The Huron Signal, 1889-5-3, Page 3THE NITRON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY a, 'F89 :e of Forting. neesbey flew aertalle .r to the bail, dee More alter au even toning --." 'hu had answered so of Johntay,--tu• ple called him by it t .. familiar as cis rutlgman the paper, and stood waiting to for • quarter T' r dressed custouner, 1ually stylish come d (ieorve, whipping tween his teeth, and it. all red and blue pocket of his patched 1 .tut • Mindful lel* mid that. a "tweet'. .ducted four ut the urs whish he hand - and with • tight r of heels set off at a y's work was over. t., my you stuck the Anne coin the bar ie where we had the queried care of the et it off," returned u,lh ; "people aren't lepers.' arper than • New Wender the hit'r nos. to you or pull r eyelid." out all richl the first nge for a rural pur- k's returning 11.r.1.1 w ith 'all about the er laugh. the pair y lighted ''$sniple 1 antther brace of i Eve, and (:rode the week •morins .old sister, that San ire to put something if she war • gu.ed Ihicb Viva had fol. made it his first be- wares to insure the tint he had taken the in the lolly saint's he had kept an eye dull in a toy shop a condition to make The price he had rtaio it --was just a large sum, it to true. y toy • reserve of ca pi ueicieut t., purchase c and it was only by he less able to save a s. he approached the The gruel wolf must B ence. The precious n to be seen. But art just around the Noah's ark, placed e middle of the win - was the bonier of 1, and --ala ! yea !- ✓ blue eyes peeping .. if she was chat game of hide aud- n briskly and pushed ter. hat doll m the win - the red cloak and the first salesman he laying down the dollar iii- iieght from her toe op in • neat little Mie was carefully but- cket, when the sales - taking up the money, the pieces. all that 1" be asked looking eleav, with us ivory rim, tato owe elrr..'.•t ,...,de a....ther ttiepeutio.s. Have q seit.b.J himself slimiest/ be temwved tbe glees auJ replaced the spectacles "1 U vier pee/iffy dollars fur it," be eal•l. termite to tsea.rgte. The latter Leaked at the little :teutl.• man sith atiasew.•ut. H. had tweet heard .1 'Ci,u.uu emitsworth • bus,- dte.1 dollars, and bit• ..f deter *Teel, boaster C.•aar'• "made slid auperavnp- tiuu." tet.Liug malty times as much. "It's a Coal of liri.ry tee lies tiff. time," mild situ oiJ gentleman -"nut espeetely rare, but fairly wurth what 1 has.. otlered. ''.ilaybe this geutl+man will give watt, he sided, with • woe of the head tuurd the wan at the desk, as he nutieed the bur's indecuiou. • u," )ou- have tandem' us full value," replied the man thus appealed t.., twenty a lune ashamed of his ewis re twat offer. Georgie no longer hesita'ed. The little old get.tletean was etidat.tly w hie senses, mod kuew what be war douse. The bargun wee briefly coucluded, and tle.•rgte li.ca'ne the happy possessor of Grecrsp ten dollar ii..tee. The widow Allston's heart fol: heavier than usual that day. She bad •:ways been able to hive • Christntsa turkey Before. But times hats gone hard of late, and the wan for whom she made vests had cut d..wn the price w low that the turkey would hat., to be dirpena.d with. It was homily light enough to see next tw'nttug, when Vna wakened with a slut, and ran to ahere she had hung her stocking from the corner of the stare• for watt of • chenney•curuer. K hat a scream of delight site gave as she saw the little red boxed, and under it a pair of laughing blue eyee peepiug at her atelthesyerettetentriler est hot stuck - tug. In au instant the precious treasure was in her anise. "t Oh : Georgie ! (;sortie ' airs cried, runust.g to wok• her brother truce his pretended sleep. "Just see what lint• Cam. breughted me ! It • lt1!e l ed- Ytdiu'hswd, art 1 'apect he's killed se ugly old wulf !" Uuucet ur no dinner, Viva was sup- plied with happiness her that day. Au tepid surprise was in siore fon the widow. A man with • handcart came to the d.«syr 111a inquired for Mrs Allston. "Here are some things 1 have breustht," he said. The widow start:d back, astonished There were meat Ind game and vegeta- livered George. it for one, said the 1," replied the man. other or return the t-1 don't know what rt it." a moment. Another tk in on his reserve, e his day's business. rsa almost • sob, and an that nearly Dame handed back the par - money, and left the g to look back as he outside. ted upon him that he in • window • number old books with !waist id • number of batter - on • shelf, while • he panes announced : AND COINx BOUGHT tiles, Cud, tuwerieg al!. such a turkey. "Th --there must be some tutstake,' Nhd *1. The beat retulaturs ter the at .a* There u teething like the presence of and besets, the d.,.t cure fur h • teal laid, to keep • comp•oy of rusgh sick headache, iudigeotn,n, end all •B« wee to order. She may cert he heed- ti•.ns arising trent a disordered 'tee• or sense, she tray not Ire richly dressed, •••:b•ous exception J. hn .ear a T• rete L .. t nor highly educated, but mar.* the wee I't, a Small in sissy. sewer carted, mild, •re very lo. indeed, her prerrtrce .til yet efect,ve. 'lb its, pet •'i vele iA he mitre rtfretive than •n) p.dtee-man 11.»«ir, (lttittle at. Alinae ° bleak, tilde: A lulls aerate daticriteed by a late re ntli, sole agent lel Lga.u. paper la ••are which might haplee•u anywhere. for, tit Moue o1 tough ri'ei- tor, meet Cet..li..n mei, are gesterturti Ti.• Fr•urruw' (1).. $ t;•. l ..itll•eit din cussed th. S... it A11. T'. 1 Wina 1 e0l.lyd nleai each !tees . t lli'pttyel'te.ve to spr. •• his ,.psnten ..a the e.iltptet, :end. ...rte. The wen were el several grad.•. the Omit., Ceuta.. 1 out t+oe*ehe (.v.., .1 the Ac... era • ' ^•star facie w•ueh .-.upli .• . ly •ieui(/ea'•ared that 1hast tweet w Teat 1, edt to the t' .uW) A gw.up .4 teen was atltinit 111 a rail road /dation, ent,•k►ng and eiehiu.t.•e the reinerks °want..nly heard in such re - .,f society, but moot of hem were ..f the hard laboring classes, come -1y drlsa..l w ith hands rougheusi br tee. a. .1, what mea were., hearte and d• se sus rd with the rude .ss•eci•vu.us which seem to 1.. almost ius.parabie boos a GM of hard manual I..b..r Their a on- verssu• it was corse, need sometimes it be•rdeted en the vulgar a'id profane. Suddenly trent an open window of the ticket t.flice cause the low, mur:cal times of • wentau'• voice *mating an old (mud. tar hymn. In • monism, •• if by magic, the c•.uvwrsation was hushed, and the teen listened, lo..ging silently at each other until the verse was ended .n nam,' %o., •pp.•aran he..+•ret -+ h l'• r th • ut.aneut this ,.mush u.en were feces. as N+sa) C, e. .., N ew1 linins , aonpletrly subdued. No more vilest ,.t. As. to Nas.l H.1... and do t jokes were heard ; to fact, o0 one mem- take iootatn.n dealers ..ay urge ulnen rd to core t., renew the Cmveream', . (Inc by ince the mien departed, a ed left the singer in occapatien of the field which s' • had fairly won. Owager.aa i..e/a. IN.. (7oanterfrits are tilers). .t saver fa, ,.,oto ... thar they ale .a c!.454' Dis- tend" Tat or1UINSL IN aiPtA&Al,e I AND USX. 1''.r rwn.rk . ble -ease auto• .d 1•y Neese, H.bu .a • I solve cu. • 'o Cat nth red ('old in the Head )..- t - duc.d unprincipkti yarties •.. milato it. The null,, err e. ntioNted wet t.• he. Itenv. J 1.v •i••strume imitattmr N :, lin n the widow stammered. ' •There is no ntt.take," said the man, leriunine to uuhnd. "God Wes the generous giver : ex- c'aiwed the widow, from the fulness if her heart. °morgue's eyes glistened. Ile could hardly refrain from throwing hie arms •bout her neck and telling alt. Bet he had further plans yet. There wsa happiness in that humble household that day. At its close the widow retired to rest with a heart filled with thankfulness, and Viva fell asleep with fled R.dinghuod in her arms. "Mother,- said Georgie, as they sat at supper the next evening, "you mustn't work so hard any more." "I don't mind work," she said, with the cheerful look see always tried to keep fur her children. "and we mast do our best to get along." "But you needn't work so hard now," persisted Georgie. "I bought out a news stand today, with a store in it, and a nice stock of magazinee and peri.di• cal., and bating • tine run of custom." The widow steed in speechless mtoo- uhment. Then Georgie tad dm merit w had* been burning to disclose, mid there was another happy evening under tee widow's roof. get something for it Engle ; "it locki at et of those already in /pulse, he hastened to was fortunately @till 1 you rove for that ?" an behind • desk, lay- s and waiting soxioos- g Garter," be hastened were some proof of another for it," said y, after a brief exam - leaped to his throat wed with the Deer at *hi lose no ties. in tie toy -shop, bet hit mosaent,left him with - said a bhisIIy (seed a, with white hair amid *leg op fres ow of As whit& be ltd beim Welty the teen at the teatimes. tented the Gwen mewl then, deny. Tbs. he teak and ...wed • swim - Mreag ReaMYere. A healthy human body has strong powers of resistance against disease, but where weakness or lack of tone exists disease quickly assail. it. Keep the sys- tem clean, the blood pore sod the vital power rigorous and active by the Gee of Burdock Blood Bitten, the true •ital• izer and restorative, 2 *Severely aerura- "1 buret icy hand severely, and did not know whist to d•; till • Inrud ran to with 11,11n1. of Hsgyard'. Yellow ail am applied it, and ,t drew out the pain and healed it in a few days. I wenhl not he without it." Mary L••pard, 59 Cuet1 St., Tutuntu. 2 The Empresa Frednek displays great taste in her mourning outfit. She wears gowns of crepe and nun's veiling, which are softened by livings of white satin. Deep collars and elbow cuffs of white, embroidered with black, decorate her dresses, and one of her house gowns has long stage! sleeves ret white crepe, which Bow and fall outside the black ones with an odd but artistic effect Two sone "(Charles L).ckene-A••fre 1 Tennyson ar.t1 E tward it'tlwar Lytton -- who e,ni_ratod to Austral* here become successful ptstorsists. Mr E rt. L Dick - en. is nom termite his attention tit p di. ticsand has developed • desire to be - ".me a member of the Parliament of N: w South Wales At latent dates he was at•ndii.g as a proteetuowtet for the repr. - sentatiw of 1Vilca.,11ir, an extensive pss- roral di.tnct in the western portion of the colonyt la Ott. eon talk* Point. Dyspepsia 1. dreadf.::. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is • foe to good nature. The human diio•afireapparatus is one of the must complicated and wonderful things in existence. It is alutly put out of order. Greasy food, touch food, sloppy ford, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, Irregular habits, and tuany other thing. which ought not to be, have made the American people • nation ..f dyspeptics. But Green's August Flower has done a wonderful work in informing this sad business and making the American people w healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy. Remember :-No happinosa without health. But Green's August Flower brings health and happiness at the dyspeptic. Ask your drug:st for s bottle. Seventy tire cents. eowly sot • Bash A eat Mr Goode, druggist, is not ll beolt agent, but has the agency in Onderich for Johnsten's Tonic Bitters, which he can heartily recommend for any com- plain to which a tonic medicine is ap placable. This valuable medicine has been with most astonishingly good re- sults in gees of general debility, wetk- nem, irregularities peculiar to females, extreme paleness, impoverishment of the blood, stomach and liver troubles, loos of appetite, and for that general worn out feeling that pearly every one is troubled with at some part of theear. Don't forget the name Johnston's Tonic Bitten 50e. and $1 per Mottle at Goode's drug store, Albion block, Goderich, sole Dr Btoeekler, the Court pastor at Ber- lin, has no faith in Count H.rttert Bis- marck, who has, he say., ' ne•er shown that he is a mea of kis father's eminence." Conewme...a Surety C.r.e- To Tara Emma -Please inform your readers that I hate a positive remedy for the above named Ammo. Ey its timely Gee themes& of hopeless ones hale beeseared. I shall b. oiled to teed t� tbeatle .1 my remedy free to aey of year riders who Aare eoe- eemptMe. If they will eyed me their Si - press sod P. 0. *Mem R.roos,teltl, i».. T. A. 8leoowtl, y _ s7 sees ilk, TsUSbe, ort To Moes mitiss welly, peer hollies wen, weer then wad drain it et rids lemon them sed they wee cel with .eye A thin cost of what is known as French picture varnish will restore chr'omos and oil paintings to their original brightness. r. -u. 1"'r mile by all .1. •iegi.t. • r •• • :deet (Mico ao receipt 01 teeter -•. •,. a• 1 .1 ny ,.ddrrssiug Fulford,dt Cc , Brookville Ont. tf mew a Sate Conga* ('ota. A slim young nun in the height sof fashion was violently sneering in a street car, when a companion remarked, "Aw, Chawles, dash boy, how 'je dat.:b i1a� dweadful cold." "Aw, drab fellah, left my cane in the lower hall tother day, and in sucking the ivory handle, so dweadful add, it chilled me almost to death." If Charles had used Dr. Har- vey's Red Pine Gum his cold would not trouble him very muctine, or gala at J N ileon's prescription drugstore. tf Lary people are abominations -lead weights to be carried on some one's over- burdened shculders. • rrwatab*. Lir.. Few men have accomplished the same amount of work and good in this world aa the celebrated Dr Chase. Over 600,000 of his works have been sold in Canada alone. We want every person troubled with Liver Complaint, Dys- pepsia, Headache, Kidney or Uriey Troubles, to buy • bottle of Dr Chafes Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine and Recsipe Book 51. Sold by all druggists. Buttermilk and lemon juice are harm- less a»mette. for removing sunburn and freckles. tea n-■f•■1 • POWDER THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND C. P. fit. BOOM TOWN PRONTO FOR SALE. .$100 AND UPWARES i bore a Low. nunih,.r ..f 11111ii re Sud fads sari Vs..•aot i.in•ls n. h, most dcalreble parts of the' T..+n-rest.i r..t'■LIP. Now :a the rime .o secure Iwoperty hrfnrr the hitt Rush. The C. 1'. 11 i• cowing sur., and in • short thue p-,c.•o..11. have adv raced be .ind the rrscb .1 malts. Call and sere List and l'rices before parches ing elaewhere. R. R.IDCi.IFFE, Real ►:state aad t:. neral !nenranee Agent Mgr a West -.4t., third door from Square. C. P. IRI Ticket and Tclritratli Oitiee. SI-tt. NEW FIRM P.WLKINSON&Co ' Having the purchase of the well-known hard- ware %tuck of K. W. ][t•KENrZIE, anal thoroughly renovated the pre- :t►lYt's Ar.' now prepared to till all orders awl requirements of the pub- lic itt th.•ir line. Special attention given to Marine Outfits. 11'.• solicit public patronage, anti will aim to give perfect tatia- tA tion,i Feaeh church member ought to be • committee of one to increase the size of the congregation. if all who read this ' paragraph will act nn it, the beneficiaries ; of the sating power of the gospel will be multiplied this year. Severe •Leen. Mies Bella Elliot, of Pontypool, Ont., write. -"My brother and I were both taken ill with • severs attack of diar- rhane, having tried other remedies, we tried Dr Fowler's Eztraet of Wild Straw- berry, which gave immediate relief." 2 "They have a larger rale in my du trict," says a well knows druggist, "than as, other pill on the market, and give the best satisfaction for sick headache, biloiomeeete, indigestion, etc., sod whet swishiest' with Job..toe's Tonic Bitters, JAeetne'a Tneie Liver Pills will per- form eaform whet no other medicine has dotta before for wfferieg keesaeity." Pill. 16 emits per bottle. Bitters 50 meta and $1 per bottle. Sold by Goode, Drwgint, Alison bleak, (]ederieb, mel. swat (.1 A RDwaaa-Of one donee 'Timms as" 1. any este tenthy the beet flew list- tthya en •'ruesasrw' the remarkable little for the Testi sed Visile. Lib car et adingaa IR 0000 NUR IS 00NE AT SIGRAL R. P. WILKINSON & Co. PUBLIC NOTICE. Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the Public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in -Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. Rees Prlce 84 Son Kay's Block, nett lank of Commerce, Square. r�ers-by Telephone prompt*. attended to. W LL CJRE Oil REUEVE BiU,iJ^+iE'S Df Z1NEe--3, D'l'FEPSIA, Cl.'DP31', fLUTTERINO Of THE HEART, ACIDiTY OF >rHE STOMACH, DR1 HESS INDIGESTION, ION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RNEUIf, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, OF THE 8K/N, had mese, species of .Res•se swish, t *owl sdiswrs.r a LAVER, r.ltxt€vti arfihtwol� DJwtt.e oa 84..000. Y. MILLBURN & PrP(T'oeilwa' ENVELOPES 13 TTS ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEAOS, J Etc . F.t• a+ - TH SIGNAL t MINTING' OFFICE Merchants ran wet heir Rill Reads, latter Reeds, &c_ Re. printed a this eine. for very hide mere thea they tromeeally pity Zaims.f MIX game. ad It hales to advertise their Call mid see esesse•s sad get mime. ATENTS W W 1- MIR Oe WE coo NC OC W as O eD O 3 1 s s O e 0 I Goderich Foundry and Machine 'Voris; RUNOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. CAVEAT&, TIME MAKI A*6 COPTRISNT Obtalaed. ad all busies. to the U.R, Pelee OSes etlaatbd tea MO RRA TR FRAM. Oar olio, roopooito the t'. R. Palest 01- io., sal am aim obtain i'ateate to Mss Una raa these remote from WARRINOTON. Mt)1)RL OR DRAWING. We *E - visa m• to g.teatebUIU tree ef ley tWce IrroCWARON UNI.1lf 1WitOS- P1 INT. We rater lnm to the .the Ott t Y &der law.. sod to br GOMM. t@rn� to .ae..l Moats Is mar ew. rl,a, or ty. writs to t A. WOW a CO. fllpattee Powe oak. . Waeltl.lates D.0 5; • •V t�� . 1 �.� � seer( ! , ` '�' :.a Trey t ' ! ill, jit ^1 IS Or ... r i!I,AiT`AS au 4,,OltruCEEil. i.4.ti,ttOtSAiliii9 4TIh, /t ,; •; 1 tsT 51 REIM (.41UER lCH C'. / WE IIAVI: ON HAND FOIL 1141.2: Improved Land Rollers - - - Price $22.00. HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS, PLOW POINTS &c, AT zoic F=ct-v1=0 I FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE L&TEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. Having made arrangements with the JOHN DOTY ENGINE & BOILER WORKS CO. TORONRO, We are Prepared to Quote Prices to Parties in want of the same. R10/"AIRS AND oABTINt3411 OF ALL 1lCLNDA Wee Street. two deem met etPAA. B.11elle- a