The Huron Signal, 1889-5-3, Page 6THE HIIi(ON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 3,18 i. TH1 PPF. . , 09/1,'S ER TEMPERANCE WORK. a• i ti 1141401 :11x►. •• bees. Owes All Over !....relax. saw ..ear. w alta,. at a, sseorraa DrunIi.nuri is !Dothltlg but voluntary 1 know a n$1Id )lin:,• rtf matluent S.ueo•. WS neat.' eau mens!'. hiweselt ; i 00.~.•s h. • amen r tom grradm0• ply b u..widird for a cosy oar. As.) looser his bon upon, Ile Mur Iter a 'arta Jew. ,' o sr . u We o'er - Twos be wbn 1,101 le,.,.o.1. 1.0 Game Upn r lwlnt•wi oho .,re /. ante ; w., h•• arha 1st. tt e.seae u., 51.1 W . •• . •rryn.4ie ,..r pu.h.•.I open wide ; Tc .. ue who t itWrd 1..14:)'4 , ..'t.• Oh. .••.k.0 t. pass n••....: •qtr.: i A. •u .rt'. a.• Ina nr•d ..• trt.kay sultan 7r •. be .:4.ur..1,,:aed the fluted i.r. Tt1 - flit.• etf report the mitt; H an,10.1 o...•,r'+ lore1d,•r) *ill H. went au0•b.vd mita yen., n ,bora Thoarh .rdirs verb man• w hoe ; Avemet t:•s mwwuo,a. go•:.Ile wish He took rho assert rts the d uti : H lore il„• pr.., nod ..✓ill."1 the ink ; aloe, -.t a.. colt ' t didn't 1!enk." Our hour ironed be a nie,r playa If he wnn.d never .hew.bie cad. t We tiger owl hope woo envoy day Thitostigh,) elf•wtl' . lway; Y.,: as he task,•* our sp,sit* aiQk - 11.is ttuub: a me "l Aetna i ldet " i outs. ar re pulse. THE [1()11E (;litCLE. 1' yes dee,, soot oa the carpet corer thio iy ono lair, snot It may be swop/ p a'Shout 1 lett (uocarpat. C. Moot. --y. .r r stem that hes s era. 1 ie it, any silicate • t•Ih sr so:'.t,:e glees : nl•x it • elite a=lso sod apply to t►•e ._r.t.:k.l':u• c»went nit suck to red -h..1 ire. stet bricks without eru.•,bliu:; •.11 e41 ail: moot f,.•ar moisture. 0 r'ubte :1-1 •s ...' a at drug elutesior $1 s p*ii.. /. If rotes are to tee 41 ji bey t.ti ii •.e'•d &Joh, :n:t th., .gloat. and wbiuh: ; .f ill hole* '41. „retro mus sitzi flee.: ay Feminine led ee.ri-•o ••f the world are to be extensivele represented , at the G+..� •w Lxii:L t• •n n..•ot roe. There till bo * el•,t)t.1 women's !edxs io, as tea' lady pre.ideat,f tact 4.1 show ex- actly wh.t .gyre W. iNIi hear le the tnanuf.ctures of t',e preprint ones. Not. ort) needlework .emu sew exhibited, nit SU •h me halnic.oI hrxnthrs Its len'Ler drrsetr.K, 1.• khueduir. ti-lore!!-taek.e m enuf.eture, giotehe+kin_•, soil the like D•e•,r•ittw rad barite, in,, udtii;l c.ttv►uk. bris.o. •rk. 1.aessi._. eke .•hilt,.!, wilT Eta s !data, as •Ns a• trto..In hy;pw'uic elethiiq. - A c•rresl•nnd-r ! fern, -he. the Port - laud Are." with OWI.,1..wing relating to the ore ...eructed, of tee, into Maine • '•1'h. hat tee .. , 1. •n .Lues was mute on Cutt'a Island, Kittery. about 111: yr.rs ago. A d,uiherr ••f Mtjor Cott isms returning Ir,ut seho.l to Massa chosetts with • !laughter of Governer'Yasushi'. .1 seven storm detained her at the g ..error's brute at Purtawuuth wrr' several darn, and et the •erno• fatale she was first ,ffsr d tee. The young lady follvwwl Muse Vsu0hn's . ray upie, aid adding augar.and errant, carri•r1 at to her lips. She after ` erif. pnrchi.ed s pow! of tea for a lotu 0, sent to 13.•at..n for cups as. 1 saucers. and thus rntn.dueeti the tiro tea and tea set iu into 1lae.•' 1 It may be safety asserted, says • writer in the &x,ch, that seven if not eight of every ten youii ladi.,a w...01:1 be improved in face and h.;ure by the ad- dition of ten or fifteen p,uida to their weight. T.• increase veer weight eatu t cakes, pdimee syrup, h. ney, canly and pastry, always taking care that .t be crisp and digestible. Other `sttenine articles of feed are tender la rah, salmon and eels. intik lameant, eam, tore bread and butter, acid those vegttablee which grow und,.r ground. Breathe all the fresh air you can ret, and avoid foul, stuffy air. especially at night. .Uways breathe throu•eh the noes. Take fre- quent ,warm baths before retiring, or troths cold sponge .ths in the molting, ful- hewed by erisl. friction with a coarse teed. "A mimosa! and intemperate(youth Made over a wuru-out hotly w u age." - -Otero. .11 we could sweep ttltemp.reuce out of the country, lh••re would bu lewdly pov- erty er..ugh left to Kite healthy exercise to :heritable impulses Phillip hr...,ks. Drunkenness u a eatierine devil, a sweet prison, • pleasant mu, which who- mever hath both yet himself ; which commit whoever doth doth cot oommit sin, hut he hhuietf is.belly aiu.-Au- gusts:le. 'Th. Port Hope Weekly!; oanfr publishes • hot ,.f all the moo in fort flow, who ▪ the Scott Act repeal petition. it is • significant rircuin'l*LCs that ulauy of those sr hu signed die so by ruakiug marks. arks.ry Oh. .ureal, cued .int traitor to God. And ruiner of man • mother of woe. And des.:h tan.: acII: wrrkbnd. )rl seeking w urse ; Ib/luh 1 mea. yet wallowing le the noire : r S4...i wad, yet drinking frenzy's triddc cup, eon.betels eide.pcnlr.g, elan►uca. dnrlening .r 111 - Pollak. The Torontp GI.Je says : "Wo have *leapt regarded and treated the luj•uor I traffic as a daugeruue and detrsding one, 1 i to ice put_ •n e1 d to seen sn as p..ssible. The trades in strung drink we ls,lwto to be dimmed in every awitry where gen- u s gen- tains els. and Ca istunity prevail." The (rill,s Poet,/ says : "Thr licensed liquor talo .bled its career prior to the beat Act, by the sh'.ot.ng et a .eau in Ortel,.. Within went months atter the re-leses of keener. one luau hoe beim killed in a dtunkeu t.'w, and auoth •r rest over by • trait., when returning keine from town. to fsaleweudt i• a letter 1.' the 4)tlte- we 1 inJ,.ntor, quotes the toih,wsys (act : "The plat of ad.aiuutrati:.n .,f justice m thin count, from hisy 2)th t.. Decrto- bee 310. pool,, midair the Scott Act, mak 2'2,217, and from May 21st to De- cember 31.1. Digiti, wader the Cn...ks Act was $4,625.34.'' • - A W..derf.l •r:0a. The leered organ. and one that playa a contr. Iling part on the health of the body is the liver. if torpid or meetly. the whole system becomes dis.•ased. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure in made specially for Liver and Kidney diseases, and is guaranteed ke core. Recipe hook and medicine 81. SoId by all druegists. Ulm* Mims Meme.. 11. .men are 'aid b be natural gsmbl- en. Eitel, veer in England fifteen out of every I,U(10 persons marry. There are tw., women in command of Msasiwippi steamboats. The Empress .,f Auetris is said to be very fend of mpi.sting English. A Itelfa.t lady has entered • machine shop, and is learning the machinist's trade. Architecture 14 a rose department in which women a work Is beginning to he recognized. The women of Danmark es the num- ber of 20.000 have petitioned for the right of suffrage. Miss Amy Levy. the daughter of the proprietor * 1 the London 1h,th, T.1.- qrnpll, is • poet and a girl of genius. Mrs Stuart Menzies, mister of • titled lady, has • fashionable millinery and dress -making establishment in London. Mrs Cashel Iloey, the Irish novelist, is about 61$ years of Me. short, &toot, and in her style cf dress thoroughly English. The advancement of women has been the mood remarkable feature in the pro gross of Japan during the last twenty yeses N..* •,!.eerie. NAM N risk In haying medicine, hat try the great Kidney and flyer rup.1•- ter, made by Dr (Taw, author of Ch,ses's reeeipQe�aa' 17. Ch.'s Uwe, Owe foe all disesses of the Liver, Kidneys, fttossaoh sad Bowels Sell by Jean Wilson, draggle. Mee /gangster, the new editor' e( Harper's lfosear, is • grasef.l writer of voles am! • ewtributor to religiose Jam' ( t• ltiskey-me swear that they di not know of say 1411E4 being sold use drunk, and then they turn tended and say there is mitre .01111,44 and driukiug sow than there WAS. u;{Jar Iteeiee. They !.mild - me ..f au old aonngdruni,-"Why is • man who in une.st' ..n nus bed like a Lawyer r' Ammer.-- "Ik;wwuse he ices first un one solo and then ,•n the other.' Pu,iman III eel a pruhthrtt•nt t ern, with no dtffr_wfy ab"at et.forcemrnt, and its dcahh rate to u:l:y ; deaths un a 1,000 per sheen). i . •.Luer words, it would reoluire envy £.Iuae-aeuts, ..f one dollar each. 1-, r your to p v 81,0e0 to the family of er•or dreu.. xi citizen - man, woman or child. There is ne ..n which d• • h mere dr - face Ged's inaste than drunkenness. 1 disguiaeth • per.on,and doth unman him. Dreakeneaa'mikes hen have the throat of • fish, the belly of • swine, and the head of an ass Jrunkeuew is the shame of nal ure, the exlinguacher of reason...h. shipwreck of chanty, and the murder o f eenacIence Drunkenness is hurtful to the body. The imp ,ills mere than the can - w on; it causes dr•epsies, catarrh,, •p- oplex.ea; it tit1* the eye with tire, and the legs with water, and turns the budy into a hospital. -T Watson. _- - -_ 'Ab Leasee•. Keep brooms on the house whoa purl We, as they me sure to tie w demand for e purposes thou .oi.,as.d are very healthful. It u claimed where • large quantity of !.!woos are purchased, and there u a fear of their u.•1 keeping till wwted for use, that if they are placed w • jar,u,vured with clear leater, and the water changed cash day, they will keep es ham as desired, and ue w fresh when removed from the jar as when tint pur- chased. 'Pliers are few things aa efficacious for breaking up a Gild as hut lemonade, mak en just mane bedtime. 1t u beet, to render this moor. effective, to bathe the feet of the patient to but water and wua tarot just belum retiring, then give het lemuuade to drink ; put the p•tieut to bed almost immedutely thereafter, there to resume well e..vered until wurelag, when, unless there is s,,wthine more sere ue than a c .Id, the !atter atll have almost .11 .11y disappeared. To make good lemonade : takes sublet 4,1 hot water, and Into It squeeze the juice of nee anedium sired lemon and sweeten to taste The wirers a very strong lemonade, and may sea✓t be fan- cied by some, but is is one of this kind that will de the wort ;tu..d when curd as wedicius. Fur a ...ugh, rested er baked lemon is good. I'ut a g-••.-1 .iz4d lemon n1 the oven, aid let remaiu until baked, which will til when the whole is very soft ; then take out ■ id add • qurutity of sugar to make it • thick syrup. Take a tra.p.onn- ful of this freyueutly, keeping it warm, Sud, !:tiles. in • very obetluate case, .t 1 wall street. • cure in a sb•-r•t time, The juice of a leen o, taken in the moruitg while feeling is often a preven- tive of those attacks to which bilious people are W frequently •u, jrcted. Lwwo* juice rubbed over the heads night before !.brit.¢ will keep thee' soft and it hue. It is good for re- eriviig tan, and is • wonderful whitener of the •1111. It is •1... 1x^elleut for 1 talnig out .tains from the hauds: Wo- men .h-, are cerefel of their complex- ions, tied are fund of viuegar on certain toed*, seu'd do well to use a mew drops of 1 juice when any acia_ is desired, Y vieer*r hes • bed .fleet on the skin. A piece of !eines, bound on a corn, changing for • fresh piece each city Lor three, days, is w:d to MI loosen the .urn that it may b) easily removed. Dunt throw away bite ..f lemon fru,n which Ithe juice has been extracted, fur they are cored t , keep fur cleatuulg purp..ses. I Whri the juice is nut eusvenient, they j are Matto rub on tit.. heeds to remove any is 'stent •nal other atecele.tationa A f•iece ..f 1.nr.tt thir:,ed is svt, •red rubbed briskly ever a copper kettle, will give it • good polish. Nevar est. or allow to b • oaten, bits of lemon leit etandinir for any length of tient, more 1 uiperislly where they have ..1 teal lined 111 r, aii:kruow. "1 M'n* !tmwrrl.x." Sips 1 S. She. i.:lt, or Kingsley, Min , "iro•u weakness and loss of appetite, i with a severe lieadache, a'.d could scarce- ' ly walk. My first b..ttle cf iturlock Wood Bitter& enshied me to walk alx.ut tux house, end ahen I had taken the second bottle I fund myself entirely cured. 2 Dona threw away lemon peel. but dry it .n the oven, and keep for flavoring it of this dried peel cooked in apple sauce sir put in epee+ pie gives a deli• olefin divot that n.thiug else imparts. geese *mese es Mesa. "1 always nae Hagysrd's Pectoral Rel- iant for colds and ,t cannot be beaten. It has always cured me within 48 hours, which ne other medicine will do. and I always keep • bottle by nee." These words from Chester Miller, Livery, Ont., prove the eth,acy of a popular preps - ration. - • • Good !)are"raw Wath. A minister in the country had some clothing repaired by s Local tailor, and in conversing with hie said, incautious- ly "When i want • good coat I go to Boston. That's mho place. By the way,' he added, "du you ever go to church r' "Vas, sir." "And whore do you attend ?'' "Well, air. when I want to hear a good sermon I go t , Boston. That's the place. -Boston lteaocn. a:lve Tire A Cbase*. That is to say, your lungs. Also all your breathing machinery. Very won. derful machinery it is. Not only the larger air -passages, but the thousands of little tubes and oavitiel leading fr✓m them. When these are slogged and chocked with matter which ought not to be there your lunge cermet half do there work. And what they do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, rnagh, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and rinse and head and Ion obstructions, all are bad. All ought to he got rid of. There is just one sore way to got rid of them. that is take Roache.'. German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you si 75 cents a bottle. Even if everythng else has failed you. you may depend emu this for certain. cower C.mamarereal a.rprese. "Any chance for s situation in veer street railway company, Mr Jerkies 1 I •m a good accountant." "Where did you work kat 1- "I was bookkeeper ie a bank." "How long r "Tee years, air." "Bookkeeper in • bank for ten years t Gnat Montt, man, you eight to be able to buy me out by this time 1 '__Chicago News. m•. • wee Themes • bode it r Why suffer a single moment wben you eau wet immediate nater from all inter- nal or external pairs by the use of Pol- s es's Norville*, the great pain care. Norville* has never here known to fail in a single ems ; H ammo! (ail, for it is • entebtoatirtw of the most powerful pain subduing remedies know.. Try a 10 neat sample bottle nI Swedes*. Yoe will find Nerviliee a sure ears for near- alRm, loolhseho, ►*•desha Say sed gry.Iaege bottlers 16 meta by all Ise es Veer eawri. . Dta1't allow • sole it the heed to &low- ly.14 sorely ,run iMs Catarrh, when yea seta be oared felt lie. by using Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. A few applica- tions cure incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes is guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 2:ic and sun sura Sold by all dregguta ly I' Should the poem's wish .petting the jubilee gift he worthily carried out, the English poor of all future genera- , tions will ,have reason to look back to this famous year with gratitude. With . a good deal of effort a Woman's Jubilee Offering of $350,000 was got together, and presented to her Majesty ; but, bad 1 its ultimat• destination been f(Preseen, ' there is goal reason for thinking that it w..uld have been more easily collect - 1 ed and have reached • far larger total. The Queen has decided that it shall be appropriated to a scheme now being worked out fur improving the condition of the nurses for the sick poor. A eommt- tea for this purpose has been formed,and the Duke of Westminster teat its head. • THE RIO IT KIND OF HOME. f A 1..• ,i..nrhr e ' Mr fl.aekia, aA,)<LLTO IN" -HT moot to c`boe.n Ir..,. 1).kot., banes l., h.. ..f,•r looms .r •u telt', EAT MARKET banish brat s, • .-for e s s.. uuat_•t dwt toe good, a• olio w.r in c'..oumptum, .ad o,atieued (.tuner Seed hoods. ministered N. her waota, hat the lice! ell ears uuuld not cure her, a,r1 ou Titur.d.y aw..rii•g ah. p►•..al peaueettly away.I Kim wee f -rut a ,M... /lowest, of B.y6.ld, and terve. an. Oltld U*kee .11 pbawal fu tee l'hl:drea el ell Timm sea eee.eee. Hume to a good many men is the plasm w herein to mit and sleep and lull and snarl and order children ab out, nue put tutu practice generally their small views of the rights of a husuaud and father. And then, scathing higher than thew, stand • more intelligent and genial claw who isve • warm social side, and are void of t)rauuy, laud cherish every noble bops of their .ihaldr.u, and yet do out quite leo that hem. and its u.fluencw should be • 1044111 thiug in the thoughts and pima of eery fath- er, instead of being held g•estly subordinate W baseness' and t, .luras and out -door pleasures. To proud. abuudautly and keep the house warm io cold times, and send the y..une ones to ached punctually and have family pray- ers once or twice a day ere not at ell the things that need d.•it.s. but home shuuld be made a really bright anti hap- py pleas in every way. It should meet the wanta of the WH.)LE NAT('fC o► Till sortie. Games should be devised and a wise eau or • careful mother is dome a goes' thing in spending tint. to Meted rod diversify these, with • view to l.ep the huaehuld io good nature and cherry. Festivals should be instituted 1►tturs,- iug birthday• should be swphaa:z at •ud made memorable. Lula sxpedit.• use f the household 1.. this place aid that should be planned. 'fhg right kind of books sh..u'd be seuebt and read an 1 talked over together. Indeed, scarcely soything helps a home so much aa general and cheerful conver- sation. Mimic aliou:d be br.ught in. The taatw of the chltdren should be cul- tivated. Decerttiuoa are exc.11uut iu • merely mora! view. Flowers and ;,reeo- eey should be made to •s•ist in rhe cuTttare. And if-fiMie amounted and money spent use thew things, these ie 110 fully in it, but wis- dom. For boys and ,!iris are bliesedlt guarded when they Lind all their t•..ul- ties wee met and isitoa 't.4U AT H.,t1E. They do out caro to ream, s1 they are detained frotn a thousand outs. 1c dared• ors. Their passions are kept quirt. They lie open t..e celestial influences. 'Tia eery. e..wperattvely, foe melt t.. he Christians. Indeed, we expect than to be. Sotomun'a "Train up • Chdd,' Mc.. is likely to be fulfilled in their ease. Tippling houses do not draw their pay from youth who have bels made in love their homes heartily. Wayward girls are bred in unhapty homes. The rais- ed Christians neither saints nor sin- n ers) by whom the Church is lumbered and made tnealizien4. that is, the Christ- ians who have such nhstnt3te kinks in their constitutions that the grace of clod is able to st:ai:hten tl em only by plow degrees and • weary drill, they are gen- erally victims of untamed early andu• elce• in poorly managed home. IAure Tremble IOW be espeetrd, if you de not heed the warnings of na ture and at ince pay attenti•,u to tis maintainer/co of your health. How ufte we see a person put off from day to da the purchase of a medicine which if pro cured at the nutstart of a disease would have remedied tt almost immediately New if Jubustou'• Teuic Liver fills had been taken wi.en ;he first uneasiness made its appearance the illness would have been "nipped i.a the bud." John son's Tonic }titters and Liver Pia are decidedly the best medicine en the mar- ket for general tonic and invigorating prupertles. !'ills 25c. teer bottle. Bitters 50 cents mud 81 pet bottle, sold by Gude the dreggist, Albion block, stole agent. b j m It is a mistake to pat spoons in a hold er handles down, ray fever is • type cf catarrh having peculiar symptoms. It is attended ty an enflamed condition of the 110444 mem- branes of the nostrils, tear -ducts and throat, affecting the !unite An acrid mucous assecreted,the diachareeisacce.m- • panted with a burning sensation. There are severe spasms if sneezing, feej'ueltt attacks of headache, watery and inflam- ed eyes. Ely's Cream Balm Is • reme- dy that can be depended upon. SOets. at druggist* ; by nail, registered, 60cta. Ely Brothers , Druggists, Owego, New York. ly Uwe S.essarkable *4111• Found at last, what the true psblie bas bwen looking for these many years and that is a medicine which altbough but lately introduced, has made for itself • reputation second to none, the medicine as J,.hns*n's Tonic Bitters which in conjunction with Johnson's Temic Liver fills has performed some moat wonderful cores impure or im- poverished blood soon becnnes purified and enriched. Billioueneas, indigestion, sick headache, liver complaint, languor, weakness, tate , soon disappear when treated by these excellent tonic medi- cines. For Sale by (food, druggist, Al- bion block, Goderich, sole .gest. fel Last Wednesday afternoon Gordo* Mooney met with a very unfortunate ate accident in V•nstone Bros' sawmill, Brussels, whereby the saw cauglt hes left hand, lacerating it very badly. Two physicians were speedily in attendance. The now of the seennd finger was am- putated and an effort will he made to save the rest of the head. The injured member is very painful and will lay aM Mooney up for • good while. • W. berme Mob Preemie* -. This is she title given to Reott's Seal Soo of Cod liver 0.1 by many thoesands who have taken it, It not only awes Noah nod ntrewgtk by vivt•e of its own owtritowe properties, bet creates an ap- petite for fond. ilea it, and ley yogi, weight Reott's Emeleina is perfe*tly palatable. Sold by all druggists, et 60.. ad 81. A spark from the smoke stack at Broad - feet'. factory, Seafurth, lit nn some dust on the roof of one of the buildings on Monday week, causing a little blase. It was extinguished with a few pails of water. The fire totem's was called out, but fortunately their services were not required. T. tee letlle.r1 Prete..ws, sat all wham It may reetea. Phe. hatine, or Nerve Ponta, a Phe*- phate dement based upon Scientific Pacts, Formulated by Pr••fessor Austin, M. I). of Reston, Masa, cures Pulmon ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attack*, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the' human system. I'hosphatine is not • Medecine, but a Nutriment, bemuse it contain no Vegetable or ltIineral Poisons, Opiates Ntrcotics, and no Stimulants, bat gimp, ly the Phosphatic and Gastric Elements found in our daily food. A single Letts is .u1bciont to convinee. All Druggists sell it. 81 00 per bottle. Lowsv & Co., sole agents for the Dominion, 66 Front Street East Toronto. A piece of limo, is excellent for clean- ing the hands. • Twee ON Around each brittle *1 Dr Chess Liver Core is a medial guide and book centsining iseefwl ln(ermalioe 1011 receipes, and preseason by declare draftees es Worth tee times the .wt of the unease. Medwire sad book $1. told y el dragnets W. L Holmes, who bee jest trr.dtr•t- ed i. New Took, wee visiting hie peruses .t Mashers, this week. lie hes decided to begin the practice of his prolamine .t Seattle, Washiagtee Terri- tory, aid Ise storied fee lbsd pkae* AWA11EI RUT SILVER MEDAL WORLD'S EXPOSITION, New Oas.s*. , U.S.A.11/14-6, in competition with tie pisuufu,rtes of Europe and America. She roily U.S. International Medal ever award. tel to *Canadian pianoforte ; ales Medal and Diploma as the Colonial and Indies Exhibition lo)odon, Eng.. 140th, with the supreme honor of loupppl�y tug Her Meitewt)) (l the uesu with a Neweond,mhe Gra selected by Sir Arthur Sullivan. Fp UCatalogue. C*taloue, pricey and tenwa, "in' Octavio hunk 1 Ci., .•.•w44o•w.a re wAntrt0e4111. 107 -see C1w Ocu 1T . TOAOWTO PACTOwr. w ro ser *E1.t_w0004 .001.0* j'M 1 WHITELY BROS., Y Parenr fetors MMeeata of all kind:!, fresh and cured, kept constantly on hand. ( orders delivered to all parts of the town. Telephonic :communication to all points. ('u•obauers can depend on good satisfaction in every particular. um 41 PRESCRIr TION DRUG STORE w••r r-,.10.1. �.; V t/ J�rw44 � s. sir ........> -.,..hr tat '.e. 4.,:stale toutenon r, . .i e. is a s - c.. . ee. •,: d .shover wf .war i• t...... ..: 1 "- 10 /emir * .ri.rwn. trams t'.aiZT lqa Al, wilt rend w voa.l • . apo yr..pr ate it r. M rtrb eeaa3a., %ref., motes we c...h--..neje • hen,.)--- who. w.i1 try the $il•sMisa'$ $*51i Peron C.:t the red CV'. frau, the label Goad .end it in • toter awing hosed o .:r.r.. • f •.7 lair trial, Father! a5,10or25 mat Was w:I! ..cute tt..- Kitt. Any Veer/ at rt.*e*e. per 0nosv s Vetere w Inst i t it asked by you.-4/Jreso- C8C)luiiJ.1 CO, To1 TO '+K'h., f nay eras i do not mean money to stop limon for • 44*,., me thee bare theses re- i- n azala. 1 Yeas A RAI,I(;AL GLIM 1 have made 150 k'1.eaae Ot FITS, EPILEPSY or FAT.T.TWr SICILICESS, A1'+el^rgrc'dam. I vrARRAr. Irjrrstede'e tCw�ssds toe won- t Merl. beta :+e ntoen have +•roe-;a,m forme loot meet. t: ,dtre. dateneef•.ratrivet .e^ndd1rltsr o! mf1rr Irrmu.ret.s 1t' •tzaf. (,Ivo Express r*4 Trot Office. It coots you nothtcg foe & twill, and 1: win are yt.n. Adores Dr. L 0. SOOT. 37 Taiga tit., Tomato ler• CARLING'S ALE & PORTER 144T1T T%T1*M Terra sir. ase LAGER (Bottled) PK Sale !.y G. H. PARSONS 113 ALl010N BLOCK- . ooIAItII'Ii. SPRING MILLINERY ! sz�ss c�er�z�oN Hat now received her rtpring esoc► of the hdTEsr. ftp .Cf.61 787 IL ' Aad is prepared to give her many lad) a sstotnen the finest ('ivy +tyles *t town area,amt upper.Owing to the fart that per business ba. kept Q• incrnuing tomcat -those lies Got been lenity to prepare fora foat .prilg opening. All are inrnted to esaminc Q.lslity. Styles and Prices. Weekly ColstonEcceived D lite Buy Seas, 81110,11111100.441. -Corner of Hamilton and Newcatcat, of 111.11$11111111116 9:4W HEW SPIRINC MILLINERY ! MISSES-Z"A.T:S Has opened out a lar_.' and well assorted !:tock of the latest Styles in EW MILLINERY Where you will fin.) the Newest Styles of Bonnet:, Hats and Trim- mings. Ladies please call and inspect. Nortb-Rt. second door off' -quare•. its -Ira MISS GRAHAM Has returned from Toronto where she has been making tier Mee - tions in PRING MILLINERY. The Brightest and Ices! (Ind the Lalest in, Novelly and Style can be seen at her Show Rooms. A thorough inspection of goods and prices is cordially invited by all callers at 97 - The CHICAGO HOUSE, West Street. WE HEAD THE PROCESSION. GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the best of value in all lines of Furniture -from the smallest chair to the largest and batt bed -room Ret, or parlor shite. Call and see his stock and get a bargain. ZTNIOERTgICTIV „f In all its branches', promptly attended t. • air EMBALMING FLUID always kept on han•i. PICTURE FRAMING a specialty. (F1110, BARRY, Namilton-St. ,tom iu k4*. , •••.,'a HOUSEHOLD RECEII ('rsulur►v J.dly.-Pore, q core tele* noise tart apple!, .r Gov juicy •pplea pre(e►r. porcelain kettle with tee ea.nb.1rIe1, New ui1111 Wft. tbruuKl •jelly bag, put th. Move iu saws kettle ,,aft.r et with two pounds of c.'ff.. A the same as low my jelly or u teem tbe skimmer *ben you J (all. off ID own use three places. lb. froth if any rise while b..i in jolly mold. or tumblers. gee 11 • 5110• d.trot. 0a.aus C1:.ITaao Pie - lira shall, law cupful et powgeeed tablespoonful of butter, i.ue t fel of 'mouth cure starch, our of boding water, yolks of 11 juice and grated rind •,f nae I. all mixed together, Whom with u1enugue of whites and Hot sardines oa Tose'. -T deems sardines, asp them no no to free them (runt ed, Put piste use the ',ream till very Is ready a.•me thick toast atoll •hd .preed with anchovy paste. .srdiurs oar 4111• and serve 'rb1. duh ran be Varied by stead e( dardinr. the famous ! lel, • prepmrsliui .,1.moked ea Ili rept•rted 111 title lake sardines Prince Albert Sandwich three eggs, $ piece et butter t a wal.ut,a littlegrated Peruse a dash of salt and of cayeuil Put all mto a saucepan and sti bre tall It thicken,. Cut sot pieces of bread. fry them iii b of • nice brown. Spread the p them. Hare some ham, to grated or chapped tine, to be sti them before serving, Fish Chowder. -Fuer pomuds half a down Mem of salt pork, the put. When deme very bin pork out, put in • layer of lengthwise, then a layer of small onion* and potatoes sin mixed with bite of toed pork; layer of fish, and W i n. Strew talt and pepper over each lap the whole poor • bowl et 1 water, puuugl to came even surface. A•ie a elided lemon as ful of !mento catsup. A few c an addition. Curer so that escapee. Hely Poly Podding. --]take with two heaping teacepfuls toar,two toasp•,.rutula of baking (mixed well a pinch of malt, to spoonfuls of tetter rubbed the tour, and sweet milk en..ugh .alt like biscuit dough. '(herr eat and add cranherry jam ; edges ..f the dough. reit up sl securely, wet a piece of cheese o wrap truand the whole and put ornerier over a kettle of bean Allow shout ten minutes for it through, then steam 1,110 hour, slices sea serve with moo& .ta rwwe-eewke t6.s.e. D..ease in any of its myriad never wale •me, and the and o is always re towed at. Burdoe Bitters cute. ail diseases of the ;aver, bowels aad lilted, giving hope with every dose. las ire 1be Noir. The following extract, taker letter that recently appeared in Ywk Voir.., has • g. od deal in commend it to the attention of ante workers who are not th ,."U%*hced .f the rlgl.ti4,e of :ion : -- I took my little to yon my k t -'1d him the story 1 • the le. flow it found a hole in the Iv crawled through, how glad it w away, how it played and skipped sunshine, until it bad wandered eeuld net find iia way back. I told him how the wolf chase how finally the tiotd Shepherd :1 and carried it beck to the fe little fellow did not say • word us to that part of the story where t hero had carried the lamball woo bleeding, back 1. the fold, when claimed, "Say, papa. did he na hole where 1t got out 1 - Now those of us wn) hive raged.in the temperance work f Lave been trying te sere the I but we have Inuod that, while swing one that had gone .stay, dyed, au.1 perhaps a tho,,sa'ei w-•• ening aa•ray New we pr tail a )(ha hole by wiping them .t residence. Rehire G..d and man, bel Church and the wori.i, I Imjw•'ecl peranee. 1 charge it with the f innumerable setts. In this blessed with freedom and pee Word ret God and the I:bertie religion, 1 charge it as the eau. ever be their source cluwhere most ell the poverty, and •Menet crime, and almost all the mis almost all the ignnraece, and aI the irreligion that disgrace and a land. I am n.•1 mad, most uouje I speak the words of truth are nese. 1 do, in my conscience, the intoxicating stimulant* k*, int.. perdition more men and than found a grave in that deltic .wept ever the hittheet htllt•'pe. e Ing a world u( which eight were. 1•br•ale ('•ig1. and cher And all diose. of the throat an an be cured by the use of Stems' sine, * it contains the healing et Cod Liver (NI and Hypophnspl their foliose form. See what Muer, M D., L R, C. 1'., eta, N. 14 segs: "After three years' ,.•nen i reminder Skeet's &nekton the very twat in the mark*!. V ••ellent in throat affections." all drutzgi.ts, boo and 81 00 The hit propellor Myles whacl here left Hamilton on II'he»d Tnledn to load torn for ti,ner,. her heeler handout Wesdne.d■,.fi throneh the esr,drensess of the fir. n5Rbeting to feed water .nte et sat 'wines less is mean by het ebligtsd to cancel her eonlr.et for en, which will he a dead lot* of $1000•