The Huron Signal, 1889-5-17, Page 10• mee
A real!, ..��tt~ »t teeth i. al- TIRE -SWEPT `T• S�l'YF.L'Rrl TRE HOVE CIRCLE.
u.+l as great • rarity as a guldee
WHAT 1S GOING ON IN OTHER LANOS•' Oees Oven the famed gardeu of Hes
ANO PLACES. eoerier& Tool are either too outset
-us tie teo few, tee lung 1 r tie. abort.
lieu vtroeltate mows Ga. mot. took and ane gum at all ur no
eagars*sWerlel. ,esd worth •peaktoj til and east ex -
U Irr.sewd Ere else Lt[mrau.e er ewe ,..nee tit gum .l am aggray.tlug fed.
lmsa•rati. It to a source of much speculation
hy pe..ple u,th bread gums mud teeth
The Shish of Penia is touting with a eke grams of young cora ah.•u.d hate
gratedreedptiwt in Kneeta. .e..utha cut e.p.clally for the display of
Now fell all the turn„iso iu Nurtbern teeth
Miahmen. 'fiesibettine and butter tenth are two
William O'Brien's libel trial .'•,tins• Lord very objecti.o able varieties. the tenter
kialtdaary will tale. plow ia lei tepee!. i.uggesttng the stone tieerry, the latter
One Lnndred and twenty eerie.* of toil. he dairy.
have been orderel in I:uel.nd lor Germany.; Pru acting teeth are • great deformity.
A light *entente L• cspected is the rue of 1'iotier H ugu aeries that elsdanie J.•ad
Perris., who tired • shut et I'reeiient Pare restate crow g uvluuss aasthat ••• heti
sot w Paris. he was yule(, tooth hung out. ' How
The ( Meer Mord ..1 Trade has decided. ,siitely more hideous is • lot et teeth
lis diat.ueunue term klieg quetatt•, 1 to .etch project from the lite, hies.'•
bucket stole.. . oleos, like tuns from the side if a mete
Au ea'unieus leml.lide has ociturred at of war. ',wady for actioo. This is • cur-
Mpesslieek, iuitaerieu.i, tiestruyu,g vill•g•
es, Surest, awl cattle -
It is stateil the Pa dell Celeste .sine will
taut make its report to the Ileu.t ti cow
MOM until leel.unry,
abbe daferemy ala.,, easily is early lite,
•tt►uut much ditdculty even aftea the
travels, of youth has lamed,
Flitted teeth are smother result of
aatrbsare,s The uut appy pi user's. r
The ..temeship :\hake 1..(e been wrecks" 'mks as if his teeth had had the simile
• the ems; it Oregon and live 'wriest* wan 1,0% ers,n ti'.uu. h no meter signs of i
deetent•I. may le risible about him. Thio species
The phyai.•nl health of the Empress 01 ea. serer) gens, •moig •Mich may he
Aastri.. has been (mum benefited ky bw net.twuvJ the teeth :rich t:twpea
maa.sge treatment. edges
It is *tete 1 that Pripet Ferdinand 01 Roe- Artificial teeth are s S.•rntrr ress.,rt.
mania has ►feu beuuth.J to hewers Alio, „id ab• eke nertr be ria. r.r•d to as lung
of Ileum. as tone can muster a con ibe ah-ttereJ and
'is hitrlaw Reid, the new Ameri.k in Minis ,old•..rered reu.n•ete of the natural
ter, was received by Mr. Npuller, .\ls:uurt a� jr„nth. Nothing cite equal the bb..-
Fureigu .Opals, yeaterdey. ,ng et good, sound, healthy teeth. The
Fifteen hun•Irel airiest. re vera present old woman •hu thanked rhe Lord in
at the "pelting of the ew•ot' tit t annual 1ve fess( that her two remaining teeth
oonveutiun of .he Brutberher.i m Ik•11 01 last eerie at lees' apy site each ether, had
weak• auothi r thins; to be gratefcl fur --that
The Britisbt.overnment's proposal to eons hey were her own.
But let, the nether who dreams of
.n:li,nt future of beauty sod Sappiness
er her dau,tlit-r see that she Jeeves the
re -t t• time and guard the infant s •etety
durem • dentals ae she would guard ser
mfr. Aud bet tee young men who is to
et fat ure lie taught to keep
mum perpetual pensions war rejected to tar
Honer of CoiWbns last n. • -
Mrs. Mary L.mlrrecliit, a bride of ten days,
wee rue over by a este. car 'n ('bio ago cat
%Vcane..lay islgl.t and mangled to death k►
fore her husband a eyes.
Allan Th•.rndy-ke Kite, the Lately appoint-
ed United states Miuistrr t.. K :-iia, lir l Na t.. ch "ewe' u.-1 clean that iia inct-
e uddeul • in New hark on Th•arnlay. Ile
.ties bees troubled fir owe time withathroat men: poetical enteetionsbe trot nipped
diseue e. tee i.ud by a had breath ora 1,0 -
A Crud Rapids despatch awes that as iewa,re !I:apdey .•f etcaved bone.
English syndicate it negotiating for the pur- _ _--
chs of seven breweries there, and are int • rr.mtablr Life.
dlnakax.n. The p/io a given will .e wiegate
r,- Few :nen have aceom !sated tine fame
Jf,10t,teei. These now in the sus:pleas w illll re- 1'
tai.' a oto third inter*, it
.ttruuet ..1 w..ti; 3114 mem 11, this s :.rid
Many arreets hut I.t•t-n two's/ in Ct sa the celrt.ratei Dr Chase. lire/
Petersburg, eleseow, *nil teem -twit in eros- e00,t1(II of his works have been odd in
action with the dieoevery of the now plot !enacts alone. 11e want every person
again,: the tzar. rouUed with Liver Complaint, I)1•e-
W. e. Miller, the pw:eent genr'rnl tiimmerr' *Psis, Headache, Kidney 411 hriuy
of the 1\'ise•o,nain ('entrat n.ilroa 1. Loa been; I'iuublee, to bur • bottle c f Dr Chases
appointee general ntatuaje.4 of the Ntrtkettt't,itet Cure, it will cure yuu Mt-di.ute
]iritic system.+rod Receip,e hook :l. Sold by all
Mr. l)rlwyee, nr.ti••n in favor r4 the dia-IdruRgiats
eatabli,.hineut.d the ('harshiu Wales wool
!riveted by a vote of ea -t w 2:t1. Mr. t awl
atone and Lora Harangues were sheen(. To Merl Silky Sone.
Mrs. Maybrfeeh, a, niece of Jefferson, Mr .1 ,top': A. Titus, tf lhorche,ter,
Davis,vis, and a ren.:h C anadian by birth, has times , weft... to fie,. h.,tnb d.• ....f . ■a
been arrested at Liverpool cLerge.l with f.11•.ws : ''I have bad to do with tunny
/tithe:, husband by u'.rwteteterwg small balky horses and I here never kit, an
ebT► , tenof ee 01* yaturday laid the fonnda-I he t. lluwin[ eimple expedient to fail.
tte,n rtot,eth
..f e new !:tori Collvite bedding; ''=.,v idea it w.+ not • case wher., rime
and was given a mine entkusisitic greeting 'tsar proem toad been tamper'ue with
by the lues•he *el. 1 the home I had tarn
\Vitbert ('. Treas.•11, the Ira.lfr spirit on in haul. It is another me'!•.eel of
is the Ttues.•11 Frerwr4 ouIpaay, n111,10.un. diverting the horse's attention.
is to litre left tar (.,nada with $311,000 \hher,ever a horse driven by myself
etnherzled funds.pita tteked I have got out of .'.v car
The report+ from•pe'aware and elaryhed .axe and gut:• to hie foot, 1:sed tt
indicate a fair trop of peaches end e11 ua- ram the ;(round and struck tate •hoee a
usually god yie.d of •tr•wb•rriea ew blows with a atone or with a w reucl:
A ika4„ reporter who in •uccusaful sea which I always carry in my carriage.
mind trader, eonila.ts the clam, of the lateI have never failed to start • horse in
?dr. Mahn!) that hypnotism hall attythieg to that very simile way. aid I have er
do with the 'moles operamli. ;several i.ccasiine had balky hones which
The English contract laborers landed at `Here eeheuateJ the patttt.ce of all foe.
Castle Garden, New Fork, on
• loe returued to the port whence they I have undertaken to start balky
SMITE. seise., brink handled hy others, diet
The Zines of the 'iVa'ei h railway mot of .thur methods of starting them lied foe
the elirei.sippi were sold in eltitaco to re- -d. I request the driver geoeraily U1
preventatives of the Western \Velossh Pur• nova out of the way, that his voice or
et:•taing Committee fir •T 1.-e,:,al,teN', i,ereseuce may not he reeogniud by 11.1
Sit members of the Douglas !amity at naso. I thin first inform the siimsl.
Kearney, N..1., are ierionely t11 frim c:.tiug y patting him and talking to him, tint
canned corn beef. John Rodeo'• family et here is • new man at the helm, thereby
South Ursine() are also ill from the same artly diverting his attrntien. As •.a,n
cause. is he reline to gave me bis %tten•iun 1
The strike, in Cermany are extening and oke up his foot and tap it a few times.
the rioting is bet•'uuing more froynent. • %lid never failed except in tune instance
The mobs have been tired on by tins Creeps to start the hese. And that ec. ptto>o-
in many instances with much haw of life. sa t' cape was cru wire tato horse was
Aningnest will be held 11110e NIind•1:eid-,,,erl,sdrd and knew i1.
er Itiehop, as his mother and wi.l -w iasis* •f!:e very wurat mcthudr,f kttemptine
that the .ur4eons kiilts! him performing an
sutepay while he w,s merely m a cataleptic " start a balky horse, ace erd:nt rn 1111
condition. experience arid observation, is that of
A men named ('reeks. who had ripened s nal!n ^the ventral by the bit, and it is a
tale at Neucastle. Penn., and token out d nets o 1 almost ttni.ers•Ily ad.•pted by
it e•! _ell i„ jest -Eery nn:f 'rash, was arre.t- he inexperienced users of the bone.
el in London, ()at, en.1 taken back to New. rho atubboruneae of the hors. is only
castle. itacreaaed by Chit method. I safer this
(:ahricl Dumont, ore of the leaden in the iegeestion in the interest of your cause.
11.1 rebellion, ix at preeent visiting the
half breads of Northern ',lontin,., it is fear-
ed with the intention of organizing • raid The low figures at which strong sonha,
on the North West Territory. 'end the new nuking silks can cm pito
it is agate rumored that the Queen will ural puts it within the power of meet
visit Ireland and remain there a week, with women to poses* seeersl silk wt.. et
the hope of creating a reactinn in favor of ,otlic..ate. They are Ihgkt. erne a, .
the Government hy her preeenee. dainty, and home unstu8enesl and sum. e
11 is stated that Gen. Boulanger ie suffer- .re hotter suited to wear under the p' -
leg from Jiabet'•s in en ailraeiced etas(.•, sod cot a:•Ies of dress skirts r'tan env lac
that hi. Enylieh ph% -i• Lau has ordered kms c1. atltily hemmed or lace trimmed mu.
to Vichy an 1 ('arlsio.i. ir,. Fear is the, mtrinum rrurusa•r e.
11tr. .lames Grlydow Ilrnnctt, proprirtsw!meed, •14,11, view of •the freedom !runt
of the \ewe heerk Herald. hen left facia fir ,nnmor laundry bills whack !hey abolish,
1Chartrtum, .rime stiy or a ere. y wager and •hey are by ne means .expensive ever, of
others to rreee lien. 4. rearm, of whose
existence n. a prla.nerol (lar Mecdi he has ou,(ht iutright au draper's ,bops. But
received iufortwai:n, leey'can be mode easily by a bottleHUM
•ere.s, ny beip¢ cut over • g,•ud skirt
'..1.1 well gored at the front mud rid •*
TWOMEN KILLED. .,ie •heuld her f black silk without env fur Nrtet near; two is white
Total R Gaudier* emmerled from
Peri Neve.
rover liner, \lay 1 ;. - This evening tot sin
e'clw•k a Tattler named hoist. l'eaeeo k was
standing on the whitlletrer cif • warren Ind•
011 with pla.t.•r at I:eaml„h's mil1, whrn the
herws took fright at the wbietle of a n.tigh-
hoeing tannery .ml threw him off, stepping
on his head, sail the 1,..4 of plaster weigh-
ing twenty fire hendred weight plosive( nay
him. He died alone fifteen minutes after
wank. He leave a daughter, the wife o!
Ir. S. S. lei. kinsnn, of thio town, and tws
r,na No wen ahout 113 rears of age. This
is the second fatal •ocidcnt hewn rnneway
`(woes here lately. (tri the rich. inst. Mr J.
('arson and Rim. .f. ('Iellanol were returning
/row a haling .ap•drtcelw, when the Means
took fright and ran away throwing Mesa
hath eat, Me. Care n ••staining $ ejnriee
which were at tiro II..•sight to 11s .light, hot
which remilte i sn sleuth yeeteoley en owing.
Rev. Mr. dlelload etcarmi with hit s few
weer ilely w i h drh"wte :Oter-
o .: and et g house dries os; and the
. th oto nod lee either white or deli tinted, and dime trained, to be
. e 1 under dreesy emoting tilet, in
Prroceel. r C1 eek style. Those who can
will have a tinted skirt for every shade
f evening drawee worn.
The lovely printed China edits now be
b • i ad iiske c: erai..gly • tasteful
sal bends en. nicker dresses, eeemMned
•,th lore. The levered si:k appears a.
sweet, flet ?timelier., retinue r:••, open.
all the way rip the f-ont end slashed to
the waist st .4 bet k and side.. duwb.e-
i• Ota dainty p •throat beneath of delicate
. patterned Venetian Ism.. There is •
,t 4.. the mermen in foil, •oveaste.e
moire • fleet, over whtmh the silk n.lin
.te open/ with wide 'Mvel revers, com-
bf 'lig a 'impieties •,l both styles.
THE LOSSES AGGREGATE OVER HALL Cocoanut Cake.- Two esaosauts fitae-
A MILLION. lig platted ; the saute weight of "sifted
------ super, half a teseepful of ground rice,
18.°1°.•111&" !..,mite. r'etas.aatr..wstl .N sod three eggs. heal the eggs till light,
-Meese*. W etlark hent iii. a bug .a Ir then mea to tboruuehly all the other in-
J1orM. rr..swub !'ata% Rriirs wr..■rws';redwut. with • furl', .put the waters
lin swell ruugb lumps tit • balwg tin,
the Ilse 4.rrke, end bate in • moderato urea.
11urIaie. \lay Ili •tt. !tauaeur a.burb of Celery soup.- (loo yuan of chicken
1101 city. (ruin shahit to only separated t.y •
,flab, ono said nue-ball pieta sweetthe width of St (lora street, wit. this wen* will', lhtae usrtrrs u(a teacup iter and
to -day of a dimetr.w. euutl•gr•ti'u attended 4
by a Irwrttsble 1....i blit:. ..l. fitly altar Ivo or Otter heeds .1 ceIra,. Pet the
midnight dames weir eli•atereed iu a veeant .Ice in the milk mai ort 11 to. the &atom,
building owned by Moe. el.l'att o, ou eat. whom it will just nmaner urate the
Vatter .(net, anal quickly mistime.) I•rge d1 routs sod the w bats pot Weil o1 the celo-
meosrNla Tbe dams ceusr.l s; tot ,cued,y and add to this. Cu k until tender,
ti Keil the utile pupulatit... ••t the .-!adding 014111 will if ueeesssry lhhem
burb sews •sou 1" II'.p.•te a tie drew moll dome, sown that ukh • sieve mud
reread with terrible repoiny-, •iso' it war eel- •dd to the brae, which has else been
dent from the brgumiug that t.:. ere brs„adei in •trathrough of St. sauicurwaitquite uual u.,tlpe with: edrough the blare. Season with
Hie e!l ergeI wy. The ..hunt.- •4 worked# i"rhi rr uw tay.
'd salt st
lard, but lacsel n. and. ale,t•/1
Cream I'otatw•.-Take three table -
d1, the lark .d 4 lu.ywr water .nppiy Wad pitons a 1 butter, put into • saucepan
fearfully uzamat their well meant rimes. cud place un the, adding lu mrdi-
Mayer ion„ •'ser of t„iurla•.•, a:e,• iutorm- tray & swell bauoful of cbupprti Penile;
l u( the t.dleeuueo,, iwneeJiae ly pd ,tis a lute pelt sod peeper. stir until
out the city tontine•, :.tad they were protilrompt-
ly cd in r4.pnue r., the ea11 of .futy. rn '•'t cud ,tits • entail teacupful cream or
brigade war ton :der:Oily trip 1c.1 aur want' Ieb milk) thickened with too table -
of water : bat the sham! t tIssou engin.,ep ad.tul. flour ,stirred awooth; and stir
was located at a hydiatit to et. Ours -street, mot the mel brit.. Add to this, when
and after some delay sutceedtal in throegist has seachrd iLo beelieg point, ems
a good stream. upon the derma. Another: ,id !..Med platers cut up into dlce,and
steam tire engine wee then .rot foo mei put filo. the cream s, 6011up uuce ; reui .
into commission. \levanwhtle Rodd Werk mud ert'e immediately. This is a very
seas hong duce 00 et. Peter and l'benet-
ureete by a haul pump, wheelthrew water 'Ice seat to, cox k pstator• for supper.
from • cistern. ft li.ttety o1 .lrtilery was laked lieans,-A pikiu dish, but tine
called out to aid the tirrmeu and workers ie which Is very palatable 1" want' pwple,
ti hting the dente.. ,...d which west be cooked nicely to be
lite fire r tied until victor:! no oe and about e.•ed. Au excellrmt rule is here given :
Slat buildings were I.urut, meetly small t'ut the beaus to a kettle and pour urer
wooden tenements. Oa er liken presmn. ween hem cold water sod place un the stere.
forced to camp out in 1101 fields, the remain- is tun as the water comes to • boiling
Kier tiuJing shelter with friends in the .•lly. Joint, throw it tel and then pour (1
The liorni:r.on (:overnaoourt having 1*.'. real boinet( safer L':. I abut an twat
appealed to LAS placed the new ..macre inti „ a half mut wore: hei,u cartful uol to
old a art house at the disposalf e molnar
lee+. Premier Mercier end se td.
&low them to buil dry. %\heti tender
gesitleuseet visited the scene this i..•ru `rrmrre to a de1p es,tth.m dean 'b8, tall
and.upplird the poorer people wits, ford.' instil. noa, latent,/ to Aare trni too atm
The GoalG..vrrnesent will hold a nieeting .dd a little Belt sed two tab!espiemfue
10 do.idr moult ineasu:es for the rebel of ,, laeata. l'uyrr the top with • piece of
the eutkrere. cant pork .or bacon and add enough 1
The total lora it e.timate.o at t'a1.s,41t1. extor to make them wet enuuili, mid
Insuu•ax* are as 1 .11 no-.: ', int them in theorem, hitch g a slum tire:
eMeen ' it 'Fret Lancaelerto...teetem ,-..ter tightly and bale for mere bouts,
Guardian.... 1_,:.tml Hartford •:slot talk it. 'Cara nut to allow them to bece.atu
British Anieel-e, dry, until neatly ready to serve,
cal '4,1•11. Se.•tti'hl-nium Meer ahem, it yeti de.iue to do so, yoti -nsy '
Le/whine Len. 6,1040 4 ituen$ .2Mk1 un.coeer the dish sed ,slow them to ,
Ag:.ltur'11\hat• :,t..em cu top.
ertow•si 3.•,-0 1 L R L k G. 00 i
N. T. it )der•. 12',10'* lIueleoe tit. ,! PIC ATI. •.t rt•• t' wit: K.
\\'esters h feel Imperial . _ . hetet II Amongthe taut useful and c. mf.:rt
l.lelapse tort •fust jt•tlmg aicles th fancy work are the
Major Short . f " 1!" Battery mus kilted
and Seri/t. Wallach fetdloy injured by siiii=unusa ams il s1,icbeLv Ili t-..ayIn neli
promoters explosion e itluw•ing up a.
house in atteri'rtine to stay the prowess o/ moa. in the modern house are err ,
the :lames. Major Shores body u charred from their ttevaatun, and parlor. lising
beyond recognition. The remains will los e ,•w, tied brdrta ni ire all made
taken to Kingston 1. r burial. u.t11 attescrive ter these dainty thinge so
Major 1'1. Short wets nue of the beet suggettive of ease and et [fort. F .r
km.wn otheers of 6,1'101.1"a -hen' corp+ iu it. e. ucbei they are rode. d iidispemuble,
Ib.minion. Ht. was it III.. gh ,.dd er and and it is wonderful 1•.01 wuty • choir,
in the Nord writ re. - Battery
the . hose uhe aiming back has hitherto otey
dery bn of from !' ' l:a ter} ,trait a+l to
co the llatt:eforl o dump under Col. letter, fe't%ad to intend 3111 teat y..0 too have
and eonimaided the artillery io the attack a tack mid a very tired one. may become
to Pound -Maker et Cut Knife, where h 4 11.% en ei test rid peace by the addition
served the i :,taint; gun himself. He sea.4 meet Otte of these pillows. These may be I
ideal artillery o:ttcer. area on hie way back wade ritletIc and pretty etch little were
to Pottlefeiel els l tise bet to cheer the end very sheet, by using some
wounded. Aftere•r.a he was a regular o1 the materties w 11:51(1 in Vogue new
visttur et the hospitcl, ataft mane' a dainty' for decorating purp. ,nes. E ue denim Of
morsel prepare«l for the weitueted Canto,r jest.* es r eery effective corenrlpt,
tram Major �!a .it's own quarters. blue
centilitres the many nitrite e 1 !seeing
cheap. durable. Entitle ale! fu.Li..oahle.
TOP.NTii 3 GRIST OF NEWS. It may bo made up on either the right
or the wrn.g ride, mud the rather intens
4r■tt Moor Ilya -apt faMca-%a Leap.. b it to.. e u sottrurd very mochby repeat-
. most -tNlrge Federation, • ,:d *rehire:a belt re usiteg it. One r,f the
Tu• rite., \1.v jet -til rib' tion to elect- newest of three 'Allows a 0131011g rather
iag ton,ldrai municipal and judicial build= than e.iuur, a comvemuonal design wark-
inga at a coat of dl,'tilg►,tx,o, wee killed as d ed en the under . r light-colored ride tut
buried) on eeeturaay, the I.y law• saner .mum. the druim mid outlined to whirr cord
to e'spr0JTre uhiving been earned bye ear couched or button-tio'.ed d..wn. '
majority . f over 11410. It eaa m complete. I'be.two narrow teals of the pilose are -
victory for the(eiurt House t'on.mittee ever h..ul.ed Ly a Ictilt hen•• of •lute crud
the rinds. t 'c I Ign.tttem .f a nee cups) er, 1'o make this you cut the cord into twee
rail a chque n: wealthy out penurioo.s pr,- y -two iech set paths ; take two of these
natty owtr•-e Werk wiil at once Le push- l,.ns•the and arsw them thnough the
• 1 futwatd ca tee <i • at the 14 11 a1 flay int„n, an eighth tf an inch from too edge,
garnet. , e tit them tightly, •id :ie a little two
It wu tx.n6eknt'y'expx••e.l ti,at building , cb tseeei rade of eh•• cord i11tu the end.
operation, would not be n.Isye,d this women ,
...t the .!4.44..1Vith- 1.. 1•rrst this ,.trig the rid of the pilot"by st ewe, Lit Mk:s t.
.1 *mi -teals of me tech and • quince.
out any u-,titicationoftheir intention p e- 1'`.r lime macreme.:r haawutk cold u
vionsly, a1! the plasterers' laborers in the
city went, out en .tnle eaturelay for an in- •tie kind .'red.
crease of two and a bailccnts neer boor. The The pillowa are also pretty with cosi
.'.'telt price is twenty .rntlan hour, and Obs .eetioual'zed ahrysanthentiona,dogwovd,
striker demand twenty two oral 4. half. 8..d. Marguerite* powdered at the top, or
tar u can be learned, Iia ma,ttrplasterer eustered disks or star shaped figures,
accerdel to the demised, while >' .me are
.heady looking ter neo triion Iabor. If the mid wotked in white bion Neu or the
phonemes refuse to work •tons; with num=neaet rope li .en. Or they may be done
u nion laborers, all the plasters,'" and photo.'" a.'ft ;elluwslad olive", tit white cord
ernes' laborer. will be Arrested fn- coneplr• outtoreholed down with yell... huen,and
icy miler the ('on.hines Kilt, wI 1 fie of the .nay be finished simply by a heavy
beaus argue. The act may be tested, he .ii 'sled white crd. l'dlowa of the
eYs, by law is sunnectiow with this strike.lwhete Iii.lten sheeting are wurkd in the
('Lice .!notice !lir Thome. e.a11 hes given , 11e linens which come 111 the tai•e.try
j•egntent in the case 01 the injunction eb•' The dil%teut shades of y. Bee
Nannel Ly .retain plaintiffs fnrl•[adiag tl., grid g.elticn brown, end'the dull h;ure,
hoard of Regents of Victoria t•niversft • rc particularly effective on the creaw-
from pr:w e.ling with preparations for fd i ...lurid d groarI of ectthve onet ing. A pit
erett1 with Toronto 1. serenity. Nis lord-
ship continue.. until after the trialhelms tow of utiblearbed butcher's linen worked
tion could not hie entered a ithnut omit. n yellow ltd the el.ds finished with the
currency of the Senate. or until as • • c rotd and tassels of yellow is tf •ry
opp rtonite' hail been afforded the defesMenetistic.
any to conte,( the propriety of hie decisiaa 11 u.tnubk pillows are lone and rare
as reelects tie peers of tho Semite. The ruse, finites by trimly ole spots being
feleratiosuas (1151 apr.ryed atthis cbetrnee , we d dime,stnu. Ore covered with
lion to their wham lost Ior. Pette t]gge tie*: i,,, team yellow awning cloth and finish
while theimiti,w ecce P.'"'44 tsetse t ,I aeriae the two soda with yeiluu cord
practical work of 1• this sutwme� r d topsoils, ..r t■ Ord turkey calico with
as its t�y it is olaud tswlfytl:r ohmri id (cord mid tassel*. eters a very gay
M its e.eum.elional 1'011 �e
A daputatte. ,tom 'i•.e (.#pinii e1 r 'i•d llexicati et{•tt to the hammock,
Toronto branch of the helm..i Anions* 'igtr• •slue . 1 tropical countries mid :anbranchthe Mayor ami aldermen Rim gre.teeaa.% to ,6e -nous time
against the pr>`p'•.aI to have err t.• Ili _ _
the parks ow Sunday eftee► sere • pro
}peal crime frnia • gentlemen epi+ °stored to leer? 1111e.petr.
Lear ole saprnae o1 the IP" essesrm i'u ' Et, n *hen alt seems ere, there is yet
lie "meson imw is devi,1414 CM the qust
eion ani hop.. Many a despairing. disheartened
It will b• warmly dueuwed leGKe being , .ctim of dyspepsia, liver complaint. kid -
Resident* ..f the east end are, eve•iteil eey c"m'fiuimt, armfuls ur rheumatism,
the eleprmen( of a *fres" prcarher. iel
MMonnedressmaker. The former 1. Wheel
onne, who reeeled at :.7.3 Front street
and the latter Mrs. John Dowell, 4 :• 1 RII
street Past. \meant wee well to .sew 1
yeaera as an eraageliet os hie own"111♦
0ni/homy baby ohms •re wade b, env. Welty, beteg is the habit 41 pars, limit 1�
street-eornen, conducting peae}er roeetannpgs eriig the plaiai bad -ticking ea„ with
10 privet, hu e,Ps and an on ii„ ie • jerk.,.ink or bine slhoy% end then making lit-
skinnel, k,w at mite, tiippsrtttiteflllN'itl.le pleew slips of (Inc whit• hien (se-
en' was a cnikmtnr by e.rnpatlsn. Nu AI rn.4 et frith ends with pearl studs, and
end ton ehiliNe 1 are Hill at aft rmnt etre► ' orders of di awn wont or lace insertion.
Mrs. IMwell is 11M wife ni John Itewelt (hood Huisek.eping. .
jewP!er, who left Termite. eine six ...went --
agn 1, work in • tows is hoinfigleanta. imp
, hack neem days age G, Tire! that his A Rawest* Of nisi Pilau 'Tut=
Vito had skipped sad take, lbw fire rhildrrw eye to any on. eendief the beet for 1111.
to the 11t•tsa tale, 'Sorrell faired 11d.kilvge retym', en rsawnasy ' th. r..,k•hle
though NM se hmwises e r the wife Mor.
httl f th %Mb cad Retie. Ask
..e hewn hr.sighs hack to health mid ine-
e:nc.s by tteide(k Blood Bst-
sa, the greatest remedy known fpr •11
ete.ed dnisees. 2
e ge ase .1r e
, ser 1's' or •dawn
Gene fe in.
Deer Sirs :-I eau reo.rmaend Hag -
yard'," Yellow 1111 as • sure were ler
rlieuinetesies. from whicb dtsewse I suf-
fered fur unser time, but .as curet with
two bottles. It is the best thine 1 cosi
reef for mean or kitese. J
Stratkevom, Ottt.
Mr L. Robbins, tor leers fore-
man iu Muer, limits eh Arwatreie'-
woulen twills, N methane, lett last •ro k
for Toruito, where ha hes t lt.uiu•t a
'demote m the calipers e,.r:a .•1 Mr amiss•,
fuser, T"rouse. Mr It•.bbi a tis, e,.
excellent reputation w hie chosen line of
Y1s • flow • L7teass.
That is to uy, rut lunge. Also et!
your breathing machinery. \'e.ry •ext•
derful mathiirny it is. Not only the
larger air pansies, but the thousand* WI
tittle tubes mud cavities leading trees
11'hen these err closruetl and chuckled
with matter which tight o..1 to be shite
your lungs canto t half do there work.
Aud •hat they do, tory unmet ale
Cell it cold, a.ntih, croup, pneultmwia,
catatrh, coneuusptiun or any id ►!:e
family of throat and and Lead ./ d
lung obstruction*, all are bud Al,
ought to be trot rid of. There is ie..
one cure way t.. Wet rid of them. thud
is take Rose/titers Lerman se rep, which
any druggist eel *4113.1 at 75 cents► a
bottle. Even if evrrytbo,; .leo ha.
(ailed you. you may depend mo•.' A.
certain euw1Y
1\ r don t Crean to call nano.. when
we •peak of the apo:beeary's •soil se .
drachm shop. 11'e base our erre pie.
every time we de it.-Csmh►i fee 1)a•ly
• sea d,rtul UPana.
The largest orgau, mu' our that reeve
iiftatrelling part vu tine health t.1 the
body is the liver. 1f torpid or i.iii'e
the whole oy.te•sn be -comes do,. etti
Dr. Chase's Liter Curt• is w,aete• q. mall
for Liver and Kidney ditex•ea, a: it i•
guaranteed to cure. Rtcit'e lyric et. al
medicine $1. Sc14 by all dtue_ia•a.
.....•,...ems-,.e.....r .......r
Oa floras, .ieht .4 last •eek
oho,. .1 ,hu Harker, •:•et. ere reuutarug
1.. m Crantx.. •14 h,. tins., res up -
1 al ,ie nth con, seal he was Osseo.'
•1 •• t .a , u hu head led mom such in-
r •1 1 he died on F•laity •ilrrno'•n.
Hr was, timed oo the r.•ed gid, by Mr
K ..,.6t un triode' mo 1 , 41 ahem, 7
..,:..k anti 145.,1.«1 ti hu house. He
did iv It Welton to et..•.ct.'wsurs. The
lessened tarok plane et• Mahlea'l. aft. runup,
k••v J. T tr•xesr .ducting the sur -
.lee at the Ileum sed R. r J. L Kerr
'Moog Ike service at Ihr cemet eiy,
Torre i+ • .ed *emote( in Mr Bather's
uutt. ey t1.ea•.1ae,
M.a1.1..' s•wrsrr/a'lla.
O..uttteof r. .i.. •le«ye,
m•.re r. Ilia• 1i., Y strata cl..asly 1111 -
Tett -lila e•atot!t it. IN APPaaa•Fcm •Jin
Naris 11- e • u.0 k.ble auccep achisred
WI Naas: IS -lo. re • t••sitlrb cute for
Oetit re mod Gold it the Head has sr •
Aimed uoprsuasp'e.i ...rime to imitate it.
The within.; gra C4 Di trot (., Del Ju
eaic01l by mots item imitating Naval Italm
to r•.u. 'tn.f apptwrwnrw. tlsalimg such
mowers sin Nisei Ceram, Naas) ilelaaw.
etc Isis 1•t Nese) Helm mud du not
eek.. leesee...te 'dollen. may ure.' upon
you. h .r •,Ise lie all 4,*tgsetm •-r nen• mu.i •.0 reempt,.•1 proem (.Mkeload 01 •
by se 1.1r. •a1 n j YuN..t d & C.. , lien,: t talo
Out tf
A It'a 1 d &emu lire *minim. naiad at
▪ uWM, d'eue. heir fosse. the ••ter
•wr"wiair .4 a Its ee 04100.5445511 rn.411;,,
•., king d..w'tte qus.tiry h •31 en 1 tootle
30 p'o1sodi nem a1M.,. pre -sure, 1111105
ki.he t eettsfaetee. 1.. the ctl•rrna ;
genii al vieeli* .Haztwuen octet -Area -nag
w,::, 16t..11'1r see i.:I pie sere 11r st•
hi red.
We ea fear boaetl,
I► «t'y st,ow a .•v:n ::• :be Weil b
ly as 1 ruvaly num slit.'_, cirtatnh, when
you cat he cured tat 21110. by wino Dr.
l'Las» a t'stnrth Cure. A few applies.
ii,nr lore ineteoeret eater& : 1 to 2 1 seg
cure* • odine y eut.ani.: 2 141 l boxes is
guaranteed to eats chr..nic catarrh. Try
it, 0.1; 21). whit sone cure. Sold by
all 'tropism. ly _
Perftmczy an ioil:t Articles,
NO OTHER DRiLL made aan be insisted) regulated o tun et any d. -sired depth
without Wt.. „1.L• Ise trim.
140 IJ ICER DRILL w[II sow ail kinds or grain, evenly end properly covet-
ed et a *i. ..nn .1..i....r. a. •d kinds of poli
NO OTHE�t GRILL o•ntaae•neinionow 11ainfant thehorses commence to more, and
me io grout, w1.rm tartis,a( in. en r tnrn!ne.
NO O i HER GRILL ent!e tem lIo w,. -r a'.... nerd as a cult:rater end to, sit eic cuhi-
veto-.urraaer it. thus tsrmtlInlwt tee imt.l, twills :n one.
¢re., Mrtftistr*t inventions of thew. i i nor new cut.. r 1 41.1. ut- bis: rine tont. makes
wa.,e• real .nil .ares 1vr1 .a biadtrt,.
--Akre ;=)--
Jit r,•turnir.g thanks t., our numerous friends, both in tJ\rn and
country, fOi telt it} lb'T * !Astrona 1
TVL>•Qe since OUT commenceI,u nt in 'nisi -
11,,, here, we would respectful y announce that Mir Steil (.rain
Department will be foltwi Jot.• in every Detail. We are Import-
cr. /MA lrruworr'i of thi+ Department ourselves, everything ix rexperi-
n►.•ntally grown, wn'1 after a three tura next thhat fin tl►e Fan
to grow IA brought biro-
1E **'ryt•nHP who Vea111Pxe11 it lal>ICner
of ked will .lis well to (live Us a I'lail.
Anil all kinds of Agricultural (:rang.•, will b.: the P. -it the Market
bur selections have been made with the grt-u .r ear.•, anti only
true: Seed1nlen who !:avl• n reputation to s'laa,n hive !leen ilei t
with. Our ntuck in this l)vf.rttnstit will lie found ('i. l
IN I''l.Ul•R ANI) FEE!).
A Fall Stuck will lea I:4440.e.1.t,,,,t:1 -rtrrluinl- rji• an tl
i'lnur t Market can produce and gnnranti•r eetiat•titrn every time
A(iRICULit J11.A 1SiPLEal1•:NTM,
A 1 Mock of this line of goods 11;11 1,• kept on Exhibition.
an.i Mors Binders, Mowers, Seixt i)rl!I., Rakes. !fay Forks, Cniti-
vwtoen, sulk Ploughs ke., for Cols Department will ise repressonted
by Mk W. ARit,1, of Dun:ta nest, in LEP Town -hips of A4)afiel(1
andWawanowh, nil by NR Amok x McKipan,t in the Townships of.
Colborne, But awl tlakrich. W. BURROWS.
Sootuag t
A public I
1.1y Ids
taws for lis
A branch
vie h.s bee
lire i• th
did emote*
Joseph H
Mo.trel .1
Only thn
dust tonere
Ales. Tb
was fatally
ou Wean..
claim to ha
It b ret«
node to br
The Kiri
to be DOW
per day.
The ('dx
turn se h)
jerky of el
The cool
ford ere re
system in
nig as tilt
fined and
Thin fat
11111... died
Il' aa.1 of
Sir We
the teitou
('. From
from lite
A Mon
verdict is
til the 1.s
The C.
tons hay.
,'ruing ti
111. W
In olfet r
The st
more the
true of to
The 6:
tion of t
carried •
twelve 1
The n
states tl
the arca
pada 411
The ■
\' irtori,
treat oe
place n
new 1'r
It ap
of leas.'
t!•. ipi
1 .,tit
t1,e se
t• -ver.
vote ■
iy ref
ere of
5Le 1i
) 'rine
L mini
• 1i10
V ace
of tub
be ti
be I
at 11