The Huron Signal, 1889-3-15, Page 6b TH H U It 014 ai(JNAL kFNIUA Y, MARCH 15, 18b9. FARM, FIELD ANFiCrjjtjjj.n. EVERYDAY LESSONS IN THE VARI- OUS BRANCHES OF FARM LIFE. Madese emetd.amie•e Taal Weal uta. Old Theo Weil in ewppgtmie as AbsWaow .f rete IT awe D.rr.tb.d amid tea- , nrrwNd Upeus The ease arid certainty with which modern machinery v. ill supply els/attest any plans with an abuada:tce of pure water is, says Matwac•htuartta Plewn an, nut so well Undenatood 1* it ought to be. The old time well b inadequate to the wants u( modern times. 't a meet theme more extended demands a • dap and abundant source of su;qtly is wanted. and this, srct:Ming to the authority quoted, may be obtained cruet nattily, in general. by theolttina: y driven well. Following art. aeklieenel state- ments and suggttsteme Made: In meet eases it e(we. , Lias to hire a pr life,skint well dri .1 r t. lull his tools than to attempt to dri : e a will without experirncv. The be way is to drive a three inch or t.xts Inch pipe and when a "sod supply of water is rru•h.d to insert a suction pipo 1 } or 1 ! inches in diame- ter, which can easily he dr,.wn ettt fpr repair in mem of n:••v1. There :are very few places where r. goad tau n,1 v . t water will txot 1'w reuche, letor.r tee wed terikcs the bed rock. wbkis is re tubed a: ven- ous depths, Irma ten to sixty. tinct even mon, feet ketols the surface. /tome - times it will be fcxuld nese nary to drill the sed roc"-. This i3 :Away' •'pelisite, but we have known es• .1k•nt %g,sits tee taincd on very high laud where the drill was driven thirty or ferty feet into the steel rock. When a gond supply ed water is reached it will ratietimer ries• in the well within I. few feet of the sert.:r•e. hu: 1.1 general rill need to hi. pease .-1 t.. •:.r elevated rtmerV'e.ir, when -t• it can be drawn rt will. Protubly the. test and cheapest fewer for pumping it. most mate is emnd in the w-indt:ul!. Asettxxl moll of ter-eles.'r fourteen :set in dia:netcr will give darn - dant power for pumping all the water needed for watering dock. demtetk uses. etc., where 1-:.; than 100 hears ere will ales rttn the churn. the nit. -.tone, and with a mod h ve .. a circular saw for <eating wood. In gee - end. howet er. when it i . detare+d to saw wood, rind grain un.l do r.atrh heavy work. 'tiger trills will be r •nnircd. The small wills Ira v e the I;rent ndvantare3 of eoml,;:r.t! ir,• ensiles t, t f being kw cute jcct to occident, and a7 Firing greeter power in propurtion tit their • L a than the Bross ones. We hare iedri for the post th:rtot n year.. nn lesliptie--mill for pttruping water, and the repairs in this time have cult only. eve or :.t. dolhtre It has saved us many times Wince in furnishing water at a far cheaper rite than Ls done by the city waterworks where we live. whys,• rate is 33 mute tor 1.1400 gallons he meter. Town: are data. enneeraes three or four days together, %viten a eindrill will not work for lack fif wind. it is therefore neeeseary to h;:ve it Lir;,-e 'tore a tank. large (*weigh to hold sec- eral e!-iys' supely- in ort1::r to ixe provided against aueh tines. Lee we have never ween a Carat ret where much work has Leen .tor.: , that the feeler did rot re- gard it as a moat profitable investment. seed Distribution Tim I:.w ctenellehine the department of agrit ulnae clearly states that the onr- ehar:o and distrtbutk.n of seed shall be confined to such ucc(Is ZS are ••rare or unc t:nmol to the c cunteT or "such as can Ile made Snore profitable b{ frequent change.: fr. 'n1 one part of our own (sen- try to another." flu• primary rile •t of the distribution is to HS(' iner+eaaed value to production. to 08.••.•rthin the hest geo- graphical distrihution sof varieties and to intrxluee them more rapidly into the le - c alitiee to which they are 'set sdaj.ted. Even- plant has a nature luteittt, which is Bellied in extent, and it is all tstab- lisheJ fa.t that when an attempt it made to grow it elsewhere it moor deteriorates and requires renewal from seed grosso under the etmditio et of seal and climate tome favurahk• et its perfect develop - meat. Th:+statement. * v.. the e. nmi'sioner of ar-ieulture, in hi+ last arnunl report, is eee rototrtted by the Inree number of rcl'orte of ceperimeilte mate- with seeds Bent out (.y this detertmtnt .luring the pad two years. The remarkable yields reported an- mainly uttril,uttd to the me of fresh rrtd ,raisonn i.a lecalitice where each variety att:.ins it,. highest perfec- tion, and this introduction of such seeds ha.; leen of mush itnpertanco to the country. 'While tho commissioner has endtu on.:1 to secure the greatest practi- cal benefit to the fanners under existing laws ria they relate to mord attribution, he cxptetee. the °pineal that rbe object aimed rut could be better urur d through the state experiment ets-tiorts that were provided for by taw at the Imo session of congress. Theme t.tatime mold do the testing and experimental work nmch let - t r than the farmers.: nd no seeds should then be distributed Owl were not meri- torious tied found w. 11 adapted to the several localities. In this way the de- partment itself wore ' I. relieved of the duty of testing and .i .trihuting seeds and he enabled to work in other direr tions ..f gr' at iscemrtr tee to the cgricul- tural intermitsefthe reentry. Veret of lethality near MMI11 D. In onlrr to teat the effete .d constant inhalation of dud in flour [Hills u;a the cniival orpraniutio-i, guinea pigs were kept for two years in the dud] part of a flour mill -that iw to say, the dei artment wlwre the grain is cleaned from nil r•x- tranoiuet matter by a special ienchir e before being ground. Of twecty ani- mals, seri The lancet, ten remained alive 0t the end of two yearn. Tease that died were mostly young one*. None r( hose showed Inv- a raf tubeivkwtis, but rntarreel pneumonia, also in norms (mete kx-'.ili :ed interstitial pneumonia and exttst-;:satioo of !heel. Dust, eon - seeing of p;r:.ins of dwell. rte., was towel. can, .art:mas_"y on the nasal set -t L. .Juane, hut only to a ,Snap eiu'nt to alt h. acbialr. ':'lows• est tlh► • • • triose, ti# n term* .e.xn;1 the :seek as • thread well hear. and the • miff in :. few dao a if nest iifv the turbo* until it ••ria *ouch the wart ones• p • . two of nitric acid t t 1 eT torsed. end oar into an orvtlnarJ arose, ' • e be a c iter] daily t Lad cr tanaltel: butter. TEMFEMNCE WORK. @esme Weal All ghee t eteeerslwa Maw D. tlRall McIntyre, ut 'Members, was Wed $tiO and emits fur emissions whisky f•••m a p'ck.t Seek in reelected, of the Scutt Aot. Ib. prupn ter of the Matheson Hones paid 1100 our • s*mdet ullkruu t Fathers! You who have boys ! Cee sou rote for the lva.tizt.r .,f the salwao' Can you prattle:ally tell your bey, that the whisky business is so mond • thaw that you as a Chrs'tisa, are 1u favor .d ,riving .1 lel aaoottua • nuenw 1 Cat. raw ass God • bleating os your Auu :oil Alt vote f Mau nous: Slid wi!I hate sone kind oI • sire k that a rafreahung, int'd y ootansu- !sting •sd .hep. Beer 6I Is the b.11. -- Liquor Age. A.d tills the conn t.... Also the preform and the Iun.Iac asy uoae, ale.. the po..eh...:sw. Nest ! Louisville (Ky.) Souther, Journal Two- immense tracts of land its emanates. metering au area .•f atr,u' 300,000 Sere* alonz ver Murray Wive been purchased by some capntali.t., e s• 1. • yaw LO lrnusuou and ...1.'11x. tem, and ISO drtukine-.hop, .►e W IN sl luw.d. Mas Charfeste A Gray, who hes tee Iwtremental in organizing • W C T C. in Dramas k, is t.... meowed rn teem ter a similar orguus.ti.w, /u N..r..y. and also .seating the teteperence w.n 1. of Guud Templars au that tutelary Col. F. N. Dow, ..1 P•etland. • member of the Maiea L•ati.ittu.., an,, IS n of Oen Neal D.,w. was women e mend by acclamation Speaker of t1.. House. M•nitebe Royal 1emplars have had Grand Council meeting •t W'.neop.•I Dr McD.artuaad was elected Grand C •it. adior. Grey . .nnty council rotrd • ye." or. the question of u.emunreliznt,r the 0.... .rewent far I'noblbeion The r It stood 36 to 9 Whitby W. C T. C. wet kers have ,: ..peration free reading tutees, tied a natlu.ch•.... for buys, and a t:utwher . t ,.her ehantable institution• Tees raee mouey ray euro r•a'nme:.ts whish sr well patrteesed by the rpprecistly. toe nspeople. A little ..vet -year-old sir'. Sarah Dyke:, elven tyro wine -gonane. of • leek .y be her drunken father, .ad w4 • ore soon liner found dead, was one Of th- New Year's vrctitna of alcohol in Nets York. The Ia.man esthetic Courah in Brook lyn, with Faith. re Frensi..I ,llarry.Wjrd. and others, psis cointoei,aed • crusade atainst the saloon, which has crested street excitement in the city. The young Emperor Willi -in hes pr.. hibited horse -racing nu Sunray tit Ger anu,y. Prchibitiantem ,'y and bye over take seen German beer. Bruce County Cauucil refused teadopt the prohibition petition sent us from lox f .rl. Wellingt.•n County C tune.) 'dented the Pruhibstion mew•,ral without • din smiting voice. Henry K.ebler, of Platteville. Oxford Ceunty, has been sentenced to sixty da;• in goal fora third Seta Act violet . and Charles Keein.iahler, of Wa.hinet•n in the same county, we ort with $50 and costa. 1mp•rtaut to werktaKmea. Artizans, mechanics and laboring men are liable to sudden accidents and in juries, as well ai painful cords, miff Joints and lameness. T.. ell thus trouble." we would recommend Ha,tyard'. Yellow Oil, the bendy and reliable pain cure for natward ur internal use. 2 Robert Armstrong, of Lyndon, turned his wife and children lion of doors in the blerztrd of Thursday, last week. 011 course he was druuk He actually tried to pawn his boots for whisky. RELiQIOUE NOTES. o•-ellis,., M...w.ltee Per .... IMIaknt M (•gt1• W. We a. A profane seas may Drake • toed sr - gas. A pruises buy cosy operate the bellows akdNdly. k3.,t •h. mu at tel keys eaau.t shalt the ' Hallelujah Chertsi lubes he oar. put as houses. and • lewd soul u,t., the ex.cetpae. No more sea t1...Inger. Tram arms ss teramealea. How much it is to be 1.m.atwi that 14• Ct.nalaal, •eros) mond he so violent- ly agtl.twd by dl.putem, and divided u t., factions .41 w tuts which, it is allow- ed, in wbat..er way they •re decoded, d , 1 .ot Mut... luta the es.en(i.ib of ChM - 11.1.117 ! Whets will the time arrive • Mrt. 11.0 ua...ples of Conan *kali our- Jiatly j...n h.i.dti and heart with all who h ..J the H:ad, •t.J no other genus of a,n.utuuwn t , insisted upon In sok chinch bet what lire oacew.y b• e•,o- st.tut. a tour Chn•uau 1 Tie Jepar- tun (sono • peon lino Se darvetl7 tasult• tug Iron, the rrt.tu• t t Chriu•au,ry, and SO 14'demi, sucu'caled ...d unpile." to the ..crrd Scsii,ii,ue., has 111 .ay.ppro. h.n.su'u b.en pre.; metre of arability mis- chief ; nor •4 thalo t•..nl 1., antler pill• the pen..l .41 11. • universal tlatr,,si n. mid triumph if ike Christian 'Mistime but m o'1aetqueuae of its being completely re- nounced and abentloned - R..ber: Hall, U. 1) Late to tied. Love is the veer. ti wand that trans- form. the moral nature .4 esu int, beauty, b.r -v and love. Every.pnl.g .1 feeling, and all the arcane: f th••eklit ate .a,•ct hat t.7 1•• mS4ic t such. t'nn- cip.le and pasu..ns are c,. longer jarring rich mach urbrr ;-1. t all hare bamu need- ed 1y the same heed tote Iash1••ntd •iter the eau a prt.rn All the flus- h,.* of die ,,poreel and all il.e 4..•nl- t;w of the wettest haute are al le u ee- rie -eft by this neateley grace Tint ea,derinr .ye. .he it.rewiolf ear. the ".•pts ti- us emote. the bu.y hands, the wi ling feet, .r- ail aerated by the rol- lut pr.uclpls'•1 (..vis to 0.4. The utt- dersteedu.q het. rum a. • lamp of light. the n. -no ry is tho at•. eluuve of celes- tial wietow, th- no -science is the kern ■ nd reads 14.01e/tent. of insinuating e au, the will is , h•' uuiospting of hely feel a,.d h 'ly purpose The passions, ino, are all •ender the emeriti of this great and gloriosa principle. Meekness and gontiene.. h...' .upeneded their uppeeita,. 1'1 e love of the world is tncely sub ed1111-te 4.. the loos of tied. Me. louring .rid co:rJ'latning an at an end ; 641.1 con; -ntmoot In many trate is ....'h txper:e..•ced. in short the mo- nd need is excitant/rd for the mind which was in Cunt Jesus -Iter U J. it....t h. It is said that h. nisi rat• ni good eke. hymen are tour waiving their time in • N. w Yoril c:Iy, in the vain bops of re•- • ee a parish in ..r ue.r the metn'tl'•la. Tile desire for a coy chalet. 1* wLte- I seeeed among the cler y of the L-nt•i.d S, atm aid every year it le becoming( heeler to induce first-cl.aa men to se tette • o.natry p,asterste. The .eriet•al .meaning of "pagan,' se we know. was ■ dweller in the muntn. if this tenden- cy increase, the modern d■e!!ere in the watery may •gain hccome -paeans" ID more than '•ne wn.e. Nothing is more cur•'ui in India than to paw from • worksh•'p when the tu.•st perfect •rti.tic results are being pro- d -wed to another whom# jerrtoten and inetbaency ha. no' r.va: P. the world. The carpet.try to Indic a beneath con- tempt. and se in the cai.:net work If m'ssionsties lust '*4 of providing settle hivh .c!'o.ol tmchinr for young Hiud,rs• turning out 10 candi- dates for every p•eition in if. Gar which their education tits them, would add to their .teff a few Chrivtian joiners irons England (sr, hatter mil!, from Japan, and start technioal schools of carpentry they w ould confer • reai •Sul lasting good to the alissionary mese. So says a recent letter. creme attack. sse on Tear want. sties Tela Elliot, of Pnntypoel, Ont , Don't a11•tw a oolo in the head to slew- wntes-"My brother and I were both ly and surely run into Catarrh, when 1 taken ill with • severe attack •.f doer - you can be cured for 25c. by using 1)r. Chases Catarrh Cure. A few applica- tion.:are incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxer cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 6 brie. is guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25c and sure clue. Bold by all 'truggisu ly David Dion, a painter of Perth, 36 years ..f Sze, was found dead, frozen. by the railway track, on Sunday, the 3.1 inst., with a bottle half full of whisky in the pocket. A Lire et Baer. Mico Lizzie Ratcliffe, writing frim Falkirk. Oat, says: "I had •ueh • cough I could net sleep and was fast going into consumption ; I tried every - thine I a,uld hear of without re- lief, hat when I got Hagyard'e Pectoral Balsam I anon got ease. it is the best medicine i ever tried." Lizzie RsteIufe, Falkirk, Oot. 2 Nothing but (poor oonld hare pm- d.ced the results whish ■ western ex- change last week described in the fol- lowing terms :- -A dsagraeeful scene w1* enacted in a house on Hill street, Lea- den, on Thursday. Then was only a onuple of chain and a table in the squa- Iid cabin, and ow the table lay a dead child. The father, ire Halliday, w1* le a beastly .tate of intoxication. The relief of nflowr gent a (mein .loon for the child. Halliday, in a drunken frenzy, refused to allow, it to come in, and attempted to throw hot water ea he wife when the interfered. Bay fewer to • type of catarrh haring peculiar symptoms. It is attended by an inlauted condition of the lining mons - Armee of the acsfril$, tear -dues and threat, affecting the lungs. An weed memos m.oeretetd, t he d iseharpte useecm Panted with • burning sensation. There an seven spurns of sneezing, frequent attacks of headoehe, watery anti inflam- ed eyes. Soy's Cream Balm is a reme- dy that nen he d.pewled elem. Sor•ta it drawees ; by mail, registered. Met ' Ply Brothers , Drverhas, Owego. Now y rbtet, h•viutf tried other retuedies, we tried Dr F:.wler's Extras% of Wild Straw- berm, which gate immediate relief " 2 "They have • larger se's in my dos trice" sets a well known drug5isr, "than soy other pall un the market, and gine the Lest ssusfection f• -r Pick headache, biloimmness, indigestion, etc , and when o•nnbitied wish Johnuon'• Tonic Bitten, Johnatnn•s 1'..oic Liver Pills will per form what n'• other medicine has d•.ne before for suier'ne humanity." Pile til cents per b.ttle. Bitters 50 cents and $1 per Mettle. Sold by Geode. Druggist, Albion block, lioderich, sole agent [c] Mrs Alexander St.nbis of Seeforth, died at her re -eel nee en Thursday the 21st ult., after an illness of Normal months, of that fatal disease emmiemp- tion She le•v.. • husband and a family of small children tc, mourn her demise. Ware aemarkaale 14111. Foucd at last, what the true pshlie h1* been looking for these many vt•an and that is • medicine which although but lately introduced, has made for itself a reputation second to none, the medicine is Johnson's Tonic Ritter which in conjunction with Johnson's Tunic Liver Pills 14.s performed some moat wonderful cures impure or im- poverished blond soon becomes purified and enriched. Billiuusnem, indrgestien, sick headache, liter complaint, languor, weakness. ere , soon disappear whew treated by these excellent tonic medi- cines. For Sale by Onod, drog*iat, Al- bion Muck, Goderieb. sole agent. Id A room rile Around each to etle of Dr Chase Liver (sure is a medial amid• mid reeeip book ennt•iniug awful information, over 200 reneiees, and prnneunoed by doctors and druggists as worth ten times the one of the medicine. Medi.... std book 11. Sold by all drgptiats A Riween --1 f one doses "Taoism ay" to any son •end' the hest fear lin- rhyme on ' saeavv,, ' she remerkahle Berl. gen for the Teeth sad Sodi. Ask y .er demount or address Toe Poo at W@n... 541109 900 Me /Ms/t94 i.ss; "Wi- sed.. whines. as rad a with • kook W O toe grandest hie ptroserv.rs of the ye." And Its Mau teleted that poor af11: Oasdb, the sued lady whose .sr - Min lees ores so kale kept her patient besbeod awake, msse to her death thrvuah uo mere lemma ecus• than • pair of thin sues ; shs eueld talk to the men shout their nirslessitem, but Misr all she died, and Job, tbas.k• to Isis t►ick a.wbde butes lived to -mourn her kers." Ft. us (lotober until May, the nate that w• take of .aur Ieet sill ea a long way toward..ecuru•g for ourselves both ouwttort and good health.. Nu erre can sins impunity brgleet the cueditwu of their fest during thee mouths, and now Las become* a well established fact that wet and cold feet ate S prolific moires of Jse..., There are three things aire.e.ry in or- der to secure Ih. most Koaltl•y condition 4 the feet ; they sltuold be kept warm, dry and clt•a. The lint r.quisite its 'obtained by wearing suitable stockings. le seleoti••g the materiel we should re. n ..a.hrr first, what fabric is the best nun-condect..r of heat. and seeut.d, which is the moot c:'wtort.Wo to tie w earer. Eip.neuce 1.as taught us, that w.oleu is the most petted nasn-couuduet- or, therefore it is more generally used Jur winter wear thou cotton or *ilk. Care .Mold bs taken to use Deity use Intel dunng the icemen. It ie out wise to esu cortue tidy and woolen tomes - ✓ ow, and thus alternate from one to the other, a. its thi. way it ei very rosy to catch tt•Id. But the el.oite of either material must ser left to the . The ✓ etire heat .1 the les); Salem by the acll.11y of the r.rculattou eel suggest which is best ter his owe iudivtdual use. lhua Gar .env else hasa larks anumet of statural Imat, wi.el.n retains this surplus of hest, profuse preepiratioo i. endue .d which POOH Itmmre ei.edeased ray the cold .hich eines through this toot or shoe, and the Get are thereby kelt clammy, damp aid west disagreeably cell ; but it coater .r 1015 hoes Is Welts, the tetra heat is tveveyed away. .1.11 leasing( tunurh to keep the feet cue- fertably ware. la 1918 Ms Saute Peal. Dy‘petssis_k_ dreadjak liver is misery. Indigestion ism fee iM goer" nature.. The human digestive apparatus is eel of the west complicate.. and wonderful things in existence. It a easily tat out u( under. 'lreany fetid, tough food, soppy food, bad a..'kery, mental worry, lata hours, wrvsular habits, and matey ether thine which ought not to be, have made the American people a ruttiest of I:vapeptia. But Orestes August P1.,wer Ie:1 done a wandetfu) work In reforming this sad bamboos and making the Amarines people so healthy that they eau enjoy their meals •ud be happy ltetnemher :-N.. happiness witheot health. But Green's Aogoit F.ower stings health sod harepiuurs at the dyspeptic. Ask your deo:gaie for • bottle Sercnty•eve cent.. eow•ly fammea plea merely farm. To To. Frnoa :-Please inform your readers that I have a p.sitiv• rest-dy for the above named disease. By its tamely see thoueseds of hopeless rear* have been permanently cared. 1 sha'I he glad en seed two bottles of my r. n.edy free to any of y'eur readers els•. hare Gen- Sumpti'.n. if then will send me their ge- rms and P 1 I. •d•ire.a. Respectfully. Da. T. A. $ulIi w. 1v 37 Yonas SL, Termite, Out. At the recent meeting of the Fruit- gr.•ser. Association, held in Haluilt..n, J. A Mortou, of Wingham, was elected a director. More Trewble ■ay be Llperted. if you do not heed the warnings of ra- tan and at ince pay attenti.•n to the 0aintalnance of your health. How often we see a person put off from day to day the purchase of a medicine which if pro - linnet at the nutatart t.f a disease would (rare remedied it almost immediately Now if Johnst.,n'e Tonic Liver Pills had been taken when the first uneastnes (wade its appearance the illness would have hewn "nipped S...1 the bud." John- son's Tonic Bitters and Liver Pills are decidedly the best medicine en the mar- ket for general tonic and invigorating properties. Pills 25e. her bottle. Bitten 50 cents and $1 per bottle, sold he Goads the druggat,-Albiuo block, ole agent. (hi Mr D Shanahan, rt( Hallett, was called sway on Monday, by the death 'if • married daughter, who resided near Toronto. A Prestat.*. ua. Few men have accomplished the stuns amount of work and good in this world as the celebrates Dr Chase. Over 500.000 of his works have been sold is Canada alone. We want every penes troubled with Liter Complaint, Tep- ee llead•ch•, Kidney .sr Cerny rumbles, to bur a brittle of Dr Chases Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine. sad Re`caaps Book $1. Sold by all demist Te tel It.4k rwteeresn and. all whem u may seems. Pfieephatine, or Nerve Poor, a Phew plate Element hosed apom feeientife. Facts, Formulated by Prof•esor Amite, M. D. of Best.,., Maim, mares Palinow wry Consumption, Sick Hsadieohe, Ner- vous leatoss Attacks, Vertigo and Neeraigie and all wading diseases of tel, booms system. Phosphatiss is nota Modeans. bei a Nutriment, bol,.me it erntaine no Vegetable or Missal Atonia, Opiates Nineties, and no &imulaa►to, but slang ly the phosphatic and Ossium ila.nnah found is our daily food. A artOa bolt. is aed.iore to centrism. All Druggists sell it. $1.00 per bottle Lows s t Det sole agents for the Dominos, 11; Front itllreet Rea %wind V i.ted& Oarholn Noire is a meat .fid to iateesal .edbtso ie the treataseet of @ grainless soma, Meese end absesame of ail kind.. 10 I300TS & SHOES E. DOWNINGS. w. hutsmale eatre•NAarypseparatMsstor a a sonatas fall Sud winter trade. We lave lir THE LATEST STYLES la low -prised 'toothsome well ea M THE FINEST GOODS MANUFACTURED I We ars fussy called the leaden la LOW PRICES style, sad vrlety of .route. Olve me • Dan sad 1 will 'bow roa The Largest Stock of Boos. and Shoes of every De- scription, Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Boots Lunt bermens' Stockings, etc., to be found in Western - ' Ontario. 411171•y are W hosed at chs prime foe oath. ata will be cold at a small adr.toe en cost. E. DOWNING Crnbb'a BMek.lbr. Itget•el and declare. D..GORDON, UNDERTAKER --ARD- I'.irxi tuie M�rri Of this town for ole last 40) tank and Ia yet. ''Any person wanting a First -Class Job, come to me for it. am bound to get you: trade, if Quality and Price is any con- sideration. have an immense stock of Furni- ture now on hand, and carry more Undetaking stock than all others combined. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. HEARSES SECOND TO NONE. PICTURE FRAMING AND GILDING DONE. iba.enee orl daas'eof agrn...4 Blind Shade Petters at 15 Cents each. %ow is your :in.., if )0u ...-,t . 1 . lip bland rolkn. COD.= ONE COME ALL_ WAREROOMS :--Between P.O. and Bank of Montreal. OWN HAViNO RE- rI:it\ISHEN tor soup is the blas Tyle, put in Torre sew esarasrt ael.e, we of them the ode "rated Rochester 1'11tingl'5aIra and lined • Journey -mos .ashes. we airy b n tarot ion to els IllettW se sr it thea it.rUSS. ions. Lady's a ChLUrr.'i Wtrcetttag trade • .peclatty on all days ••acept smutty. Hamra HaSad tictzson ,croesel. WM_ =INTI !It Nest Street, two Mars east of P.O.. oedertal - FALL MILLINERY ! MRS SALKELD lt•a opened out • moat attractive Nock of Hill *Wtaery, f• RIBBONS, PLUSHES, SHAPES, and e.erythine elite pertaining to the rade. The Ribbons are exceptional in selection and value, Crazy Patches of first-class material on sale at reasonable rates. PA RKRR DYE WORKS, Toaowro.-lam the only agent la this mellow for, the ode - bested Parker aye Works. Torusto. Orders t wed satisfaction rearaamed. sits. 31( RS- SA.X.alt I NEW ANNOUNCEMENT. 1 TM uieralesN„ while MM.•.nklrie ole F*Mle for their Ilbevsl /slew.s bwle,.4 men Mei stage oemm.eolu. i mUsiges. bans to wows that he bee pet dews Ms pleas t. Rom Berra'', Prec Es an wishes particularly to call attention to bb • SPLENDID LINES OF TEAS From 10 cts to 75 cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest Case Prunes pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef, Cut Myrtle, Cavendish And Club Tobaccos, best pt American fine cut chewing Tobacco,fresh salt and canned Fish, best quality. 2 Biro of Soap for 26c. 3 Scrubbing Breshcsfor 25c. Loma. sone.*. Mlle's sow!►.. We, 1 (Meads% Elillialli•;4111kralailleal Groceo Croctery, fllassvl''"Thur, Feed isin/m prim @MI gerlfermariele eege, JOHN ROBERTSON • V (OM! Sea= TO O- L. ME'Z2rT O.8 Hake's Bleak. the Bgmkra, Ooderieh, is esAerke. )tinsel tti. tis.