The Huron Signal, 1889-7-5, Page 3THS HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JULY 5,1(0 IN (WAKDED WIIISPERS.t ,, .mal coo:, ler Lades... y to 11 to shopkeeper. '•I: mint he •.m•- COONEY THE FOX TALKS WiTH tlfl!oriel;[ ;reale('`.1' 1 aw m.oc prepered ter this CORDER BOLAND. fare we •e r• Ise tt,e nods' of the ••t boot ware end I deet ku•,w what will •ee.•we •.1 uta noless I get tutu a this The Cresta •urines eaddrsdy •ppean b •uiutuer Jr•tr • Ceara at ra.wcu, are Ssanrr tshap, nil. tematk, mad. in 0111 of our peau--Qlsat segos lays.( •tire sh..pi she:* everythit.e; acanthi,♦'ust ►e,., .lune oo.-1 gang Carlon .at i.. In. had, se: use Ili; akiu1. Otiose par.•cu own the cottage in whict Whet to the demos' tante t•f a drew 1 JIr. Cronin was murler_l,deoleres two met Hail ladies ariue that it Melee little mune to the cottage yesterday and threaten' Ls...enc. relies we wear. If Ile Is rattrrr ed hint with death if h. should ideatif) • warm we shall suffer whether robed it. Martin Burke, nom easier arrear at Wias�, ..a„rn. a :t•n. or eel. 1 Late been try• 1'e use rayruwwa�, w tth the result that I Lea ectal noosed Jury will probably fin oa,.• Wader ulsevtriy, at d cats I.ritttelf• . tat -morrow haudinq Jr, a fes in .at• •hat t•,ull.td is the c.•,1est material dinnueuts Itis probable John F. Iegg an Pale :k Cooney, Burke'✓ partnet, nett ' ' tor a euwunrr dress I trust my i.e iu the let. Alexander Sullivan a friend -.atra.ent wi•1 an wage a ''valuer" iu try they de not tear hia indict meet, yet then "" t`•a:`.t. is&strong teeliug that atrne hal will be foam Foulard is abort as this. a silk as is against the ex President of :he Lan ....1 iF iturey: 1•. is to le had tr. every League. So much evidvuce lime heist lug .,•..r:, •lat!r p:esu and de.,. i.ed. It ir before the o:ruin Jury regarding the tate % ,,,, 1..y.,I • a crw fabrt•:. but its Revd working, of the Clan-na•Gae1 that it is be , r...t trier •u„•':ly knowu and lwtcd :i.e (.raa4Jury Liss male a!, it•l.oin to °a."'" oetadr•g act. 1`oe "ma."'p 1''i•uat.J. it ie the sort of thing that U't+ellirs.�, }Cas buss ••leaking right aloal '1: • is u'rua into a s:luple ,.,eau and a es,/ +t ;mid* I, v"+ • Jitney to oil tight For m• riling, ••:r it Illy be noon. . at, tdiy ne 6 oett/tl} trinow«.bud fancifully fashioned AI► mw who has been _....ed tret 010 it d• Jtiat Ike thing f••r rtrut.g wear. iwtuissr ..f murder casts whs,n`.owpirscy if say tIiag is cud, touierd a cool. It tat figured largely, and it is a noteworthy t, .,s n..t chin„ it t.. extreio,.:r light in fit that hit clients have gnre:aliy w,.red •,idbt,o R.,uirr*. lout a %cry thin liu- teemrrlr.s by telling what they knew obulliv:to knmrs it win be .gage eteougg t. •'g and n xt be rather ce,•pieuou. o hang hit.. et the to,timouy a:roa.ty emelt n 1.-. t :til ..: the desire of the lie age:u.t nim, at, there w u, merit iu hit r t. being sting/ orn. There is not a French 'remote in P.sris lion t'uugu.0 will not be gazed tt ••o,• dor, not pour- a f.•ulud ties. i' •'s..ueal, tout eunu411 is kawwo of bile an.' he hr • "neaten mosey to hit!' ere, and it his cooeectr•u situ the murder of Cronin s r Mod. to its so sdered at tbar Awcri to justify file prophecy that i if anyone b •,,, 14di-, base to t more general',hanged he will Le otie of the lot. Tbt d y.ted its iss. Illinois t on•pirrecy law u • fearful weapon, am: in t.,ta use the sate w i'.1. car it for aU F allude this season are trade in the it it worth. No ditheeIty r, npprehende.+ • % l: • r srrehty 'entreaty. -ft. tact,all t ,e iu inducing J1crk• to troaf-ew waw he comet sun. torr Orem,' f,.r .•tduraty wear are beck. u. oho it this taehiol:, •ltnougit •the The men who stand • chance of being u,udertt Whets lists fins succeeded in varying on tri.: for ti,e u,ur.irr of Croatia an and adding to the simple empire dress to r•nie1 Coe;J.fiot, Frank W„dru3, Marttn ,..h au exttat that it is d. ul•tful tf its Burke, }'.+trtyk Coney 'whrocaught!, ;,.twee es trues ateiu rectegntze it to its begirt and peetibly Alexaaler $ullivau. The t.ran.i Jary today emunieed Edward piw.i.t "tit* Spelltnan, the Peoria distiller mad district Vety thin linings are d,•sirible at this officer 4.1 toe Clan -ea -Gael. )Jr. Spellman 0Atom of tin year, and ladies lab r un - was calk: in to be examined al.utt the al- der the tt.p»wion that silk is the best kged disi..tndine of ('amt l) since the mark .ua•rnal to tae for this purpose 1 ad- der. Ile told tele Grand Jure the camp bat v,wste that a thin cotton ie better for • not beet it'ishandedt. He eaiJ the res? rJs of +sit 1it`tu¢, wen, u: a for fouodatiet the camp had not been destroyed and that.kiru Wk u Moro comfortable, even for my records pertaining to the camp were a c,itcoi (teases, and :. used b those who the d' 1 of the Grand Jury. y Ji. •1. Lyon ex -police it:stice, was exam roti l!'atd LiliTuiuty. Led in rear 1 to the bogus aw.uit trie i be . fore him jirb•bicb l•r. Cronin was a wittsas. Ceilys Crae t. P. C 1. The suit was a trumped up affair, the sols oLjeet of wt`I.h wet to place Cue doctor os Kiduiy t. •mplaiat stet !sed stomach the witness sand so boat on cri.uwxami• :ro•Yhitet me 1.r Tatra. t`ct I was c orad 0.tiot hi, life from early boyhood could be by eking lets that' our nettle of Bar - gone nye: Seek Blood bitters. f'•,r toy present Sohn 1'. Begg.. Senior Guardun o' ,used heath I owe my thrt..s to li.11 B , Camp .'(t 11'u•" -Gael, w•ao was arrested eritts James Gorman. Sett. Tuesday. was today allowed t•• see report era. Ile .ieuied that he haa timated and mid that i.e had nothing t+. te.t. He c:aim Tea Mari 111.•taz. ed his treatment 17 the pnitce ears brutet, and Mat the police had not oiere i tae IH A if trrltes se f•-,. ars slightest es:use for his detention, wheel% r ; OSd. ate itupuisitr, they would be deoia:e I was theta:. Be.•.;s attril.ute ,use wueh charm if thee sere not ; they his arrtst t.. the n:a,:hiastiota of a 1)0a snake their dear tore hu.:,lred friends, po:itkiaL. an.! every titer tney tutrt and every - , very• the they teat: they kiss our -1E L'B►°lAL PI:Aim.. h •the• The dear eve h•:mired, or the .s ..f them, drop out of daily life as roar Thee.nad People t.atrer at tit Le years eo on, and are replaced by lomat. Yem..Hraltea.there, al:o the t.a:;it Ct'.•-is on until Toronto, July 1. -The lie:.ru:3pixie or new y u may see women kissing each Saturday a as attended by three or fowl other •everywhere. i❑ care. et railway tt•vusand people. sir Richard Cartwright atc,,,,a, in all y.ui.'tc places. Women Hoo. Hudy, Hoa t,. W. Ross. Hon too whit ars it t triruds, but who have Chas. 117 urv, H. secretary (.tt»on watt an.ou`` tier iff:stin vi`.11yd ,;nests. Mr. [Stake only the barest ac .maintance with each and Mr. Jlewat were ueavoidatly anent e't'her ; l'ethal-a tl,.t wet a week ago for but Rich.1, was the principal speaker. 11. the first time. Many who never offer devoted a , ttsideaab,a poa of his addr,s salutes alt.•r this fashion submit to them too • resume of the •'tnt•iuities' of the ['o with au ihoratd protest, lest they Lt minion (.overtinent at its last sessionof par th••echt disc,.urte. us in refusing. L.:neat La i gs .:rally turonoh its whole ad ;1 sensitive, delicate lady told me that 'A.. noir..:r•n. Though iu the moods! .he was forced to live fee some time in a • a:. the feere. parliament .le an:elsliestart b.ardin;-house where there were free' uent ..1 out by swing, the Reformers ha t ci.u,trts It was ons of the annoyances aow nide: their control every imp -erten; of ter s thatahs was so often oh:iged iacaI Erb s:atore in the Dominion of Canada front the .ltlaatic to the summits of th, to submit to this disagreeable contact, cocky eIountaina •' one of the tenet in:por or be c••unted rude. She said in the tont of a..ieh. sir Richard went on, oat case of one wumat when, she particular - native toe ince of Ontario Las been hel. 'y did net Like. she dreaded for days the and most suecesttfully admintstered for i time of her departure. expecting she looter period than any administration what mut receive her go ed•by kiss. But, as ever, se nether Retort o r (onservative, ha she put it in her bright way,•'Protidence ever htLi poser in any province. The kindiy interfered in my behalf,and made lau7atwu : Canada and of Canadians 11 in. i:1 in led just then.., I did not see Canaltaus. it tut loyal set tinrent was re the woman when she left the house." fined to. A !Scotch clergyman had one. D. art :hick I counsel any unkind Loped " that Providence would cave th• cmere$stua to barer good conceit nye, feelueg toward others : far from it. Only them.e,yes Ne doubt a certain amotm remember, $ kiss is the noon sacred si of such sea -glorification was a tory goa•pf'rwien '•f Love which you can Sive to thing. ltAur mother, or your sister, ,.r your The imposition of a 2 -cent post.ga en a'dMrest friend ; and I tell you now what c.ty letter* in place of 1 cent as fraserlyll know to be true, that really refined was aiiother pant •cored by sir Richard'wonten, as they grow older, grow chary •':�"ithia years," the orator continued, 1 scattering such gifts right and left to "we have treoled our total debt, our tot i sary chance ac. u.Intance. taxation, our total expenditure. l' ithitAarr I, m message may Lir packed that time nes have barely added ;,tl per ccatiiato that ot.e w,ed. ►.getpressite n its to nur population. Tbc expenditure ha: mtwrtn use, D,n't." Ah.nfote been four or :ire times great.. a our iucreaee In population. At slit most our population was 4,46,/1r1.1." Ly •elesetall. figures sir Richard went on to demonstrate After .uffering for three weeks from that Canada had lost between I!(SI and 1K!tt Cholera Ir.faotum so that I was not ex- po fru than thrus•fourtls of a million is pelted to lire, •ted, at the time, would her population. even have been glad had de eth called me, For himself, he said, he desired them tt understand that ha had no apology to maks .o great was my satferin¢. • friend re - and no excuse to offer fes his action on the a•mmeided Dr Fowlers Extract of Wild ,le•ait F.statee Act, and he stood prepares Strawberry, which acted like magic on to defend the action be tnok either here on my system. Bet for this medicine I bef:•re any asusmbly in the country. [Ap would not be alive now. John W And• please.] He might be charged with sup shaw, 393 St Paul Si,.Montreal, P.Q 2 porting the policy of Sir John Macdonald Once or twig• before he had found himself A corresp•,ndent 15112 ao interesting in accord with the (,os-ernment of Sir Jobs •tnry of J[r W D Howell's grandm other, Not long ago he tact his vote with that Gov who wits a charming old Welsh IaJy,pmne eremites on the goeetioa of the execution a Louis Kiel. He found himself eenatrainec 10 misplace her "It's.- She was d•,obt- ta, tote as he did. notwithstanding that the 'til tonus the pmt anetation of • young unfortonete Mets were driven to ineurrsc ady's name. so she asked. her: "is tion by the, allow neglect of the I:overnmewi your name Eden or Helen i" "Helen," n1 sir John Macdonald. He admitted that .aid the lady. "Oh, We Ellen, is it. 1 Own nen who hen[ supported Sir John is tlw■ys thought it wa H.I.n.- "Bat at his policy of unjust interference with the pro .g Helen -not Elea " "Just pow you •ince• of Manitoba ant ()nuns actse,yjd Elton." ''No, I said Fill..," is lly in demanding a similar •is•llew •.n.pted the lady. "li:llen.' asid tn. ase. o Iso act of fin 1.•g •late.. d �l lsisdmnther, triumphantly ; logicaEt1sn- b.c, but h•lw eoald b. aad res redi� a I said at first. I always like to body of the Liberal Part who had stead•] Ily fought fox provright' go hacA;� Pe „ ••"mot in calling people by on their own coarsef How ..old they,; gyp• be repeated. tab $ diffeteat emirs, feao' what they had? Say fifer a • type of catarrh having Nlisliar symptoms. It ie attended by an keener ssrp-s•esa, •flamed condition et the lining mem- K'ies_Cyrano 1 •m can yIneng grew, wanes .1 the n,rtrila, t.ard•et• and mors is Lecomtag a.rioor in his attaotinas M 1 `east, affecting the lungs. An acrid oar Susi* i ammo Is•ecreted,the disehargeisseeaw- Huelia•d-Neemsna•! What makes yes' *stied with • burning sensation, There think so' w avers spawns of messing, frequent " He wears •new s•ektis every time his %tacks of headache, watery sad inAame- eouasa"d eyes. Kly'a Cream Balm e a reuse- " Do yea think Regis esu anything res ly that clan be depended upon. Wets. bum Y' .s druggists ; 1 know she dim. f4hs heat's seise an 'a' by "tail, registered, ttf)ota egY Bevth•n , Druggists, Owego. New .etas this tlprief svedtag aad 1.5.. Rudy the moronity of feeding : the .hole u aster of pre5t is deteraerued by it 1•uu cannot feed large breeds as utuch as the small ...nee •uhout dauger f t'.&ir getting to., fat. 'There u 11 a.ty but to feed each breed acourdiug to its r.gtiiretuent. Whether real or tint• odd, doere is au advauta,Is t.. be trained • s' the producer, in sending eggs to USAir- ILIA. arkat, with regard to uniformity es to aim and cider, putting all the buff colored in •.tio package and the white to another, end all ab ores the saute size, either ,urge or smnll. 1'bu deference to the Boston market .• Iheee t • five cents oyer eggs put up is.discnntivately. There is ala.. a preference iu the market for the huff cel••red nos. If yru want good eggs ybu roust fwd for them. Curti 11110. best food to keep up or make fat. It is tog hcatit`g for '.wort chickens. Feed theta at firer, say r . i ibt days, with lighter food, alio dt%0 ureal as t' ey gnaw older. In toutldiog for heel, build cheaply ; teat loosely se to cracks and expo euros to •roots. Ion as cheaply as : ou can secure fred.,ut from storms and winds. Secure reenhation without exposure 11• %irafte unmedtately ou the fowls. .1 creat amount of glass al:•,ut buildings is not eecessary, suit it fess in cold. Have enough light and min, but not t.... mutt!' AIM to lot to the cold. Make the roosts end all appo.teuances of fowl he uses p.4tah'0, .o that ; o.0 can readily and rattly' Clean 'th:lr pens theruu:;hly an•i whitewash them. Pay particular attention to keeping the manure iu esti,. "r salt., t. erect t•• t,retrut r..peration, and keep ass - :segs or boxes 111 •role place away from tt:r pets, to avoid breeding; sickness iu the fowls. Add al•aorbeut., such as plaster, earth, or 'neck. 1) • n••t net sabots of lime with herr manure as an ab embers. tlhltgg toed. Mr Wm. Munn. of Ottawa, O ,t., writes : 1 have seed Dr Fowler's Ex- tract .4 Wiid Slirasberry ui my fannly with the very beat results. I recons- . aloud oc ,n, - .mend it to my friends and think it the hest inedietnu is nae for all sumo e complaint., diarrlstea, dysentery, utc. Mow /.'.napier .henna etre Is trade. l'rmoi.ur, formerly and Jess correctly written cautphsre, is a cs i crrte juioe oloetly obtained from two, Asiatic neer. The Japabete make the camphor of mean [tierce as follows : After a tree is to led t.• the earth it is Cut nil.chips, which are I e:.t to a tub or a large tout parttialty tilled wi:h water, avid planed oeer a *hoe fire. Tnruuith t..lea in the henries of the tub steam slowly rises, atoll beams; the chip. .s. use oil and camphor. Of course the tub Trjib the chips ham a close!; anted coot•.. From this corer a hawk., pipe Je.ds to et succession of ether tubes slit% bambooamntcttone, Cud the brat of these tubes is uitided into two compartments nue abete the ether, the divti nig flour bring perforated with small holes to al- iuw the slater to peas to iiia lowest emu - pertinent. The upper compartment, supplied with a straw layer, catches the camphor in crystals an deposit gait parses throu. h the ceeling process. The cam- phor.is then tej.erated front the straa- psciced in wowiru tubs, .Cid is toady for market. Tula oil is used by the natives. for illututu•tin t and other purposes. The apecisl mora: and physical quatlties of camphor are said to Le stupidity and brutality. -Christian at Werk. Nal 1 Fin , no ✓tat in baying to•tJ tine, bus try the veal Kidney and Liver retuJa •o , made by 1)r. Chase, autho• ..f l hu, a rite pan. Try Chase'. L'ver lure for all d teases at the Liver, Kid ret y., tftuseack and Bowels. Sold by all Jtuggosta - The d .tresis, g paleness so often ob- served to young girls and women. ts dot in a great mesee•a to a lae& ..t the red corpuscles iu the blood. To remedy this requires • medicine which pr.,luoes these ueowaary little bluod coustitueuu, sod the beat yet discovered is Juhneou's Touie Bitten. }'rice re) cents, and $1 per betlle'at Geode's drug store, Albin bluck, liuderrch. Sulu agent, (bJ RIttwED AND Rxsxwtw.-The stock of statioery, including note, letter and account papers, envelopes, and in tact, all c'::.•aa of printing parrs has just been r-;drni.hed at Tip. amssL. An- other large lot to arriv.• in $ day or two and more to fo1;.,w• 1r you want some- thing neat and hominess like 111 (Ace stationery, call If you want a card or menhir 1•ritio d its the latest •tyle, call it Tti a It..s.tt. steam printing h. use, North St. The rites and ceremonies of M ohsat- nted.olsit aro s'osrry.•.I he the &doyen Hindca•e of the, Leith who have just reached New Yeek. The Wo.: !Artemisia' Remedy Beer ding.► Ch.!. ,..- 1: ✓•-nun 111114 ,Karts and do. • 0 , l ..:rr. lu•al proof 1..•tuw. EE'!DALL'S SPAVE4 CURE. 0.7!,C • • remit Y. 1 SvTPtn, 1n.an.r C:zrtLse Tar �.c� lune ma r2att Sawa ad. I(- Z. Sz,nat .00. D. lr.:_. =:..r. ?•. 3ms. Liar Mrs : 1 trate stenosremrc Kerr lairs a9seln Coln t•. the Emildotes -tom, • a'osid0 1x e.. la lierec-rq.teneIty. 1 thick it b •v ee ottbe f.e.t :t:ttr,eete e� aaru. 1111.0 Amid A Y. riy inside. for tare.. yearn. Loge. tzL:y Cull. G. Surra KE D tLL'S SPAM CURE. 8•n•�I•y.: V. T., Novemtx r Dee. n. J, U•• Dire • 1 destrc le stye ret tom- em-✓lel n: nor o e,.• •l pllaten or) our Netr:m.l'. $lee,: l ir✓. 1 hs.y T..t te t.•' 1.n.%ene.s, Stift Jtlet• aad Sp.vina, egad I lease •ural ,1 a goreour,u- sq.) `...,•semi: r•i 1t to 4814ur.e A`t.:. Yalta truly. .1. R. nn arty. REIDALL'S SPAM CURE. mere I t':err. cc coo, Mao, .s.e. 111.1,4. D'_:!,..Yrr.aLt, Co. :au o, : T f. el It la, dory teary w•h•t 1)5..4.5 with your T•n te:Ws Starts caro. I bare .&real tereMp-fse tuxsoa 'Met Lao t'paei ,, tea 4 Iitag 214.. etre aNtrtrd •+1th tljj tired and set,actJSlt(Jew. atnc.Ilaw. t...dtot .4your t«.•'US matt 10,1eu [Al tl.e utrtetto s, 1 .wise never kat 1 GA., n. un1 •Itit1. Tears t. ett. A,.rarer Travrw. 1.+.•tm K NDALL'S sPacri CURE. resent roar lie nery1ryry..gig :tans* .1,71-1r. AU near - rare... ores. 1* for you. or 1: eta Lir meat ad,'teus na peetps cd 1.i'., `,r the Sia. L. LC' cl lir t ragits. SOLD BY ALL DICC601ST'.. A ti.11d Fart. `^.',:-,. lo._; r .- .�,1-.• .-•- ,_,.� Three years ago I had liver complaint 1 jnsr v..lr yt �' +'. at..l it,d:oes:tt,n. Nothing did me any e.....1 until 1 tried Burdock Blood !Sitters, C• P, it., BOOM three bottles of which cored me. I shall nae B. B. B. as rely medicine. Jahn TOWN PROERTIES FOR SALE. Floyd, Barnesville, N. B. B. B. B. re- gulates the liver. 6100 AND UPWARDS The English Bishop of Dmldnetor/116- st111.\ v ani rg.- number rhe f Rinses a Lets tests against the growing desire on the eP. Darts titthrTmrn-�'�=MAL1:fp1: part of young girls to be continued in Xis is the time 10 .r,•iitr property before elab.,rate and showy costutpes. lir the Big Rush. The 1'. P. i;. it .umlutf sure. thinks it ■mistake for thein to present 'end in a short time prier will have advanced 1' beyond the reach o1 many. themselves as brides and iu all the finery Gall and see List and !'rices before perches - of fashionable life at the t me when they in eluswbere• are solemnly to renounce the pumps u:d II. RADCLIFFE. Reel R_state and (;,neral inenrsnce Agent canine. of the world. .ind most sou- 0111. West -:q.. third dour from .quare, t•. P. sible people will sores with him. R lieu, It1 Ticket and Telegraph Office. 61-11. as the Bishop rays, people• in abject poverty send tnsrrdaughters to c,nbrm• anon tricked tut to false pearls and 1 E N VELO FJI S other cheap crw-yaws, and when the daughters o•1 the well-to-do come decked out in a ball -room costume, it i. time to protest. In France the evil has gone very far, and many • poor peasant is plunged hopelessly into debt through the purchase of expensive coofirmatioo• notate. A French fashion paper recent- ly described the gowns worn by certain candidates for c•er.tinnation as extremely "coquettish." Fashton always aeba.es religion . but when it th•os materializes the minds of the young, itis commit - Bug a criminal acts. A KeweaD-t)t one dozen "Treace *1" to any one sending the best four lin- rhyme on 'T•Asettar.•' the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and l.'atl.. Ask y .a druilust ur address The latest L radon notion is the es- tablishment ..f an Elsmerian Church, which shall do in reality what Mn Ward's hero did -in her mind. But it won't work. Similar experiments hare been tried again and again, and they have all ended in failure. A religion cannot be established on a hook ; even Christianity was not founded on • book, bat 1.0 • life, and today it may be mod )rr'hants can let heir Rill Heade. Letter without at all disparaging'the Bible that Heade, &c.. kc. prthee at this odic. for eery 11,11• more than thee generally re, for the Christianity gets its highest inspiration paper. and it held to advertise their .,hese. nut from its sacred Seripter•a, but trim `ow and moo seaman and ane proem. the life of its Divine founder. So in the case of all other religions some pre P A tggr E N im S eminent life wave them birth -a Con (ovine, a Buddha, a a Zoro•ster, or a Mahomet- "Robert Eis mere•' ie $ well' CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS A43 CDPTRIDNT written nivel ; it portrays with grant Obtained. aad an business la this Volt. Tata• fidelity many of the shifting currents of OfnOe attended to at MOI)RRATX Plum. modern relig.00a thought But no re- Osmr aaoe is eppoeata tba 11. 8. Patent Of - I' u,n will over be established on its tea' aad a far obtain Pata•re In ea• stets 4t than those MOM. frosty 11'ABN/A-OTf.V hnlliant negations ; • id any church Mrd M01)RI. OR I)RAN'lA'a. We •d - founded upon it will bib simply the else we to ppaattewtaMlltll free of nharrig,e and shadow of •shade. • we make NOCHAROL rNLR88 hill Oa. shadow PATRNT. 01%TG `Si 3 BATH CARRIAGE, BOAT ND SLAPE, -ALr'O A selection of Choice and Healthful English CONF'�CT20Z�T�R �T_ Try Almond Rock for a Toothsome Arttc!e. F. JORDAN'S MEDICAL IIALL. IIBLIG .NOTICE. Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. Rees Prce 81, Son, Day's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. i .0 W Mc a T%.t. o.‘%& 2 0A 12 c 1 u 0 z 0 0 z :It•, some of %%144 �1 IJ CD J -J Z.6 6 BUT ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, E' .. F.:r.• ar THE SIGNAL PRINTING roma. amammomml HAVING R1I- I C It t I8H=d Any shop la the lasses std Mia e two of them theg�ceh~ bated R•chestste Tilting Ch•Inc.sad hired • journeyman & ari er. ser are in • posit ton to do Seto► Work titan hereto- fore. Lady's* Ch udrea's Haircutting made • . pecialtyy on 111 days except Platurday• Retranslated Salaam ground. WStftC_ S� TICS -IIT CSN %%. ere Street. Iwo door. east of P.O.. A nrse set Around each bottle of Dr Chase Livor Curt is a modieal guide and recap hock containing useful information, over 200 r.oeipe•. •nd pronounced by doctors and druggists as worth tee times the ost of the tssedteis•. Medicine and e•)ak ITL Sold by all druggists We refer, hey. to the Poetmastew.the 8n$ps., e Now drder bit aad to officials et the U. R. Patent 00.,. For etre-vier. advice. terse and referesow to amiss! clients la year owe Skate or ('•watt'. write to t' A. MOW 4 h., oe'`..Ite Patent Odea Wealthiness. 1)'C 6000 WORN IS DONE AT SIGNAL