The Huron Signal, 1889-8-2, Page 1t• Igo IMIITY-SECOND YEAR. t V. HOLE NI:MBEIt. Via oEv° LO COUN GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY, AUG. 2, 1889. J D. MoDILLICUDDY. Post.tennel. t $I.0 A VICAR IN ADVANCE TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes rritist be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas - ., , sal Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. • Item' holism. 411 neiroxe, owfiers is the learnt cniwents of lair thex.i. o weetsnys or enter- tairnarets at trieidt an admission fee ss eiaitrejed, or (row whir; at pecuni- ary benefit is derir.d. none I.r poi,/ for at the rate of taw rent per word each insertion, no rAtiree less - than twenty -tire rents. Where ad- vertisements of es terta Minerals a,-.. inserted a brief beat trill h. !Fiera free. BORN. nosern.- Is Winigipor. Man.. on Fri lay. July Sta. Lho wife of 11. 11. :youth. uta eme MARRIED. Cooexecanera On the 310 ult.. at Ett John the krangeliseb church. Montreal. by the Per. Arthur French, Jatma (oke. of Goderiyh. Jnt.. t.. Chat -love Elisabeth. eliteat daughter of Cot ter, Etea.. War* wk. Eng. DIED. entry Ned at prilear:aorn Ay., tridesace. 111. Nlonday.July AP h . Otis. of iu4*auu *1m of the bowel,,. atter 3 daissickness. ()tome Edward $tor'. youngest son of Ilatorti It and Ameba A. Story. aged II years 6 month,. • t'unten. Port Elgas and Ilythwell papers please ropy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lest-Stexat orrice. lad Gloves -John Acheson. Bargains -Geo. •chetton & Co. Properties for Cale-Manisiag & Soatt. TOWN TOPICS A ehiera swamp we. mile' noire 4a7ctorli 141/ pr(g/ IL". • A Cloton Privative.- The most users' gift you eon make is to give a Wirt Pan. Ap- ply to 1). M. t_illimuday. agent. liotieritlii. liverything work a well for the man who helps hunsolf.ani the 1011:4-14.4,1 of (;eo. tatewas a the yntitographer has been assured because Le lout kept up with list times. or oputting to water *era ices. repairing ert- ..t. &c.. get your %an* trot., t1 mom Sul- • who fiolftereril Mt In the num ufaret ur- ing latie Dent ly :- ebeapo-. and y aped it le WS . Now Is the time to get the litter lines In Ireatlenarn's w..er for *unmet use. Every - thing from a stlk bat to a neeklie can be had at wines to suit at Y. a .4. Pridhanfs. tLe finionable talla.ring eetoblishruent. Vote early and otters on the bylaw on Tues. day next. and don't forger that for every special, tine in drugs. clietetvsk and nick-amelo. The Prtarmacy leads the proccas- ton. licorice Ithylotadoesut wilt until.; p.m. to be counttai In. gannders k lion. marry In itocku. fell supply uli and 6 inch American ole ,they do not handle Canadian a,i manure of steam atittnesand pluaulaers. stapply. First elasa sani- tary plumlnekg au,c1 hating by hot air. hot water. or ateam. jag them for prier,* and *pea alluations. The cluraliost imose ostler Fi sun. erybody elates to see the town get along in a good healthy way. met the nelpimc of the town hdlps pun awl your neighbor.. In the matter of the Bonus Bylaw it requires a two-thinis vote to clirry. hut when you want to know where dru.t-,Ia let tire Cram - en" tupi elegant p1totosfrel>. be had • tull cote of the communiTy R. It. bal. lows. BRIEFLETS. Mr John McKay attired lo ne or se - Mr -Ed. 3Ieore, jr., of Chicago, is the guest of Mr A. Smith. Alr W. D. Cm, of Chian/ft, is on a sheet vent to his old Ammo. Rev Jute* ;MscOillivray. 11.A , an old Goderich boy, now of Montreal, has, we understand, left for a two months' trip through Europe. Nest Sunday evening in the Victoria St Methodist Church, Rev Mr Hutton will preach • "pewit sermon te realm uses. T. thew Ir whom the discourse is designed he extends a cordial invitee Persona wishing to improve their memories' or strengthen their power of •tteotton should *end to Prof. Lemette, .4.'37 Fifth Are., N. Y., for his prospec tue poet tree, as advertised in another column. 10-t f tieing to the electrical agitatioe dur- ing the thunder storm on Saturday even.. nig the electric bights cheed down about 10,and outward darkness was intone. ex- cept when the lightning's vivid mare breke the menotony. Mr and Mrs Henry W. Waddell of Dresden, eit., are stepping at the Brit- ish Exchauge. Mr Waddell will be rementeered by many to Gods - rich, being the third son of the late Capt John Waddell. He hae been absent some 19 years. The Juslier Lecrewe team visited Sea - forth :en Thursday of !eat week, and played for a silver cup, seainst the Junior Beavers. After a game of an hour and a half 'a duration. time waa called with a score of 2 to 1 in favor of Seater% h. AN ISPoRTAST Istenovirairter.-The new Soft teem and Practice Pedal attach- ment to a Newcombe Upright Piano sort es the nerves of the listener or per - termer, when practising. as well as the instrument from wear, and preserree the tone. tf. ltry R Hicks, el St Paul's church, London, who has been the guest of Mr P. Holt, during the week, preached an earnest and ehement sermon in St Gene's church on Sunday last. He was ala welcomed by his keener panshienere. A match tem- of baseball will be played by the Goderich and Clinton clubs on the grounds of the Aortic. tett 441 Tuesday, the 4th at 3:30 po m A seeel Came is expected, as the clubs are believed to be about evenly matched. FargA.--Amongst the posseneers en the Centime, nn Wednesday mem- ' we, were Capt Alex Fraser and Mrs Fraser. of Derek, formerly residents of Goderich. The captain is geing to the Sault, and we understate! Mies Fraser will proceed o D oketa, on a visit to re- latives Many of tea townspeople had a hearty grasp if the hand from the cap- tain, eh., although living( in the United States, is still se loyal • Canadian as breathes pure air. E. p.toN 1'4 PORT lii-Sayt. — The c boliday is proclaimed fur the 8th i gi August, nn which occasion the propellor Cempaps will make ea ateurelas *Sp' to Port Hur..n. The. Campania sill leave shbetly after levee d is the meriting and return about mid- isieht, and the fare for the round tri will be one dollar. As the excersion under the auspices of Huron Encamp - moot No. 28, I. 0. O. F., all those jour neyisg to Pnrt Heron may depend on haring a pleasant time. Mrs Bonniek, of Tomato, is tbs of Matti. bloom. Mrs Manta and children are sem- mean in Muskoka. Mr R. J. Acheson, ot Toronto is spending kis holidays in town. Bert Smith returned home from Tor - one, last week un a holiday visit. Mr and Mrs C. G. Newton left last Monday on a trip to Victuals, Nurfulk Co Wingliain, Kiwardimi and Sauggen have been made out -ports of Guderech for eustuess purpowe. Thr town band gave an open sir formance on Saturday evaluate. boys are plucking up. Mr Jno. Washington returned last Wednesday week from $ visit to Toronts. Oshawa, Port Perry and Orangeville. While Rev Jas. A. Anderson of Knee Church. will be away on his holidays, during the month of August, his pulpit will he occupied by 31r Robert Hendee- a.m. a graduate of the Presbyterian Blentreal. Dr M Nicholson, the West-st denti cutlet the preservatien of the natu teeth a specialty. Gas administered fr '1 a. tn. fur the painless extraction teeth. The championship quoit match tweet' The McKenzie, of (oderich, a I) Cumming, of Denlop, which will ta place at 4 p itt., Saturday evening, Au 3rd, on the Gederich quoiting ground promises to be an interesting event. TrOPER Vice. — The Young Woman Christian Temperance Union will h. their regular monthly moonier on Mo day Ammn, the Zolh. at 7 30, p m., the house 9f Mrs R. Hendemon. A Per - The st, ral 001 of be- nd ke a. s, '1 old 0 - at 11 the members are rciedested to be p sent. Dresden rio. 4 : Rev M. MaeGil- Utley, of Rutherferd, made us a call last week. He informs ue that his neither, who is erigageu in the mission- ary work in Ch;na. is making rapid pro- ems* in the Chinese languesre. A geed work is being accomplished in the cause of Christ. Clvt, HOLIDAY RAILWAY ExerEgIONs --Excursions on Aug. eth. civic holiday, hare been arranged on the G. T. R as fellows : Detroit.tt'3, good to return on lOth. u *le, 83, good to return on 10th ; Toronto 82 25, flood to return on 9th ; L tedou. 81 50; geed to return on 9th. Single fares will be granted to all stations, good to go on the 8th and re- turn on the Itth ; fare and a third too all stations gmed on the 7:h and 8:11 Ang, and to return up to the 17th. Tickets can be purchased the day preview, from Hy Armstrong, town agent, or at the station. Tut C.omet.Y. "Si'linOL.''-The pleas - ng cetnedy, ''Schoel. was placed on the boards of the Grand Opera House on the evening rf July 25th, by a centpany com- posed of welt -known local amateurs, and rew a large house. The scenes of the comedy are laid in and around Cedar Grove, a select academy for young ladies, over which Dr and hies Sutcliffe, moist. id hy Mr Krux, preside. Beau Farin- Josh, a would-be youthful man of sixty add year*, brings his presumptive heir, Lerd Beenfoy (and his friend, Jack oyutz to interview a Mies Naomi Tighe, wealthy heiress, whom the beat has eetined fonhis nephew. At the school waninaticn, Lord Ilataufoy falls in lore ith Bella Marks, • pupil teacher of resuniably obscure parentageorhilet the nniless Jack Poyntz wins the heart of he fascinating little heiress Lord eaguy and Bella elope before Mr Percy arintosh discovers that she is his long- oot grandchtld, whereupon consternation fleece, which, however, finally resolves self into general eatisfaction, except to ✓ Krux, whose unrequited passion for ella urges him to play spy, which Jack oyutz punishes to Naomie satisfaction. he scenes were well pieced and the ffects gave a realistic appearance to ery act. Mies Sophie Wiiiiants, as re. Dr J. R Shannon has been spending a short vacation in lifuskoica. Mr and 14*, MoGarva, if Clinton,were visiting in town this week. Mrs Burns, of Windsor, is visiting her l daughter, Mn Dr. Helloes. * Miss Ida Savage, of Same'. is visiting $ p 11 FOUND Dar. -0n Thursday, Aug. 1 about 3 p.m., the body of • man named Patrick Kinsella was discovered lying in Itansforde strove, near the railway Censrahle Yule was notified, and he and Dr Whitely proceeded to the place ;and examined the corpse. The Doctor did not think an inquest necessary. Kin- sella was an inoffensire, elderly man, in destitute circumstances and unable to work, owing to ill health. He formerly ived in the neighborhood of St. Awe/s- ine. Ile was last wen alive Om Sunday, nd was then walking toward the grove. The body when found was in an ad- vanced state it decompositien. STRI-ek DV LIGHTNING. -During the storm nn Saturday evenine, the hence 1 Mr D. McKay. on Cameron street, P • d e I /I' pe ; t e it 14 ft f' T et' Bella, was exceedingly natural, and fill - at the residence et Mr Geo. Rhyne". Mrs Havill and child, mei Miss Aegis Nairn, arrived in town (rem Detroit last week. Miss Nellie Tranneh retched home from Bay City i.2 Wodoesday of lot week. Dr P. Agent the Hamilton asylum stall, was in town dating the past weep friendie Dr McDonagh will be in Goderich for eeneultsticn on the first Saturday of :every month. Mr R. W. McKenzie spent a few days last week at Bruesels. He was the guest of Dr T. G. Holmes. Mrs A. L.Hineks has gone to Detroit, pa to visit her rents, hfr and Mn A. K. Fraser, of that city. 1 was struck by iighteing. The enrrent struck tne roof at the south chimney, pa add then apparently separated, one part pawing between the plaster and the ev airline and the other passing int.) the to chimney and setting Cr. to the soot. sic The siding was slightly damaged and in tho naide the bottom of the chimney op was blown out and several yards ef the R.. 'Asst.!. torn off the wall. The fire did *71 no other itemisers. although the reflection hf was seen up town, it having lasted hat • Eha minute. No injury was sustained by sit the inmates. Fir I, A reftletATID.—The Tmwbridge An lest ter so 00 60 sod her relit with unaffected grace. The rt of °Naomi" was charmingly rend - .red by Miss Bessie Chilton, whose ery movement and expression be- koned • clear conception of the char- ter -the reading of the love letter hile sittine en the swing in the garden ing particularly effective. Mr R G. *olds' impersonation of Dr Sutcliffe, e dotninie, was evidently studied from e, and bliss Maud,, Start, as "Mrs teliffe," rose to the dignity of the tuition fully as well as if she had been thirty-five years- °Idea. Mr C. W. drews, although called t th moment to fill the leading chaise- , "Jack Poyntz,- perforated his part as to retain hie prestige as • versatile median of reel ability, and his every ly was warmly 'merited by the nonce. "Mr Kens." the sneak al- though not a pleasing character, was eimitally personified by Mr Joseph Kidd, while hfr S. Maleemson was quite at home in the pert of the old sport, "Bess Pan ' "Lord Brosefoy" was issetained by Mr W. A. Murray, who sequitted himself in • pleasing manner. It ie not necessary to state the young ladies who repremonted the papal' did ample justice up the same en• trusted to them -the attack upon "lir Krim," for his mean alluslnn to "Bella," 1:11°Z possibly have beim in real life. s. spontaneous and esters1 as it Ost the whole, a pleasant entewteinesent was had, and It Is • satisheet4on • kttow that a rood man was netted is aid of St Pekoe's dwelt, for the bens& of which the perforsisisee was gives. Mina Lily Vanstone, of Brussels, has I"' been enjoying herself with friends here during the past week. Miss Mary Miller, of Torento, who ar- L Tired in town on Saturday, is the Rawl T of the Misses Wilkinson. rrespondent of the Listowel recently hie4 the following reference to he minis:or of Vittoria st. ehareh lest Sabbath. June 30th, the Rev 11 Hutton, of Miriam. former pastor of rowbridge, conducted the services in the Methodist church. The cherish was well tilled with attentive listeners, who were delighted with the sermon, Trench- ed from the words 'We will rejoice in thy salvatien, and in the name of our God we will set op our banners.' After visiting a number of their friend% Mr Hutton and his estimable wife took their departure Ile the town of Godertek, where they have been stationed by the conference. We congratulate not may the Methodist people of Ooderieh, bet every man, woman and child who 'say have the plower. of Batwing to the Rev 11. L. Mateo, and we haps and believe that he will be the bneorad intermits's! in God's hands of arsine meek Inod. We bespeak for him and hie Nattily 1hta WS - Pear and p'0. of are nnsOPHIPlika- Mr James Tobin, of Dunlop. was the guest of Mr and Mrs H. Horton, of Hamilton street, this week. Miss Minnie McDonald, of Windsor, accompanied by her niece, Ethel Hun- ter, are visiting their relation*. Fred V. McArthur, son of Rev D McArthur, Clinton, Ill., is 'pending his westion with 0. W. Thomson. Saturday evening and Sunday the musical eiereises of the Salvation Army wets led by a Terme well played. The setassrpienie01 that Vie/eyes Re Methodist Sunday Rekord was held on Monday Is.* nn the hayfield road at "Sleek Point" They had a deliehtful ti CARRY THE BYLAW. Thursday Evening's Mooting Favored it to a Man. loteresti g Address.'. Floor et the sebowshe No Fear of arch. emessaiswis• ens Sadisennsee reeve Fatal -The IlleoeSta to •ecrwe 1.1, [arty aad sense oat year Neighbor. say public aide Os ration day every roan should come out and vote for the seliente unties apposed to it, and DO moil should be opposed to it. (Hese, hew.) He felt satiated to throw all his influence in favor of the bylaw, and thought the effort to bring fo.eign capital to the town should be encouraged. If there was any one present oppowd the bylaw, t he ob- jections should be stated. (Applause.) Mr Al.. Watson felt iuterested in the success of the bylaw, and believed it should carry. He was perhaps the originator of the scheme, ao far as Clods - rich was concerned. The town needed a stirring up. Heretofore we had done nothimg, and nothing had come to us. The meeting held in the town hall on The men who were ceasing were • good Thursday evening was well attended, class of citizens. Many of them had and many were present who had not at- taken stock in the coucern, and if they tended a public meeting for years. The were willing to come to our town and cast in their lot with us, we should not give them the cold shoulder. 'Hear, hear The employees of the company would mere than pay the anneal inter - eagerness with winch the speakers were listened to "hewed that the matter under discussion was deemed of vital import - :line to the interest* 4,1 the tewn, and as utteafieraiitber.ttliepr t towns- est and sinking fund of the bonne by - men rose and favored the scheme, • law in taxes. Every man who had a leaning of enthusiasm' wented to pervade vote should not only pail it in favor of the audience that augured well for the the bylaw, but should persuade his 110000111111 of the vote on Tuesday nest. neighbor to do the same. ."Applause.) The chair was occupied by Mayor Me A. McD. Allan believed the chief Butler, she opened the meeting and !mint of objection was the fear by some stated the object of the gathering. The that taxes would be increariel. That present opportunity was one that had objection had been fully auswered by lung been heiked fur iu Goderich, and he Messrs enter) aid Watson, and there noped the people ef the town wuuld take was no getting ever the logic of these advantage of it by voting in favor of the gentlemen that sueject. Another bylawou Tuesday near. It was imperative important tinter was that every man that • full vote of three fee...ruble to the should vote, and to this end 11 was project should be polled, as every stay- necessary titat men should volunteer to at- home voter practically v,ted aeaiost act as cornsuittee-men un polling day to the bylaw under witting circumstances. get out the vote. We want every horse lf the bylaw were carried, and the foe- and vehicle possible, and we want every airy establoih(.d in town a largo amount vote polled. (Applause ) itt forewn money in the share of work- Mr Gwent* Swanson did not come wens wages would be placed in circula- here to oppose the bylaw, but would tion. He understood teat the Doherty like tu have assfeguards placed by the Organ Ceremony of Clinton paid out from 828,000 to e33.000 per annum,end of course the teem sot the benefit of the expenditure of that largo sum. Where there was • demand for "killed mechanics, Capt. Oih.on, Robt. Thompson, A. Chrystal, Rubt. Bleak, C. A. Humber, J. W. bunch, T. X. Dewey, C. Crabb. Sr trzoareee.---11.. C. Hays, H. Duc. lop, Jas Mitchell, Alex Murton, 11. Mc - Discoid. Sr PATILKAS.—John Acheson, sr., C. A. Nairn, P. Holt, Geu Rhynaa, Magnus Swanson, Ed Sharman, J H • . Colborne, E. Mania, F. Swarth, 0. Pennington, Wm Priudfoot. The committees have power to add to their number, and are requested to meet in the council chamber ou Monday even- ing, Aug 3th,to make anal arrangement* for bringing out the vote. All volun- teers tc work uu rating day will be wel- comed gladly. Ala) all horses and coo- reyances that will be placed at the dig - pistil of the committees on that day will be gladly accepted. During the progress of the committee meeting Messrs Blackstone and Menzies, of Clinton, two of the prominent outsid- ers who are identified with the prteect, arrived, and were asked by Mayor But- ler to address the meeting. Mr Blackstone said he had every rea- son to believe the scheme w end be • grand since... Already he was in re- ceipt of letters from • number of outside skilled workmen, who were anxious to take stock in tbe company and work in the factory. The business was a good one, and tne market kept steadily up. The Doherty Company turned out front ltiO to 170 organs per month, and there were no finished instruments in the fac- tory at the end of the month. There was a grand market in the Northwest, and when the C. P. R. arrived in Goderioh there would be no better distributing centre. (Hear, hear The new com- pany would start upon • footing that the Doherty weeks had not reached in six or seven years, for the reason that that company in behiooing had to buy its council in the iota:zest of the people. It expenence, whereaa we had experienced such were done he was willing to take a men ready to take hold at once. Al few shares in the concerti as suck- now wanted was 10 bring out h helder. Hear, hear, He would like to vote. Applause. know if the mayor would guarantee that Mr Menzies had every c4eidwoce in ordinary labor was also in demand, and provision would be made fir the carry- the success of the new veeture. His at higher wages then where no skilled tog un cf the factory for a stated term of connection with the organ business latter was eniplterecl. Seine people had yeart, and for the employment of a dated back fifteen years. Ile had oleo - tried to raise the beget:mit of increased ' certain number of hands. ed up the Northwest trade to the taxation, but he could inform them that Mavor lietler thought every effort Doherty organs in 1878, before the rail - the rate for the interest and sieking would be made te guard tne embus of ways were built, and that tield was fund on the debeetures, ewer' if nothing the peeple when the tial arrangement better now than thea. As had been was done in the shape of carrying on the was being made with the company. wad, the companies that started years factory, would not amount to more than Mr Caro.* believed it was the inten- two had to learn their business and bay •23e int an assessment of iv..or nre per tion of the town council to protect the their experience. We would be able to annum. That aincent should friehten ratepayers. At the final settlement no start ender better auspices. as we had nobody, even if be had tc pay it. It was doubt A satisfactory arrangement skilled workmen and esperience. He only the price ef a few cigars, and if ' would be made. I was awry he had not arrive.' earlier to they could net raise the money any l Mr Swat:son-In that case I will take hear the nee. and "...es demented. other way, they could dispense with 25c aim,h.... worth of these luxuries. 'Laughter) But in this case the men employed in the proposed works wooed pay the amount M Stayor Butler-Ttiere were no row. r James Saunders,. believed the men ,'Laughter-) who were c • e tac- Mr 31eunn-Then the only thing to tory were as deeply interested as any do now is to get out the vote ou Toes - of the increased taxation, and. as a mat- 'of us, and would see that the project day nezt. Applause.) ter of fact, the burden weuid not come lass a 'access. Their bread and butter Mr Garrow said he was well acquaint- Uprn the present taxpayers. The pro- depended upon that. It was the duty ee with Mr Menzies, 6,4 certified thwt perty owners would be working in their of every property hold t beat interests* voting in fever of the bylaw. (Loud applause.. Mr Crabh was entirely in favor of the scheme., The town had been at a stand- still long enough, and it was time to take bold and make it move. Other places not so favorably situated ad God- erich had made efforts increase pop- ulation and decrease taxation and God - 'rich should do so, too. The faztory would keep our young men at home hy giving thma entployment. Ile contend- ed the bonus w3uld not be a burthen to the town. When in good working order the factory would employ not lees then fifty hands, and the taxes. paid by thess hands would more than meet the antes - al sum required to pay off the by-law. 'New hionses would have to be erected for the accommodation of the workmen, and the taxation no these would more than cover the rate imposed by the by-law. In the event of the organ company's 'forks being established here, ether factories would be attracted to our town, for it was a well-known fact that one or more factories usually brought more. He hoed every man who had a vote would pol! it for the by-law, on Tues- day next. (Applause.) Mr Darrow said there was prante.ally a unanimous feeling in favor re the pass- ine of the bylaw, but although there was no apparent tear of active hostility,there was danger from apathy. Goderich had an opportunity now such as he, in* resi- derce of twenty yeamhad not seen. The securing of • valuable industry at • oom- paratively small oost was Smoothing not 1 10 he got erery day, and every effert ! should be made to obtain it. The money earned by the entyloyeas would be spent in the town, anha ti wt was more, the errofits of the concern would go into the pockets of the stockholder", who were fellow•townemen. This was the pioneer, he hoped, of many manufacturing enter- prises in Goderich. lie was willing to supply • horse and driver to mend in petting nut the vote on Teesday. Mow bear Every man who could vote and failed to do so, failed in his duty to the tows. (Applies* ) It required two- thirds of the available vote to carry the bylaw. There were a few wanks in town who might vote against it, the names of dead men en the hat Wee wanted against it, and every man who favored the bylaw *.d failed to vote was also counted "sine it. Hones the neesesity for get 11, out every available wrote. Mr Horace Horton thooght with Mr ()arrow that this was the most favorable movement that had 4111411' hese started to Ooderieh The sleek holders had ems* farilierd unerridengly and paid their in- einkeest without a dieeenting votes. It Mem the wily whams where the people bed some up freely with their means and ibuiribed 1110,000 before asking for ero vote fur the bylaw. (Applause.; Mr Humber said 435 votes were ne - ossuary to carry the bylaw. All who did cot come out voted against it. It was a matter of great consequence to get out every evadable vote. It would be unfortunate for the tcwn if the bylaw miscarned,for Guderich would be looked upon with disfaybr by other mauofact urers desiring to lotate. The item furniture, which the new company oompsoy pr poeed manufacturing, could be workeo, up to au lucrative trade. He hoped a thorough canvass would be made. Mr Alex Ssiunders was of cpinion that there were young men who were not vot- ers, but who alternately would be, who should be asked to canvass for the by- law. froutethang was needed to work u the town. Down at Peterborough som lute since when he risked he fou hat every one there talked "Pete etrough";when he maid he was from God rich they said "Goderich, oh, yes, that he plaw they cell Sleepy Hollow. H told them that we were wakingup Goderich. (Hear, hear.) Down at Lon - on recently, he met some former resi- cuts of Goderich, who asked him if it was really true that a boom had struck he old town, and he assured them it as • fixed fact. (Ilesr, hear.) Form- er; and musical instruments would find profitable market in the Northwest, nd no town was better situated to do Games with that uotion of th. Dr • whatever that gmeilmiism said could oe relied upon. Themeeting then adjourned. HARBOR NOTES. Number of liens. of Interest Orme lite Lake Front. al.. of Friday, July 2Gth-Schr. Kqlfatte, Johnston's Harbor, 100,000 feet of tum- ber or . H. rd. Saturday, July 27th-Str United Em- pire, Sarnia, paseeneers and freight; 'tr. Campsite, Port Arthur, 10.000 bushels of wheat for the G. T. R. sehr. Starling, Toledo, 380 tone of coal for Big Mill. Sunday, July 28111-Steambarge Kin- cardine, Sernis, light. • Monday July 29th-Schr. John Min- na er, Chicago, 24,000 bushels of oats for Thompson & Co., Mitchell Wednesday. July 31st -Sae. J. M. .8 Carter, Thessalon, 240,000 feet of lum- w ber for N. Dyment ; str. Campine, Ss r. nia, passengers ani freight. Thursday, Anenet lst-Str. Ontario, Port Arthur, 5,004) bushels cf wheat for the O. T. R. ; eche. Kolfarge, Johnston*. Harbour, 100,000 feet of lumber for H. Sword. d. ergo, Saturday, July 27th-Schr. Kolfage, Johnston's Harbor, light : str. United Empire, Duluth, passengers and freight.. - Sunday. July 2Sth--Steainbarge Kin- cardine, Kineerdine, Wednesday, July 3let-Schr. John n Miner, Alpena, light ; str. Campania, Duluth, passeagers and feeight. ' Thursday, Actuate 1st -Soho Starling, 0 n 7 light ; eche. J. M. Carter, • Theesalen, light ; alt. Ontario, Sarnia, light. t t e L. d d t w a • ion than Gederich. He adduced Moires let show that the contentions made b souse regarding the increase ef tazatio was a fallacy. He didn't blame anyone for being economical, but when objec tions were fairly and squarely met, th • jectors Should crease to oppow th project. (Load applause.) Nr John Acheson, sr., was in accord with the bylaw. He had earned h breaditm the sweat of his brow .ince boy hood, and was favorable to whatever was in the interest of the tow* at large His taxes at (ins., had amounted chew on to *900 a year, but he was not afraid of any addition that would result from passing the bylaw. Mew, hear.) If he thought the scheme was not a worth One, he would oppose it, even if he hail to stand alma+. As it was he was heart ily in favor of it, and his hens and boggy were at the service of the commit- tee. (A e planse. ) The following ward committees.f W. th4411 110e0d to take shares of the wreiht organisation : file A ia Mine's—, Pie ardeen. R. Nee, Geo. Sereseem, Jac A Reid, Jaa. M. Shepherd, D. Matiillieuddy, Jan Ora**, Wm. Illfeelten, T. C. Neftel, Oeo. Bleeppenl, .lee Gorden", W.1.14..V10111'. Gordon Clowns. Rt. David's A. MOD. Allan, Aloe. Saunders, Chas, 0114111, John Sproule, The lifeboat crew were out for their weal practice last Saturday erening,and showed good fern'. ...- MAGISTRATES' COURT. Before Mayor Huller. Wednesday, July 31st. Frank Elliott was upon a champ of an - Y wish preferred sesinst him by Jas. R. Williams. The assault took Owe on the - 29th of July. The defendant pleaded not guilty. After the evidence .it several winsome' heti been taken, the defendant was fined 85 and costs, or impriwonment ha the jail for 21 days. On Monday of lain week as Duncan Mclaughlin, et Grey was driving into town, acenespenisd by his daughters, his horse took fright at a dog near the bridge and before it would be stopped the asi- mal end Leggy were down the whisk - 'sent. The barrage and rig were serionsee ly danmeed. The wespents of the wee& etyma' had a marrow escape. • f I44"