The Huron Signal, 1889-3-15, Page 4it klopmeeeremomeme fj_sr Ike Vuron fignal is et aurnao THE HURON' SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1889 VERY FRIDAY MORNING, AT IT* Irma r*Iaetme orates : WORTH - STREET. OODERICH. it is a wide-awake local newspaper, devoted ei *seat, sews sad tie dle.em.n•tion of use- * ka,rededge. RATLS •e 5ttaas'RIYTIea • Year ; 73r. for six months : plc. for m.,nthe. If the subscription le not paid JV odyssey. subs,riptiva w.L b" charged''' Oho teats of 11.00a year. ADTCRTwt1{: RATES LIZand other casual advertisements. IOc. CYee for Ant insertion. and 3 cents per line ass► subsequent insertion. Measured by • e•gsareil r• ale. Local *sidles in •onpariel type x per line. Loral soutanes in ordinary reading tape lc pe Word. Mosinee" cards of six lines and under 13 per year. Advertisements of l.oel. Found. Strayed ow Vacant. situation %Yaated and Bssiutve ('banes. Wanted. not exceeding t limes ooupariel $1 per month. Heuser on .'tale and Farms on Sale. not to ete+en•,t 14 hoes. $1 fur first mouth. 50c per sub- sequent ubsequent month. Larger *dots art pruportioa. Any rpielil notice. the object of which is to peomo:a. the pecuniary benefit of any indi- vidual or company, to be considered an ad wertiseaeut and charred accord Italy. These terms w W in dl cares be strictly ad- hered to. Special rates for larger adtertieements. or Mggdvertisements for extended period,. 'trade dant at 'Apelike ef publication. JOEOIN$ OEPAIITIEIT. A fully equipped Jobbing Office is carried on in connection with the ordinary newspaper Mosinee'. where first-class work Is turned out at reasonable rate*. Everything in the print- ing line can he done on the premises from an itltmtinated poster to a visiting card. AU communications must be addressed to b f1e4ILLa'I10•T, Editarof Tug, SIGNAL Telephone Can No. 30. Goderlch Ont. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MARCH lb, IMO. • THE RAILWAY QUESTION. We believe Reeve Proudfoot and Deputy -Reeve Smith did a proper thing at the Int meeting of the oouncil when they brought forward • motion asking that a joint railway committee, composed et councillors sed prominent privets citizens, be formed to work together for the pronation of the railway ioterests of the town. True, the motion was voted down, but that does not prone that it was not in the interest of the town -it only shows that the majority of the members of the present council believe that the town council can receive no information from outsiders upon public questions_ With all due deference to the gentle- men who voted down Reeve Proudfoot's motion, we will venture the atatemett that, if tomorrow a communication was received from Mr. VanHurne, stating that he wanted a delegation of a dozen Ooderlch men to go into the section of country between this point and Guelp to further the scheme and promot the interests of the road, not one of th gentlemen who voted in the negative would have a place oo the conttngett. And for a very good reason -not one of them has given sufficient thought to the question to be qualiCed to act in such a a capacity, even had he the ability. 1t is all well enough for seven men out of twelve to claim that they, and they only, have a right to look after the rail- way interests t.f the town, but it is not right that the town should suffer be- cause so absurd a view is taken by the seven men. So lar aa being a oouncillor iso ncerned,themere;elevation to office - on perhaps a chance vote- -dues not make the euuoeillor more intelligent than when be was a private member of wziety,and the defeat of a councillor does not make hint lees able to give intelligent attention to matters pertaining to the interests of the town. The membership of the council changes annually, and it is folly for any man to imagine that because he in elected, with • dosen others, that the brainpower of the town has been placed on • pinnacle, •t d no intelligence is left outside the council chamber railing. But Loderich has always acted that way at its council board, and if instead of the intelligent gentlemen who voted with the rat. o city on the Reeve's motion last that has worked w suosessfutly is Tunia- t0, fiamtltua, Lu0Jum, Brant ford, Ouel ph, Stratified, tat Thomas, and every place that has made any lied foe progression ; and that is the way Oudertch will have W act if the town is to be pushed ahead. Cul. Mef iivero, the late 14 on. Thos. White and Mr Adam Brows, were nut working as municipal Iettslat:,rs for Rushdies when they incepted and forted 0D the W. 0 A B. R. ; Mr. George Laidlaw and the larger number of he amuciates bad no seats io the Toronto city couned whoa they built the T. 0. & B. ; Mr. Jueeph Atkinson and his colleagues, of London. were out Inside the muuicipal pale when the L. H. & B. scheme was saber broached or consum- mated. And the aldermen in thew cities did not feel jealous of the outside assistance that helped W interims the railway facilities in each instance. Al- dermen are willing to receive .a,istatoe from outsiders, but when you get down to town councillors you will always God some who think they know it all. Speaking seriously on this question, we are of opinion that the plan pro- posed by Mr. Pmudfuot is in the test interests of tho town A good joint committee, not large but influential, is what is wanted, and we hope the ques- tion will not be allowed to drop. Let tate tvwe council select, say, lour mene ben, acid let • like number be chosen by the citizen's railway committee ; and let the eight members so selected constitute the railway board for the current year. If this plea were adopted no. • good railway committee could be had, into whose hands the railway interests of the town scald be confidently placed. Gentlemen of the lows cacedl,look at this question from • broader point of pa • than a love been doing, and let your lit . tlltiRd *curios .IN.Ire tit. timebeiog what tila interests of the tows are at stake. Two org- an factories and a farnitcre and chair factory are now on the cards for Gtderich, and several other indus- tries anl to be hard from. Next. MAroa Britons is developing into a rustler, and the manner in which he is endeavoring to make things move shows that his incumbency of office is bound to bear fruit. Ma. Poaraa, M. P. ,of Elm vale, Simeoe coun,y, believes that the farming com- munity were never more prosperous than today. Mr Porter poses as a practical farmer, and we would like to know if be talks on this subject from practical know- ledge or merely from hearsay. A CABINET RECONSTRUCTION. Probable Reslgn•tlea .f Rea. A. a. Rem. Mrl.elal Treasurer. Inner political circles were agitated yesterday by the rumor that Hon A. M. h I Roes was about to resign the Provincial • Treasurership It was stated that oo • account of impaired hearing sad • weari- ness of public life that Mr Rua would retire from the cabinet. He was tt re- enter private life, and as soon as es the Huron registrarship was vacant he would be presented with the office. The rumor was followed by many spe- culations as to to. the cabinet would be reconstructed. It was generally acknow- ledged that Harcourt, of Moock, was the coming man, but he weath•rwise thought ►o would be initiated into cabinet duties by being put in charge of the Provin- cial riecretary's department rather than being placed in the Treasury. This is s protram that was put for- ward : Hon G. W. Rosa, Minister of Education, would become Provincial Treasurer, Horn J. M. Gibwrt;Provtnci,l Secretary, would become Minister of Education, and Mr Harcourt would take the Secretaryship. The reconstruction would notstreotth- eo the cabinet. Hon 0. W. Bross le a strong man when he is, and Mr Har- court has ample ability to take charge of the Treasury department. Mr Har- encrt'a entry into the cabinet should nut make such • commotion as the preced- ing paragraph would indicate. Mr Richard Harcourt is • rather hand- some young nen, of good presence and polished language. He is recognised as among the foremost debatera in the House, 1101 •xc•pttug the cabinet min- isters. It was dated last night that the re- tiremeut of Hon A M. R w would not take place till after the reit Provincial aleotton. The above piece of political sensation- alism appeared in the Toronto !World on Wed:tesday Bast. We are is • position to state that there is not the least foun- dation for the rumor. meeting, a lot of ninnies would be elect- ed nett year, and a fresh Int the year after, they saw would continue to vote down progressiva motions, and believe that they cerriedtbe intellect of the town under their hats --and the greater the ninnies they were, the more je•luuily would they guard .hat they considered to be their sacred rights en this question of exclusion of outsiders. Now, the propoaitiva of Reeve Proud - foot is not a new ons. It is as nld as peblio ent.erpriee, and has been pat in active riperalma is every place that has pnogreueed in Canada or the i "i.iled Medea It merely Asks that the beet twos ante council -.RZ &ere are good, bed and indifferent man in all cooueile -will meet with the beet posted man on railwae agitation natside of the eouneil, and that these men constitute • rade ay seseamittee. The committee need not necessarily be • large one, bot every ,ember should be gnal.fled to give in- tallrgeot thoegbt and anointed lime and attenUol► to the furtherance .4 the object entrained le his safe This le the ( Ian that b.. Mils flirted iv limas pant, sad - DUNOANNON, Prem own own correspondent. Owing to • subsegotat arrvngem.nt, Rev Mr McKay did not preach in I Erskine Chnrett on last Sabbath, as an- t nouno.d. He will pr.eeh on next Sab- i bath (D V.) et a quarter to three pan., as preemes y arranged. The municipal /mono! of the township of W.et Weeannsh, will meet in the 'town hall nn Saturday the 114tt iast,L men'etpel business. THE EDITOR'S TABLL. A Weed se two e •bst Sew rmalteat/eras Thee Rare Psoas St to and wpm AWAks. Wide Awake for Monk has ascend festers* am/rennet, to the lu•uituratwn mouth : m •►arming aJvsature store, "How Nat Sew the lta.guratsun,' re- lating to wkat befall • little fellow who walked tato town Irons Al.uwdrta ter see Presideut Cleveland take the oath n ute of Aloe four jeers ago ; • remi0etice of the Harrison campaign of 1840, and a pretty little tale about Mrs Harrison when she was a schoolgirl -ties* last tau are in the department of 'Mee and Tbin,r." Daudet's pathetic Alseee-Lorrain* story, ooas "The last Day at School," hbeen traustat.d fur this number by Mary Fer- guson. There is animus* auusg 1Vrst•ru * core, How Beatiwaa K►daappd," by Theodcn J.sne, and a good outdoa.r story, '.The Coon Hunt iu l'. heeier'• Woods," by Riwlead E Rubiusuo. Margaret Sidney's little Peppers aro having $ jolly time back at the "little brown house," while Mrs SalimJoy White, in soother part of the magazine, tests "How the Blind Kioder£arteuers Read Fie. Little J'oltprr.," the Pepper serial published several years ago. Mr are meting Trowbridge • "two David.' are tastes of oeuutry and euy life, each in • lewdly dly counted upon. tins White, iD her cooking paper, tails bow the Ros- ton Public Sehuc! chudrrn are taught to boil cabbage "without smell" in the school-kitcheoa Professor Stan writes about "Some Odd Fah" in hu geo oitt- sa1 talks, and Prof Mason describes the tyingK proa Queen apiolaut sent to Pre- sident Cleveland. There is a delightful article on "The Skylark, ' by Mrs F. A. Humphrey ; also a richly illustrated paper about "Pots in Literary Life," by Eleanor Lewis The poems of the number are charming : "Scbononts andms 1." by Graham R T000 ; "MarchWRl Bes," by Mn Whiten Stone ; "In • • House," Ho•," by Agnes M. Iowa ; "Capt Caro.* Profitable Pepper," by John Alias, and others by M. E B. and Clinton Soollard. The department "Menand Things' is very fall and rich its anecdotes and pithy talks. Wide .Jwake is $22.40 per year. D. Luthorp Compa- ny• pob.:shers, Banton. FROM THE CAPITAL aKClrkOi'ITY IN walk'Kts.:. , Mr, Kirkpatnck'• bill to accord recip- rocity iu wrecking passed through com- mittee, but not without much dircession. A feature of tee debate was the stand taken by wee of the Ministerial**in favor of reasonable relatiuns with the United States. Full trade relations these gentlemen .i11 not have, but reap - reciprocity by piecemeal they do not seem to object to now. This attitude is • decided improvemect upon that of last year. when reciprocity in wrecking was not even listened to. It is a curious eir- cumsten:e that Mr. Haggart Dot only favored this reciprocal measure last ses- sion, but actually moved it. His pres- ence in the Government renders it im- possible for the Ministry to have • policy on the subject. A mors important point amourswith regard to the amours to :he fact that even the legal lights in the Houseare uncertain as to what it means. The American offer of reciprocity accords, in the event of its acceptance, wrecking privileges to Canadians in the waters of es contiguous United State* to the Du - minion of Canada. Whether this meats o.ly the great lakes, or on the sea coast as well, it was impossible fur the Hoose to decide. The bill that passed the committee* overcame the difficulty by using the language of the United States Act applied to Canada. Should the of- fer be accepted American vessels .ill be ab11 to panus the wrecking bushman in the waters of Canada contiguous to tis United States, whatever that may mean. w It may me • little and 1t may mean • gotta deal. To make the measure more comprehensive, Mr Chariton proposed that the towing privilege be also offered and demanded in oonneetion with the wrecking. This proposition was reject- ed by a vote of 67 to 21, Sir John Thompson, Messrs Dewdney, HayrackTopper, and Rowell voting for it. and Sir Hector Langevin and Sir Adolphe Carob voting in the negative. The third reading a the bill it postponed. s.• West Mersa Par.,Isi UI.b. The last regular meeting of tete Farm- ers' Institute of West Homo, was held in Blyth on Tneeday, March 12th. A majority of the directors were present. as also a Rood many members, and a number of others who tame to connect themselves with the institute by paying the yearly fee of 26 cents. Over 20 new members joined. President Jnc. Keroyghan was in the chair. The President's address, which occu- pied over an hoar, was very instructive and entertaining. Mr R. Medd was called to the plat- form and ,poke for an hour, showing wherein lay his success ss • farmer and et giving his history for 20 years back, be- g inning in the wild woods and following his oes course through to the present. H• was closely questioned on hie method of farming, and the kind of im- plements he used. Addressee followed by Robert Currie.Jno. Washington, Harry Morrie, Jas. Johnston, De, Sinn, C. Hamilton, Stocker, Granger, Kelly, Brown, and • comber of others. The evening session was enlivened by some very select music A song by the President was loudly moored. it was then moved by H. Monts .ad seconded by Isaac Faber, that the Jane meeting be hell in Cltntoa. Carried. Meetine eloaed by singing the "Na thrust Anthem," in which all loosed tae `aett7. Oer anon/4010 horse hwyrw, 1h, Them Derain, .of this village, shipped a car- load of horses from Leek now station to IMO North nest on T.melay, the 12th inet W. wish him success. We are informed that Mr Joke Ito._ ors la mernlrr e4 His munrmpe' atoned of Woe W.eanosh) and whose farm M adj."t.:ng the viltag• of Denganrmn, h.e elven • mistreat to Mr 00..rgp Holtby, • to ems/ruot s new dwsllentr h,.ias der - tag the ensuing secant. Georg. Was • 'first glass workman, se alio an lieSSIShie sae, will make a toed job, r1. QAth Alts etagl.lss„ wits itf the We Wileia= Singleton, diedoe Fehr*. .ry 18th, in the township aLuther, at the advaneed age of 78 yaws, .rad was brought to the random* of Mr Kennedy, her eon in law, and was horned from Caere in Marnoch heryrng emend, 011441411 ,the remains of her husband were inter- red sevenears before. to • day, they having hnth died on theism* day n the same mouth Rhe with her hu•hend settled nn lot A, of East Wawan.ob, is the year 1843, when that loeality was • these lomat. and by hard labor wads theawalves a e000fottab'. home. } Tj '.194f"'"" ;-v„'R rg'it evieteMismonmmiisminsimeme COUNTY CURRENCY. Newsletters from Correspon- dents, and Other Items A "Neal, steam eleb. Cowes, Sews Mev ed op w eel Readers of •• fbo e1.m.Le rials and Pols, t•upped and l:em deemed from army teeslem Men Wm Forest and W R Henry, Bruettield, • few woks age cut one cord .4 hard wood in 12 enemas with • uroes-cut saw. The work was dote on the farm ut Mrs lioT.vish, in 5tauley. This is pretty lively wink but the Luys say they can do it agate if made worth their while. An unfortunate man, JyKn Atetauder, Atwood, cut hie throa}iW Friday. mime aoknown. He was in eomi•,rtable cir- cumstances. He may rjc„ver. J H Boot at.d l; R Martin, Brevets, have graduated from the Phil adelptim Dental Co:I.ge very creditably, the.r professors nlm.rk.a4 that the•r brilliant •i roes confirmed the (unser opinion they Feld of the Canalises The salt men of Huron and Bruce have formed • cusibioe uuder the 'opera taboo id Masers Coleman, of Seat .rth, and Rightmeyer, of Kincardine, with bead office at Chown. The retail prim has consequently been advanced to $l 25 per barrel and the salt men wail have a chance to take a little money. W P Davies is expected in Ethel on a visit. His rife and children, who have been eating then fur several months, will return to the West with him Mia Mary Oliver, Brussels, arrived booze from Toronto last Saturday. She baa not fully recovered vet from bar re- cent Muses with typhoid fever. Mr Wm McLeod, minor, who has spent the treater part of the w►uter at Air K McKenzie'•, Kincardine, has left for God.rich. While there he built • seat little vessel for Mr Ale. McKersie, w hich does the builder credit.. Wm Cleat. of Blyth, recently made • sale .4 6,000 hellhole of barley to • firm in Ohio. Donald McLanchlin, Only, has been ill for several weeks and is still no the sick list. His many fri.eds hope to sown see him about as usual. His Illness was caused by a kick from • hose. Last Friday afternoon as Fletcher Sperling was chopping in the bush on lot 29, con 16, of Grey, the axe caught in a branch which threw it oo to hie lett foot n early severing the first two to and cutting the third one to the bone. He will oe laid up for some time. Mr H. R Walker of Clinton, has sold his 73 acre farm io Hnilet,to Mt R Van• Esmond. 11r. Jame' Young's farm nn the Lon- don Road, Tuckersmtth, 100 acres, has been sold to Mr ileo Watt, of Stapley, for the auto of $4900- It is a cheap plate. inn James Townsend, of Park River, Dakota, who has been visiting her dauighter, Slre H. Crich. Tuckeremith, intends returning oo the 14th inat She well be accompanied by Mn Jamas Broadfowt who goes to visit bar two daughters, Mesdames John and Fred Robb. Sunday eveoing,whils Mr Hammond, of Myth, .0 at church,Mra. Hammond, went into the pantry with a lighted match to get a bottle of Indan Oil for the tooth ache. By some means the bottle fell from bar hand, spilling the contents over the sideboard and door, and in an instant the sideboard was coverer with flames, a match having ig- nited the gas from the mixture. Mrs. Hammond managed to extinguish the fire with water before any serious dam- age was done. We regret to learn of the continued illness of Mn Andrew Sprout, of Mor koke, daughter of Mrs. Stobie. :,f Sea forth. She has been removed to Toron- to Hospital, where an np.ratlnn will have to be performed no her. Miss Jessie Stobie, while in Toronto a few days ago, saw her, and reports her sister in • vary critical condition, although nothing defi- nite can be said regarding her case until 3ft.r the dnctnra have completed the operation. However, on hopes ere entertained regarding her complete re- enervate! imenery,and we trust they will be realised. Legal btsticss. IN HSR MaJi<'I'lf'II St:RROGATE COURT OPTIMCOUNTY Or HURON. Victoria by els Graces( Ond et the United Kltigdoes of Omit Britian and Ireland queen Defender in the Faith. To Hugh Davidson 'end WiUfan4Davld.on, both of Algoma in the Province of omen* *sold Davdaoa, of Port Arthur in the Pro •lace of OMtario, Esther Wilson amid Joseph Davidson. both of the Township of Colons in the County of were. Mary Reid, d the Township a Artificial its the t'onoty of If urea. Ellen Radford, of Pembina Comity 10 Dakota Territory_. Thomas J. Davidson of the Town. shipofawatiosh is the County of Huron, and John D'vldnea, sad to ail Mben whom it may concern. W herrsa, it W Pattie. and af0- davit, aasexed of James SoaservIUe of the vinare etLactnew 1n the (`..maty of Brum Esquire, swot os. the Arta day et February, A.D. Wei. and Aced la the itegietry of n�r maid ftun'wate Court, there la sew depead- lag in oar mid Court • maw omitted Jame. $.a,errllle agabat Hank Davidson aad ober,, wbernhn the said James Sooner,Ille is proceeding to prove is solemn form of law the alleged last Win and T.wtameat of Mary itavidann.Irt. of the Township of Wawanesh. In the (bunt of Ha, dimmed, who died on mahout thma e tenth day of October. •. D. 11110, at the said Toweetaip of Wawanesh. And whereas It appears by the said Petition and Affidavit that yon are the Natural sad lawful chlldrea and Next of kin .f the de- eeased and parties eaatied la dletr$MUoa to thermal and personal estate and sib* of the Myeloid in rase alte should to pronewieed te have dfeu intestate. Now this tete give mike to you. the maid Hugh liar kiosk WUliam It•v14.oa, David - Dar tame. Ratner Wilson Joseph Davidson. Mary Reid. Ellen Bradford. Themee J. Dave& eon and John Davide/ea, to appear .n the said came sillier peesoaally,er by your hollootar er Atveenar should yeee thin* tt /w your ieeareesst o at mu fm . ado tthDia�esa�sesit mgiere at shall N / 1F IMala. sad Sala sores that to deaid (i�aaefRt w fepi iso td 1. aathe /edge 1 of aur aid will proved 1. aoleasAlam of boar sod promisee* j0Yw meeat 1s themp/ ems*, yeerabeeaeg, is01w1tb- standing. er wit M awe the saki w(1) *weld set he proved 1e seams teem of lawhey Admin- istration istration er the Terme and Oleos vlda a*a and personal d the said lateMary 1]s. .heald sett lee grimed to sort pates as W said Coors may *reel. looted MIs Net day et Y.hraary,C0D, lAw, apt in ai the Mod tear of r rotes gt15m te see proe..dlagu McDON ALDt.. CAMERON. 81)1.T & CAMRROW. Of the Taws of Oeds.wh 1. the Uaaty 0 Harm. r!etieltora forKP Js( KM RVILL& 15 SPflINC C000S! ARRIVING. Stock will be Completed Next Week Look out for New Advertisement. J. A. RE1O & BRO. Jordan's Meek. 0.$10M. IW .Oh.:fifA Mr K. Widths*, tit Liai..b 4s. for WAMstrsatb, Mound's ea Taw day. Medical. Ds W. K. ROSS, LICENTIATE OF JJ WSW College of Phys. clans Kollaboargh Dentistry. wxoft South .coo or tiamilt..a-at. 107 1L NICHOLSON, L.D.B. lil. DENTAIMC Eighth deer Wall i , DR.Osiessiscs. E RICHARDSON, L D.S. BURGEON DENTIST. Gas trod Vitalised Air administered for painless extracti tag of teeth. tips. ial internus Kiva" to the preen%attun of the Natural Teel Ofllie-Up stairs. Growl Omni House Block. I�DWARD NORMAN LEWIS, BAR Estrawfar M-8 W.t" Uud"rich' 11") rioter, rester, Solicitor in High Court. Convey •beer. Ouderu:h and Itay n. -Id. flay Arid of - !kV upei, Thursdays from 10 to I. &ones to lona at sl per cent. 11*. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, BCR U b:UN. Coroner &a:. Mom and vesicle. Breve threat. .•5051 doer west .1 Yletori Street HTsl. 1IRS. SHANNON it- SHANNON, 11 i'uysiciaaa Surgeons, Accumekem, &c. udk•r at 11r. Shan eus's residence Bear the Errol Uud.rtob U. C. disesteem. J. R seam Itou.. I7Y Legal. Elis people's Column. VO 1 KIWI COW FOR SALE G i? C. HAYS, f square sdOR, Re 1� 4. OAtoe. corner of Mquare acid west Yid* �blll.M •5sdltlon. Ap to street (loderirb. away telegraph mete Pr! w KN Ha , Ashur ttt., crier. vas Maeda is laud ate per east- R1a SHORTHORNS FOR SALE. The endemism.d offers for sale one import. ed bull. 4 tears old.l year old ball. and three last years buil calves. for further parte cularsatpt to THOS. ANLERSON. kat 12, con. t. Anh�on ld. e mile north of Dungan - Ikea tSit. BULL FOR SERVICE. undersigned has the thoroughbred re- gistered Durham bull -Ferdinand" for •envies for a limited number art cows. Terms- For season 11 ; to einem a calf 11 30. JOHN Turns. tet No. 3. voa. a W. 11. Coition* Nile P.O. 11044 `{ R. FOOT PUHA 1SMV•ACANCIES FUR A FKW MCSIC o811AN, PiANO, SINGING THEORY. w3ed PITMAN'S SHORTHAND BOOKS. -A limited number of "Teachers' and -'Manuals' cam be obtained at half rates at Tess tl/wsar. °chis. lJ Notice it hereby given to all parties in the West Riding of Huron. desiring either Hotel or Shop Lica-here for the sale of liquor• that application for the Mme moat be Inside to the undersigned not later than the 144 of April ex . S. J. PAISLBi', Inapettur, (llotun. s/ -a. IQCOR LICENSES VIM BARBER SHOP. The wade having bad large experi- ence is both town and elft. guarantees Sr* clam work at reasonable rates, and respect- fully solicita a dee of public patronage Stand. over J. N. Smith's Bakery. teat 81.. Dederick'. 213-3m IL L. W ESTON.. THE HURON HOFEL, This well-known sad popular hotel ha been refitted and estimated during the past reason. and 1s now second to none in quenty of av- comnortatlos for the travelling public. Uood accommodation for transient gueeis. WM. CRAIG. The Square, Goderieb, Ont. Proprietor. ARROW R PROUDFOOT, B A R RISTKItS AtSolicitors. etc h J. T. Gamow. W. Proudfoot. 17 CAMERON, H3LT i CAAMR ')N, Barristers. r , Re. Cameros. efC 4C.: PiM Tl1. Amusements. GODERI H M$CHA' INS'1'I TCTK LIBRARY ANDRLADIN RoOt11, ser. of Past street amd Bge•ra lei Maus. Open hams 1 to d p.m., ud from 7 to H pan ABOUT 2000 VOL'8 IN LIBRARY Loading Doily, Weekly and Iflltstrated Papers, Maraziaes, 4r., on File. MEMBERSHIP TICKiT, ONLY *Lisa, mgating free ase of Library sad Readi,. Rota. Application for membership received b) In mama. S. ALCM USON. U O. STiVICNS. President. Secretary Ooderich. March 1246. 103. Loans an Insurance. Z'- --__-- -----__�_�_-'-i FWOODCOCK. J, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. Loans Y.go.iated with the Rest Compan- ies and Private Capitalists at Lowest Rtes of Interest. AR.nt for the ROY AI. INSURANCE Co.. of karl•nd, baying the largest surmise at Ar ala over I.i.htliuem of any Pare Insaraace Co 1a the World. Office on K'et side Hamiltons -lit. Goderkk sett dear to Dr. Rano. aims C SEALER, mimic FIRST DDIViSION COURT. C•neeyaacer. InsurangceAr& e.. Roans sad Geise Mosey in Lead at Low Raie, and Coot - Farmer"' Notes Discounted. For pale or to Let. OPTtt•t-I4rxt to Cornell's Furniture Steve. Uoderich. tte-tf FOR SALE._.._ _ Loot 1711 -of O•dsri., Apply to, 11514 PHILIP HOLT. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE - That valuable property knows as lot 10. Maitland con.. Roderick towasbip. within oue mile of Gtderich. On the farm arc a large orchard. good frame boom and kitchen. with Mem. cellar. and frame barn'wd stables: mom• prime 73 safes, well watered. For further =koala* •p la* plyto Ore MoKasom the 410.1y pnlr5• Isea A RICE HOME AT A BARGAIN. - t1 Secret of lead with a select orchard et cholas A comfortable house aid W lee, mf `Oodericb. Apply 1.s.Ur, 1.. VOR SALE --LOTS 174 AND 221 1 Uoderieh. Apply te M. C. CAMERON n-tt. FOR SALE CHEAP --- 40 LOTS IN differeat parte of Roderick - from 1 acres to 7 acres I• acv}, and t d welling houses. Ap- ply to THOR. WEATIIKf ALD. ' 217i -1y HOUSE AND TWO LOTS FOR S.(Lit-The I:Mae hoe nine roe's., *I- se bath rooms pastry. closets, cellar, word - abed. hard and meltwater. Tbe garden e05- taltn all %Inda of fruit. Alga 030 acnes of land la Manitoba far sale or In exchange for farm prepsrty.► w KNIUHT. (Jodyrfoll, n;4tf `rALUARLE FARM FOR HALE - Lot 13, in Maitland toy Colborne. con- taining shout 112 sere•. Iib acres free from stumps, red road har,lwood bleb. land clay Won. II acnes of fall wheatc.emtnrtable horse, frame barn and others bondsmen'. good orchard. Price low, tertms easy. Apply to C. BEAUER. Ooderek. M It FOR SALE. West half of lot 11111. Arthur Street. with small twiek cottage thereon. Flummox 1.0711. IN. Ilk 2411. 113, itlee Street. fit. modems Ward. .weer of Home end Britannia Read. li dory house oa Keays Rtreet. 101 Several 100 le Reed's Survey. opposite Mw Show emends. ria : Nes 22, 1D. tit. 0. M. M. IS. M. a All t •hereat LOW HATER. tit It Apply to DAIII ION & SOBNST01f, luctioaans g. JOHN KNOX (JENERAL AMTiONEER sad Land Valuator, O.l.Mvtr Oat. Reeks( had e.s.M.yaMs eRpsd a.s 1' the suet ton..rt ss trod .q he le la • paeltise dierhartru with iAwroagh sameeettee all miealesa crawled i order's ders s1 Hiag . w twat by mall 1. 7 1808 Ossibi,>r0.Weeded M sl FJ.T.NAFTEL, LIPS, FIRE AND ACCIDENT IN- SURANCE AGENT, Represeating North Hauch & Mercantile: Liverpool. London* & Ubbe; Norwich l'alos; North Americas Life ; and Accident Maur- een* of North America Lowest kales. Lomas settled pro mptl7. Moan to Loan ea rt ret •M Town Property. Coaveysaciar dome. Property valued. etc. Nice- Cor. North M. ansa Square.7tiedderich. ��� 000 'f0 LOAN. APPLY TO vg_ LtItItoN 18.1 44 &CAMERONOrd ; o ONEY TO LEND. - A L A R O I •moist of Private minds for investmem at lowest rates o. 'int -clans Mortgagee A55(1 us°ARROW & PROUDIOOT R RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANCE. REAL ESTATE AND MONEY LOANING AGENT 0./ ltirst-efs rowst.u.I a ilrpr arafrd Sr Mea Mowry to Lend on straight loans, at th Inwrest rate of Interest golug, ra any will melt tt. nonewer. dI OrriCE -second dose from flews Wena Street. 0oderictt. SWbtt $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To les on tarn and town properly, at low est Int...wm t(orignine purchased. No rem mtso.na charred agents for the Tenet and IAM Com ay n Canada, the ()made Leaded Credit Company. the l ondon Loma (`ampul of tenet*. Interest, l 11 and 7 per soot- N. 11 Hnrrnwere an obtain mosey 1a day.11 title satisfactory. Ifs DA VISOR tHNRTON, 11 TOTICI TO CREDITORS. Notice M baesby gives 1s pvssas•a d Ase floe Thirty-lt, of i'hapter ma uaria of ttdrsd a ten. w+ Revised Mu of Cheerio that .l1 mitten and Mher primula MT cWnre agaitnst the estate of ARCHiRAL DICRI+0N, late of tae tows p[ U llw rnonty el Bttltls. I*nolnaoier,o t on or shoot toe MA day of 110eenober. 113 are hereby required to need by past prepnld� or MMrwlee. deliver to the anderai(i P..'imiton for the Krerotore at UMerteh P.O" Canaria oe or baa.e the likh day of Apra t&M, their (Arleta* ammo aad sers•ulaw. addr.ere aad descriptive, the roil particulars of their eleitaam • statesmen of their seeatla�� �r+A the nature *f the memos tee 114 mile 1 yM b rhea. Aird M l IC sermon ell aAsS e► cis dsae*y M (s 1lrG A Mae the ewe dottsg-e.A arserlig me giants. we titled thence. laying moue only to Adam whleh a shall I,arelwrw giros 1141 �be�t rrwe.ggslr d. mod the mid Kg,o.n,•ra will sot M liable for Um said amee or my part tb�s� to smaim pones at whom claim tim stems sof Mee cow renaved by aim at tha time of rash dLrlbualso. YAH W & i'11011DFOOT. Dated the rah day d • /ter the When Compose subdutteg 'snout rbeuwti the back fol affect int kcal mot MW sediment every ku Large ii, 10 mute While row boat of the Or wore 0001 row MIMl Rosa ..1 station amount all clow been ropl other dart and mon V thing 0c stationer, circular at Tui North St AC 1 1 DIS; J. GI STO BI DOM TOP LAI A! impo malo and Men' - o-_` S)lr( Omni GL a SIMS-