The Huron Signal, 1889-7-5, Page 11 v PORTYAIC0OND YRAIR. %HOLE lon31111E1.. =it : TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. C.s- ual Advertisernerts accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. DIED - Browse %/Lauda!, tily. n I ie *fib t. Joint Me311 nI•h sun ef Men In atop Mad II lealre. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice - JUiltt Raab. T. Notice-- ter Adamson. Judicial thee -J. Pu!instsee. Netter toCustiactors Jritin Cox. Girl Wantwl -Mrs P. F. 1,awren, Montt -en; slorp-eoentat e Manus Oatarius Newcombe ••1. special Pekes J. .t. 1:etti Dro. GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY. JULY 5. 1 i D. Met3ILLICUDifT. i $1.30 A YEAR IN Ablitil Miss Marion Greet is visiting fries& in 'Vomit..., The regular meeting of the town ou cil an re held this evening. lir Jan Grew liew rejoices in • porain stripe et Nu. 1 willingly, 3 Bat t fkrunon int Lisanuao -About p Ino July 1st, lightning struck tne Louse! of Mr. Morrow, at the south -mat eud .1 the teen and completely shattered i A little giri who was iu the house at t enr- 3rd , time had her shoe and stecking turn ore 01 her feet, but fertutiatety escaped further injury. . 1 Onni•weettuv FEATTral. AND Reuel ithilos strawherry festival and rest (i.e. will he held un the grounds of • Jelin Andrews, Baylield Road. on tl ninon ut Tu..uiay, July 9th. Fr conveysticett will rue from Geo Milton store to the greunds, beginning at Adaimainoi; to emend" 25 et The recentieri of the new panel., Re ubjecto tn. the Katherine. Alt are teat alt Ur .1 F. Wyatt And f , f 11 fern, are attendant/ • fee uays w 'needs eat these Clemons. Cousin:nes - The col time et the Gedertch Cowman He 1. r the spar ming oltJune 30. 1889, w IP10,53.3.02, against en 448 41 tor preceilo. t year. olletrit g an increase I'_ 04;4 n7. t. he t Row It was Celebrated in 00(10- itf rich. DOMINION DAY. lee USN 7- Tilt Villidree's Game. The there. Bann - 4- .1 Lass, lanaillesies et lissites• Lal 1r erase Anil Itsmebell rtse ***** Craillead Wisplat et Sire. 1. amiss. 'a 4 en_ .! Derninieti DAT in Gocierich this year ere t he of - • i at -sib's th-t hnol•wor Jett the al feet mitten now ..n. • the inners during the 'lest to mon will be enamel at 3 p.w. every week day except Saturday, when the hour chatted, old to 1 p ineoirrtese •- A match between Cel therm, represeuted hy 1.) Cumutieg and R 141, ...lois. iota Gs...tench, represented . y T McKenna and it Nevins, was held oti ib o therich reente ers n the after- noon if ennttinoen D.y, and e ...suited in favor on. (o:tenon& by • score of 61 to 49. Ktzt 'nos or Orris:eve -At the lest reenter meeting Heroin L idge Inn G2, 4) G. F., the foliating ILeififielyi Were lecera Minters f .r Ilse curtest terns:- riot. J. Stratton, J. P. G.. Win. Proud - eat N G. Gen N tern V G.. Gee. reser S , (1„,. Sevens P Senn C Nairn Treas.. P. Heft and C. A airn reptestaitetives to Grand Ledge. Cornen.--The ramose* Tentless...ens, the eh/totem-I us favoriter,have sung there ELT two lessens, and have beta once oed .r the Cade*n lhauteisqua the com- e treason. " ill he in Geo:lent+ Then- av eve: los:elute Ilth,1889,at the Greed pera Hees.. Tickets : Iteserved seats e, &pinery and side sesta 35c. under e gallery 2.c. Plan of hall at Frazer d. orter's book -store, where reserved seats n be steured. Peree e, Horn Inethe Itferieve.- he regular ineuthly meeting of tie Mane nen) Beern was held un Friday restee, Mr C presadine. Pre- sent, Trusters Ach.-eon. Penh Chrystal, Seransoo. lospecter Tens arid Principal Park. The minutes ..fprevious meeting berme been confirmed, the principan• port fir June. showing au atenige at venison, of lsOi pupils, 313 oeys and 294 tie, ens received mei filen An a mat from Jam Wilkinson for il12.50 w dered to be paid. Tenders for paiu g Central inherit fence were reciter sin Messrs Mayne. Eliiett and Steven ked B. L. Mitten, one id the tirinetp-il th. 11141fur TOWN TOPICS'. elaer escuy ye. talon' suttee. 414"joit4 , grew' it." The outside stews takes 07 Goo. steeee with Cis imine anon csimot eseeiled in the Dominion.1. Wain T',. asnet useful F you am lit•ge g..• • Wirt Pen. .*pA pis 40 4). 51e.C.Iltieudly.•rtnt. Goderii. h. e The Kazoo howl was unite a teatime on Da- minion Iral. mut G. • boys ii)., look net all looked as it t:ieir stylish turnout bad toren aught...OA kr; lue atylush 10. 4 A. Paid- Tiia own's CwitotTia'a Twarawineet f. nitioN Wl.. suer reettlarly rid itaktranoaciton . of busibeiss every Tuesday aft...moon at 10 o'clock, a: Cue Temperabce Hod. 1... 44 au - man iiit.reatal te Me work ia ~Italy invitee menet:A. &Taw 'fountain at rt.e we! -end faces the 5° and tb- Plietnia,i faces the four- th h d.tgood amt. in their respectit-e p spliens. *Od the. wage i.4 the cue taiga pu and wood a. ter druo-, and to be 02 hod at Me miter. The b .ture os the Harbor Park. wlieis T theusei.do 0 spect lours were viewing the launch. Via, a rine one. and had ae Artist 1' taken in thi scene end placed It on catlealia. gig it woulaif mounted by ft. R. sadc,s,. 4140 photographer. Arrive to I. aa Ione:isms to any art go1-r. it. it. sellout maktni a spe- cialty ot pi. 7 ure reaming. Nothing 4. 1.e...retitle! * hollow IA Cried pliniihnig end dcalaur. Alundi.r• have a .?o01: of American ...over ide, and san'tary plumbing gouda. snit einpim two Orst,lass pbonhers. and ttre'- charnels are menerate. They keep masted on the it, latest approved you are geitleg la water call an: sec them. The cheapest house tinder 44,0 sun. or Miss MeGerva, cf Clietet, is the guest i" of Mts. a;lace. sr( It Mr J. Wallsce, ..1 Lstektionr. was ib aa tee': ott Due The central and war.: sch la will re does for the simmer Indicters today. Mee 0. 11 M.0111, of Aylmer. Erin th C e, is the e -t of Ler deugter, Mrs E. • inchardsoti th Dr McDoaasth 1__e in G.onericnnoe eeneultati. n un the lint Saturday on every neettle r i Mr. Capt Lswenn and daughter,1111 snd Miss Bella Methesen. are visiting friends m at Detroit *Id Cleveland. Mier Lillie end Muter: Walter Miy, of tw Toronto, are visiting at the residence of at Mr C. A. iluniber, Victorian:. er The high school examinstions began lb' on Wenneaday, and will ct.*e today. nu' There is • linen chess of compete. rt. Mr L filcDobnid, ef Sawyer. Mall OP sey &• Co , Hamilton. was in town on ch. Tuearday last un a hostiles, trip. H. is 1"w an oki Gederich bey 41.0*ew Mrs L T McDenald and two thildreit. Mi ef Hamilton, are nattiest her mother .6;:i!' Mn Meshin. Angleses atreet. She will ih spend a wench ser so visittne olci scenes. hoh'Y Dr M Nnholsen. the West-st dentist. ern makes the preservatien of the natural teeth a specialty. Gas acininistered from eft, 9a. m. for the palates-. extraction of em tooth. rich Meseta J. Ceok, A. McKenzie, Joe. diet Ago.. lied bliss Agnew and hIrs Mc Kay, Perainount. and J. Murchison, T.. nun mato, were visiting fete:nig in town this pree week. Mr M. G. Cameron, barrister, of To- the rotate, was in town Thursday nn legal ale. hominess. We are pleased in leers that Inn our foriaer tomnsinan is holding his own man in the etty of churches and lawyers. stud Persons wishing to improre their seek renewal -to -Rev A. Potter, who 1. the pant year has occupied the pulpit i Victoria at. Methedist church. delivere his farewell ourinen Sinaday evelnu toga haree congieeatitm During hi residence in our town the revere's. gentleman and his amiable Lousily sac erected wininne the go..d will and ee teein of all with whoen they name iu cots tact. They left for Dunganinstehfr P. t- tens future sphere of labor. on Tuesday Ian, th • best wishes" of their mean. (needs in Goderich acconipany them to their i.ew home. Fear St•rrait -A mitre entertain- meht .a. ;peen in Mr G. V.'. u rotria.m'a e(ore ,,,I }ninety last, in the shape ef a free •epper. The cot king was done en the Wainer Lamp Cooker, and 500 cups of code., beside,' roast and betted meat, regatoren onions, fowl and fish were 510)04154ongst the deli:emir. provided Mr Frarik Wanzer mei Mr Shrelock. Henseten, had chase.. of the nencine and are pronounce./ adept* in their srt by ail whe parent: f f the Bend thane*. The supper lasted frum 6 p.m. to 11 o'clock. Femme': !Nita. - The following foruter residents of Goderich epe:st Deuenien Day in town :-Mr Henry Clicae, of Montreal ; 3Iisa Berry and 'dr J Berry, ot Lucknow; Mr El Pat- more, Detroit ; Mrs Edwards., Toronto ; J MePeersoni, Detroit ; Mr Hilton Helmer,. Toronto; Miss Wilkinaon, Galt; Jr H Horton, Toronto ; Mr Jeo A Doyle, Sault Ste Ilene ; Chet Heine, Ihrrenta ; Gilbert Fnaley, Hamilton ; Mier Neve mane, 'reroute ; Messes Ar- c- thur and Percy Andrews; Percy Wid- e, ten, Lindon Mrs Gamble, British Cl- t- Inane* ; It C Mackay, Chicago ; John ed Mackay, Lenden. opened atilt Leery indication of • rare r recreatins. the niontine a. t- bright and clear, and a hoonday aPP"nn 1111100 was visitilis to livery view. The ir square and a number of the streets din n played flags tied bunting In prefosten d and the town approved at its bast, with it its broaJ, clean stree(., awe trees in full foliage. At 934) A. M., 1 THE CHILIMI:tt's itskirs 4041tt iditutal heing the !ewes" was arded the won.. Tontieos ir putting water *entices lit sever.1 schools ware ceived fr. m Jas sunders & Sun and fsCiSalkeid. After some diectinsien e matter was ieft in the hands .1 the penal committee. Needed repairs , sclera, scheels, and • new Week- end for Miss Sharnemininevoin were re- reitteld eositieigent eensmittee *1441 Po wee to set. The resenting of th wan, ncipano neeu wan referred to schsed agement ceintuitteeno report at next teethe. Advertising for an assistant h en a or . elite term, find o lady teechers was deferre.1 for outs &net -edit g au answer from the teach- ef the e juter divine., to a request that would centinue in change of her on. 11. L S. Ort' IILF.TIN0I.-At the on Meeting ',f H f the igh School Liter- neciety on Friday evening the fol - tug progrein was presented :-Chorus club : reacting, Nina Crozier ; selo ss McKenzie ; recita(ion, MnSallows Miss Strachan ; chorus, glee club ectieus, Mr Harvey ; reining, 111 ; recitation), Mies Potter ; mas- tery, Mr Ministry ; chinas, Klan club ; icistus, Mr Moore, Jr. ; address. Al I Stratig. The folliswine vpledictory reed by lir Mahaffy :-Wenhe mem • of the graduating clamant in Gods High Seho .1, beg leave in this vele- ery to express to Mr Strang, head qr, and 0 is ccIleaseies, Messrsre, re, Halls and lishaer, our feint •p - patent of, anti gratitude fon their kind and faithful 'Redfern to us during past year. Now that the term is ut 1 close we men heartily say that teschers In the yarn year hare ewer nested a devoted interest in our lel that they have been manias; in ing to advance us : that they have LIWITWEI.:11T 111A4(PIONNIIIP - A nein for the light weight championehip .1 Goderich hart-sor duck. came off on Weduesday evening ahont eight .cock en the vacant lot on Watertneet, behind John Sturdy.* reselence. The battie was the outc.nne of a dispute en Domin- ion Day between two members of differ- ent branches of the Murray nuttily, and was carried out trinTor Infogqof Queensbury roles. without gloves. iema, Roth combatants received severe punishmeet, and at the end of twenty five minutes the reporters_h trine got en to the '•uull," the referee declared the tattle a '•drass" and the Katherine dispersed. When THE SIGNAL reaeheJ the grounds DO 111211 (01 the fight was visible except a gory neck- tie evidently torn from the neck c -f one of the contestants. Where was the prime ? SRPARATE Iftesrummt Ex ne• te•renc. -The mideumuser examination of the pupila attending the separant school at St. Josephs Convent was held on Friday afterneon, and was witnessed by Rev Father %Vest, a number of the ✓ trustees, several parents of pupils and others. The exert isee were gone through in a highly creditable manner by the ✓ children In both departments, the rich. under cations in each reem hong of a parEc- _ ularly high order The school is1 • the supervieion nf Mother Evangelist, , Princ.nal ; Sister Getter; neadvanced pu- nts ; Sister Agativa.jnnier nurals ; Sister Anice a.music ; and Sister \ oromeasiestie tent. Grea. care seems 141 be taken by ; the teachers in peemoting the progress pupils in each roena were made br of the pupils. Short adnreases to he tl Father West, and others at the chise of the exerciees. AUCTION SALES. Ell parties wetting their male bila printed at t 'Ake a Hi . a lire notice inserted In MainOrlell oir strengthen their pewee of attention sheuld send Pmf. i.ette, 237 Fifth Are., N. in, fer his proepec- tus pest trm, as advertised in another column. 10-tf As Imminent T TerROVreitenT. -The new Soft Stop and Practice Pedal attach - mU ent to a NewcombeUpright Piano settee the nerves nf the listener or per- former, when practising. a• well as the instrument from weer, and preserves the tone. tf. Asistret L 0. L. Sitanote-The an- nual sem° en to the ranee Lod,re will be preached in Vieteria St. church on Sunday morning next by Rev Mr Hol - ten. The brethren are rerpsesten to meet at the lode* room at 10 a , to march til the church. A special meeting of the lodge will be held on Saturday eveniag. A fell attendance is requested. Rows, fiware Hone t_Capeem Jaya Cringe" with his ted"Oreedinnenrieti: floderich at 6 a m. or. Jane 29th, South Bay, Manitoulin, with foortemei Gaderich fishermen on beard, to speedbominit. Dominica Day in the old Iowa. At To - Wetmore, several 'MOM Onderich saeswerew, were taken beard. The boys all spent an enjoyable time sleeved home oe the 1st been unceasing in their attention. The University clan would especially extend their meet sincere thanks te Mr. Strang, aid also t. Mr liniore this ILK up to the time of sale. Sttordity, July 13 forni- ' tore. &a., at the residence of Dr Mc - for the many hours of gratuit ins teach Meshing, canner of Waterloo and Elgin - int which they have given them, after ; ; sale to begin at 1 o'cleck. John regular school hours, end we •11 /pin In Knox auetioneer. hoping that before long -before the! physical body shall hare rafutael to sup - pant • to willing mind ----the unharness giro another assistant to our head etearee. Wha shall all leinin this "chore satisfied that whatever may have boon our eneeteeminga, our teachers have faithful- ly discharged their respective doties,aed that any failure whseh may be renorded after the terming examinatior cannot be ettribeted teeny neglect l duty nu thole pert. We are proud of being identified with • school which has hitherto main- tatoed such • high standing "name stud :sr educational laminations of the Pro - eines, whorth has ex -pupils in aniteet every (outer of the globe, who hy their attatements, give evidence of On aemillestee of the warty training which they native* while in Onderielt High &hoot. We hem low the future ewe= of that sanest ; and that, kind Provellenee will long 0.ftinue to support its tosebers with health and strength ta tin perform snob of their duties were heel on he Square, under the metureement ef Blesses F. J. rridhain, Jas Additen, C. A. liumher slid 1). C Stay:Lay, with the foillteattig : I14 s eat in. 100 yards, hetween 12 anni 14-1 D Thomson, 2 G Creestuan, 3 11 McKee ate. 5 yards, 10 to 12 -1 W Reed, 2 A %Veneer, 3 Alex McLeod,. 50 yard?. Anne 10-1 J Baker, 2 E llotrinsen, 3 A 'McAuley 50 yerds. G to 8-1 Geo Sillib, 2 L Greets. 3 11 Owns All Fours Remo. 8 to 12-1 G Cornell, 2 J hIartin. 3 F Jehnste... Three negged ltce-I W Ref aod W Waddell, 2 J Crsiyie and 'I' II wean, 3 11 Humber red %V Men (412Li 75 yarde, between 12 and 14-1 Jen- niei,,t3tistier, 2 Gmracie Ge's, 3 Meta Elt75 Tanis, 1n to 12-1 Int Crai4ie. 2 Bel a Baker, 3 J vs.'« l'outtn 50 yardeS to 10-1 Jessie Hendorson, 2 Aimee McOmald, 3 Ceral Biuett. 50 yardt. 6 to 44-1 Birdie 11.11ier, 2 A eix on. 3 Lottie Creen. Etlice, 50 yards -1 Slictzio eanIP o bell, '2 Omelette Urr, 3 Minuie Count'. „ TIM KAZOO BAND, The Young, Libenslin club mem was h the rendezvous fee the Klotz.) band, anal 4' whets that combtuatint made its appear - &n08 on the neesee at 10 o'clock., n was the observed of all omen:era. Twenty - 'nue rousse men, nrinsel in morning .1 It a I h duty toga, to accept from the ladies Godench two drinking fouritettn, ode they bate been knid enough to preee to the t..wn. The duty is a pleasant on r "Would Len?. one gifted with ttloguistsc Nu 'henna or subject. 'Minh great of I panda hdletalleininit, which :is del, at, oh tearna by vouchers nt to. Town of Ccderieh 403 01 • I Park M.O.-inn. lie 30 ' Private out...cried:on KISS U1' sense. The gift betekens thoughtfu Iona Arid carotid consideration Ill the it tertaits of humanity, on the part ..1 !mhos iii a very high ilegtee. Drinkti fount:ion* are a ereat boom ; they we needed, And tlitaugl. only a sho tune running het. alinado Lett tenet nvely used 4., man and beast, eve the little birds. This tact piens. th ladies were kind and, limn lite. acid the here maser t be iiteed ei th o sucene of their ell d-ta. molten tunes ertir city and town haven:: water wones IDUll have public driithirar feutiteius ; they ar as neceasary now as when kime w built. They need Lot be se coedy o elaborate these uf ancient Rem• whose fount:ern arid aqueducts an to day the wander and ail.niration of two hemispheres-commeteine, strength an inefulitess are the tine censuieretiont Thu pubic site:tsars ti-relab ,r desiguea coavy •u...tatt,a, the Are nettle to demise.. et mail • .vs. . tisane." a high stitriteil testis, r 31r p,)! 1.7-.1ml. poen, ruitsii. g a .r.ty and 41 their mad career dashing lot-, a tenet ferment, ehatteriee it it re Ira:meat. liner than its own spray. 4 Mrs ..re Cain seal mete', mere unite than niche:ie. ih.-7 '0 w.:riciug well Though they hive been enticisod, I am satisfied they are tiling limit Wine it. public fee mere quie. hy and terecesetully hen their clines. Dot. we dente orient. (mutating we count hue them Oar attenuant princes, our wealthy minutiae - hers, our tul and wheat snectilatoon our millionere betikern err railroad kiees, reel one a enthy at (I Wend 91";.., n.; men, would glodsy carne forfw 4-41 .1)4 aim ely any ameunt fero.rnaireintal fienitaint Rut arse we hate tin the bill se well as if they were more cepa nitre. As 'Minn, 1 theekfully accept the fountains from% thu latitee Goderielt en behalf of the town. 1 have now tisueh pletture in do- yenne and dedicating them to. the use of uur citizen:, the rowilaw3 s it our sun 'undue: towns, to.citehips and all str.in- era who are lona:ste etl. un to refill or town. In conciusien 1 nee to 'batik 11 these who have been p rested to honer he 13110 with their prism set. toseinv. 1 e veil may an fully re tey yeureelves, that next Deminion Dy se alley see ou all hero onsin• I- ' Dtsill'itsguitalts ,- . Expresso iihargra an :Wean, . $010 .10 __ l'.'tug Iit. ,. . ...... ..... 2 up . Freisbt on rre works • 2 s3 og . Advettiottie *4 (10.11.4* I ea ✓ ,,, ; Al:it'll-to (games .... E. Ai " Post irnt Inns. I'. It )1.0 .. .. 1.' 4f.) 1- 1 W. T. ..'elsh. %ihei . up . 12 00 1, I raf,..rItIstRil n 're wut ks ' 1.4 is:. e IlueoSignal . -.......•. .... lt: to Y Hy. Armstrong. ieleolints .. :. i 13 ft. Ft. 4- nosh • cu.. .gre .. 1 jo - 1311 . photie . y Star pr: sit ;lig ... 12 tit Itatitl *rims. .1 ft.telY I ;A 1' 11%. A rooitrone Hoot• termowing grass • 3 m James /teak . .... ter r Kaz..0 Bang ..... tie • Sundrtem •„. 3 lie Hall in ! 'w hie- 'IAA. of I u0 d the *rgenii.e. 041 -*34371 Holan-e due Town ✓ THE CAT1101.1.1.' 1 at Ilweltiene groove was atteented by *heat 0041 Unmet to the heavy shower te the afternoon the mimes and sports had to henweeoidatnypetellt Ilitirdeeipta netted about -$200. We 'smite -stand th • entertainment *Melt we. to hare come .df in :lot Opera /Lilian oil the t-veillgig Do.nitioni Day. mei which was un- ayeidebly pestpieuel, will he held within the glen giro or three weeks. PORT A LIIEUT. From cur own Currest,dmiebt. A number of t ur villagers attended lest wereben report- ed a e''J tine 1141,.44 f f rich fer the menth of (.;3411% - I Hone l'hurlowe; 2 Maude McCennelt " 3 Nellie !gemsto- nes,. Pert Seeend -1 L ttie llr.wa; E:iat ; 1...tuct S,.e9t1d----1 Sammy Drayer ; 2 Alphy Bennett : 3 Grace Itiehardsen. Sr. Se- coun-1 Kitty Ceeiphen ; 2 Willie Ren- own auu 1.1..oglas ; :t Stevenson. Taint C t-1 L.7.Zie 81,,. 001,41; 2 Mary Ste. elsfer11 ; ./ .1111 Reli- ning. Fourth (as. -1 ,ice Hawkins; n Denier. nee averiee attenen anee tit eur *churn f o tee pin Lent y68: us .'I ES suits with silk tiles end each carrying a "Kazorn got up in initetioin of tile Gil- more Baud -or roi.lo other high create merited aggregation---turneul out 4,. the march, and gave a nuather of nomeel selection, iu a fashem 'lever benne heard IU this section. to the amusement ..1 the thousands '.1 stininseers that lined the route ef the peeceasteri, Till vistroae by vehiee far surpareen in number any rrevems grille -rine on Deininion Day in Go tench, and from early in witine until :ate at night the streets Brie crowded, and the hotels and 4,staiirtrita did* Kr roarnie trade. La gond refreahmenta there was almost a dearth by eventhie, arid in several instencee the spirituous PI and fermented levees proved inadequate * on tatiVrioi•k. The first fame of lannese Cline idiot 0 incieck iv , }int eosin t.1-04 Laelinov Union so [Le li.oteere, of Gederich Wit phi% e.1 on tee kmcultural round.. After sn bourn play the ante woe drone cant) sine seethe .me T1. The first game in the content fs o silver cup was antiouneed for 11 clock tesa., between newt from Clip' 100 mod Looknow. At the appointed. tune the Canton teen ems 1,11 the held, but the Lecknows nailed t ahee up u ntil hearty ln entoch entities claimed the exinc. At 1.30 the gaute bet ween the Seidel -oh .1 metro ani J.inior Fluron• wns callel on the old cricket otmds, and had jest started, Rhea rein began to fall in t-rrents, and everynedy night ehelter 111 ab. -tit half an hour ay was resumed, and the Segftirt ou the gime by "three wave:Its" eta e hem. The contest was thus narenw- ed down to the Chinten and Sent irth club., and the game between them was muted at 4 30 p m. Seaferth took the firm goal and Clinton the next two. Seaforth secured the feurth after a hard fought game of 3) minotes. Th. issue then depended on the next game. and Seaforth won it after a came which last - 60 minutes, and was desperately con- tested. go' to the demand. Ac urefertunately often happens at large 1:inhering's there was a timelier (f intoxicated young men, who, during the day marred, their own enentuent and the pleasure of many others by indulg,ence of stronghence and weak heads. THE 172.71-ReION TRAIN from Stratferd was watched for by an e ager creed, and wheo it arrived with fifteen heavily laden coaches a large aJdition to the alined, large number of visitors was the result. The hue of march was then taken up Eaost-st 1 ale !equine, the proceseem being heeded by the Goner; h team brass b*.i4) atud hunt band. The nested continued on she move t., the Warner and Parkno new the launch of the Inge telionner, which it ea. anderstoed was to take place at 11 o'clock, or shinny alter. 1,4 cone - tisanes of this attraction • Me 5,000 people trent np peinta of vantage eo as beet to obrierre the launch, and the ap- pearance of the docks and Harbor hill wea of • meet animated natures. Mr Marlton, the shiphuilder, and his men had been busily engaged from early norn in perfecting arrangements for the successful lanuchine of the vessel, bat unfortunately one eit the ways was of soft elm, and in some onsoccuntable manner, the schnoner's weight came upon this perticulor way. cutting • Mee onto it end thereby hindering the beat from eliding off the ways. Miss Beene Chilton hal the naming of the inhooner, * hese flag bore the name "Sophie," bet lin launch had to be postponed until ***cheek, owing to the accident referred to. At that hour there was alsn a large enocouree of spectators present, ani nothing neeitered to. diaappeent them The achnotter at the cutting of the lines Klided over the ways and graufally took her place on the tiosorn of the water. amid h I Atineuserest. We have made arrangements with De D. J. Kendall Co., publisher, 4"• Treatise en the Horse and hts Dereeselet° which will enable all mar subseriners to obtain *Copy of that valtsahle work free by sending their address (enelnaing two -cent *tempi w mailing same- to Da R. J. KANDALL Go, Emeatinite Fuen, V. Thai' book es now regognised as etnettard unborn, upon all diseases of the horse, 111 its phenomenal aide attests over fear million septet hewing been end tn the past ten year, • sale never before reached by any pablicatioti in the muse period of time. N • tconfident that oar patron, will lipprenlate the wort, lied be glen to awed themselves of this unity ef nbfineing • ralriabte book. It is uermaary that you inewitton this paper in sending for the "Treaties.- This offer will remain open for only a short time. ger e mu nods. and Ito Ow intense relief of Messrs. Marlton • and Williams, the owierra. 011oSetTlgo TINR IrOrvTAIN4 ; Tbe dedieeting of the feentasne, ss neteneed for limb noon, wat ant witnessed by sun . erring to the kite atteridatioe 51 t • 1la,bor Park, and other onesea Following M TWII NAT011 • • T -s --11111N1 SID GititTLIWee,-D 4.aly eti eentaittr. The teethe)l some in the afternoon was a,i by the Exeter' with the follow- ing scone : Exeter, 4 1 1 10 2 2-20 tiedernh, 1 0 (1 0 1- 2 Batten.", Ten and Asiderein, D. Holmes and P. Ilalculinsen. Umpire - Herb Elltott, • Till THISNDEUNTOP Shortly inter 1 p.m. a thunder stone broke over the tim', and for three four hours there was • neatly ponterouch to the chagrin of the visitors mid the; . Th • e in the success a the games on the grounds and the gate recent, were shrunken to a oonsinerable extent. The neonatal hall Ind to bo thrown open flf shinny thou who had been witnessing the games and Prof. Ahem, gave his exhibition of chain swallowing, •word •wailowinc. eleight-entemn. &c .within the building. in the evening the rain enwed, the sky cleared, the band played, and enjnJtuett was again in order. TIIIR THIN WORK4 IN VII EVININci were witnessed by the largest number of pimple ever bnneeht together in the evening at Goderich. The (twirl*, sae a nsastntheent one, and retlected credit alike on the manufactorer,his astomt .ho superintended it here. and the cosmeaittee that selected it. The devices wei• all elegant pewees, and woe the minuets- nation .g ell who witnessed them. Ttla TRU I•AV iru furnished by the Doherty Bend of Olsten, the Goderieh Taws Band, and the now heron* Kuno Bend, to the genet enjoyment of all. 114 Etna AND tertian As envies of the readers .4 Tea She Al. may b. anxious to know the fitson- eial melte of the day, two herewith sp. LEE141.-1.13. Frew Mir ran curres;,ntid,-b. Miss Ellett mei Inutile 1 Hillier, of Godeticb, visited here this work. Thee Riche: Garrien, ;'mi'l ;ardent, Vl*ttt. L4 tillthe.. weft hir npence Allele . Generic'', I reach - ,el 1. re {wet Sumisy It ti.e alesecce 31 theil7;t:I ttleeten. of Derides at.. Termi- te. is 443-3bag a ammeter furiuugh from 41*r mysteries an taliar.nary amongst re - helves here. and 11111. a run ye to see old I friends !harem...not. Mies McLem, of Clinton, visited friends here One week.. Cr.. J dinsten, ef the V. • E , staff ot tend Fent**, gave eur bur. a :rens- e-et visit this week, but was ntf duty and was ennieed in "'her matters, which seinstmes 'nem mine . tho 1,eneiiio. tine neves. We advise 1111li to resign penif such etie 1.11 lateetien, Are take out en msurairre polio-, winch al- weys eines • rrow in an utilseskel fee ester. A reporter is rattier 11.14 to sunden attackaand always levies chann- el life, but it to a "einem eueetten 1.1. • benealtet to he a reperter without 'own - Mire It. Fulfeel link in the sizegroion Guelph 1.. Pro t11.0 M .del Fenn and hat now to. answer many enetnries about the Ontario Aericultural Scheel of Learning. L lot week its Terence. from the tower the 31..s:: I.ttice, we took a birns-eye or vigfdf the city. and sew the silt and hum of the streets Wiese the hall* of Jenne, omelette churches and sesta of teaming, the shippitie en the Rey, the e eing and coming traine, and then the imminent distillery which has turned nut rapes and pities of hewn, like a run • nine fountain, for the betels there end where in tint -trio: so ,.inch se, that the tite cent hits alime paid over the lishrinckfs"ireile'seeuib,.n"11:.f ttb3 eec11:,2::i;iesinint"it seater now.r Seme of the newaraseer tiem there alseoW tind hew many fire cent bits make bhk itnh• c • inteha ilclig. The silver medal fin the second year stmlents at the Wenn Warm. at Guelpb, has been reined F. It Unfired. A large 'mintier et friends here cengrato- looted Fred on his recent 'access. 0141 No. 5 scholars "breed an ever t:. the (rent in whatever counts of study they undertake. The pretty mare, Pansy, owned by Mr Potter, sr., n Poplar Rew, takes the lead in raising neck and drone • full share of the formwork. She la :Al al* roan and has had Pour ante, thme of which have already been wen for good prices The lint °he, only a few weeks nld, had an offer of • hundred mid twenty-five (hiller" pieced on it the day of its birth H•ee any other farm- er* in the serainty se rood • 1'0,11 w ird wilco* colts eon bring sash hie priees,aod do so much work Aniut $4l) worth of the propeeed ad - intim to the Collegiate Institute Inner,. Clinton, has arsived, and dm books era ; meeting with the students' heart, ago-. peers!.