The Huron Signal, 1889-7-5, Page 4*11* futon tignal
to reatJswra
AT 177 sisals rftwyIs . OIIMt :
• It tea wide-awake local sewaappaaper• devoted
• ...nary news and the daseemivattuo of tre-
te aurae/ledge.
SATES w1 as nieta5ry7•ti
an • year ; 73c. for six months : We. for
r. r aw.t Ls. If the subs. rlptruu is not Qa id
_. l ries.. u laic r i pt its will be c hargadsa t
L carual advertisements. 10e-
s •
first tart rove'. and 3 cents per line
let ■3t rotes( lasertemi. Mraswed by
• •oohs scala
Luca1 nod..s ,n type 54: per line.
Loral votive, in ordtnarl reading type lc pe
Entine/s cards of el% tion and under N per
Advent:temente of Lost. Found, Strayed
13ttuaut, !; ous Yaeaonation %Canted and
(hare.. Wanted, nut exceeding t
tinge nonpareil $l per month.
Howe* on Sale and Feline on tale. not to
exceed a lure. t1 fur fin.) month, hoe per bah.
Seorient month. Larger advt. in proportion.
Any special mike. Go object of which is to
promote the pec•umary benefit of any indi-
vidual or company, to be con.idered an ad
vsrtiseuteat and charred accurditgly.
These tering will in .41 cases be strictly ad-
hered to..
Hpecial rates for larger advertisements or
advertisements for 'Steadied ptenud4 made
known at the office of publication.
A fully equipped Jobbing Of lee i. carried
eve In connection with the ordinary newspaper
lwinrss. where flew -class work 1. turned put
at reasonable rates- Every thine in the print -
ins line can b.• done on the premises moot as
tlhwntmted poster to a vWting card.
AL communications must be addressed to
Kditorot Tis SIONAL
?1r Cal. ?Co. 30. Golerie h Oat.
A Weed w awe above sew rwbuN-Ssese
TOW Mee tometo Illaam.
• xuut:ale 111trutnrurat[Lra.
We have received !rem the publisher,
J. Theo. Monomers, ,Muutrsal, a ropy of
his authorized *dime) of •'A Modern
Mephistopheles," by Louts. M. '*leant,
author of ' Little Women," Ota It is
well gotten up, and u ea sale at the
bunk stalls.
tiatieek'n W5U,tZINE Tea JULY.
William Elalkie, author of "How to
Get Strong, acid How to Stay So, ' and
"Sound Bodies fur our Buys and Girls."
writes to Hurper's .11o9azin• fur July, up -
co the question "14 American Stamm*
Declining r and makes • number of
pesetical sugimeti•,us fur reforming our
system of education in the direction of
physical training. lir Jounce Miller, ut
the Supremo Cuurt cit the United Stator,
also contributes • paper upon his owu
State, luwa, to Harper's Mupa.,nr fur
July. Mr Millets portrait, engraved
hum • photograph, will form the fr.ntia-
pieae. Mr C'unta, in the t'u..y (.hon,
will furnish a sketch of Mr Atelier, thus
supplyteg the omission of • reference in
the paper on Iowa to 0511 of the chief
men of the State.
The July imus of -Tamer's Mrigorins
is a Midsummer Fiction number, cot. -
Wining seven complete short sturtes,fuur
of these richly Illustrated by such artiste
as Frederic Itemlogton, Robert Blues,
Chester Lou is ; and an unusually er-
e:Wog instalment of Mr `_tevenson's seri-
al, "The Master of Bellaire*," the
illustration (f which, from s drawing by
William Hole, is thefreutupleee of the
number. There are also included the
second article in the new Electrical
Series; and iuterestiog Poems.
The July Wife Awake has many
strung, timely features, notably two ea -
HURON SIGNAL. pelly AicanOis a
wardctas "Fourthntur"f. July
ne at libeling*
JULY 5, 1IN.
The frosts of the latter part t f May
did considerable damage in this county
and all over the pruvince, but it was im-
possible to gauge the injury with any de-
gree of ao uracy until such time ae the '
various crepe had time to make recovery.
The wet, raw weather followiog the
spell of !rest, however, wade •a Treater
tangle in the situation, and anything
like a jus: Mtimate .•f the couditiun of
affairs could not be arrived at until with-
in the past week. when the weather as-
sumed a mantel state.
Fruits here been considerably injured
by frosts in this county. The orchards
have suffer, d tern. ly. The apple yield
will be the lightest fir year., and other
fruit trees have also been thinned. (:rape
vines were sip i.ed severely, and the sec-
ond bud will hardly mature is time to be
of much vale. this season.
A great deal of the potato crop has
rotted iu the grounu su some townships,
necessitating replauting. The wet state
of the soil bas delayed the sowing of
turnips, a:.d cultivating generally.
Fell wheat was not hurt creat!) by
frost, but tho rain has damaged .1 con-
siderably on tow -lying field:. It is .Suite
rank and lodged very much in teeny of
the townships. Ituat is threatened, is
amount of so touch dampness. Spring c
vibe* except on low, uudrainei Salad, (
looks well. Barley has been more ifa-
jured by frost and rates th •n any of tie o
other grains. It is healing unevenly, e•
and is very pour on undrained soils. *
Chats will be nue of the best crops fur a
years. It is a remarkably heavy crop ar
for straw. Pease suffered a good deal
from the rain, mid in low and undrain- j
ed places has a sickly, yellow lo,k, as if P
ruttintf at the routs. The corn planted 11
for fodder has been "knoeke•i out" by
frost and continued wet, c. !J weather.
These who have meditated tile practice
of ensiling have had a set•hack this year.
Hay and clover promises to un a goad
cut, although touched by the frust. The
copious rains, however, corrected a good
deal of the injury wr.,u:ht by `rent. To
Young meadows especially look k tip-top. H
The harvest will leo from nue to two w
weeks later thin usual. and when taken as
all together, things are enc.ura'tne tr- th
day compare/ with the 'l.:ospeet five ba
lege -the A user/can college m Ccnatast-
isuple, • seed -bed of .4iueriaan ideas in
Europe ; the other is Mrs Burton Har-
neoe's "The Republican CJert," in
which she gives portraits and charming
little biographies of eighteen of the pro-
minent young society women who were
in General \t'aahwgton's circle of friends,
Mrs Washin:'ton herself leading the
trate.. These -portraits are from the cele -
orated Baltitaore porcelains -an herr-
1u.711 which ex -Mayor Hodges of that
city has "founded" for his descendants ;
the eighteen plaques form the wall decor-
ation of his ntuw,-room. "Mademois-
elle Papa'" is a touching little tale from
the French, translated by Miss Virguuia
Champlin who, It will be remembered,
mot a fate quite as sudden and terrible
as death from an expibaiun in the wines
described iu this story.
This number begins the 3Otn volume
of this increasingly popular Magazine.
It has three illustrated articles -one on
the picturesque cities of Northern Ger-
many, Hamburg, Lubeck, Hildesheini,
Wittenberg, eta, by the Rev Dr Breen.
Another is a graphic paper on Memories
of Rome, from the graceful Fro of Pro-
fessor Coleman. The Rev Geo Bond
continues hi. vivid "Vagabood Vig-
nettes' of travel in Palestine. All these
are beautifully illustrated. The Rev Dr
Strafford contributes an able paper on
the Unchurched Classes -a valuable con-
tribution to social phil.s, phy. Dr
Carman COlitinues his important diem'
*ion of the Methodist Itinerancy, and
Senator !Macdonald concludes bis very
interesting series of papers on Early
Mvthcdi ,n and Presbyterianism in To-
ronto. Rev 4' S Blackstock also can-
tedes his thoughtful papers o : "The
;sit of Tongues." A charming tea part
story. •"Phe Etder. Wife," by "Sate
Holm' -a sequel to the exquisite atory
f "Draxy Miller" ---s l.eguti. The edit
r brings before his readers an import-
ut contribution el the ever-growing
pirit of Christian Unity.
The prevent is a good time to sub
rib. to this neteretting Magazine. "The
:deli Stn," • struugly-written story by
Irs A E Ilam, will shortly be begun.
rice' a year : 81 for six months
20cts. par number. Toronto: Wllliaw
We ,to nee kohl nnrselves responsible for the
opinions of our Curr.spondent., l'ontribu-
turs t.. this de-pert,nent must ronOne them
selves to pubhcquest ions. and be brief.
'something .best Ib. Railway.
the Editor of THE Sn.x•t..
Deas Stre-Before I left Winghatn in
ay, 1KRG, every one I met was again
ailing to think fsvorahly of Goderich
id its citizens as • whole, whatever
ey might still feel towards individuals;
t, if we may judge by the f.ollow-
g freta their recent newspapers,
e feeling there must be very different
today. The .4•lrnt4re of three weeks ego,
in speaking of the 'tier 01 Mr Meyer for
the charter of the W inghain branch of
tine C. P. R , says : "This would have
involved decisive action on his part, but
quibble* on the part of the Goderich
council, and, from what we can learn,
too close prying• billowed by descourte.y
to Mr Meyer. knocked the charter on
the head,' and thea it laughiuptly and
tauntingly, but justly adds, "if they get
another charter we wuule recommend
em to decide to stand by it, and do as
r to,wnawten did- -put their sheelder*
the whorl and wake it to. Never,
, wsa sounder, to 're appropnate our
weeks a;1.. tb
'Is R iigy Pnrrtt,of Elenvale. Mim-
eos Co., M. P. jo'. t• ,t for West Huron,
has quite * time of it endeavoring to pass
bimeelf 'H f.,r a Huron cettivy nun.
caber be is in (:'alarieh he newel!, reuie-
ten himsolf "1' ,hart Porter, o; alerteh,"
and when ns Croton. ' 1: beet 1'. t ter,
Clint .n, mime .r. in a is !:'man hand.
Hitt latest attempt to claim re.rbence in
Huron; Wel last week when the Exeter 11'
an ::: 'Nir R Porter, M.P., till
of Ciento'', gave us a friendly cal ••n ; sir
Monday 1..4 It will now be in order tut'
for Mr Porter to have his risme placed cn
on the v••ter.' list in the deferent mucin- i No
cipalities where he registers hirneelf as we
're necoes*ry advice offered to an
mm'trity, than is the .note 10 the
mins of tiorerech at the present
trent ' The following from last
rk's 1Vinghein T:,n.., •tthou.;h not
being a . rodent of.
Blair street Ileptist church. Tosootn,
bas extended an :negation t.. Rev T.
Trotter. ..1 «'• Amick, brother o4 Mr '
Trotter late of Clinton Baptist Church.
M Mr James McCook') was reiurntag N,
from I;lytle nese day .reek het 're fast hie ! st•
horses, • hen near the bridge, became I the
fnehten.4 and attempted to run away. ' can
As tl:e ep;•r .ach t., the bridge /..lute • sig
Melt 1/11,4, 'Tr McComb' was ie rather a the
daneer•,.,..steatt•,n,h•It Jimmy beteg an ; l•k
etiert web 'he ribbons guided tikem t
eshly over willlovt mishap, !new
ectly to the point. look. on
regiment: it says "Winghun having no
minion Celebration, ritieoui hare the
.lee of taking in any of the seri-nand-
townsarmrests or re/nestling at
me. Kincardine, Tsesw■ter, Brume!,
roxrter hail., sports on Ther day."
,t inns word ..f G•elerieh, sir, nntwith-
nding the eelehrity oaf then, tient-Star,
horde of c*hthumpmw,s, the tin-
rke, nor, what is one .•f the rarest
lite in Camila, the l*eneb of one of
largest sailing remelt that swims her
es, and all the other amusements oaf
M day ; besides the onnr.siese of the
perilirlo in lin Park. And who
can wouder at it 1 1 beg here to
uses, sir, that when 1 using any nue
what hereafter follows, it te out done
the purpose of drawing particular art
tido to that individual ; but simply
reference by whswh to test` easy verse
should any one choose to do au, tor,
you are aware, 1 have within the 1
two years been ou three several
stuns, publicly deuounoed ** a liar,
what cetnes to about the mum thine
charged with habitual "falsehood,"
all ariuu4 out of rte narrow -mind
course pursued by the ouuueil tower
the committee un the subject of the r
road ; and although these charges w
fully replied t., at the time, I )nay
revert to sone of them. Shortly after
Mr Woodmen's return from Denver be
aud I again got os. Bair hobby --this rail -
read, -Sud about the beginning of April
I wrote Mr Mfeyer, as a forlorn lame,
asking of there was anytime that could
be dune to save the charter, to which he
replied that there was still a chasm, If
certain steps were immediately t.k
explaining the whole matter fully ; a
incidentally remarking that he bad a
week or two before that, received s
letter trent our town clerk, on behalf cf
the council, asking the very same thing
as I had doue,and that he bad replied to
it much the same as he had done tc me.
The twit clerk's letter to Mr Meyer is
referred to in the first of the two Tetters
published came weeks ago, and bis reply
thereto:reported as "filed but, sir, it
was never ackcowledgrd ! There wuat
surely bo something wrung in the atmos-
phere of our town hall, that common
business courtesy cannot exist within
its walls ! Very shortly after receiving
the letter above referred to, it became
generally known that the council had
deterw,ued to abandon the charter en-
tirely, whereupon Woodcock and I call-
ed upon Mr ex -Mayor Seager, as one of
the pruvutionals, to see whether some-
umothing could not be done to induce the
council to save the charter, but on look-
ing over the list of his crllesgues he
shook his heed and expressed $ doubt
that anything could be done by them,
and nothing was done. We then called
'n Dr the present chairman
of the Citizens' Committee, who at on
expressed his willingness to call a mea
of the committee if we desired it, b
that he felt sure it would do no good,f
be did not believe that the conn
would listen to anything that we mig
propose to theta on the subject, and that
if any good was to be done at all it
would have to be by apesking to them
individually. an uehtll and undesirable a
job. But this feeling taint not only
consonant with our own opinions but also
with that of the whole community,we let
the matter drop ; but in a very few days
thereafter came Mr Meyer • letter t•f Br-
ing to take the abandoned charter, and
iu the twinkling of en eye it became cf
immense value sod changed the eludes
course of the council's conduct towards
it. There is much mute, sir, connected
with this most important subject which
I desire to bring before the public, but
for several days past my hands have
been in such an alienist continual state
of cramp that I cannot Lorssuhly get It in-
to this week's issue. Yours, Rc.,
Tants•.. KYDD.
Goderich, July 4th, 184.
pre- !of the beet. A complimentary and very
w • feeling mistreat" was preseeted to
fur the rev gentleman and Ilia partner, Mre
ea Campbell, by the Waimea the W. M. S.,
u a Ito which he replied in very feeling terms.
sty Some till* r..usutly h1 was the reapteut
ea • of • handsome prevent by the young
oat people .t the ouugreijstion, as a token
woos- I of their great respect fur bum.
air As was announced by advertisement
--' Mr R Porter, III. P., on Wedaesiay, the
sad 2titb ult , at Belfast, delivered au std -
0d ' dress purporting to vindicate his course
d• I of action in the douse of Parliamvut use
ail' the Jesuit Bill Quite • number of the
511 sturdy yeomen were treseut, Dungan -
Yet HOD being re resented by Messrs J B
Crawford, o! the firm of Craaturd slit
Andersen, merchants, and 11'm Lane,
township clerk, of the municipality of
Aahtield. Mr John Grundy, of Lu:k•
now, acted u chairman cn the uco•aiun,
The address was lumped to with rapt
attention, and good order on the part of
theme present, at the close of wheat:, 11
en, was moved and seconded by the follow -
ad ing gautl..ueu respectively -Messrs Jae
Gardener and R E Brown, both uI Ash-
field -That we disapprove and euudomu,
in no .scall terata, the part which Mr
Porter took in the matter of the Jesuit
Bill when before the Howe. It was
moved in ameudnent by Mr John Rees,
Lucknow,and aecoeded,tbat his course of
action be sustained; and being put to the
meeting,the motion was declared carried,
only about a dozen favoring the ameud-
men t ; in c, meet uence of which Mr Porter
may have some definite ideas as to his
chances of success in the future as M. P.
for West Huron.
T. tout a tent.
There is no lack of so-called cures for
the common ailment kuuwn our corns.
The vegetable, animal, and mineral
kingdoms have been ransacked for cures,
its • simple matter to restore corns
without pain, for if you will go to limy
druggist urmedicine dealer and buy abot-
tle of f'utnam's 1'ainles. Corn Extractor
aud • 1 it as directed the thingu
done. (let "Putnam's," and no u:ber.
u( Elgin county repealed the Scutt Act
1. Wednesday.
0t Examination Ur thirds, seconds, and
or joules matriculation will commence July
bt Thecae' house at the G. T. It station,
belonging to the Racey estate, Clinton,
was s•.Id by auction on Saturday, Har-
land Bros. benne the purchasers.
From onr own corresponden .
On M snday wa were highly farm*
with a t ntely shower ..f rain.
Mrs McArthur is on a visit to Londo
Ont. Somebody looks very lonely.
Mr Gordon Anderson's ghild is recov
ered and is able to run around as usua
One of Harlkck'a farmers, after hunt-
ing through an orchard of over 100
trees, made a discovery- he Sound three
apples. He 1* going to keep his eye or
As AIr Wm.'dlanhall, Murcia, wMen-
gaged in hauling posts ou Monday of
last week,one of them became loose from
the load, and falhug on hia fce.t injured
it severely. He will likely be laid up
for some tune.
Mr Quinton, cit Exeter, lost week
brought the largest load of wets! tc Sea -
forth that has been brnutht there for
some years. It weighed 1,200 lbs. and
he got 21 cents per pound for it, Mr
James Beattie being the purchaser.
Tne handsome bronze Centennial
medal offered by the Royal Caledonian
Curling Society and won by the Seaforth
Curling Ciub Inst sinter, has been re-
d ceived by the secretary. It is a beautiful
trophy, of which the curlers way justly
feel proud.
n Legal Notices.
Mr and Mrs John Martin, et Wing. Tt DICIAL SALE'
ham, visited Dungannon on Saturday
29th ult.
The council of Ashfield will meet i
the usual place on -duly tith, All concern
.ed will govern themselves accordingly
Tne Rev W F Campbell left here o
Tuesday, the 2nd, for his new appoint
tient at Holm(eville, carryine with him
the beat regards of his congregation
A great many in this village and viei-
n5ty went to Goderich to celebrate the
Confederation Anniversary, by taking
in the sights and enjoying thamselve
We are pleased to know that Mrs ThoHarris, who has been s•s seriously ill, i
gradually becoming convalescent. May
she continue to de so until she will be
able G. resume her household duties.
On Sabbath, the 30th ult , the Rev WF Campbell preached his farewell ser-
mon from the worts, "To him that over -
cometh," etc., as contained in Rev. in,
21. He, in terms of great affection,
urged his hearers to receivoJesus Chnst,
about whom he l -ad preached during his
term of three yuan amongamongthem,as their
only Saviour.
Tho direct'rs of the West %Vawanoah
Mutual Fire Insurance Co. heli a meet-
ing in:the curt mann here on Tuesday,it
being the regular monthly meetang. The
sec.-treas., .l M Roberts, having s:, much
business ut his own to occupy his time,
at the last meeting resigned the treasur-
ership. Mr Wm Lane OM then ap-
pointed treasurer by the directors. He
is the right roan in the right place, be-
ige highly Testified fin. the position, and
will give geed satisfaction.
A cameo( sodden indisp union to.•'1 place
in the fainly of Mr P Hamlin, baker, of
this village. After partakut1 of silence
on Sunday lam, Mr Ilamlin, wife, and his
sister and brother. 'rho dined with him,
suddenly became ill. Dr McKay war
called up .1,, whit, I.y Lis 61.1:1, checked I
the disease, •hick, but f•r timely atten- I
tion, might have resulted s.mewhat mord i
seriously, It &mum that is w os hrought
'n by some pickier air t )her ediblec.n-
tamnug a poi*..nous acid. W. are hep- ,
py to be able to state that through the
treatment used by the (motor they
are almost recovered and out of danger.
A pleasant evening wsa spent at the •
residence of Mr Treleaven, of this ei1-
Imre. on Thursday afterniein, The Wo. •
man's Missionary Society, in renceo-
h..n wnh tion M•thoduet ehnrch here, '
by way of evincing the esteem with which
they regard their peeler, the Rev 1V F.
(emphell, who hes atteud.4 to their
spiritual edification during the tut three
years with grant fervor and sever tapes, I
held • inial at the residence aforesaid.
After theme present had amused them.
t - or
Public An lion and Tender• at the ('onrt
!louse, in the town of Welland, at eleven
et clock a.m., on the
17T13 OF dQ0-1:782"
Colored fueling 5 cents per yard, Worth Mts.
Gingham B cents per yard, Worth lOcts.
Chock Zapu)lga l 'CBDtS per yard, Worth 2508.
Seersuckrs, Just Opened - - 6 cents per Yard.
Inspection Invited.
Jordan's Block. ()Wench, July 4th, IIkA
She People's EColulnn.
CIIBL SIANTED,-To is R oefel 1l 1 l ( NICHOLSON, L.D. '(.
i house -work. Good wages to satiable -
perron. Apply to LI ENTAL P O O 11 h,
11 It MILS. F. F. LAWRENCE. Eijbth duo( below the Pu.t OCa.w, Weseet„
G..paa/tM. 3015,
Tenders will be received by the undersign-
ed or the County ('Ierk until Wednesday. the
Lt , instant• for an addition to tar Registry
(l( e•e in the Town of tiodcricb. flans and
*predication* may be sees at eke County
Clerk's entice.
itesd Com inisalonPe.
July 2nd. 1&i. 11.1t
Ons and 5'ttalizeo Air administered for
paiuleavevtract tug of teeth. Spee ail attention
Mees to the preservetwn of the Natural
Otiicc - 1';. stars. Grand Orem House Block.
Entrance ou West -tit.. l,udenth. 2111-ly
A contract will be let et Holmesville brir'ge. '- -- ___.G..-.
of July. Township,us. *1 owe o'clock
t P.M..
of Juny, persist year, at nue nilo.:k I'. M.. U
for letting tete building of a bridge about one napoletano burgeons, Acaouchers. Sm.
hundred feet l ng in same plate. Plan and 0400 at Ur. Shannon-) r•eslden..le near the
sutcification win 5. green oo the ground,' se p1OIGodenrt U. C. tuawuox, J. it. Sias.
the time or letting the contract. nor. 1751
11 -td JOHN COX. Reece. -
Tenders will)* received ty '5. undersipi-
ed until Wednesday. the 17th :natant. for the
plumbing required to bring the water into
the Court House an4 JAIL art•ifiestiors
may be sten at toy o/ace. The lowest or any
tender not na•rsaarily accepted uuleas satia-
County Clerk.
GOderieb. July at), I4w. 11.11
1,10R SALE -BICYCLE -New Lapid
• --,Clrro.t new, M ioc•h. goal to No. 1
It..dtte or Warwick. Wheel eaa be seen u
J. J. 310URE t Ca'* *shoe store. 921
1 PLICATIONS will be received up to
Saturday the tOth inst.. for the position of
Poundteeper for tit. Patrick's ward, person
appointed to seryl preemies for the pound.
92t A3SI'115 LL town r5-rk.
tinter, Solicitor in High Court, Convey
aur.r, Goderich and Haylwld. Hay -held of -
doe open per vent.
from 11 to 4. looney to
loan at
1) C. HAYS, 1,OLICirOR, de
.L Mee, earner el Mquare and Wen
sire**, Goderir.h. over telegraph odice. Pri-
vate Funds to lend at 6 per cent. 23!01
RIsTKIt-s Cttornevs. Solicitors.
aoderieb J. T. Garrote, W. Prowdeoouut- 17
Itarrtpers. Solicitors In Chancery Ate.
2oderich. M. C. Cameron. V.C.; P. Holt. M.
0. Camerae. t C. Rose, 1751.
For Bak or to Let.
('HEA P - 291, 305 KIItn street and 15f.
Quebec street: Also one phonon, a one-horse
ale5ch and a set of single heroes.. Amide to
11-11 DY )k3L1t INU.
-About two minutes walk from the +warn.
Two stories high. h -ick addition in 'he rear
It stories high. buiding covered with state.
Stain building ha. 3large rw.msou fins flat.
uppsstairs there are 5 large room.. In the rear
within there are kitchen. mint. washroom.
Upstairs. girls room and bathroom. Alter gu.*d
cellar. Apply to the nnder.igwed, who will
glue alPaecesary information.
Miss Andrei** will give lessons nn the
piano 10 a limited number of pupil., at her
rn.idence Britannia Road. or at the rest*
dense of penile. Terms rra.naahle. Having
hada nmunberot Tear,' experience as e We} ....ret teacher, she feels conhdect of riving
satisfactory tuition. 4:im
low The very desirablelfarm ceramistAnar for tale 6e fol -
of the
easterly Macre. of Work "F,- in the :tit con-
ressi'on of t5c Township of Colborne. In the
('punt of Huron. fhb farm is sitttat
r(', 11 miles from Godench, and 1#
mile.. from Carlow. on the Stain oravel
!toad. Tore is a good frame /aortae. 1l-
.torrys, almost new, 35 by X. contatniag 7
moms : a large barn. s0 try 42. with cattle
shed. 42 by 14, attar h.•d, and one of the finest
orchards In the township. It is watered by
a 5Cver-fallisyr spring ere, k and a good well.
There eut 1s no wro10 te land landand of free frown
kindsoo the
place. Good school within a0 rods of the
WiL be .nil. nn reasonable terms.
green, and further particulars apply to
Jou. BitECi1ENRtrN)}:.
ace Pig K n._tN. uoderkk
1 on the pwyprie.s,
J ae9 -
1 LET,
The Parcel% of Land hereinafter ref ar j
redr1 HE HURON 11 _--
to and nerubered one Two. Thres our,
Five. Six and Seven. t'sreels R sod 7..}• ill ice
sold a. Martin s Hotel. Goder•ch, on the 24th
day of August next. at 12oielock. noun.
P2.11(1:1, 1 -catenated of pan M Let
Eleven. tomo -a- ion 1. Township of Benne.
County of Welland. containing:r. scree.
PARCEL 2 -fart o1 Lnt 1.4 •Con; e'*.ttm
Town -hip of It dloughby, l'onnly of Welland,
containing :o a:n's.
a P.tlt.'}:L 3 -Tne youth Part of Lot Poe. in
the Fifth l'oneeesinn, and the North Part of
Lot One, }'onnh toner -Won, Township of
i Naltn0,.e , County n( tt'ellwnd, T ares.
it of ti ellend. 4 -Lot :s, on }'ra*er street. Town
PARCEL 4 -The Esat Half of `trrtion tf
Township 2. Range 3, Fust Manitoba, 3 I1
I'.CRI'Et, ti -The lt'r.t Half of tuition 19.
Township 13. Range 1, East Manitoba, 315
Township 111. Range 7- The . (East Manalf of itoba . 321tiOn .
ameba 12.
l'Alt('6L .-Lots numbers 10. 11, 12, 13 and
37. I0 liitehell's survey. In the Village of
Fur:1w•Ich, county of Horn.
}'.Cltl'KI. 5 Lots "A" and "iI" in !fridge
Mace, ace, known as .vlltford. To1W113hip of
t':dpsrae. County of Huron. adjacent to
Goderich: Th. bmildinis comprise what Is
known es "The Tannery.
1 Tenders will be received by :he Bald Master
up to and iaausive of the Nth day of
Amime neo, for Para -I.:,. ORM 7. 41111 shontd
I the same air any Parcel thereof remain unsold
the same will he offered for sale at the times
and places above mentioned.
Each Parcel to 1,..uhlect 10 • reserrel bid
Ito be fixer) by the Master.
TERMS. -- to per met, of purchase money i■
cash. or by narked cheone at time of ole er
tender, to the Meister. the balance to be paid
i Into I'nert to!hecredlt of this :natter.
'rhe Ctmditions of Sale are the standing
conditions o• the ('onr.
Yew further Nara -Wars apply to Menem
Ross, Camet•rn, Me Andrew 8- Can... /Mrrfe-
.ers. Toronto : (icor.. Gamow Sc 1'rnudfeot,
iktrrlarer.. Dieierlrh : or to Jahn Folinshee:
.•arbrny, Vendor's Solicitor.
i w ei 1111.11,5 Italie. 135.
P. M.CLCOLMS(1N. Loral lfoater
Of the tenpreme I'o.ort
Fo- On1. tarin}Ytl.IatNSptdI;r,
11-14 Vendor's Solicitor
•elves cid partaken of the gond thence
vjd(d, which were in abundance std
ms's Notice
1N TH11 M-trrilt OP
301117 POLLQCK,
of lb. V Ilag. of Bayfield, to the County of
therms. 1lotel Keeper,
The alto a named drhtnr has made an aa-
sigvtrnent rn mw, under the pop intone of "An
1ct respect ing .t.eignmwnts for the he•nrfit of
Creditors, Lrin,e Chap. 121. It. S. O., IO•:."
A racoon,of the m'redltnes of he said
MA•aw diel IM w .fin
Dope fn the Teen f '
d r ilio It4 . for the appointment of ',p-
the giving of dir-ctles with
reference to the dl.posal of the ,'star...
E.'"ry regio rlat ni14 to /r snarl*,, to ran
0n the wstat, i. r.gnirwd us. formats to mr per-
tMnlen or rlal:a. pr,oreal by *Oka tit rpm d.•-
e1•rHioat. eel each roliplwws as the case ad-
mit. o,l.
Sheriff of !Intern,
°kerlff's Ogle. 0oder)ch. Jowl!. l r .k
1 bald at a.) o^1r. •n the l
' . n n bn.lwrirh. at ppm I L OR SALT:.
5. k In the forenoon. en T.uwtay the
(► rEL.
This well-known and papula- hotel ha beesrearrefitted and enlarged during the rear season.
and i* now second to namin nuabty or .-r-
cummr.:aiinn for the travelling pnbllc. Uood
atwmmodasion for transient Warta*,
The Square, Ooderich, Ont, Proprietor.
Loans 'rib insurance.
Conveyancer, Insurance, }pale sod General
A nt.
Money to Lend at Low Rates and Cost,
Farmer, Notes IHsconntcd.
Orrice --Next to ('ornell's Furnitu-e Store,
Uuderlcb. 2115-0
11" J. T. NAFTEL,
Reprvw'nting North Briti.h !t Mercantile
Liverpool. London t (:lobe; Norwich Union:
North American life; and Accident inanr-
sore of North America.
Lowest States. Lc...* totted promptly
31on57 to Loan on !um and Town Property
Conveyancing' done. Property valued. etc'
Omee -Ca•. North -et. and Square. Goderich*
To lent nn farm and *own property. at low
est interest. Mortgage- purclased, No co*t
mission charged agents for tLc Tru*t and Loan
Company of ('anadn, the Canada Landed
Creel t Company. the London Loan Company
of Canada. interest. C. di rued 7 per coat.
N. ll.--Serrowrrs can obtain isomer la
day, U title wt istarte'•v.
Brr3- IDA V k.u\JO MNSTON,
Harrutera• t'r Oodrrtcl.
A goal brit home 'wits:ping ten ratans.
good . e11ar, stable, bail aid 'Ott water. at
Present occupied by H. L Nemec, Seq. Poe.
imeeilm riven in clay. Apply to )SRS F.
Lot 17S --of Godericb Apply to,
The property at present nc-uuie4 byth
undereagat•d as a reellearr on the Huron
Road. in 'lc Town of Goderich. ...molding of
oo we halt of an acre of land.good frame house -
kitchen, hard and softvwater en wood tope cel-
lar, stab;., wool and .•arriak,• houses, Theft
are also -nn., gold fruit ire's. This mown!'
parsonlwishing to lted amretired. very °IF .' t for
Sher petllcularsappl to
993m ('AMPiON
Barrister. Oodertch.
1 FOR SALE. -La( It, in Maitland Con
Cnlnsyse.112atrva-s very fine farm. Price
I15G Lof t Ii.+ricej In 1r•t rod. K. D. Ashfield.
10 acres.itleilosa,Brues,Connty 100 LoIn aacre*.iend IWill heseid
rery rbeap.Lnte 1s. rased Wf or 17. la the lith
cin.Wawaao..h, 50n acreso(escslleot Gaal to
one block. Price ttl3,aes, Lot ,3, Mclion. Free yygall's
d town off Olodderi hh on Light Renee
*eraser. witb brick house and staMk. Price
anlTown 0011. lolls
nearly fib of an o and acreein
one block vi !thin the busewevs pan of rhe
town. Prier only :50(i. The ■1tove proper-
ties wiil be mild on easy terms of payment_
Apply to
N.D. -Money to lend MEAGER, Ooderleh.
at era low rates. W
r$10*hl. property known ns toterwif:le:
]Maitland cow.. Ooderich ktwnsh p, withi`500,000 TO LOAN.'APPLYTO illiofOodrrtrh. (enthe loan arra CAMSRUNHOT.!&C.AMKftON, fsod0v+'h5rd,goalframe Ionaar..tkit.hen,i•Se atony te14r andtram la d
pili.** 73 err*., well watrrnrl. Fnr further
ONEY TO LEND. --A L A R G li I ►arrknlars spplyto Q,o M,Xkgesw Ib.• peron.
amount of Private Funds for InveMm.n -
diftener parts of anderteh- front' segs
m ' aces la arta; and 1 dwelling houses. A
5117 to THO$, WEATLSRAL.D. pb7d.11
so bath room. pantry. • keretn lila weed -
la*.! .n Man:r far qtr nr in wxnge fo
farad property,5 WK- }(YIUHT. (iefioderhds.r
west street (Iwderi11(L
oit. 7tt - --.---..--.__ 21,11.55et lowest -stem on first-clasMortg gr* Appel
toU.tkIloW t PItOUilrool*
owl FYr.t-.4a.. tbwpnalee Rwpr.aeejef
1 S4neey to Lased en *tralgbt tonna at the
Inwn.t rale, of interest going, in any way to
snit 11. eerrrroower
Tt►rri('K -solved eaved deer from Newsh
RALE. The hoose has nine roomy. el
rbr.t, hai'l and soltwater. The Wen cow-
ialrr *15504. of Pini,, Clre 5Yt
-3545 I - r
a ..f J
TION Mtn and Land Val:sate . (5nterkle
(int, Raving had etwesiderable experlenee
the awe lowering trade, he Is In •kmt
dlaeharne with theeedRlt sesrayartlun eItll rein
tnl.alnM eatrneted to lin. Order*, lett al
Martin s hotel, for se avail to my a1te!!g n
Oodeyfek P. (1., •Vehiad to. J0$)f
11104 Cetaty iweVerpsee, tier
R'e'nt half of lot 752. Arthur Mee*h with
mean heir•k .'otrasre thereon.
nommen Lees. 191. Mk 244, 245, rhea
Street. It, Andrews tt'are
Oat. Cotner of Huron and Rrttannta Rnad,
Frame 14 story house oe Keays r-,1 met. MI
sod half land.
jeererat Ito)* ie Reed%Barvey, nppeette sew
Meow Ornnn.l., vie, :
Nue ft,ra. s. in. f W St M.
seAll w abate at OW RATES.