - Bull, 1 year 014, 1 Jame. Elliott Porter's 11111; calf, ander I year, 1 John Cox. Porter'. Hill: boot boll ot any oge, diploma, Jas Elliott; on, in etilf or owing milk, 1 John Osot ; host female of any age, cliplima, John Grade Cattla. —Cow giving 111th or in lf, mil'A log and beefing qualities ennead - oar oid, 1 Robt Medd, 2 Robt Ke Donald, ft J Diokson: beet 2 year loon: beet herd, constrain* of 4 aisles and I steer. John T Dietonn, Fat Cattle, any brood. — Eat ox Boa, 2 hese Flaw, 3 Wm Bowden. yon portrait, Aloud& Kirkwood, 2d Amateur List, wet.? c.olors (oopies)— An subject, Miss Birdie Ila , 2d Miss Parson.; landscape.* we Birdie rs • Colin Campbell. 24 Miss 1Rinlie L Smith; flowers or fruit. Era Amis. none; Sepia. Mies Parsons; pencil crayon drawing, Miss 5 E Parsons, Mies Liao Symington; pon and ink MOSSY, SUGAR ASP sTRCIP. Honey in comb, 10 tbs, Jae Aiken• .4,23 Mrs C A Humber; jar of honey. Aikenhoed, Id John Porter; maple gar, Thome. Hamilton; maple syrup, Wm Ooderieh township. PRIAT, RIP. Honwomade erineetion of preserves, silting of straw bernes raspber- Os Tor fel 111 plums • 1 jar of each, for fami• en ly goo Mrs C A Heather, 24 Mrs It Vi H author, 24 Jam Aikentres4; polars, ' Doc fano Mrs R W McKenzie, 2d Mrs A Ito biernite, I pleas, Tbs. Mallows, 24 Porter I Joke New Fall Goods. 1380 Have received s large portion of their Fall Stock, and desire to call your attention this week to the following al line of Dress Melton, in all the Few g i and Stripes, Ile. brings Plain, Checks pe0. per yard, worth 16c, in Black and Ladies' Cashmere Hose, es0. Colors, only 2bc. per pair. Great value in Knitted Shawls, choice patterns and new colorings. New Prints, Cottons, Linens, Tweeds, d&c. Inspection invited. 3 J. A. REID & 13RO Isaiah Iter.k. Oodeelnb. SIX Hid Jrnone—C M Simms, lima; James tDoesi.osa. Drayton; Chas Spooner, Clio - Leicester*. —Rao 2 shears and over. 1 Sons ; pair of *woo 2 shears and over, 1 Sone ; pair of ewe limbs, 1 IC Gaunt & Sus, J 0 Stewart pen of Leicester. comiastiog of I ram, 2 ewes, two shears ante civet, 2 alteirliog swim &ad 2 :mobs, Snell & Bona. Routhdowne. —Ram 2 shears and ow. 1 Glee Bros ; dwarfing ram, 1 Ohio Bros, 2 J 0 Stewart ; rain lamb, 1 J 0 Stawart, 2 Glen Bros ; pair of *woe 2 !inroad, 2 Glen Bros ; pair of ewe lambs, Soothdowns, consisting of 1 ram. 2 ewes two shears and over, 2 Mewling ewes aod 2 ewe Iamb., 1 Glen Bros. Jae Tabb ; parr of ewes, 2 shears arid Jos Tabb. 8oropelii-e Downs. —Ram 2 shoats and Cooper ; patrol ewe lambs, 1 J T Dick - sot , 2 Jas Cooper ; pen of Shropshire Downs, consisting of 1 ram, 2 ewe., two Fat Sheep.—Best pair of fat sheep, Jr-Dom—Sheep and Pigs—Jobn Cool. nolgrave; Jae McFarlane, Chops; Improved Berkshirec—Boar years and over, 1 Curwen, (Wench ; boor over 1 year and under 2 yean. 1 Rich Delbridgo ; boor littered in 1889, 1 II any age, alioloms, Rich Dell -endue ; sow, Wm Andrews, 3J T &Weld bow ovor Wm Clarke ; *ow homed in 1889, I mod 2 Named, Any Kind. —Boar littered in ono, 1 Win Andrews; sow over 1 year *ow littered in 1889, I tiaml Potter 2 Rodney Adams ; beet pen of any breed. consieting of 1 bear and 3 sows of any sm., 1 Rich Depolbrti4LgeT.Ry. Brahma., dark, 1 and 2 Jas Munro ; Wright ; Cochin.. buff, 1 Rodney Adams; mh, white faced, 1 Thom Morrow, 2 Wm Wright ; !editor/to, brown, simile and rose comb, 1 Geo Morrow, 2 Wm Anstey; Hourlong, 1 Gregor McLean, 2 Wm Walton Game, black breasted red, 1 Pile, I Rodney kdams, 2 John Andrews; Game Duck wiog. 1 and 2 John Andrews : Pit Game, any ninety or color, 1 John Andrews, 2 Geo Morrow ; Game tams, black breasted red, 1 and 2 R J McLain, 2 nice Morrow ; Game, Bantams:any robin- variety. I Ft J Mc- Lean turkeys, bronze. Thos. Beattie, 2 Lean ; geese any either yariety, 1 Wm Wrigi,t. 2 John Salkeld ; docks Pekin. 1 0 McLean ; ducks, any other variety. M McEvoy; guinea fowls, 1 11 Blom - peril. 2 11 L Boatel t. Spring Chickens -- Bothnia., light, 1 and 2 Jos Munro; Brahma.. dark, 1 Jam Mono,. 2 Jae Mokpo -in, Cochin*, white, I Jae Munro : Cochin., black, 1 and Wm Wright: Cochin., buff, 1 and 2, R Adams: Plauslotro• aparieled sodden and silver, 1 Jae Munro, 2 Mrs Angus Nick, brown. single and rose mash, 1 Oen Mot. led, 1 non Morrow, 2 JAMS. Mid 2 Jeka Aram in; Genie. Moo John fludseire; lit Orme, any variety or color, I John Andrews, 2 Geo Morrow; Game, bantams, black breasted red, 1 and 2, R J McLean; Game, bantams, pile, 1 R 'McLean ; Game, bantams, dusk. Wulff, I R J McLain, 2 R AMMO.; Nano, bantams, any other varioty, I and 2, It turkeys, bronze, I Thos Beattie. 2 Docks, Pekin, 1 Thus Morrow, 2 John oolleetion 91 barnyard fowls, eimeirting al 1 pair of geese, 1 pair of torten 1 pair of ducks, I pair of fowls and 1 pair Clark e. Highly Commimded. — Blear Atrium Santos" floe Morrow. Juno,— W. Sandereoo, Stratford. NIAGARA nu... Sept. To the lotto, a Two Elsaast.. Some person km sent ma a eopy ot the HURON SIGNAL onatainiog your criticism • favor that you will permit me to make a reply. 1st. In reference to the ward "damn- ed" which Mr Richardson sad I eimeshier- ed of rather vulgar eadmiatioa. leg gni say that it ie tho word mad in a Roman Catholic work taught to abilares. Wilde we do pot like bad words smither Richardeos nor any other purses sum object to a speaker riving the asset words of the book to which he rams. Itod. In referees, to the latter part of yaw entails Isar yea to isnot the in - alined espy of a letter written in the late Archbishop Lynch, &ceasing him of the mune mistake as yoe think I made in • ajdruilL Here" Joirs Honor. 164, INC pc. regret excsedingly that we OM - O at secede to Rev Mr Mordy's request by publishing Mr Chiniqoy's letter,wbilth is abut two columns in length. Tam Swaim. hes made no allusion to Mr Chiniciey in the matter of the Equal Itighta agitation, and we canoot me what good the publiootioo of ra letter of an- cient date from that goat leman would ac- complish. We hasr• intontkdil Of me- tering upon • sectarian controvorey, as there are plenty of so-mlled religious newspapers which glory in that kind of strife. Our object in taking exception to Rev Mr Mordy's platform utterance* wao merely to show that what gentlemen leave their pulpits and eater the poiitieal arena they most expect to be held ac- countable for their actions and words j t e reale as ordinary politician. The exproasion that Rev Geo. Richard- son found fault with was, "damned to hell,- aod we think he was perfectly rig t in doing so. The phrase was cure.; and every one present felt that it was on the strong side. We doubt very touch that Mr Mordy has any text book of any denomination wheroin Ow phrase sp- On Friday evening, Sept. 20, a moot. ing was held in the schoolhouse of 8 8. No. 8, Colborne, for the purpow of or- ganizing a beareh of the Equal Rights Association. Notwithstanding tho Moho money of the weother a goodly numbee were present. On motion of Mr Alinsnder Robert - eon, seoonded by Mr Wm S. Cousins, Mr J H Million was appointed chair - Atter a short address by the chairman. the resolutions and bylaws of the Equal Rights Association were road, and hearti- ly eadorsiod by mow!, all preeent. It was then moved by Mr Andrew Million, resolvod 1. That tho persons promote who acre* with tho platform of the aseociation organize under the name of Th. Equal Rights Association for the Pro, owe of Ontario, Colborne township Brant*. o That this Brandi adopt for its gov- ernment this retardations sod bylaw. for branches of the Equal Right. Associa- 3 That at presen'i this Branch moot in the schoolroom ot 14.8. No 8. OA - The election of officers. which was the next infor of Imeinme, resulted se fol- lows : -Chairman. Alm Robertson; eke. Striiiighan : executive councillor., Wm Geo Correy, Jae Feagan. After the transaction of farther holi- ness the Branch adjourned to men again October 3r4, 7.30 pon. ing was the resells... with winch some of Mame *leo were formerly i nir mem hors of the differont political part' waited Ps Kee movement the People's Column. 1010T WANTID.—TO LIAILN TB! /JP balm liaelasse. Apply tad. W. gglI/Olg, APPRENTICES WASTED INKS, bashassa. Apply to KIM MIKA McGill. - 00R, lobs Acheson*, Ohne. over UV Int CARDERS YiANTED.—MR8. W. 1.1 D. SHANNON -1a prospered to *skis four orate goattegaaa boarders for tho winter. Aped,. at the home. gt. Patrick street. Wit 00"? ES -PRAYED. —AHOUT THE IV Ilth Met., dm* • small red oow with leg lora hosed demi., a very small whim spot as dos to Der wheresits be ao shall suitably SAXDFORD STOKES. Illtt Dederick. 111113 GODERICH AND C. 1'. R. JI. JUNCTION R. It. COMP ILN Y. A raortion a( ibe Proctologist Directors of do (kedorich gad C.P.R. Jasmines !tit. com- m., will be hold la the Town Hall. ciegeetch. this tTraior) evades. Sem. Mk at s o'clock. A hill attendaase et Messer, le rogiarood. Notation 011ie Wawa, as • practical ituesitaa mill be presented to the assialog. kin CK WANTED. —Immediately. ter i)i°tawiny of four. Oiled wages to an ex- prrireced person. Apply _at ogee. CI ICO. W. !THOMSON'S 18 THE ,I. X cheapest house in Onderieh In bey Moos. Organs, Scoriae Machines, wanitore it" Wanner Cookers, Violiaa. Meath - lits. INS I ma MUSIC CLASS. Mho E. Proper Ras reopened her 'emir the has clam after mid -summer vacation, and • few vacancies for pupil*. Apply for pant Porter. Moss BARBER SHOP REMOVED. witty iefornod that 1 have removed my shawls, parlor front MISAM All alleMilatir.• next to A. Murat -melee lisseeerles. slice where I will to prepared to &Mead to all lowaineas in my losio. rine parlor. easy chairs. sad good week guaranteed. reattod and during the Mot erlieen. and Is to In now seemed none quality of ar- rowinsistatioa for the Deed Ira voill off follgic. WY. CRAIG. Square. gederlah. Oat. Proprietor EXIECUTORS' NOTION. All parties Isayiest any claim agrilnat the ed toaddrom ths MOO in wellies tn Thomas Troy, Ootlerich P. O.. on or before the 2Stli day of °ember next otherwise their claims twill so be meognised. Also all pa..- tieti indebted to the said swam will please tiey ea sr Wars that date, otherwise the mime mead for waffle collectiovi. Doled al Goraktioli this iSth day of Sept. THOMAS rARROLL THOMAS TROT. MA Eireatere. Nosier le hereby Ogren that • Court will In hold Di to "The voterouca Act, IWO ' by 0 Humor the Judge of dm cone, I C..11" of the County of Huron, at Hee Townshin Wednesday the 9th of Ortober. PM. at P. o'clock a.m., to hpor and gletc-inin• I) e Me Voters' UM of the womiripality of Om Attainment the mart Me rootired to attend at the mid time and mare Dated this 11515 day of September. 104/.. Hit Clerk a um Kaki mustaraity• 1, DcrilirjTSZAT°11'8 NOTICE TO I 1441. Town of %aerie! in the Cnenii of deceased - Nettim is hereby giver, itthe matter of lbo Amato of Go,. Rhin's.. i effOntario. tat . DR Oentior. erect. and other parenna bat an: elating' against the estate rit the mod goo Rhyme. ohs goal es or about Tbore- rapt. Ifik. Aft, IMO, arge2;sairgid to deoessoe. ou rie before the 111145 day of 1111111.womenne of their stannut, address es and descriptions. sad hill moo -mars and proilti et their (Ulm. and to -mantle Donn the estate. an tall, set mitt,* II f any I 5.44 admialeter the rotate stud dies Mete the ea. ears of the loossed saki sesoord the paytirn omitted thereto. bartall logo_ rd 004 le 1h• Malmo .41:411.164S PONY IOW' RSVP h1141rn Mires man us say perms tmeersese or