The Huron Signal, 1889-2-22, Page 3RAISING AND FATTENING DELVES.
r . Vsemsss► "Cris Psesaera Mane Newsey
te m.lateg boor Cattier' C.,wdesed.
It is still aquesti n whether the Ameri-
can farmer can make anything In rafs-
tug and fatt•uuig beef tattle. A good
many farmers in the utter Mates are
quite confident that they can wake Rowe
mammy in buying b or 8 -tear -old steers in
autumn, or early winter, feeding them
their fodder and grain until they are
=marketable beeves and then selling
to the butcher, who are equally
confident tout they could not rake anv-
t raising their own (ahem feed-
ing them
inuntil between 2 and 8 years old
and then melting thea as beef.
We have little doubt, says American
Rural Horne, that tunny farmers tail to
make raisutnngg calve* for beef profitable
by their methods of doing it, win, might
effect very different results if they prac-
ticed the very beet method:.. If they en
fetal and care fur their calves that for
lung intervals they are making no
growth, no increase in weight, th.•y are
net receiving proper returns for arch
fled as th y Ore then ut such times.
Worse than this, many calves and steers
are so mired for that they actually fall
away, lose the h sometimes for a eeks sad
months together during droughts or se-
vere wintery.
In considering this subject we ought
not to lose eight of one fact, that a great
prortion of tete pleat food in the feed
consumed by an animal on the farm
is left on the farm in its exerewents.
All that is carried off I. that which is
contained in the carcass, finally Mill to
the butcher. Thu greatest wast in rei- i:ig
calves for beeves is in the waste el the
manure which he voids. When he ru::b
in the manure the greater portion of hie
excrements are saved, but not altogether
in the way in which tiny will do the
most good; in spots they will lie in too
great quantities, while in other arts of
the pasture there will be a detciency.
But the Greatest lens, of plant food orcure
iht the winter, when the animal is in
stable cr- barnyard and proper means are
nut useo to preserve all the droppings.
both solid and timid. Every farmer
who thintr of rearing and fattening
stuck eb.ul.t study very thoroughly the
art of ht mbanding and using manure.
11 managed right every animal will re-
turn a goat 'sunhat of the coat of hha
feed is manure.
Thequeoe.tio n of profit in rearing Calves
depends is a great measure upon the calf
itself. If he as a good. large. sound ani-
mal. of a vigorous r' :urtitutron, dem:end-
ed from a Wee Fe.. of hardy. vigorous
ancestors noted for their teatime: to lay
en flesh, he will be touch inure liLely to
pay for his keep than if be is a feeble
ex -rub, descended from ancestors of like
constitution and character. Hence we
must conclude that the answer to the
question of the pada of rearing calves
for beef depends largely upon the calf
end the way to is treated from birth to
Dir e•tlen:, for Khtppiag Poetry.
The following directions far rhippi' g
poultry to market are furnished by the
v: ell known oomuussioa firm of New
York. E. ot 0. Ward:
Poultry should he entirely cold, but
not Im?4'n, befcre beingked. if
packed with any of the animal heat in
it, at is almost sure to Toil. Slight
freezing does not greatly insure the sale,
Nat hard freezing. eapeeially when it pro-
duces disnoloratf-in, reduces the value 25
to 50 per cent. Boxes containing about
=(D) pounds are the best packages. Bar-
youi way, however, be one!: they are
better fur tide -kens and ducks than for
turkeys and geese, as the larger kinds
get gent and twisted out of Rha(tgkin
them. For packing, um only Wry
clean, dry and threshed wheat or rye
straw. Place a laver of straw in the but. -
tom of the slicka',e, then slternate
layers of poultry and straw. et,wirg
very snugly, bucks upward and legs out
etrairl:t, filling so full that the werece�
will draw .town ?measly upon the et
tents, keeping them firmly in plane.
Ala aye put the (titterer: kinds in sc•p-
arat. packages, .and mark the kind on
the cosier. 7lme -ally our hest markets
Ger poultry are Thanksgiving. Chriatluas
and New Year's. Turkeys sell well at
either of those occasions, but beat at
ThfteNew rk iv►ng. aspic Mall largeones.
After eYear s small turkeys selll
better than large. (horse sell Inst at
Christmas. and chickens at New Years.
Lots shipped for thew special occasions
oho el arrive in sufficient time before the
event to meet the hest rale: Poultry that
arrives too late often meets a very poor
eun3ower Read fee lie ,,a.
According to an Australian c' change,
a half pint of sunflower enrol given to a
horse with the other feed each morning
:nil night will keep him in better health
and latter spirited than be will be with-
out it, while his hair will he brighter.
When a saddle horse is required to be
pnz'ticularly sprightly he may be given a
pint of sunflower seed with Lis oats at
night, and half as much in the morning.
He will be found more active and
sprightly through the day, and conso-
qucntly be more pleasant to the rider.
After a little use horses become foci of
sunflower seed.
Thiess That Are Told.
American Cultivator mays: "It is not
natural for the hog to live on the exclu-
sire ration of concentrated food that is
usually given when they aro fattened.
Undoubtedly corn in the ear is very fat-
tening, but hogs have digestive or-
gans equal to itsd � 'The avidity
with which corn lea hogs will eat char -
c oal shown that their stiomache are out
of order, and the alkali is eaten to cor-
rect the acidit,. But it is far better to
prevent this condition than to cure it.
When cream is colder than the ear -
rounding air, it takes up moisture and
impurities from the air. When the air
it colder than the cream, it takes up
moisture and whatever escapee from the
cream. In the former came the cream
Purifies tbo surrounding air: in the latter
rase the air help to purify the cream.
The !election of a creamier dtrrttkl hinge
en what is moat dadred- hco
oor greatest coovemdenoo and economy hi
time, space and labor, says Prot. Arnold.
l A New York
rale fon hip down the
melting mod paokt:i,q.7��
butter: cream as see. as tis mill
regale to be sweet.. At every akhieaoiug
mix all the cream. When
ready or eharnlug In amnion, the tow
pastrye should not be below at dep. at
alarm tit deem WW2 the batter in odd
water until all the white particle.
pear. Hell with cos and a halt onsets
of Ashton mak tot e poeoad. Let finned
m• cool
ors£ l twenty -floor honk VMS
e arae g LII
iith spacious
hove good erd=
twater is laaedatl.
flaaligbt is este of the hest duinfeet-
•ats. The wocr..bes that muse deanmell
du but diminish ie strung surwhine. It
also has the advantage of bug cheap.
Clean oilcloth with a wet towel pinned
over a miff broom, and rub with a lng,
sweeping no kw- To polish It we w
mixture ••f quay lilies of Insetted
• beware£ avid turpesattus, and have it
rubbwl it. sell.
See that )our kitchen stove bee •
thorough cleeo g tusrde and out every
two, or three seeks. Mary times stove.
Ries blamed for not drawing or t.skene
w ell whets they are clogged up with
C..l.l drinks as a rule, Increase the
feverish condition of the mouth and
stomach. Sud so create thirst. Exper-
ience show• it to be • feat that hot
drinks relieve thirst and "cool o6" the
body when it b in •u abnormally heated
woodmen, better than tog cold drinks.
binge which ars to be broken into
water should not be broken into boiling
water, as the motion destroys their
shape ; bat let the water be as hot as
possible without hemline, and let Own
stand several minutee on the back of the
stove. They will then be soft but fire
all through.
When white mat tile slabs and mantles
gat, take very strong soap -
loos and mix it to q.ucklsme till it is
about like milk, sold spread the mixture
on the marble ; clean It eff with soap
and water after twenty four hour. tine.
and rub the marble with due putty pow-
der and olive oil.
(ilasa article( can be so annealed by
being boiled in water mixed with caw
mon salt that they wail not easily break
from sudden changes et temperature
They should be put in cold water, and.
after being well boated, the water should
be allowed to carol slowly bef ore t•kine
them out. Crockery, porcelain and
stoneware can be made more durable by
the same process.
le a severe sprain of the ankle im
mere. the joint as sono as possible in ■
tail of hot water, aid keep it there fur
fifteee or tamely minutes. After re
moving it keep it bandaged with hot
cloths rung out of water, or rum and
To keep varnished wood looking fresh
and bright rub it thoroughly with oil
fent time to time. Only • little en
mast be used, end that should be care-
fully rubbed is till it seems to be all
rubbed Otherwise it will catch
dust, and the last orate of the wood will
be wore* than the est.
ILlar,a is due to microbes, which
reach their victims either from tie air,
by ichalation, or from drinking water
which has absorbed them. Boil the
water, avoid the night air, sleep in the
higher moms of the house, and guard
against all excesses•.
Potatoes hashed and browned.- There
are a great many delicious ways of serv-
ing potatoes, which are very acceptable
to those who have wearied with
plain belled and stewed. They are es-
peciall) delicious hashed and browned.
Hash coarsely a quail of add bulled pt.
Woes, sprinkle them with salt and
pepper. Put a tablespoonful of butter
in a saucepan ; when it melts stir in a
taelese.sinful of flour. Stir till brown,
then add a cup of stock. Stir till smooth
and add the potatoes. Cook them five
or six minutes and set them back. Put
a large tablespoonful of butter in an iron
spades and when the butter is very hot
peer in the potatoes and set the spider
where they will brown on the bottom.
in about fifteen or twenty minutes fold
like an omelet and serve at once. A cup
of any brown gravy oso be used in place
et stock.
Beef crcquettee -Take one pound of
cold beef from the previous day's rust
or stew. Mince it tine. Add a temp on -
fool of salt, and half a teaspoonful of
pepeer. Squeeze a little lemon and
grate • teaspoonful of onion over it.
Put three tablespoonfuls of butter in a
saucepan over the hutted part of the
lire, Whop the butter tants, stir in a
tablespoonful of flour. When this is
frothy, add gradually a cup of soupstock
or gravy. If you have not either, tae
a cup of milk. When this mixture boils
add the meat and seasoning. Boil to-
gether two minutes. Then break in an
egg and stirs only till it is mixed. Set
away, and when the mixture is cold,
shape it into croquettes with your hand,
roll it is sag and sifted breed -crumbs,
and fry in hot lard two minutes.
Veal Salines. -Mince fine the remn-
ants of a shoulder of stuffed veal, using
any pieces cf stuffing that may remain.
Sisson wtth sage, summer savory and a
little minced parsley, with salt and
pepper. Brood the whole together with
the white of an egg, dig in the yolk of
an egg and fry like any sausages in a
pan with • little battier. They are de-
licious served with tomato sauce, or with
no sauce at all.
Devilled Mutton. -Take ors slices of
sold mutton, slash them, rub them with
mustard, salt and pepper, finally rub
them with oil or melted butter and lay
them away fur an hour. Whim ready
to cork them away for an hour. When
reedy to cook them, dredge them lightly
with flour, put them in a double budder
and boil them over • clear firs tall slight-
ly browned.
Ragout of Cold Iamb. -Cot the lamb
in small pieces from the bone --about a
pint bowl full. Place the bone is
enough cold water to cover it. Let it
some to a boil and simmer in this water
for about tweet, minutes or half an
hoar, with a small onion and • shoe of
carrot if you wish. Put a tablespnoe-
fel of hotter in a saoeepao, stir into it
when melted a tablesgooefel of floor,
and strain ever this the water from the
lamb bone and vsgetablea Let this
seiatere sense to a hail, add a shopped
piskle er alive eraal et
spas, as Tea al..y, ad 1y the
meat. Brine the whole to the boiling
paint /ease• with oak sad p.ppea sad
Move M wish
A Iwo este
Arend ,ash bottle of Dr Chase
LMr Owe is a medical gate and reship
bosh ee.Mial g useful lnlavnetioa. ever
foo ressipse, sad presoeseed by dealso
and drwlgiets as worth tea times the
'est el the inedtsine. ireditna and
hash $1. Bold by all druggists
the gera•tity of hash required lh not I
turn at lu a aauu.pen at uses, tet add
the ssa•ussiiie and the liquid required
while in the oeopprug bear. A savory
well seasoned hash should be quite
mutat. Place an rue Spider cover the
Ike and. When is u very heat, mid •
tablespoonful of butter. Whet. the
incited butter oa'vrre the bottom of the
pan peer in the hash carefully, spread-
ing it ui a thin cafes. Pleas the spider
over a lid where it will brown slowly,
but sill mut burn Let it oo..k la 'hie
way for half an hour. At the end of
this time lew,wu it frog the bottom with
• pancake teener and hold over like an
omelet. It should be entirely ou,eted
by a rich brown creel,
Browned Hash. - Mies sad *sane FUN AND FANCY.
• Moen arida ttttemtag-
A boon std • blessing to mankind is
Ilagyard's fellow (lel, the treat pato de-
stroyer smd healing remedy for external
and internal we. Yellow Oil cures all
&ebbs and pains, rheumatism, lame back,
sore throat, creep, drafuese, cramp,
contracted cords and lamnuw. Procure
it of ycur druggist. 2
Don't fail to write on retentiag home,
and •spreee your pleasure in the visit.
reaawwnpeaee levet, gond.
To Tea Eiarua :-Please inform your
readers that 1 have a po.itiae remedy for
tine above named disease. By its timely
use thuusemis of hopeless cases have
been perinaneutly cured. 1 shall be glad
ten send two bottles of my reined, free
to any of your readers whip have con-
sureptie.n, if they will wad me their Ex -
peons and P. O. address.
Respectfully, Da. T. A. Sheeru.
Iy 37 Yong. Si., Tomato, Ont
Never detail family secrets learned
front a lengthy visit. -That every closet
has its skeletons is truer, alae ! than we
Romeo/nes thick. A casual acquaint-
ance seldom sous behind the door ; a
visitor sometimes has glimpses of what
her tiered would „sadly keep to herself,
It way be evidences of dissipation in
busbaod and son, a tendency of sharp
words (ram mother or cold, pinching
poverty, or respectable make -shifts that
the world kn.oas nothing of -whatever
it may be, if the secret is yours only by
virtue ..f your entrance into the home
life, it should be sacred. Your friend
baa taken you into her ' holy of holies-
-enter it not with irreverent feet, bruin
out bon it a thoughtless tongue.
nem aesaarkable Still,
Found at last, what the true pail s
has been looking for these many years
and that is a medicine which aahough
hut lately introduced, has made for
itself • reputation second to none, the
medicine is Jthrsou's Tunic Bitten
which in conjunction with Johnson's
Tonic Liver I'iils has performed some
most wonderful cures impure or tm-
poverished blood soon bac tie purified
and enriched. Billiousoees, indigestion,
si.:k headache, liver complaint, languor,
weakness, e•c , soon disappear she%
treated by these excellent tonic medi-
cines. Fur Sale by Gocd, druggist, Al-
bion block. Gs/detich, sole agent. for
The (risk Tena eroaa League Jou m a',!
says : The question raised by the Rev
Charles Garrett, about the employment
of giro in public houses, is well worthy
of the imitation of philanthropists and
legislators. He says there are 200,000
girls employed in public houses in the
United Kingdom, and •one of these,
perhaps teeny of them, ate kept "120
hewn per week in the foetid air, " while
mill girls, by Act of Parliament, are only
%Bowed to work fifty elven hours per
week. In Victoria, the Temperance re-
formers refuseee to allow barmaids to be
employed, but our Psrliameut at home
seems unable to devote attention to such
erotical matters as the health and morals
of the people. Probably the Hoene of
Lords would forbid such legislation even
if her Majesty's faithful Cumn.ons cared
to take the matter op. In our judgment
there u no speedier way of ruining,
morally, a young girt than to put her in
a public -house, or behind a bar. Her
customers are mostly of the sort that can
only corrupt her, and if there be any
truth in the ancient maxim about evil
communication• corrupting good man-
ners, she is indeed in an evil case. This
as another argument against the existence
of the public -house. Employments that
inn only tend to the demoralization of
all who are in them ought to be swept
Maw a UNecaosbt fold.
A slim young man in the height of
fashion was violently sneezing in a street
oar, when a companion remarked, "Aw,
Chastise, desk boy, how d'ye eat`h that
dwealful ould.'"Air, dash fellah, left
my came in the lower hall tether day,
end in soaking the ivory handle, so
dweadful cold, it chilled me almost to
death." If Charles had used Dr. Har-
arvey's Red Pine Gum his cold would not
trouble him very much. For sale at J
R ileon's prescript on drug store, tf
No ono 11aa yet estimated the amount
of villany that may he peat up in a loaf
of bad bread or imprisoned in a pepper
bot. A sagacious parent discovered
sow's milk to be • better meam of
managing refectory boys than tow's hide,
sobstir•ttng the kind create,.', material
fluid for herself as well es her hide ; and
it may be that a east deal more of the
venality of older persons than any one
is aware of is born of the rare reset, sad
bloody steaks whisk °oaatitute the staple
died of the aeesige Amorisai.
The much talked of millennium will be
*obtained by the preaeble* eta eraseds
again* "those fleshly lusts whisk war
against the soul," of whisk eels et the
most b•aefol, begun, it ie fendateensal.
is the lest of appetite. the gratileNsos
of leeriest. whisk are depraved, where-
by all others evil appetites and morbid
instisate are melted sad esaggersted to
tistrinteat of those finer qualities of
mind ead heart whish are the real dis-
tiwetion between man, the maslerplees
of the (Meat Artist, ma "the besets that
pseis►, "-aesd Health.
Yistaris Certielie Salve is a great all
be laserual medieise is the treatment et
smeadeu a ewes, s'oet s end aks-wis et
ell Nal• 1a
'A LIMN aenseess New and Oboe, le on.
£tette/ y She Wien« d Una.
"Mamma. I know it's true oboist the
gulden streets in heaven." "Why, bow
do sem iwaw, Maud I' '•Bee,u.e, when
I aas ort dock eilk her.. lass atilt
Wooer hail( rissole a £sots41 suit the sky
split clew across, mod then I saw the
gold sloshing throwah."
A weaeerresiteraaa_
The lareeet organ, aa' "ns that plays
a mean. fling part on the health of the
body is the liver. If torpid or ►motive
the who!. system becomes diseased.
Dr. Chase's Lever Cure is made specially
bra Liver and Kidney diseases, and is
guaranteed to. cure, Reerpe book acrd
medicine •L Sold by all dreggwa,
Ethel-' I really think you ought to
buy we that overlie, Henry ; you err -
tedium are well able to afford it." Henry
(Mdem,ly) -"I sin, Elhei,l am, It's not
the 'martini i care about ; that's a mere
trifle. Its the enoremus eapeu.0 of
camphor is raising, taoo."
Kure Thera A Chaser.
That is to say, your longs. Also as
your hreithus( wsehmn.ry. Very woe
derful machinery it is. hot only the
larger air pw•ageya, but the t;te:u,an,is of
little tubes and cavities leading ft on
When these are e! -'geed and chocked
with matter whuch .ought slot t•, be there,
your luogs peau, t half du there cork.
And whet they de, they cannot di.
Call it add, cough, croup, pneumonia,
catarrh, consumption or any of the
family of throat and nose and bend ams
Ii,g oi,structu,rts, all are bad All
ought to be got rid of. There is jnsi
our sure way to get rid of theta. that
is take Iwoehee's German Syrup, which
soy druggist will sell you at 75 out, a
bottle. Even if everythng else ha•
failed you. you may depend aeon this
for certain. eowly
It's better for de 'jority t.' men ten
stay in der place char day b' D.
dswherry vine .hien rem so lung after
its lifted erhove do groan'.
ale Never massed Attain
No "hardly ever' about it. He hcd
an attack of what People call "biiien.
mens,"seed tie smile was imp ssible. Yet
a man may "smile and smile, and he i.
villi, still, soil be vat to Villain, hut s
plain, blunt, hottest man, that marled d
reined! such as Dr Pierces "Present
l'a'trtiye Pellets,' which Hever fail b
sure beieuanews and diseased or torpid
ver, dyspepsia and chromic con•tip-
tiou. Of druggists.
If you want to hare a man fey a hien,"
never get the ill -will of his wife. Pub-
lic opinion is made up of the avera:te
prejudices of wumsekiod,
National Pills are a mild purgative,
acting car the Stomach, Liver and Bow-
els, removing all obstructions. lm
The virtue of prosperity is temperance;
the virtue of adversity is fortitude.
£hurt--Heli , Maria. I hare,'£ as e
you £stns\. 1 eul•I,,,se yore have beim
icy busy Marys. Yrs ; 1 have bee,
seemed ante a use it'sN. I lien .u, th.
•guar. now. - he ihst sot I'
.ave E toe a see taper ire°. 1.4' you. -
►Lrtw I', sit
0, P. �, BOOM
1 bore • large number of Dowses and Lots
and Yaa.-aat Lent, 1* the xtued de.trable parts
of the Town Wit DILE CND SP.
Now te the Om- .0 see or -e property before
the lfie ito-h. T:.r C. P. It i' vnun.g sale,
mod In a Mime tune priers well have &dram:0d
bryua.l the r. se•h .t town..
Call awl see List aid l'rwp hefvee punfias
it.t Wm- a w•..
it. RAI)CL.IRFI::,
Real Instate •a•t lir,eraL im...ranue Agent.
Odl. a West -tet., third 't.:yr Iroan. tagemre. t'. P.
It Tide.£ and Telegraph tltlka•. le-tL
Elnlocke all the elogoddavenues et the
Bonne* Kidneys gad Liver.
meed gradually mahout
system, all the impoefbitan d�Joni
humors of the secrenoost at the IEato.
lira' CorreOsist ci the
Stosnaob. oaring Billoumesse. Drs.
aral nobility ; all shoo and swap
othhpepprvv similar Complaints yieldyto the
-h]dlia00DleIMMER& BLT''
fluence of
L aluacI3 A ca. Prstel,t,r,, 'hood &
10000 PRESEM i S
to east Arl'mT'„Tc, a -DILA ievr i.8m
dhr m,.l+ay.
yr.-u..te' ,n•.. i.a rash aur..£•,
wore, Ti,.:.',nr c...L-..r. to
- tan...r eM. weal icy the
Bliss. axis's serene Power.
ut lir: red car. it. Ir..,r the
label a:.d prod it in a Liter
rtAtini; h ,-,r t opinion alts.
Lair trial. aQ 10..26
ee-.t a:e wit .eeure the gift.
Any trwcwr ,c .a--,kn--er•
h..... . where t,- sect •til u4.d
for by r.u.-AIJr.aa--
A SUR. cum[
FOR CIllousN[its, coNSTIpATtON,
anD Diseases er Tat
Tarr ANC Nno,Taowouca AND .anew
TO Susooca aloes a1TTtss Is Tat
PAS � aid war.
we Se MO. aria=
seas er arab , as
.arm .
Palm ee.r=�. w•..
cam am
_.�r M opal .Nee
be -
emir Ha am. a Se
Tam sa
i iw.r oho eros ern Oen
Oda is ems aeras no s m■asta sae raw tam ss era
ea. mar Is.. marl, 1, lay sorrarsar owl. gotweit� Mossass warmear is ars ruse R
Etc.. F.t�•.. at r.
Pi1$TIk61,101f Cf
T, 1,
Ea Cees
Cold a Nei,
Nasal yainagm
EASY TO USE. Into the throat
and esesedvs ezpeowrstfsa ceased by Ca-
tantk. field by Dements, or sent pre -pad as
rennet of prise, baa and $L Address
/IIiI.IrORO fk Om.. Ill retekvllle. Oat.
Larpst Cirealatioe ie Western Oatar:o
Free Press
Tha'•Yree Press" Is the only newspaper
the West reoeiv fag the AoolatlD
teeae Inose s
watches. it costars ALL Tag NEWS. by
Cable, Telegraph. Telephone and Mall up to
near of going to press. it Riva In each Naas
original sad valuable lnwstratNes et men sad
th1reg+. and Is the °sly newspaper U Canada
employing Its own anion.
The Weekly 'Tree Preen"
$1.e0 PER YEAR iYaTAOE Mtn.
RstaMtsAad Nearly Neff • Century,
" The Three Graces"
and "By the Llikeside"
Mom • beaatlfal Qllsstrated CYRiATMA$
NUMBER'ornprleing 1i peens, mesa
away Mee every euherris tor UMI.
88,000,00 IN PIi IIUI$.
Qsetwrlsiag Nese end ('Rebs AAblea,
awteleee to Aosta. T1M non l to
dismounts us,cared is Aewaie
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