The Huron Signal, 1889-8-2, Page 6THE H(1kON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AUG.
AND PLACE& I live for those who love ms.
I'm 'buses who tome see Uwe,
her the heaves that smiles shove ase.
Illeberhat Iatrre.tiag showily esgaeY Pap. $. Awl .warir e'7 spirit too
( b removed far she edtacat's .r ear cur the ensues that seed restsieaes.
inn ibe esuse rhea seeds •seleinaee.
IFor the future le the distance,
' Detective Norris is after KArsis wit► a Aa1 the •uud that 1 ran do.
warrant. '1 live to hold uumarealue
Mrs. Pio h,• prominent Suwthera author- With all tbet Isdlvt...
nae, is dead. To feel that there le rata
The strawbuard makers of the States hare,1 Tee" u iure. head and mise.
formed a tr'ua_ • To predt by aefiet IOW
The Texas cuttos Crop prvomisse w be the R'ap lr■th tree' .4d. of stilus,
best ever known. Orme wet rfrom eon l'IcUi."
Mr. aid Mrs. Gladsome have celebrated rulAlhogUed',destg•-
their video wedding. Ilse to hats that sesame
The British warship Sultan, &unit MIN BY gifts,' mlade foretold.
Melba, has Levu r.uwf. When men stall lire by reason,
All the .ugar retinerie. at Bristol, Ilblg- And nut Cfuse for sold,
land will be inured sborily. Wbeu emu toman united,
Several navel otitis—has et Berlin and Kiel And every *rum( thing righted.
%ave been arrested fur bribery. Tee whole world shell be lighted
The F;ngli.h paper manufacturers have Aa I.dee was et old.
•hendoo.d the syndic:ate scheme.
Seven thousand hales of Ameri:an *otitis sselp Wasted
were learned in the Liverpool tire. ' By all wbo suffer from dyspepsia, b1.' -
The Board of Ialuiry at Johnstown wt iuusinew, sick headache, jeui.diee, liver
down the number tit Gustiest at tt,tl(ltk complaint, rheumatism, dropsy, etc.
The •ulerisg in the mining demi,' d Low nu time in prr.curing Burdock Blued
Braidwoud, 11L, is awful in the .strewn. Bitters, eatery'. regulator and tunic It
A bawd utin.nJiari.aare burning churches is • pr.•mpl mud permanent cure fur
mod school bootee a v.utrirdt owunty, all diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys.
(Tesas.bowels and stomach. 2
A trust is to be formed in New York mit _ _-__
iownth to seminal the tnuro Fluride crop of "rave, Work.„
oranges 'Whereof a 11tt1e mon than a little is by
The Comet recently discovered at Lick mach too much.`- Kityr Henry IV.
Observatory, ('alit.nua, ieti:al. et'yduey Halt dozing in a railway carriage not
. lona once, 1 heard th• follow:ng re -
Tim Landon Daily Ie:egraph and Morn• marks, delivered In a key which grated
log Postappruve air. /'all„ll. new '!'enable' ou may gals and at the sense ttute rehuv-
League. .d m. from all p.iable qualms as to
Nulecriptions in London to the North eavesdropping :-"1'm • guts' to git
Atsenean,Neat ('ou,piuy abruuut to il,17:1,•,omo ren plush an' work aravene roses
ODU. 011 it, fur A sofa pillow, an' I'm a -gem'
Vice-(.'haocellot Can Fleet, of Trenton, i., du pond liters ter s brackit."
N.J., held* that a women • warriage. b' her If that girl would only buy a gram- used' m.r, and use it, she would derive enure
.A true bill has been returned at the Liver, benefit from the sum expended.
piol anuli agning wr st �4l'Lr1 k, charged Feisty work : There appears to be
thsuch magic in the words that wherever
It raid a child bas leen secriticedby the rho mast eutlaiduh taste loads sums
colored toilowtre .4 We tats l brise ineilly m. real will surely fellow, and mai;
Liberty euwity, l iwrgu.. y
more juin the foolish nue before a month
GeV. Lewis, a living near ikIden, hwsd. 11'umen with no iduc ti
Teams, was lvdsvd the ",b ar night fur wall passed.
precious Noun and minutes
pcsieong the cavil of 1% 'Diana slaw. '
A F'yu:cb judge of Limoges bas deeidcdeonutr.ctia� •
touwus things, which they
cell their 'Ywnc work.”
that w liminess has the right W.dnvurrter -
corporal punishment Wiser apprentices. F er fetter that rooms be devoid of or-
Ila �.nwanm, Irlcral M. P. ,or the North moment than stat they be tilled with
'IDhrish m od al :uebceter, bars dun•ted , ',:i nsenseless uothuigs, which are not noth-
fortbe relief ut evicted t:...uts in troland. ings to regard to coat.
Judge Emotes,o f Cincinnati, ham decid 11'n all hie to have in our houses some
sd that for
craws eensso1 b. classed as a ten. specimens of clever needlework, at me
eery, and may therefore "tow un 5u.dsy. sits of color, Pah:ch sick and velvet so
A buy tinted Weak, Eitrine, tiring sea, ably furmeh ; we like to have fancy arta
hlesom ('sty, la., C*Iwgea to having. near- ales, dainty in construction and useful
do -cd 1. lather mei mother laud Wednesday. to proeer'vlug nrder, in our rooms ; we
The Pitteburg algpraisen have decided toitke to fashion them -that is quite to be
admit hugiiau win l et ten cetsts a pound, in-; rzpected—tbe motive is worthy, the re-
alised of from all to sill cent* as heretofore. stilt pleasing. But in the introduction
}orty.twe representative wnrkingineu. if knickaseks we should wish to be
have soiled from 'New York for huropi :tided by good taste, and s knowledge
when' they will trans tris nanufraaurur. 4 that period in the history of huuse-
oantres. ur:•inhir,a when our homes are prevent-
: The Vatican mud Quirinal are doubly ,:d from looking bare, and where the
ipueriled, owing to the re ,ipt of ioforma rooms, in their incongruous belongings,
Lion art a plot to slew palaces with ,l . bet rememble • bazaar. From :he re-
dyn&n,rtc. .cutest records of the oecupati. cis of wu-
The report that Mrs. l!er'on,• lady mis,mien we find that feminine tiui(ers have
aiuriar'y, wee tole t\eru..l to ('urea tot wrought slid feminine brains have
tarea.husg a brills -may w othcially contra.planned fancy and useful articles, \\'title
Au English syndicate has purchased five flu world lasts they will continue to. d,
d the Sia ten weries m Paten"'A..I., for ; but let the finished work be worth
leoatittiut1, the owner's to retain one-third
time and money expended on it, aid
inters st. s crt'dtt to her eh, faahioued it.
N'iili.m Brodie, the eel! -tom fesaorl \1'hate
If you enter a ros,m and count four
chapel murderer has Leen discharged, tie his
1.rackets, with • suspicion .•f one in a
statements were evitteuUy the ravuage „t lark corner; if your dress clings to the
delirium tremens. :dust* of une chair as you endeavor to
Bishop KT. 'tanner, of the African Motif- raw frurn an•,the: ; if the walls are cov-
odirt 1- t ... al l `berth, whose see em ere.l with plc:urea, hung so closely to -
braces ('alrada. Beretuda, end tee wee(4ether as to indicate want of apace-
ladtra, u al_fr&YU Re. i. _ thong with no regard to light, ,.r the
A e.ntnt cal tl.e cash in the United stite,leyes 0 the heh..lder : if mantles and ta-
Treasury visa completed en .atuu.:ey, whir hies are loaded with bric-a-brac jumbled
it was fuuarh that tht:e wan in the radee together, each piece spoiling its neigh -
in gni.l, silver, ant paper, the aum ..I b•or in its proximity -you may satisfy
`'fel{t,(sis,(nxt, yoirself that the owner of that room
Lete.t iepora estimate the wheat crus glorious in its fulness and that in all
d Mwite,dr and Ikota at ►e►,taiudridprobability her library consists of her
bushels, a much larger yield than was at school dictionary, two or three prises, •
nae time auti.•ipated. The wheat harvest Complete Guide to Fancy Work. and a
alreaiy, commenced at sone points 1i,number of musty brown -colt red books
'left by her granduncle. When the ruem-
Mr. and tisshwa M n Gladstone e rehave ce erin et� here of the family wish to read they will
1me 1 Pf'r t)t,rrow Robert El.mere or a book of
firma th4 many Ritts enol esngr•tnl•tury
tlsessagea recetvod by then, un the occasion poems from their next d ver neighbor
dtheir goldcs w.oidio•g�l n it would ho ire "But I have no taste for reading,"
peseible w reply to ea:b well w i:.her . -par pleads some girl with her lap full of crez
May. patch work. Cultivate It. Do not tel
A Washington dispatch says the Actor- Inc you "can't ;" 1 shall doubt your
they (:es.ral ken 074"3" trptni n :het them word. Another says, "I cannot find
is no legal objection to the transit through time for reading. " Nonsense. Take
toiled Siete' territory of the ('hin.,nten it. But understand me -do not give all
recently arrived at New Orleans from Yuba, your time to study of books. Study
w mute to China via San Frauoies. Nature -- God's book ; study your
Mayor Cregier, ('osgrrm
ean Limier and friends, and without making a gears mar
ethers, of the l:elkf ('(reunite, bas -c take- take, you can study yourself for a short
from I'hleago eighty tons of pros talons and trate daily. Employ your fingers for re-
eupplicstotho'etarviuglouked-outevaiminerscreation; fancy -work let et be If you will.
at spring %AIi.•y, Ill. Then ere aln•ut O.- The fashioning of pretty things is faacin-
Wtn idle miners, making w ith their fauriii., ating,sa a pastime --wicked as • means of
8,um) eon :s. speeding tint. which might he so much
better emplr yed.
STRUCK A WOMAN. Take physical exercise also, thus mak-
'mg yourself not only healthier, hut, as •
As 041aw. seas r..lerr ages* Elea Are ei.nseoinence, happier. Ito not allow the
las. ia el.errrnx brain to become clogged by s supply of
(craw , •luly :h. \Ir. T. n.sjotte, s impure blood --impure through a lack of
,wealthy real estate agent, 1. in mourning oxygea in the air inspired. Get pure
So -day. Hie bee is a sorry si•ecwele. In air during a daily walk ; draw it in, ex •
Spark -street 1.,at night he hit his Pieter-in-'panding the lungs to their utmost ea
Lw. 7b. theroughtai.• ,gas eroadael at the' city as you give them their diurnal tonipc,
Male- t.yver.l » "men who w i ue:aed theleh ap and sure to be beneficial, fresh car.
aAai^roa sprang
ry.'. oaten scratched n hiand ilbbMake the muscles firm by • brisk move -
lace mayerely. Then en unknown moot. Do not saunter ; do not wiggle
jsing by, 'rearing the crass, helal..,red F{a do not teeter, but walk. Then, with
olts. over the head with a moo, shouting at be■ly and mind refreshed, and invigor-
she mm,- tune "1 oil .cru .k • w omen, did •ted, you are ready for work.
Iowa' -' orewd trache red in moment and
shouted app, o al while Rapdte, his face Le Aid ravens,
• i
,Aapwring walla bleed,
onhc wenn but the That L._ baso popular with the people
ceman •
trio vanished. .arrests are likely tofollow. for thirty years is Dr Fowler's Extract of
Strawberry for alt varlet►.. of eum-
r.s a falt..Is was Leg
mer complaints of children or adults it
seldom or ever fails to care cholera mor.
Grer.rte duly 2; - Yesterday afternnon bei, dianbua end dyssatsry. 2
P'r.Jerick, • 16 -year old son of M. Raacmf,
/while out in the wends about • mile frees
like city, pet • bullet in has right leg. He ()ire day meetly, se Mr Jaynes Snell,
bad a long pistol with a steel ettwaanon to ase., Kinbsrn, was engaged mowing he
ft the ahnvlder when deeding, and placed a vest. in which was a pocket -book
iesinie ateppins .lowly and nniee1e861y 000tainieg 060, oft (be seat, and some
pringh the Mash to get einem ft, • Mrd sinea examining the •
Oho tri,emr, whi• b was helfcnck, caitgfit 1a a d est.
Fs.a cad t►e wet lean went off, the mall en- both (sic 'i poaks(l book had dimp-
fiering the fleshy r •r t et the leg below the •
knetr. H. walked baser &edited the wend
probed a little, hint the tall eowtd nee he Asa healing, soothing a.rpheation for
Eisend, card It was deigned &dyeable te aL fie• weed. bruises and sores, there M
low it to week itself cwt nothing better thus Victoria OarbdM
• deleg•tio7 d two eaaitem.. from
Mtldoney, Mr Bpiizig, proprietor of the
funaadry is thea leen, and kir ItosMrur,
=Lutof thft las mill, visited the
lae' naw Engem, Werke o.
Wednesday of last weak to see tooled •
handsome new steamer, which, fur its
alis, made • most satisfactory u►il.
aims, throwing tism great distance of 170
fest with le iamb s.,•rsf. and Pause J00
fest of bore. Thee, subeequa,tly, le.,
streams, each j inch, the di tames of rdito
feet eek. Than a final grand test of
four i inch streams. This cuisine fie ..f
a small sine, built upon improved prin-
ciples, and has fully come up to all ea-
psot•tioss of the boulders sod ie Mot the
e ngine for smell tunes and villages, for
w hich it se epecually destined. The
aw,v• work was dune with apparently
the greatest ease, as the steam gauge
never registered over nae huedred
Regulate the Liver and Bowel. by the
judicious use of National Pills, they are
purely vegetable, !m
The benedicts and bachelors of Win. -
ham were arranged in cricket array in
Recreation park, on Tuesday of last
week, captained respective!). by H. W.
C. Meyer and Ed. Stites. The .core was
30 to 24 in fever of the married meu.
Seven Alias*.
Miss Bails Elliot. of Pontypool, Ono.,
writes -'•My brother and I were bo L
taken ill with a seven attack of
rhees, having tried other remedies, we
tried Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry, which gave immediate relief.- t
"They have a larger role in my
irict," says a well knuwr iroggist, ''than
any other pill on the market, and gine
the best satisfaction fel sick heada,•he,
bilotownems, indigestion, etc , and when
combined with Johnsten's Tonic Bitters,
Joheaton'a Tonic Liver Pills will per-
form what no other medicine has deny
before for sufferinc humanity.- Palo
25 cents per bottle. Bitten 50 ceut.
and In per bottle. Sold by Goode
Druggist, Albion block, Goderich, sole
stent 1cl
A base ball match was played on the
recreation grounds, un Saturday after
futon, the 13th not., between the Broad -
foot it Box club and the Firemen of
Seatorth, which resulted in a victory 1, r
the tire ti_hters.
Ewe a Mande vanghl fold.
A slim young man in the height of
fashion was violently sneezing in a street
alar, when a companion remarked, "Aw,
Chawles, deah boy, how d'ye catch that
dweadfcl cold." ".\w, deah fetish, lett
my cane in the lower hall tither day.
and in sucking the ivory handle, so
dwendful cold, it chilled rue almost to
death." If Charles had used Dr. Har-
vey's lad Pine (.urn his cold would not
trouble hies very Iuuchnc, or said at J
VI ilsott's prescription drugstore. tf •
On Monday of last week, Mr S. C de,
of Kinhurn, came on miles, moved a
tarn 200 feet, turned it round :and raised
it !e feet high, on the farm or !Messrs,
Nash Bruisers, ..f McKillop.
Milburn's Aron.atk Quinine Moe is
distinctly superior to any ether as an
appetising tunic and tortilier. itra
e'eassmplf•s merry (aryl.
To Till: EetTng :-Phase inferno your
readers that I have a positive remedy for
the above named disease. By its timely
use thousands of hopeless cases have
been permanently cured. I shall be glad
to send two bottles of ray remedy tree
to any of your readers who hare con-
sumption, if they will send me their Ex-
press and P. 0. address.
Itespectfully, DR. T. A. Strx•u *,
1 37 Yonge 5L, Toronto, char.
Dastroy the worms or they may dee-
troy the children. Freeman's Worm
Powders destroy and expel all kinds of
Hay fever is a type of catarrh having
peculiar symptoms. It is attended by an
lnfamwi condition cf the lining teem -
y braves of the nostrils, tear -ducts and
I throat, affecting the lungs. An acrid
mucous ia.ecreted,the discharge isacc. m-
renied with a burning sensation. There
are severe spasms of aneaziog, frequent
attacks of headache, watery and inflam-
ed eyes. Ely's Cream Balm is a reme-
dy that can be depended upon. SOcta.
at druggists ; by mail, registered, 60cta.
Ely Brothers , Druggists, Owego, New
York. lv
The difference between a baby and an
oyer -oast is : One you was, and the
other you wear,
in Wrier. sae tense reins.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to
good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is one
of the most vomplicafed and wonderful
things in existence. It is easily put out
of order.
Greasy fond, tough food, sloppy food,
had cookery, mental worry, late hours,
irregular habits, and many other things
which ought not to be, have made the
American people • nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Fl;,wer has done
a wonderful work in reforming this sad
business and making the American
psotyle so health that they can enjoy
their meals and be happy.
Remember :-No happiness without
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health and happiness at the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for s
bottle. Seventy -live menta, .owly
Sf a straight facie war ev'denes ob
boost nobody ed swab ooteb de sea
dat atol. dat sono skin.
A Rawsan-lN one dams "Tuan
air" to any sae sending the bast fear lin-
rhyme N ' Taunt* 7• lbw rwmmrkabts
Iiltlater tis Teeth sail Bath. Ask
7. Jr idWMies
The Favorite fIREADMAKETS YEAST.; IValcr Smicc&lOirs
edlctae for
MThroat and Lung Dil&
cultists has lost been, and still is, Ayer's
Cherry Pecumsl. It curve Croup,
W hseptag Cusses, Hroac►Itts, nod
Aat\M; sousing irritation of Iia
L ryas and rums . strengthens the
Vocal Organs; alleys soreness of the
=ssses; wevents tuasamptloa, and,
even in advanced stages of that dlasaae,
relieves Coughing and induces Sleep.
There is no other preperatlon fur dis-
eases of the throat sad Isags to be com-
pared with this remedy.
" My wile had a distressing cough,
with pains in the she and breast. We
tried various ntedicints, but none did
her any good uatll I got • bottle of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which has cured
her. A neighbor, )tn. Gleam, had the
measle, and the cough was relieved b
the use of Ayer's ('berry Pectoral. I
have no besltatiun lu retotunle•dfug this
Cough Medicine
to every one atllt,•te.1."-Robert Horton,
Forman lkwUsght, Murrilltun, Ark.
" I hare beeu acetated with asthma
for forty years. Last spring I sea taken
with • violent cough, which threatened
to terminate my days. Every cue pro-
nounced me In coniumptiou. I deter-
mined to try Ayer's ('berry Pectoral.
Its effects were magical. I was immedi-
ately relieved and continued to improve
until entirely recuvered. "—Joel Bullard,
Guilford, Cuuu.
"Six months ago I bad a severe hem-
orrhage of the lungs. brought un by an
incessant cough which deprived me of
sleep and rest. I tried various rem.. -
dies, but obtained nu relief until ► be-
gan to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A
few bottles of this nu-licine cured me."
Mrs. E. Coburn, 18 Second at., Lowell,
" For children 'filleted with colds,
coughs, sure throat, or croup, 1 du not
know of any remedy whit•li will give
Inure speedy relief than Ay.-r's ('berry
Pectoral. 1 have found it, ale.,. invalu-
able in caws of Whooping ('otgh."-
Ann Lovejoy, 1237'Cuhingtuu street,
Ruston, Maas.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Drusgrt.. Pru-. at , .0 bunko. SS.
A Weaderfrl Argas.
The Isr.est or:an, and of e that plays
a controlling part un the h, alth of the
,.•dy is the liver. If torpid or inactive
the wh ,le system becomes dirseed.
Dr. Chaie's Liver Cure is made specially
for Liver and K'dney diseases, and is
Kusr,nted be cure. petites book and
med.cinsil. Sold by all druggists.
-TO 00 TO -
15:1g ft CAZSIDYS
C^t,sr�..-. S tete
Toa$ ancl. Groc3rics.
CRABB'8 BLOC', Qoderieh.
—AND --
Competitors envious of our suc-
Sole Agents for W. N. Peak
Brooklyn, iia T.
1000 Iozzs
Just entered through the Customs
No Trouble to Show Samples
Ever} -thing required for house-
TheCheapest Boase Order the Sala
Leant Stets for the Seasoi
trial 'hie e ssad Ilsb prises In
UN- bast or M isailasml Soak
1y Mose Pros..& Oai.r a'
clic.. ralh.
O. •.sal bathos have wrtttre
ry Ilr.t l «.rP.......y y...4 The undersigned is prepared
to , wal,..t, to undertake the putting in of
h.bead,�� 4'4, Water Services in connection
s.Y.rs4a ase a ars loam r I with the Town System to Dwell -
MACE i111
'na'IVt[ cum, ings and other Buildings. Also
The Palls Reserve Lime Kiln
is now running full time, and
any quantity of Fresh Lime
can be obtained at the Kiln
at all times for lOc. a bushel.
M. & C. BiECHLcR,
Prop: tc tun. !
Godei,h, May30. lilts. =Of 1 rittANJ TRCNK RAILWAY.
Title arrive aswl depest M limiseloh as (u
To Steam Engines, Mille, Fac-
tories and Machineryof alt kind.
Prices reasonable. Satisfac-
tion Guaranteed.
Erauelfin(' !bulb*.
alma 1 weirdo 1 de not mean merely to
Keo them tar a time. sed Uwe have them muss
egaln. 1 MILAN A ItAldl CUKL
I have balls the disease of -
A life long study. I WARRANT my remedy to
('t Re the worst canes. Because dicers have tailed
U sen, mason for not now receiving a cum. Bend
at once fora treatise fwd • Faat Divert., of mTT
IN►ALW.t.a Raf.Rnv. (.lve Kspres%std fust
(Mee. It casts )'.Au nothayg ter a trial, and 1t
will cure you. Address: H. O. BOOT m.0.,
Branch OIDos, 184 West Adelaide Direst,
yell anal Kepner. 1 le p.m.
Mad.... . .... $Jip.m.
Mated .........1 1s
Mixed. ->
Mail . ......... 7.00 a.m.
Mall sad Express. 1.13 p.m
/fleet {.W p.m
Oatr Deme ts)ssma of Memory Trialetsig.
Weer leeks Learned la sae readies.
Mia4'raadorlse eared.
livery ettB4 and adds arestly bes.arred.
t;tati.tari..�Brasmmr to Mora.
mad. Coplanar a Iliad Haas.a,
�,ww• ler Pals Caplan B aal v V U
lra.iei e'e,al f pas•, th.a...t P*wb .-
A t•� ai �.. 6p Win j d tar. ('A.iM*.
01;A Ines . ` kr, .J. Ifr 41 .r, Or Sldoodoe 1.
P'r.L A. LOISPTrti>M7 !U ►we.. 9. Y.
8 &MILTON-S�'.
IVEI S S: S Y --AT ] -
A large a+w.rtm .nt of the newest styles in Hats and Bonnets.
Xor,h•at, eeeosd door off 1 gsan.
has added a Large Stock of the Latest Novelties in Plushee, Flow-
ers, Ribbons, and every other line for the embelishment of
Hate, Bonnets, and every other article in her Milli-
nery Department, which she is selling low.
Her Display this year is Larger and Better than ever before.
A Ticket for a chance on a Musical Dressing Case will be
er ven
to every purchaser of a hat valued at $2 or over, and
the Gift will be awarded on July let. 2202
.s c EERON
Has now received her Spine Steck of she
£ase. s' ff i flies zSi ries
Aad Is prepared logit. her many lady customers the finest City Rtyl . at town rates.
Owing to the fact that her business h.s kept on Increasing, there has not berm as
fealty to prepare fora formal sprig opening.
All are I sited to examine
Quality. Styles and Pi'Ines.
Weekly Consign. iimega Received Daring the Boy Season.
SHOWROOMS, Corner of Hamilton and Negritude -se. off use square.
If you want tortes tie 4et as at Purifiers V gyres, go to
Cit -0==01\1".
ase mime Ie nes tie ('hsase.t
Kyle. sae ails s.e chase bte1T r(.i..arsiacr:10W B$jDIIIB sad the mimeo
if iCTtrluo FiiJACIZgla meetly
ddose•.. JOflRI 'q dean °MAW
I die net keep WI lova
small eonsninndeft � �` O-' lmtw♦is W.attmtPas 1 wlll� w� M
twisr oa-s
is the NU ars lave nod
Mast &a4 chest •a ami /YseDI ey rtreir hat apjrY— i
D oderiek April iIM IN
2 gg Mr,.Qti