The Huron Signal, 1889-3-1, Page 3•!f"
one of the
es:e..11y. a
plata ealieu
e load 'uni-
t. a tut of
ruttutg. It
smote, and
to toortgage
moles were
ie. the easy
.d.te.d to •
,.err hauled
a as "b sad
rr bald it up
.Niy •u:ept
toy tnokled
"seer tow it,
w tome ftp
T voice grew
e hash chair
ace hued his
empty now.
• baud. that
'.papa', host
'ureter. He
it.oea links
maw that In
h chair vas
rite • f gold
In hoagie -
dimple chef -
,old bee the
tie tin. rail e
fu I of necks;
b had rubbed
ild 1.-ar the
r -suit now,
empty. He
vied in the
n was IS hi•
isy a,.D. and
get over it.
the morning,
;ht. 'Don't
or, softly, as
d ten cents ;
part with,"
• bill out of
ed, 'Sold to
I as the pale
ted out with
or arms, mad
cheek., the
ly, and there
u the eyes of
tits -- Detroit
is own works.
tact truth al-
ty day, sheds
he end of sin
slug of it.
to expend the
I in it.
f .untain of
thirst of err.-
eu string run -
chain of all
ion you may
de once sp,k-
I after truth
all, begin the
thoughts ; le
tiler ; in Cute -
s true and the
are the two
others breaks
le most pe.
▪ seed to be
tc the .rel-
y iwprlve the
nth manfully
ronge.t facto,"
and it is Made
only ex prowled
I. devised many
ps never hap-
ribeol • oarte
ete man. He
e ts soft and
I voore* u clear
rsewhat weak
I.. of absorb -
in the moat
s feat which
able when one
limited extent
is alwsye well
sip. and he
, where his cup
able hot water,
O I and at lead
ti.faet.irily et
generally en
in it is, per
• fondness for
hiilUe instinct
lam of societl
cfi tion to that
for a pet, th
canary. Ti
ire, of too
the tete'
do not fel
o of their race;
^rota then te
charity. whr'h
chide even the
Rami" ; and ii
le, though it
Pion if, that the
urs@ed hearse
f •n to greed!
er a iiseeetiee
aamaea Irby Me t►eetdea Net le Deem asrsso of all glee. .f tatee+et N aver,
a tone ■e their-
"Bhildt:'e. M tae told you •o®.tk1"46, I will you here a piece of thio aic.
IS"au Malt saw sad 1 ► -•-: ,.filar ash 1eines pie, Tommy 1 " said Tomay's
Jori If you wars to oaf .Dewe feu sod be suet, nth a bum Le was take g his din.
happy duos' yen try to be great. I doer' pe -
lief dao whey when l rhea a poy. awl w ! lay Net
cop sorrow for myself. — -
"You hat all beard of Napoleon Boor a MrWal Seas
=para He vitae • gnat sheseral Ba ma To be unable to sanely hanger without
Sit listrops mit one hand end pehlnd hl hetng disused by heartburn, indiges-
tMck, jja •bee der greet man fur a hun-
dred yeah !toms peoples viae so afraid of
tiles dot dry ehuutp In der rider, end some
like bun so dot day Nt oop nights to blonde
ifayps Jut looks awfully nice to you, but bow
V hes be. Doe Bonaparte Can Defer go to •
tobacco store unit play aheckets mit • tim-
es lie Man' hat no time to go on a picnic.
Ile aster sees a gams of baseball Heiken'
hat some fun mit der boys at want caucus.
All be does vbas to plan some fl-hta ur4
knock eatorypody into der nti,ltl:., of two
weeks age. Take him for ten years tied he
duan laugh owe He vias great but dose
dot pay! Where rims der fun -.ter beats!
"Some goys cry pecause cloy rhea not
Sheets Washington Maype it looks awful
nice to be president and a sbeoeral, und to
swell around and boss ealervbody, tend to
bat your name in der t.alnnti but you bold
os. Do you pe;ieef tiheorgv Washingtons
eater bat sone fun mit der poysf Dote be
eater steal some a;.ples, carr; off somepody's
gate, or hook sugar from der pantry, und
nopody dares slap him on der hick and call
bun uklt mans, and nobody dares ark him to
ahup his ticket lie must ehuat b • a big gun
and keep quiet and comb Ass lair Cie time.
• lay.
"Maype some of der little gals vas mad
wave dey won't nafoe be queen of Spain.
A queen has nice drawee, unit she can haf
some quails on toast eatery day, unit it she cents per 11.4146.' Bowe f10 cents
says she wets this or retitle can hat hila cud l per Ix, ---I Sold by Goode,
Ven she rides out eafer;pody shuttles unit
bows end ::leer*, unit if she was trek der Druggist, Albion block, Goderich, sole
papers come out eatery hour. Ike looks *New Lc]
Mew, but bold on a little while. It you vb*•
queen you can't play tag mit der pops, ydis
can't eat some peeuuta nor chew gum, you
can't put on an old drs nor wear some old
shoes, unit it you go to a pieruc you can't
eaten tau oaten a log and skin y our nose.
how it would look for a quern to stand out
by her gate unit gossip mit Ile. Blank about
dot new neitrhbro and her nine cats; If her
husband comes borne late she can't sype
wool, cud if ate goes by der kitchen Mer
hired girls bo ace her "et. She must sit cop
very straight, unit look eery solemn, cud if
Se looks oct of der window and a icy falls
down site can't eaten ahsoile. It {'cu want
some comfort. In dr. world downye. to
some questa.
I sluist like to be as I am and like I vias.
It some man calls at my hoe be takes off
bis tat um' says ray wite vias looking getter
ash .be vias, Brad dot we vbas baling touch
bad weather as he meter sees pefore. Vben a
man comes to my place of peewee be says:
'Hello! Dunder, der, vba• be. cold enough for bed
How Thee your left lung today, anyhow I
can laugh at him, or I can poke Lim In der
ribs, or I can tell him to go by Halifax. Dot
makes me happy, unit I grow tat some more.
It I vias smith • great man dot I hat to hold
Iny legs stiff as crowbars nod my backbone
like a gate post, and say 'um!' end 'ha" and
co py der barber once • day, 1 Thee week
owl tired dot I run away from myself. When
1 The who I alias I can wake oop in der
morning and box Shake's cars, keep my dog
out down, shtaile on my wife emd go down
town and feel dot I like to stay in Detroit
ten hoonered years." -Detroit tree Peva.
taws, mak et..taa.:lt, demotes or hot-
ness, seems • dreadful duos. All who
seller thee will heti prompt relief and
permanent cure in Burdock Bl rod Bit-
ten, Li B. B. positively cures dyspep-
sia In aur furs, 2
"Please ma'aw," replied the little
fellow, huldi.'g hie plate ; "but you
might put two pieces on now ; mamma
has taught use never to peg my plate
leek for the second oleo.."-Yuukct's
Oliver Wendell Holmes eye : "Malay I Nu one use honestly or t.opa fully 1•'
years ago, its walking amuug the graves
1111 Mt. Aeburu, I Deme upon a plain, up-
right skits marble slab, which hors as
epee.pb of only fuer weeds, but to my
mind they meant moors than any of the
labored iusclipttuas on the eurrouudine
monatWats 'she we. so pleasant , ':'.ria
was all, and it was enough TL.t nue
cute revealing the music of • life of
ehtob I kite. aid ,asked nothing tours "
eel mese• tsIe.
her nu tisk in buying mediae, bet
try the great kidney and laver omele-
tte, made by Dr Chase, author of Chase's
reeeips. Try Chase's Liver Cure fur
alt diseases of the Liver, Kidneys,
Stomach and Bowel. Sold by James
Wilsuu, druggist.
If i• a cherub of one hundred metre
ben each abuu:d give a cent a day for
Mission•, their efferent* would aueouit
to three hundred and sixty-five dollars a
year. If they gave tee cents a week,
_- they would amount to tit10 hundred dud
Severe •elect. lam • year. la this too large a sum to
Mies Bets Swot, of PoutypNrt, Ont., ask for such • purpose I Yet few
writes -"My brother and I sere both churches in this country give as much as
taken ill with a severe attack of • cent • day for Missions Men who
rime, limiting tried other remedies, we drink or mule would think the' a very
tried Dr F-rwher's Extras! of Wild Straw- paltry cum w be *pent le gratifying their
berry, wb•eh gave itnwediate relief." 2 appetite. Ought not the lore tit Christ
"They have • largr.r sale in my du w a,ualniu w to du this fur the eve-
mys a well knuec druggist, "than geliratieu of the world f
any other pill uu the market, and give -..A Mei tattwrtea.
the beat eatts(acttun tar sick headache, oIp there ecu tmly Dun ddt:e of Hsr-
Wluiowuess, indigestion, etc., and when 7•"If Yellow t)i,i its', I would
000ubtied etch Johnston's Tunic Bitters,
Juhnat„n.s 'l'•uic Lover Pills will per Boys one hundred dollars for
n." ernes
form what no other medicine has done Philip H Bract, of Monteith. M•Dliuba,
before for suffering humanity." Pills after baring used it (u: a severe womb,'
and fir fr. zen fingers, with, as he say•,"
astonishing good revolts." a _
A laborer at the Dundee harbor late),
told his wife, on awakening, • curious
dream which he had had during the
night. He dreamt that he saw coming
toward him in order four rats. fns
first urge was very ht, and was followed
by two lean rats, the rear rat lowing
blind. The dreamer was greatly pre-
plexed as to what evil might follow, as
it had been Lug understood that to
dream of tate debated t9,ntag calamity.
He appealed to hie wife concerning this,
but she, poor woman, could not help
him. His son, • sharp lad, who heard
hie father tell the dream, volunteered to
be interpreter "The fat rat." said M.
"is the man that keeps the public h
that ye gang till aee often, and the two
lean epee am me and my wither, and the
blind ane a yersel', father_—
Reales Fauces Ver.
I was swollen from Lead to head to
foot from dropsy of sit mouths' stard-
tm r, and my health was failing fast, but
be delivered Inas temptsu.N. u,.1,». he
h es hlmaell lomeetly sol hrwty deter,e
iced to do the beet he nen to keep o.t
"I was getting moeasurd hr a suit of
clothes this manning," said young Mr.
Sissy to hie cousin, "and jest fur a joke
y'knuw, 1 awaked Sutpein if it wally
took lain. tailors to wake a man He
•aid that it would take more than nine
tailors to make a marl of some people.
1 ghetto,. it was slate clerah " e
Mad Free Tien Before.
"You're not your tonal self, George, to-
night," said the girl somewhat coldly, as she
slid away to the other end of the mota, "you
• are nervous and distrait. Have you ceased
to love mer
"Ah, DO, darling," be responded with emo-
tion, "but I am not happy; toe dog, as I left
the house hut night, nipped a chunk out at
fessempslea Berri, tared.
To Tits Eto oa :-Please inform your
readers that I have a positive remedy for
the above tamed digester By its timely
es* thousands of hopeless cases have
been permanently cured. I shall be glad
to send two bottles of my remedy free
is. any of your readers who have cn•
aumption, if they will send me their Ex-
press and P. (i. address.
Rg.potfully, Da, T. A. St, ct .
k 37 Yonee St., Toronto, (hit.
my leg."
"Why, surely, Geor'g'e, you and the dog an
good friends!"
Yea, we lave been good friends of late,
but be evidently did not recognise me in the
dark; be only took one bite, however; 1 sup-
pose I ought to be grateful that it was no
"Hew did be know it was you !hear
"He met have recognized me by the
twete."-Toe Epoch. I thing lacking, a deplorable tendency on
the part of the dug.
Otte Lad Bee t.
"My dear friend," said the minister to the Mew a •edefatebt fend.
dying man' "it mad be a source of great A slum young man in the height of
consolation to you as your cod approaches to htsbon was violently sneezing
the in a street
ted that you have always led a convect:eh- lar, when • companion remarked, "Aw,
Gan how" Chawles, deah bay, how dye cath that
"It is sir," wastheweak reply. dweedful cold." "Aw, deah fella►, left
"And now," went on the con
gently, m cane in the lower ball tether day,
"is there anything more 1 can tray to you;
bare you any last request to maker
.Y�" the dying man feebly;
"will you please we that my diary Y
13nraadr-Hsrpsrls Baser.
t'breese sad seas
And all disease. ..1 the throat sod wove
can be cured by t .. use -1 Knott'• iR•nsal
son, as It ecotone toe•it virtues ,rf
Cod Liver Ott and Hyp.•ph.epht'es is.
their fu'ldt form So* eh*. W A
Muer, td U., L It. C P etc. , Truro
N K says: ' Atter three tear,' •ap.i-
teuce I a.ttetder'a Ynuulato'• • ,.e of
thee very best to the market Very one
dellen% in throat affection., " Sold by
all druggists, 50c. and Si 00
Truth lis in ebarau'er Christ +Biot
not •imply speak troth ; he ere truth,
truth through and through ; ler troth I.
• thing out of word.. but .4 life and be-
A Itewt•o -Of one doted "Teases
▪ to any one sending the brat (nor Iriu
rhyme on '-vaA•cRev . the renvrkuhlr
little gem for the Teeth and Pat:. A.k
y 'Sr drugtest or address
He who teineete 1 i. trek go high'y
and does it eo reverend,' that he carer
little what the world think. .1 it is the
man about born the world mores at
last to think a great deal
If you want to have • man for a friend
never get the til will u( his wile Put -
tic "potion is made up el the average
prejudices of woes* kind
mire Thrm • t'haaees
1ti 't- H .11•. M' s.., 1 haves'' sees
l,1ris. I .nut►+^ ),•.. here bee"
vmyr heel. hl.r-, ., Yes ; I h..e t..e.
Biggs 1•a ,'•14 a n -a Ir- •ie -e- I /ITV hal Ile
,y,■„e u... $tears --I. ie..t a•I I.
,t11M1 leo a hew estwit.•.tee 1.•I pos.-
et -in P•^t
That is to say, your lunge. oleo at
your breathing machinery Very won
derful machinery it is Not wily tit
lancer air paseages, but the thousand" tit
little tube* acid tlevitles leading from.
When these are clogged and chocked
with matter which ought not t•, tie there.
your lungs vain, t half do there work
And what they di., they cannot du
Call it cold, cough, croup. pneumonia,
catarrh, consumption or any of the
family of threat and aces and head and
lung obstructions, all are bad All
hese • sight to be gat rid at. There is jest
o ee sure way to get rid of thein. that
is take R.oaches's German Syrup, whict
any druggist will sell you at '75 Ceuta a
bottle. Even if everythrig else ha,-
a•failed you. you may depend noon the
for certain emelt'
en �
C. P, f(, Boor
1..v.• a large s ,u ,,'C r of Iluu•w+ and Lois
aid Yr sat
Laud. o, , he uu..t deainole tyre
orlh• town &Mal natl. rsEa1'.
Now I. the tin,• .o ,.-,u, r Property Iefnre
the isle hush. one I'. 1'. it. ,v -,.tura-j sure,
a.d Inn .t:ur, time pncea w.11 have advanced
be) ,w,A the reach •! tenni.
Call end -rt List and !'rice, before perches
iag a lee where.
Peal Katie. and'l.•acrid I".m'nre Agent.
idle W -. -4t . thiel .t., -'r (neat ?square, I'.
it Ticket and Tekgrath Mie. Si -U.
Od friend, to grief-stricken widow : after "kind rue bottle of Burdock Woond
"I hope my dear old friend Junker was Bitters, I am quite well, and th'ok there
fully prepared to go.' is no medic tie equal to B B. B. and to
Widow. with her handkerchief to her it I remain • true friend.' J 'eeph
eyes : "Fully prepared I Yes indeed ! Biotic, Liodwuod, Ont.
He was insured 1 11 half•a•dozen compan•
iee ! '
Isere iteasarkabtr Mill.
Found at :set, what the true pablie
lull been looking for these many years
and that is a medicine which although
but lately iuttoduced, has made for
itself a reputation second to none, the
medicine is Jchesslt a Tunic Bitters
which in conjunction with Johnson's
Tunic Liver Pills has performed some
most wonderful cures impute or tm-
poveriahed blood soon becomes purified
and enriched. Billiousneea, indigestion,
sick headache, liver complaint, languor,
weakness, etc , soon disappear when
treated by these excellent tonic media
clue.. For hale by Good, druggist. Al-
bion block, Oodeu lob, sot. agent. id
It looks bad to see a dog precede its
master down the street, and calmly turn
into the first public-bouseheapproaches, It is comforting to think, as we begie
It shows there is something wrune,some- a new day, that we can get strength
from on high to conquer any temptation
we may meet as we go about our bassi
- sees But it is more than comforting,
it is poritively inspiring, to remember
that Christ himself already has conquer-
ed every temptation, and that nnthitag
can swerve us from the path of rectitude
if we walk baldly forth, by faith cling-
ing to tae hand of our triumphant Lord.
Mere Treble May be reeled.
With double vigilance should we
watch our aetiut.a, when we reflect that
good mod bad ones are never childless,
and that in both cases the offspring goes
beyond the parent -every good begett-
ing a better, every worse a worse.
Ely fever is a type of catarrh haring
peculiar symptoms. It is attended ky au
inflamed condition of the lining mem-
branes of the nostrils, tear -ducts and
throat, affecting the longs. An acrid
mucous iasecreted,uhe dischargeiasocom-
p•nied with a burning sensation. There
are severe spasms of sneering, frequent
attacks of headadte, watery and inflam-
ed eyes. Ely's Cream Balm ts • reme-
dy that can be depended upon. 50cta.
at druggi.0 ; by rail, registered, G0cts.
Eiy Brothers , Druggists, Owego, New
La tsewrranie Disease.
Ills rance Company s Doctor -Of what did
you father diet
Teen -Throat affection.
i L C. Doctor-Diphtberiat
Texan -No; a gathering ing of hemp under
his lett ear.
I. C. Doctor -Ah, broaehial trouble!
Texan -No, sir, broaoo.-Town Topica
swedes K Dead kites.'.
Editor -What have you doe. with them
two columns of type on that galley?
▪ New Devil -You said It was deed.
, Editor -Well, what had that to do with lit
New Devil -Weil, I didn't suppose you
wanted anything dad around this owes, sad
so I Mem it out this back wtadow.-Jewish
A paper in the upper and of the state says
that "the pretty girl" of that scenes one-
time to "bold their owe." Tee roes ail right.
lib is leap year. Next year young e.
"boldtheir ow" - Norrishoe
Se one
and in sucking the ivory handle, so
dweadful cold, it chilled me almost to
death." If Charles had used Dr. Har-
vey'. Red Pine Gum his cold would not
trouble him very much. For sale at J
Y. ilsot's prescription drug store. U
Os Equal Terms -"Sir, said she, "do
you expect me a saleslady in Tapley A
lotion's dry code emporium to marry •
One watch set right wit' do to re
many by ; but on the other hand. o
that gore wrong may br the means o
misleading • whole neighlstrho e'd ; and
the same may be said of the 'example w,
each sec to thine around us.
a free GU
Around each h..tth. of Dr Chase
Liver Cure is a medical guide and receip
b rk coutattato g u« -tui Iufmrits.iimi, ..n
2)O receip ea, and pronounced by doctor-
ed druirgists as worth ten times th.
cost of the medicine. Medicine anti
brit $L Sold by all druggists
Habit, if not resisted, sea. becomes a
if you dm not heed the warnings of na-
ture and at Mee pay attention to theai
mrtainanm of your health. How often
we see • person put off tram day to day
the purchase of • medicine which if pro-
cured at the outatart if a disease would
have remedied it almost immediately.
Now if Johnston'. Tonic Liver Pills badee
ben taken when the first uneasiness
common clerk1 " made its appearance the illness would
"I am not a common clerk," he an- have been "nipped i.t the bud." John -
sewed, "I am a salesgent." son's Tonic Bitters and Liver Pills are
She fell into hie arms, and murmured, decidedly the beat medicine on the mar -
am thine l'. -Terra Haute Express tet for general tonic and invigorating
properties Pills 25c. per bottle. Bitten
50 mots and $1 per bottle, sold by
Goode the druggist, Albion block, sole
agent. ihi
Unlock.' all the doomed avenues
edt MIls.
Bowels, Kidneys end Liver. too
ingot gradually without eros �tlag e
i yulem, all the impurities foal
hummed the iirerdsona • at the acme
ties Correcting Acidity at abs
as rneoh. caring Biliousness. Drs.
o'heartburn.f Um n. Dropsy-
ofS of
Vision. Jaundice. Balt Rheum.
Erysi eorofttla. Mug of
the rt i]feewet�••a and Gen-
eral Debi ty ; all these and many
other similar (bmp aiuta yie _
)�taprp+� �influence of BUBDO�
BLL(iOD aifl"I!BRS.
T. SWIM a OS.. T1 show. heel•,
10000 PRESET S
hi titter A reCrilie.allILB Tie: Lan
caeft-.,dke I"ai1as sir
}royre.l. i, •'110 cera ,.► a,
Vide. 111•41rt ••r C. ,•c. -.rola M
a lewdly -who will try the
esteeells.'i gs1're MIMS
t ..e tt,e red circle fawn the
Wert and scud it I. a NO er
toting hoe••• t uptnlee. shot
'fair trial. l.•t.rer a 6, 10.“ So
cr•.t Nrr will s. curt C.r P•11•
.,ay an�-tr or se.r. keeper
kn.., where to wet it .t aak.d
lir by yeas. -
TN IV ACE eite.TNJnCv0N AND Poisson
To f/ea00 A taaOOD $ITTLas la TML
rev AND cunt or CHRONIC
r.lerMD. i w.nai
Reye Nemec wu-
simml. Pony
Ir a••ee Carta. Wu WOW
pe.• eNA era wase
Yoe tew� anoun
4,sw Is.
�,.etssee w Naar. ono sea
call. dies.'rl'd
Weser r Tea• Madre •
ton r he scow. w• W
*Ty Maes, era dr he. boa
wee " gear. ,�t`�. •die �ofear son Zetr" Mar
ala *Creis:alr seta sNa+•`e JIMVw
T3TT e-
BILL HEADS, F:tc.. n:
it men nn
morel to, 1.on-
is s libel „si
,stent to leeva'
g.esip and the
w hen she ;5 to
he i, non ewe
e man l.elerd•
s place no Eyrie•
rn e64•• o• tea
and inei.'e ea''f
U aeserees tiees*er(141te.
Counterfeits are always dsngerona,
more en that they always closely ntt-
TaTs Tw1 ORlotsaL IM aPrlaaasCi AND
K ars The remarkable soeoam achieved
by Nasal Balm se a positive cure for
Cdarrh and Cold in the Head has in-
duced unprincipled patties to imitate it.
The public are cautioned not to be de
eeired by eoetrumes imitating Nasal Balm
is name atsdappearanee, hearing sock
n ames as Naaal Cream, Nasal Belem,
etc. Ace for Neal Balza and do not
take imitatioe dealers may urce upon
• rwpt of ps�.. (60e and Sl
by addressing Fulford * Cu , Brookville
Ont. ti
' Te le. Medtes rreesemes. SOD all esbsm
Phosphalite, or Nerve Food, a Phot -
tri Element bitted upon Seiettile
la, Formulated by Professor Austin,
Y D. of Boatel, Mas., cures Felten
cry Oousnmptioa Sick Headache, Ner-
ves Attacks, Vertigorand Neuralgia
sod all wasting diseases of the; human
Mere pbtsph•tine is not a Mdeeise,
let a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiate
Narcotise, and no Stimulants, be •imp,
1y the Phosphatic and Gastric Elements
(owed is our daily food. A le bottom
ellishoe to eenviast. All
NII it. $1.03 agi<s per
bottle for the D
o. sole semis
b4 float Street East Toronto.
"Dearl you think yes bad bear get s
Waal Year share ars very dingy.
"Eo, they den's seed In they are pairs
•'Phis else Irsel here ozyd ed; yea hd
Meer get 11 naswed.'-iiia
it .'tyres
Nag a 17aas•s•e
EASY TO USE. Into the throat
sad emoseire s peetoratiencea ed by r
tWA- Held y Deu�ta sea
meet of pries, Mn. amain. Address
FOLFORD & O•..11essicvihh•. Owl.
We can deny ourselves, but we me -
net cleanse ourselver. The sheep can
go astray .lone, but can never return to
the fold without the assistance of the
shepherd.- W. Seeker.
A rreetabse we.
Few meta have accomplished the same
amount of work and good in this world
as the celebrated Dr Cha.. Over
500,000 of his works bare been sold is
Canada alone. We Want every person
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Troubles, to her • brittle of Dr Chases
Lire' Care, it will cure you. Medicine
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In ia+9 THF: lot l' t AGE enters upon •e
for-) titch year. Approved in the outset hp
iodic.• toasty. Chancellor Kent, Preside
idioms. historians Sparks. Pretreat. Tickteor.
Mancroft. and many others, It has met with
Domani camu,eadstion and success.
A WECK1.T ]Assns.'.. it gr• ea morello*
Idoukl' column octal o page, of reading mat
er y prevents ea. I) . Ii prents in a• lneitreosive
innTiderinir its -rehnseer, ow Ina tt uta weekly Mime. las
with t
a ilk a .•wupleteures nowhere etre attempted
The beet Kenya. Reviews. l',liWOUND,
Td..s. Sketches of Travel and 1• m:every
I'ueteticieati4c. Biographical. lli.t.rie
and 'ulitical Information. from tt,•• entire
Mid) of Foreign Periodical Loteratore. sad
[rete t he pens of the
-bait we and the bee• production% of the
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York Tribune.
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its weekly appearance gives it certain advas-
tent uvrr Iia mono hly rival,.' - Albany Area.
11 furelebee is compete compilation of tut
irellWrtie•ble literature."-'"hleattu Kvenind
"trot the amount of reeding matter contain-
ed the subscription is extremely low.`--Chrtu-
Ian Advocate. Nestor iile.
"In this weekl. nos:astne the reader Gads
all that is werrh knowing In the realm of cam
rent Werstere." -Canada Presbyteries. To-
"it is indispemmabie to all who would keep
abreast of our mas,fold pruitreen. It is ab•
solutrl3 without a rival."- Montreal Gaeta.
Pnblethed Weak t.\ at IMO, • year, fres of
Mr TO NEW Sr the year
lam. remitting before Jan. 1st. the weber
of Bell ionised after the receipt of their eels.
.criptiona, will be went urof in.
Club Rates for blest Norte and For, i
Poeseseel of Ter LI VIVO tort and ""• ee
other of our vivacious amerk•a mon thuee,
.490. ri'xr wit. new ,.,need ,s ,,,eaooe sit W
It, whole sit Nof,oa."-Philadelphia Evening,
ilulletin."1 .
llarchaats can get heir 11111 heads, letter I
For American I , ITO Mie and m Dee a<
the American tit monthlies Its any
Heads. etc.. k.:. printed at Ibis Daise for ter) sewer or /triton will be sent for • year,
little merethan they grnerslly pa}- for oke poet id; or.lirID10,voleLivneoAceand
par. and tl leloa to Irertow their busman l>w-'�, ,Vl.Aolua or &.'rotary, Magoaiste.
Call and see secedes and stet priors.
Address. LITTI:I.L t.(�.. Bestm
Largest CirealatMlt in Western Oatar:o
Free Press
Tho "Tree Preen" le the onlynewspaper le
rvIt lovnletalee Ahe L
(,able, Telegraph. Telephone and Mall upto
emir of pole to ,tees it Kiyoshi wash eso
eagle' and saleable illsstratleseef men and
tilage. and le the esly newspaper is cease
employing Ile ewe satMa.
The Weekly "Free Press"
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Also, • beaslfal Illla'tseted CHRISTMAS
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away Fres to every subscrib-
en ter lel..
The best recipe for going through life
is a enstmendable way is to feel that
everybody. no matter how rich or how
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trees others ie the world.
The faults and weakens of other,
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scandal, aad useless witimsm, should he
end es�ls to warn as away
from the h we"a have led to thea ,
Viid eta OorbehIe Salve M a groat all
to iater•al mediaese is the treatm cut of
eern/slsss nes. steers sad absesesse of
all kiwis. las
$8,000,00 II PR MIU�is•
t"taatprteragAkre eel Meal Arffelea, ewe
,.arise• M Apseli. Tam meet It.Three tta-
decemnst esrare4 M Clartrfa
Agee. See fee Aleara
se* sad sere.
ss ebeNIeFsee` sad weals. Paper
Werra •.saris.
It Is for-wade
email easerMlGer hrl wens etes'.ase teg se
s�M�t'isl.d.nrab. by ea a and M be .siy paper
The Live
SAN par year. pe=•ge M.polets we sit
, dei by Mee of
tail PIM PMT1r K.
Lasses. Cama••.
MC a"_I 'S 1.
alt:2-8- ,, = v
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Q ., a epi
and has the latest styles li SHAPES AND TR'A(liNGS.
Ar nidal her rates are moat reasonable, and she invites t'le
Goderich and vicinity to call and examine the styles and pricer
Rim ember t'te M Slaery r7etMN the Sere. 'Ngo Se riboses a Cy b