The Huron Signal, 1889-3-22, Page 7V • x, D! De- um - term time, IMOIS I RE - [SHIM • latex There Mans he one [•*ter ra, and ••yip ire a• hereto made a in days ✓ it. y wry ban ILTY. ME; THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MARCH 2!, 1%9. TH1� POET'D (CRN ER The sewer She made a•ohst bass sad noels Tldiaa• oettee-etanIs: ISIS, Aid the fattest bled of staside.s worked with Goat awd arese*e; oak. waged pie aril dales nob reptant birdseed Althea Awl immured spa Dame Nater* in a Oran. setae voile 11001141. She fatale • hank -este one Per her amend eueda. Mace A Ye•km eLcelt Ananias with • IamW of ai ui. Aad a Web, karem rad plaque. Aad a alit-emkeddered elboVse ser her Rusty who saes `.gaud.," seer the wailers [arae. IoM. Now the btsbsed et tide aselot. ti vow I bate to tell M. VI Wu assailed by pants ut Mueller most es moiety grow. H sprees mature oslled fur bed, Asad am, said shad Ism ea lief L;re with • South tae•oaaslbal, beJerrod her her seams e. He glared like say Turk W bee he ase Me day bran work Mor the d'aar d slipped hr sated. mid the kitchen are woe t.wl, Nat said, with .mil. aarlsslc. 'I would -serve as • dight twit" u she'd "spatter-werk or sol" him mid 'lie us a sato bear would -Now York R arid. Tete Loeser aha Cense From Mr J. Hayden, 199 Chatham St., Montreal, says :—"I was troubled for years with biliousness and liver com- 1,lslat, and I never found any medicine to help me like Burdock Blood Bitten, is fact one bottle made a complete cunt. TME FASHIONS. A Iferkty se JMetoe• that Will lowliest she horses. Maio ash •snows, in purcharswg these, a little ewe will ueboe.e wonderful result& There are tome shapes that may be said to be stand- ard. being brought out every year with slight varlet ion. Of such w a black straw with moder- ately high crown and fancy brim, nee tide ri.tiiug hither than the other. This to a cafe shape to purchase, as with the std of • stiff bonnet wire sod • little moisture, it may be moulded by the hand into almost any desired form. For summer, it may have the brim edged with • row of jet beads and be trimmed with • puffing of soft black purr material, against winch rest • couple of whits wings. In the wiot•r,the brim may be li :d with cardinal sotto covered with velvet, with poe•,bly the =dittos of • black plume, ur a bench of tips. Or the sacs shape may be purchased in gray straw. which sill be stylish for isomer trimmed with dove mitered noire, and steel ornaments, while for cold weather. it may Imre • bench of black ups nestling among folds of black vet. Indeed, a black velvet made bat is • standby for winter wear. It has the kok of soft warmth that velv.t always lewd*, and will lest moue swots if carefully worn. But it is in tbo matter of bonnets and we that the sawing girl scores her greatest triumph. One of fine straw, sad a cruple of becoming "shapes" will furnish headgear to meek every caseins at very slight exposes. 11 the stew is bark. it rosy for a brunette, be trimmed with sardine gist hunched high is front, the imide of the brim shirred with black satin. and fell nes of the soft net for a bloods, the brat facing will sewer, but the trim- ming will he soft plaid silk in blocks of black and whit.. t roe of the shapes may be =vend with hole holiest silk, the he=vend lined with hits Iwo, the crows and tides overlaid with folds of white soiree Wipe, (or her soft material) pellet/ trate same ich is (rant with a cluster of lilies of he valley, finishing the whole whittle white ribbon or of the crepe. Here • dainty ,MEOW bonnet, which will at cost over one dollar and a halt if the wner's fingers are deft esssgh to frh- n it herself. And right hese het me ger the suggestion that young girls try d„ their own mihhisery. The efforts will he clumsy at first, bet bility and taste will grow rapidly. Be- n to pretties oo week -day hats or boo- sts. Pin everything in plass and try before fastening psrm•oestly. It y be necessary to repeat the oyes - on many times before the desired fleet is obtained. A few hours daily, n the vacation time, spent in the =lea= w ing room of • frisod in the menses, r a little amistanes imagist, in the racy of ore's own room from mime noel girl learwisg the trade, will repay hessselves sissy timed over.—Good ruesks.plug. Miss Lizzie from "'kirk, Ont., says ; "I bad a ugh I could set sleep and wee fast ng into eoneemptios ; I tried mvefy. ne i could hear of witbost re- ef, but ween I got Hagyard's Pectest' ea I soon got set Is is the beat inn. I eyes tried.w Lase Ratcliffe, alkirk, Out. 2 Smokiest Roll —Ow teaspoonful of anter, oats yaw of Soar two 1•blespww um • hatter, usad o.s-kale teaspoon of cell ; sus and let stead over night ; to lowed the amnia' ed Hosea inmates mad hat has : when light roll ow thio sad eat is shape ; butter u..half of di* top S ad doubt. it over ; bake twenty minutes in a quick wan. Bread Fritter.—flak slices of stale =eat= waver over night ; iv the mora- ls, press out the water, and to olio pint of broad add oma -half cup of milk, two tablespoons of sugar, ono ea, one-half teaspoon sit baking powder, nue-lull cap of flour, gator with nutmeg, fry in but lard. Cream Pudding.—Best eggs and add to lb.. ono quart of soar arum, two cups of brown sugar, one pint of mooed Matra, one cup each of currants and chopped comas, one nutmeg, one aa - spoon of salt, two teaspoons of soda, flour t,. make • stiff batter ; buil um sod • half hours ; serve with sauce. Florenuoe Pudding. —Buil one quart of milk in a custard pail sot in boiling water ; add three tablespoonfuls If corn starch rubbed smooth in cold milk, one - kali cup of sugar and yolks of three eggs. Stir until .4 the awaiaminey of starch ; poor into sdeep dish. Beat the whites (if the egggs to • frost, add one cup of powdered segar ; spread over top of paddies and brows in the oven. Pineapple podding.—Lias the bottom and sides of a puddle` dish with thin slims of p•oeapple ; stew with powder- ed sugar, plain over a layer of pioespples and so on until the dish ie full ; pour over one cup of water and cover with slices of spcoge or cup oaks wet N cold otter ; toyer and beim slowly two hours. Ries Pudoing. —One and oar -half piste of milk burled ; while boiling add three eggs, thiee tablespoonfuls of ground rice, grated spice, and rind of one lemon, sager to Wt., one table- spoonful of butter ; lake slowly. Coroaarch Cake.—Ona cop sugar, oats -half cup of better, nae -half cup of milk, two-thirds of • cup of cornstarch, one O" of Sour. whites of four eggs, one twpoonhi of baking powder. Bake in bettered tin. Cocoanut Coke.— One able•pooe of batter and use cap of sugar, rubbed to a cream ; two-thirds of • cep of milk, two eggs, two cups of floor, two table- spoonfuls of baking powder. Ion the top with whites of two eggs beaten with powdered sugar and grated 0000sout. Walnut Cake. —ODs cop of sugar, ono - half cup of butter. one cup of sweet milk, three eggs, two teaspoons of bak- ing powder. Bake in layers and spread with area. made as follows : Two cups of walnut meats, pounded fine ; one map of met cream, one sup of powdered Corn Brad.—O.e past of eery meal, whish boiling water has bean pour smooth to weld cat ; add a pint of ilk and three well Mates affga. alas tiosaprrmfsl of salt sad the same of Powder 1 bake le a quick eves. sugar. A WesMayet nlea rewawm+. This• * ZwaW1 Codd Liver Oil Ay easy �ofthousands ho have aka it. It not nuly gives soh sed stre wth by Heide' of its own "moss properties, but suetom as sp- ate for food. IIjesn it, sad try year sight flesh's Emsleinw is pe holly latahie. Sold by all drawee, at fills. el. Cream Podding. —Owweof milk, one•'' pis[ d Mer. el oat .this / add ii. ere se l beaten sed see hisspesee . white suer and es. .t extrulir of broe•. a bettered disk. Yee Team A Chaste. That is to say, your lungs. Also all your breathing machinery. Very won. derful unebinery it is. Irot only the larger air passegea, but the thousands of little tubes and amities leading from them. When thew aro clogged and chocked with matter which ought not to be there, year lungs cannot half do there work. Aod what they do, they eass= do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nom and bead and lung obstructions• all are bad. All ought to be gat rid of. Then is just one rare way to got rid of them. that is take Rashes's (German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 ciente a bottle. Even if m,eryth.g elm ha• failed you. you may depend neon this for certain easily RELIOIOU$ NOTES. eaMeessass reeeispnwats me -- as es emeea• ma Weer. Those who have made $ studyof W Metter, oakum • Survey 4 whole area of protestant and e.angg.lieel Chris - =admit and the avenge accessions by =emotion fur the ball -century past, tell; as that the Morelia . is aho at seven mmnvere yearly to every hundred churoh- members. lf, for every reedeemsd sosi, saved by our porauuu Jolts, there is added • @tar to the crown of glory, how many saints will wear atarlees eroeue. It is maid a .'au recently arose in one of Mr ]Boody', meetings moil gave his ezperiouce thus : "I hare besaJur five years nu the Mount of Trawtlgurattuu." "How mauy souls did you load to Christ dunug the year 1" ams the sharp ques- tion that came from Mr Mm.udy to aa instant. •' Well, 1 dos t know," was the saNwisbed reply. Haire you @avid any r persisted Mr Moody, "I don't know that 1 have," answered the man. " Well, we duo's want that kind of wuous- taiu-top experteoce. When a wan gets so loth that he can't stoop down and pave pe.ur sinners, there is something The politicians who "reached every voter'. oaring the late presidential cam- paign taught the Church • good lemon, not as to methods eertatoly, hut as to seal and energy Rs working. How many souls ought • million of live Christians to reach this year 1 Live Ceratins !— where are they One of the good results of putting a good book into • family is thkt it will be likely to create • demand for another of like quality. The appetite tor goad reading, Olio the pleasure of it, never aatWh- Religion that dies not nuke • man manly is not genuine. As some one pointedly says : "Whoa Paul said. 'Quit ye like men,' be riot thinkioleof those Christians who are rooked in the cradle of a eonservotivs Church by the slipper - d foot of • soft -speaking minister,to aU delicate ditties ; but of a stalwart soldier, with his facie as broiled as his helmet, and ready fur the fray." John Wannamaker says : "I advertise in every imue, except Sunday, of every daily newspaper in Philadelphia." The Philadelphia Ledger issues no Sunday paper. And yet John Wsnemaker and George W. Childs seem to prosper won- dertully. Mural : Ooervaiace of God's law is not the road to starvation. New Year's nay comes around unmet than many persons suppose. Every eight closes an old year. Every morning opera a new year. Every night is • rood time to finish up old ways of evil doing and speaking and thinking. Every scorning is a good time to take a new pearl in the right direction. The beet time in all the year for purposing well and doing well is just now. Cacecu EsTgRTAtewaxa — How shag we bet money, if we give up eater- tainments for that psrp.se 1 In the first plate, it will be found upon trail that • large number cf people are dis- gusted with present methods, and can ba relied upon to give outright in money without any inducement. Thistles been my own asp/mono., as well as that of some of my friends. Let is once be sn- no•ooed from the chancel that entertain - moots will he henceforth given up and the people be asked to give directly to parish and general work, and I believe the response would be far mer liberal than err,. ' h.- most sanguine dram. In nh.o matter' ho eergy, do not have so -- cue' '.cath t.. th.i, congregations Per- p e wad d . oe- r- is, the way of direct going, wow.. noire is expected of them Bat an i...•v e.. they feel that hall a doses eu.ortarrineota during the yar'will fill out all deficteeeie@ they say be relied spun to create the deficiency.—Church- Governor Oglesby was a high liver sod no mistake. The executive mansion at Springfield during his reiou there pre seated • sine of =serious magnificence that would have 'meted the envy of the lavish Shah of Persia. His able wm *dorsad with eoKliest linen and rare china bestatifelly dossrated with the Oglesby crest. He drinks his broody pooch out of rare Bohemian glass. Hie carpets sed portiere were siptihid by the most esi.bvated looms of the earth. He washed himself with the mom pre- cious sad delicate soap. Hie olfaetdries were tittilated by rale pastimes and costly limes His letters were panne - ma Tiffany's best stationery. Thirty eight trained and obeegsios* servants ministered to hie slightest want, and his bills for all these luxuries were folk - lovely shergsd we to the sale. In the retirswet of Richard J. Illinois has last a highly ornamental Governor, but it may be somewhat onnsold, perhaps, by the recollection that it has art .nor. moiety to keep him.—Chicago Herald. When a bride in Chita ko.ws that she is to be married she must .vise* by word end manner the deepest omen - choly, and She pins ooumendatkan sad repute if her lamentations aro poet. Irak THE KEY TO HEALTH. iIIaimhf fY�i _� d late/ pi�wigghggg Igfi—_ d feel � Ike mew tr atone 14f' 3111.9311=i _ ams [s end saw � Ike ea▪ s▪ e Ocempleisisirmptal IL MOM • AI* Assad as AmfiA man. e • I • I e • i • I p MINN • .e•- AIME: t CELERY • MED ,pre) luta, APPS AT Togs SAM Tim ON THE NERVES, THE LIVER, THE ROWELS, andth•KIDNEYS esmbised mem gives h war drat power is curs all dine= Why Ar• We Sick? •.eam we allow the nerves to mime wakened sed Situated, sad become clogged odime �s}great sad �a es Immws an •eases. front moo the blood the rood/ he aepolld iat.rally. PA/Irs CELERY COMPOUND WILL Cues sf.fesexlW, TU.1•, COMMTI, LY'ex. EIaxzy oex- Ftualf, WIIIMAnT nisiAsaa, TIMBALS WI*ZSIiM,ltisD=A- Ttas:, siILLIMA. Axl ALL mveas antenna. IN geisha( mad *sngtLeolog the serves, mad casein frac action of the liver, hones, sad kid•ers, mod restor- ing their power to throw of dinma. alp soar 1111..1 Talmo Sad Antes I Why nse.w alfa ilbe, Csasd,aEsal IN highspeed merlhieseisteeltilIssys1 Wry seism mirror w alak headeAssI Why hoof ds-ptess Aghast Use Pa.,.'. Guy Cotemo sit Sed whilesr Salk. it te se camas v.Ms . his n.rdy, hrrslas Is sees.. Sseib on Dntg<ieeas pa& .Sio ler es typie.1IC1lAtDSCU i C9gP,odtdma Men ■oxraaAl. F. ea. • nnttm • • I • • g • • Eggs • la Cremes—Six eggs bailed hard and chcpped fine and stale bread Pet in a dish slterwa ayes of chopped and grated bread. When the d" is full, poem on owe Oat of boiling m k seasoned with malt, pepper and one tablespoonful better. Bake • light btu an. The importance of esfeisut daily ex - 'ream to the health of intellectual mel cannot be egatgeratd. The MIM may be said also of adequate and regular re- pos, as few cause@ are more potent, in shattering the nervous energies, mist- iming the constitution, and hastening on tbo infirmities of old age, than deficient and irregular sleep. For those devoted to intellectual employment (request re - =matins gad amusing recreation are im- perative. The natural tendency of the student M avoid society and its inno- sent frivjiities. Such • coarse is de- plorable, o-plerable, as it tends to pervert nature sad sake ossa gloomy, irritable and mho anthrepia. Toe can profitably d.ee*e to study more than teems hours a day, and the inte$aetsal shorts should sees• shoe the brats grows weary, as itacapabilitie diminish, and productions, in conse- quence, ate labored and feeble. it has been truly mid that "there is scarcely any hook which doe not saver of =in- fo! composition in so me pert of it, be- cause the author has written when he should hare rested. •' Coslietieg report• are given with re - geed to the Lower California gold dig- gings, bet the chases. seem to he that toy will not pan out very well. Than is also • likelihood of womb= het wee. the English company °eimisg the seinee and the crowd of miners who have rwemet- ly Rene is. Edison mid Is a rem= interview, that the phcaograph might lis aseaessfally u sed to slog babies to slap. To make his Ie..otinw p setisable is this dove - Mono. he is smog, the medicine of the mawhise that it will be reedy hr besiuees whiswer the bay esker Is AMA* d the Mght. 7 emer...w. SCRIBNEd MAGAZIN rcommicarlitir are it3 readers literature of 1attiski to rest Sad value. It is fully : na be:r_tgife!Iy ye illustrated and has already ganef. It bafta AationaL circulaticer tl xcet:Alirair 12.)& copies isonth(y. •C d' At - ,t .4*. -4- A A .c PRICE 25 C NTS A NUMBER. $3751 A MPR - "SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS w, h/ncssrSt Charles Scribners-Cons the Publishers enable u, IP offer aSCRIBNERS MAGAZINE with the Huron Signal for $4.00 to 1890. THE J. L CONVERSE MF' I Co PLANIl7G MILL A. W. Hanes• A ass.. PROPRIETORS. - MONTREAI.. JIM rag YA1<Ca11 nr Tang c"-.' TzD +'t 54.1.111,.0 ESTA&Ui tED 11155 • ' 1111E1011 & RO3I1 S JN raeifrfracrcraodm BABE, DOOR anBLIND Dealers' in all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And builder's material of ens ry deecriptt.a. School Fariiiture a Specialty Tbs eeSere for ddieg shoes. soy Sly es Tors rsstwyi oa.e.wkoa+ sees of t Wast *Ise ere reset+./ m tkheeyy ma pelt se tlrrIttliettot To "NW dons. Mvelo•sa, seek, sad cake nogg. ass ••M M , set.ly whited at Tee •eslrAI deem pristine/ boom A w sem Idle a house in Jape hose, ltlfat ureewils, and Nee on the fee of the BOOR NON IS Nei IT VOW Vsde see ist1 We over Iin. arta. WiLL CURE RELIEVE CILIOUCNEES DIrzINEn DYEFEPrIA, DROPSY, INOICES'ION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART, ERYu'IPLLAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RNE(I3, A'HE STOEACII, HEARTBURN, DR' NE88 hfADACHE, OF THE 8KIN, And every species of dooms orris /tem disordered L; VER, wiCatEYM a CasAp� BOWELS OR 01.000, T. ■ILBORN & &C.. '""e1=••• ScrilineYs Iazhie For 1889. The publishers of 8erib' n'a Moonrise aim to nuke it the most popular sad enterprising of periodicals while at all times pressmen -et Its high literary character. Skate new readers bare been drawn to It daring the pact six .cath by the iacrened excellence of its ee.tesesnotably the Railway articles'. and it closes its seeeeooed year with • new impetus and an assured staccato. The Ineetratioas will show some new effects. and nothing to make Seribser'a Megrorthe attractive and a- teresting will be neglected" THE RAILROAD ARTICLES will be can Untied by several very striking papers: ose eepectaly Iatereetlig by Xx-pest-msater- Geeeral Therese L James on The Railway Postai service.' Ilhuerated KR ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S sel W send '•The Master of IWMntrae, *a- rum &run Wealth the greater part of th. year. Begun in Neeewber. A CORRESPONDENCE Sad collection of manuscript memoir' relating to J. F. Millet and a famous groyp of utodern FRENCH PAINTERS will (elvish the substance of .everal articles. IUwdrwfed. The brief sad rapers written last year by Robert Lous Stevemma. will be replaced by equally internale( ceptribotioasby difereat famous anthers. Mr Thomas Halley Aldrich will write the first of them for the Januar. S teele. lllwntrated. Articles Papers ART S•UBBJ•ECTS will �bbeaaa hie- by CCeresoeaCook. K H. BWhicWged bAttsti. Del. @@s aed many others. Rlaslrwted, DISHING ARTICLES deecribine sport in lbs toot Wing monads will appear. Mimeo Waaaish. Has and Tarpon are the.eljeeta sow arranged. The authors are well-ksmws ' Fllwatrofed. sportmea ILLUSTstATRD ARTi('LE9 of vartetpi. tomb blas{ upon all manner of so travel, biograph!, description, etc.. wit ap poor. bet sot of the conventioual common- place ere Ural rated. Amami the most Interesting in the list of .elestisc papers for the year will be • r - u a.kable article by Profs moor "ohs True bridge, upon the most recent 1e.Nmets anusesepad es e( i'HOTOGRAYH Y 111uetrwled A clam of snicks which i.as preyed of apsetW letm set win sae continued b• m green et papersmoo ELECTRICITY to itsortvgoysest • •wmarka�iejeer asaDEEP MIlerr , W ether interesting papers. Elusive /waived/owe. A SPECIAL OYFER to aver lay s ✓ ber whirl lsolode all the RAiL AY A l('Le.. sa fs•ews Aerrs sebeortptler (l_Ml And the sem es50 A Pro wbsert Mk Wood is 1 Sad the ram. OM, a year t is sesta a .oeanee. DIARIES SCRIBNER'S SRNs, 143-143 Broadway N. P. Pronounoed, by practical con- sumers, superior to anything in the Canadian Market. WRITE FOR INFORMATION. Manufacturers alio of CORDAGE, Jt'TE and COTTON RAGS, CALCINED and LAND PLASTER. TorontoOsloe and Warehouse :-tw FRONT STREET EAST. W. C. DONNELL. Manager. f iSim " 70$N POWDEEB. Aregeremme a tats cantata their sawn tee Ie • m:e. sirs, sa.d almf•eel tequr .f weemo is C .lUnat. IMRE FITS! "Winn i say Crest do not mean inerety to glop them be striae. sod ten !Laotian!' re- Inhorii nidal >� � of cues STrS, EPILEPSY or PALLING SIESS, Me /see dad'. I w.tasAirr east the worst cases, )tsesrms is no neaten fur ant few[ U aaeafor a trsstaso •M� Once. I t��ss5*aasi yes and l t sem ante yon. A r De, a HOOT. t7IIOOT. T�BL, Inmate, Oti&enet* Ors. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND 1 EWCOMBE 1 PIANOFORTE WOOD. Parties decider to lake wood from use mat lesre their order.. at once. before It la all shipped fur the soaror. Orden will be 'mended to if left as the following store -keeper,: G. H. OLD, R. PRICE, JOHN ROR- ERTSOx and JAMES LUBT. EI•tajlnt be Deelgn Solid In Con.;;.. '!oa SXOtz sen• In iron* M•MOUNCED ft ARTISTS TO BE '•lE FIME. MAKINI Me boot Not Oak ee s, A,anat (weduty m *eight is pee Pi Cit.InsExpose sans r•sw5aw go IOPIAM tTI [MTM TM unsrssTtatro OCTAVIUS NEWCOMSE & CO. IIf IN SPAM $1SUT, MINTS XAVIER B CHLER T: -]m Falls Measr ye ASAI ALM (Msaeiccc. Inions Y.O., Gal Msg.11th. laa7. My wife suffered for Ire years with that distressing disease, catarrh. Her cavo was one of the worst known is these parts. She tried all of the catarrh reme- dies I ever saw advertises'. but they were of no use. I anally procured • bottle of Nasal Balm. She has used only one half of it. and new feels like • sew perms. I feel it my duty to say that Nasal Balm canaci be TOO HIGHLY recommended for catarrh troubles, sad am pleased te have all such sufferers know through Its us they will receive instant relief and CURE CHAS. MCGILL norm Spring Goods —IN— tillid r! —AND AT— PRICES TO SOIT ILL —1T THS ---- TORONTO CASH STORE• P. ODEA 2151- MANAGZ;R WE HEAD THE PROCESSION. CIEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the hoot of value in all lines of Furniture—from the smallest chair to the 4rgert and best bed -room set, or parlor suite. Call and see hint stock and get a bargain. U NDERT.. &INS -. In all it* branches, promptly_ attended k far RMBALMINU FLUID always kept N hand. PICTURE FRAMING a specialty. GBiO. BARRY. samilton-St.,Godetrios. e kilns ill lk Sisal. e..