The Huron Signal, 1889-3-1, Page 1• GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1889. D. 1100ILLICUDDY. Peahrisrieft. $150 A TSAR IN ADVANCI TO ADVERTISERS. Notite of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Ad vet tisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice- W. C. Goode. Cantles–Bank ut Curnmeree. &resat Waste/ - Wm. Knight_ rteel Grain Drill- Won. Burrows. Beet Venally Fleur Win. Hurries. Notice to Creditens–Garrow Proudtoot. MARRIED. 1110"seie -Oa the 11th February. ifina„ or Mr At. smith. tarter the by the Itertiso. 'What deon. AVM . Morris. of Devil's Lax,. De- r. a. to Mies Llbbie J. elinith. of ti, Ont. TOWN TOPICS. '4 elnlere eases" pe. edammeea. die faith he a great U." Ad Goon PRE01111247.- The mord naafisi tat you can make la to give a Win Pea. Ap- ply to D. kteunliceddy. agent Goderich. Geo. Bassett the photographer is mill ea - gaged in tat,uff view• for leustra frd GodericA, but he dues Out keep any of his (Rain i patsies wailing. Remember that Gen. Rhymes' new drag Oahe! is located in Acheson s Block on the Square. There you can find everything that Se reoulied is the drug and chemic•I 'the thaw tells us that spring is • lag, and with it there will be • change In gestienuma attire. If you want the latest and bred styles, leave your measure with F. It A. Pndnam. the people's talkies Tat WoatEx's CaisionTiva TeuralAANCIS Vfirtol will meet rogyilarti for the transaction of business every Tuesday afternoon at Ifiti o'clock in Knot church. fivers woolen in- terested in the week I. Cordially invited to rosette. Qcumber-lbe newest cucumber jeer and ✓ eeve for chapped hand. fte., an excellent toilet, requisite, price Also Hind's Mousey and Almond eream. prior Mc Mottoes' o'ree- tills.. price *Sao V. dome's Camphor Ice, price 10e per box. Wilson's prescriptions drug store. C. A. Nairn homiest rt -cried • laeseleetion of California dried fruits. apricots, ustetarines, peaches, and pruneets; a trial will earn- •ioee of their merits. Lima beans. evaporated tern and grated pine apple and some of the latest importation.. When you are looming for anything to tempt the inner 11641111. remem- ber the pine., curlew et et. and Square. The liability to accident and death which has barn so terribly exemplified iu the recent St. George disaster should remind all that everyone should be in • position to leave some at wieder or memento babied them so that when they are gone those left behind should not have lost forever the loved linea- ments. A portrait. such as K. It. Sallow, can turn out ie./MA.11in many hasteuens. prove a Woe to bereaved frieeds. Have you seen the handsome deeoral ions cm the ftrittelt hiebange diuit.greons f If not rail mindere theta. They were pur.heaed from tiaaaders & doe, the old reliable dealers in wall paper. and droorations. Those who In - teed papering iiheand are the sampleej not en tilted from V. we. Peak Brook Is mi. N.Y. toe taboo they are ...ohs %goats Resigns are new red prices low. The cheapest house under the OM "'People WEI Have Ilt." Thelltweaderful healing and soothing pre woe!. of Lowden& Wilson's Royal Glycer- ated Balsam of Fir are the secret of suave.. Coughs. Colitis, store Thrust. Asthma. whiter - taw Cough and incipient Consumption quietly give way to its cur$ltvc posers. oething but its superiority over other remedies has created the demand for it front all parte of the Prey - lex. • 111411 has even extended to the Untied State.. W by f Because every person who has teed it speaks well of It. Druggists sett it Price hi etc per bottle. BRIEFLETS. Mrs Daniel U edam has returned from her visit to Waterloo. Miss Malconison, of Goderich, is the guest (4 Mies Ferran, 44 Ctinton. When a little man is hopelessly In love it greatly iocreaees his sighs. Mrs Jas. Lout it of tVingbani. was visiting (nerd. at Goderieh this week. Miss Lou. Gibson, of the Hayfield Road. is visiting relative. in Montreal. A temperanee society has been formed among the pupils attending the high school Mr J. Kirkpatrick.. f Goderich, so- onmpaatMd by his daughter, was in Blyth this week. The regular meeting of the town anon- cil has been postponed until Tuesday evening next.. Dr McDonagh will he in atiderich for rentsultation on the first Saturday of every month. The regular monthly meeting .4 the Public School Board will be held neat Monday evening. Mrs Brayley, (nee Ida Wilkinson), of Toronto, is spending a few weeks at the parental residence. Mr James Sharman ham retained to Kentucky after • lea* visit to relatives is Goderieh and vicinity. Our townsman, Capt. J. W. Orme has received the appointment of emeater of the Mineehaha, of Port Hamm. Mr S. J. Reid left for Cleveland on Thersday morning last, to take up • new style of culling in connection with his department in the Sr. of J. A. Reid & Bro. Dr Id Nisholeno, U,. West -damage. esakei the presereatioe Of the meters! teeth a specialty. Gas adeministeved from • a... for the paiolem sattestioe of teeth. Rev Mr Dyke, of Heafeye, id the NorthStMethodist pt on day corning last. He and Mrs Dyke have been spending the peal week with relatives hi Goderieh. Mr A. Willisteson has base appoint- ed magnate of the enamor W. L Free', of the Wseertowe & Ogdeseberg line, sad will leave shindy to sesame cetarge of his departmesit of the boat. He has the host wishes of his old fries& here. Mr D. A. Fervester was in Goderwh, , on 'I'utieday ; Shiloh he is after the Goderich poet ides, too. Celli.iu , the seedsian hot now got in a l Lig stuck in every its.. Fu'l perticolars advertumnient next week. Mr thou. 0 ibis British Es.clietips hotel, It•oi just bed the decurativ• sork it c .1.eistom resift his dining hall atm- 1,:e.set. "foe old gallery has Went re g,,, .•1 .11 hr.+ mils greatly to the ap- peolat ce ot the place. Sir ti.1 os.. new .4 the fittest doling hall won of The Baud (if FUltw will meet in Knox . church, on Saturday. March '2,M. A II $.L S --At the laat ungetinst of the good atteodance M requemed. heat who'd literary soviet, the following We understand that J. W. Pearce., ted CI th ineuiriere; Sanding by Miss It. `.'.11- hams ; Rectiaiiim 111 Mass li,therteml ; Watling by Mass Mace.ortmie ; by Mies rore.rm Bill ; Reeding Ati.s A Red ; Selo lay Mr Mah,,Ify ; Read- ing by Mr Hyskip: Itoettatoei Mr Sallow's: Chorus by the atomisers. Tart Ciacirlf. —Tits country as sal.',, 10 far se the British Exchange and t•talatad tirttlitatferi atilt . p.:t op at that hostelry have now • con- stotient fire en -ape s,i dame itti axing' s'o taut the fire lipoid pay the house • tint. The Armco/memo in addict 111 the ladder rungs ha. an iron railing on each side. and if the ilrentimars get weak I. the-. logs through excitomelit they este ban, on with both hands until mar gal- sithi-chestpick thetti up tend derly ail ala -p...... it them t n terra firma. The proprietor Olt/01111d to make thieg• r,gh t with his gtiests, livid wllnot (oily kind,y take them to, but will gave teem x chancel to vet out. Th. only draw. hawk to fire serape arrangement is that if a de:iniiumeer it hider sees tit to iezve heteems ten days, an eddittunal eigeessU male Kw limo fho Parltles'a DAY CONcISItY. —A grand concertconcertsill bagmen in the Opera Hoes., (blench. Monday night, March 18th, 1F89. The ("Plowing t•lent has been secured : Miss Kate Carlin, soprano ; Miss Kate Coloigh-r. alto ; Mr P. J. frisitior. tenor ; Immo§ Lt mese, b.,,aso, all of Stratford. Trey will sing quartettes, trios and dila., and Mies Carlin a Nolo. Mr F. Teenier, hanker, and Mr W. Shane, of Blyth, will act in character, and song comes tongs. Mrs (Judge) Doyle will glee pinto, selections, mil A. W. K Anekeen, the distinguish- ed vtolinist, will also assist, Miss Adii• Chilton, Mem Tenant Kidd, of Dablin, Mr Robert Iterinaldo deputy sheriff, liedeeich, and Mr R. H. Cottins, barris- ter. Exeter, will sing solos. Min* Cooke, formerly organist of St. Peter's church, wilt preatde at toe piano. which will be n Steves ,o '• best make, Kingston, and which will be furnished by Mr Thomp- son, of the town. dealer in musical in- struments. This promises to be tele of the best St. Patrick.' day coteries we have had in Goderich. who, with his brother, erecting mill- er mill at Brampton, call most, his fen- ily thither ehurtly. Owing to replete anal placing of a plate glees front in store, the entvane - has hem. temporarily changed to use brit: door the Situate oat East St. WednesdayOas last, while hauling ice front the harhor, of thelitanies obe.. longing to Mr .141st "Fent through the ice, together with the faint part of the ala-avis.No injury was sus- tained, hoist:rm. Itobt McLean his purchased the vac• ant Int next to the British Exchange from Mr Jeans.. Waimea, upon which be purposes eroctfog la -air large brink stores math modern work manship hroughout. Bott'a s heeler, and is taking the boom by the tip-i.not. Mr Jas. W. Gordon. and: wife, 4,1 ro Katuops, B C.. arrived in town its. Moliday teat, and are the guests .4 hi, father, Mr Gordon. We understate.' Jim is beanie Ing Signs lite in the old town, and will put in hie 'aped as a busineei-liiesettemet booms. That's the kind of boys Guderiobt wants. Louden Free Prue mays it is not improbable that Mr Th.*. Alitorthy, late city treasurer, of Cleveland, Ohio, w ill purchase the property of Mr H. T. Attrill, id this town. sod settle here per- manently. It is eliderstood to be Mr Itteorthr's listetithm to erect a large summer hotel on the property. Belden, is arivoitor to have the town council of Goderich pot an elecenc light so that the pass at that iron hrolge and the whole of that berg will be ill t ed on dark night.. The Goderirh anion. cal still, we uittieretaud, consider the yeeetion if the learnable) of Colborne council will m.o.t them half way with the Cost in connection. Charlie Donagh skated • two mile race seainst finer compeCtors--C. Black, J. Addison W. Black, and H. Dimwit— each of the competstors tasking half a wile in ootation. Charlie D. -match wen ty half a lap in 7 min, Zel sec. Tie judges were W. L. H oton, if Arnold, Neil Campbell and Wrangel% Timekeeper and referee, Jonathan Miller. JUNIOR CHatirfolitallIIP RAMIS —A aeries of renter chempionship races will begin on the ioe rink an Tuesday even- ing next for • silver cup. A handsome prize wall be elven to holders id spectators tickets. A grand variety carnival is in contemplation at an early day. Caned matinee for children on Seturday after- noon when prizes will be awarded. Rev M. Recey, the athletic incuni- bent of St. Stephen's, was the "illy man whom we saw in town from his section of the Huron Road on Saturday last. The roads were reordered impassable for teams, but the muscular Christian teem St. Stephen's, having business town that could not he delayed, put on his showsboes and strode to Goderich and hack. He's an old Qiebee man, and enowshoeing costes natural to him. Hamilton Times : The cheering intern - peace is given in the Goderich Stosat. that Mr 11. C. Cameron, the well known Western political leader, who was sup posed to be at the point of death • few days ago, is now recovering, and though weak bids fair to regain has accustomed health. Our contemporary says that the favorable change in Mr Cameron's enn- detion was almost as sodden as his pre- vious prostration. It wil! be good news to who appreciate the ability and courage of the sad parliamentarian. PaltHIELL DitlIENCE IrtirD —A couple of months since Mr Joseph Williams undertook to ream a subscription in Goderich towards aiding in defraying the expenses of Mr Parnell in the Timer enamors*, case, and in • short time had the pleasure of placing $100 to the credit of the fend. Some time sines be had the privilege of forwarding that amount to Mr Justin McCarthy, M. P., to be devoted to the mese which all true Irish- men, irrespective of party or creed, hold dearly at heart. In this connection we might state that eontribetions were aleo given by natives of other countries in this section. The Kniesbridge contri- bution was forwarded. via Montreal, by Mr Joseph Grille, seen of Ashfield township. Hmisweet —A most interesting dire - sway took plate at the reeidestes d our townsman, Mr Abraham Smith, being Ube marriage hie seenad daughter Libby, to Mr D. Morris, of Devils Lake, Dakota, formerly of this town, at 11 30 a. et, Wednesday, Feb. 21Ith. About sixty relatives and frimide shared la the festivities of the occasion. The bride was nand becomingly arrayed in sapphire Wee sattn,assided by her yoeseest salter, who were a very pretty eriMa of pale blue boorish. doth; With serried etrewinite betted& The crones wee assisted by Mr Wm Smith, brother of the bride. At the 0. T. R. omens quite • gatharies smembled to may goodbye express good wishes to the ham temple. who lett no the 4 p m. train for North Diskette, Oa Mew sad St. Laois, R. R. The Swint joiee with thane teeny °Mda eri friends in wishing the young people a very prosperous and happy fitters. p .ntre wae pr eft 1 turtle e• • DUNGANNON, From our own correspondent. We presume that tieing to the severity ot the weather and trail,: en the roads being very heavy, and discourag- ing Mr R. R. Sal!riw's dissolving view entertainment announced for Friday '22nd inst., did bet rake place. SO far as we can learn, none were dime- pointed on account of Mn Bellows not putting in an appearaiice under the circurnesoces. Foilay and Sitordey Of last week were very cold and Money days, so much an that the Royal Mail did tvit put in en appearance for those two days ; conse- quently outside events were unknown In us, the principal topic being what has become of our mail eerrier. However on Monday morning he appeared in our village on hie way to ()Aerie+. His ap- pearance with the mail was pine a pleas- ing event, as all concerned were anxious to hear of and know what was transpir- ing in other parts of the country. On lest Sabbath the pulpit of Erskine church here was occupied by Rev. W. F. Cam bell, the pastor Rev D. G. Came- ron being away front home. The rev trentleman took fur him text the 13th chapter of Corinthians sad 12.11 verse, from which lie expatiated laroe'y on the duly of Christiana, of course true Christians, to love all MOO, even their enemies, as exemplified by the Great Exemplar and head of the church. We presume we are correct in stating that Saturday night last was the coldest, ma the thermometer registered 21 de- gree. below zero. Mn, Willie, relict of the late Mr Wil- lis, of Ashfield. has, with her tin deuihters, moved into nor village tis re- eide. Poptiletion in this burg is rapidly increaser.. There is not a tenable house to be had, a• all such are occu- pied. On Monday last the tellowing gentle- men of this locality attended as tepee- sentstivee at the Reform Ctovention held et floderleit : Chas. Garvin, tar West Wawaisoeb, Thos. Anderson, of Ashfield, Heath Oirvin, deputy -reeve of Ashfleld, and Messrs Ront, Harrison, WilliasoLans respectively treasurer and township clerk of Ashfield. From soother enneepondent. 1 be Presbyterians of Dinigatinoe got the seeds' of always bevies( a good tea - meeting, and the reputation was folly sustained on Wedeeedey evening, 20th met. Tea was tweed ia the basement of the short+ from 6 p ma., and before the **disuse teem was fitled, benches having to be pissed in the aisles to se tommietediat all who ismer The passer. Rev. Mr. Cameros 'isotopiad the chair Addresses were delivered by Rev H Iroise, Mr liforriene,herrieter, Leeknow, Reg W. F. Campbell and Dr Otos. The einaimil pert of the entertalenieet was provided by a soled eh et from Leek now. The desire by Miss Berry aid Mr Ker sea alew by Messrs Steetere mod Muted wet, mated birth spatial IspOWIlee. The reseed* s.ountqd to *Wei re. A FORTY-NINER. land Sodiug • pair of bones tied • light I WRIT HURON REFORMERS. wawa, so were soon all ready to start. 1 he day being hoe nearly the whole town OVetitand to California in 49 !,7,aurebe'711,.1`il'owilL ii. ad!, wmar atisilemruirptee,aa I cetera and rouse even t,u to Clinton. The ttielletuvut at this tune was so groat a: the bibulous reports received that, in bidding us goodnye, all kinds of wish.. and surmises were expressed that at our return, we eertaiely would reatnire an addition to be built to the Omsk to hold Stir hordes of gold we should bring with us. Reaching Clinton, we stayed for the mote at Bill R 'Heathery's, where • gener- al farewell reify took place, and I tins just afraid that cooler the circumstances, as at • a. fashionable in them drive, that health* ware dreek without any regard to our heads in the morning. Pushing na tre sere at London next evening, putting up at Tom B'etkirell'oand leaving the next day for Chatham, where we arrived without any special nieoleut tektite place tieru we stayed for over a week our party heiog largely no -reseed by the : A getatiemitis mimed Amy - a lawyer by proteastoo, as hoe a linos as .-v.'r stopped, also Dick [howl. • saddler, Harty iriah, Dan Mclioita141, ,1114d a Fr 11C.1,11% a 11•111119.1 'CI C iso Mei Limy a good olace t,t Crag ties., to procure att.! cc vordove ' • it. our stock of horses, waggites slid nem, ao hat on :el -tit e.f an :6.. 1 Until:. some h.11 di Zion ?earns wnen we dr•oe out id the titan for Windsor. The people were all astir at our departure as it Was C in- indered oleo of the event* of the tinie.m.d many a hearty cheer and warm good-bye WAS shouted to us as Ma enritiuued on our course. Graptak- Narrative et a Trip acres. the .aataeol an old rinses- err wade. farts tenetS, at Keerwits Prams ' saber retain. hepar lore BY THOat DARE. • the mantel wash if ',wooer of illy old friend., air- have repeatedly aikri an,, to give an account of ivy trip to tee gold Ii. ids f, ity years ago, whets vs..oteuient vier at its highest pitch, I will now eudeavor to do an, out keeping ese. timjJ aeylititg Wet moored ot the tune, and then 111/111g lad no. 111 the Pei elita.rhood who to OJT party, whom I can refer to,tt sill readily be seen abet Mb -mines 1 ith..:1 hi,ve to contend anti an complying with weir wishes. Therefore all I can promise to do wail entnely depend oil any memory, sloch as it may much • il b I f I 'Liter Me, I must tot: at Coe SAWN M LIO any amount of iteluluenee o far psiloe , errors, •111./11.1 ,.;.dnitatak.s, *loch under the cionsiutemit-us not uoilookitisto iy occur • the date my narrative alludes to, a journey to Cal:forties over the plains, a as a long and tedious undertaking, occupy nig ae at did five oe iouthe from tee tame itileft home ens 10* arrived at the prom- ised heel As the rotate lay through , country inhabited by numerues bands of !entitle lun duto and add atinuels, west/int vigilance is as imperative by day, w hale a regular inortary system hed to be observed by night, so as tu ha always on toe t 1.1 wale of sarpriet by ata enemy. ProViSi c...atitur unman*, tree:lame and a host of ether articles had to be carried stun us, largely increa.ing the expense and termitic ad the outfit. Let 114/ .,u- fOr nonn uent Itua,rie that the journey we were about to make, [embeds of the features of • picnic '.r characteristic* ,al a plueeoire eicursioni. Oa the collraey,it was fraught with diffi- culty and gauger at entry step, and re- quired a stout heart, a strong arm and • coat head to face the numerous on idaeles, Cotist &fitly to e rust with Great rivers had to he forded, deuce explored, withoat a blaze to point the way, while ellantic mountains stood hatfore,us, like an &minimal -no ()timer to our progress. Just at ties time tzrrilde reports were being received of the liightful sefferings of a large party who he'd gone out the year before us ; overcome a. they were by a violent 0.1oW storm, completely stopped by the lintuenee drilla', their o provuen• ran out cimmeiting them, as ss their strength remanind, self - Slat on route, hems and even gram dug out of the d.:ep snow. Starting out about a hundred 840..4, &Acme, stairs lion and death a., reduced their ranks that tete than half their number reached their deattuation, who,. dreamed fai rags, with lean, atteliusted form., prutruding ere.; and tarok and faltering voice, were with great ditticutty able to tell their tale of we sod enrnoir, which equalled in every respect the incomes of site inhum- an monsters who claim the...lends of the South Pacttic fur their home. Fortunaou ely or trip was tolerably free from any very motions mishap. and in all candor I mast admit it had to it many a bright and cheerful *eject, as we bad a number of capital fellows fen mins, pensions, mud ninnypaniona, a lauehable ilicid•iit took place, whin, practical jukes were good-naturedly plated, which kept our spirits op whets the thoughts home and friends would trremettialy force 'hous- ewives upon us. It Doty not be annals, for a moment, to compare the fotegoing with the luxury of travellizer at the present day. Mat - hideout railway carsoirraneeti with every comfort anti couvenience for both eating and sleeping, allowing you to partake of dinner of tour or hie courooes, with a deheious enp of the products of the island of Jere, or • bottle of that cele- brated stuff brewed oh the banks of the Liffey. At night ye turn into a gorgeous conch with its rich and handsome hang - 1 • sags, pursuing all the time year pleas- ant journey at the rate of forty mites an hour, the result of whish is you will tiaad yourself poring over the old his- torical gold held, to the greet Facial slope, and wake up amazed and delight- ed, in full view of this splendors at the Golden Gate in as many days as it took es this to accomplish. Ti, begin my story as in what indorsed toe to leave Godermh in search of wealth, I will briefly state the causes. Early in April Tuna Watkins received • letter from a friend ie California asking hie. to aim* out to the ceontry, sod as Lancaster and myself soot' walking down West street, we met him impolite Videide biaisksmith shop. He at once stomped es to go. Lancaster replied at onesooying I will go it Dark does. With- out a word of thought I at one., gave hies my pennies I would do so. As we both, had just gone out of business—he oat of the eld *knish hotel and I oat of the old frame heem, afterwards esespied by Ties Kinith—ere really had nothing jest thea to bind us to the plass, and as we both relished the pros - pest of adventure and poesubly • .nite- thing substantial at the mid of the jeseary, the ingestive was a gond seems so get away. is a few days our party wee impressed by the addition .14 Tama Myles and Tom Woodliffa. Taking about two weeks to get my family mt- ded,ceeeistieg ef wife and fame children, Ti Si co:411'11.-ED. A RAILWAY HORROR. ▪ Graad Trawe Express Drees Thrusts • Sr ,Getatine, Feb. 27. —The St Louis express tram running Peat on the !DWI line of the Great Western Division of tbe Grand Trued( railway, emit with • tern - rile accident at this point as she was passing through at lightniug speed. The large .s.ti bridge about three quarters of a guile 'tough Goliapeed. carrying with it the latter part of the train, consisting of the dining car, a Pullman and a first- class coach. The rest of the train el. -wis- e d in safety. Of those three, care two fell to the ground, namely, the dining car and the coach, while the Pullusan hangs sospended from the bridge, which brokeabout the fourth strand from theend, end. 'rhe bridge is an iron trestle with stone abutments, abut 301) feet long. The occupants of the two cars, which were pretty well crowded, WHILE HURLED itlitOW to a depth of over 6J feet, and most of them who were not killed outright were inangted in a shocking Manlier. The °umber of killed as far as learned is ten, whits the wounded will probably reach the number of thirty. One car, the rear one, upended and took fire. The other two escaped that, but were nevertheless broken up very badly. The scene this awful catas- trophe is a moat heartrendering one. All available means are being taiten In &Mord aid to ti the scrers, decently dis- pose of the dead and clear easy the street. The following is the Let of vic- tims, as far as known : THE KILLED. W. M. Wemp, London. E. It. Baines, Loudon. Geo Learcatt, Mitchell. A W. Francis, reeve of Woodstock. Dr Swan, Woodstock. Mise ?door*, Brantford. Joseoh Peers. W sodstock. Mr McLean, Detroit. Harry Anil e, fireman. A waiter, name nektiown. Tilt INJL'ititm. 4.0 They Meet In tenveasten la lioderrek are 'Gera 011atreee. Toe &nutlet alerting of the West Wa- ren Reform Association was held to the Young Meal's Liberal hell on Si 'relay afternoon. Despite the bad roods, there Was a good represeoluillois of 4.111110a1411411.. Tin/ fullowiug 'Oboes were elected : President, Choi Garvin, er. W Whara• mach, 1st vice-eresialmit, Wm Mallouith, Dungannon ; 21 vice president, Robert, Holmes, Cinema ; secretary. R Harri- gan', Itelfast ; treasurer, E. Mertes,, Goderich. After a local org 'nixie bed boon ap- mmited for each inume‘pality, the fol - hieing reea lutiiiii• were submitted and Carried illialiinsi•U•ly. Hated by Pr Sloan. Blyth. seconded by J. Washineton, tioderisch. We, the Reformers of Want Huron in cleaves - titan assemb'ed, embrace this opportuni- ty of expressing our confidence in the leadership of II .ii Wilfred 11.111raft who. during the Si ete that he has cccupsed this position. has densenstrited has ad- mirable fitness therefor, and won the sympathies of all the members of the great Liberal party. Moved by W. H. Moms, Colborne, seconded by Hugh Girton. Ashtield, that. the Reformers of West Huron at their annual couventioa damn orlon more to express their full conbdenee in the lead- ership ef Hon Oliver Mowat, We have watched closely the action of the Local Government in the pest, and heartily endorse the constitutional menus by which the autonomy of oar province has been secured and held by the uses whom we delight to honor as the great- est constitutional lawyer and successful statesman that Oman, has produced. We pledge ourselves to °meaner to work for the interest of our Province, an& the omatinuance in power of the admit.- istntion under his Ptemiership. Ws further desire to express our wedding& in Hon A. Si Rees, our local ruemabew. who t.a• proved so able and ettisient a member of the Oatario cabinet. Moved by Jas Mahatry, Port Albert, secetidsd by D. McGallicadey, We desire to place on ref -Nod one hearty approval of the principle of unrestricted Recipro- city with the United States, and pledge ourselves to support in every legitimate way the furtherance of this great quire tram, which ahem can give to all Gleams& of the community the measure of pros- penty which is essential, and we also. cordially spprove of the efforts that have already been taken by the Liberal lead- ers and press to bring thia question pro- perly before the peeple. Moved by Jo& Smith of Clinton se- conded he W. Lane, of Ashlield, That this meeting dee:rse to express its plea- sure at the complete restoration to health of Mr M. C. Cameron, our OK me.nber, and one who has pieced hie name to the fere front of Canadian Liberals. It is with the greatest thankfulness that we see hint once more an the enjoyment of good health, wide the prospect of again bearing the Liberal standard to victory in West Huron. Spirited addressee were then given by Hots A. M. Roes and Mr U. C. Ornate!. • i on. The latter gentleman in particular spoke hopefully of the future of the West Riding, so far as the Liberal cause was cuncierned. An enquiry being made as to the caus- es which led to the dropping of the pie- tist against Mr Perter after the last election, explanations were made by Messrs Cameron and McGiiliceddy, which were deemed so satisfactory that it was Moved by Mr John Washington, esoonded by Mr Joseph McClusky, and :carried ustanimeus!y, that this oonvea- tion heartily approves of the melon of the pc -idea oiontnottee under the ca.- , eumetancee, mid redone their &Olio& ! throughout. The convention then adjourned. Miss McLeod. Ingersoll DC N LOP, Mary Cherie, Pontiac, Mich nem our own correanondnat. Janet Hyslop, bticklayer and piaster. John Frost sank 20' below zero Sao - or, Goderich John McKinley, Detroit, Fred Huiciack, London. Thai N Demi:wry. lecturer. John H. Wilson. Chatham. George Matteotti'. Niagara Falls. R Hilton, St. Catherine,. Mr McLaughlin, L lodon. Wm Remedies", itemise, Mich. D. H. lesquesne Cleveland. IA', Vincent, Pori.. H. Jirthnston, Windsor. D. D. Coiner. Niagara Fella. Mitre Andrew.. Lambeth. Mrs Leridall, Detrrit. Mr and Mr. Marshall, DuerNeeist. Mn Reigns, flemittim. Mn Martin, Wi-widatAiek. Mr Knight. Weedstock. Mr Kern, Woodstock. Mrs Higgins, Toronto. AUCTION SALES. AI parties itettiapt their sale MIN proved et tele envie will ger a tree notice Inserted la Ski. list up to the time of sale. Ferm stook and implements. property rif Teams. Pennington, Blair lane, let sea., Hayfield road, Onderiuh township, 7 miles from Gesimich. en Teeeday, March Sth, at 1 o'elock, p. ea. Job. Knox, sectioneer. Choice farm for sale by auction, east half of lot 14, solo West Wsweaselt, 100 amnia, estate of late John Feeler, at Martin's hetet is the Title", of Dattgan• Sewn. en Taileday. March h. 14010. at 1 n'eloek p. Juke Kraleoffii, aigaiwn- ern. 1.,f • otoiteiteiffem Egaglialfinatio;tr at, day morning, causing quite $ run no tho woodpiles to turn hint hack to the right temperature above zero in the houses. In spite of Saturday's weather a pope - ler buyer was out from the circular tows. IIo mission was baying up Dome turkeys which foretold that a maiden fair of the North-. Methodist church wiltild short- ly return with a (comer Giaderich knight to his new Irene iii Dot0000 to oboes the joys of this life. Our thaitia are again due to the Rev D. McGillivray, the yeuthful missionary in China. for a copy ol a Ceineee news- paper. The paper us if a lighter teeter, than the Japanese papers sent to ea some weeks ago, ant as wide and big as any of the city daises we have mast thee are printed in the Dominion, the British Isles or Uncle Sasi's domains. If we could read it we might see what its editorials said shout the Sir -Inks Government. the new President of lie - ale Sam, and what was now thoeght 4 O'Briesa's tenable@ in the Old Sod, KINTAIL. Freya net ewe cerreseetelest. During the last week 6 MettilISIF blissard has prevailed and lei di midis needy irepenable. Mr. T. Ford, ef Dakota, and hie ono -in, Mew Kite Fel, of Teckerensido abs here been visiting trim& here foe the. pest few weeks, left fur their hoer ea Morasy last No doubt Mr F.,rde departure wail he deeply regretted by some of our Ilea sex, bet aseesialty nage. who resides not far from K mud. • 4