The Huron Signal, 1889-2-22, Page 2•
, 1
;▪ `. .
int '
Ille Wizen, of legereoll, the well
hooey, weeny breedeo, ha. Pelt ea
!ideating his feels •t Bey City, Mini
where he appeare to have amide • cies.
sweep, taking fuer silver ceps, r. •
Pedal, thirteen teems* aid tweet- y-eigb.
dinner mad op ail •-teee course end pen
Wed Loreell to :see the none
The aunsouncement was a usual owe of
Ws Mud It aeld that a party of ths
Watameiree regiment had been out on the
search fur Doodle and had been surprised
lay an unusually large baud of these on
tme r Oboes, with the result of eusapiate
The appal roles for preserving od
eyeught play be sueeniansed thus: See!
that the lend is sentiment. and that ii!
falls properly open your seek, Never',
sit hieing It. It is beet that the Nth'.
.hold fall upon the work freer abet.' erl
babied. Aiding thta, it may fall 111,11l.
the side. Never um ib. eyes st twilight
Any artificial light ter the evening re
wood, if it be brilliant enough and steady.
Resdiug while riding in any
should be avieden. It roluires to great ..
*earthen of the secosnedetive puma I.
keep the eyes tiara on Om letters. Never
read "'hen king down ; it IS 1111. 111111/11•-,
log for the aucomintelative poser.
yes know. my dear," missing bee hoods
ere be set them fres.
Nancy put the hand which was steams'
W hew IVAL into his.
••Ilow geed you ars." she said. turning
round at LP *awe thee.- 'eJosee, will you
send out at QOM fur Dr. Davies? Don't
let then kee1113110Ceeet• Dean: you hare
errs7tlung ready foe toy father, hare you
i "Everything, °ma'am." said Darby, who
had been prepared fur trouble of this laud
from the nionient the young mistress had
told bun the last news of the young
eYou would like me to stay until they
'come. or le there anything that I cau do,
my deser asked ea tieurge. kindly.
**Old no. There is so little that any of
us can do," she answered, hopelessly:
leo"but do stay. please."
So Sir George drew her down on to the
ay couch. sheltered by the tell anneal
Preen. and togetber they waited during
rebel few patentee, that seemed m inter-
Mainably long. before the bound of the
I. earriege wae heard without.
Naturally enough. Derby was the first
to approach the cerriage. and as 60011 as
bis eyes fdl upon the helpless anti
motiouleas figure of his master. ho looked
...40000,0e over his shoulder at the butler end mid.
imperatively: ••Get Mies Earle out of
sight—it's paralysis."
1 I Thus bidden -domes did his test. but
Nancy was close behind Lim. ••l am
She liras for a minute or tiro too he-n*4 quite prepared for anything. Jones." she
_ 1 •
don only. indeed, Wig his erobrows 1 A PERFECT ELDORADO.
little as he met elaacet at epos
sebum figura.
But he did not go away Ile stood at
the foot of the bee .84 waited. But Dot
foe lung! The minute* passed slowilytabl
The little clock usi the dreseing
ticked steadily Oil. sod the hands pleated
heed on the Lour of midnight, no ese
moved or *Weed. Nancy sat just where
she had riet fur several hours, her hands
preened herd togethee but no sound es-
caping her lips or any tears falling from
her eyes_ And than the little clock began
to oblate the midnight hour, and ere the
twelfth tinizt..roke had rent the air, the
Th. Lard of Gaikeen Wealth Seems Sear
revs armor.
Hibbard Paulisou, interested in
pine and mineral lands, and Preateest
of the North Shure III iniug Centime,. is
wow stoppine at the Cadillac. Mr Paoli -
too bas gleaned kuowledge from same
risme in the mining regime' of the west,
sad ',papoose, hereefter to see the 1/111111111•
ad wealth Iwhich he seeks to develop.
Hume It was that be explored the wilds
referred to. Iles report shows a perfect
Eldorado. "Beginning with the Beaver
last of the tee had passed away, killed mine about 30 utiles west uf Peet Ar -
by tbs thews of harm to the sun who
never beau but • shame to him, mad with-
out word or look for the daughter who
wee only • girl, who was born au Fano.
yet an Earle that did nut amine
TO SI OWITS11178.6
Wass frees All ever rem -twain* the
In Texas during the past year, seventy
-hurefies adopted:the use of outer:mem-
ed vent fur communion
The docket at a recent court at Tope
ka, Kansas, was without a single cauti-
on case. Kansas has prehibition.
matey. however, the loss tin our side had waste Ouse trying to per:semi° me to go peninemer war,
The Duke of Wellington, during the
CHAPTER XXVIII. victory to the lengiish troupe. l nfortu- said, with intense tamales& Don 1 ,
been five keen. andheayla n:eu of the away_they need your help." . beard (bee a large
NEWS AT inst.
you *li when I am comfortably settled lesa et/seemly intended. one of whom hid an i, she would not be put away from march' 11° funred wure f"ir I". wen
in town." Mr. Earle said to lady Margaret died on the way bark to camp. nee aaml
---1-- ber father's side when she felt that he feint barrels of eine 1150 batteries ef
d la daughter durin the course of thoee. two officers of the same re=eze needed her the most; but ebe stood aside 51111 in•tebtlY 8"Pelehed • "7
to iet them ewe, eine int, the house end of metope to knock every wise barrel on
"11 NaUCY likes to comb bO1A 10 ars Bieneeldre regiment been more or' She was 1,01 unreartenable in the least. alae.zigle ut sin. bay
in his hoe id
tho evening of Mrs. Trafford's awl had been very severely wounded— ta
promptu dinner "I shall be very glad to James nereefurd and Stuart Earle.
spare her. Not that I do not inns her It war. of course. utterly absurd of the
when she is away from Inc. mind, but 1 correspondent out of the scene of action
get very well leaked after in town. and to have sent home such a heading to sucb
can exist without her, and 1 do nut for • paragraph as Orme Engagement in
get," with a sign "that Mae is young, and Burmah"—or i' he had not been responsi
that the metes of May are afferent t
the tastes of December "
-Oh, let us say October." put in lady
ble for it. fur the person whit had done w
—but Nance. poor girl, did sot stay t.
thiuk of that. To her, it was the mos
Margaret, ,pieasautly. important battle that had ever ileel thing to say --and, in his heart of hearts.
But the old man shook bis head very fought In the w"ril's history —for wen be confidently believed that his old friend pond on the face of the earth, or that
decidedly. not the two aoldiers in whom she tool we. deed aireedy. There was tee seund part ef it •ithiar the territorial limits of
••Nay, my dear Indy, not only December more interest than in all the rest of the A a hansom dashing up to the dour, and Kansas.
but to sting very near Christmas tune,- army put together lying at that women then the donor Wee hurrying in. In an address to young sten recently,
he saki. meetly. grievously wounded. if not already dead enee_r„ heard au about tee bo mid. Dr D. Dhiri,, s. steudeilt of the To.
-Them I hope Nancy will come back to In the shock of the moment her bitter is Nancy met him. "A pity --a pity. A .,.„e. y.... 'Pr"
us again." said Lady Margaret, ignoring seas sgaiust her brotber ail died out, lea shock hko that is a nasty thing to ti.—"'"„ `..--" •• '
Asylum stated that the
the remark, with which. by the bye, she it must be owned that she thought of he tgainst at Mr. Earle's ; however, el 01110 or spirits arm a most putout cathere
use of
altogether agreed, -and etay along time.- Beautiful Jim t Le most. Ske felt Jim a -o straight up. if you please, Miss Earle. renin'', and in too many cases
But Nancy load no notion of ',tenting 'round racking her owe delicate bode; she fee
v.ell, } es—I think you had better let melees an hereditary love for li ewe transherself for au unlimited visit 17111 Ci1 01:4 felt every j at of litter or inequality of
,___ go first. 1 won't keep you in suspeuse or ?nem father to son. Fully ten per oeut.
town, where news would be a day tad ane his emelt bed: the thought 01 the heat away from him • moment longer than Isla all the cases in Toronto Asylum were
and the tiles and the absence of proper seoeuerry ,,,,eedeftry. •. Thee he. too, ilia Ideality doe to habits of drinking.
up the %nee stairs to his own room. e
"He will reeover from this a good deal Hon L. A. Humphrey, the lately M-
atter an hour or so, my dear. '.s54 Sir:acted Guvernor, says, In hie first mem-
tet the Legislature t—"As an issue lu
Kansas polities, resabainasein of Cent
teemed Prohibition is as dead as
tlavery. The saloon as • factor iu pelt
ties, as • moral iniquity has been out -
owed, and many • fugitive and a vaga-
"No. Sir George, he will never he any
better," she said. mournfully ••ile has
not strength enough to bear up against a
ahock like that—he is so old aud fraiL
Even Sir George could net think of any -
letters several posts in reaching her. ant.
she skeet; her head as firmly us ever her
old father could have done.
••Deer Lady Margaret," she said. "I
could come for a week 01 10. but a
longer. He," laying her hand en he
father's arm, el:1661.11 me far more tha:
bo will own; he is afraid of making us
conceited. I fancy. And besides that,
never feel easy in my iniud wlien 1 ar
away from him. But why could not Ai
leen rerno up and stay with me for • fee
"Wen. I realty do not gee that there 1
any 'esteem," said Lady Margaret, with u
So they settle! it, and the followine
morning the Earles left Elmikhaereptor bility far out of reach.
and returned to Earles Hope. he hil, Not that she could help herself—her
there Nancy hail letters from her Ileauti duty tied her hard and nett Li her father':
fel Jirt. written, ter ruther meted, from bourse. just as tate had trent him to mer
Livernea and Queenstown. what had already perhaps pr 'red hi
11.' taid that they were all well ane death—her father was so old and—ane
fairly cheerful: thet Tommy had been se then. tee. she suddenly remembered him
jectly seasick ue to that timeand had in the midst of her own trouble, re- em
not tur.ed eet of his berth at all; Psi, breed that bo would see the evenine
then followed a good deal eiehly interest I papers at Ida deb. and would look eagern
ing to Nancy heretlf, but not bearingfor new .4 from the front. and so would re
much oil the points of this story. 'calve the intelligence of lee son's &eget
They remained about ten date at Earleswithout in any way having it brueen it
Hope. not from choiee, but simply be Wil
cause nue Lout. in Hans place could not Quickly &meet ai the thought farad.
by book ur Is crook be got. ready to re- her. she jumped up and ran down intone
ceive them 1111V timelier, and, on the whole, hall. where nue fire was blazing awn
it must be owned that Nancy had rat herltheerily and casting pretty gleamsof light
a tieing time ef it. for the old man was a up the tall quaint screen which formed a
regular tuw:i bird, and loathed the cotua- son of chimney corner to it. There tem
try cordially. nobody there. so without waiting to stem
At last. however, the welcome news mon a vervaut to inquire if lie had re
came (cern teen to say that the house turned home. Nancy turned and ran ur
was ready. and Jr, Earls became a differ- the staircase again, geing this time to his
eat beiug all at once. I dresseug room.
••Firet train in the morning. ray &nee Ile was not there, either. het as Nance
be said. joyfull7. "The very tiret train pushed open the deer after knocking
Li the moruing. ' twice. his man Darby rune out of the
e0h! father. dolor' Nancy cried, la ilis- bedroutu with a can of water in his band
may. "Not the 5 o'clock train.... "11as Mr. Earle returued yet, Darby!'
-Oh, well, me not the 5 o'clock train. Nancy asked. breathlessly.
1 didn t quite moan that." he admitted. "Not yet. Miss Earle." he answered.
Nancy did not hesitate, but ..truck with • glenee at the little horseshoe clock
stintites to b. rather lege, for that ckok is
Darby, his feithful man. at hand to do all Lawrican people a nation of dyspeptics.
attention. mid nice thought but little u.
Stuart OW way or the otaer.
She had already dressed for dinner.
very simply and plainly, in dark
velvet setvei, with her pretty, sten
der throat just showing from out
of its *eft Ism" nate, and as abs
sat by the fireeide. her little tender
band somehow got stealing up and dew,
the isoft velvet of her gown. until all a'
own the luxury of her surrounding,
struck her with a seuae of wrong. as i:
by living among them Che was ening a
positive injury to him who needed thee
so much mon than she did, and to whom
at that moment. they were an empossi
appeared iip tbe stairs, cod Nancy $t Dr Guthrie, *peaking on the advan-
down on the sofa again to wait fur news axe of total abrunance, pays :en have
with the best patience she might.
"Yen want to be going—your . dinner eitried both ways. I speak from experre
she said, wearily. to Sir George. renew I ana in good spirits because I
take no spirits. I am hale because I
"No—no—lam dining at the club --any
time will do. I could not trove without use to ale. I take ne antidote in the
hearing wliat tile doctor says, in any forni of drugs because 1 tak• no poison
rose." lie replied, hastily; and so they sat :in the form of drunks. I have these four
cm side by side while the clock in the cor masons for continuing to be a total ate
ner ticked steadily on, not speaking, mucl
—rattler, indeed, holding their breath to
Ilsteu for the first sound that should corn.
to them from the hushed and quiet clam
bar above. Dr. Davies did not keep thee
waiting very long, for in about tweam
minutes he came down again. treadine
quietly. as medical men do. Nancy run
and went to meet him.
e We can do nothing at present," hi
said. gently: "for ILO hour or so your
father must .1.10 kept perfectly quiet; but 1
bave given Darby complete instructions
what to do until the nurse comes. I will
send one in at 0008, unless you like to
wire to St. John's House fair one—use my
name. and ask for Nurse Provisaf she is
there. I will come back again in an
hour. -
"I may go up to him?" Nancy asked.
"Ole yes; but have you diner No?:
Then get a glass of wine and some strong
'our. or something of that kind before
vou do so; and do not touch him or ells
turb bim in any way. even if he seems
enemy and restless. Ile knows nothing. present. suffers nothing whatever."
•Very well." said Nancy. obediently.
miner :—
1st, My health is stronger.
2nd. My head is clearer.
3rd, My heart is iighter.
4th, My purse Is heavier."
The temperance question was not an
*sue in the Heldimand election. The
Wontreal platform was kept out Id sight.
foe politicians of both parties were
111210U11 to have it ignored, and party
ems being drawn with unusual
he fight was purely a (hit and Tory
Wit. Nevertheless. the result is a gain
;or the temperance man. He voted for
:he Scott Act when it was submitted in
us county. His eppoirent, Dr Men-
age*, is known as an Anti Our cause
• stronger in the House of Commons,
mauve of Dr Moritagueee abuse* It
'stronger because of Mr Coulter's pre -
mace. Another step in advance
Whet It testa to Salmi aa Itedilearr i.
Sate. titaiw. 41/4
who a tww weeks see 114.1111144 hie mho.'
hie and 111111•1111 S1/4/111114 a atiost butiniese •
W01111111 J1111111111g 11/1 1110 1110141 and the
eumplainiuti them in which they were ut -
terse, the member el the tem who beard
them ea prone to the belief that the
young males ides of etiolate somethings
is an outrieht gitt $1,e00 111 • WILT, or
the port:base of a pertained's', 111 110 1111-•
111111111lieti 10411tertfl. The yuuiig luau, to
the knewledge of the writer, had hewer
uus utorittee asituel work ler others
111 his seers Ifs. lite has been
peered in the pleasant pastmaes cif the
home circle, in readmit, hummer, fisheye,
ball -pen iiie, jacht mg and other etupluy.
meats tee particularly beetle:tat to
others. he he • type et that ease uf
b.ys whom pareutte •re mcieuily well:
te ts teem leerv•ute to &timid to the
household diudgery, whine fathers
loll ,w irteetrous 111 hich no see can he
mode of the buy's opens time. Like
most beys of his class. lie lo .1.• epee his
board said clothes ler enmity piers to-
gether e nth his only, pienlere, beeyele,
etc., SS 'natter 00111111/. The writer.
while the oeurponesig remark was still
rtiming in his ser, had the cuntsity to
make a osemervative cempucaticu of
•hat it coats to raise an iirdasiery boy fur
the brat twenty years id bus life, and
here it : $11M per year e• tit. drat
soc‘tiveuyotilahr...,..11000years;, $1175050 ros2oomeirptferr year
for the third five mars. $1,000; $300 per
year for the heat three veare, $900;
$500 per year for the nest two years,
$1,000 Total. 114, I fs0. 'Ibis is mod-
erate estimate of the financial balmiest
against ttu y who complaies that his
father has never does multilane fur hien.
%.1 a Meek A eel
Mr Geode, druggist, is not a bout
agent, but bee the agency in Goderich
for Jeleisten's Topic Bitters, which het
can heartily recowmeisd for any one
plain to which a teem utediciue is ap.
plicable. This valuable medicine has
been with neat astemehingly goon re-
sults in cases of general debility, great-
ness, irregularities peculiar to females,
e xtreme mese:lees, irmoverishmeht of the
bleed, stomach and liver treubles, loss
of appetite, and fur that general worn
out feeling that nearly every one is
troubled with at seme part of theism..
Delia ferget the name Johnston's Too*
linters 50c. and $1 per beetle et Goode's
drug store, Albiuu Gederioh, sole
agent. •
thur, you strike a belt of silver 4U settee
lung and from four to ma utiles wide.
The Beaver, purchased by Alger et
Peelers, nus 'Alined by Alegre dt Heck-
er, Cul Hecker, of Detroit, having re -
many purchased the Interest of Mr
Peters 'topped ill there, and they
hav• a lioniume There are eighty emu
et work and dome nothing but develop-
ing the mine, sinking shafts and runuttig
'mete, sand their mill is completed.
They now have • geed half 'milieu 111
sight and will comineung shipment 11.
Ilse spring. Only three Priers of a
turther west la the edger mine,
which is equally rich with the Beaver,
tied hich is being developed .'u
the saute I saw large specimens
there ef Meilen amid silver, just as it
was taken from the gene There are
the heti mines at either end of Serer
11.u:stain. Their owners have spent
NO0,000 un the east one, and are pre-
pared to spend as much mere at the
west end, fur the mendable returns inn
ttetify an outlay many times as emu
W. are devel ming • mine beck of Grand
Manes, tied well get our fair proportion
of the wondrous wealth imbedded in
this silver belt. It may tax the credu-
lity of the public to say that great
maws of pure silver are found in the
rotten 1 loom been vistting, and through
which I have been before, but such is
tb. case. The ruck of that bed is the
oldest the country, not escepting that
of Itilexice. What I mean is that it was
brought to the surface by the earliest
upheaval, aod shows the richest ore in
the wend. There is hound to be a great
boon" there before 1890 is pasted, ape it
will be a boom with ample capital be-
llied et, too, fer a pour mac stands no
show under the street mining laws of
that country. One of its chief needs is
a relined, and that I propene to build.
Canadians have the uecessary trenchers
west (run' Port Arther."— Douai News.
Ia Reler. sad (*Me agent.
Sir George St. Leger bade Err gooney- yspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
:hen, saving that he woulil look in on his liver la eilsern Indifie•llo• Is • foe to
way bon* later in the evening and mak gond nature.
titer his old friend- "And if there is The human dieeative apparatus is one
Anything that I can do, you will command of the moat complicated and wonderful
ne?" he added. trine* in existence. It is study pat out
"Oh! yes, Sir George, I will indeed, and a order.
And at last she was free to go upstairs ,bsd eneetery,
i tireasy food, tough fond, sloppy food,
thank you so runeh." returned Nancy.
mental "lorry, late hours,
into her father's room. to to and sit be-
erreitular habit., and many other theses
dde him' to watch 5110 55 ° lav h°11"e" iwiech ought riot to be, have made the
while the iron was hot. "And the one aeou the chimney shelf; "and it istwents ,
ana unoonscious upon his bed. with ,
B C Au ust Fhwer has den,
8 is very slow. dear." she raid. mildly.
V,. tried It once. if vou remember. and
you sw—you found fault MI the wan to
St. Pancras. Don't you think we had y •
better say the express at 11.13? It's such has been a great eng-agement —and Mr.
a comfertable train, you knew. dear.' Stuart is wounded, severely wounded."
"Yes. of tonere—of courie," e_xclaimed "You don't my so, ma'am," exclaimed
the old man teener. "How dull you are Darby, who, in common with all the sere
g'etting. Neney. 'That was tho train I ants birth in Hans place and Earles Hope,
meant. of metres." .detested the heir to the old 11•111P
How stupid of me," murmured Nancy, tone erne wit very synepathetic. In fare it
In her gentlest times. expressed the well bred surmise of a goon
She bad her reward; they reschei Lon servant rather tban 'empathy at all—but
don in thee Le- her father to halve limn' he was sorry for Nancy, and }es thoughts
• minute or two Mow. that medic:al skill could advise, until the
a wonderful work in re4orming this sad
' 1 here is awful uews from Berms
"There nurse should And after a while she
Derby.' • " ai Naney, trembling came. A email, slight. brown haired
woman. with a fair. pleasant faee, and
gond. bright, hazel eyes. She came In as
if *he hail lived in the room all her life.
her footsteps making no sound. her light
gown no rustle. and she stood beside the
bed and looked down upon her now pa-
tient, while Darby repeutei in a whisper
the instructions which the doctor had
given him.
And then Darby went down to get his
and tbeu go off to his beloved chabeei benet went straight to the e eet e
be ratio back to diuner--not because h might have u 111 hie master. bocupper, and Nancy crept rouad to be,
wuuld net rather Lure dined thine. bo
timely from a sense of duty to his d -ugh
tor—in toe best possible spirits.
!Caney knew from that t hat he was
tatter -that the great wrench of parthie sone leti t enough the house.
with Stuart had missed over—au she wee "There be ill... she said, tend ran out of
welch more easy in her mild about ben the room and dowu the emirs just as the
altliongh she did not think it advisable t., servant, etre had tame up from below,
pay the pnernind visit to nlunkbatapton opened the dole
Lieteati. tem -ever, freed Ilut it was not her father: and instead
came to sae wite her, aid the two girl. of his tall and striking hgure appearing
nt a very plemant time together out of the gliem of the winter's evening,
Tbere was not much doing. aed tee hewn
was stni retie r amp ty; but, si ill worst
It was a lively change from amp -
So the ;neater psrt of November .liper
awsy. and Allem ne creel home. Inevei.
)saucy to her loiely life, f. -r Mr. Earl.
being t ut he. nee. e.oi
scarce Le temetel 1111 LIT1111;
with it.
dreaey win,or ilaei reseed y 71/14 (11111e and went —t o the hoti... -
held El Hans piece a festive etusea with
out any festivity about it- teen the n5
• year died out and the New leer dexteet
• Aiel all nee Ileo there was no espies!
news front the thankretire regiment. It.
emery letter they Went hinging for Agin
the. trp fret hi the frrint, for ratyttrinene
grave winch would bring the miserable
the renter ell not see the papers t "Do yen think be will die. nnrsen she
Web. Mks Earle," he said, anxiously asked. with a world of entreaty In her
Nancy wee about to speak. when a looks and tone,.
furious peal at the bell of the (men doer
The nurse turned her bright eyes upon
a short. .tout and roseate gentleman
thiol that he is very 111," she said
"•Ilat do you think he will die" Nance
"With great care be might pull tonne
again," returned the nurse, unwilling Ir
commit herself one way or the other.
beanies* end making the American'
people so healthy that they can enjoy
heir meels and be happy.
Remember :- N.' happinoes without
health. But Greion's August Flower
brings health and happiness t -he
dyspeptic. Ask your dreggin .r a
bottle. feeveutylive cents. eowly
The team Leas non&
Cnursee. Feb. 9 —Lena Annie Hod-
nond, kidnapped nearly a year ago, was
restored to her home recently, after •
tearch &linnet paralleling that for
etharlie Roes. Annie's father had gone
easy from grief. The child fuss been in
.lhicage all the time, was at one time the
tuhject of court proceedings, and for
wo month has been In a public iastite-
am. All the newspapers have time and
mein devoted Neocene to the kidnapping.
The most detailed descriptions have been
:tottered far and wide, and the little
Severe Attack.
Miss Bens Elliot, of Pontypool, Out.,
writes—"My brother and I were both
taken ill with a severe attack at diar-
rheas, having tried other remedies, we
tried Dr Feeler's Retreat of Wild Straw-
berry, which gave immediate relief." 2
"They have a larger sale in my die
trict," says a well k-nowc iruggist, "thus
any other pill on the market, and give
the best sated tenon fee sick headache,
Itibiousness, indigestion, etc., and when
combined with Johnston's 'runic Bitters,
Johnston's Tonic laver Pills will per-
form what no other medicine has dime
before for suffering humanity." Plea
25 cents per bottle. Bitters 50 cents
and $1 per bottle. Sold by Goode,
Druggist, Albion block, Goderich, sole
walked into the boom. So Nancy went back to her place meth-
are's mature tv sa familiar to Chicagoans
-01.! Sir thorge." %eery cried. moon ane took op her oecupatione of watching '
the set ray fare on which the darker"' t"'t„ any P•hhe 850frien.:s. sdisouvered by • Mn.Harper, .50 went
hadows were floe stealing. e:he knew
nizing afro of icer father's meet intimate
"ely dear young lady.” said Sir George
lo the Howe of the Friendlies to find
only too well what the nurses unwilling -
nem to speak conveyed. and there waa no child to adopt, and whu saw momething
M. le eve kindly, "1 an' sorry—but there
is sae trews!"
el have been tee papers—I know,"
Nate y
..:enticed, quickly. "And ui
fatlc: -
'EY ilea item be had drawn her to the
fire;les. and was holding both her heads stricken down In (he full measure of his treating the child with great oruelty.
I youth anti 'dement, fuel lying—if it went el
The uesys have disappeared The
hi Lk. I not MI over before this in inseam fort
el an very sorry. my dear. that your eledd was beaten hy them &meet daily.
e and m , withent ern , lovine hand to
thought of the Annie's father was brought home from
rat fatier ham seen them. too," said ea. hele hire And then tilee,
VI 17 klilly, "and th° a/lurk—Ws " i fe ppy headstron insMionate bny the asylums last night, and the eight of
ore my trying to spin it cut; I told iwneoaeas'not 90 Tout (4(1 y pt , but •,,,hobs. child restored hiss to sanity.
them at tiee ekes that 1 was the "one had ked he - 1 f nd -hail t heel
weer. r tilo a nett . --_ ..
man to send on an errand of this kind.
'brave an -I gallant lover t , his death—for
hope—no Impel m f
Oh' what sad. sad hour. they were, ed her. Ellis was taken to the instate -
with thu old man who had been so much tion Jan. 17th by a Horsens Society
to her dying before her. and in her mind °Weer, who had her suppeeed father,
the continual thou ht of that other ono Harry Gurley, arrested and fined for
, he sia Tele Illused.
campatgis to an end. And ut last there he broke off "pq „,,n
had there not reten up that obstacle to the Dim„. *age fa tee toad eineo
cii:inevening when Narey opened The "Oh! go on. Bon't keep me walting.
Statute/el te read: •elirect leg- Nancy 'mid, hapionagfy -Tell rue the tharrhiget 'lin% aereefera ertnild hall' kift ly and sorely ren into Oatarrh, wheel
'the emnice or have exchanged into a yen aan he mead fee 25o, 117 1151125 Dr.
t in Dermal': and ta see stead. word se once. ler he dear"
gentleman. egerly. -Per Chase's Catarrh Corn A few implies-
1411=as le lei is re of fine tem nom... -Oh' no—no—no. my dear child.' flied hem° regiment mane Intilltb* NM
tione cure incipient catarrh ; 1 1.' l boxes
Lieets. James Laraine! mud Ettaw-t Earhs the laths oki a 1 Darby erept into the mom again after
___ tainly not—Pthin o4 the kind. nut it awhile. send the mune pm up • warmth/
dear cad hived. and he had a kinii en "le Ise worsen" the man salted. and in 1Plare•nue'd to `-'6we Arm"' etutrili- #rrY
eras a very rept • ork, of tonne. to our neer
ht make mires (*dinar-, catarrh ; 2 to 5 Ire zee is
25e and sure curs. Kidd by
I men re f time abettor, 1,1- that an awed whisper. hut the „ewe only;t•- ()nly
bee eyes fitted on the sunk and haggard!
arlarliNtill ilL:.3. i --• a n iii or ao c
when the wordy Groat Kngsfrefr-nt MI ono and they are twinging him Immo
neeresh rtriglit Nancy Es..., a eyes, ion *nem of the other's in his own ii..--riage;
tinme.ltalwily afterward the games of t I took a eah and honied see te my 11
James thireafort MA St 'tart FATt11. She W011111 be safer to r 4 tip. eoeinr her., .,
•1111 ter a minute or terrowic terrillen 4-- quickly es poinft jun a preesennai
leek at : is pareeneb Than
Orders have been *seed on the Peon -
' plumes Reamed that no freight except
perishables shall run on Sunday. 1 be
men will stop work at 10 o'cleck Satur-
day night and not return to their labors
till 7 o'clock Sunday e.ening.
- -
and Wives
Very few emu seem to realize the nen -
*taut drudgery and incessant vezetiou
eager which $ wife untiringly and un-
complaintngly perform her houeehold
duties, not perhaps from lack of kind
feeling -a, but (nen an unpardonable want
of sympathy and coasideration. Some
nem never dream of the hourly irrita-
tions aud annoyances to which their
wives are subjected; they are engrossed
in the road struggle for wealth,so absorb-
ed iti their owe pleasures that thee loose
sight of suck minor matters as home
Ulnas that claim all of a woutan's intui-
tion, seeming to think that a wife 'noted
be happy and contented if her perm be
be kept moderately weil supplied. Ho•
little men know of true wosianhood,or of
their duties and obletattena to their
wives! Yet they would feel outraged if
chimed with selfien,unkind or inconsider-
ate husband*. A man who cermet ap-
preciate and in some measure reciprocate
his infee loving sacriticre and unselfish
devotion, is, in 4/111 opinion, no atan.
He should be more gentle, more loving,
mos scrupulously polite to hie wife,
more tenderly considerate of her, as mach
than when she was only a sweethearefor
a sweetheart is still her own mistress,
and holds the rant to refuse biennia'.
tome, whilst a wife ts, in his regard,
wholly in his pester, and true manhood
will temperase shut feet and act accord-
1nely If • wife makes • request of her
hnsband, and he cheerfully replies,
"Certainly, my dear, with pleseure," the
kind words penetrate her heart and are
treasured there ; hut he harshly answers,
"I septettes I must, but yeier• f
wanting something," her heart, enamel
and humiliated. shrinks within itself,
hearing an ugly wound that time will
nearcely heal.
really tamed.
People are apt to get zreatly excited
in cane MI sudden accident sod injory.
11 le sell to be prepared ter such 11111ef-
Francis,. Hagyard's 1 ellew Oil is the
handost remedy Icemen for burns.
suable, themes, lameness, pant and all
wounds of the flesh. It is used niter -
pally and externally. 2
Pleat ferriage era rea- mer .1 Wales.
Five hundred years Pee elepsed since
England beheld the hest marriage of •
Priam of Wales. Indeed, there have
reedy teen filer such marriages in Eng-
land, and one abetted. The prelialin-
ariee of marriage have often been made,
but theme were in such cases carried out
after the Prince's secession to the throae.
The brat marriage to which we allude
was the "Fair Countess," tbv buxom,
weruinearted, regal JAM of Kent. That
Wm a rare love match, albeit the bride-
groom wee over thirty years of age and
hie brilliant Erglish wife was the young
widow of a former husband ; but there
was "heart in the whole matter. Eng -
I tnd had known of no such hero as Ed-
ward, from his youth up, since the days
of King Arthur, end all the realm
beauty, it is said, would hays been hard
put to it to produce altogether such a
peerless Jody as Joan --a little teu sharp,
perhaps with her with her wife which
sometirees made mien Queen Philippa
look serious. Bat England loved the
pair, and the pair loved Pe soother.
What joyous house they kept—not is
Pall Mall. but in their princely mansion
het west' Crookedlaire Rod Fish street -hill!
«hat gay sod rather costly deings—for
Jean. it must be said, was • lady who
loved such deings--went on at their
at Busk ng eam stead ! %Vim! ridings and
jousting", and laughine, sod love -mak -
IOC about that smaller hosier they built
at Pierces Riaborough 1 The moat near
the httle Buckinghamshire church there
marks one part of the site where dwelt
together in love and mirthfulness ths
fitat of our married Priness and Prin.
°eases of Wales.
"lost January," says J. N. Teeple, of
°reset, Ont., "there appeared diphthe-
ria in our neighlewhood. Doctors ran
night and day, but I kept right to Hag -
yard's Yellow Oil and brought my chil-
dren through all right." Yellow Oil
mires all painful compleinta and in -
jurNieeegenes. in Alehato• are signing a
ammonia to Oen Harrissin, urging him
• appoint deeeph W. Bresciale, • forme
et slave, to the CebineL
To taw asit all wheat
It sway ronees.
Pheephatine, or Nerve noon, a Plea-
phate Element based upon Scientific
nate, Fermuleted Profftscor Austin,
111. 11 of Boston, Masa., cures Pulmon
ary Oonsumptton, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the' human
rystent. Phesphatine is not a Medenine.
hoe a Nutriment, hemanee it oimatains no
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates, and no ittimnianta, but siespil
Ir the Phosphstie arid Gartrie Moments
her Rpm a shade tighter. anti kept all iruliftutt• ;mica in our daily food. A suit bottps
*Wont to impurities. All goats
P40/ 111• Wnflee hy Of ing I h• etre $1 00 per bottle. Leese &
De Davis 1,11116 very soon having en, „
rand rename anthel went se Freese ‘ie • e '. sole agents for the D.010111ton,
need to ask questions or snake trsamMa
'Worm Ponders. 111 I fee Frost street UM Toronto)
Deal $ restate
Ran no nut in baying medicine, bet
try the great Kidney and Liver retll&
tor, made by Itr. Chem, so'hor of
Chsee's receipee. Try Chase's Liver
Cure for all dissaiseket the Liver, Kid
neys, Stomach antrliowela. Sold by all
The dieNeteltiog paleness so often oh'
served to Feting merle and women. is do.
in a great measure to • hies 01 tbe
esepuselea in the bleere. To
this requires a medicine ethane prteinen
them necessary little blood pastithents.
slid the best yet discovered is Johnimee
Tunic Bitters. Prep 50 ernes, se
per'hottle Opiees drag store, Allied
block, Gisclerish. Sisk agent. N
• 1111P-
tlereille said *Ma
And all inseam* of the threat and Isar
tan be eared by the me Seon's Emma
Pm, .5 11 contains the healing virtual (4.
Clod Liver Oil and Ilypophosphites
their fullest form. See what W. It
Meat, M. D. L LC 1)., eta., Tree%
N. 8. says -After three years' erpsr
melee I consider Snott's Kmultoioa (.tis
the very hest in the marker. Very et*
fallen' it, threat affections " Sold W
demrsiefs, 56c and $1.00
A Between -.01 tete dowse "Tunis
RV.' to any vneeendinc the beet (merlin
rhyme on ' 1,11A UUUUU . • the restarkahle
little item for the Teeth and Ask
y Air dreptset or address