The Huron Signal, 1889-7-5, Page 2TUIRUBON SIGNAL, FILIDAY, JULY 8, 1889 1 NEIGHBOR'S REVBAM$ Q was NOT demi motor aG•AL-at IT sea. aWw 11, C411111O, "Never will I (urgive Follett," Nei k •nert Murdock, with bitter entre,. "Never is • long day," said his wife ars. telt'. 'That may be, but 1 mean what I say, eteverthelese, he returned. "That is hardly $ urentan, Robert." ' it's human, at any rate," he retorted. "Yoe caste de :y that he has "erred tae a mean trick. "I do net deny it. 1 was certainly serrai.ed to find that he could treat you Lit ro uutleutlewsa y a maut.er. "l ut(eutleaeanly ' I should .think to utter ruin was overwhelming. What ! Mere freebie nay be expecte .I It is with regret that we have to Metal Mr John Mustard, of Steuy Mouutaut, he appeared tit_ tugs street triter the til- , U you du not heed the warnings nd. a•- that tire Thus. Hurn, of Ashfield, ewe ilamtolu, is rpnu'. Must • .ix wr••i••• iiad* lure and at soca pay atteukioa to the .aiutattlanee of your health. How often we see • penuu put off (final day to day the purchase .1 a medicine which if pro- cured at the outstare ..t is duteous would have remedied it al- imwedistely. Nuw if Juhu.t.n'• Touw Liver Villa bad been taken ellen the fires ureas/nes head• its appearance the illness would have been "nipped ie the bud." John - sun's Tunic flitter• and Liter PDB are decidedly the beet medicine on the mar- ket (yr geuerrl tensa and invigorating prspertles. Pill' 25e nee bottle. Hitters 50 costa and a1 per bottle, sold by Goode the druggist, Albion block, sule agent. bj lags h• seemed at least bre yeses etch,. Tu Hobert Murdock, uo the cuetrsry, it brought a stere, vtudiatise joy. Ha hid lived to am bis enemy humbled. Ds and 3Ir k'ullett had been Mem' uu a /UR se tar as worldly mesas were con- eneMed. But his property re,nasu.d tu- _while the latter had uotbing left. "low,- he said, "I shall get the Wel- eisigham 1r t back. ' "Will Mr Felten be obliged to -sail it f ' "Yes ; and not that only, but al! that M p, .ewes"e► • •• Poor moo ! 1 pity bun." "1 don't, ' said her husbeud, emphati- cally. ' "Hut c,nsider what • blow it must be to him to lose his suers ferts::e at nue stroke... 1; "Yes. ne will feel bad enough ; but it - was. it was only neeht before last that serves turn right for the mean trick he .e played even me." I announced my intention • f buying 11 IA'alsingnaw I..t, considering teat would greatly rise in value eaten t n ext five years, ter reateus which 1 d tailed t , tont. He advised rue to do e nd the heat meriting tasted over to L hairs and secured it himself. If th u wu t .mese, 1 should' lire to times erk 11, ••!t was nest, I grant ; but now he he I is in trouble you can seedy afford to tor- •. I get it " iso ( •'I shall never forget it. I intended, he `{ Mary, t hui:d a house on a portion if et f the lot. Now I can probably tie: pos- s session of it and carry out my oriusual !design... ut !! "Thent after all, the evil will be re er I paired.' "Yes : but not because F,•Ilett is will n irg. Proirably the bitterest part of hi 11-' diappnnntu,ent sill be the thought this he can no !•.ager tuwart me, is ' "I agree with you on that peen. B I hope he may come to see eta w„anue himself.' "No chance f •r that. Iles as mea es dirt, and cines only for his own i Merest.' Certainly it diol scent that Mr Murinc bad a right to eum;uatn. The 1t elfin ham lot cunt.;ned nve acres, witch. to special ress•,ns known'tu hen, was It:el to become vs!uahle at no great dietan day. For this regson he had ter a yea past desired to tse tsess it. The death the owner, necessitatial a 'steepened t ham the coveted oop•rtunity. But h was iodiicre t enour!t to centntunicat Ins intention t, his neigheor, with th result already mentioned. It was net uutil two days afterward that he accidentally stet F,.11ett at 1,h village store. 1Ctth seine erubarressweut in his manner. Follett tail : "1,:u ,!I-me'rnint, Mr 3lurdnck." 3lurdu:k In.kee hitt tell ni the la:e and then reared to 'nether an of th store. Follett flushed at fits decided ,rebut which It td been witne*ird by aver others who weft we:1 acquainted wit both :gar::es. "What is the matter with Murdock .t' Inked an a:yuaiotanca. d ,r,1 know, Da sera. If he don. want to speak to Inc he needn't. ' ••I thought y,•u were ;; rd fiien.:s Didn't y+.0 spend Wednesday a et: ing at his h. use t' 'Yea, laid Yil'rt, with au air of soaatratnt. "1 • ila't kr•,w he was apt t , tako oi- IrhCe tic ca.liy. What, have pu done to oifeud him "nit he an tell best," said Foaett, evidently tried by the subleat. "1 have 09 time nett tiaonaativa to taynire 4110 1 matter ,f s. little importance. ' 3rur.1•'ck heard this, and it seemed to him insult added to' injury. However, he de:,ned not a word, but preserved • d. it.l:idd si:nate. Ide,was nut a men to talk over his wrongs, a he coos:dared then, %lilt anybody and everybo•ly. !Hut he f.reseryed a cb:lltuc ailerce when he met F•.liett su the street, end never in u,v Way acknowledged his existence.. T. ees etele•ying to F•,il_tt, who, thiergit i+e had mate a capital bargain. d,4 not Iii 11 a MO es pleasant as he had ■ ntict;eate.;. He eou:tt cut helpacknuw- le%dging to himwlt that he4-iso ser••rd Murdock a mean trick. There were times, in fact, when he felt aimed log to cede, the Int with all its advantages to Mardieii fr.r the t✓urchaee money he had paid, He never brocght himself gaiti to the p.•stW h ,never. Indeed. h. j would have found is rxtreinety d.teeth too broach the suh!ect, re repellant was the manlier ,•f the man he had injured. Yeanw!ti:r, 3lurdocc had rowed cabin blame:1 et•at if ewer a fair opportunity presented itself heweu1d revenge himself uproot F,•tatt This dec'anti+en he wad, to his wife,and,heing a Chtia•isn woman, else received it with urgent renn•nstren e3s, but ',,,[hent having firs effect of shak- ing tier!iusiettore pureeste "Vs uIi very well to :alk, Mary." be .i. ' n•,w • r saw. ' �" rn n t !. w w ', k i anted i. that field : !tea ei trot •• i,r i Iia w arto n ✓ p it, in flet. sial ter that sc i :!r:l to step in b•rweets ane Ana my their., wee vil- lain/els [ d .n'1, defend it ter de, I speak its hie behalf, tett nil your.. ' "On mine ' "Yen. I- will peelers s tett effect up- on your charac•er to cherish such a.pit,t of bitterness sal seas a thirst i •r re - k "I think you misjudge him." 1,f-' "11•.n't believe 1 de." r' S., ended the c"nverution. ()then 7 were held, in w4:tch Mrs Murdock en t deafered, hut in vain, to modify th ✓ bt.ternesa of her husbands prejudice s 11 31eanehs!e things went worse and •worse with .,,sur Follett. His oldest e child w:,. taken sick with scarlet (ever e and atter a brief illness died. a When Robert Murdock saw his etre ;' worn and grief-stricken face, then for s' the tint time a estati hent of pity stirred e - hint. The change was so great bet cern Mr Follett, bright and animated as he had been, before his misfortunes came upon him. and new, that his enetny must certainly here had a hard heart not • tufeel some ccmpassionfor him. Then he. too, became sick- a reeult rstit•nal enuup(h under the complication of our d fortunes. The sickness lasted for four h week*, and he emerged from it the ghost of his former sell. His nen was fail to be complete. Two hundred dollars al•onc remained of 1 hit t n:e hetelt rme property. lie must et rine° 1.e u mething Ior bis support. 1•i.der the circums:aucts sesuit i•f his • frien.l. thought of trying to obtain for him the ;. ti of postmaster, which would yi.l1 hie au income of eight hundred dollars a year. But there was cite dif- t:alty in the way. 1:.Gert tMurdock's illiarce sire groat and brim; intimate- dyaol:uit..ed with the member of Con- , peas be the district. -ns1.1 probably de- teat the pl :n. Jas Follett std this in a deep mdine tine whoa the p.m' was browthed to himself. ''1: won't do," he said ; "Murdock will oppcse it." Hut Robert Mnrtuck was restored to his better self. He quietly wrote a note to his friend, the member of,l'nngress, urging Follett's claims. This was sufil- :ient. a fortnight later Follett receiv- ed intelligence of his appointment from the member himself, accompanied by the intimate ,n that he had acted noon the rec,mmendatica .1 R siert Murdock. Mr Follett read this communication. it ens the Crat intimation be had had of the chemo in his enemy's feelinis and noehiee'.l a wor:dertnl effect upon him. It made 1.:e.i, mr.re •ser, utterly ashamed •.f hia futt:i•r act of meanness. tctani ..n the impulse • f the moment he ee,zwi his hat eget hurtled !retard AoTtert _Mfurdeick•i,"Yr•nst., which tee years he had nit entered.' The servant received hint with a leek of sur-tnse, and ushered hies into the acting noon. R••hett Murdo:k entered five minutes I.t•r. "Murdock.-- he bald, with emotion, "I !tote cents t., thank you f .r your nettle. kindi'e s t" one who has se, little deserve is u." "'Then you have cot the"otsi. a 1" ''Yrs : thanks to y.•ur kiudners.- "1 am glad "f it. I hid nut heart the mesh f u.Y pI .;r ' a ca:iuu. ••Nowu y U It/n!1, flet Ing .p,.lOy+txa for what 1 have Inert horn s.h.metl of -my purrFtas., of tie, Waletieham lot." "1,5 a won't talk '•f it new " '•V,.0 cin hair it now. That must go e irk the rest .•f my property." • i trill gI.A!y buy it at a fair price ; but I am sincerely Ferry for y' 'u' losses." "Tta•ik you, .flu:dock. Hew hale knew yeti!" "I nn afraid you knew me only too well. When I first heard of your nti.- fi.rtunee 1 war unfeeling enough to , tilt : but a bitter feeling succeeded, and O4 ..1, 1 am truly sorry." ••11'ea you fervid this past and took upon me as a friend, bennd to yt.a by no iriuiary tier •d gratitude (• "t In one condition." "Anal that i. -- •'That while you are settling up your affairs. you and yeMir wife will become my guests. We hese a large house and will make yon et home." . The reeencihstien between Heavers Murd•sck and Jsn•es F •Ilett was a • days' wonder in the sells+,e : hat it serv- ed as an nttrest'tenon to a lasting friend - Ilse Let ed tier Itaby. "What • pretty child ; whose is it 1" said one lady to another, as they e:. seed Madison Seua-•s. "1 noticed you ural• tied to the nurse." "Thereby hangs a tale," responded her c'ninet en. "The nurse used to he in n,y employ, and left it t,. becuwe the Te rl r. sadte*1 rr.aeattew, ata all wisso wife DI a coachman. They lice over his lima; roams. etahle, not far tear, and the child a Ph•taphatine, or Nerve hood a Pees- tl•(0001 to U■Ogauu,t , who use been 1!t of absence l0 vieitiy trlretd6 au,t a for Mete time prat, a Gut getting here, etuni lances in Outart'. Daring the ;art but eouunues to be weak and delicate. taw fears he ha. 1te:J several p cunei& We sincerely held that see will sous be ►u this ilau►tob• i uuruuary. metered to het wonted state of health. '�' carcase females lied e14. The beat regulators tor the et ,mach' and bowel., the best cure for biliuuauea, sock headache, indigestion, and ail affec- tions arising from a dta,•rdered liver, are without eaoepttun Johnaou s Tonic Liver Pols. Small in size, auger coated, mild, yet effective. 23 cis, per bottle role by Geode, druggist, Altrtou uiuck, Orel. rich, subs agent. (.l The other evening Mrs Shipley, sr , of the Hurou road, Cltntin, slipped while in her room, sod fell with her side across the tack of a lounge. As she is well up its years, it was feared that the accideet nii.1ht be seri sus, but we are plrased'to kis"w that see is Wiliest euttre- ly over the effects thereof. theirs She dresses it like a wtllienatre's plutte Element basc1. upee kitrt►t.ys baby. it: the tient and most d*iaty of clothe., which she f►uhfully copies from Fifth Avenue children She cannot drew herself to eorrtspwnd, au she wean a nurse'' livery for her ono child, and is proud to have parsers -by atop and ad - tune lav at sono fevered daring of a wealthy home. Curieusfrncy for one of tier sort, isn't ir,wbo,ss a rulr,are s•, .ag- er to drip the regale& of service.” -Nen York Suit. 'acts, Fununlrttd by Protesa•r .Austin, 31. L. of Boston, 31asa, cores futile,,' ary C.•nsuntpttwl, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralina and all cretin•.' diaeasra of this; hunu►u system. t'Luaphatute is not a .Medicine. but a Nutriment, because it c, ntatna Ili, Vegetable or Slim rel Poisons Opiates Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but ly the Ph.sphatie and Garin Elemental — - - rs .rot• oyq, • >. :lane, n a Weeeteem Mak trashes,, Thin M iOr ►Isle gores t.. 1..•'bt'e Lw■1 nun if Coe ►w thea by agony Isnua.1446 I sr*. karr Mkro 1,t. If a„t "fay kit/,. 1 teas slid asceogfb Isy emus • f ►u cru 1 u4tttti. astuuwrttse, net cresta. en •p- I'ettNe (or f•.'J Can is, .ud try y,.ur weight $.41'e w•SR•.t..n .a yet -G Y:y pd.txt.let. itii+id by a►1 dru;e4' ata, a: bU:. And till diseases .•f the threat •nl !jogs l eau be cured by the use : f a'oa'e E.uul OHM. tett cintallt$ 1,110 brallnu r;rttit. .f t Cud Liver Oil mud Hyp, phespait.i its tneir fullest terve. See what W. a Muer, d1. L., 1,. 11 C 1'. tote., 'i.ur•o, N. S. aa)'i : "atter three' veers es,..r- tenor I consider Swtt'a Emu!si"n .•oe ••: ' the vert beet lis the market. Very es. cslle::t :s thr est a!'.r;;Hou:." , .1 ts,' ' r.L aru:,iate, 30c. cud 11/.01,) { 31r H. Bodge, !Ivory stable keopar, n1, t%atfutl. and s eWt.ia 11 itis liawrKu Swallow. Clwtuu, wp ID Caston last week, hosing come ay► to .•cure a Luton ! and tog that ha•a t,see /totes fr.•us Mtg. t The kora., had been tinct traded .1 ' Holsee tole, site thief thea gelug Wilighant, and .i:.1 .slag . f ;1,u ssc(.ud Wine cud buggy at that piece. At: tee articles tut the tl.+. t tsetse r. cot crest. ! A Nerd: rtrl arum, The lareut or •:.a, ata' ..;r that wars a contr.laug part ou the health ••1 the ' body a the liver. If torpid "r .nit:uve the who e system boom* tltsseetti, 1)r. Chase • Liser Care is made spinally ' for Liver mud K14o.y distillers, meal is guaranteed t•. cure. Recipe took sad ' wediciue Ij1. ',-1d !.y all uteuuista found in our daily f000l. A single bottle \f J h R f L (' ' u sufticiont to convince. All 1)rtigglxs forma. is 4e Cleans visitititt s1, War rata,• Mew • IMaet•a■Eat (•1.1,. sell 11. $1.0.) per b•,ttle. Lown:, al melees ht me, ion Th.Ia. $trrtrtta,o. it • A ■lint y,ui man in the height of Co sole agents for the Lades .tun, i brio ;ust 10 years siege hors Realer and , fashion was violently sneezing in a street car, when a companion remarked, "Ase, - Chawles, deah boy, how d'ye evt:h that dweadfel cold." • ..w, dealt fellah, left my cane in the Iowtr hall tether day, and in sucking the ivory handle, s:, dweadful add, it chilled we almost to death." If Charles had nerd Ur. Her- vey's Rett Pine blunt his cold would nut smite• - "As to that, Mary. I won't argue. I witii my r.y this : If the toms ever come* when James F .lett .rands in any p•sw.r, let Itr.n 1•n.k to ttih»e:f "1 sus sorry to hear you speck sit, Robert.' said bis wife. "I did set thin:: v 1 were so ,even:rfnl ' 1 "1 • •n't think I amteueraliy dispelled to wish my neighbors or any use elect; evil : ant I rl•, hone that Jewres Fotll.tt will lire ro 1.1,101 bitterly the wrong be hes dome !ire " I. Repenttan•e is the beet atn••..•nrct t••r wr•neg-doisg .. •'-i •.s ,!t •me theta. sed 1 saotber, Nifty '1 ,.r 1 -an sr* •ora ,-z i t. We bud , • Ger is .1 discus the riveter any anter. Von ere d wensaa mad it Is test- ural : r you to lee gentle and forgiving' i Rupp lags. 1 sat a matt, raid when 1 am 1knowitand feel it; sadist, f •r,1,: ',i; or forting intensity toward the h man +,•'nnjured me, It's *hat I eas't ll •ho.:sever forgive Frusta as long se l lire "Ira Iturlock eigh•1 gently as het u sc h.in,i satri th••e w•,nis, Mlle fiercely e.1 tli'*t he was 'her'uthly ie farm at,snd •w that her rem were of minced Mr Follett ea. a mai who, in the ty.nntry town where h• lined, sea* ac- counted rich. 11•, wee one of the lead - sag t.t•;'ayrers, awl therefore he:a a prn- mrn:.t :m04111,11 Iles in an evil hem. f.•r its n-• rbtly r,rrsperity ha tnvvtea •fl nee anon t r y eTist rn his entire prn- eery 'II a Ltke seeetler, re•pp.r mine ,,ylr y which he expected to Media,. a !•and. sem* stlditaoe to Inc fortiori. lint in the rnnr.e .1 four months the h*':hie iota, at,i nothings was ,avid from the . carer''. Th• neve beret npnn Joe/eel Felleet 'este a flap n1 thin.tet in a cleatI sky. Hs had s'. wrapped himself WI dreams of large wealth that the 46•111.111 F ob runt .rust East Tur•nto her t osbae•t started trim Kanto* rot •s. t 1,M 1-1a1u oar • MA seethe orsrtand trip ! cosi..p(tea aarelT t area. to Cal:furnia. She a tore s),way 1,0 see I her son, who is s prafesrnr of Philosophy To THE Entron :-P;ra.e inform your :n H✓rtars co:leve, ('e 8. 1 readers that I have a Positive rented, f.er the above named disease. fry its uwe!y use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cure). 1 0w11 its: salad i send two bottles of my railway free 1 11lieu's prescriut:,•n drugstore. , tf to •ny of your roe ors who have con- 1 _ _ 1 suwption, if they till! send ma their Ex- 1 press and P. O. address. trouble her.: eery muchne• or ale at J I From time immemorial the Pcrctian l:especttdlly, Da. T. A. Sfocrfl. Indians Lace chewed once leaves -en . 7 Yott,e St., Torouto, Out. ' others chew tob■tteo, •.r even as ethers nags wine and whiskey. it.te observing traveller said :-"C.c. satisfies the 1 Mr 11'ohater, Verna, has dispcvted of hungry, lends new strength to the weary his property there, to Mr James Dencap, and fatigued and makes the unhappy tor. , and removed t . T,•ront- . As Mie forget hi, sorrow." It is nit only Webster was a member of the Methndist1 p'e:.saa:, because as a stimulant it seen I church shear. and both active ie church to increase strength and make work I work-, they el:l be missed there. easy, but became its u.rcieic effects dug the sensibility and fill the chewer aith 1 is,. lemar4aLlr atilt. dreamy spirit of abstraction. For marry ,• Fe years our wise rev:• ill .eight all this mere .'e a: .est, what the true peb.ic t foolishness cgs the f has born looking for these puny years Part o the Indus, I and that is a medicine which althou_b but the recent study of coca products, but lately introduced, has rattle f r and especially our knewltdge c f a, -Gine, I itself s reputation seared h none. the ha/tenet new li 111 upon it. medicine t• Jt hnsen's Tette Ritter. -ud• s'e 1 The ) 1es ens Neve jest decined I which in conjunction with Juhlvn'e that n"ltrody has a right to put a min Tonic Liver Pills has perf•.rree1 some under chler,.furm without his consent most woa•lerful cures impure or im- merely to test whether he i. biter Tne , p,tvtrished blood soon becomes purified man was injured by a falling stone and i anti enriches. Bihionaneas, indigestion, he sued for damages, alleging that he had loot the use of his arm. The de -sick headache, liver complaint, languor, fence answered that the pretended le- {treated ' etc , won disappear Menu min- 1 fury was a sham, that the elan could I treated by thew excellent_ meth-' eiuna. For hale by (low', drug;lit, A. - put under tine influence of chlor, form in order is chow that when he became un- - conscious he would use his ann. He re- 3le6•n holey fieene.iy ar.1 l`harles fused to submit to the experiment for ! orray co:npfleted the w••rk of moving a fear the chloroform 'ruled kill him. On tbern un the farm • f Mr ".m. Bubolz. of trial this point was decided in the man'. the kip::rn 1: ud, . n Tuesdsy of last I favor. R•tilr,ad companies, sable:t to week. The been is ,^,0 by 50 feet and many suits fur sham hurts, will regret I was tasted i -i5 rod. in six heurte this judgment. use his acro and prnpnsed to him U, hes 1 bion block, Cluderich, sols aeeet. fd ' Itiewraur rates Require no description, since, witltt Tare" exception, ail at tome tome hare exper- ieoced their twiner.. Rheumst sin is not eaat•y nisl,,dte-1, only the most p,owerfnlly penetrating remedies re.tah to its very foundations. The most suc- cessful treatment known, and it is new freeuently resorted to by medical men, is the application if that now f, nous ren:otiy for pain-1'olaem's N'rviane. it is safe to •'v thea notntn_ yet di.- o:vertd his afforded equal ta•t.fartin to the suffering1 1. A tors t-anit dr e w 1,t a ! cost, , small c s as sample butt \.. • !r a • bottles 1 line can be shad at the dr .2 start.•. for 10 calor., large bottles :5 cents. e r ��� Father Comedy, a lielelan pnest, years old, 1s the succe+ao,r .•f Tether Damien in the hemto work ✓f minister- ing to the Hawaiian Ieprn. Tin ether day he sp�.ke of ht. work modestly and even with a little bantering lium'.r, which i. likely to excite more tears than .miles : If I become a lept•r the gleet St. Peter no doubt will let me peas all the easter when my hoer comet,. S,mn. times when i ant kneeling by the side of a pane leper, from whom exhales at ado: that would pt he meat c ore u t i genus t✓• flight, 1 often think that 1 ant doing a --- lilt's of my purgatory. What do yon think 1' Regularly every wee/4 a still steamer makes ir.r spewarsnn. hen., .m.1 very early in the m"rntng •un'.unee■ by the loud blowing of its whistle that lepers had been landed. Then those what can hurry to the shsr.. Often we mu: now -comers .'-.kiaj wet threnlh Now again lectin the cress mime which was a source of mutual c •m• and twin, f'•r one .'re here tote. nte,•t- a 1,w ,i:, at, 1 Cove View %A Chance. That is to say, y ear :env. Also all your breathing machinery. Very won. derful machicery it :s. Net only the 'street air peast•es, het the the etend. of little tubes and cavities leading fr✓m thein. 1% hen these are e:on_e1 and chocked with matter witch (.011,1 not to tie there. your inlets cant:et hail ria there work. And what they do, they. csnnut tin web. Call i' a,'•1, a„neh, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, cnnstlatptien :-r any a+f the f i I a w r i• f throat mei nose and nd he:1 and lune uhatruc'iena, all are bit. All ought ro he stet rid ' f. There is jest one Marr, way to tet riot 01 them. that lis take lto*chee's (.mean Syrup, which an.y druggist will Fell you at ;a cents a rb,.tt',.. Even if evrrythng elle he, (mewl you. you may dfprod upon :his fur certain 'eerie Tan horse of Rev 31r EJ.e, f lint•,n, has i,,',•It out at past cr. for some t im',and in Monday week it was intended to brine it in, hu, the animal got it% Ire entangle i in a hien fence wire, and to badly cut that it will be wipe time be- fore it can be used at all. *ad ft DLThJNS Imo{ } , i'i-(7xtj POW) TEE COOKS 8E3TFRIEND !..R. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • •WILD • TR)kWBERRY`, CURES HOL•ERA holera Morbus 0 Lt 1 C'a��� R A M ISS I RR CEA YSENTERY A`J.D ALL 2UMMER COMiPLAi.:TS FLUXES OF THE BOWELS S4FE ANDRELIABLi: FCi: LDP.EN OR ADULTS. TE J. A. CONVIRSE 1F T Co i. W. Mtwt>::. A sit:,., P2+ •YF::i~TOW,. • M• .\'r::E.tL. 4.! Tnr. xa:vr:� ..... "I! re am j, aY p 9 rte---- .ss•s.a�.aee.�....� ' ..• _.+a THE LATE PROF. PHELPS. The above is a p,:.rtrait of the !::e Prot Eduard E. Phelps, M.D.. LLD., of Dartmouth Cellece, He was a strong, at4e than, whostood highinthe literary and sctemitic worlds. It is not generally knimin, but It nevertheless, the truth, that Prc f. I'belps was the Iic1•crer of what is known too the Mali• rl Pre,fe,si,,a and Chemist. anitersrll as Pairc's l t!ery C•,mptuxd, un(;aestk oab)y arc of the mit valuat_•le di,un-er's of this century. This remarkable coapr d is net a nervine, an essence, a sarsalaril'a 7r n devised article, exit a :ilurrrry and ti t�it1 � a •!istinct roe} in tnedtcal r -:ice Gad •ie trr^:went of nereees Kmplieati"r�a. It tea. teen [natty ailmi:ted t the best-tnediiet talent in the lana, and skull- the leadiee chrinistsand scientists, then fee nerve troubles, nervous exhaustion, iarmna,dcl.i:ity, sendity are' even the dreaded and t.•rrible Perces, `n.•thire hat ever been discovered which trachea the di .rater and r^stores health equal to this discescry of Prof. Phelps Cc-leny is- no* kei prefiared in quantities, enol can be ;glee at any relnitahle d -t. An attractive t'•ench of celery is to fund on every era• ; er. It has boonoso specially popular miner.; prnfesi"nal men, min•! werker.s, Iati:vs t r !reed with exciting •ocal dunce and lei- quenters of the !ending chile Prctr•_t:t cid, ty ,,:sctical ccn- I t:t::lar4, ttnpericr to anything in the Canadian :market. t -i 1e5'ItITE Fi .r, J^: Fi fl.ar.;TrO�l. Manu:aen,rayseise et CO>iT1.40E. Jt'T7C sed ('MTP:: PACS t'ALCINe:tis .t LAMP PLAeTrit. wntfe. as it Warta tt•te :—z1 rim? '.71r.N.t w. C. H'.)ICY7 .1. 7lasrgn tltwi.wta�irlmr. Paan mars,;. ser.. moat 1w.. e ••..a, (a•••. ,^sags rn.. . .y tine. .t y,... •.a Uwe Prreee .• neat.- earl" .A b- earl- -.r t It,..tgea,e riawyta .. t- we t w, 44,. *.&l n.. ,, .. we rsali.,.'1',.+.r.yr* Ow•- Lois •' i nr..la u-, .,sera t. ease b•1"••• •��., n, rf::. t *noir*. 8a... •, t �.. ,...:...,a. Itteaw. CoderiCli Steam BoilerTerga• Ch. y5tal . ZLa.:'act sorters a .+ •,• u. u ..•. :n 1 Steam Hoi:c1', raft Pato. Tanks.. }prate:., -nimaestacka, sad .s11 kinds of :sheet tea tt•drk• inprnced Automatic onto? tnrlSa ye•. Ir:nr-. l preelit and Ha i;•seriisi f legit.,•+• :.la- etuner3 and Castings of every .!,•emit esti. I 1►rsaa Fitting,. Pipe and Y:pe Fittings (tots. s,ant:� un Wan.:. On Hand for Sale Chear_, It. M.P. • .a tIanot stover. l mum. 1 aee•■d•Itan4 Ilex 1114 ita_I.r, 1•.. 1,r hr.i•rla.. 4 ..ntIlaen. n :.•-t c.: l -.e ., ":n1, • alien':,.r.. Kerne. t Opp. G. T. a. Mallow. Ta Itepr..rs protnp•;., n•..i P.O. BOX 361 !it fort and pleasure. There is more than mg ■lain I. f 1 h t ' %tie ne "nary happily If peeele wool F lake more pains to uuderetatod each other. and by kind - nen se:d ("et -serener, appeal 1.. thrix higher se.1 voli;er nature-flutstiu Al - Ter, to Yankee Blade. •I that Wright be concluded "r a wife teeing her hue'•^u 1 enema them : roteetim.e a 0!1•4411 .tetng its father or mother. They talie the names '•f the two n,and 'eerier,. refit -ant to God a ,•.'•.sic. 414,• 'hooch 1- though 1 am nr•t • let•er i c.,•1 1 m.1, leave here to en t , any "titer • ( these i+tont• wnh.out • properecrtiheato frit§ Get • w.a A r■1 the Heard of lle,lth. flut i her• 11,o Mr ft•w,de, delete'.:, is tot a hook *trent, !m1, has 1,h • a -.',cy to (neierseh here and here I'll remain. for J"hnt••.n's Tent (litters, witch he can heartily recurnmead fee any corm- _ tpave sew Taott•Al it•onl 11 tt meth o • Ilirh a tome la sip.. pliesh:r. This valuable nu•rtectu. leis Whir sulf.r a sits' tuna* it ween yen ' tarot with meet &,t,.luahmrly rood re- Pot tat i,nwdi,ta r.h-( (rein ail inter - sults in reeve of gensrel dsl►iilty, week- cal •.r external paint by •he arc of I''•1- ' new, irrtegulent,ea peculiar to female., seen s Nerviline, 1114 arr,r- pants cure. extreme paleness, imporeeishment if i!.• N he. never It,eo km.en to . Wood, stomach and liver trashier, low feet to s .10,1!.• case ; it cane 't iail 1.r wish to go anywhere. Ile rn:utun u A rteslabse Life c Few men have and geed :he rime VY DV DIP ' amount of work sM'+d in this we rid E�1 t j or -Tri the celebrate! Ill Chaise. t►v.r a ' I .11 /NDi p),t•0o..f 64. works here herrn sold m IIIJJJ ,1lUJ ?14SA1 BALM t►-�saate E. I. - rv.. , • 31ay 1111.4•7. . Vy x1,:1,e atilkret ter !taw yrsn with bleat Grits etng disease. catarrh. Her care was one of the ?dent kn,,r-n its 'twin! ars. slat tried * 4 aN the rte a rrb t eme- :tcs I tier Maw suvertteei". bat they tr,:< of rr)J tato f itary preeor(,I a trait rat Need balm. She 'misused r *sty nee tart of it. and new feels lake n n, w p.rsrit. i feel 1• my ,tntr o., ,1,r 1101! \s411 Ila:ia cannot I . -Tot) F71Uii11• r^cesarean'. d for rota,:!, trent:es, and ren taunted 10 hare a;: s1:eh *titterers know tt:ren* h :-n it.. the, w/A re,e:r.a•biar, r.lfrf era rot: • t. H.t.4, 11L I,ILL Farmer Canada dun.. WE want ettrry porton Itroubled with Liver C'•mplaint, I)ys- p epsis, Headache. Kidney ur t: ring• ('Cr•tihle., to bite a Felt!. , f Dr Chaos . L.ver (hit”, it wili rise rose, Medicine laud Ileceiee Beak 111. S01J by all druggists. err We: hewer: ;Nein Ve*f•:rth fresh „At fret nn a visit. H. is heating wr I, and Gaye tin number cf 'esf.'rthites who baro {amnions in that pr,siternus city are; thriving ,•1 appetite, amt for that general warn r 55 • c •rntnnat,on of the twat powerful nutfeeling that ,early every on* is pain subduing nova !tee known Trr a trembled with at some part "4 oh. year. I 1 emit .•a.nple bottle o1 Nervt'tni You i Don't forget the mime Jnhnstnn's Tonle I will bad Nervitine s sore mire fee neer- bitters roe. and Ill per h,ttle at (o,ede's aleta, t•w.thaehe, headache. Hey .ad I Ing .tore, Albion block. Ilod.rich, sole ',try. Lar'. bottles 23 teats, by all agent. a I drtsegima. Are the factors employed in the purchase of Goods from the best houses in the trade. The general verdict is that ' tildes and in all Gn ,.. , 'dun: o is abreast of the 1 pa.rtm„;l.a f•Jiiy un to 'cl:e :r: I:. y increasing business is an eviderco that :ay •- cdbr' o please the public are appreciated. " r And while I endeavor to keep almost everything - • sally� r �. found in a fast -class ho;.se, the general ":Nile r as ► rely upon getting the correct thing in every <? Soar tr lent. Notwithstanding the ad—arc cinS` 11, Cutts i will sea Satin and D'Lyor:;, Surahs an- 8a tin 14�ery ',il :Au$ at former prices. l t•noteee/swrr s t'ewn.trwsr. - 1 ''1 can p'etinly state, that I r•n find! n"then•• iwtter thee llveytrd's Y .1',,w 1 t►.I. 1 hes., rhentnrt;rtrr oMatn•otoiry, end Ve!1•os 114 d••es togs great u.'4. You t can nee ,rya name if yoe with. ' Tonga; truly, H Diekins•m, Confectioner, 11 ThnmeN, • Onto 31r ftemn.l Inwaon. ,.f I1nC.tt, was married on Tutsda r.f het week to 31t.. liab.11a ll irphy. The ceremony was per- fnr•ne,i at the Knglish ehstreb nar•nnsye, I ti.nfntth, •n 1 the Kapp eonple left im. esediatsly on a tour to anit•,bs and the' Northwest .11:' .S;Vela/tits f -) t c eas .M• Linen Goods in great varietr, Laces and Edging!, Smallwares, from Needles un. Ain Merge i: price. • All Goods marked in plain iters a and strictly 0113 2 , ALEX, MUNRO, Draper an c1 Retards.' er Fins Hosiery and Gloves, and all the le