The Huron Signal, 1889-8-23, Page 66 THEIMIWN SIGNAL, FRIDAY. AUG. V, 1619. t I mowidpri wg of our morel and etsal IM THE DOMINION IN BRIEF.! ;repee..Mw Teem twee triertti Le.nw WHAT IS GOING ON Of INTEREST TO eta ninestsetim..•. WATER-SA0&ES. 1r'T IT M Lk. TI. maree■iaa• ara Wee* Cettemtied rete The following notes were taken from t' • tel■...rr'.r•araeaa tele pgaPeut. Clark's lecture on Cherie' Ktugs- 1 lep'a o.l.bratd book entitled, "Water - sunned Seegers. Babies. ' The lecture has boon delivered The Murray t ails! is stow open for ,easels. ansae many in:casons to tarns and appre- , tVatfonl war tight. ,I e.1. by els, tr:city lase ciative audiences in many of the cities of night for the e'rst tune. i Lofoten, anti the universal expresanon of The Hauulun. coal of -sl, rs have put IT the imbue tents amen that the Professor deals rice dlueote • tor. 'rtth the whject its the true spirit of the Building stone is being shipped from Nova enter, the infinity t.f whose wind can he eine t•. Rudal. and 1 hieatgo. taut be oompreheuded by the oases : The gale on t;...rgi.tu hay 'rhitradav wet A fairy talw for a Land Baby, Mr trtritic. Two Targe mita of hogs were lost K •igdmy rails this story c f the %Vater by togs. Babies, and 1 cau answer for osuy Likud H.•v. Ilia. Blea.dell, i)e'. L . rector of St. Babies, old and young, that tory have d.orype'. cherth, Trenton, tout., is teed, toenail it s eery pleaasut Lnoi to read, aged 72. and, perhaps what will astonish soma, • The contract fur the Northern P•cifle'r very profitable book to think about, and big hotel buildieg at N innipei has it..1. let ,.,t•ditate upon. I am sorry to pass over at it3a.met. the first two chapters, but 1 sincerely Winnipeg ilei. ens have de:•ided to elect trust that none of my readers will du so. VI mnuumeut to the men.t ry of the late Mr..fur they are nut ugly full of wit, and Reequip. jeisl•.w, but contain seine of the moat T. I . Ellis, the well-known hsraemtm. alidescnptitu writing that they •:e ever Niagara 1 .11s, died on saturtly • I(V (ikeiy to Is, •set with in their lives. Well daLc'ra ilot,,the little chimney sweep, jumped It 1- . eima!e.i th..t the vial wheat etc" .it.• the ricer, and became • little Wa- rt' \I.eitoltathis yea: will reach trees mil- ler-1:.ity, acrd his Water Itaby life may Iona ..t biabele he divided into three parts- the first, It is Kidd that qtr. Van Horne will shortly rxtendiug to the aloe when he helped relinquish hu io sith n of uenersl alwtagur the Lobster out of the pot ; the second of the ('anodise Patine railesy to the time when he undrrt....k the Mr. Dalton McCarthyLs arritel "l journey to the other end of Nowhere; ictoria, B. ('.. and will probably drtiverawl the third to the end of the Book. a lecture onthederuit queen' n. The tint represents what we call the 1A11 the f•.renalitia-ueoe+•ouire• .1c,-'11"7, o1 ,1,. o,f the "natural man, ' a life that the Hroohtyn lt. ii tent t:eatusg l..t..tea may be most innocent, and harmless, or have bees Trastat ixtoxl tis t may be sinful, and hurttul. but • life Trades The Trade:. raid Life's Council of Toronto without drop conviction- without can'- the eesent Pity t ouocil is tis worst t, purpose-_ r strenuous efforts. 11 'e Torouln ever halo know the Lind of life very well. There iwfy'e Lsn.•, .•f tower, �ner.d, hu the he.'u last np • ere th"ussods and thousands • f tomtit p.wttd to the p u. tt..n brut Lr Judge �lavplwr:on. ladies and gentlemen -aye, and old Hors She steamship Norwegian, reported n►' et- hying it most iudustnoosly from rather Yoiut. enc.owut.•n+l uw,.y t r➢.rrgs in year, to year, sometimes, alas, all them appronarbi -f. fiellt bee. ,:vis Ieug. One wishes very much that Typhoid fever prevails is coo venrtiton .•f "•n'e of these people c• uld And an hour Montreal to eon extent whin u agitatiu,; r two for quiet reflection, and devote mine .4 the newsir.pera. that ►butt space of time to a c'.neidrn- The Ihtewe pollee an still in search of 't•.n ..1 little Tom, the WAter-lisby, Ce.rnellier, the Civil servant who forged a e'orrying ('ad.tis, tormrn'ut. trout, (:uvere,urutetsone for $..:, u.akrng faces at the otter, gloating with Col from the anihrecite mow. near Rang the dragon fly, and admiring the sa! •will compete with Enlist mates coal en the soon. It might not do thein much tfeooci, itinnip eg market this year. for.after all, pemple d., not intention their The contract with the Canadian Pacific follies by havwg the txdishnes. of it de- forthe carrying of the I'a. sic mails was mo,.atrated to them. The way Ti in pun ratified m the t:ritish House of , o•mnons. 1 nob. the second stage of his history be - 00 natarJay mornuy'. Ian with his helping the Lobster out of Mayor Clarke, of Toroate, returt.ed from the p. t. Hero say readers are entreat- Londou,Eaglaad, en Saturday, nal n: eived -1 to read the account page 1t:1 Mac- ;• cordial reception tram his conetoo. tits in m den's edition, chapter V. However. rIM Queen City and friend& , -•m did assist the Lobster to escape • .A verdict of manalangtterinthe' third de •rues the p t in which he had foolishly 'res has been rimier/of ity the corimer'a jury a 'owed himself to be cau'1ht in spite of arnin.t McLaughlin, who shot Fcr:uson at too wicked otter, and tool: great pains l /deb••gte the other night. to bring about the dettverence of his In the case of Robert Ferguson. tern was clumsy fioend, and this led to a great killed ..n Madaw•.ks river, the c• rams r. liecieery, "fur he had not left the L ,t jury nKurne.t a verdict ..f rnanmlauwober .ter five minutes before he came upon • against Edward McLaughlin; who has not Nater Baby. Areal, live �1 also L'ikhy, yet been eaptnred' strung on the white fond, very busy ('leaner M. .I• l�ertie, ayonne farmer of oleo:' a heels point of roc!:. And when t\ sense of tfamil ire shot i' n It in the it 1o.,ked at Tom. It cried -"Why, you ppresence of Tui family because Mf father re- fuaent to deed a farm to hist. It is thought ire .one of us. Y. u are a new Lsby. the young man will die.1)h ' Low delightful." The nnnael meet of the American Canoe' And it ran tc Tom, and Tom ran to it, Arm:nation tskes Ogee at Stave Warm near `rad they t tagged and Based each ether /.ntianalue. A large number of can wets for ever s., long, they did toot know why. from the te. and Canada are io.nut they did nut want introductions un - tamp, prep•rmg for the races. .der the water. It is stated that the 1),minior / • vert At last Tam _aid. "Where have yon 'meet has torhidden the Fren,h warships to town all this while i ' I have been visit Mona, el, on the ground that it would .o lonely. tend to an undue intimacy between French• "1% e have been here for days, and 1 aniMlian, and their compatriots in 01•1.lays. How was it you did not France. !see in, or hear us when we stns. and Antoine Falar'iieu, thr Canadian painter,loomp every- even•ng before we go has Leen drowned at Florence, Italy. Heihome " was horst of humble parents in C'P '''`"tar, Tom 1 poked at the Baby, and then Qnebee, and toree•t hit way through all aorta of trials to a front place iiniONg robe oro rt t . a lid"H artistesen ow w. nderful. ' ' I thou,* Iyou were shells, or see creatures. 1 A.esher vtetams. never took you for a NVater-Baby like • 'myself sutures. The sppeara.oe of Mrs lled.nehyas- y.itedid is a ■ouderful p.asaee. (Pyle 1111 i "Indeed s►ms was mo very ugly that Tum was tempted to make frees at bcr, but did not, for he did not admin the I look of the birch rod under her arta, and she hooked at the children before bet nue by one, and seemed very !.leased with them, though she asked no ques- t lions bow trey were behaving, and thou began giving them all sorts of ince sea thing.. . * s Now 'Tout a th watered as he watched all these sweet things given away ' • for he hoped his turn would come, and w it did, fur the lady called him ' ' and popped into his mouth • nasty cold, hard pebble. You are • cruel boy who put pe'J41w Co- to sea anemones mouths. ' ' ".ie you did to them so I mut du to you. Yw l so it is, we natural wen or spiritual teen are alt subject to the law which is in - henna in our nature, '•whatsoever man •,weld that shall he also reap," and it WWII execute itself, and dues without fail. "Yes,' continued tl.e fairy, you "thought me eery ugly I am tie aghast fairy iu the world, and • tell be until 1.ople behave 11 an selves •s they ought to di, aur , Caen 1 shall grow as handsome se my sister,who is the loveliest fairy in the world." Law is ugly t.. law breakers Tu three who delight in law, and keep the law, it is as beautiful as Once it- self. But we must pass on. She was very ditlereut from her sister iu her appear- ance, for Mrs Iluasyouwouldtedoneby had "the sweetest, kindest, tenderest, funniest, merriest face they ere_ saw, or want to see. s e . And she took Tont in her arms and laid hithe softest place of all ' 'him to and kissed him and petted him, and 1 Ton looked up into I: r face and loved her and fell asleep, and when he woke she was telling the children a story, "a story that begins every Chrtstwc and yet never ends- forever or forever." I should he ashamed to tell my readers that this is the story of Divine grace, but I roust draw their attentiou to; • distinctive difference between this lady and her sister. 31.. Bedonebyasy.w- did always rewarded the Water-Ilabiee accordi,itt t,, what they had dune. The sweetmeats came after the Coed deeds. But Mrs D,asy,•uwouldhedoueby begat. with the good Ibises. The Law says '•whats• ever a nag s,wethf etc., but "Grier" comes and gives life, and strength, and hepe,aud then bids mea go and work. ("o •KS.ii. \n.. 14. --Lout Seterday Ter. Gesmpe K. Taylor, oto• of the best physicuw here, invited Charles S. Steele, who was al- most helplses from paralv.it, to enter hu office and the doctor, infected a quantity of the i:rown-S.gtard elixir to each of his hips without Steele knowutw what rt was. The oma tufered in- tense scone but was told he wc.wld anon get well. Th. agony became so great that on Monday be called oe the doctor who told hur: the men' pain be had the more enmplete would be his final recovery. Finale Steele sent for 11r. Wata,et IVateon found the 'nude of titeele'a thighs terribly inflamed, swollen and in • twitted rnnd,rot, an it gangrene had set in, though It may prone only nlowl poisoning. Steele hat • Neth fever and is nut of his mind. He has a litres family, wn•eh he supported by taking orders for coal. His friends have re. tamed • lawyer to site I)r. Taylor for heavy damages. Owneirdnee ed Opium Towne Two meatbs Mn.wAraaR Aug. 17. -Two children of Adolph (:•rase pre dead from the eflerts of an infusion of roppy.seed admioietere.117 their parents u, ignorance of its .deadly character. The ebildres, whose naives were t.ervego and Sophia, were twins and were born on June In. They had been ailing slightly far a few days, and on Monday .fief -mann the mother, nn the advice of some neighbors. gave them an infusion made by .steeping poppy -seeds in water. As the seed of the poppy i'nntains the s• five principle of opeem, the poise at first had the effect of an opiate, but afterwards brought no eon%eleioos, and yesterday morning one of the chtlirreo died. The other one died a few boon Tater. The parents are irensied by the effects of their terrible mistake. A raMlNy sear Themesreeal. i errni,x, Aug ln.-A fatal accident nee carred Wednesday evening to the eldest an. of John Gunn of the second calmed:.o, earth Oxford, neer Tkamednrd (:«mge Lye, who five. ton the adjoining farm. weew- gaged in threshing and Mr. t :unit was assisting him. The had to draw brier in canaforthe engine. The lad, aoenwlpanied by his brother, was returns the empty cato a neighbor from whom d•s dairy lead bees berme. ed, and wbile gain( down • hill the horses suddenly started •fld Robbie, who woe mit- ted nn ono of the cane, wee thrown to the ground and instantly killed, his nook hetes Molten In the falL N..w, was not that very odd, thst Tom could not And a water -baby until he had ibel,x•d the Lobster out of the pot? "And if you will read the story time times lover and then think for yourself, you wUl find out why. iPages 16f)-170 At a risk of incurring JIr Kingsley'• 'displeasure, who tells us that it is not 'good for "little boys to be told every• thing, end never to be forced to use their own wets," we moat ask our read - !e -s to remark that here is the turning 'point of the story. The ..peoing of iTom's eyes was the work of love. The life of nature is a life of men selfish- nees, te. life of grace is a life of Inv.. Before this time Tom had only been 'amusing himself, and the other Water - Rabies were merely sea creatures, 'but the forgetfulness of self. the begin- ning of aelf•deoying love was the run dation of new relations -of new relations exnoisting between them and him, and h. w saw that they were Water -Babies h. was. Selfishness blinds - love gives sight. Readers of Coleridge's "Ancient Manner'. witi remember how selfishness killed and withered all that was around him, but when the mariner looked upon the beautiful things in the sea, and "blessed them in his heart." all was changed. It is the true spiritual awakening of man's nature, however it rosy came to him. it is the pawing away of old things, and the beooming new of all things, when • man forg to himself cod goes forth in thought, words, and ,deeds of love towards his fellowmen. Theo other mon are not merely ores - ;tures, to buy and sell with, to be emus - led at. to naryl with, hat they aro brethren. Thie is conversion, or what- ever yos pleas* to call it, in the best, shall we say, only tiroe sense of the word. To return in Tom. He is now • mem- ber of the society of Water-Babise, add dwells at their home to St Biardain's Isle; and although he is quite a different creature from what he tis. -1 to be, he dei sot of oars give up all him old tries, .as some people persuade themselves they have done on aoeh oeesmone, when they are a Mag way off from having dose say - thing of the kind. And he bad to go through dome s.•tsl di.eiptine e>e the hands of two ladies, to whom M is speed- ily introduced. 'They are Mrs 'De. • Mrs "Deme- wouldb.doa.by." We may se well y at oeee that they represent, sole= we are very thele mistaken, the pirinei- of "Law" sod "Oleo, the tee esem.Mt ia the d.reetiag eel Tb. W.wd Towel td.wagess.a ST CArmaaflrui, Atha. 1t. --The eel is- ve.teesakis wee motioned today, • s.sabse rat wisesuses Wag er•min.d. Two tui three EIemployed ow the weal t...d.d Set dime week ea Seperinnedeat 141W haw e being paid by the tiov■romest Mr. Timmons of the d•s Oreepany end Hae Mr. )ilks fad paid for his gam oral IW4, mks. tee company wishes, dem.-.d or _ Irma Mr. mesad le gond Will. Owl dew be had had fearl TM flee wee edjomsed trots 111ww. Tom grew too fond of the see Calliopes. and made himself sick with them, just es some good people, who ought to know better. are always feeding on the pleasant things .1 the Kingdom cf Heaven. indulging in pious senti- ments, reveling in sacred hopes and j n. too yet d ing little in the stern w,.ri:f hie, whereby they became very poor, sack. pony creatures. and instead of hell -tire others to he good Christians. they make their Christian preleesion a thing nauseous to the nostrils, and con- temptible in the eyes of fellowmen. Headers please study this part, and all others with great attention and with some measure of self application. Third Division- Tom's joorney to the other end of Nowhere. Little Ellie, whom we have not mentioned yet, but who is the greatest possible far( rite with all readers of the Water -Babies. who are not t. c clever to c'ndeseenc to be amused -little Ellie is Tom's good angel, and afterwards his guide and teacher. But one thing Tom wanted to know was, "where Ellie went on Sundays." "T o a very t.eautifnl place," she said. Whore was it like ? Where was it ? Ah that i. j.at what she could not say-eed it it strangely true that no one can say,and that those who are nftenest in it, and even nearest to it, can say least about it and make people understand least what it is like. Perhsw my readers will for- give me if i remind them that I know something very like this ir. the moral and spiritual life. What is the higher life cf man like, when he is lifted oat of his natural pride, sensuality and world - linen ? Could he Bice an answer to this which would convey any clear ides to another"?' I fancy not. And so Mrs I3e- donehyanyoodid told Tom -"Those who go then most go first where they do not like, and do what they do not like, and help somebody they do not like." It is the old, old story -the Captain of our Salvation made perfect in suffer- ing, and then is no other way of rising to perfection. and of entering into its joys, bat by treading the herd and stony pati. of self denial, and self .aeri- ti:e. Through much tribulation in one shape or other the Kingdom mast be en- tered. At last Tcm sets not upon the weary journey to the other end of Nowhere. Many are the beautiful and touching in- cidents and •Ilosinns of all kinds with which this pati of the story abounds, and we would gladly dwell upon them. Some we pew with extreme reluctance -- the "(lair Fowl" --- "the old wives Fable - dons' -"Tom Noddies.' A word or two most be given to Mather Carey. Without prnfeesing to understand the reason of her being found when she is, we will give all little people • hint, for their elders can- not possibly need it, that Mother Carey is on other than Dame Nature. Whets Tom ea ne near the iceberg we read. "it took the form of the grandest old lady he had ever seen --a white marble lady, sitting on a white marble thmne, and from the fo.it of the throne there swam away millions of new-born creatures. And there •be gave Tom two diree- ticn.s Fine, ".o follow • dog," mooed, le walk backward." Without mote wards, we will explain that nature's two ehief guides to mem are "inetinet" sed "experience." At Inst the josrm.y sande to an aid, and by way the "baekstairs" be re- tinue 1. 8t Aesedan's li.le. But before asking my hid gtsotatlnn it may be ex. O land that the bl hwomaa Mae "Oemeeitmes." At led the fairy mid. lies." And they looked. nal both Ellie and Tea cried net et oeiee-"Oa I who ase yyessm atter ell -yes sees aur be.OMtul lire Deigenwouldbedoeeby." "No 1 yea e re Road Ere Bedeeeky ors emirs cabs keeetfhel now. "T mows e roe," and the fairy. "Bet leek 'pia" "Yon are Mother Carey." said Tom in a low ...nee "toot ; ,..t vie grown lints: yuwayt Witt- " Ti, yell," said tie fairy, "but hook again ' "You are the 1l ishw.,maii, .L•, met me the day 1 arm to Hartle ve,n. - And e hen he ioi led she war neither of then. and yet all at note All this we trust is very aimpte 'lie, 1broush the 4,sclplu,. of self denial and weririce we are a.m.. tet pnrfectiou : thee, we 'hall to. longer be children, tome.; to mei fro, but ,town to the ,measure of the filature and fullnria • f Christ Aod then " (L.t-.,' "Leto•." ',Cotner ., "Cou►cirnee,' sill no n.ntget appear fin thongs diflrteut, and sometime* et e'. a.uirsdtctory, lost as ill harut•n.., u. all r.luaily lraun(ul, N.y, wore- the\ will be all vie to a erre rat Around each bottle of Ur Ches. Liver Ciro is a medical guide nod receip 1.,..k contemn..., useful n.fonnatein, oto t 200 recei . .. end p alt... taeet by d •ciao. and druggists as worth ten times the twit et 111.. ,tn,dte'n.`. Jl.•ihclue hone cook $1. bold by all drnggi.. Best of All Cough medicines, Ayer's Cherry Pec. total is in greater demand than ever. No preparation for Throat and Lung Troubles is so prompt in its effect*, so agreeable to the taste, and so widely known, as this. It is the family medi- cine in thousands of bousebolela. "1 have •offered for rears from a bronchial trouble that. Whenever 1 take cold or am exp.w+l to inclement weath- er, SIMtwa itself by a very ann.n•ing tickling sensation in the throat aunt by ditheulty in breathing I have tried a great many remedies, but nwte does /to well as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral which always gives prompt relief in returns of my old complain." - Ernest A. Hrpler. Innpsa-tor of Public Roads. Parish Ter- re Donne, Le. "I consider Ayer's Cherry Pectoral a most important remedy For Home Use. .1 hare tested its curative power, in my fatuity, many tines during the past thirty years, and have never known it to fail. 1t will relieve the moot serious affections of the throat and lungs, whether in children or a,inits."- Mrs. E. G. Edgerly, Council Muffs. Iowa. "Twenty year/ ago I was troubled with a disease of the lung's. Doctors afforded inc no relief ata, considered my ease hopeless. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. and. before 1 Lad finished one Ixottle, found relief. I continued to take this rrx•dielne until a care was effeeted. I believe that Ayer's ('herr' Pectoral saved tan fife."- Sawuel Griggs, Waukegan, 111. "Six rears ago I contraetrol a severe cold, which ttrttte.l on my lungs and soon developed all the alarming`hyntp- totes of Consumption. I had a cough, night sweats. blceiting of the lung., pains in chest and sides, and was ao prostrated na. to he confined to my bed inoat of the time. After trying various prescriptions, without benefit, my physician finally determined to give nie Avet's l'herry Pectoral. I t. -,k it, and the effect was magical. I seemed to rally from the first done of this medlrine, and, after using only three bottle., am a. well and found as ever." - Rodney Johnson, Springfield, Ill. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, P•EPABED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Said by all Dragon*. Prete $1, s,i Lotus*, fico DON'T FORGET n 2assrors Cash :. Stoic FOR GOOD. CHEAP Teas end Groceries. XF.XT DOOR TO E _DOWNINcir'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE. CBABB'S BLOCK, aodorioh. WALL PAPER .-AND-- DECORATIONS SAUNDERS &SON Competitors envious of onri,.suc- cesA, Sole Agents for W. N. Peak Brooklyn, N. 7. ARTISTIC 1 NEWEST 1 CHEAPEST 1 1000 ROLLS Just entered through the Csstoins 3o Trouble to Show Samples Everything required for house- cleaning. IREADMAKER'S YEAST. W .- --- 1.11111:1114. nu�ir ,t t tri tookVint Pvtas1 at ia ry U.ar Iy.wJ l..11a•. Rave ',Omen w oar tains It w.1'••••1' any yw.t .ser l..ed hr th.s. 11 glee Ala NONNI, . hite.t. ' w.eteet bread, roll., bus. ,.m4 ►s. Aral 1 „armor.. iu r ,r1v coney t... n WI Canada aro 13 -Mil PRICE FIVE CENT$. LIME. NOT CE TO BUILDERS & FARMERS The Falls Reserve Line Kiln is now running full time, and any quantity of Fresh Lime a1 t9' Siii plc ia1'S The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of Water Services in connection with the Town System toDwell- ings and other Buildings. Also REPAIRS To Seam Engines, Mills, Fac- tories and Machineryof all kind. Prices reasonable. Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. WILSON SALKELD. :Mitt Erauelling $aids. can be obtained at the K11n 1 _ _ a t all tune( for 10c. a bushel. --- M. & C. B/ECHLER, Pante:. 10111. Ooderk•h. May* UN. 4 (1HANI1 Tltl NK ►t Train.;setae,.:::..,'tort at lusts . A1.nitg Ylail and £sorra...... Mail . ......oon 11iik.ri • DLI'A err. noon Mail ni.d Extree....... •.••• Mie. -1 ............... t11.\C.tl. Gesicrech •e fo When I .ay ('t'aa I de not meaau toren 11 Map them f tr a time and then bat.- thew renal.ga t.n. I et ts A `k.tIli .AL UUUE. 1 hate w. we the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY o r FALLING SICKNESS A flee long study. I WARRANT my rrmrdy to 1 Tint the worsi cation ik',ause others have bit Is no reae.tn fur no: now merit ing a run•. Send a: once fora trmdi..• and a Farr Burris of my t :r.tt.trnut ktaeruv. (:Ile Express and rust eNote. It costs you u.Rhingtt for a tn,.l, and It sill cure you. Address Ii. O. ROOT Ia.O, Branch Omoe, 104 West Adolaide Street, Toronto. . Tort a.m. • i.av pow . l.uS Dom MARVELOUS EMORY DISCOVERY. Only Gestates 6resem etMeseeer?rMulaf. rear Reeks L.sr ed ewe rre•11ag. Mwandering rends Every child nail adds greatly bew►atted. Gnat iylao.oret. to G.r.ip. woma. Glaser .ash rq.e�p a or r. W. A. Hard. the e•,rtQ.tasd Orsoolo. le Wiwi b.r..e.., erTivoli.: ry, t. Ltor of taw a •. railer rte i�ey tu. nuuewe, a�,les.. ei'. W Arte,. Jede•' ti1bo ■. Jade\ r. 6eeja�la nod .e bor., soot punt los. 1., A. 1.01eiEWIi. =I Fifth Ave., H. 1. Goderich Foundry and Machine Works RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. ItAWIPACTORIRf OF GIISTUPL01aI1 rC MILLS. Ira* MILin. STIaMENctN(S.$OttUR$,THIIASSHINCNaCHINIL . SF Paa.TOOS STOVES aOVCHS (VLT1V,TO*S[5pASS eaST•x6'. FAST STREET CrIDFRTCII C 1Y . „ . - WE HAVE OX HARD FOP, PALE: Improved Land Rollers - - - Price $22.00. HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS, PLOW POINTS &c. .461.11" I. CW FI0-7.7 FLOUR MILLS:BUILT ON THE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. Having made arrangements with the JOHN DOTY ENGINE & BOILER WORKS CO. TORONTO, We are Prepared to Quote Prices to Parties in want of the same. R•IC1'A3:111111 1.4.2115 C,&STI N'GS OF ALL SI NDB SUMMER MILLINERY JUST ARRIVED -AT- MIsss �•A_TEE_ A large assortment of the newest styles in Hat% and Bonnets. FANCY RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS. North -8t. emend deer el Square. SPRING -MILLINERY !-SPRINC MRS."'SALgETAD has added a Large Stock of the Latest Novelties in Pluahes, Flow- ers, Ribbons, and every other line for the embelishment of Hata, Bonnets, and every other article in her Milli- nery Department, which she is selling low. Her Display this year is Larger and Better than ever before. A Ticket for s chance on a Musical Dressing Cass will be given to every purchaser of t► bat valued at $2 or over, and the Gift will be awarded on July 1st. 2202 ALSO AGENT FOR PARKER'S STEAD[ DYE WOBHB FURNITURE. If you want to sae the laryeet stook of Temeor. in town. go t. =)AN?.=Z CI-OIZSZON_ if yes waist to me the toCb styles, ear w and see thelev'sbmities PICITt7R11:1 3111RA]eXPI i ream. kers I de Net bran in ems e i ltedenaR lie - su-L� DOW B8.ADZ8 sal the Nomad seedy dose. JO R X >rC dens eke.elf a..RRIJC� fs ter wentet MY penis � mem ■ MI eider as a UNDICRTAKIN' C3e eldest W WNW gedirt1 ive.d Ia •.ori els= e i the b the Ceststr. CHAI•a j A# a.I=1U Alin Ugh w