The Huron Signal, 1889-9-27, Page 1TO ADYERT'S& Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for care Whangesednesday noon. Cas - must be left not ter $b 'Id Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. Meal goners. IU edema wire is Ms keel rakeens of Tan Seat& ear wiedems er seder- feinmewb ad teak an eiheimiewlts is charged, err from tend e itensf- ai hendt le dirket mid Jnr el tee refs oneeterpside nerd cook insertioa. dierehiblis den twisty -Aye omit. Intro It. err4is.ae.a .,t eavlwee:amrrgp its marded a brief tucal trill It Or fret: NEW Te Ite.t--C. tlmeur. llesee.at-E. Dewa1.g. Wans4-lin Carmen. Pte/ woes- J. W. alma sysc(aI 0111w -the. Leek t Leek I -J. M. Pnndreet. P enaa'' Insides-Tbssininig. Cr" HIIIternd-milord Oakes. Midas Wanted -lis Shaa-en. Open .t Revws.-J. II. fltich.rae. A/ OMatfg-Cr, pts.. Aypsibs Its eq. A#sdslsleatere Pelton -ft. P. Lawrence. Weeks-Chrrital e 1P+alisse N'astMl[iss lee b lig or. sad C. P. R. Janette. tt. e"- - erteh g -7 q , DORN. it or V Lit e est, of s rmrbs wet TOWN TOPICS. ~A shirts .N 1besTolloh tt mbotAlielt ee. A Hegel Peri•rRrib relays eM[RI ;p ass crabs_ _ _ _I, ee J. a tutor Fa 1P pal M D Ds iareV allr.t tiaiaiea. • tee "e 011eteNecTimeareene 1./abia Wendt S. ss The et ®es. Seewart'r stadia la mid be a lels p is every Use Wet phone. Owe threngb the trees swim tart the winter e Deal rawer se Balt at V. dr A PrYhar s ler your ender - weer. It may sate as undertakers s fel Can eLkgC.. and iwag HWthe t gloats* Made, ewes which takes ase aeeletres leenetn e. The Ant>.tnsrri asses heater. theesY air off the Mawr mid baste ton mars at roe time. Purees ere down to emit every toady. The cheapen buss .der the sew Noowthat.tahaeEt seen ditoalty b.s bees dpMl' rat 4ssMamitmi the T -'- s .ii.et takm.tlste et with RtIt he ptetsiws cid as the* yen deal Medse rakettw.11meta sherry. BRIEFLETS. Yrs Seeger has ret.raed te tows. Kiss B. Wahiawa has returned to Tomato. Mine Birdie Hays is visitiog friends is Detroit. Mr T. J. Vidsn took in the Detroit fair hat week. Mr and Mn Alexander hare re- torted to Niagara Kr • ie 1 eu,. of I,osdon. spent ThersdMn tieage Bleak returned from her Detroit ride ea Friday. are P. Meru, retread het week from her visit to Meekoks Islands. Me J. E. Platt, of Platteville, is the per of his relative,Mr Jobe S. Platt. Mr and Mrs I.hyd bare ruterssd frees their visit to the Riders Mrs F. and lies Leek Odes gdwrs- ed`to their ham., Ltedw, es Thursday. Mss Js.. and Mime Gerrie Doyle airs dating d in Detroit sod offer American Mrs Bidd.lpb, of Detroit, ig visiting et hew ideas d her daughter, Ms a Che Miss Kathleen' Bull bac arrived home Main Item a *aunt visit to frissds is 11,. KeTawieh, of Bosse .nest,, meat a week with her dsside r, Mrs R. Hen- derson. Mr and Mn Tyler, el R.6lo, were .rediae in tows sat neighborhood the week. A. and Kim Vents Watson have hoes riifbg Mrs J. L. Shady, Dir MeThinee* will be Is Nigeria for Wingllitistdeeverymo s ea the int Saturday d Mit Jelin L. Sturdy, d Haeridoi, ' is the the GeNorthwesters Far week. Mr Sewer% es Tralehmr ' lad.Ihis Pelee : with iia bloom, ` ,weak. Ist nab mar rod sed' gistd w( have te. offl vie te O.de.6. ample '1111t111131bberep tie 1.he s N the theb Meed ek sheet bjihr.1 WWI*, al the Suremthe gamble el A Sem *gsat.i,aT. - Issas Fisher, of °Whores, teak oiler medal at the nominee kr the beet farm. Prof Fred W. Foote has bra appoint- e d essset.ry of the Coaeer atony of Men e ta, Toronto. at • b•odeoese asiary. The Woodstock Sesti&d-Iferiew hes i.selad a soiel "lith Tweber," the i•k, paper sad nadir. matter being A L Mr J. A. Tether closed hie TIMM- io• at Ge nrfeb os Wednesday, and left to remise kis studies at geese's Waver - sky. KiogMees. The Saraia bank took W shoed prize at the Detroit Ezpoeitiow toses.sot, Seesaw, composed of prole dosal m.si- eas•. take Ant. Mr Rtepke. Andrews left town on Thursday to member cattle for the old *retry. Mr A. will pored with hie parolees* aortas the outer Mr M. O. Juhnstoo, eon of the reeve of Warmish, has returned to the sled, cf law to Godards after a ample et reef r.smik from office work. Dr M Nicholson, the West-st d.etia r, . rakes the preservation ,.f the .at.ea) teeth a specialty. Gas administered Irons II a. se. fur the *lake extraction of teeth. ,gg In the abeslsle of Dr Use ne Tait, erases, the dikes* to tie Yore ple'e Aesoeiatfks of Knox Cherub was Rivets by Mr Thos McGillicuddy, of Tut - mato. Mr Maitland Whitely, of Chicago, at- tended the tnsse.i of hie sister here feet writ. Be remaieed over he • few days aid took nosy a look at old Hera from the pork. an sed Miss Newcombe purpose seeedbag the winter is Bntieb Columbia. Thee will leave for the Pacific dope nett week mid will bear with them the Rood wishes of a boat of friends E. 8. Hnaertb, B. A.. mace a pupil of Goderich High echoet,•d s bore grade - ate of Toronto University, has hese sp- prnoated ocher of modem languages is Woodstock Collegiate Institute. Rev Dr Shaw. of Toronto, was to town last week. He mate west to attend the tweed of hie niece, Mae Leede Whitely. Dr Shaw rename is Gsdeeiioh town- ship, aad is told is high ..teem by those who knew bis Mr Anted Videos, of the Cards Compaey'e dries, Torero, who has boos vteitre Goderich. lett se Wednesday for his has,. While here Mr )n Lewis, ha brother -is -law, showed ilei the growisg attractions of Goderioh. AA IMPORTANT IMPaovs*irrT.-Tbe sew Soft'Flop sad Practice Pedal attach- ment to s Newcombe Upright Piano enures the nerves of the listener or per- former. *ben practising, as well as the instrument from wear. and preserve* the toss. tt. Mr Fred. Price, datggd.t. of Sault Ste Marie. Mesh., anise& i• sows on Tuesday evening, sad is apsedisa s day or two to the old horse. 11. bee already worked op a Rood loaminess in the city of the rapids. Mr and Mn Jobe McTavish sad their son Walter, of Heron towseip, took is the Great Northwestern fair, sad were deli;►td with the sights and the *dynast of the town with the electric lights and waterworks sire their lest visit. Knox Ch.nh Bead of Hops will hold its anneal dower.bow and soirert in the basement of the ob.rcb on Monday wring, Sept 30th. A good program will begins. Row J. A. Cedersos will addrwm the ehildrea. Mr Strang will take the chair at 8 o'clock sharp, doors open at 7:30. Atheistios 10 crests. Mr John Carroll, of Tawas, Michigan. has bees visiting birds and relatives in God.neb and Colborne towsyip, He is the eldest *arriving eon of the lat. P. Carroll, and had the .stisfactioa of re - ionise boar before his laths, was straiten down. Mr Alex McIntyre. of Tssw•ter, lermssb, s esembcr of the meant of the nailed •sestis.ef Heron and Brum, wee at the redeem of Mr D. MeGederith te►ssship, during the week See bees • regular reader d Tea *Ms*A c sam the toed old dap *ad knows what glome es 1. On sorted better thein some peeple whelive hoe Tan Sssosasr 8awrss,-W. woke to Sergeant Kelly in Goderich ieat week. The veteran soldier had .irenmvested his enemy W dropsy sad *es down town. Bot* his wife sad himself are, we believe. ei:er fear more pare .red yet meepse$4fvely vigorous The 012.1.0= ttve f friends in Climes. Senses Dene. -Dr Bla.belse&. el endidesly is the bets. fletsr lahey brat he wee is Tam% is reheat health. Oa Sar dap be eontesdsd s mild, whisk torsed to eseentisn el the Issas The deem- ed wee highly •Meme/. Ilk wile wee is Ottawa at *.lima d his dew, .441- He ons a eon et sea Dr time r ONssli& M gee 8rtuweeaaT Owens -We bow re- solved s. 5 of the Oma - tea M Adel JYes,NOrMs, being a ee eta the adhere el eletdwbaeis• etbul Mise teem Me aged le Mi agedioselerut of nut melt the wilNe hen a wid11t! n • heeM- iwfirs le moll4_ aise re iwr M Ude 144 SW -is a, Mrs D. Mies and daughter, of Her - ea. wet a few dale ton town with her sister -is -hon, Mrs IffielPhail, of Suothow We .•der.ta d Mr W. M.ggew, mil ler. hes been offered d and has stewed a position in ilk big mill at Keewatin, where his brother Aleck is • merger. MrtleMesas is rated high as a pesetas! A Portia* Comro*i ox-"Br.ckia Bach G•lup` is the latest monied ctom- positiw from the pea W Mies Skim- misgs of this town. It is published by Biller, ,.f Torooto, and is neatly pre - rented. It deserves pstroo.e.- Peewee weenie to improve their memories or strengths. their power of attrition shoed send to Prof. Loieetb, 237 Fifth Ave., N. Y., for his prospec- tuspot e treas advertised in another 10-tf A Tatter Cr.RTR•11 CAPTrIBP. - A couple of weeks ago constable Yule re- ceived a kaki asking him to be os the took oat for Harry Morgan a, guilty of t:arghry in Tars. Oo Wednesday of last week skald manning the passengers oaths Coiled Empire Mr Yale espied m young wean whom he felt impelled t arrest sad bold. It was Marro. sbo was taken to Owen Sound and seat down to the Central Prison fur one year. Yale has a keen scent for crooks. Junos's COURT. -James Trengrove wee, a Wednesday lastsmart; before His Hower Judie Toms with - lag by Wie Cornish, of Umbers.. It ap- pease that Tr.agrove sad Consist had traded heron and the sweetmeat was that if the former was dtsestie5ed b. Goold relent the seined he got to Cor- nish soy time inside of . week. He did mot do so within the time specified, bet sebeequotly, .t .ight.west to Cornish's barn and took bis own hone. leaving the other. The judge decided that there was .o feioay in the traessettoo, and Tresgrove was discharged. EviNcnun!ic Sarum& -Next Sab- bath evaagetistie services will commence ie the North -et Methodist Chorea The Pastor will be assisted by the Rev David Savage. )Ir Savage is • minister In good standing in the Methodist chinch, but for some years has given himself to '.Bend Work," not only in Oo'ario but dos is the Maritime Provinces, Mani- toba, and the Uoit.d States. One of the meet evederfel revival movements ever known in Welters Condo was oondoct- d by Mr Savage at Petaoli., and is the e urroendiag country. XSian weeks ago we seat oet • Dumber of ateo.ote toaabacrib- /‘ ars in arrear. Several pervious owisg ns were kind enough to rwpood at ogee, and we return our thanks to them. A n umber have not yet been heard from, and this week we mend out duplicate aoe000ta to many who have tailed to re. *pond. We will continue to mod out accounts to all in arrest until our .books are straight. Even if you dolt Toot an account this week, look at your label, and if yos are in smear be good enough to pay at once. The item is rely a *mall one to yon, bet the aggregate to Xea foots up several thousand X dike. Pay .p / Lugs -tar Puns WIAxww .-Tb. n ames of the winners of the Witweae prise tie competition have bees just an- nounced. The onusty winner is Robert Baird, Cliatos. Those who took county prizes were Abs. 11 ileL.od, Albert E Jervis, Clinton; John Simpson, White- church ; Miss Jamie A Gibson, Wroxe- ter ; Willie T Gardner, Leeknow ; Wa- liar Howell. Sestortb ; David 8 Ikon, Beltran ; 11 J D Natal, Goderioh ; Miss Preeilla May Aldrich, Newbridge Miss Bemis Lowell, Tureberry ; Joseph Forest. Verns ; Norman Bailie, Nile ; Mie Alis Bell, Henson ; Mins Mary J Hesiereos, Rainford. • An ey.-aore to the people of tbis town who haat as eye for the besatifsl is the •busd•nt atop d ncxiose weds in the wends ase yards. Everybody per- hetps dose sot know that it is as much a steaks of the law to let soak pests Rttuw as it ia to pasture your cow in a asighbor'e garden. The Ontario Revis- ed &states soya: It shall be the ditty of the Isedowner or oosep•st thereof to eat down or destroy all Canada thistles, .t -eye daisy, wild ode, deo reg -weed end bedeck growing os hie had s oft- en mak sed every year as le w5eiest to prevent the *Wags of their med. The set intends b the be)twye el say Rte- nielpsity, and maker the *weer liable to s Ilse el net hos then 15 for viuMtbsis d the Add mad as owner of a highway to • Iles d net less thmr1110 fon nRtbs, 11 the sweeper were fired for seat se - g lad in the streets of God•rieb he would seed • very'obitsnti•i Werra of rot- ary to meet the penalties. How eta Sana Dlssteass Tea Owns. -The T tewto lien to r..p is g ibes ter the Ileibwle g : At the sada. den of the basins el the 'Fmk ssuhsty Cath es *.tgrd•y Judge Merges tared to °•pt. Newton, as el& awry ofiewr she had served seder Osmond R esd embed him toe the mart 6.wt w ad left epee tellf es e steed le +ice wale el the Iiabe. Evidently the oil W pat chelated on Mendes. CleIia sveit, lad when the j. g, er- deeed Mn le M es, be deed it a es. mesh ea V dosed, sad dies deelableing himself up, he Onsi&wed : "Ala thew ea yew your tell. and ham a heite ,es kussla J Mews, the o W peevepeeveastae e1 N the • nser, seed t awhes etiss as dis hike grasped theYe *gee mew ilesserealt est Rev. Mr Cohere preached in St. G.iw ge's ahereb ism 8.e.4., eweaisc. Mia B. Sullivaa,fon.erty of this to.., ace of Guelph, is rigida* her noadeeoes breds io tows. Mr Chas Reid, banter maker, has bac. speodtog • week in the Forest City, the grist of kis brother, Jae Red. Mr (l.c McIntyre has returned horse from Vancouver, B. C., after • three muulba' sojourn in the western prov- ince. Mr Wm Raid, wife and two ekildrea have retuned home to Hamilton, after speeding a week wttb his parents, Mr and Mrs Jr Reid. Mr Bowen, of the Western hearers Company. who was in town on the Kidd seltbloek fire matter, made a satisfactory arrangement wit! Mr C. A. Humber, re- presenting Mr Kidd. Thai PATCH RIo.T Nora Cram. - The two ease, of Oirvia v. Bork. and Berke v. Ginio sad Spence, were con- solidated by the Master in Chancery, bot Berke appealed. Oa Trade', Chancel- lor Boyd dismissed the appeal, allowing ousts to the Goderich men. A rumor is afloat that Mr F. W. Johnston bas been appointed to • county judgeship, bat op to the hoar of g Ong to press we ha.. been unable to !ovate the comity. He was an aspirant for the Goderich postmaster.hip, rod will get some plum -judgeship or otherwise --his friends ay. At a meeting of the Ladies' Aid So- ciety of North st. Methodist Church held un the 12th inst. it was unanimous- ly resolved that • vote of thanks be pre, vented to Mrs Wigle for her valuable services as secretary for so many years, and that the present secretary end her • eopy of the mid resolution. Annul cheap excursions to Chicago, Detroit, Port Heroic, Bay City. Saginaw, Cleveland, Grand Rapids and Cincinnati. Tickets good to no Sept. 27th and 28th by any regular train, valid to rotten by 14th of Oct. Prier. sway down. Tick- et. and .11 particulars can be had from Harry Armstrong, City Pam. agect, G. T. R., Goderfch. Mr Alex. McGaw, one of the manage meat of the Keewatin Flooring Mills, was in town during the week, socomp.o ied by his roc Willi.. He is •n old Gated h men, and has been roomful in c btainiog s name and reputation as one of the most progressive men in Can- ada. The Northwet appears to have agreed with hint physically as well se financially. Dame. -At the meeting of the High School Literary Society this (Friday) evening, a debate os the subject of Im- perial Federation will take place. The speakers on the affirmative side will be Messrs A. J. Moore and J. D. Swarms, and no the negative, lifters H. L Strang and F. Blair. Mr J. T. °arrow, Q. C., will ad as chairman. The pobtie are invited to attend. Posnrunu APPOt TRi -Mr William Campbell, for some time past town .lark of Goderich, has been appointed pne- umonic sV0oderich, rue Archibald Dick- son, deceased. The position is a patty appointment, and we know of no man more deserving of it on that soore. In addition to having been $ faithful work- er for the Conservative party, Mr Camp- bell possesses the ability to make an effi- cient postmaster, and we congratulate him on his appointment. A HARP Wirrza.-The oldest isbab- itaat says that next winter is going to be a hard one. Skins of apples, grapes, and other fruit are tougher than last winter ; Dorn husks are thicker and stronger than for years ; wheat and rye straw i. tougher : hay is wirier, and seed pods aro better protected than Raul, and mye thus are old farmers' signs, and they are good ors because they don't come from any moon -plant- ing superstition, bot from actual observ- ation year b1year. -Sarnia Caasdi•n. Mtraor,ie Epc(ATl0N.-Rev, John Potts, D D., reamed the pulpit of North Street Methodist Cheek en See - day last. morning and .vnabng, and in a hireable manner eoe.w.e.ded to the p▪ eople the eases of higher .do -doe. In the evening he also gave some niter- entitle ater•e title r.minierinces of the late William Gooderbam, whisk were mash .ppeeid- ed by -hi distance. The point emphas- ised my the speaker was dist the re- marked* iebrest take& in the death of Mr. Gooderbsm, as instanced by the erowde of all dress attending the funer- al, was se • tribe* to wealth bet a to.timosy to goods.ss. Nonnewir Scerve,...,-lir F. Jor- im, who rssslly returned from • trip te the Nerthere , i. N. hew memo, of a baro hair bridle ssesatedered by the Nee Perm Indian., sed inhibited it at at the Gert Northwestern !air, heti is Galeria Leet week. He bee also • bot- tle el ad shimmied fens ese et the Roo- ky Mountain et ossa, sad be addition hoe a quantity d °seethes peers hea- ther, whisk hegstbutt at • near the Mader Hoses, te..rly SAGO fee .have the e.* dud. The hsMher hi of . atrsssgs. growth Non that el Auld 8ri- tia, 1st otherwise le sot salIk. the 1st - tar. Mr Jail is full ef the •Me•If11m end peePCa .ies el the sadi- Oed- t seems estsere.aea e Ham senvinsed men Iltet to me asy the ssb.eitess .heed fee the ales= pep trod peelers gags sere leIRA seer d Gro dime s a .a hew bander,' ..t Tam Dwelt alto vas Trust. -A lady ia to enearthed the other day a let of Harper'• Besse, dated Sept, 1868, is which in an article on tigers appears the following ioadeot regarding $ farmer well knows resident of Goderieh : "De Dunlop, of the East India Company's service, being once ..decd by a diger while unarmed, was is • serious 6z, bet his wits did tot fail bier, °peeing his soot[ box be threw the centre tato the tig.r's eyes, who immediately dropped the Doctor, and west off roaring with Pee The sobriquet of 'Tiger' Dunlop stuck to the quick-witted .on W Swale - pies natal he sank into ao honored grave on the shore of Lake Herr not many years 5101. " Gouszwu Fez Snow. -Mitchell Re- former : There are tow towns in Ontario that possess the fellatio. for an agricul- tural aad arta ezhibitioo to compare snob Goderich The grounds are large, well laid oat, well supplied with water and with stuck sheds of demote substan- tial kind ample enough for • mach larger exhibit +bat we ever seen in the county of Perth. The hortioulteral and arts building u also large, splendidly arrang- ed and lighted throughout with deotri- city. One attractive feature of the God - swab show this week was the fruit ex bibit. Such • display of ,pleadid pears, plums sod apples was • specially pleas- ing prospect to • man from the county of Perth where there is nota peck of pears or barrel of apples all geld. Outside the pavilion the exhibition was likewise at- tractive, as the ample stock stables and .beds were f114 to the hat stall. God- erich has improved greatly daring the peat few years and is really an attractive town, possessing among itis enterprising inhabitant. many excellent, cultured sad hospitable people. We enjoyed our visit to Goderich and feel tinder obliga- tions to the t'enactment of the exhibi- tion sad to private citizens as well for the courtesies and hospitalities received while there. THE COWBOY AND THE MAYOR. They were standing near the Court House la tbeearly autumn day. The sward (from rain, was verdant And the flower beds looked gay. When the stranger slowly pointed To that fountain on the Square ' "He's more naked than ea Iajae," Said the Cowboy to the Mayor. The tarn •bot the Cusrt Mouse. Se busy with the pea. Whom daily tell 1• westing 1n each canoe and stl fling den. Sat ea the steps • moment Just to catch • breath of air "They look overworked, poor fedets." Said the Cowboy to the Mayor. Some pretty girl. rat Goderich Came trooping by that way. Jost to see the daring ('owboy And hear what he might say. They are handsome." geld the centaur, "And I like their baby stare - They're so lambent and guileless Said the Cowboy to the Mayor. The quiet Canadian Sabbath Cama+. The day wee bright std fair. The Cowboy brushed his bowing locks And aseatered'round the square. Salvationists were passing To tbetr barracks to have prayer, -Let's we the simmers metalled," Said the Cowboy to the Mayor. And as be eat and listened To tete simple gasps 1 talk He said: "This hard bas got • rail : Tby're eldatlah. bat dont balk. I like their simple detains And the Captain she talks equine ; She's *never Week, foss OA I - Said the Cawley to the Meyer. They salted bim dews le °hates. To stow hew be 'esti ride. Which seemed to roam the Ceirhu 's iro- n te.ebed his wester& pride. "i show la towns where there is life, And so I can't go Uwe: Ma quieter than • canyon," Said the Cowboy to tete Mayor. Hirst emmer In Montana The Cowboy be will ride Aisne ammo the dreary Males That spread their acres wide, NM as be thinks d tioderbch And the Northwesters Fair. ' I Maass well see tbt chow node," hays the Cowboy to tb ante. -MAT•. THE TOWN COUNCIL., The wanes of last semi.leenttIy new. i•a. The hews sensed met lad Friday erosi & the 110th test The members abasst were ♦epsty rove Smith and .o...ul..s Themp--., Ria, Mo,ton, Ni.hohem,! - ami Dunlop A repeat tress Warrick, Tons - to, soseensisg hfr ersaminatioa deka steam peaspieg el gises, wee reed and 61ed, The report seed thee, with the eze.pties d ems edit* detest, the en - re wislbeirupee- asetathre of the ., I( T E Odder, who Wes pawn at the tea, p.eisined the eae chi. &st eliould be - medA bibs free the O. T. R. Co., re- garding weer wl 1y, wee read and A sommenisttien fres E N Lawn, i. reeas d to an weer endue, wee read WWW. The laetrile woes* were twelve& esd reined te the ileeses sesmitee i :- Wm larkimilla bkidirmithing. de., past lee WIllems, lumber, A; Jo/ S•es&sse •Sts. Wake, ow., e1,, a'1...'7. tt Ta- t r. los! 1.. eui-.sI fee Mr 1.SSU ew1 I1A loith the post eteadstios that it be net paid, wan, on metre of Holt, eessed-4 b, Pridh•m. referred to the pebble webs .ommitl.e for further caasidee esu-eaoesiise b report at and meight , 7M 101 - beteg reser. wean aniseed 1a be paid : - thuya. • BM Lesiva. waterloos . Maes, 8376; Jae & So., lead pipe, 176.80; Blaok, water hset.r, eta.1166.66. T Wonwiek, Torero, the esgtw expert, preempted kis emo.st for 110.76. The charges seemed somewhat aarliets.- tory, as the stork was instructed to writ. Mr Weinrich as to some nobodies. The report et the special committee, recommending that the sem of 166 be paid Messrs McGillicuddy sod Mitchell for extra work on thelllwtnrted liy.el- Star, was adopted on motion of Proud - foot, seconded by Colborne. IMPORT Or THC rtOAN.'R COYMTITIt t. Tu the Mayer .and Council : Your fiascos committee have examin- ed the following seeou.Y and *mild re- covered their miners tpoe being ow- : -Jos William., 198.41; Ogilvie. Jt Huto►so., $12.16; E, H. Kellogg • Co., Soo; Rotate Geo Great, 13,15; leo Hillier, 89.60; Est. Geo Grant, 13.76; E. Graham. 112.33. J. H. Commie, chairmao. This report was adopted. The street inspector reemiu eded that 43.86 be allowed Mrs M. Pieper fee cost of repairing the cellar -4.d. ei Ms Jones' boogie, Ltybtbo.es-e1., whish W been flooded by the mettle d the dee when laying the water mails. Echoes teem the Weir. The one sof millinery Arra by Miss Boland of the Chicago Hoose we mush admired by the fair ez. • Provincial Treasurer Roes, Robert Porter, M.P., M. C. Cameron and other leading politicians wegreeting the free and independent electors the hand. n Mr Wm Campbell had the Simoos man in tow. It is rumcred that some light-fingered folk were about the premises, more especially in the ladies department.' W. C. T. W. Annual l♦eettetg, The annual meeting of the W.C.T,U., for the election of officers, was bald in the temperance Hall on Sept. 10th. The officers were elected se follows ; Presi- dent, lore l3meeth; 1st vice president Mrs We. Campbell; 2nd vice peeside.t, Mrs Gibson; corresponding secretary, Mrs Morton; recording secretary. Treetuan; treasurer, Miss Stokes. A snanimo.s vote of thanks was given the retiring president, Mrs Campbell, for her untiring energy during the past year. A.:NU A L aipoRT. The number of pledges received is 13 ; number of me.nbers 24 (3 honorary); averse. attendance 10; num- ber of meetings held 43 (weekly). The half hour prayer meeting we still con- tinue with much benefit. We hate held three open meetings during the yearend had the pleasure of s lecture from Miss Minnie Phelpba in March. In November we were strengthened by • week's vidt from the "Life Boat Crew," a temp noon band who mine under the auspices of the Royal Templar* of Tempenoos Oe July 1st our ladies spread • i.sea-room in the tow., hall, which w. well p•tron- tsed-proceed. lou. Our greet work this year has been the oaw»Hing of the debt on the temperance hall, oo which for years there had been • mortars of 18600. Thu, the Union, headed by oar energetic president, Mn Campbell, de - 1 termined to remove. A oommitts of three canvassed the town for seb•erip- tions, meeting with $ liberal response. i They succeeded in collecting the sum re- gaired. The temperance bodies con now meet in a tall free of mortgage. We have superintendents of .v.ngelida work, sailors' and jail work, and this year we added franchise -all working Inobly. We forwarded lad year to Ms Shorties, of Toronto, 100 lbs. of liter- ' store for datnbotims. Number d page locally distributed 2,062. 1RRAxttiUR'13 IMPORT. Mosey. resivd ; Meeiuen' fete all 80 Proosds Dominion Day leach 41 46 Donations 1 00 Receipts :roes lectern 26 01 Sundries . . 1 11 Balance from last year 4 85 180 41 Moneys paid eat : , Lectures $16 00 Cha Hall debt . 46 00 Delegates' exposes@ • 8 00 Miliation fees it 2" Prietiog ... 3 78 S.ztooe . ... i A 8esiriu. t IS Ai A Balance os hand 11.73. ,say WsrM Tear Time and mosey •Tp.rimesing with doubt el remedies, whew Dr Puns'. Golden Med- ial Dieseemp the .11adios as to merest iso positively ts ` mane feetnnu. in supplying it to the e s they me doiag timed drieddeen- der a defy ezeoui.d wedisete of your. ante, that it will asssm?Yeh d 8 h t.• eersswdsd to do, or slew pr N will he ed le r retuned. It emus ✓ iMe,. all r bie.d rebid elllewe. ghum thelever eleeeelterfahe r dein for hf too 4 eves se 'L'heltRside of east him Siege a Ds Biller. OYeeeh tdessal , 011 oafs;