The Huron Signal, 1889-7-5, Page 6f THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JULY 5,1 •RR9. THE WIDE. WIDE WORLD. WHAT IS GOING ON IN OTHER LANDS AND PLACES. talr.erbetlaterr.$InaSewsy \amara ap'e'd' l& Erepared 6r tie utaeet-.a er NY Meatder.. Thr Hou. Oliver Mowat bas arrised is Thu shah tot Persia is wfferl.tj from a low Chiraso claims that it hese :,..pulation of o.es ittsyshi. It is Loitered that President Harrison will mall a -cotton of ('.coir •, in a •.t..lmta Outset, 1'hri.titu ..f Spam '.1 ilii.y aa• eeudcd i .I r a t f.. t it: an or my k,4."'. u. it is uudcrst.+al l'n-,t Ik.._:rs will sew. Slit lintonal st.tsti mwdon .4 Hayti. It is stated !dr. Vanderbilt derbilt has aimed fl.INtf1,(,an) tor the. 'r4:,1.t111 aullecti n of ice' toles. ;street, .flee carth,1urkc ,hock. haw beat lett at Sweari:le tial., wit -out the pale *We k'rinseet Iteekrice,.who has hewn dessear- omaly ie ,face rite birth 4.:f her last a ild, ie notch bettor. thst tag u. f•raewbk weather *11 fears ebhfi the I:t.esien crape wets's prove a failure have Lien dispelled. The Karl of Aberdeen will raids at the grand kuauyuet to he given to r. 'P•rweU is Edinburgh keit /swarth. At a meeting of the leapesfi:al ('abut ea Saturday, it wn..'.s•tieierf to nail additional • airships to ! tele;esa ?lay, i Two :salvation Army offleer, hails help trued $l:, .and coats tr f.. dot) • .t Battle (reek„ Mitt , • t<.t (L-truotiug the streets. Mall advice. from %Ve,t Africa coaiirus pterions rcpwia 44 the Awaking priwsti'nn to whk:h Mr. Stanley his been subjected. 1t **stated is &ansae t'ity that. Ir. Cretin is 'dive and Weil *141 that ite will slam up in Euglattd bef.,rc many drys. `It is 1ntsoeu ..J that 1'rierc. Albert Victor. eldest •.' of t4 Prime sat Wales, has beet. uffi'uuc4„ l deo Pr,uras Victoria of Presale, sinter of the F:n, J.•.tgt .S t,ermany. Three hnmlrr•.' atol fifty s.•kucd teachers tidied h. '-• • 1'- re: so :wtutday for Europe. where they 5:11 ijlrutl their swearer v: -cation. f:ngiand has .1. chased to guarantee Ike evacuation of E;;yipt. which vel. ,te lauded • 11.y Trance as o .•:nditi..n of her acceptance 41 the Egyptian delet conversion *. hetor. The i.uvern.•r of Louisiana bos issued a proclamation erdcrtng the unthotiticr to peewit 111' Sullisin-Kilrata fight. Th. Packers of the: p egilistsr however, Rey that the tight will. untie .d rn the date:SAC& The- New ' AL Vadat Club received • r' Ue faun the Royal Yacht lvtuadrnn stat- ing that they would not cowtirte the dial. lenge of the Veleytiefor the Ain' rico('ul•. The Ok* Protestant Indians protest very vigorously against Lein, dispossessed of the land that urilgu...ily belonged to their fathers. std reject the ides, ill bete h..t ght out by Ly the Senablars. On Saturday the Chicago {sales jury io- dided .sewtu Igen in c.,alsectu,n with the Cronin cafe, as murderers and Accewa'ies. ()f the -pc fit are in gaol end Patrick Comm, and John Ku,tr14 ore at large. 'lite policy of torl'id itng *trees dense- etratlune, hitherto easy: c,.1 tidy against .% WOMAN'S 'S VICTIM • 110311.hrt or &CIL UTC •'t'.•.nu dict.. the C.utral Crisis,. al :..t 1. r a taw minute*,oral . IraJ 'need of mine. se were passiug the L•- ..., ..t ta:s taus .u. L •odea. CI'nuuum . )1•441 •;ail t:.aily aloe, ). utse• t for • ,1, .tu.u%lule 1 .peal t., lit Y •:.n:i. Ila writ ill. 'I I.tl rocs U..M was e% I. •.oily v.•r) dila. The trill Isco •• •:ole ••. was cleatly ant aensailoun'. Pier, erre uu;y very taw •pectr•.rs. 1'I.• odho warn lrrutuq teak a,th a laut,u.d or. lir Jai:hr 11.sk.i.• ea. the Ie.1,e. The jury erre just hvgiminer 1 emelt •s to their seedier lis the cods e'ood a.trwlrrht,well fust fed", sat recut ivu-easai-astray. He sae a tris uwu, 4.144.1 blas !1• looked ausiou.lt rout,.' tae :.alit fur a moment as 44.) friend amigo'. seeekieg to Mr Poland, the c •ousel who. asd 'lure conducting; the tr.4.*eutiuu •;talnst the el -is .err. "My 1-r1. ' suddenly said the prison- '''. '•1 should tile to ray r few words It am. a eery earurst application rites is .c•Inetlllo: I rouust.y im• •44:e 441 toile tone sat thy 111,1'1 o epoch so that the jury suddcu!T cea•eJ heir suppressed t same:, and lo...rJ ti.tt .t the prta•.u'•r sod theu at tile jwid•t. "Yaw had au .ppurtuntty '•t address - ins the euutt ; cite .:.ac a 4.• ,w ca..ard,.. *41.1 the Jwlae -May I mete ono oluratio::, tuy lop•y one i ' said the pihr ,t:er. �'1, is tut of order, :.swear.' the jade•. "bet if "My loess.'' Raid Mr Pala^1. user_' in rlslr•.MMar t • a'glance num :he lodge, "1 :lase,u.. t•jeeti:'u wh4*teve' The learned coum.ri et , ke a. . nt •.1 le.•t been obliged to accept his ee- ust.n.r. 41 she would bare starved. Vetter wee • follow -workman of mites. I was *tieing to believe all she said, and to fer.tve he(. It eras a bitter strueghs, out 1 dot it. 'Conte home, I said to her, 'and let bygones he bygones.' She said she could out ensile loon,. :ately It would take • little time to break of with !'.,•ter ; but she 'would d'. it. 1 1 s.,te.i. stud every week, as I received o11' **res. I took L1 to her, at:d ges r 1t u her. that a«o Wight care Loney without e king Furter ter any. At last *le ap- iou.ted • re_ ht shoo *Le drt•lerrd she wuule ►care Foster. I eat t.. ...re• her at the c.,rt far of ILathi•yu« Place. 1 dui so. She said Fearer load come out with her, *n.i errs a .deet or s, off, 4,U that she would g•• mutt tell h•.* now that •h. hid made up her turn.' 14. Irate h l'1. '1 hoe you soli, she sad, 'better then auy other alai: in t *r w..r.d, aid ensu!.' ur44r have lett ys of my .,was tide will: h •ill i'.1, ul.ttt I WOW ilaci. ; 1 sl.all .14 4 be .1 few 111141424.•4.' 1 51441('4i, and aim• at tinuted tete y a p<aicemee caner en.! tc•.k"me *per cust••dy. 1 se.; not 11•'w wart the p*C..et C.'lltsieeJ ; Il torsed out to be (aloe .liter e..lua:e He paused, arca there was eoes:•iereeie wusatwu in c..urt, rvrryl*.,y coo • of the truth of the ruett'e state- ment, and impressed by its simple. bot dran.atfe "I leerurd afterwards,- said he, "that whets ah. left cue wtth t..at packet W my hand, she writ up to the knit p.dtew- man she me:, told him where I sort.'. that I WAS a returned aerate!, a ceritiu et a lot ,.f bad moray ; she knew K. sl.- said, because I had tried to pass s.mop of it upw her.. That is my story, me.; Lori.' a •.0 could hate 1..ard a in dr.•) • wla'e the prisoner eras making h1• .tate- ntrut. Tae Curt listened with wimps, whdq litaarft*s that the prisunrr caul.' u.• breathless tn!ere•t. When he had nat•lo.e good for harm -the evidence fiuiehr3. a sort /f half -controlled elides ,c 1 alr•ud a.avictrd hen -144 2401 nen of w•Jtldrr alis! Iuullt l:at l••U went to 'plasm un...tete/us. The jury- ruled. awl th c t.,e jury I. eel up at mrd t!.etr ae•N, tee judge in a t a e ileoreu dud l'tizt :d i our "Oen' lou ! raid the 'edge. HIND POA MOTHERS. miss 1. ales Whets One .r lir l.ariitaeete Iles the Laroche. (toe of our Mee .►.is scar Leen troub- led with the ,.each. since her babyh.a.d, sepia enter t : t:u • • 11 ,... L . f . hu sures have it altered, out • curd ur *1. ewers to a fitness wind is almost certaiu o cause her acute sud.t tug with earech.. After trying .t.rywua. that I hare eau* r heard sewwate,..trd I Lata satt1d oil 41111 •i.plICettoll as f(I1Ing surest •a.1 lute/est r.tlat. It ia r flan. 'tot hat stuffed with 11.1* &ltd wrung is um Jut diorites'. 1 tt•tl f..g triedthe coda'• sal, a, trot a• •bc cots Lear u, Cod- er the .is -.:e aide of Ilia tae,. Still dry tieuu.I, and change the hop bag as It be- come* et •••1. The carie *twat ti.itu( the chttd s rat ♦ uu rr4rlta dor pail'. StuL•1u,1 the rat with 4 .1 "heart of • roasted ,+1101, " trlokeltlit* of 10 1,ar•aa, wade of prpiwted Calc•... •od 1st 114.1 of mutt.•u calla•, car. utter let Il' my el - i 4.•l ta..t:e tale.' mala, 2., sad &dolt lrtnat- u. l w.•sse• emailed or j• orad into the 1111C44e l,u',1ll114 ..t tilt tar else tial Wdeco &.Irl:,4, 1. ch id ia the Victim of hrg- &Cho ; iub.ntee, pes..o:}', tar well sat err nualle►bsr what we antlered with its .:ares m out cash Clll:tibs•Jd. Heat test Voistulr pectins sthef, and, tulinw- Inj tit our w.•dhers i•..•t.triJ, was liana r. sated &slight .flirt night tt..0 our warm quartets, 1:• tier dead sat wtutrr, to lilw:u ttrw sad t... fn-ely scutes irons eater spill* tthM,aly duct's! weal 1.'4, Ih.t .. 43t4kt kat tier wrieutest podia extreme ie. o* our tittle heir tutu b tub .4 Iwt wets. 4.r suuu ea t,..suhie. Bit lately we hese learned that all tk,4 w,.rit and exenetBe ire ueeeltret tie Mussily writer a tumid flow salted water -a lees et it rteed.ott it, our sleepier/ room. ready tar welt an etnercr•sey- wrap the limo its it from antic t„ klieg, with cut taking ib m elni irons hie bed, sod:thrc swathe with tiaalle4, thick arid warm, tucking; he teaakris about him a little tinier, and relief is sure. It is the 1.iscwwantoo ,hem I web •. out b . •I,:•tfen," said thtl nitric'. site a sett of .sole e-4::14rs, as if he h..i bad a atrutt;;iu wait himself before • :lin to a,lute1* the C.•Wt 't'':d evidence upon w it a was e 'P••ilcemat:," said the judge. I 1 P " Mr lord, responded the ot!icer. '1) 41 this ...luau speak t•: you, as the peen... asys F d `ilea, my lord." d which h t •'And gave rue Iia afurmati"n as 4. a '11PSa ted was that . f cite pt•11orr.larl, i ,alba.' :: i the sentence was espeeted t., we; •'Yes, nil 1 .rd." h • cry, a, a I :vrivas Onn.letu+n had al- f ••N'aa the packet «f $ 11liot a Wear in -•sly L. ru proven atfaiust L:W-a lire his Ilau,i.ae he says?' • • emit tette for counter,. At we* for ''1* 5As. my 1urd. ' t .0 „1.4.' * a'tf•ue* of CVteuer that ha uuw 1 R tee, (lir.etwM of tits ...,edthe e::'ied at the bar. • • . _ - juris•urt_s�)Iy__ekcgatt•.ed, and wj fit4n# • stied-ferwsrd', sa'M1*k.!'•tsrted a.iuhacriptt�•n f,:r him. We' jade,. i railed al..•et 4') tor him. told hope to As effteer etel.pe•d `tete the einems-t,,re ben get oats his tr,ublts. His story a.••Wh*t is reit.q'w•ti et? You way Leser verified in every detail. T F. out It threuah ,,1K." aa':i ti•r judice •'1 trt.h to ask him," laid tate prisoner. • • u;, •a ' w hum inf ort*•*ins he arrested use Mr l''Lnd objected. The answer might lead t« a tete:stem of police se- crets, which bcloneed to Sereiastel Yard and not to the i•utete. share est a brief diwttaeiuu Ui. •t1 this point. at.'1 the j J3tt! •.werreled the ohjeco..n. "Star 1 pit the yuesti"m *nst.cither stupe:' asked the prls.encr. "It stet socialists, was ;Timed .: the salve/Ma save time." Army in London ..0 'I Icu:.elay, when their . • Put it," said the judge. prr..xssien Lathe strand was diaperged b7, "Was it a woman who csve T. -u the the la'i.c. inf:.resatioa Upon which y- u art cited Young Carlson, where parents owe the mo e" . cottage in which I`r. Cronin was mtirierrd, ,asis c l:meet oh;ested. $,rima eeclari.d that two mer. ••a Thursday threat-' - eoed him with death if Ike should identify.1 std had i4• ,uwu rvrth•., s of hunting criminate, and now the p dice on - Martin IJut#e, lu,w under arrest in Winer. Amsted information as to the mti-emente ' of pet a•'aa tike the prisoner was a •t 4e' In rkircn•si3O clic cruelty to Children Wil tesasnly .:1 Importance to the c'.crt of in the pini ne on Thursday, will.I pro" tttr .ask lie, wtule it was of rear :a :meat hibits toe roildns riftt11i. ..f j 1v.wiie lemur deo. the 'ice rheu'1 a ,t be c.tlled after ten dens .ch at night, the theme, by, a L`"' majority a :*ie.. Mused' to snake so asu.p• upon to miµ••.' the detective secrete of tion is favor of theatres. thy force. -The prisoner hod been taken seostor pace• of Ike t'. K. Seaato sub• with spurious money In his poreessive, (omwiu.e on h'te•ig n J;c!rtir.na, s4.y* that ..Ill had been previeney c..urieted of crerye liere it: the North• W e.t, oil l,.tb sides s„4ui11, and had un4ergene seen: reef; Of the border, there is a •trofg feeliag is penal servitude for the o:face. I:a1e•a favor of :i renewal of reciprocity relations sed from prion, he hails 'es back to lin between the (suited States and Canada fermi r .rituival habits : :t was an .1d The lluwixk'n !slinkier of Customs says story. and 1•' en. But agate the judge the reined of the A1'nshinl:toa I:overtones* ,ruled that lie shouts permit the .luestwu to permit the transpe'rtation of goods n,erto 1.0 put. the .hors line of railway th:,mtgh the Rtate' 'Was its woman who Love you the et. of Maio was a'lirect violation of section 29 formatfl:n 1Tre Ancient tetanal. . Qurhee. I hare been troubled with ia.1',. 4"ien for the past two sears and have tried trans medicines without a - i *'ail. I trie 1 Burdock Illa.,li letters and t eats my t^ere is nethei : eye"; to it. I Thomas t i Brien. C. iI Il. cures dys- t mina. biliousness anti cone ii.alndl. 2 Ill AA-e•lnesday .4 last week Ju. Shuttle, ?Morris. tweed his new Karn. 1 Reeve 1I•.••oey and M. M. Cardi:l were tree captains. the latter winning In the race. Talo barn is :.tx:.4; feet, with stone .tah:int underneath. Cleo. Proc- ter tis' was the framer and I:ub7 & Tauell 1 tie mat. Ileset apersiste. 1 her -so ase: nl huyll.t; medicine, huttry the great Riduee suet Liver re:ule- tor. wade hr Lr Chase. author of Chase's re•cei••es. Try Chases Liver Cure fur ail Chea•,* of the ,Lever, Stints, of the \Caskingtto treaty: Ilttaliatioa, he The p,,Itee ran hesitated. - *aid, while it would injure American ships ••,A tower. ' con,wateled the judge. perm, world tn!:ict a steiatu low UR Caleb- •alt era+,' aria the (Nicer. au railway• and canals. •• l) • you see her in court asked the It is stated the 4:414.41 and the Prince of preet.er. ',Asses i'e*ire.' en alliance het rete the frith The attic r Inched ab out vaguely. res I.iutist nmol the Puke of 1'ortiand,i bus ••,i. that the w.•luan asked the that the I4nke flatly refused to Ii.ten to the 4rismer, pointing t.. • rather showil• Ftui,rr•iti'o, not .lrnirinq to place himself in dressed woman, with handsense features, the pitiful iun.:ion of ti.. �II.niuis of Lorne, but a add disdainful ezpressi•m of face, who is.•, prrsin:ently' euiobr.l by his wife s . it is.' replied the officer. relations. Three distinct clouds on the European• My lord, said the pti,ontr, arab a Ea,:t.sad, are s:isht tremor in his voice, "that lemma' horizon. .d great in.port to 7 .11.1ed not. hest, the i.g)'phti.•a •;aowtioe, 1* my wife' • err whish France, ie ph -swing her teeth ; .1 buzz of surprise followed the *n- *econ4, th•e Armenian outrages, which, under oouneement and the woman turned her the ii,rlin treaty, Russia may call upon hens away front the dock. England to stop: and third, the 1)elag.•a "i would like to say r few words, my railway cs en maim, w hieh epee. up 1 eery luta, c.utfeord the prisoner. Cite quarrel with the I'ortuguc,e t,overm • I re no abjection, your lordship," meat. laaid M Poland. "The court will hear you," said Sir LAKE INSURA\C" .fustic, Hawkins. 1 "Th k lord " *aid the pris.n- A Lima.. t'emtwwf betting the terata e the Ranh,••, OW -v40, .lune ' . Vs ben the general, agents of the maris.a in•urart.-e ,- .mp&nier doing lamina -to ou the brat 1 tk'•. last Nixing /gist.' upon a meld of rates for tim oeason and pie.lged themselves t•- &Lids by the form ref policy then if J41011441 UN., it accused that vyaehnrn had but ter, ,,•uses 114 fol- low, •ether to •Incept the itrursare csn.- panies'.-•audition or let their floating pro- perly go uninsured. The inswrar,.e mon ',asked for a serums of I;„ • i premiums and largo net profit•. A ('1t4',ehind rested owner eleected *1' pnyi-g 14 per cent. esu first.elass steel steamers. He thou} ht he could do Net- ter and went 4o en English company and Raked for rat -4. 11,- was *4ven _i per rent. if M(141.1401 msarashoe (',421.1 be pito ed in a lamp. l'hepohey oDared with its highly favorable conditions. male the regulative lake policy look hie n•' inurancr at a113 Cleeehind man laid hi* plana before nther owner' sacs the /3.4010.1011 limit warn oniekly rcachr't and her been added to until a. total lake in•.ranre now placer' through Ike hwtden company is fees toren. That E.l.tinu,tu111 is tha cream of tie lake M ssraoee business, and the lake cow.paales tore wondering what they are going to do neat year tc. ,meet the lingtish invasion. It i. esti.nateel that of the $4!1.ln),(4m al 'see- ing property rated in the falafel Lloyds aa� cors► thh:,•)1s1,t11M) carries insurYse•. 111 i• net likely a fifth of this Mosinee, will be per h.n•tltly i.rt without an effort to regain it. 71.4 effort mast be either • mimeses. la rams or a radlwl-c4•l. i If 141 poliei!• - an you,my or, no longer betraying soy emotive, but 'Temkin; in clear firm tunes. "i has• served seven years on m simi- lar chert•• to that now prefetred against me. If I am again•conticted, you will give me at least oene-and-twenty years, and that will end my life. Before you do so I shoold like you to know the whole truth .d- this affair. 1 married young. buy wife unexpectedly •howee ex:resistant and very extensive hsbits. 1 was very fond of b.r,and diel all i could In content her. Honestly, I could not keep pace with her desires, and we took t i venial/. She was with use in all ay l.erauuaa, aided in the work, assisted in passim; the money to hen we wore taken, the eitideuee was Jost a stress against her as mgatnst me. In answer to .•o.etions 1 put to my c 'cowl, i we• told that If 1 pleaded guilty, and said i had compelled her to help me, she would Jet oil, i did so and rhe was Rejoittd. 1 was sentenced to seven years pewal .ervit ode. "i •eterd my full time, and time hack h. Loodos, determined to lead as holiest life, and restore my wife to en Ileasat house it was sem• time hefore I found her , hat I had nbeamed work at Ma • week. i had only one wish -to take a new house for ny wife Events - tar. 1 found her. Him was Ilrinl w4h sial oasd Foster. She told ore the; - _ trawling bulb,. 1i Smie .P &to Itepait's lV eller gm& URAN1) Tltt'NI► ItAILN'AV. Tra'es•r'riwe sad lopart at /i.duriok as fu; ._sus: r• . . &messier Lte ern. Mau sad lixptt....OND e. SA Pm. X.ril......... Mlv,+d ,......... ....... ••••.IIAw sum. Mix •J........... in••ar. ' .......... 7.ehetu \fail. 7 ns em IaU sad )1i11M.eit............... res ;•.m. Inset...............1.s. 1• m. MARVELOUS EMOR V E RY • 1 O D 8C Orly (lea.t.. System of aleaw, l'swlattaa Fear Seeks Leara:d 1a ale readies• Mlad womanise rise aared- Every rhea sod dealt sweetly *,went*.%• ,:ossa led•e.sonra to 1.lonsop.mdeso• 1Aw.•.•• Yn. sae, emk nr.e.,w p1eesu the .'eW-luu.d Ia..lJ.iet I• Ills.' r"e'ee'7 Dusel /i.e�r■1 .1 f s».5. tt.. Prow t'grll' '. J. .1 Bee ley, ►. .. edet,... f sit r A_ ,:2_.i/+t fn.yf.N.EitK .�.a:ite. J�eas• k'•P. •A/ltli 1'E. sal /1811141,411.• by IM. 1'. Ai add Time rtt.rt.r. . ''':.! season of creat. fruits dud awn• hist drink. is tile dole when tee w •ht forms of cholera trierbes and hoe com- plaiuts preratl As a ssfe> uate, Dr Fowler's Eittii t 4.f Wed Str..t1.'rry a;i.mel be kept at hand. For 3d sears tt has bell the more reliable retu.dy. 2 It h expected that Thus. Farr'•w, es• M.P., wt4l armee the P..•ttua.rrrsbrp •rt Brussels '41st'. Elis air)'-.oltenott is .1 uite-*atis!xa.'ry-terries peteir st rseraile and is i thuuserdteh heteer sma4-p4S• Wittier the office to tall into the triads of some 4 1 theapplicants.•-1'Ast. ejlIV !� ! PIANOFORTE AWARDED FiRST SILVER MEDAL WORLD'S EXPOSITION, Nen' Oeerettttt 0.3.A.. L'r'.l-S. In eotnptttltion with the notartei of Europe and America. The inh- L.S. Int:'r'.etioual Medal ever award- ed to a Came: .an the ; a l"o Meda; and Dipltritw...-'1 tie Celestial and lndlar ExhIl.itlose ie.eden.::::A.. 1.t Y:, \�•:th the supreme hat:or ui .up,, ; hie Iter :ale,jeat\ .11. Queen \c all a ewcon:he Grand selected by Sir Arthur bu1Ii'An. Tot Illustrated Catalogue, priced lend tenure --tj Octavio Re es1Gc L Co., A 4 JuinlCrR'UL LAKE 1:'SC3 L'kC altZLIC Stomach i/ 4 Buw.lw Sold by Jame IA d:_n, draggles. : sae tee S.blr.. ee I: is n,rt necessary to buy corn erre,. I Men and woolen ahewld remember thet • Putnam • Painless C. rn Extract. r is the only safe,sure,and painless corn remover extant. 1* does Its week quickly and with certainty. 5..e that the et,;natore N. C. Polson d Co. appears or, each Is t: ie. Beware of poisonous imltati.ts _ ✓ J.•hn hreedfoot, eth line, Morris, has purchased from Wm. C•..per, of Turker- smith. a t1..4o'•bred Bates hull, at the Duc'',i'.s fames?, his dam being purehas- ed ir'au Mr I'etit, of Parte. This ho11 ea. sired hq his noted bull, "'Loan ' Prince - Breeders will do well to are this &Limal. iThe 'sew rain Istat. -- P lion's `.rrviltne cures flatulence, chiles, steams, and comp.. Ner-i.tre cures promptly the worst cases of neuralgia, toothache, lumbago, and .ctatica. Nerrilis(' is death to all pain, whether external, internal, or I real. Nervil,n, may be tested at the email cost of IOcents. Buy at once a 144 cent bottle of Nen-dine, the creat pain re- medy. 5-eld by all druggists and coWltry dealers. trade.:s and alterleakes. Since oranges have become w plentif el- and cheap during the greater part of the winter and opting very Comm.'n use can be made of them. Although s•eme claim they arc most healthy in their natural form It is doubtful if they are ever en- join -nu unity taoo many condiments are used with them. Too much sugar. but- ter and spice destroys the healthfulness of any ■stick of food. To make an orange podding that can hardly injure the moot delicate person, slice a few neintea in • nappy after re - tie's -trig the peel and seeds if the oranges are very Imre two are sufficient 11e • heat of milk, hut if small f..ur or Bee will be needed-aweeton sufficiently to remove all acid taste, and pour oder it a Llan mange made in the proportion .d feet table spoonfuls of ,nen starch to one quart of milk with a pinch of salt, dis- solving the o'.rn March in a little of the milk and adding to the remainder wawa near boiling. it should he made two or three hour. before dinner and served cold. If • richer podding,is desired use a little leas corn starch and add one, two ur three beaten an to the blare-usanSw, rearview the whites to whip into soft trashes for the top. Miss Minnie Teak and Mrs Thomas Ennis, Cranhrook. Ieft last week fa Manitoba oe a pleasure trip• 1 , MED L. 1. 1 -7:1- g ,E • 1 PURE -PEER ' . OT T SOLO BY .ALL DRt16Gjf,TS TOTFNPf,HEA1TIVO9!W MON? A COOK BOOK FREE By radio s*y'.1d•+ 2110nc i3h,rrest eel= addrsts. W .6,riiCt.ae.1_' %cerea:. Y:r.; 7'%J1T 'e .1.1 S. Are. r'.✓r_...ttheir even :t 3 1._d (44 emit deal. o'er or ...seats : c.«:S.v a -7 A,:ak• LIME. .•secs ac' 5A•ER00101. 107•,00 CoVer". ST.- TO.O".TO The unders.gned is prepared to undertake the putting in of Water Services in connection wild the Town System toDwell- ings and other buildings. Also REPAIRS To Steam Engines, Milts, Fac- tori:s and klz.chinery of all kind. Prices reasonable. Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. WILSON SALKELD. 2*_, /u gammir;,-/m-45a-Ln-ms-iiim a^ Q t 1 M t_ is C�E i iriiIN1 .c7 11 1C ten i •. - T 41: -'t in atn t.1«t .... =:!11(• . 1 S. t 1.'-•• •t -1 W 4.'1..4u noc t. Cl a 4 *134-4 442..!,;•t 7171, EP: LE='SY or FALLING $:CKTESS A pie :wig eery. 1 veteu :' . Cly t'•nu t reeetb *oa.tesies. 5,•••".1:• etherWse Is s, reams for me now' reser; Me a ears. lir at owe cure treatise end a saes BeYTTLrt of wy hit Awns kerne-. (,l,. 1.tpre..aura feat (1lll..•. 1t costs Ise► s.4 W'rt tor IIrial. au'l It *1Uvure}ou. A•Mtre-- '4. 0 BOOT*.C., lraach ori sic hitt C: es; :..:eta:de !Street, oraeto. 1READMAKER'S YEAST. MEAD „Gk 1' ed this. ..." -�v*.k Ha} :1 , Prise, et eneerie F_ttRla- -i s47, 0'..: t,.e •. 4dk. 1.'.4e writ► s.,v that it rarpsaees any yeast rear heed ter sheen. It miles thr(,I�hitest. .w.elect kr'.,., rot:., .*A heat ;-u.taki s. i t:..•..er• i❑ r.<, rlr every town a• elm ..Ala arc r •::ea SL PRICZ Fin CIMIT$, WINDOW SHADES JUST ARRIVED. BEAUT1FUL ES1CNS CALL AND SEE THEM :Arc -:T STOCK IV' TOWN. A_ B. $ ALM IL.r--0.DI _^+. SUMMER MILL1NER'F Jt. ST T TED 1ISSi; A large aet+ortment of the newest' sty:, -loin -Rat- and Eonnt•t••. 'FANCY RIBBONS, FEATHERS. FLOWERS. North Si. wccon'i r:oor of unease. te•-im SPRING -MILLINERY l --SPRING MRS. s LD here added a Large Stock of the Latent Noreitife in Flushes. Flow eras, Ribbons, and every other line for the * mbelishment of Hats, Bonnets, and every other article in her Milli- • nery Department, which she is sealing low. Her Display this year is Larger and Better than ever before. A Ticket for a chance on a Musical Dressing Case will be given to every purchaser of a hat valued at $2 or over, and the Gift will be awarded on Juin 1st. :':o' ALSO AGENT FOR PARKER'S STEAM DYE WORKS NOTICE TO BUILDERS 8 FARMERS is now running full time, an The Falls Reserve Lime Kilnd SPRING MILLINER Y any quantity of Fresh Lime can be obtained at the Kiln - at all times for 10c. a bushel. ivrISS C. .MERON M. & C. B/ECHLER Proprietors. Ooderieh. May90. *14*. :Mt( 10000 PRESENTS ritt.T Al risme. e. n Itch T5TT Lair \\ a ..•111 ..'rd M trwil an 4.p t'r',p,natr,tie to dark ranias% fe, r.:'tltrr or conk -.me 10 ► nosily -who will try the MtA11111stt't Batts.' Meets tint Coe red core: fn.n tk• label and send It 1^. a tetter sooting hoped trInlno •lt.n 4irtrill. *.:.h.+a5,10,,2.3 ,sal was w.. rause the x141 Any ?racy or storekeeper knows wh''Ato Maniu '- k•d hie Mio1- N ►' Ctiraci I. a CO4.TOKO:ITO CARLINVG'S ALE & PORTER CARLING'S BAVARIAN Pur lass. hrLIGER (Bottled) G. H. PARSONS 4.r ALSiON BLOCK. OODIRiCB. Haa now received ber Spring Stock of the et✓`tYlir !l EA'i rd(lt% `l JES 7 Se FL. 'AS Aad le prepared teen. her many lady eustnn1-re the Once CIty chyles at town rates. Owing to the fact that her bushiest has kept on increaNng, then has not been as o ppor testty to Printer* fora formal spring opening. All are I rlted to emulative a Quality, to) les and Prices. Weekly R Coalmene� I�amlReceived1ton and eR�Mitt the etbe Bast' SeaSHOWA lt 97 WE HEAD THE PROCESSION. OEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the best of value in all lines of Furniture -from the smallest chair to the largest and best bed -room set, or parlor suite. Ca11 and see his /tock and get a bargain. Z lTDERT. L rN-G. In all its branches, promptly attended t1. Eir EMBALMING FLUID always kept on hand. PICTURE FRAMING a Rp•cialty. 080. BARRY, Hamilton -St:, Oodetiaft